The Goderich Star, 1901-04-19, Page 9. I I � - V 19 � . . ,; _:: . I I I- � � I - � I 1 , . . � I 1. . �� ­ �. ­ � " L -1 I 1 l, ;", . " " , IF "­ , - I -1 if - �, ­* I .1 I � , - I .... - , I � 4 -1=- ,.--.- - -11 � I . -1 . - I M.M.M." - 4 . .­­- --1 .I. ­� I 1, Rn ­ - .11 -1-1-1h, 1. - -� I - ­ 11 I .1 � - . I I � o , I .. . I -F - so - 9W - � : , � '. I- I ­ Op N � I- 11 wl !I wi� NO ::111;1:::=1.1::1==- . M*30001310aft ... � � . . ­ ­ � 11 III "I'll ..... � :- — kZ*, "I'll , , .. -1 10 I iii I I I . ­ �, 11 OIL. - , U-1 - 11 . 11 . I .. ­ ­ � ��� I 1-11 ­­ 1, - , ­ �'J . 4094 110101A,10 tk" W#A � oftsm, I . - 00100 I �: --- I Its. , ,..-A. � I I *W*:"PW rw Cot ft*" ft lot VOm Wh", Ow fowsft 4* lem; A* sowo*" #Ay " W. - --�W* -w- -ux . I I . Toig A* symm *W, A" Coa0moslis 0o Wsr in , b* V0144WI-­ *,. 'i" riffirp-mow , ! I . ro'. . QW11041, "NVIN1111111"Altu � ,NO "A"a M. * C"a wlwl� = I 014 V" ropwtoi " alsi W. .4 4so"41, U'llso, Oi4w* Aovc- � * 0600A trw w4*04toa. z4h -v I " �, � I . : A 40W. t4k froos;A400040AWa " , T41 )"IR-170pus UAWA-�r. vwil* 04 044 1AW W"kii a laxt;o 000'. -Ur" vtock*w, oo vatw"44 ­­­ � *boo � . , 4-W, I" * ,. ,. * T,k-* &"�(Ww000st, fa ow sou;isfIlo. U 14also want, ivAq " WA*W, f* flilooplios ot V41011 wis, booft VAUK"- APIKW 4OW0*WW to 0** , * , , 1011141141tt" � ,0*"* m000,ro.r 0-4 0* ---,..-.,---I- I". Qq4tto, that ow roplur som .1 , -, I'llsill "Ut4w W4 XwouU041114 "At COL 061", xxportilloatIll IIIM'sopt to tkq, F$L*,tA l0owt*oxt 4 $so%" . . , , t so"" *0 *0&*4`ss��V#;.' W* 44 V4**�Vgar tr0i" *otwoo* 00 . � , . rtk okers i4ilway. , . km 0 ott*wli. br �utpom ssfA#- - V41604 4atelloct ta t* 4410s 'W". 1 #W-po *WW Miew Trwy*4444 $040. 4 sIoPoos , , *A* rxsmtor mokv'c ,attoatw* to *, 11K jA dit � 4 t4.t -1 I I. " I ^oc t At. t4a, I V9AA � WwAt rt* ,op xAW,*tO*, - Ow 044 �T tho. *owar* ****It 00 no0rs4fA*UJ%TooA NFOkOr *001,41f, 00-94ft *4 JW "A pirovidi Ii .. , pa r*01voll* . #*rW.** M -A, 114 000-0404 I*twoofk 9"000:41 k" Ow Veirt*,Woot Tonitot!" to; 414gitil 40,mritwoot. The a"44% t*x* - At , 'UW , t" L i 10 -tv# tum "t. ftik 110" at cko *Koaoilt s'AWkv*A- , tw# iW a Owslk- SQ,q*dL WAW ' -Ut� th.*1JVW'po*6 V-.tl 4.0w , , og, 0*u 9,t tfxo 014,4.4* k kow,qr 4 -au: olif, fiT# 000 - , , *J* 11 . .040*10isissooriVO4 M-04 oril''o , , , ­.­ " �­ � � � # *;W1o0,4W# , , - �vat qvtsst� Mum- , ol wswofiotel ih# Ill � 1� .. 41 .. . Will* #� "16,441 t#O I � 1; Vitality .9w g%X***tl.K, power. , :Veport, "-, ux"r "000"AA- but 14tt011 L'' 00."� bli* th,*., *AWIA' . � "' '' - y �, at, * " � ".w." "t ;At, � , . I a I it *a$ IN.", o"to,**os of). oo, );)I- Vie out*'Vitioo X"A0. W4 0.4 exox* lom" X"W; ,ft;oA`tk""kQ* . I � , , WRY �XW04 tilat tor*W4411salu'ples �,Pkt*ut. kid ,will kioorwit� out it 04 1, ow *000W tu. ou - igotaga" 4, O& insitrootill"W, if 41 perimilotal l(Am ". 04. T"A's 4* e.vo", J ' , , 'Xt 1. , 1, tqr', '04 fA *,00 06 A , . ­* At 0*** 0.4 Wl* � otw,tt IA lialt. , gr� U091CW10, 109,Mkilpa . ,IIIIIIIIII : tUt 1446 11� 04#400U- 9f04,C;;W . , _*#W , . ­ AV .. 0 sorw t1XC#OW§9iir0"t,u#wAV4 ­ p , . k 0 1 _ Amod, J(Toift for * � list tb* cla.4" 0 thit pow, , 4401AU40y, xOpOr .d $9,41114 1 ajit a -MO, 040400 upw. sk cit"t r*wrror. 464 *ro . I ­ t,if, W .. , I 4 14#4 as . . . - "-4. now J14 1 "' " ,tk I 11 " 4,10101161 �r 0 lil Tk* Away rw *9411 pl".. X& * 'fr Rlo �94 Par ce:[ Axe kboti,o V4.0 004,* 04.4 T -, -)A Iff 411 4111'b40,W1trtyA* , . , , k4lt Cont, MA,t ry 4ek IIII I � , , . � , .1 I , �A quostliotis. A*= ixoi:wqfsly i6i4el,' wbesi rltll�qt I . If"11"Cls�.Vilowa wooloi* *14 r*rs,. . - Au I 0 lalt 40lititiQ4 oil uninws 00 k *ft*1s#.04MWt."#k,=1,tii u: t. I --' "��Iv�!,tq *QW an L artalto 4 W spiTit %nt4l)ty ai�e r t4-4 � ' . Th I - - � .0 * low 4k 1111110 * I ) I Xt part are now, C01114114timer 311AA WA. f , *I- - - �, -1 - -- VIM, All" "tood� "1114. � .&;t;.�. � 1w . _ 11'40 , _ tAQJ?rQpQ&6Q, am% rW, 0114t __ , "P � ­qWti ;;ot 4t ixprlsa ­ r'T . _ IV - - T'.�--­rl1--,-,s1771 1� - — - ' , - - -7 ---- *.�,- -7,rlml 7�---J i �:o777!W� - I ',�- - - �) , *" , , , - !!1!1"14JrV-- , . � .� . . - , .. � I - "I ­- - -1 , ---I �.. ­­­- . I . -A - - i A, . , � - 6-- - I 6-- - Im N ;- I . � - ; m-;­ma;4A 4iw�;44R, - 11114.0; wrtotsm 00 lilor low. xwloo, W W W. W".. Rq* � 04 -- ­­­ - - - 1 - I "' I BUM a pub) a smalteir, T ' , � ,4 , member for r � . -ha `tb% , t,ho V4 jamoInt at wheat, tested. jrfi- No I I MR[ � M: "I, W- low" i t ""tool., W � , . I I Ft j I ­" � DC44 k#F44-4)XW4 Appuq *4t,ot � 41-3s; ovav"044 Xt 4140. 4-r"I I ow or *0 ft*"~ A ukol I. � � - TO VW Y' LOW MOP UO"Y-Pria., vAtIl a** �gkt. poke 4 flo,wri,qui-tit irilm* 4i vi.s, i- ix 00104*X01WO Or QIN14040014* 0, cAsAurAx osm, #Au, , . - , � I - AMtW,VQR'W0VM . r 0040, ustv� to illie , �46riisr- ,0:�*b �46=". at Im y 004. W. 14AU $0o tut ko hka . . , . , , , ,to 49M XQrurk;"01114,4111: JIWA to, 1176 6004*044 W" UtAt aolilt as. M&rtq I I . I - - '4 I I ..." -10000 I I 9 how A"OK 06W ;0" . 011111I I - ,wj - � 11.5w o�. tilli 1 r 40 * I. - - �" " " - XAP44 sryr;;��-*Ai TuA � . 40 . I j OOPO44Y up 1001 40" Of, At*4 r1kills tar ae xat%,,rooxo� ��,W* 40,44, III* — 1Co"s*,GM1tW*s&W,,#000*" . f# IA '900- - I .. j 416.4m,sarL irrive . . Mr. MaoDio,rx414. W'eqt A In; &eas- bill . � 'pX4001111116640ol, .:Auu, illso AU I � , . *T*,%'&ot4A At Op to - I %PWA04. I's wov,oaltrosl #ao 4614, I � 1� -0 Pscw C"dofss;0; it" Aqwto-4 Ow , I SAIIOA; And *aRog- , 1: - to 41, I , I tw 0,4. $4 A, Iftooll rKA 04� tP Aw"11- 11, A Rm4hw- I Aopa­-441it. J I , growt4 , � t"fiIsrot titoe* rap.* $4 Owdo" They - . . I . I -, CA`$AXW j Are 40*44, At 14 , , -W kl� " r" . At 0�'to. vo. k , ilittlao'Ag vIk'a ck*� Awls tp ,40 -1 1. %; V. , I ! - I .. Ua* x0o 1* 944itows. #rb- V07. 'Reans-74teady. Ordinary w Mts bealw*4*41,05. to v." cho"han4'. 0214 work, w4 tbAt tkht4r v P �4 iW oap4w* oit set*44" * Tory 04- . wianiow"ok 806.0,vuentis 1PAIAMMW I , , 7 4A UM044 of Aotkow' 4 pickjad, b"Ju of". 4*tsa, At 41�11 ­ , -4, to , I 1. I I � 01"t O , 4a Z *nXing '.149y 'tent; T ,koafac �' . Sir WilfrU Latirier,wil.4 W-iy visit - - . #I W. , .. , irm,jQ Icatimq 0 AAIa4jWy-p lip ill , , 44, ,Area .4, a, warAkr 0;�ikIity� And , . � � 11, �rltiali. " tWA PUM1404 I , ulnliml , - track kL,Arj. $JI.gd,,jw9-tc,q'ict4�14a! ,, . t1lo siteol xa&4% -from them w9u - -1404 i -n killed, wounded, and prisoners were ,*-,.L,aog;,rUI,bas bse4 APPOIAtell Tali, L I lirv000, #1Z 1 I Is* P forceAt4go a nickol" whiob , tirouglit back only four Cape carts. - diod hesith oftiaor At -Hamiltom fltrg',ii�.Jrw, Oar lots of str I j .