The Goderich Star, 1901-04-19, Page 4q 4 a Bi iro a to 8 0 d rl IX at of V4 ch ca Ek III tamept another, with tile corp9tation of which ho is a membee. *bAll ip" 10W vaenta his tioat -. vitid every such 106111,060, agrisommit. erifageniont, or WMI0, shall be nall an �Told.0 Witilithant.-Qu.-A, 'Village ttiowli,Ptiasoba A IbY-Iaw 'iM�itiffiftL A _Revalr�inlz_ this litilital of tile municipality. 404 10 defiries the wvrd 'l1ooma?" to ket and which I am prepared to offer at rock bot- I. Ivery .000" :00000400" All the latest and best designs I *�cc. niau. among otherthingto, iagift, our loan of money. either unconditional or trimmed and untrimmed Millinery an quote prices COW111 lonal, or a total at- partial eg, ready-to-wear Hats. and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) nvestigate. Call and inspect before purchasing emotion fror" mulairlplal taxotion, MISS OAMERON They Help -Remember the place-COLBORNE'S Old Stand. "exceet, froul taxation for sebool pur- the strong livid euro tne bick. Every title needs it T-ERMs # J. ". COLBORNE9 Look Around I Tonic poses No doubt the by-law vian Lila - at this little of vear. Thu blond is Whiggish and retIolres porifying. We carry a full line of all I he well known Jupt as we Expected, every po,sou that lookell at our NVALLPAPER hougilt. How happy it makes a toorchfint Ions, and sell thein itt, the Pro"alill"Westrices. gal. "'Lid should too repeated. Whetb- very I ae)d we espcelally recrommende for loss In this climate hie customer feel Nviteu he gives him a good article as a moderate because of their proved efficiency. er the municipal corporaLicti would Be convinced that you tire Your boys and be "estopped" f"tro delpanding And Re Illif tile very t-c"t villue to lie r,illectmg the school tax fritty) the know the ieFt. fett it befislor yoll pulchabe Joar rompany toy reason 04 rho by-I;L%V ftlid stand the strain. 1001 Illount. agrtcluelit made with the company. Is another matter. Where a municipal In A We Invite Comparison cory'row.", ..... b ` as mude an agrewticia I we holieved the ma rket Afrt!mled tLllv belfor it . t .I itboritv. and the otber par ty has acted u Pon the agrucinent, oil gen- ILL ONIN9 Inspect our line values. cbeii we wostid get I hem. Wil huy for Cash. Nve bI, cll)se, eral principleso, tile plullicipalitv to I d I held bound toy. I he ligree. al Oil at and shoes. Wv kvep tot touch wid (?to cit Y Inent. But the statute expressly for- Thinks the wlf�, to have the AV644ing zing trade and inanotactu rvre. We Illits tiounletpul corinraticus exempt slip from the Acter. "So�lattthiug IS going I bave had years of experience 1:19 front payment of at Local taxes, or, I 1 0' her wa-lds, It expressly withfiold,n to happen." Something hat edmisly. That ring L We eoll on it close inarKin and Ftlaratilee satislactltln� live be- Willer that power from thein. It tilts been repeatedly held that persons deallOV I could hardly c if put cd (ram the finger wIleu It was I there a few yearto ago. Now it its I eve there to no wheef made itian the McBURNEY- -psirml with latinicipal cot ows ar,­ alig o9phy own weight. How thin the ngerg have own I And the gr BEATTIE-We sell it &it $40 and tootind to Lake notice od their limited Walerons Engine Company. liuircra,donit yow thin alone. flow thin the fact Is I how thin 6W. powers. an the once plump We sell the YA LIS at 33) and v. Palinerston, 2t S. 0. R.. WA and, V. P. It. v. Chatham, 23 S. U. It, (W forno. Almost unconsciously the wite has been fading and waiting away. The others awk you $40 and 615 Ulm it theop authorities I ILIJI toch,wil tretwth given to children has never