The Goderich Star, 1901-04-26, Page 4Important to AdVeFtiSeFS All changes of advertisements (or the cur. rent issue of Tax STAU Must be III the hands of , he printer not later than MONDAY NOON Of cacti wook. tilvardsora will plemo govern themselves Isocordhigly. CONTRACT ADVERTISING The figuiviv for all contract evivertifilliff In - allude twelve changeiva year. Eviftry additional olianxis will be charged for extru. the actual east of compost tion, from 11.0. to 75a. All accounts a" Mortared and collected Monthly Cbe Gobertcb 15tar. TZLEPHONZ UALL 11 FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 1001. On the hth of March Hon. Mr. Tarto came to Parliament and asked $10.000 to spend on Improvements oil tile 80Y - bold building in Ottawa to fit, it for census purposes. He then stated that he wits to pay at rent (if $8,M'We have rented it for rbreo years for 1$3,- 5W per year." It is so in the "Revis- ed" as well as in tile -UnrevINed Hansard." The committee divided on tire 5th of Match and he got hoi $10,- 000 for this building. Would lie have fret It had he atated the rental wits not $3.5W but $0,15W? Oil Tuesday lie could not explistin this. For three years tout of tire Sevbold building the Govern- ment, as Mr. Taylor pointod out, Will ply $?9,5M for which they could ho,ve put up a building. In another case the Minister bite agi eed to pay $3.000 for ten years for- a building lie could buy for $14000. Mr. Cargill, speak I ng its a business man,declared it was extraor- din&rV to find the Minister paying rentals of from eighteen to twenty por cent. on the amount the buildings cost, The Town Council. 4mother Offer From, the Power Co.—Some Interesting Parish Matters Adopted. All the member a wore present at the regular meeting last FtIday evening. rho clerk read the injunction served upon the Mayor, at the instance of Win. Proudfoot, as coustaill for several parities, to restrain the dump - Ing of garbage over tire hike bank fit the neighborhood of Wright street. ReforTed. to Special committee to con- sult with tdwn solicitor. COUMUNIOATIONS AND PETITIONS. An application from Ed. Sharman to bbappointed inspector during the const,ruction of granolithro %valks, was referred to PublieWorks committee, 0. A. Burrows Intimated that, as lie Intended, to remove his carpet factory front Breslau, to occur* bettor accommodation. he would like to con- sult with the Council as to what fir- dueement Goderich would offer. Tbo clerk will correspond on the matter to secure turther Information. J. F. Andlrews asked that the water mains be extended to the stock yards tat the G. 'r, & station, for the awom- littop o the lar e y Increas hog I Ing the . A ut gallons a y ould be req It , for which he w willing pay * 4 it year. Tire r it U4 , Llr4ht committee will orm. at or. A rtitlon from Jar. Colwell and Dawl Wi son. altiti asking wat,qr con. nectlon frortiI Britannia Read. was sent to same committee. Anoth;r offer from the Maitland EUver Power Co. agreed to furnish power fbis %itattar and light station at following rates i Virst 9W h. Is. at $11f) each per, year -, second 10D h. Is. at $25 each per year, third IOD It. p. at $29 ftch per Veit. Over that atnount to beregulatedbystirbitrators. the can)- Ptsifir to suake all connection and comments work within six mou1s. In Mower to an enquiry, Mr. Stowart;I secretary of the company. istatsd that where the second 100 h p� was used say only halt time. the �ate Vrould be In proportion. RAWn and Humber moved tbat the loftdr be accepted. subject to the can, tract beta drawn up by the town 66lieltort 9martlit supported this be- 0smse he wished to see the Industry ostablIalled,:,and the offer was some WhO near what the council had forineirl tit . MuTnevaled fay. s6red lk� 11)ut Xissox mind 0stat6lon want - t4 the matthr discussed by ctimmittee for tbewu= of ketting all