- . avr, ark - fro ��,& 444;iatlkaxailothlii��oull � woodgtook college b-, xaopems4 At- ' " track, tere. so, ft 0 46"W, 1PItl3$SED HOGS AND pROV,1SIONS, ptnr pro"0 to x4aitQfov us-Tbia, t� ter being oloeed by a fever epi ' , 'deat . trora diphth demia' )kgyp l)r0:'Asd bogs 04 thel atr"t ALTO firm, or , Uk w:kIle,-It aid ,not f in 44 41'etaout ths, 14 *4 t lAny to 4 Zak . , - hit $eTaa .e;r!4 at '48 td: #81", . Car Iota are ilcarce, price. wou qr­ � , , '<,, � I I M011#44 at Fort AlexaA44r, near � , fAel,'%%Ptbd , nor ­ � , qtuall,y at 07.0 to $7.80, th,4 durability of thq, Tell. The ea, � , � ,Wixiaipeg. On track here. Provisions are. firm " , 4 tabliab,giout of flibs, 1.ud.u#r.T was .��. . ­ , 1. -. . ' Ottalwa WIN have a new theatre, the . And demand j , continues active. Qtiotg� tiageAt qpqA their peouring from the . directors of baviag 4e,oJd- , the Auosell � I tIous xro�-,-.-Dry apltq4 . -, j. #boulders ft lonix- clear b loo*% lots � , . , 0overa q - , j M, At a. (air ordqr, and ar� Or . I ed to rebulid. . The new regiment of . W�u, in par 10. , 100; and JIL ease . lotaA 1Q.14 to 10 I ' -g, der for a sufficient . , quantity to guar- . I , pmatiou of a to W4utry, the r3th Kent. with b644- I , short blanrpOrk, $20 . to V.0.60; heavy IM844 pork. ro to $19,50, ant" them that they would have qui- � L quaretrg at Chatham, is antifor4ed. $mQked vicats'-Hams. heavy, l2c; p1plyment for their plant as a bas'N I &ogdoti cigar atoraL lkespora.* have . .. medlo . - - . , p, Ig 1 2 to Lu; light, 130., from which to invite Anti, encourage � I I b"ll ordered by the police to remove ]�,srd--Paila, 101-2c; tubs, Zoo; in the latX0411�40tiOp of capital for that I their slot lanownes. condemn as L get .1 tlerces, Ift . pup ose," The price is $32.W. the price � gambling devices. . MTRY MARKETS. paid for the last order to an Amerl- . I . The itteemor La Presae bAs retura� Butter --- Supplies. are large, and the can tlxm. . . qtiartiprai �t Cbathaml 19 skuthbrIzed. market I* quite weak. Prices are POULTRY F&TENING. so fair t" year wore English. that navigation below that' �ort in as followst.-Dairy, tubs and pails, L Mr. Hajkbtt was told by Mr. Fisher L I I winter is feasible and practicable. good to choles, 13 to 16c; mo.i .4 ,i .ur--1 ' that thare, are four atatk6ns toi poul- — 'The Executive Committee of the On- to 15o; poor, 11 to 12c; dairy printo, choice, 17c; large rolla, good to choice, try fattening on 'Prince lEdward la� � - tarlo Christian Budeavotir Union has L 15 to 100; crealaeries, boxe 19c, dud land. They are giving sAtistactoryre- ,ays-Word has been rece decided at London, to hold the an- -a. pounds, 20 to 21c. suits, ,ad will be continued. I . , nual convention fit Brockville, Oct. I Clicese-Full cream, July and Aug- NEW POST OFFICES. � . I I to S. list make, sells at 101-20. Mr. Brannan. was also told by Mr, , I I W , . F. Marriott, U. S. immigration LIVE STOCK UARKBTS. Statherland that since 1896, up to the I ,,:., inspectoir at Etouse's Point, says the Toronto, Apr'l 16 -At the - lern wes Met of Uprch last, 1,071 nmv post- offices were established in Canada, tit- , LL amuggling of Chinese into the Unttea cattle ywrtis ii" ..,.ing wlo had , ta�r vided as followa:-Outario. 226; Que- I .L - States from Montreal has developed Into a 11 fine art." murkelt. All told 56 carloads of Eve stock wicTe received, inoludig bec, 227; News, Scotia, 197; Now Bruns - L - . Mr. T. H. Underwood, formerly of 11100 cattle, 800 bogs, Bit abw.ep an lambe. and 75 oalveo. d wick. 85; Prince Edwaicel Island, 28; Manitoba and the North-West Terri- , .. the Canadian Pacific Railway in Them was a good demand for ex- tortes, 215; British Columbia, 23. I , ,� Montreal, has been appointed traffic p&rt cattle; good to obolce, sold from FRUIT PACKAGES. I , and dook manager for the Cape Colony Government 4 3-4 to 5 I-& pe -T pound; and 1W The bill to provide for the mark- � , at Cape Town. feom 41-4 be 45 -So per pound, There Ing and inspection of packages con- �­ The sum Of i9700 of Imperial ifioney was a fak clearance of overything taiulng fruit for sale was read a third . I — 7as illitribated amongthe members were time, and is passed. . of 0 Battery in. mistake during the largely composed Of export cattle. Butcher cattle was in denall supply, ,TO AMEND GRAIN ,kOT. I � return trip of the steamer from 'rho and the domand was consequently Mr. Bexn5er, Minister ot Inland Be- venue, gave nfolti.'oo a tw43 Govetru- 1, . Africa to Cana,da. Imperial Gov� ornin tit has asked tot the return of b4all, and Cho sales quick. Good to choice cattle sold at from 37-8 to t measures. One is to amend I I this money. 43 -go Par Porand; -,v,)tlh otheir grades the Mani'.,boiba Girain Act and the oth- eir Is to amend the General Inspec- � GRE AT BRITAIN. quotably undliange�d but Eirmer. Sh-)pphag butts wo-re in fair demand Uon Act Who first to intendeel'to ;�t I . The Glasgow Exhibition opens May a t &am 3 3-4 to 4 I -4o par pbund. carry Clio rectxmmendat�cns of �, I 1, 2nd. King Edward will make Frograore A I*bt amn of atoolcord sold fairly well at &rom 23-4 to 31-4c the Giratim Untumiseim which vislteid� Mnm�tcb,a and t10 Tewzritories a lit- � his week end residence during. May, pcw pound- tle .v,ar a year ago, and wlh�ch also ma de, enqu5ries respecting the grain goes were accompanied by their fam- June and July. Mitch cows were poor in quality, and ttrta(io In oithtw parts of Canada. The I . . , --7,, , The official report Of emigration from Ireland shows 47,107 persons left proportionately poor in price. Calves are a little off in consequence bEll will establish fixed gtrades for WlIent &om Mmn�jtoba and the Terri- , ,, that country Ia 1900. of the large run we have had lately, torlea ea distinguished firom, the � The year's profit -9 of the Middles- but goo d veal talvag are wanted, and will fetch good prices Good veale are Eaeteirn pPorvCMc,,, These grades will The dissatisfaction over the frequency borough steel firm were $1,800,000, buys a London despatch. , worth from 6to 51-2c per pound "Small be pracb1cally tle same as ndwi pre - vad in Minnesota and Dakota. fIlhe , The historic Thorney 'House, Ken- stuff" was about stea'dy and unchanged, the supply being Wit will also egtablisih ceintain regu, � siagton Gardens may become the short. lattions wAh (respect to scales and 0 lervat M plays a white fla -g or other token of residence of the U. S. ambassador. Grain -fed Iambs are worth from 4 Irlie'tmeasure to amend the General al court-martial. Gen. Methuen, who has been In the Great Britain and Germany have 1-2 to 6 14c per pound. "Barnyards" sell at from 0 3-4 to Inspeotdon Act pro -Ad" that the duty. agreed about an indemnity tokr Ger- 4 1-2z per pound. feen now pa:d to inapeotor's shall be ALLEGED PLOT. mans ejected froan the Transvaal. Export e,wes are worth from 3 to turned initio blao Dominion treasury, and tba tuspecturef shall be paid a re - of Kruger. It is said. that the Earl of Halsbeiry 3 1-2c per pound. gnIaT salary. . Is about tot resign the post of Lord Banks are worth from 2 1-2 to 31-4o per pound. THE FRANCEITA ACT. . Chancellor,, and that he will be one- ceeded by Baxon *Alrerstonc, Lord Hogs are unchanged and steady, with an upward tendency. The House went into committee on the bill to. amend the Franchise Act, � , Chief Justice of England. " Singers " set I at 0 7-8c per pou d; 1898, and a long discussion took place , Londoin's fashionable millinexe de- thick fat at 6 1-4o ; and light at 6 3n-80 on the first clause, which provides Big Mst6r�!