been for same inadels. Lo t.)hInk that the school taxes ew lie tronithecompariv. notwith- gained. Draluti, which should have been toged have bLctl riefflected. EMBF80 collected too 1,,,Iw .... I I he agree, llerlL UIAJO by 1,116 nJU:JJCIPAIItV to the contrary. at Is 4 common experience with women, u less some Wend to shared with them the secret at the strealp.h.con.1,ng and beiding power of Dr. Pierce,& t, Preacrigtion. It regulates the todTabut periods, dries t c w dch truder"witte the BICYCLE W. 0. T. U. Notee. The regular meeting of the Union strength, Iteals, Inflammation and ulcerl. tion,:na curve female weakness. It makes was held on Monday. After the its. the b g's advi �mclfcaiijr painiclon and v and vita Ity to AND MUSIC HOUSE. VoLlonal exercise[,. which were led by gives got nursing mothers, "Words Mrs. Duff, Lite president suggested cotanot tell how grateful I am for your kind advice and gow onedicineg.- writes that no wron to seemed Mrs.John Cooke, of Hastings, Nordaunbco, agd Warlo. "I have been to ell ttyeinropiesoolons have be n oil account of Lhe late tobrieco case, it would be as well to m6lish the facts and our intended poor keaurh' 9,, Y.,ats back sad this sprin got so bad I Idnotdorlwork. 1wenktolliedoctoratod call I I I uccratian still falling of the action for the future. ternal a as, but thou III I w powroorite ri on.' took fire rNOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. We might olay I lie option of settling ;hme of the 'Got C. Medical Wsmvtry and this particular caue did not rest with mic vtWAI of Dr. Pie . Pellets, and I can safety KAII display aJ vertising on the the Uniou, althoto'gh they heartily en- "y that I never fltit ttel in my ult.. LJ irs' 8 first; page or The Star must dortle the action ofa inother in olanding- A Ladies' lAzative-Dr. Pierce's Pleas. be Lree from cuts and will be tip for her bay. RPPOALedly the tint Pellets. One single, stuall pellet is a e f ' e ......... lazativ- done. cbar�ged for at 20 cents an laore are inet, with que9i ions like these, Joe ru )13 You know (Ii-st very voollir have call Inch. running measure, each cigarettes or tobacco fit any form an every I buy he and every insertion. Yet, call even bee boys I, worie of Haturda morning. when it wits liquor on the street. Wily do you known tint the bar tit the Albion had not. its it Union, take these c"es to been broken Into, entrance being all. cavort? What good tire you doing if taIne%%;fffAigh it window. The cash, you cannot hell) us Protect our boys? replater and three or tour battles of Important to AdVofftiSeFg We have Always been averso to whiskey were takeoi the register o0y appealing to the lAw, in vat taus ways contalroptl twenty eignt cents It, we have been warning but It ecesna money, fin old gold vvatch. valuable Allobiloges of advertisements for the our, with very little success. Now we far its age and old ageoclations, and a rent issue of Tuic STAR must be fit the hands of Jutond to take every violation of the pocket knife. A trump who had been the printer not later than TuasaA V NOON Of act around was at once suspected, and vo that comes to our notice Into a He wn" osoh weak. Advertisers will vole"o govern court. We do not, wish to be rulteind. tables lint on his tru-k. as hinneelves accordingly. erstood, It is "I) particular individual. arrested at Winghain by Mr VaoNor CONTRACT ADVERTISING but the principal of I lie thing There man, who wits ovev here on Molkday. The figures for Is It law provided, and we are* glad to and describes Isis prisoner its quite Ito tall contract advertising In- hear It Is it good one. which Provides u9IV Customer who endeavored to cludo twelve chat gone year. Evoryadditional Lliatthet3eiti,ticleastialltiotbe sold to shoot hini while arrestinir him. lie choose will be charged for oxtra. the actual nJl,jors;,.