iptorma. tiocit , min Its *160 itt%d act#Ptance, sm vairerid grorm4s, 1: lit aftel thought thi,06mmittove slillaid atsda consider too, It *sirih�ved t4 refer the "Issuers I" 6011thid., wmaildment'to,tdopl; the 46miks, Xpott 04viteltm arrid Nsiftol vat4balr*4404 Humbors, Martin and 00lod ZIA, A; t 6 e 0)" t�" I t, 4 Colft ww to I it oil lot dt' filt ;k*40i li: 1144 �l he i W 61swi'l, Osiwkl� Q anionsittient and for the 01014,00 to refer. Mr. Htcwritt lntvrjec�ed the remark thitt. I Ile Coulptioy were I Irell waitosiz nItd it the UlAttel' IV4165 not decided to- night. thel? would dt'aP It. 141 answer I,, it quotsuon U agilates, KPIly S;kld the pl,,eetit conatilopural of Coal Was 'shoot 1175 1 oils haup lies year. Theu Martin and Humber moved flouther amendirietil, th,tt the quietition is,, 'lecitted to night, but Lhiri was lost (In Lhe 61141,141 vote, mial a votv on tile motion to retel to Spepild columittev was efirtled, In eacile Illauner. A re(ILICA front A- mAundetis to have colitiecilon with solver on Nelson street, wa8 referred to Public Woiks committee. virere refetrild sit FindnCe cousnattee as fidlown; Losidult 11"righle Supply Co.. $1071.11; Ariustrong Bros.. plant) for wwri. *9.00. and pump for house at coureLery, $11.40; Chills. Haws, putting out fire at; wharf. $1, and hity net- al,iyoilo order. $1.55; Jits, Thomas. relief order. $1,25; Signal,printiog and advertising. $12.71; ST It. printing and ittivettising, $27.80. REPowl's OF COMMITTEES. The Special committee reported an follolvi: :1). That resolutions re Mank. toulln and Nos -tit Shore Ity. are under consideration; (2) Lbut letter front Ph I lip Holt r,; C14LIM of R, Radcliffe lie receivedi (3) that tipecial committee III ee I, the C01111HIttWe from Board of Tntile oil nitaters suggest",]-. (4) that "" action Ito taken oil ties potition agotlust the cow rly-law; (5) that call. holidittloa of lown by-lawst III in pro- gressi (0) that clerk had written in ire, ply to letter re nid to the ratalilloll- inent of it foundry here; (7) that $15 worth of space hall been ordered in illu4trated goide to Toronto; (8) that ratitioas re Bell Telephone Co. had eon signed and forwarded. Thu re- port was rillopte.d. The Water and Light committee I eported as follows : (1) Thtt suppliem rest " ired by Engineer Kelly's report had betin ordered; (2) 1. hat contirtict for supplying lead pipe bad been let to Lee & Shephard sit 5J cents Pei, pound; (3) that petitions if oil) Orgftn CoMpAlly unit Engine works were buirar con. sidered, am were also potitions for wi.ter service from other parties, The repoF t wall adopwil. . The Pulille Works committee re- potted (1), That clerk notify Cdtherine McDonald'a solicitors that council does not coil older the town responsible in the imitter of her Oahu; (2) that clerk nodfv parties that P. W. coal- mittee will ationd to inatter of dump - ;ng gartmifo, &c., when making annual inspection. (be injunction to lie laid Over lot forther consideration; (3) that petition of 10. It. Walson was being ron,jidered; (4) purchase of abode frogs wa@ left to Mi. . M,trtin and Inspector Held, who had pute Imsed 300 from Thus. Gina sit 10 cents en,chl (6) that tondor for wood work mid repalroto Town Hall had been lot to John Morris for $180, and -for inamon work In connection to Jundepon field for $62; (0) that clock notify Mr. Lewis to relative the fence whicts lav, has placed across Biftannist Road; (7) that, tile sewer replaeo the wooden Hower on Toronto StIle0t and Huron Road froul Elgin to Walnut streets; (81 that gully nt nower outlet. be cleared of all debris; (0) that st� 0001-170's Crescent and it portion of Canitiria Rond be grad ad, and %-)wer tit foot of Cayley street he connected with mail -Jewor. (10) that it all neceAsury repalre advised III tour of Inapection be carried out, and P. W. committee have power to carry out it][ tire recommendations of thisreport. Adopted. Tho Park- c-)tnmittee reported as follows : (1) That walk In Harbor Park be fixed, treeN planted ots each side of wal k and where committee think necessary; that, walk on west and east side of Square lie closed for two thirdE of Way, and two spreading walks be laid ont tc north and sonth side of court house, it flower bed to be planted in centre plot. Martin and Humber moved the re; port be referred back to the commit,. too, the latter saying It had not beer hefore tire committee. which Cantelor denied, and with sonic repetition ol these assertions the report wat adopted. The Finance committee recommend ed payinont of accounts referred ti: them at last meeting. On motion of Murney and Martm, it was decided to advertise By-htw No. C of 1001. re anituala oil the Atreats, b) posters and In tire local papurs. Humber inoved that a survey bE prepared of the harbor hill road. witt a view of lowering the grade, but tic one would support title and he changed It. to a motion that the hill be graded, the Public Works committee IIAVLnp, power to act, which was agreed to. Martin favored taking down fencs: around the Square, and putting ic ratiolithic walks. and lie moved that peoin] committee consider the wat, ter. Knox seconded this and It wa., carried. Knox then gave notice that at Mir next meeting of Council he would move to amend cow bvr-law, and witt some calift all round the Counct adjourned. How a Sprain Does Hurtl Hilt It Isn't the pain alone that It dreaded, just think of the lost t1tra andwages. Sprains without number ,have been ented by rubbing Polson'F Nervillnervoll into the pores of the skin surrounding the joint, No mat. ter whether it Is a sprained wrtst� ankle. knee or back, jast try Nervi, line on It. and we how qtiickIv It N611 cure. Thetv to only one liniment that can be depended upon to care sprains, strains and owellin unit that IF Poison's Nervillne. Time bottles 211 cents. I Patrick Curtin, of Biddulph� has sold big :0) Isere fArin to Mr. ONeal of Diushwood. for $1%000, and will Probably go West. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Imptive Bromil quinine Tab. lets. All druggists refund the money It It falls to cut*. Me. R. W. Grovil'o, signature Is on estell flex. He" arst some hot" prices that show good stock pays --At the recont stalle of.Marcus Dalv'ss horses in New York 185 were sold, the seven stallions reallisinq 11 100, or all average of 010() $12,01C TV. breisid mams brought $20%490 or an #live e of aOO4. The 3-yearQdFs numbe= 11 and brought na R41011"J is indispensable to athletic I success. In training, strew is laid upon diet; care- ful attention to the quantity and quality o! the fbod eat- en,with tegularit of eals. That is the secret of st n it f man. No man con be a rong r tha It a stomach. The co-rels: i an iffs: for eatin A men, causes me tit of businer of stomach and its allied or so( digestion and nutrition. There no sound health until these diseases am cured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical D15covery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutritious and enables the body to be built up into - vige orous health by the assimilation of t n�trition extracted from food. I was taken with the gri pe, which resulted In heart and stomach tmuble.