-&, I do bove papa wil clare that the Gainsborough hat will par 'pound. that the voters' lists, to be used in an I again become the rage among women Hogs to fetch the top price must olection shall be those which were � in consequence of the recovery Of the Do of prime quality, and scale not be- in force on the day and date of the t ­ � Duchess of Devonshire portrait. # low 100 nor above, 200 pounds. writ for such Dominion election. In . UNITED STATES. . Following is the. range of quota- tions:- other words, the sixty day' limitation In, the act of 1898 is abolished. Many I � The representative -in Now York of Cattle. members of the House contended 1. the Boers denies that Kruger intends Shippers, per cwt. , $425 �5 25 that the change proposed by the So- to visit America. Butchex, choice do. . 375 4371-2 licitor-General, was a retrograde one; The Minnesota Senate has been ask- Butchew, ordL. tu good. 350 375 that by striking out the provision that . he operations of Butcher, imferioT. . , 275 312 1-2 Stockers, per cwt. 275 325 the, lists may be sixty days' old, it would not be possible to print the the steel trust there are against the State laws. . Expo,rt bull-% per ct. 375 425 list at the Government Printing 1. I New York is to have a 12 -storey Sheep and Lambs. Bureau ; that the list would than have to be, secured from the provincial I department store. iThe building to Export owes, per owt. 300 350 Butcher sheep, each. 250 350 authoritioa and candidates put to un - cost 413,000,000. J. Pierpont Morgan Ia said to be interested. Lambs, gn-fed, perct. 450 525 necessary expense therefor. The race - sure was reported from the commit- , A strike is n,ow on, and a long lock- Do,, bn.,yard, per ot. 375 450 Do�, spring, eacth. . 300 600 te,c with the understanding that all its clauses would be subject to fax- . out is predicted of miners and opera- Bucks, per cwt. . . 250 325 ther revision should the Government . tore in the entire block coal district of Indiana over the powder question. Milkers and. Calves. on considexation decide to accept any Employes of the, Republic Iron & Cows, each . . . . 2000 4500 of the amendments suggested. j Steel Compan at Youngstown, Ohio, Calves, each. . - . 200 700 . HIGHER SALARIES. demand increyases in wages ranging Hogs. Mr. Fitzpatrick, Solicit or -G eneral, , .1 from 15 to 35 cents a day, or they will Choice hogs, p,ax cwt. 660 6 87 1-2 gave notice of a resolution to in- strike. Light hogs, peir owl. 6 15 637 1-2 -case the salary of the Chief Justice GMfERAL. Heavy bogs, per cwt. 000 6 215 of the North -Wo. -t Supreme Court The student demonstration in Rus- Sows. . . . . 375 400 S t agis. . 000 200 $1,000 fixing the salary of the addi- tional judge of the Yukon 7 t 414,000, gia has spread to Siberia. . . . . making the salaries of the 17 puisne An Odcosa'despatch says there have Duluth, Ap,ril 16. -Wheat -Cash. No. judges of Quebec, whose residences � been 1,560 arrests in Russia during I hard, 72 1-2�; No. .2 Northern 70 are fixed at Montreal or Quebec, $5,- . the past few days. 1-2c; No, 2 Northern, 65 to( 69c; iay, 000 each, and increasing the salary The Turkish G,overnment has raised 71 3-4c; July, 72 7-8c, Oats -27 1-4c of the i3enior judge of the District � - a loan of 4200,000 from the Ottoman Corn -40 1-2c; May, 41c. Court at Montreal 4000. � Bank to settle the claims of the Minneapolis, April 16. - Wheat - CAPITAL INCRE ASED. Cramps and the Krupps. Cash, 70 3-4o; May, 60 3-4c; July, 71 The Select Standard Committee on King Oscar of Norway andSweden 1-2c; on track, No. 1 hard, 72 3-4c; No. Miscellaneous Private Bills reported W Ill not as arbitrator, in the claims I Northern, 70 3-4c; NO. 2 Northern, four measures. Mr. Osler's bill, to in - of Great Britain, Germany and the 67 3-4 to 68 3-4c. Flour' and bran- corporate the Bishop of Keewatin - 11� United States in Samoa, . Unchanged. I ,Milwiiakee, April 16. - Wlheatl - Mr. Hyman's, respecting the MoClar; Manufaotuyieg Co.; Mr. Brittouls, re- ­� -, . Directors of a large St. Petersburg Insurance Company are being pro- Steadier; No. I Northern, 72 to 72 1-2c; specting the Rathbun Co.; and Mr. secuted for misapplying $750,000, ac- cording to a despatch from No. 2 Nowthern, 69 to 71o. Rye- Steady- No. 1, 53c� Barley-Stroug; Dyment's to incorporate the Clergue Iron and Nickel -Steel Co., of Canada. Moscow. No. 2 67 to 58o; sample. 40 to 55 1-20- The name of the latter was changed - - Buffalo, April 16. -Flour - Quiet. to the 'Algoma, etc., Co. In the ori- THE LEADING WKETSe Wbeat-Spring; stronger ton% but prices unclianged; No� I Northern, gincil bill the pro-moters asked a capital of $10,000,000, with power to old, carloads, 82c; do., o.i.f., in store, Increase to $20,000,000. At the request " 80 3-8c. Winter -Several cars, mix- of the promoters this waa changed to The Ruling Prices In Breadstuffs od and State, offered at 176c, but the a capital of $20,000,000, with power and Live Stock. best bid was 2c under tihat fig-ure. to increase to f30,000,000. Corn -Easy; No. 2 yellow, 46c; No. 3 . Toronto, April 16 -Wheat. -The do,, 45 3-4c; No. 2 earn, 415i 1-4 to 45 - weakness in wheat in Chicago causes 1-2c; No, 3, do., 46o through billed. Oats -Weak; No. 2 white, 31 1-2 to ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. weakness here. Ontarica are ihard to 31 3-4c; No. 3 do,, 30 1-2 to 80 3-4; No. sell. Manitobaa axe dull, but dealers 2 mixed nominally, 129o, No. 3 do., 28 0— a -re, still asking 97 1-2o, C.I.t., for No. 1-2c, fbirough billed. Barley -Fee l- What the People's Representatives I hard. QuotatiAime are as follows-.- ing stronger; small lot spot sold at Are Doing at Toronto. . Red wheat, 66 1-2; white wheat, 66 60c. lRyo-No. I quoted at 59c; No. 2 on tracir, 58c. . � I-Zo ; and No. I goose, wheat, 66o, low "*Chicago, April 16. -While the grain MUNIcirAL SANITARIA. freights to Now, York; Manitoba, No. markets were fairly steady to -clay A clause was inserted in the Muni- . 