The Goderich Star, 1901-04-12, Page 4P APRIL U. iXii 8troLfoid. otleting hi* services ill th'a fal ad Olin Cap:Lcity. EMU110 u_.,* ,o- the Organ Co. and �t.q .. ad By a Co.. for a re - Its tilt 010 storu- adiustment (it w%ter rates. wery sent There isn't a man who would be seen iONVAttf and Light coululit,ter. VGB Ben running through the greet munching a Aiiepoi t, front Gov. Inspector Robb - Vie, of pie. Why not? Because it on to condition of boiler No; 2 at I L qq ge would mean dy:p!& mwh Pumping station, wits @cut to the Not Witter and Light coululitte- w-'Ou'Idn't look well. As a matter of fad An application from Thomas Tilt many a business maii snatches a lunch for renewal of billiard license wla,� in such a hurry that he alight as well gianLed. take it on the run. nut is one reason All 'nquity reglarding municipal L for the prevailing "stomach trouble" assistance towarils the establishment among man of business. of a stove and agricultus al 1111PIOMPut There to a certain remedy for diseases foundry here, was seat to SPOCI&I still at the front. We know of the stomach and other orgazie of C(Hullttlitttle. there is no better Bic 0 digeottion and autritiop. It is Doctor A statement from Bank of Montreal than the tried and = Pisr=ls Golden Usdical DiscoverY. The reported (allowing artiounkajvdilar dis- )UBVILNEY-BEATTIR. worst cases of dysprp& and catarrh of count by the town oil MAITTI Bkh I the Acowgit bars.bjen cured by this IM000 OD It cures whair all other Ordinary .................. alodiclus. Elevator Arcount, .......... , 50.019) W UML" have, failed to cam Local Improvements .... 85 tai A petition. asking for the grading See our igoi Model. of tile sidewalks on St. and lejefing L a =Ittor a Cre.- %M at ii6 xon? AM rot, and one askinipt the 0 any . I ell I i Repairing and Livery. anyt 6 a am " two of the water rnams &too a wtithe d th it I hatdlY Bruce atmet between Victoria ani in o t Is y Canibrot roa�, were sent to respective 10 omat a. It iiiLlees. w1hol* of th coull fore W e AMOUNTS a TUC" " 1070�11111' told were referred to Finance comalittee 448 bout your ao,dl- follows I Win. tsut1oll Co.. dvilauto ='.= 1`tu`wJ.'. oil, M25; Can. Electric Uo. IRUIPS, Emer8on,8 11 thoulC I a It; Councillor Martin. expenses to la uaw '."j'.*d ffdl4'� miltion In cunnectil . n Witt, v-ftwl BICYCLE &, I d6u't IL --w power joest-lon. $776; Co. of Hurtolt what I would have use of omigaitor, $3. United Electric done it It had out In AND MUSIC HOUSE- b�n for Dr. Pierce's Co., $18; Tim STAK. Print g nnd Guide. Medical Otil. advertising. $U70i Sivotil, iwinting ctriery.. ,ad advartiving, SW.2b; Leo & Sh011- Doctor Pierce's hard, $Wft Pleasant Pellets IMPORTH OF COMMITTHISS. cure biliousness. The Public Works committce re - T h a y stimulate the sluggish ported as follows Ps C TICE TO ADVERTISERS. liver, and cleanse tile eye- 1. Recommendital that no action he at Inving a grano- A! VERT'88 RS' n the must Y All dIsPlaY 26dvertlaing on the tem of impurities. They taken ate he St r C' 7 should &I be used with lithic aid =non Boron Road to first, I)ag6 of The Star must "Golden wq,�Ic&l Discov- railway cro-joing. t be free from Cuts and will be ert,-;:w I Reporting that Mr. Sterlinq had 4hen there to used of charged for at 20 cents an Va. been given permission to cut down S M r 'Ch LlInch, running measure,eaCh shade trees on Wolf Street, and that a I 'ertion the Cook the grainollf hie walks adopted at last and every Insertion. MOrs Cojgijpeg�p on meeting at Council had been adver- C"Nes, tised. & Recoulmendin,% that 900, shade Toronto Telegram trees be purchase by tender and lftlpfftant to Jldvert'SeFS The calumny that the Ij&tA UP, Mot, planted. I on his owl) bill. J, Recommending (1) that a new eron Luado the deman( ither iron or wood hJngleo An changes of ouivertimments tor the our- half, or intended to keep the later a rt of It, is at out all court Irly, the town hidi, at A it , of 9 "s " I Ii t re t loans of Ti ic ST 11 must be in the hands of t In a pool SE.