%ndGod helpl� us wo are was Pont tip for trial. coat of oompooltion, train 150. to 760. g0l1kg to haVe It enforce !I've late fur Inat week, 7 All accountA are rendered and collected But, we would I ke to . lot it once BusiNnas NoTwq,-Mr. Win. Win - monthly I v Tk' son shipped a car (if Cattle IA, Toronto more with those who hav t, eve art[. cles for sale, and ask you, not only and it double deck of liogs to Heirrision because it is the how, hot because it is (in Mondoy.-Mr, W. Dane received it right, do at ..It to I:oys under eight - ca" of cern last weeet.-Hav Bros. Ebe Goberfcb !Btar. eun. You may ti Ink I t does not "hippedacar of wheat on Thursday matter very much, they will got It last TELSPRON14 CALL 71 then I but In the majority of cases 9 061CRAL NOTE9.-Infortnation was they w "I not, they will not have worn tot) - efore one of our magistrates formed the laste, and there Is another against Mi. McMichael. of Mariltobit, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1901. and worse aide to this quoution, does for over -driving and abusing it livery ftnv 41 no Iningine that whon q boy buys home belonging to Mr. R. R. Smith, of Wroxoter, on Monday. and .% war - cigarettes lie takes thein home a"d rantissued fertile arrest. McMichael AN INTERESTING SUIT. smokes them P No, he does It oil the v.r.p,(,osed leaving oil Tnesday for the 91V. and so takes tho first step In de- ceiving his mother and on the dow -M so M. Riddell hall knoved FTaternal Inallrance vs Old Line ward road, and God help the an ILh.r ruillinerund fancy goods stock to Companies. wornan who helps the bay t e t MCLftog lin building, north of [I. at ep. We have [I Is own wor I for W Uarter's goneval store, where she The Grand Council of Uarooda and I t were better for that anan i he hit wlil co4itilitta it) do business as usual. - Newfoundland, ROVILI Templars of' no t,lbeen born.-Sitc., There is n. good opening here for a Temperance. had an action In the To- shoemaker widi capital enough to put . The following is the act respecting vtock of ready made goods.- ronto assizes last week for LI5JX)0 daill tho use (if Tobacco by uninors; His CuoPer and son Botil,tinin Racal left for Oaklake, Mani-triba, oil Tues- Irainat the Economist unit Can- a a Ining Gazette. The publishers Mnjestv, by and with the advice and day mouning. where lie Intend" to were chruged with libel and defarna- con DIA of the LegistaLive Assembly at Rialto a flow home for himself and tion. the Province of Ontario. enacts as fandlir The head office of tire Templars is rollows:-1. Any person who either to Hamilton, and the organization Is- divectIv or indirectly sells or five,. or 0111i,-Deatb catne suddenly to Mr. a frateinal, assessment, and life In- fill nialies to the minor un( er eigh Alex. Rosa oil Sunday. Dut ing "on- surance company. having 0,(X)Ofpr 7,M0 teen years of age, cigarettes, cigars. at- dav school service, while engaged I. members, and carrying $9,0(10,000 in. I') bacco in tiny form. ohnil oil stun. Putt Ing wood in the stove, lie was seen surilince. Last June Lho Econornist mary conviction I livreof before a jug- to sink backwavil and without a word life wits extinct In a few n3onients. published a long article, saving that I fee of the peace be subject to a penalty He was In it it good health. and bhe company cancelled a certain man'9 of not loss I han $10, at- more than $50, 1 although hgjr.dr�,vfl,vd