11"hard, old, g.IA., 97 1-2c asked ; No. trade generally was tame in the eLpal Act with a view W enabling 2, 93 1-2o asked; No. I bard, North absence of new factors. May wheat a ny municipality or two or more Bay, 96 1-2a asked. and No. 2 hard, closed 1-8 to 1-4c higher, May corn 14o lower; May oats 1-8 to 1-4,) dow M municipalities in Ontai Ia to enter in - 92 1-2o asked. and provisions 2 1-2 to 7 1-2o higher. to an agToement with the National M-Ulfeed-�Scarcc. Ton lots at the Sanitarium Ass�ociatiom for the co - mill door, Weatern Ontario points, sell o tablishment and maint.v,nance by the as followa:-Bran, $15; and aborts, INDUSTRIAL DEPRESSION. aissoe�iatioa of sanitaria, for the treat- . $16. Oorn-Ainorica, No. 2 yellow, on 1— ment of consumptives, giving this as - j track here, 47o,,� No. 6, 46e. The Distress In Germany 19 Very smiation the same powers and ,privi- Peas -Steady, No,2 middl6freights Acute at Present. leges affoaded by the Municipal .. at 64 I -2c; and cast, at 6M. A round lot, high freights, sQId at 63o to -day. A despatch trom, Berlin says: -It In Sanitnria Act Of last session. B&ZISY-1101ders asking more money. stated that the Krupps are about to SUBURBAN RAILWAY BILL. NO- 2t low- frO'ghtll to N43W �yOrk' was discharge 5,000 hands from their Ea- The Totrouto Suburban Railway quoted at'41i asked, No. 8 extra, same freights, 44a aake& son, Bookorw, and KW works. They Company's bill wag considered by the � Ryo--Stoady. Car 10tallk iweist, and have, already dismissed 4,000 since 00- Railway Committee, and the right iof W east. tober. It 14 also understood that the extension to Hamilton agreed to. (ne �: . � Buok"as"U'ot' Cer 10ta westAr's Erhardt Works at Dusseldorf company was granted the rigNbt to quoted ,it 00; and cot at Md. Oat*-IrIffil. No. I whitt., 0.1".9, cast, are about to reduce their �depression oannect with electric railways, but �. % SOO; No. 9 White. north and 'WeAt. 98 continues. According to a recent es- the clauses tot permit connection with were thrown out. � . . ImU. Ton thoamv4 bufsh6lia. 96. I, middle fr6lgbt#, hold at 90 1.20. timate omen -fourth of the workers in Beirlin are very insufficiently employ- steam roads TOLL ROADS AOL . CLN I W-1 Floin-Hold6fa of go pe't coat - 'I Pat ents, buyeW bags, middle frd Ightt, ed, (w totally idle. The distress of Is moat acute. (There is nth The House wont into committee, on Prelmier's T611 Roalls Expropria- 11 ask 42.00 vv bbl. Exportero were bid- ;nany pro* of improvement. the . ding $2.155 to-dAy. poet Lion Act. The principal amendment �- PROblues. gave the Township or County Councils ; , ; Toronto, April 1d.-Rlf#s.Th6t6 was CHR%S13 NEWS. power to raise the moncy for the pur- . � � , & large supply, of fresh eggs on the —m (%base of toll roads, without submit- � � ;� I , market to -day, find prioft *at's essy. Sales were Made at 126. benannd Not to Be Allowed In South African ting the by4aw to the ratepayers. � Was activil. . Newspapers. THE UNIVERSITY BILL. , ' � I " Poultry - Poctiptis light. 13TIgIft at - OA is quoted in f6llowa,-turkibys. A despatch from London says. -It The House went into committee ton � 11 to Ift. 96aft at 0 to 91-26l. thlok- transpires that the Chn,y6rnmont is the Unirersity bill. Mr. Whitney *-n- � ens at 40'td Wi%-ond dudki at 4W to rigidly censoring all Chins" news Mnt qu'red whether there was to be any MO; ldholdill `64ild stotoa tutkort And to South Africa, and rejeatft all such understanding as to how much land � 9semis 106 46064' At I to 26 pot IN incidents as the Ailglo-AMMIstl trou- the Gorernineat was to expropriate I- under 64k1t jftdk� I - . bissf at frLain-Tsin. The Trotillon 60rr6t� far the science buildings. The clause � I '� P10t&t*M:`-V69*,, at W� tot titt lot#, poodents of Cape ODIOnY Oap6td hate O" tl, power to take,, It all, be On track 40'114 W&. odt of )fltero. boo Instructed to Oinit from their I are zdadd At Ilk, � I d"pstahen all Incideilits tbAt Are like- pointed out. 'it . 1. I 0%" Z-ioft* a , - *A, 41 06 4" �"Wkoitv. * I I, to wepillifMA the bositinUIfibee log lion. Mr. Rartcourt said that was fffiffAM07 to orev%bb tbo Itookiblilty of �, [ . 111turil, *0 0a ,1 .1. . ItM WpZ1, I i . .. I f� . , � . . I I � - V 19 � . . ,; _:: . I I I- � � I - � I 1 , . . � I 1. . �� ­ �. ­ � " L -1 I 1 l, ;", . " " , IF "­ , - I -1 if - �, ­* I .1 I � , - I .... - , I � 4 -1=- ,.--.- - -11 � I . -1 . - I M.M.M." - 4 . .­­- --1 .I. ­� I 1, Rn ­ - .11 -1-1-1h, 1. - -� I - ­ 11 I .1 � - . I I � o , I .. . I -F - so - 9W - � : , � '. I- I ­ Op N � I- 11 wl !I wi� NO ::111;1:::=1.1::1==- . M*30001310aft ... � � . . ­ ­ � 11 III "I'll ..... � :- — kZ*, "I'll , , .. -1 10 I iii I I I . ­ �, 11 OIL. - , U-1 - 11 . 11 . I .. ­ ­ � ��� I 1-11 ­­ 1, - , ­ �'J . 4094 110101A,10 tk" W#A � oftsm, I . - 00100 I �: --- I Its. , ,..-A. � I I *W*:"PW rw Cot ft*" ft lot VOm Wh", Ow fowsft 4* lem; A* sowo*" #Ay " W. - --�W* -w- -ux . I I . Toig A* symm *W, A" Coa0moslis 0o Wsr in , b* V0144WI-­ *,. 'i" riffirp-mow , ! I . ro'. . QW11041, "NVIN1111111"Altu � ,NO "A"a M. * C"a wlwl� = I 014 V" ropwtoi " alsi W. .4 4so"41, U'llso, Oi4w* Aovc- � * 0600A trw w4*04toa. z4h -v I " �, � I . : A 40W. t4k froos;A400040AWa " , T41 )"IR-170pus UAWA-�r. vwil* 04 044 1AW W"kii a laxt;o 000'. -Ur" vtock*w, oo vatw"44 ­­­ � *boo � . , 4-W, I" * ,. ,. * T,k-* &"�(Ww000st, fa ow sou;isfIlo. U 14also want, ivAq " WA*W, f* flilooplios ot V41011 wis, booft VAUK"- APIKW 4OW0*WW to 0** , * , , 1011141141tt" � ,0*"* m000,ro.r 0-4 0* ---,..-.,---I- I". Qq4tto, that ow roplur som .1 , -, I'llsill "Ut4w W4 XwouU041114 "At COL 061", xxportilloatIll IIIM'sopt to tkq, F$L*,tA l0owt*oxt 4 $so%" . . , , t so"" *0 *0&*4`ss��V#;.' W* 44 V4**�Vgar tr0i" *otwoo* 00 . � , . rtk okers i4ilway. , . km 0 ott*wli. br �utpom ssfA#- - V41604 4atelloct ta t* 4410s 'W". 1 #W-po *WW Miew Trwy*4444 $040. 4 sIoPoos , , *A* rxsmtor mokv'c ,attoatw* to *, 11K jA dit � 4 t4.t -1 I I. " I ^oc t At. t4a, I V9AA � WwAt rt* ,op xAW,*tO*, - Ow 044 �T tho. *owar* ****It 00 no0rs4fA*UJ%TooA NFOkOr *001,41f, 00-94ft *4 JW "A pirovidi Ii .. , pa r*01voll* . #*rW.** M -A, 114 000-0404 I*twoofk 9"000:41 k" Ow Veirt*,Woot Tonitot!" to; 414gitil 40,mritwoot. The a"44% t*x* - At , 'UW , t" L i 10 -tv# tum "t. ftik 110" at cko *Koaoilt s'AWkv*A- , tw# iW a Owslk- SQ,q*dL WAW ' -Ut� th.*1JVW'po*6 V-.tl 4.0w , , og, 0*u 9,t tfxo 014,4.4* k kow,qr 4 -au: olif, fiT# 000 - , , *J* 11 . .040*10isissooriVO4 M-04 oril''o , , , ­.­ " �­ � � � # *;W1o0,4W# , , - �vat qvtsst� Mum- , ol wswofiotel ih# Ill � 1� .. 41 .. . Will* #� "16,441 t#O I � 1; Vitality .9w g%X***tl.K, power. , :Veport, "-, ux"r "000"AA- but 14tt011 L'' 00."� bli* th,*., *AWIA' . � "' '' - y �, at, * " � ".w." "t ;At, � , . I a I it *a$ IN.", o"to,**os of). oo, );)I- Vie out*'Vitioo X"A0. W4 0.4 exox* lom" X"W; ,ft;oA`tk""kQ* . I � , , WRY �XW04 tilat tor*W4411salu'ples �,Pkt*ut. kid ,will kioorwit� out it 04 1, ow *000W tu. ou - igotaga" 4, O& insitrootill"W, if 41 perimilotal l(Am ". 04. T"A's 4* e.vo", J ' , , 'Xt 1. , 1, tqr', '04 fA *,00 06 A , . ­* At 0*** 0.4 Wl* � otw,tt IA lialt. , gr� U091CW10, 109,Mkilpa . ,IIIIIIIIII : tUt 1446 11� 04#400U- 9f04,C;;W . , _*#W , . ­ AV .. 