- writes Mr. T. R. Caudill, of Mrstitaind, t1leshany C�, N. C. -1 was unable to do ang Ing it good part of the I time, lwrotetoDr. ierce about my condition. having full confidence in his medicine. He ad- vised me to take hill ' Goldert Medical Dirco,,cry.' which I did. Before I had finished the accond bottle I began �o feel Wier. I have used nearly stiss bottIeL I eel thankiltst to Clad for the betve� I kave received from pr. ritmess, Golden Med, Discovery. I con bijibly r 'IMMmfiud It to all persons its a good and pic in clue," W. Marcelo P41lats cure constlipation, Colborne. Council met In the Tp. Hall, April 15th , all tho ativinhers present, ; the :.1 tea of the Vrevious meeting were !:i1crand signet . A number of pot[- tloos were presented asking for g ....... of wire for fencers. It wam In" ved by Alex Rouertgoo, seconded hv Rictuu�d Jewell, that not more thall 20C per I'd Ile granted for any fence. Moved in allit-od risen t tov Mr. MU], 4econded by Major Young. tlint 15c per rod It. 1,he grant; the Iteeve voted with the stinetidaient, which waR carded. �be followilig 1per-son-4 were glAnted 15C. ver red to aid III hisilding vs,hre rences in plitesss to prevent, largb drifIg (if snow : John McLartv, Ed Jenkins, S-trauel Bimmett. J. 0oldthorpe and JO$Ppb Edwards. Robert Berlin wits paid $3.15 fill- break - ink road; Municipal ltlilorhl, Itlanks, $1.10; Joseph Tholopsoll, tile ellivert, $3; Snintail Potters road work $2 Mr Gari,ow's letter wits tend, lc4...pttng the Council'o offer of $700 for the McKinnon ploperty. adjoinin g the pre4ent. cerneierv. Mr. Hill utov ed. oecorided hy Major Yourar, that, the reeve and ORA citli on Mr, Garrow and have tire inaLler closed up. Car- ried Moved Ivy Mr. Hill, seconded Ivy R, Jewell, that the reeve and clet k borlow thu lieeeamary amoont. of mon- ey rellaired for preeent list-. Carried. Adjourned to itteet, again or) May 271 It its is Court of Revistur, and general business. F. W. McDONAOIX, clerk. Iris Easy to Feel Good. (lovintleso Lhou.-ands have fritind 'is hiessing to the body In Dr. King's Now Life Pills, which primitively cure con- stipation, sick headache, dizzin Id 689 jaundice, malaria. fever and agile . all liver and tit onatch troubles. Pkitely vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only 25c Litt Jas, Wilaon'R drug store. John I-lawkshaw has Field big 50 acre farin, on the London rofid, Usborne. to theadjoining owner, Thomas oil, for n575. A It aging, Roaring Flood Washed dowti it telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis of Lisboa, In.. had to repair. "Stan�ing waist deep In ic water". lie writes, 'gave me it wri'lle cold and -�ough. it grow worse daily. Fi naltv the be -it doctors in Oaklaiid. Neb.. Sioux City and Omaha, said I had consumption and could not live. Then I bega- __ Dr. King's New Discovery and wll�g wholly cuted by six bottles." Posi- tively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles by Jae. Wilson. Price 50c, The annual sawing match eld in Brussels recently attracted a Inrge crowd. especially the men folk. There were little saws in the competition and good work was done as the following record will show :— NAZARI IST OUT. 2ND OUT. TIDTAI� Williamson Mass ...... 42 sec. #51 87 i , stowart & St! 1 07 GorrAlltz & U=hill MoVildr, an Bros. ..... 43 6M31 0'. Ireland 9 Harnard...171 65 .02. ImIlts I ImItl It 107, Loirwis & LO.Fu:::::::3 I lost. =on Drog., � .... 55 ET I I& & Ireland .... 63 Did n saw. Prizes were worr by the fhat four in the order given. The log was a tough beech averaging about:2 inches. He Kept His Leg. Twelve vears ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn.. Peratched his IeX with it rusty Wire. Inflammation and blood polmonin met In,. For two vems he suffered fritousely. Then the best doc. tors %4r ed smoutation, "hilt," he writes. %%tied one bottle of Electric Bitters and Ii boxes of Bucklen's Ar- ulca Salve and t�y!eg was sound and W611 as ever.,, 1, or eruptions, eczema tOtter, salt rho'duit acres and all blo disorders ElectricBitters; has no rlv�. oil oarth. Try them. Jas. Wilson will guarantee isittisfiletkon or reflInd money. Only SO cents, Can't Iralitits the Wedkolov. Bolibro-T*ughter Is a cure for Indlifee, tion. Dobble--But a man enn't laugh hen tk* has dyspepsia, ftelasbM 'Time 14, --flftse- Peaning, U 19 i On READY-T0!