farming naurance because he was suing it to with or without costs of prosecution. three years ago and was 71 yeniq get the assessments to which lie wits r to Imprisonment, with at, without old, lie was still full of vigor and one entitled by virtue of old age, though Il%rd labor. for any term not exceeding would have thought good for a rest he had tieen tinving fit since IW31. thirty days. at Co both flne with at ninny years yet. Mr. Ross soig his The article said that the notripativ was without costs and imprisonment to the loing business "oil an unsound bugle," said "mount and to the said tornt, In fartu All Grey townstilt) and came to hat, it ­huncoed" people, and t hat it the discretion of tire convicting magis- Gorrie to spend the rest of his tile fit a. trate. well earned rest. The funeral was 8 "A fake association," and these And in cane of a flroe� or a fine livid on Wednesdav afternoon, a ser- fiticisme formed the basis Of the pres. and costs being avvarded. and of the vice being held at the honse and tire nt stwiL same not being upon conviction fort.h- The detenre claimed that the I ittter witilgid, tile justice may commit the corpbe was taken by train for Inter - I Won omplained of did not bear the no,%"- Wait or to the common gaol, there to t at Harriston. ng Fiven, the publication was w thout toe Imprisoned for any term not ex. nal ce nor wag It libellous, ither. ceeding thirty days, unless tne fine He Kept His Leg. vise, the altittementa Are true It sub- and costs fire sooper paid. Twelve-vears ago J. W. Sullivan, of tance and fact, and were fair com- Harttord, Conn., nratclied life leg with Dents. I Condemned Card Playing. I& rnstv wire. Inflammation and blood The evidence went extensively Into poisoning set In, Pat- Iv7o vems be nathematical calculationa, the trend (Published In Tax STAa by mqueaL) suffered intensely. Then the best doc- f the defence being that fraternal tors tirKed Amputation. ,hllt,,, Ile At a tuass meeting In the second wlites, 1*1 uqed one battle of Electric meavoinent companies are The"'eding Presbyterian church in POrtstmOuth, BitLera and 1J boxes of Blicklen's Ar - Pon an unsound litials. Other Ohio, recently. a converted :giunble Ide's disposition, of course. was the R r vilen Salve And tiny 1pg was sound And nd ex -saloon keeper, very stron well as ever," For eruptions. eeze,= ther way, and between the two the denounced private find fairdly ciltl� Letter. salt rheum, sorea and all tot ur Pn had tin Interesting find com- hint problem to solve, which they Playing, saying artiouget other things* disorders Electric Bitten has no rival I y returning a verdict of one dollar I I linve been fit I he saloon business all earth. Try them. Jas. Wilson a with a $rarribling room attached for wilIguarantee Ratiataction or refund with costs. which would reach the last four Years. and clahn to know evern hundred dollars. roonev. Only 50 cents. somethut bout what I ant going to tell Volt. gill do not belibve that the Where Mel:11cal Science Falls gambling don is near so dangerous, The Odd Fellows of Ontario last a cure rheutnatistp. and all the time nor does it do anything like the same at pald out over W,000 in pick Ilene - on suffer dreadfuliv. why don't you amount of harin. as the social cArd M'st there were ndiultEed into the ar. t it battle of Poison's Nervillne and party In the home, I give this an my der durl the tire year Z105 members; rY thAt? Rub ItJotol your stiff joints, reason. In the garribling-rooni the skloopend and withdrawn, LIM mak- re arms. latne back. bent shoulders windows ate closed tight, t.he cut tains 10 It net