0 sorw t1XC#OW§9iir0"t,u#wAV4 ­ p , . k 0 1 _ Amod, J(Toift for * � list tb* cla.4" 0 thit pow, , 4401AU40y, xOpOr .d $9,41114 1 ajit a -MO, 040400 upw. sk cit"t r*wrror. 464 *ro . I ­ t,if, W .. , I 4 14#4 as . . . - "-4. now J14 1 "' " ,tk I 11 " 4,10101161 �r 0 lil Tk* Away rw *9411 pl".. X& * 'fr Rlo �94 Par ce:[ Axe kboti,o V4.0 004,* 04.4 T -, -)A Iff 411 4111'b40,W1trtyA* , . , , k4lt Cont, MA,t ry 4ek IIII I � , , . � , .1 I , �A quostliotis. A*= ixoi:wqfsly i6i4el,' wbesi rltll�qt I . If"11"Cls�.Vilowa wooloi* *14 r*rs,. . - Au I 0 lalt 40lititiQ4 oil uninws 00 k *ft*1s#.04MWt."#k,=1,tii u: t. I --' "��Iv�!,tq *QW an L artalto 4 W spiTit %nt4l)ty ai�e r t4-4 � ' . Th I - - � .0 * low 4k 1111110 * I ) I Xt part are now, C01114114timer 311AA WA. f , *I- - - �, -1 - -- VIM, All" "tood� "1114. � .&;t;.�. � 1w . _ 11'40 , _ tAQJ?rQpQ&6Q, am% rW, 0114t __ , "P � ­qWti ;;ot 4t ixprlsa uZ Uxiilu ' ntali d 0 . fcir , k:'o ty, a4 more ,profitable o,; . , , Its for � , . simplea f � below 04 par tent. Are *4w ­ XallwAr Pop"- Orr, I . -4b h4ld to bo, 4artt toc seed purposes, The R.re.Mier r0W.)2de4 tha; It V,roga, tbio 4biu4ppl tlia�kqaults of Would be', to Ali i*1104to o44- purpow­. � I , , .lit,, tb,00a taii,tp,*X0 very grgtify1fle, of a pub) a smalteir, T ' , � ,4 , member for r � . -ha `tb% , t,ho V4 jamoInt at wheat, tested. jrfi- ,Algoma had for year* urged ne- prepeu . ting An pArtA. at the, North- .. . "voity for -a �bo�aa toward: enph. an . � West country, only IQ. "AX04ty 4 enterprise, which Would L b.4 A,WrQ&t , per cegt, we ore uAtk tor seed. b��o'nl to, (40 small M144ra of, the dls- . , . 1poa�to,t�are*otsa,roa)�44,ubco,A,r- trliot. . . � aging, $L4 of the 400 samples . tested � I 'tagy pointed out that, A- ,fr. W7u on y 32 f I oil below 50 Gent.. equal cording to the bill, the company was to bat 8 par coat. of,Xt'"V. whole, out'Itled. to lauds ot�-er than those ... . of tbo 60 *4 , mpJaA Qfbuley tcljtsd� alo,Aff the 114a of ro.utQ,.' , iqa wexe foaxid uatit for The Premier Tolled that the reason seed. I f9j: this that the Oro" did I ,Was not poseess enough lauds along the fine - of route to entirely fill Its *bit- ga4on. — OUNG MUN� Admit That Their Losses In Cape In - . Mr. MaoDio,rx414. W'eqt A In; &eas- bill vasion Was Cut Down 7M . 9flis to wfealpt-from taxatioutba incomes of A despatch tram London aayis,.- all =an up to 0,1.000, and to Abolish Peat -Is correspondent telogriLphs:- the poll tax altogether. In speaking I was able at DowcLsdorp to to his bill, Mr. UatiDiarmid, pointed ,gather the Dutch version, of the Cape iuva� out that the poll tAx was tualVersally detested, and that It was practically slim. Fourie. on lit!* way down, was a dead letter in. most cities. The re- v,ary elated, and wan riding a horse venue therefrom was small, and the for which he refused to take 150 cost Of collecting it al=ost equalled guineas when be entered the colony. It. On the suggestion of tbeAttoruey- The Boers say that they never expert, emed such a time. Th4 were some - General, the bill was referred to the . Assessment Commission, w-'th the un- - times as many as three days without derstanding that the House expressed food. After fighting tilt dark they had lie, no opinion on the queatioja. to at night in the taln.holding TRADING STAMP BILL. their horses, the commanders in - oladjad, and Jbetorc dAylligibit the The Holuse 'agaim went into'comi, "Illiakis" were at them again. mittes on Mr. Qr&h,am'a blll,to per- Thoy acknowledge that their losses mit municipalitium to aboljsh tradibig i -n killed, wounded, and prisoners were stamps. The member from Brookville 700, and tba.t of th9ir convoy they declared that he had nol intention of tirouglit back only four Cape carts. abandoning the -bill. He charged the Thirty Bo,ers were drowned while re, - Leading stamp companies with, hold- crossing the Orange. When the in - Ing "Red Letter Diayu�" end, ' giving. vudw-a returned they were in tatters, away stamps on those ocossious, In and Fourto had lost his valuable return for signatures to petitions ,horse, and was looking miserable. against the bill. Children in many 0. cases wrote down their parents' sig- natures without the consent of the I TWICE THE NUMBER. latter. I A despatch from London maye:-A Other members also spoke, no one defending the practice. The bill pass- — Double the Number of Immigrants ed committee by a vcry large majori- Have Arrived This Year. ty. A despatch firom Montreal says: - LUMP SUM MR KINGSTON. The numbeir of immigrants who have Hon. Mr. Har-Q�oart moved a grant of passed Wrough the Dombuion Immi- $22,500 per annum for five years to tie School of Mining and Agriculture, girat'lon agency in this city so far this Kingston. Originally the sum of 46,- season, is ov,ex twin thousand, accord- � ing to Mr. Hoolmhan, the immigra- THE MANITOULIN RAILWAY. Lon agent in thda city. This is The Manitoulin and North Shore mom than tw�w the inumber who Railway bill was given its third read- had gono thfrough c6t the same date Ing. Mr. Whitney spoke of the point raised by Meaford and othe "' towns, last yea1r. Mr. floolalb, alsio states which wished to be assur that the bravellers thid year are of a would not be held up Xor bonuses by better owasl than formerly. They the company. The Premier assured ,re not only able to pay t1eix owm him that the Minister of Public cxPe011efl,, but most Of them have a Works had po(wer to designate th e oomfortable caah balance bes;des. route, and would not abrog-ato hie Th,re was not a a�ngle pauper among functioms. the number. SUCCESSION DUTIES BILL. Mr. Hoolaha-li attriblatea the im- The House went into committee, on pro,mament to the fact that the re - sources of Canada are beconaLng bet - the Premier's bill to amend. the Site- tow known, and to bhe efforts of the dession Duties Act. Several mem- Cannd'.un Comynissione,r in England, bers criticized the clauses relating Lord Stratkoona. The major�ty of the to the recogultion of the debts of �mmigirante, who he" gone through deceased as calculated, in itat word- so fair t" year wore English. iag, to make heirs pa,y due -9 on a emptying a bag of ants on tile floor. valuation in excess of the Teal value � of an estate. Amendments were made VICTORIA CROSS. to meet these, and many other verbal — criticisms, .a,nd the bill passed the House. * A Graduate of QueeA's College De - Mr. Whitney's bill to amend the corated for Bravery. Controverted Electi,ous Act, was de- A despatch from Kingston, Ont, clared "Itist on division." Mr. Lucas' bill to amend the Li- ,ays-Word has been rece quor License Act wa.s also thrown Dr. H. E- Douglas, a graduate of - Queon's College, and whose home Is The last item on the