-"A,r0AR. CLOTHING. oems"alli9r, I]* fair ypur Napplie�j, much its On Iwco.4nt of the !M4�N r*blo ww* loftt ss� k we of i;,od hi-ve decided vs, osontilmiIi oqr We of ltoaay�ta-woar 0,101. iog for thre" In asI I:14�4o,, Liver 01fis A1406 014 furillwro Look Like New. Saturday, Monday aod Tuesday, April z7,:39 and .3oth. 0 BOOM &OVOT106 Varnish. equal to C P;1 tilelpipea bef tre putting awsky, directfronnorin of the la., W asititilde"irria, work.- Pre- any in the liest factorle:J In Live Doo.inbq) at a, nit,", -it I Iwo Vollsa,, lhirogivettlian WON I uld. chatiess tv t-eli at it Its Ic., fit I, -low v lie rovalar. It you oxv a blirewd ehold Ammonia, markets buyer.Vou will nor, allow vw-h ;I. t,-hj&aVtI it- this fit pakslF.ItRthlohil certallity an opportanstv only o long f title. Itea'], u' er and our Vi It-ve and vott will. veso i Itor: -J2.50 tip III(R'3" 51#01 isor milt im netvally F 0 Garden Seeds, Folve'. I)v hav Ing at 11110 we It.. 0011). ptaritatet. Kiwis with ea.:h quit ; it Sassafta4 B1004 and Stomach Bitters We guarantee It. you apes not datistiort. yall- loon" will Ise 1'eforilled, ()tied Canadina Tweed. desirable prof iii n. regolar 47.W. i,nlp swit-0 IS 6.00 0oud Imported Twevid, atige piattqs it 'in gi ey, regular $13.00. sale pt lee .................... - ... ... .... ...... 9.80 Imported Houism-spint. wemir lll�L' le"'titer, lettillal $10.00 7.75 600 -DE, ULMIST Fule pi lee .... ....... ........... We 6 Imported Tweed. oico puLteru 1. g -ey kegular $10.0u. I sale price ... . .................. .... ..... ...... ... 7.76 rted Black Worsted, RoKalar $11.50. wile price 10.00 tjp ing= Fall Overectats in OxfordGrey Cheviot. regular $10, sale price ............................ ............ ...... 7.60 nA An An *kAV4VAVAW* AMA M FAVAMWAVAI The above goods are all Tailored Mutt-, well trimmed. stad cannot help but give satlotat-tion. Come early before yi)itr size so gone. NEW'STORE SwRemember the Dates, April 27, 29 und 30th. IN THE OLD STAND. W. C. PRTDITAM, Sole Agent for Chrlstys' Hats. Men's Furnisher and Clothier. Next to Lee & Shephard Y STOCK is now complete in all tt,b depart t "t 'ad P,S.—A new lot of Children's Olotbillif in Able week—Prices from 62 up to $6.60. M well at,sorted w0b np-lo-date goods tuilable foralh-�rj Spring and Surnmer trade. CORNELL & SON, expert Undertakers Everything new this Season.' UNDERTAKING., and Furniture Dealers, are back again In JUST a word about DRESS GOODS. The stock of Macks 191 plafn the old stand, Bedford Block, with full lines and fancy makes Is unsurpassed it, town, Lot� fou quality and olleap- of up-to-date Undertaking Goods and Furniture. nesp. The I-etit makes are in single t1less uid *,4kitt length. III two alike, so that your neighbor cannut, have one like yoorm. C v;0red The best service and best eroods are guaranteed at FURNITURE in Homespums, Cheviots, T%veed.-4 and Sergv�. All Shrunk' oce moderate prices. Call and see us. Black Silks, Black Satin-, Black mel -v-, it, Itil prices front 30c., to $1.2."L You should see out- Tcitfet,ni, they are grent Value. Undertakers, Embalmers and Colored Silk in waist Ieng',he III endless varie',v from 21.1c t 0- OORNELL & SON Ftirniture Dealers. InallthenewshadeR. both plain nnd fancy, Silirt Witi-ti'inovish'itce' and black. up-to-date both in inake nrid witterial. I I trick Voll will flod them the nicest lot ever seen in town initl prices light. Malthus in colors and while, in great vitriety Royal Irish Over- WALL PAPERvaowao:�- DindLies at I%c. Orgaiudies equally cheal) sind in elegant colorings lop and patterns. Paints, too, it choice lot itt right priceA. Jnak as we Expected, every person that looked at our 8 . ee the stock of Parasols, Hosiery aad Glovi­j. WALL PAPER bought. How happy it mok-e a werelmat coats. leel when lie bag a cinch on any line. How bapry lie makes his onstoraer feel whtn he gives �im a good article at a moderate TERMS J. His COLBORNE, price. Cash or Produce. You can't do without one, and Dou'l Uuy with ytur eyes Ant. Look at the other fol. Telephone 86. Goderich. if you are not already supplied low's papertil Liston attentively to what lie tells youl Make a AvisivilivotwAvirl it will pay you to call on hote of Isis prices I Tbou come and o�-e our SAMPLEFI—stal we 116TAMUMMAUT know the test. HUGH DUNLOP -"TOIRE DoqIScold and see some special values he has KIDUS BOOK S in that line. .