-E'd. ll) Lhat the councivehanther th" printer not 'later" than TVKSIDAV NOON Of rimple fact trutt he web no he removed W first floor in room occu- e1i, week. Advertisers will Plastic govern tion to corry out the proposed hat rain on ills own =cunt. He could only jibe art armory, to lie sented and heraselves "oordingly. act as the ugeni, of the appointing rll:! shed, tile clerk's office to be in CONTRACT ADVERTISING ovielromer-L 1,he room used I)v the firemen. who power, the Dominion a are to be given the roont at present The figures for all contract advertising In- 0alt Reporter, lived by the cleik; and (3) that it Witter clude twelve changoila Your, Evoryaddltional "Too thin." Is 1dr. W. T. R. Prell. Ith urinal -1, closet and Wash for extra. like aotual ton,S story that Mr. H. H. Cook was I)t in lop ft change will be charged ty , rot floor. the whole, .1 of colupogition, from ISO. too 75o. paws� over in tile Senatorial tiam- astilitatal 4) post P,*� All acoolluto are randerod and oolloctad Paig hec,4use the Govev u "sent wanted 5. Ito Prosidtillot mou(bly debatilIg talent In the Upper House. a . on At the tiola Mr. Cook was an appil- gainst, alu-bag u, 1?3.. t 1? 0 1 hounurp friends "hairman and I ptioun- bog va"' 'or eXdnulned (Ike nialler and finfi I lip Lbe (Do6ertcl) Ztar. wele poohing the e1w,11jus of the Hon. present groond the olowl; Suitable for jal ies Young, of Gait, Out- fellow doniping and theconinjill. herefore c clizen wits flUed to stdd to the dphat- recoloole od that a fencee'llilret; feet. TSTAP11ONK CALL 71 Ing stretolth of tile Government partv tAgii he bulit acroag Wright street. aod In 0jo tippet- Chamber. No other alled that all garbago be thiown over the ell"Ittlawt surpassed or even equ bank. FRIDAY, A11111, 12. 1001. him 4111 A PoliAcmi dobater. With it very 6. Auproving of 1) titionQ road at !arge knowIcagp of tile CIt"'800118 Ot last meeting fill- Rrf3uiolfthi,� wnlks, the drLy. But Mr: 4(onniz did not Re( nrid itteotowendlog thnt voillowittee CojjjjIjt,ij,iNo on th" remarks of the tile uPPOID11"e"t- TUo oXce brokers have power to proceed with work. Stratford Beacon, (,noted In Tnit STAR, Pco"nbly kno"' t hat he would a1viialt oil *10'(W foy a tpit The, report wits accepted And 1110 1 8 ry olit last week. acent, file inovelnei L for 4n WIAlite(I wits cu , not delinting 1.1) 11 ttee given powe" to cut increase In C-11itY Jtld901)' s"Ifirie", LitiOnt, end they Selected their me 1,0 gg,��Ij tile 1141 it t long, the Seaforth Expositor says i will) It view U) Chid ond, Cash 1 6 ring DUSINUSS. " We funev the facig will hear its out in (110 en,ou ef the ;ww Lih,�rolq. I)r. Ta.vior Nvae re-afy,�# Colle- in saying flint, the judges of neithet, Ottawa Journal. U044 lawthstlilitite The invouLigation Plav lie summed n I cite tigh or low courts are suffering c0ill cudd Wa, 1, N. vithei (voto inadequate salaries or tip as proving tho aUrr"Pt at it Bale of "kVill"? , , frx)lu over wotk. The eciltor of tile it Senatorship by Atflan who had