order paper, now in Kingston, Jamaica, has re - was Mr. Auld's bill to amend th 0 Ontario Game Protection Act, which coived the Victoria Cross for bravery was declaTed Imt on divi5ion, also. in action. . �THE WIND UP. Dr. Douglas .was attached to the The Premier then rose to move the Gordon Highlanders as surgeon. It adjournment of the House. In doing was at the battle of Magerefontein 'guishod so. he alluded in a complimentary way that he so disti himself. He 11niack to the admirable manner in which the Speaker, Hon. Mr. Evanturel, was with the Watch on its had discharged his duties, alludinges- death march, and whe u the fire pocially to his position as a French- opened, though alightly wounded, crawled, amid the bullets, to thellead Canadian, presiding over an as- semblage of English-speaking Can- of the column. The officers of his adiams. regiment were lying about dead or Mr. Whitney seconded the Pro- wounded. He dressed the wounds of mier's remarks, and spoke feelingly 'It within reach, and made his way, of the harmony that should always back in safety. He thed rallied the exist between the two races. scattered ranks of the Gordons, and The Speaker warmly thanked both led them out of action. He was sides of the House, and indulged in a wounded by a bursting shell, which little felicitous flattery all round, at- carried away part of his check. luding incidentally to the fact that he - would serve but one more session. SNIPED Then the whole House rose and. -seventy-two, two, two, twor' cried sang "God Save the King," and the —. House was declared adjourned. A British Convoy Reached Rusten- -.—....&— burg In Safety. TO DRAW THE BRITISH . A despatch from Pretoria says:- In color the oil found at Rea,19,10"t l- The convoy which left here on March - Boors' Invasion of Cape Colony a 27 with supplies and an enarmous ac - Great Disappointment cumulation of mail reached Rustan- known as heavy or Itibri,ating oil. I burg safety. It was aniped continu- A dc.spateh from"Stoynsburg Bays. I I ally on the way, but because of its -Ali educated burgher, who was Bt_rong escort was not openly attack - wounded and captured by HenriLker's e,d by the Boors. column on Friday, has bcen� brought A Boor to -roe numbering about DN hare. He states that it is an utter was seen hurrying toward the north. fallacy to suppose that the Boors cu- A .reconnaissance was made toward tored Cape Colony in response to an them and a long occupied oamp, just Invitation from the local Dutch. evacuated, was discovered. Their real objmt w -as to draw the The convoy returned to Pretoria of thonsands of dollam, tarday, bringing a large number of YBOo"er British mobile columns from the refugees with them. The reiu- Transvaal, and thus enable Botha to goes were accompanied by their fam- collect the scattered remnants ot his Bice and belongings. ' force, and organize a stronger do- 0 tonce. In thi2 hope the pri.soner ad- RS. mite that they were bitterly ells,ap- — pointed, their invasion of the Colony Soldier or Officer Raising White Flag having failed to diminish in the to be Tried by Court -Martial. alighte-qt degree the vigour of our of- A despatch f1rom London, says:- fensive operationsi in the Transvaal. The dissatisfaction over the frequency He also affirms that the Boers had no of surrenders and similar "regret- roas,on to suppose that they would be table incidents" in now met by the joined by any large number of rebels, issue ot a special army order direct - and that they Wore not surprised at the sma It number cot recruWs they ob- . ing that any officer or soldier who tained. The whole feeling of tile in the preslm�e of the enemy dim- . ors and Transvaa 1 Vree Statcrs on plays a white fla -g or other token of commando towards the colonial Dutch surrender, shall be tried by a gener- he says, is one -of ,profound contempt . al court-martial. Gen. Methuen, who has been In the and disgust.. Do Wet's reputati on 'a bospital with fever, has roturned tt greater among the British than duty. among his own men, * FOR THE HOME I ROOPS. ALLEGED PLOT. 0-0 Excluding American Beef From — ontAmplated Attempts on the LI'( Army Contracts. of Kruger. A despatch from Loneldn mays: -The A despatch from London Rays: - War Office says that the new order '*The police of thix city." mays tho excluding American beef from army Amsterdam correspondent of th4 contracts, applies only to the home Daily Express, "recently got wind 0 troops. These will be fed five days contain I t &tie pts upon the I lb 11 =Var; a week with hopme-grown beef and ' Of Mr. 66M tli6 persons mr on the other two dayg with colonial rested to said to hara-emade a confes ,ic,n.-, frozen mutton. The sources of sup- , p y or ut Africa will remain on- - OUT Ol? "M MOUTH OF BABB. e n . Possibly the dem!1nd for the Ampri- Big Mst6r�!-&, I do bove papa wil can pirbduct there will abrate owing take Tejr tb neart. rm mo fow AW" to the large captures of live stock of musle. � Boers. The War Office does Little BrothIlr-Iffahl Them Will' 117=11111k [Ut tht new order will At- �I don't you nolerjat f*.efiv my dram feitt Aniarkis fffjts�tfs t*A per nent. lis t3ko &oWJb V I ' bord Strathrona ban -nt C -I, S,-rn t ­ � .. 41 . UAWAili0w. . * 9 V tWkWVV)V.W Rvapoo. -* . n . ,* 40,WwOW . Zavap. . * . , I 4k 1 . 30i000,00, a ; . z.flw,oa Units eltxtwl I I Gr-ekt,Britfli- � - * # I A.1,. ;. . . 24,00.0": Bel - . . aitilml, It 4 t 5.790,04 ltelx. AtWtA* And Sptlu . 30,0Q.00 . Gr,144. totol. - . , 0 w4il"'M 8.00pe of the powere have laot'itcA14, od t4ob� claims, and Mr. RockhIll'o ficarep are only in the nyw , ture 4 rougib estimates, It would not be, surpriatax, tbere- fOrO, 611004 the cWWA amount to mom than st;atcd above. The Russian claim is As large As given beQ,ume of , . the invaltion of Ru"lau territory by Chinese troops and the destruction of Russian homes and the murder of Russian subjects. the destruction of railroad property to Manchuria, and 1 the despatch of so many troops Into China, Franec'm claim Is large be- cause under a treaty with China her � protection of native Christians is ea- tabliabed. 'There are thirty thous- and Catholics who suffered death as i a result Of the operations of the Box., ers. � ' ! 