Increase of 90D. There were wherever the pain Is. Nervitine has ate piffled down. everythin is c( n. more Admitted in 19W than in 18m. ured plenty of people in thin way. ducted secretly for fear of (frotection 1W legs withdrawals and 24 lose deaths it that ought to lie proof enough and none but gamblers. tie a rule' than to the previous year. The morn - hat It will cure Von too. It fit an on- enter there. While In the parlor. All betelilp on the 81st of DectrotAtter was sually strong liniment that care* have Access to the game, children are 24,400. ournattern In unusually qu-ck time. permitted to watch it, youn people at household liniment known. 25 (tee invited to partake In k it is HOW to cure a Corn. ents. made attractive and alluring by It Is One Of the easlest things in the giving rizes serving refreshments world to cure a earn. flu not 'use and adAnq high social enjoyment*. aelds or other caustic Preparations and Legal Querlea. For THY Part I never could see the don'tcuta hole Ill Your hoot. It is difference between Playing fora piece simply to appl Patnam's Pablim Mall and ftplr*ls tagal column. of silver molded in the shape of money Vorro and Wart 111tractur And In three ILL ".. Blvth.-Qu.-Can a trustee, And stilver molded In the shape of it days the earn can be removed without ho, In chairman of a union school cup or a thimble. The principal is the p4in. Sure. safe. painless. Take only mtd, remain a main bar of the baa)rd, "AwnP. and whenever property changes Putnam's Corn Extriwctor. nd At the same time @1011 and transfer hands over the hick of the cards. no operty to the board for a school matter how small is the value of tile to r rutt. I hillieve It Is gambling. Per- BUtM KnoWledue and Everlasting Ams.-Contincts made fly members %hpa you have never than ht of It, a council. with the mounielpal car. out where do all the gaintiFf re come rush ration. also all ayreements for pur- am? Thav tire not taught In the aw or sale, made by a municipal ambling ilens. A *greener,' unless rporation with a peraiin who Is it e In a 1"), never enters A gan Omtb* of the council of thsot corpora. ell. beLause lie known that he will be on. are vold. See. 100 Of Cho Public etmd Out Of evoPYthilig lie pessesses hoots Act says :­Anj� trustee who ' less than 16 minutes. He has ka any pecuniary Interesti profit. loatned somewhere elo Wale he *)ts It has laid others to attend the ,Oailoe.orexpectodbenettLinaefronI toot Inside tot such A place. When he Central Business College, Y contract, Agreetubut or cngi�e- _ has played in the parlor, In the social &TnAlr"11110.0111Z, -I, Igh h ... -9 &1 1 or I- lome,ftn"Inas becordis riroftelent enough to win prixoto among its friend% fba,weirt stop with him is ;a seek out this itittilblift room. for he was learned an() now counta upon 'his !fficienev to hold his own.,, - A Realng, 904ring Mood he imik. dough. ft. now< HOW TO AVOID, CONSUMPTION Y WELLWATER? Von ou K that the IION Mu.b miglit be 9414 on ,q "othing JhPS a it go it I this subject, but ops IM w CelqtuA7.'Brsn.d"s �qf C IN Impa-it s, this time of the Year. Ity 112P at say other, 4elica this d0forent. oppoilranci*4 that of iotbm m 14 to %a bore taut step is to ylish appearance. to, ft, tbqt.m1Akp#.. it TONE UP AND NOU4t$N Wk ii�' is' like the PECIAT, 1?1114,'E the lungo; willu, M Ch orderedworkt, and,being A practkall tAllgir mysolf, I see to It that ovot7 g4r- ?10 OUR OWN M00t is- rnadie� to I It properly, is preg" 0F1 4 R 4L nicely A EMULSION. N. given such an appearance that it Is difficult to, See For go* nianth from MARCH 27tb we will Make goal to.joy Ziv any difference between ours and the iorderedwork. *ft 'Iftiollim,"'O 'knalypis of your drinking water. free joaranteed t It. of al ebargo., Qqitio anfficlent to show whether it is aste Fuld or Your 1eOXoeYU4 A, not charpt for ON is 01. -FRES Tk The usual UN 41"RIL 27th. A TRUE TONIC F091), Now About the Price. Tbese axe ilays when psopla like to Lot thiass gle, obrinj?, iii -I. they can or rather get 11,10 Wt _141ae thiy can for their miney, In' Itte 1111 I'lothinq I ban-lio- th-ie i4 ch-si n rs4 aud value combinaJ, Ali 5� 8 10. 