­ ___ ____ ___ L WANTED for "THE LIFE AND N OF QUKEN VICTORIA, fit - DON'T MISS THEM. ,Ali Q11cNT1as emorlIvi tributes front file Your boys and Ing =41111 t in It,ha I Vusiuditirs istatesmon, The Goderich Star sold " rhe life at Iting Ed wurd V If. " i3ize 10 "-MY SPRING STOCK for mad.- x 71, aboul, 600 Pa girls because mo. butter Illuatrated than to order clothing is now complete. any rival work. rittan by Dr. 3no. Ovialter. froln Londrin, Else., the celebrated 1114toilart their shoes don't and Journalist; and John A. Cooisier.� editor is a Leader. Canadian Magazine, Toronto. Prictionly$1.75 H. DUNLOP, —now book fromovit,turtocoyer. Extr larK) stand the strain commission : credit alren pectus Irrit to Next door to Bank 6f Moi,treal., ca:tvassers. World Publisgirinjar Co., Gualith. 01 Maybe they were not good The Finest Line of —..a& ones. 0 Buggies M, - and Carriages s_ To be seen in any Town in Ontario is at . . . . . . . . . GUNDRV`S--sssol�� On Hamilton Street, in al Goderich. -COME AND EXAMINE THEM. - WE HAVE A FUI,L LINE OFThe�Canada Carriage Co's Goods. The Wm,. Gray & Sons, Co's Goodsq The Tudhope Carriage Co., and Thompson & Son', of London. its C so One Week Opening Sale.-Issommosi., 'BICYCLES ever offered for H LARGEST DISPLAY OF T4"e in the Town of Goderich, will be on ekhibit at our Old St4nd, consisting of GO MICH9 CRESCENTS,_."*., -HYSILOPS .....1144,TDIBUNES and Ative 14150., _466M....&6tond Hand Wheels-;sssi� It 4*(Iwltot i�l* tltivil E Of V240113 thilk0S.' We fife mit In *ny t6fifibine, thettfbrit ydu cAri depend of jetting IROCK BOTTOM FIR=9, We Inesin tbb to make thit'the best lyftr W 6, fittilte ever lud in liuMnegs, gnd Mk YoUt 0�00tfttiorb, We have T149 t hT* GOODS YOU WANTis Old you lave tlie monloy, th XX TO FAM JNAZ.7 Stood It Jot toetteA. st large supply of CAAS L SO Vou. RKOJES W1 3444 6 new lrenitity" for 01qlut�� 00flis and RoAllotiss 'k,'4raria in Ittilhis woft tMA ot C0 CO 06, AAII Wdrbp ug A t9td, A01 At - y6u totnt. g tollsod tbou Well tillo tlt, Wvs fill, ft� ­A140-wh Uft it Aftit', 000 *1**, Out it, MoAttmont'U"Oo—ft-040 tivid 04*� tl* _. :19vux ftou* L ' ., I . 11, 1 � ' . � I I I , , , - tug" 01-04! t Inspect our line of school boots and shoes. Made to stand the wear and tear--goodf, stout !eather, flexible soles, strongly stitckfed, good appearance. M9derate ih price. Lasting quality. AGENT FOR THE "EMPRESS and SLATER SHOES." WM. SHARMAN, JR. ABOUT SOMETHING NEW IN CANADA THOUGH 01_0 IN BRITAIN "Delicious" Snellings HALF POUND PACKAGES 20c. IN HALF PORD PACKAGES 20c. ken* I I India lilop Plckft Tos& Pkker N^ Sib. I bav* found It Invilexhl. and Iss: sit." Snallinfes Patent Mend !Rplp"d- Tag, As We or& Introducing Ent* Cam". "StAtillbilist" PASOnt blend or Imnirlish Breakfast 1H*pMT*&.' we most rivalpectially. "llsill, 611 which *an be turn A through runs you -% SmAll trial order. afotO own jr ON atuisli t from 10 TO 15 MINUTES vivas sufm then you will have a CUD the flnoat ass, yon ty" hid, WHOLIMA,till 49tNTS TMA Co., UmIlled AL WADD*LL & CO.� NA&TONEAN 0% rliMT 61r. It-- TOMNIT0. LOM)ON. tma PRICE 40C )?ER PO'VNI). Bald 11A Gbd*A,6h only bY STURDY& Grocers, The Square M0 _,OR I 81W E E. N 1. Al 'alelliat to,91*6101; *410 in 0110tttlfi�. 'Stab's XV'W GOODS" fiv" it YOU don""Wy- Will hl'iti) 116tiling for but j -he boat for its molloy. Pressing, Cleanlift pofit" ana Vest makort Wanted. Owls' 11, N6Xt jo�o.* Oft b"k otoft MI M 1FA