'I'll E A UIZON'A KICKER , . A NUMBEII. OF LIVELY ITEMS FROM A HUSTLING WEEKLY. , . Whe Busy Editor In Still DodgiuX Duilets slid Dollaff Business at the Old Stand In Sisite of His Enentlem and In as Deflant an Ever. lCopyright, 10M, by C. D. L&WiL I An eastern paper says that an Art - zona editor who was in Chicago this winter blew out the gas and was at - "I most a goner when his room was bro- ken Into. It wasn't us. NVO always ilght our way with it tallow candle I when In Chicago. Some 450 of our local subscribers are � in a ,,rears from $1 to $3 each. Nest ; week Nve shall start out oil a collevtIng � tour, and our gutis will be well ollod and loaded. Have your money reatly , when we call, — In trying to shoot a Jack rabbit In � the suburbs of the town yesterday i James Daily killed and had to pay for ,I, 1 '400, �,,� � �� )I-S� � Im 11-` I Nil � , 'M �', , , I C , �11 - J 11 � 7/. ., 4 KLILLUD AND HAD TO PAY 11OR A $75 MUM a $75 mule belonging to Captain ('bit, ders. If Mr. Daily had carried out tile threat be once ninde of shooting ns on slgbt� we wonder how many hin ocent citizens would baN,e gone down before his fusillade. — Old Major Harrington came Into The Kicker office the other day to ask why America hadn't gone ahead and licked China out of her boots. We started In to explain matters as best we could, but be got Impatient and fired three bullets at us and left The in ajor was never a hand to understand statesninn- ship. — . There was a rumor around town the other day that Dave Sullivan, the ex - stage driver, bad been devoured by a mountain Lion In the Red Tree hills. As Dave isn't to be found at any of his haunts, the story may be true, but we'll bet the lion passed a bad hour after his meal. Dave Is about the toughest thing we know of in Arizona ' and the wolves and bears have studi. ously avoided him. Last week we were one of the com- mittee of four that sought to raise $15,000 to give the town waterworks. The total sum subscribed In the entire week was $1.60, and, as for otirself, we'll be hanged If we waste any more wind over the matter. If a citixen wants to lie down on his stomach MI collect microbes from Tomahawk creek, let him go abead and Imbibe. Our esteemed contemporary di,nies that he was ever In jnII in IndInna for stetiLling a cow, Of course not. A man who steals a cow and drIves tier Off has got to hustle around ant) have common sense enough to dodge the mudboles and thistle patches along the highway. Who could have started such a baseless rumor? Him honor the mayor (who Is ourself) was obliged to throw Jim Carver (town stalm in the city hall the other day and break his leg. Jim had got too tmb and was playing the part of may- or and sitting with big Not rill over one officlaill desk. We don't like to go I'tick on any of the boys, but we have a (,or tain official dignity to mnlntnln. Three afghts ago as we were return Ing at a Into bear from Nirs. Jm1we Glider's soiree we fell over a t)f)g lying ,on the sidewalk and landed on our head and remained in n dnzed vo, idl tion for ten minutes. If thln wprp n tWeDtleth century commutilty, we �should ask. "Can such things her' A - it to not, we worn all ling ownerp thn, we shall open fire on the next por1cer which lies In ambush for un. If the critter who fired Ft bollet Into the postoffIce window Tu(wdny evening as we lay dreaming on our cot will call again. we will try to make thIngs pleasant for him. Ella bullet infigiied our bead by only tin Inch. whl(,h was pretty fair for a random mhot. We got tangled up In our nigbtRhlt-t or lie wouM be vralktrig with a limp today. ML QUAD .-W- ...- — 1. "Nonsensial Elow Can 8nYb4`dY know the sex of the dove that bronght Mo olive branch to Noah?" "It was a male according to tile story. for otberwime It wool I not have In kept Its bill shut Ions enough to carry ft to its SIL" . . 1. . . � I . . . . I ", ­ I - . I . . I 9 . , - . - - �s - , I &h�..;­fi11-WL­­s%11N A WAR OUT 3; W "WW sc 0, "SAU4 w4ars Was, "M 40 "WAr. - -Sw i)j��-,---- ­- ;W�94."Agna of , A Atwa tai 7w* W" S" a"a WOMAS At ** 1 bw district 42ext wod'U041,41kr� N44 two 04 W*Mlox or 04 Attu* It, is - . , 09WI exabbe au'04W a Roer , laafit:x At SaWU 440 64 84114111Y *# $WAR* Ili SbkW$ tb"*r W4JW to 40- . 0,4,walue, Thc puelay fltd to 4bo hilup tr"00 00' 00 9 tb* 1004 &PO� t9 aboudaribift Wit Uar*cx, bQeldaa a , rMo U 4*w of 6*#tb. U#r wom far and CqU4)m`cAt. 'J1hi#L COmiiiando IS 001111* 44" to W&MIlt tba a" *4 foot mcot bably that which . wKs report - w* pipo, mid, tbo am were onsaximi in ,d to,Cmakliav Uarth-weat of 0010A- putOns 04 slaft In vlilo% A, little OTW bexq towards Saxoriy some days ago,. = Md b#91A 0*00 IOwQM Into the WO - Gert"al I]Uttueli found a fume of V the vivo AtK1dqZI7 b"&4 t 0 COM9 UP HoK I �ra under &Utett. Grobelaar. and �t it* Own. a On* man was wOrk- Hiande-raun, holding a strong position aN 04 t0V Of ths' 40 toot dOffick- &XId 11LQ at Smaldcol, and after some fightleg honted to the otben belowt "What turovel them, to retire cast, leaviDir or* you houtlut It for?" five dead and several w�ouitded on the They replied that they were not holit, tiold. Ton prisoners warn taken, and nX It. and the words were scarcely out If thdr moutIm before there was the all the oac,ray,a wwggon, and carts. atud isoverai thotmad cattle and sheep AUBW 04U44,0f &U 91004100 And the were captured. 'rho British tells wan 49 shot Into the air with terrific force. onle man wounifeA. Lbout 800 t4ot of It was broken OR and -he remaining NO feet forced Into the -.0— dr. Following the report a quantity of water was forced trom the well, and Aft- CROW'S NEST COAL FIELD. ir that came the oil. — The men an the ground scurried out of 22,000,000.000 Tons of Ponibly langer, and the man on top of the derrick Workablq Coal. kurrled down. He was not Injured. but A despatch from Ottawa, itayw-Mr. vas drenched with the torrents of oil and lad to almost swim out of it The oil J, McEvoy, of the Geological Survey. %me from the mouth of the well with has, mado a report to the Dominion aviticlent force to throw It two-thirds of Government on the Crow's Nest coal he way up the 60 toot derrick In a solid fields. itteum Rix inches in diameter. The ac- ,The report made by Mr. McEvoy . justifies the earlier statements as to the exceptionally great value of the field, which he estimates to contain over 22 billiou'tom of possible work - I able coat. is "N Valuing this coal at only $2 a ton Canada at this rate went(( have 144,- ... 1. G00,000.000 Ia coal out there. �r., - CAUSING ANXIETY. — Mr& CrorkJo Is Not Enjoying Good Health at St. Helena. 1k 0 A despatch from London maye:-A . k.ik I Router massago from St. Helena itaya I In � , that Mrs. Croujo'a state of bealthhaa caused some anxiety. She in some- what better now, but her mind became affected for a time owing to anxiety concerning the welfare of her fam- e s and the recent � deaths of soma of them. Gen. Oronje continues well. . -0 k� I -1 . �11 4111.", 11 --la'.. I I Ill Engkwd. 1�!wi'A� 11"il [,;I%,- towt! � \J1-1 N I tok f"t, , %, ['�%thllig, 1114,11140tig lvyoui,v. , I f -�� ) -111C 411144-1. lileth-I.q tit playing evoil , - have tome lilt') the culirtm. ,-.) 1�� . . Albert BOWdIfly (if LVVdS hed d (log , L. that howled tit night. A naturalist next , ,\ , I _6 door (Ild not like It. but had Uo letral " recouNe. . I I .. I Ono day ants of the minute red varl- . ety began to overrun Bowelley's house. 