12,13 1. ni 15 D11ars. I ask you to come and Jimpect W. G. GOODE9 6MMIST lijew; a I tit y are uvil wild boot v#kJu I )ou havd evjr il )sit ddif t buy them. - JS-0X):ET`01R_D :BT-001'<�- It will 1�ay yon to insist an having your prescription& dispentied here. We efo ft .,,It* Ws o slow to lmve live 1,.dl iorraugerneal. for I,:;1iu9 P ""'I 'i of drugs in this county. Our Spring Hats A AMA FATAVATATAI An It have no filt"I in town. It you know bow many Hats were sold -last HAturdaY, yd a vould Vink 1hert, roilpit be something in our claim. Who would say that Mare sere any loetlerHalis madethaq CHRISTY13'. In Stiff Hats Illepreveilinesbadra we black, ard terra; in Fcdoia posil, drab, blateemdultradate. 1have NEW STORE also Just receivild the nobbiet-i JUat vol vo hi Ntw Yo. it to -day. IN THE OLDSTAND We C. PRIDHAM, -A Sole Agent For christvs, Hats. Furnisher and 'Clothier. The Finest Line of -.mw& Buggies ,tnd Carriages To be seen in any Town in Ontario is at . . . . . . . . GUNDRY9S--mwft- On Hamilton Street, -0 m .3 Goderich. AN -COME AND EXAMINE THEM. WE HAVE A FULL LINflof, The Canada Carriage Co's Goods. The Wm. Gray & Sons, Co's Goods, The Tudhope Carriage Co., and Thompson & Son, of London. WES HAVE started store in my old stand and own rerkdy to do business with a comPlato now stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Buitable for the coming season's trade. I hiva toothiu,,, to offer but now, fresh goods bought in the ii-st tuar- ISPRING MILLINERY. ket and which I am prepared to offer at rock bot- tom prices for Cash. In soliciting a portion of All the latest and best designs I your trade, I do so with confidence that I call trimmed and untrimmed Millinery an quote prices ready-to-wear Hats. and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) Call and inspect before purchasing MISS OAMERON They Help -Remember the place-COLBORNE'S Old Stand. Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street. the strong livid euro tne bick. Every title needs it T-ERMs # J. ". COLBORNE9 Cash or Produce. 0 Goderich. Telephone 86. Tonic WALL PAPE at this little of vear. Thu blond is Whiggish and retIolres porifying. We carry a full line of all I he well known Jupt as we Expected, every po,sou that lookell at our NVALLPAPER hougilt. How happy it makes a toorchfint Ions, and sell thein itt, the Pro"alill"Westrices. feel when he has a cinoij on Rely line. How happy, he maken very I ae)d we espcelally recrommende for loss In this climate hie customer feel Nviteu he gives him a good article as a moderate because of their proved efficiency. price. Don't buy with your eyes bhUt. Look at the other fel- Your boys and low's paperal Listen attentively to what he tells you? Make a note of his prices I Then come and ate our SkUPLICS-alld We F. JORDAN know the ieFt. MEDICAL HAIJ� A-.