Inli". plaeft 4 V jol3no., �L,�!Wled t1t. Helicon is ongaged in work just its im- erive enough In the Litioral p%itv to 06ct, pwtant and vastly alore laborious deliver the goods; proving Mi. Cook's 00 W011401) Julf bilu'tifi 444 Af4ftel LhV than are the judgem ever& accuracy in cluagring what he did . cow 1104W WAV MA4 &XW Putitift'll- of tile Sit- vo M no Its preme Coutts, and we ventitup tile notFroving direct complicity Of the Councillor Knot t, I Statement, that. it at the etul (it wh Uall net, or tiny Minister, lint proving provisions, whiti camolinPQ rA;rro 4 vear, ne can ploce to lilt, credit clear 14Vat rottan ganies go on clotte tinder once. forhid cattle. linvinaQ, sibleep, pigs an unet* provingonce 01' Other animals within tba niall"Ing amotint equal to half that earneil the Aosee of the CaV es by t.he most poorly reniuner&ted WOA-e- What the country Las found lots of tb tatute. from running at, largo, 0 )t during the past live under it �enalty not exceeding $5 with countv Judge In Ontario, lie will con- -Of ther costs foll each breach ot the by-law, sider himself mighty fortunate," yearis,' �jposphere of the Lil� eral party. w qiw ed to lie the Fuld makine, It the duty (if the Street a and tither peNco officers in SPHAKINO of the Clergue Syndicate's party of p6iltV a XCKIZ is no more Inspectoa scheme for a car ferry service trom to be considered wholeAwne Xor PA UY the town to Initiate avid carry on all ad reform than tb*L at imy Utter In osecutlens and other wise see to the ,Uiauitoolin to the Peninsula, the Ottit- a . etkfo - ppent, of tho by law. Irl,v title country has asen in po��ver W .1 . it sl Citizen says editorially Th. weight of lKenteral testialfty at Tire I?A* gyka committee were wi�'Thesullruee e peninsola, rallw egent, is that tile politloal practice of empoWerert I Tuyp Aj � street water , I x %Qi4e 10 to ento reiv do a not conimand itsm, filie Liberal party Is W011700 Mora,11Y Ing cal't MA40 U to pemons who are familiar% With the the ma�ter Q )IV 0 then that of the Conservative party actin qar N navigation of Lake Hulon and the used to be. Awrlatiltur4l VtL4. Georgian Day. "Tbe Gap." aa the The aba,* %144 198113ctO t k%dyet: passage between the hend of the Birtme tiso for tendars 1pr the 1: �11 I", . peninsula and Manitoulin Island Is T4e Tom Council. five months in( Ilia =11 o' 910 inamed is one of the roughest and Squate, duties from Stay I to 714 guost. alangerous In the upper takes. The matter of the hathicir tic -one at Even In the middle of ouiquier the Meeting Hold 09 ThUrSdIlty. ADrll the livitch was referred to Special eons. -ordinary west wind kicks tip a lively alittee. and Council adjourned. -cross sea in tile tutssage tind during the sprm5 and, fall gtles the crossing �Olf the up 1AQ 1proved inore tuan -aday 4wm- GOP�DRICK PUBLIC many & good obip, could stand, as the The Council met on Thm SCEIOOI� ghouitly list of disasters In past years Ing of last week, owluR to PridaY as proved. How a car ferry hoat being it holiday. Councillor@ Humber ,would navigate across there. in the d (,,antelon were absent. Revort of Me H40WP TMt trough of the sea all the way, is inot an OF710ERS, REPORTS. lastions Held in Me C04011 -emy to imagine. The brultioth of the scilool, 'ang is nearly 50 m[les and when The Treasurel's statement for March -elt. e an easterly or Westerly gole is wio reAW as follow" - Wowing the Sean crowd up into It Balanae fivni Fob ............ S 695.47 Names are armnged In the ini der of train Lake Huron or the Georgian, Receipts— totals. and only the names of th-q Day. as the case may be, In a manner Taxes ...... ......... 0 M01 whomideGOpereent, oroveron the peculladv trvingeyen to the beat sea Water rataiw�%_ * *1 whole examination appear. The Electric rates ........ asterisks Indicate failure 10 one or Bills Payable ........ Iffit mia; a a u bj ec ts. Market rest ......... 10.00 Mattland cemetery.. ".00 400kor (Entrance class),mav 2.0aill LLAP Bixaptit, John Walker. _ Grace Htyna% 9,d�rsun. at IF a� %737.78 equilill D After IDjabursements-- Isabel Ptutlidti y Nelarles 2ABb Maude Tilt, lltobott CM191M U u Harry Babb and Willie Pronatiz Pnodag andladvtg.. SLOB an Insuroam ............ 851.1110 e 0 ,qual M. P. Lane, "Oentile We Typhoid * N Is Proud. Fire fe foot� *. equal; Lildsin McDonaIdj:. Ivy pt ............ 14 -OD Gertrude Morrow. *. r4aggle P L lmp� tatareat, 2111.05 Nowtoril Irene 8aults. a le (ever, or other almost mortal Public works ... _., 3 Z . Sutherland, Frances Wnrg n '13'a n'k % 0, nail Owen MeGillicudd Ana sickoess. a man or Woman 11 *. 0. e2tualt RI& Jordan. &y# Peck, Water ivorks, cap... N# sometimes wift &n 2. pound a Water work". malint. M40 4#* equal. day from taking an ounCe a Electric light waintL 101.02 TheW name.1 (f the =1=9 14U49took Public schools ....... 4W-85 pupils In t -- day of Scow's EmuLsiow and Special grants ....... 41.00 the highest StAndw a �F" ii the cmin be healthy. Board of Health ..... &KOO gul)jecta. with pergentages; YKe ounce gives strength to SeW*M school .... . 10(1,00 Eng Grammair. May Hlntt� 041,ps V miscellanix4a ........ 14.OD cenL., Buff. Literature, Way Japt gil�t the pound; there is no Public library.... -1 100.00 r cent-, Eng. Composition. CIII miracle in it. U. C. and 0. exp ......... LP visal 83 per cent 1 Drawing, Robt, Orodgle, " rcent.; Witting, Arthur Body and -mind are weak; lexaltn. a�lper cent., Sp�pllinl, May �iigestion is weak; and hunger Baloince ................ S 4M ISO txjkt4� perVI nLt Arithmet c, May Oertificates (ran) the clerk that the 1111116111111k F91nt.t Goo raphy. Jotiv is mvenous. qFV1 � 4istory, al petitions toad at last meeting for lay. Walker. ?a. SCOTT's EMULSION Of Cod Init at granolithic walks were surd. Diallett, 85 Per Cinitli 01IFF 1-11cV, A$ elently, islilivei), were mad and tiled. Blsaa% W Liver Oil is the food to be in and a nloUosi Hilgin"r Kelly, Batt ts. Mrs,% '1111, owan U and go on With. It firmisfes that wntkr lies were cudNix John Walker, John Galk H. hl y needea. was sent t6 W=#Ad Light Smi . each 81 per cent, strength to digest a little eas committee. P'. IV.—Sain Bean. Blanche Know, other food; and a little grows comm"i"TioNs Awn, PRTm(ma. - 4 Arden Aitken*.*-. Maggif is A circular from the mayor of To- &;n,,%fjter Saunders, equal to enough. But the gain E133 * w a , # 4 olvell equsl rontol, mking co-operation in illecuring If'rry nearly all fat. legis , lation against the Bell Telephone equak I 4 Rena The bones had not lost Co., was sent to spiltial committee tran 0 1, it Mo )w 141; much; the muscles had lost, A "quest fredli publisherg of an fand wanntioullia WMI ell" .1 iir4l 4 111118 " book. advertising Toronto Stothen * Is liagusils 4 quo and had not got back.their to P'amn-Amertesin visit =1 to 'In, lifirtle W4811. Ill. Um.7 41,hy #1 strength; they have lost 6ere elude a reference to and LdemW Joshua Thom" Evan At it. it. ;qQ&Ij tiou of Godench as One Of it 0111111l't" Of ava (Umeron,, t bulk; the fat was all gone. "Side tOQW asked an older for 1104 Sp. III, Miss Itusk. Lillacher.