1� I .1., fl, Nothing that could tie done hentled - . . . .,­ them off. They grew worse and worse. �� r- , Ilv find made, up Ids mind to break his - ... lease and move when one night lie �, - .- , heard a noise in lit,; dining rooin. SlIp- I - � - ,.- ... I ping down, lie foond (lie naturalist � ( - � emptying a bag of ants on tile floor. . I . � . . In court (tie naturalist pnld damages, ., . , ­ but he did ft smilingly. . 0 ... I(owley, tbe late Mngllsh vloillilat, . was hord to bent on his perseverance I against one who kind Incurred h1s Ill . - . will. - . - . Rowley had a quarrel with it horse - .1 7 dealer tin tried Brnnt. it was a trivial I — . . matter, but Rowley took the next house I THU BRAUMONT 8VOCTER. to Brant, set up a piano, bought a cor, 176al ph.to tak.. li. ,I-)- -ft,r tl,,, -th, I not and proceeded to make InsomnIfL lol 9� the wind then cauncil It to svray. for Brant. 'a I�flew into the air fully a Imadmo After one or two assault cases In rest. I conrt Brant moved, Rowley bought It took u1no days to get 010 gidU. out it)(, next door neighbor and follow, aream updor control, and doilng that ed with piano and cornet. Brant went Ime an lnittnenw lake of oil fornwtl i% hich to Inw, but found he could do nothIng, ,overed G4; acres of groond t e 11 illeb- Fniling, lie took a detached houSer '11k0a leep. The bank of this Itilie. whidi hild acen hastily t& up, gave "'fly it, 000 Rowley lilred brass bands and organs ;ilace and aboT2NO,000 barr,k ,,f oil e" an d assailed blin. This wns actionattlo. mped. It ran doN" a bran(h for sA-vc,ral and Rowley pnid fl.OW for life revenge. miles and made a vtritablt, t iv"r of oil, It is estimated thdi folly half it millimi ­.­­ - barrels are still In thk� lake. At the fir -t The Geller'* run. udculation it was thoo,ight this might to At a recent auotion sale one of the be worth 50 cents a 4arrel. I,n!,,r 0w palDtIngs had for it suldevt a xnYIY at- )wners thought It was st� mixod N� ith ,Iirt tired golf girl making a long drIve. The that they might not try to sit%v It. If biddIng on thk opened very brisk -$60. they decide not to utill7l it, it will be $(LIS, $70 and finally $72. turned Into ditches and gl�.JLHIII)- borned. The flow of the oil was (vhnmtv�l by -seventy-two, two, two, twor' cried the owners to be fully 30.000i hart -Is ti-, the auctioneer, any, which was over fear tid it it , )r " Fore!" shouted some one In the "n . '1�, t�i the largest ona, k.. I )nited rear. States prior to this time. I Wlth tile exoeption of tbe golfer In In color the oil found at Rea,19,10"t l- ,be front row, who immediately "duck - it dark brown and costs off a strwiw o4or �41'­ tbe Joke passed un not Iced, Df petroleum. In quality It im wlia� Is ,,I,00r.­ ri-pented itio atictioncer. "Do known as heavy or Itibri,ating oil. I I licar fl�v?" Captain Lucas not only opon-I the big- gest spouter In the� world, bot ,ins I J�,, IT.- did [lot hoar ­fl%,v,­ ino) it Ninf Immediate means of a boom in ll,tionimil ,�%��It brok" out "n tt,p 1)1-"%v of the real estate. During the timt 30 days lift- I;iqt Iolddi-r ii� i ­w, for the first t1toe, or the strike 773 selinrate lense" or tranq the pow-ildlity or linving lo buy thnt fers were recorded, and many more NNero pkiort� ot,-urrf4l h) 111111 Meventy-four on file waiting to be entered. The nize f)f 1,,Ihr� ff-r oisiklog a win! tie made a the deals rdnxed from small lvago-o to I,(- Wl- Lilt) �­' 1111-0 Ill") IhOrP That 110 worked for a idwre of the vossible ootimt %% "11 Ill ol'%' I n1lUoLI)t another its with a -to large transfers otivering Immense tenets of Iand and calling for an vitchanice "'I'l, clin lo. 11 ... 11'I't of onpaid lililft. of thonsands of dollam, i h. alh.l,dwo 1�,I,t minti'llng lit his 4.1 - Beaumont has been In a pro,tti,rwit, 1, ,, . 11-, ww11,­­r loid tfils-d his condition for nome tiroe i)ast on act -01111t 1,mm- i .111". tN'­ tt", - of the large lomber and ri,p int,,r­i� . 1'1�, , which eentvr Viere, but gIn(,t- tbf, bla ('11 'I I , - .:,;I! " - 1,1�f The atl,tloo gusher broke toose loinber tiii,l ri,, Ila,, 1. 1. .1-1. I N, - 1, -1 , - r, -",l una,\ :m - had to take n back sont. Foll) �0 """ t1:11 I., ; ,.t �1­ t. 10 T .... .. 1-d I'MiW1, punies have be -en forinetl I , 1,r-P ­,t i n the now field. tind th,r,- sr, nlr1-:,h to .i, 0"' `1`11- 'if than adozen eotolfl�t(,d d -r-04, ,,Of,i� , 1%,T ,I,. 1"".1'' "r 11-- %,I,,, ,1,) flot rildlos of n balf rnil, ", 0" blv I" "Ill' li"If 'I " 'L:' -h 1-f IlW 11111) .- hir- Well. 44'Veril ,f 11-- I�t,, 'hii, 114:* - r,t-1 ,I I ­ � 11, " -1 .� - '..''.11"d [)III,e at'.] hhr.� h. a " 'I'l i;,� . � ,, . i , , , , , - I I I i Irl, -- - CRUSHING BLOW. nti,hl.. 1. Or. -I.-4. — 'The bvd of I he ha hy Fsk Inn,, 1. net at - 90 Boers Killed In a Recent En. wnvo one of eh)4�r Iowa. There are gagement time- or famine now and then when � A 44-gpitfoh from cape r,�wn tiasq the condition of trw Ice makes bunting Midland farmer,t assert (ho nins-fV . � MI.-Rible, and old and young starve t ,, ,Iwiti) caqeq tinve bepn known on ft­rm %vere killeft in the r-ont �n t­tli ghorpi; ,)f Itaffin bay where ba w�ig,�ment at Jann--nvill,�, It i, qni,l bie� tia ve been en ten by starving adults. thiot iti,� im tht. mo�t rrunh,na i,i­x I btit Inranileldo In Or"n),iind in on - the Ifoi-r invad,,rs hav� yo,t r"ei­d known be<­aosp of a b�pit�& that tho 1?4oro ntarting for it,onmend in p�orticipatr inth,- operationan- I),(, I I ApIrit nf a mordereell Infant turns Into ­,Img in tit,- midiandm. Cn—`- ,, I , no -0 .T,Irit ealled AngiaLk that for- onial c,flomn wa,t addr,,&q,,I by Dr --r hnonti; tho entire village mind "martf, c.mminsioner of ro b, to " � iirm(rq endless misery and dlatress. A-,,,k� ,n th� Sprigg Vabin,t I �r - -- — Smitrit thanked the men on tothilf %Nhen a friend lit In trouble, don't of t he Vn pe (,ovt- rnmon t, for t h, - i v : nut, ­cnn I do anyttling?' M some- nificent mervic-4 they had r,,nd"­d th ng anti -re about to r,-nder to 1h,- 1.111 -.---- -- pi ro. I),, brit halt of What Yoo CM and � 0 , yon will be anrprIvied at your own dIU- FOR COL. STEELE. I goince. r-,-),-- Lord Stratheon1h �' Hand , some Appro- 0 I DIPLOMACY. lelation of His Sery Ices. � M.roma, I wish you'd let cook out A denpateh from Ottawa Rays : ' np my luwb Instead of doin' It your- bord Strathrona ban -nt C -I, S,-rn %elf. Stepleaeh(-que forS25,000. ana rnnrk i Wn no trontila, M3 domr. of hoi appreriation of the mannor in I know. ,b,ch which the irallant colonel com- I Well wby— I manded Strathoona's Horse In South -Cause abe's got A better appetite &"% I th" rm asi` fibs Vot4 Mwil I*. 1* 7 I ' � .1 . � I . . - I I � . � L ... I I *0 I .. I L ": ­ ''..'' I . . . I . �,. . .�, a � . . .. I. . .W", i; ,;�-,Ili�. � ,�,: ­. V I .—Aft &M