- KIDUS BOOK STORE The Finest Line of -.mw& Buggies ,tnd Carriages To be seen in any Town in Ontario is at . . . . . . . . GUNDRY9S--mwft- On Hamilton Street, -0 m .3 Goderich. AN -COME AND EXAMINE THEM. WE HAVE A FULL LINflof, The Canada Carriage Co's Goods. The Wm. Gray & Sons, Co's Goods, The Tudhope Carriage Co., and Thompson & Son, of London. WES HAVE started store in my old stand and own rerkdy to do business with a comPlato now stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Buitable for the coming season's trade. I hiva toothiu,,, to offer but now, fresh goods bought in the ii-st tuar- ket and which I am prepared to offer at rock bot- tom prices for Cash. In soliciting a portion of ft your trade, I do so with confidence that I call satisfy you, both in iltiality and price. It is not meaeasary to just now, but I wiall 10 quote prices call your special attention to my stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices ftom 26G- to $3.00 a Yard - Silks in great variety. boLL in colors and black. -Remember the place-COLBORNE'S Old Stand. T-ERMs # J. ". COLBORNE9 Cash or Produce. 0 Goderich. Telephone 86. MOMMATAW WMAN MEMO vini)oq't Scold Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain. Maybe they were not good ones. Inspect our line of school boots and shoes. Made to stand the wear and tear --good, stout !eather, flexible soles, strongly stitched, good appearance. Mpiderate in price. Lasting quality. . . AGPVT FOR THE "EMPRESS and SLATER SHOES." WX SHARMAN, JR. ABOUT SOMETHING NEW If4 OANADA TH011.11011 OLD IN BRITAIN "DellClousiort Snellints ft EA WITH HOARZ .T HALF RUN PACKAGES 20c. Kent India Hop Picker T" Picker ULTHILau M Bib- " I have found It Invaluabie load tily ILI. S11~3 P&t*nt Blond HoDpM Te& One Week Opening As we are Introducing Into Cans4a, -'Srwalllo�jklslf patent Braliallit"t 11H Id T Blend Of English which %. be fu�X b ists' we molt rospeolf"lly-polfolt from you '% &Mail trial order. have & env of the finest I' ad. BURIC, an you *I Shiled through your own fqXY-11oluerFue"rellit from 10 To IS MINUTH, THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF BICYCLES ever offered for Faithfully yours, sale in the Town 6f Goderich, will be on ekhibit at OUt Old YMOLMULo Aoxorrs THE HOP TUA co,, Limit" Stand consistino, of A. WADDtLL & on - aria It will M, 1. Owett ebtsfazmark. 0 ItAOTCHEAP. bly MI P.11 ming old how nX txcel� 0% FRONT ST. R.. TORONTO. 01, - LOND01f, ENO 1. 0 a not, rut In your lietmuor. of r* GODERICH, CRESC PRICE 40c PElt POUND a Re 0TV MbEintA j other bustifition. tot, ENTS.,_Aoms., r" ro�lw* Ift atteil &ties It. via ir I h"'ESTUR Calea, %,his Colloo'a" DY & Co., Grocers, The Square v J,.,.%oa Meow vit ly it, if tboro repave IV* 441AItnitionlAnit 1111ow q11;IkftT# 10111110C.T.FtIBUNVI"17 and H'V[,1,_-*7L0PS �111 11 114111.111 nothlartodowp1h ww" hwhadlole, WA ourWrioltihs. a -with it t6t REMOVED-_--silissilsil bf WE H"E JOHN VULE, I Second Hand Wheelsoamw0im-. to, 'bur &W Stors bn 111101 Rqbwure, witna [nitite thrit Vubltc to 001nS *lid itlePeet 6Ur glodk-tho balance of which wil Kingstod St., Goderich. toakeg, )Jjo� in a ft# a4s. We will just aq *e have the most (#Allionablial be We Are hot 14 fty 00Mbowne, theretore you tAq,&J*qd,of,gb(t[ng ROCK'110Trom Ptticrls., Wd mein boAalwoottod $look ot and tO Mkb thig thit b6i year We h0t Oft 1*d Ift Welfit0l, Od atk, YoUr 0-6ptritloo, We hAV6 111"418 Vo-tolvAte gloyele tAyery Arid C0009- YOU WANTI,itridyou havt the tIloo T weeds, 'Serresl Worsteds yo, lupottt Watka. Litht Overcoati"llrd H P­ -WAII f6i. Kill OUR CAS R1 a wo U146 ftimi C-01hiiii1fekhallid WW�tdd -COW& that ey�r ftW"d 4' 41 d4 us,* *r4 *109 W*t,y104WA4t-1: bit. 11404 as 14 Ilk* JAilt"Vin, 01#1kya be fouirfa Lb's 10*6bt fit h r*0*t* Afid", 1�10&r tw. 11611*"14160� of pf"tion Y b6t,*ttn* I I "I Rot 1.`!, EN.The M 151WIC S 0 J. 0, M�4� n. :�w �, h , " IN HALF POUND PACKAGES 20c. ut EA