—D. The , fat has come back - the 01"ie" at 95 mils emb- ""t to Uoq" a 0 spftlra Committee vil power to UL , , Martin. F. McDonald. a 00'.4. J., 4=n. V. Howell. 01 tausele slowly, recovers its bulk, 0orornouicstions freirt Priouldfoot A; Win, Noble, 0 and refen*d comuldtte" i _0' Donald' %* on the, foll%ing watters Were 14 , moraslowly its strenr It V.� .0 0 liit:�he 11, N, 1. Nbtke dt jajory to fift. Datberini I j�� bulk of tauscle wai at --and �b,ft tot 0. Of On& on SW* stimt on Mafth 15th. and Q� *. IL Me Oil. the bOnes are about the &=e Retiorwid, wbo fell on the sidewalk Armatro"K., as Wore. br6k6 i5ast bf ber larmiti owing to 'snow Sr, 111. MISS B&II. t*Mhk. It is SCOTT's Euvutoiq Of and " on, ibe wettiraik. lakilittit-, A Busselik A. Nall no " ru!41.� ,(:iod Livtv Oil thit stau Aoki" to a I the %- "Attftdollli of 06100011 (), Fart. W. ZtlloM 0. Im*11, 0 01 ith of IM )good Imad# IAA fall. Nalm. *. V Pollock, D. U&NAff, 9 Iligogain—giveit time. ItZNtol-be, ou"Af ittein slower. xL%xiation. 1�. klseett� 1,*- 0. Uutr., _j, hulho'114 , a lip owro 00 Its iv it iial i W11011011F." 2� THE GODERICUSTAR Do You Knowt--,,,'-- r that the 6,New Century Brand" of Clothing has a *4g, differ I entjapp�parance to that of other makes, there is such a stylish appearance to it that makes it look so much like the ordered work, and being a practical taller myself, I see to it that every gar ment Is made to fit properly, is pressed nicely and given such an appearance that it Is difficult to see any difference between ours and the ordered work. Now About the Price. 0 Tbes* as days when peolils like to got things he 01169P as tl,,Iey can or mther got ihg best value tbiy can tar their m3nef. Lo ths c tits Oi clothing I hnudle there is abeapm-sa apd value combined, the P iOel ,no 5.8. 10. 12, 18 and 15 Dollars. I ask you to come slid in4pect thetf. I ti they are act the belit valu.t you bay%) ev- e)eu do j' I, buy them. Our_ Spring.. Hats havt4 no equal in town, If you knew how many Hats were Bold last ki,i(t.rdsy, y4 u a ould V ink there tatiat be soml.-Olilig in Our claltu. Wl,o would any 0#4 tbare viere any bever Hats made than CEIRISTYS'. to Stiff Hato the previiiiinn shadi s are I luck slid terra; in F.dols�j pead, drab, itlate and Ultra alate. I h&V,1 also just tteeivtd the nobbita Ilat, %orn in New �ojk 90,day. We Q. PRIDHAM9 Sole Agent For Christys' Hats. Furnisher and Clothier. Wiggins. R. Hawkins. W. Reld. *. C. Swarta. G. Platt, J. MeVicar, *, 0. Yule, Jr. I I I Grade 1. M iso Stewart. teach -SPRING MILLINERY ei.—Martha. McOlyinout, MaW lie Donald, John 841sburv. viola Pell oington. Ratta Clark, Pearl Knox'I signs in 11 All the latest and best de R,oddle Leonard, Urlace Clark, Johi. MacAulay. Robt. Carey. Gertle Griot)- trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and ell, Mamle Thompson, Alogal Drink - waiter, Lizzie Cinrk. Bella llowrie, ready-to-wear Hats. David Aitkens. Willie Marwick, Cleve- land Richards, Fred hurie, Donald McDonald. Neil MarA ulity. A lice Frao- Call and inspect before purchasing. or, Willie Bar ley. Jr. III Grade 1, Miss Franks. teach- er.—Ota Bates, Donald Nicht-ison. Kro"t Bell. Adele Rollinson, Elliel MISS OAMERONI Ivanstone. Bruce Reid. Olive Holith. John urra ()hit McN�vills. Willie Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street. Crajg� I tit Ison. 4V I He johnswo. HIML .1� Welj�ijj �eljjja �, "agliot, urlusk Murray. Eddie McLean, Il'!y McB�ide Flossie Colboino, Mity Wilson. eari WALL PAPER—­says&��- Clark. Jr. III Grade If., Miss Frimilt". teach- Last week'a advertisement brought a numlicir in to See our Samples of America" er.— Frank Dotv. 0 ilbert Card, Jot-Pil Wall Papers, and every person pronounced them the prettiest degi9ce Over Shown in how, Ang-no MeDt,mild, Arthur Goderich. uncl,n;uip. �t N ina Remember. we don't have to carry those expensive Papers in Stock, and esn aff.id ,,Qle sutheilaud, ' I , Einhosstd, iq r?114111 A�jijy �-iwson� 'Editil t v to sell them at prices to enable you put the Wist Paperan your kitchen. 19 (e, Uiissle Unio '"'y' (jilw, Eted. itod Plues, at 12o a coil Mt Papers at Ba a roll. itsiall. inplae and krices before baying. You are Retnerrib"r, iL will pay yov to see our Sal not at tits ineruy ot one mail Jjjj� year for'yodi Good PUpera. Kneeshaw. Rva Ink�iitjll �jni (Itornell, See ogr Samples VArnished Tiles Washable PlilLers, for bath and kitclwn. 11:�IF1.111Mca oire, Niooi:ln lileDimstid, 4onlorand o3illa-'st-) Matti]. W.will c,,nsider it a M c Mt -Donald, Emeison Evans. c,�mp irn. it it )olj lqoh It% ogr p4perls, 1)4y pr uqt. We are only out for wtiveHaing 01-itde 11. Aliss Stewlitt, 1118 )()ikr, M;ksstm, Nellie Gilt haill, Phoebe Beavolo, Own Given 4�znpl,s t.1k, p to 3aur house if,)@�ired- Pap F hu"9 10� & r011 - Finest Hot -ken, Floomice MeDootlsl� 11,11tude DonliX,,,scReggip M,,the-on: bo.1171% Cortly. it ell, I'lugh Da% Amess.— K I DUS BOOK sl'.roRE. idson. John McIvor, Sushi Beftt.tie. Barry Craig. At thor McGillicuddy. A Ritging, Roaring Flood C]ODERICH SEEDEnPowum- bed down & tolegrilph line U. Ellia, (if Lothoo, In.. linatorepair.' 10OLanding Waist deep in icy water..' lie 4rltvit, "gave me it tot inUe told 'KnO' mokTh'.- t Irw We have the largest and best seiected stock wjorNe1,4oijF �iloqv slit lied do Ora 14,6'2, Cily all(] of Se c�nstil siption and 14 _ eds in Town. 41114itlls.lo, T �, Pool not livo. _ en I �)egan mlng 'jo age$ lew Oltwovery, aj)4 wits our Q -yeF§ 4P4 cir.4sses have pl�en bought [W) r�, , iffy, 11 hT 6 1 hinlilles., Pool I tively 111mintr 4 )J� �mlg)ls. C'441t, froW tl)g be§t iMpoifers ip the Dpmipion, and andoll"Ibroat, sitid (:lrig tilunNes liv Jlt-. Wilson. Price Mo. are pronounad- 1:iy our nvfflgf0i.4� �u§tOffllel's first-class stock. We are leaders in Mangel Seed. We have in stock one half ton of fine selected Mangel �)eed of all varieties. As the Corn Season comes on you will find i \.- t.. - 44T Nij. - §qme of the best kinds for 1U. .4 � U. §, I 'y" C:P1tjv40o1i- We have given our cu5tomers- the very bpst satisfaction on this line, and will earnestly en deavor to do so in the future. They Help All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds kept the stro"K 4,104 P14F# pop *�- javory Ono Peeps 1QQ and sold at reasonable prices. 4 ­* -) .,- . Tonle We §;ell the hest �rqijd§ gf Flgqr, Her�agum at tble Lima of year. The bjwA [a and Meals of all killd5. sluggish and requires purifyint We carry a full line of all the well now" preparations, and well them at thill Your patronage Is respectfully solicited on very lowes:Xr;ace re man r% and we esp*eiallV' co, end 0 Be in this climate the merits of the goods we sell. ,�Rm?�e o.f their proved efficiency. ?M, BURROWS & SOKII F. JORDAN Goderich. FT* �11-ca One Week Opening T HE LARGEST DISPLAY OF BICYCLOS evor offerad for sale in the Town of Goderich, will be on exhibit at our Old Stand, consisting of GODERICH9 CR,10130110ENTSAftt, ,"a-TRIBUNE.5, and HIVSLOPS, with a lot of— ant Han4 Whe@1s-_--ssw6- 0! varjoa� malce's. We are not in any combine,'therefore you can depend I gettlog ROCK BOTTPIA Pktl ICE$. We mean to rnake this the best year we have ever had In buginess, and a6k your ca-oporOeW, We' bgve THE _GOODS YOU WANT, and you have the money. Aq A r_ MR vniffj PRIC8S WILL SURPRI1156 YQU. #Vj ;;v Vs, or drop us a, card stating what you want. our Rarlir Department is C601016k , AM Ulidet thal 00pitrylsion,o! # IRA# ch" Ike$* r Matt. wpm . 1 It) AVOID, DO YOU USE mlyriox WELL WATER 9 I so it is likely to be irnp­u Lit this It "'.4 tl t'. sald on more co than at aL3 Ol,jj�r, 11 ­cu Li,18 -003 iMPOr- 1,11E UP AND NOURISH SPECIAL FREF, With 0 F, F 11"i it NV IN m I'LSION. For Ono mouth from TUARCU 27th v` �qtlitl to any n a proatmato analy6is of Your utlulllul` -:,r. lice 1 1117 charge. Quite 6nificient to SLJOW Whr(b,r IL d at. ur (,,uney back. r not. wh� usual charge for this is ti. _FI(EE A I ON IC FOOD - UNTIL "HIJ, 27tb. Will, 6. 600DE, 6flLMIST �B-OTDB'CDIRID :BT -0C1_<-., it will pay you to insist on linving % o ir preecf iptit 11� We do It well. we claim to llave tiot buj6 arrau,,,tal -1— fl); of drugs in this county, A E FAM rAVAVjV2j72W7A"1 W11 �VN FAVAVA" lia NEW STORE 54 �4_ IN THE OLD STAND HAVE startEd stora it, iny old stai d an I pill re-,tly to do bu.inoii 'AiLh a oOLL)pIeW 11 11 atodt of Stap!e slid Funcy Dry (ioo Is -0-l' v f` tile u,)jjjiDg 8eadon'ti oade. 1 11— LjLAkm,, L) off -r hnt now, fredh goods bought in t;,,. b st war, ket, aud which I aul propAred to off-il' dt nwl, I ot tom prices for Cai5h. In Bolici�iug ft 10- t t)" k)f your trade, I do so with confidence that I CIL" sat,Bfy you, both in quality aud price. 1� nut ne3e8eaiy toquole piiee8just now, bot v%1611 lit call your special atteriLion to my f3tock Of 1""' and ColoreJ Dress Goods (Blacks ju pa?ticular) ranging in prices froin 2,515, tO $3.00 a yard. Silks in great vari(ty, holl, in colors ni)(1 black. lieweinberthe place—COLBORNE'S Old SLaud. T E R M So J. H. COLBORNE, Cash or Produce. 0 Goderich. 'relephone 86. Wkwem-In V2 LVAIVNV111 L1%nADiVAkVA Mvt WVA ,#way they ad All these odds and ends. Our policy is to clear them out at any old price before they get stale. Better to sell these odds and ends when people want them and get part of a price than keep them till people don't want them— —anq �et* them go qq4 ail th6 ijime aftef to waste on our shelvellf. That's not our way. We keep our stock clean by carving the prices when we want to see goods move quick. Prices like these show what we mean by "carvinle':— Men'� �qng Felt Boots $i.,9q. MOn's 4 huckl@ Felt 40415'�['--34, WM. SHARMAN, JP,. ABOUT SOMETHING NEW IN CANADA THOUIGH OLD IN BRITAIN "Delicious" Snellings HALF POUND PACKAGES 20c. :-1 -1 IN HALF POUND PACKAGES 20of X, - India oo air T"?b4py bzTTIR N ov. stla, "I havatouinid it In 4 Snelling's Patent 604 As we are , nt,1 anclul; I Q&N 01M.1 Veng of &XIIng fits Zlal rAo. t IrCROPC it IcItIont you'-% a fill t si- erdd W,,M,r,1n,,O,gh Vol �rb d ti, t A W, 0 11 u Fit (14" It fl*orq 10 TO IS 2241 Wff� OUR& tbel) toll 11 14aye a ban rtloe ql)-t Pja yet) cy�r tlaq. m 124ttlifrilly joUrp, WROUSittlill AGRN" THIS HOP TIIA CO., jjMlt*d & WADDIll & CO� KA8TCHKAP. 6DI.FRONT ST. C., TORONTO- LONDGt#. ENO j PRICE 40c PER POUND Gold in Gods"Ichn"Iy1w STUPDY & CO., Grocers, The Square lar9pr gire 01 W611 StlY OthO XeV4I)&j)Ar In -1b — the County ot Alaron T. M"vrd Ulirllh"W VS1110 CtWAtl0n, and that*",__��` [0) W. bom,son & Son "awn thfay "& W the mas"s ht tht6ugh TWO SUR. 1 01