The Goderich Star, 1901-04-05, Page 74
14.a..0:010,14411 STAR
APRIL R 190121
W. ACHESON & scar,.
Exhibition and Saleof
New carpets and Rugs
WE offer our drew stock of Carpets, Rugs and Mattiuge at
fully 20 per cent. below fixed market values,
Because we consummated the most favorable purchase known
in the husinesa. we meau to create a record of sales in this
department. We Intend to Make this department the first
thought of every housekeeper or home furulsher.
Floor coverings of all kinds.
Get them Good:- Exceptional values will enable you
todo it fur very little money
BRUSSELS OARPETS—a large line, suitable for all rooms, regularly worth
Uoom el 10 to $t 20 per yard, at, $00 and $1.00
TAPESTRY CARPS to --alt styles of pattern,, sad fatly 100 patterns to
choose from, special values at per vard 40e, 80c and 600
WOOL CARPETS—yard wide, reversible and pore clean stock. at per yard
boo, 65C and 860
UNION CARPETS—yard wide, reversible. splendid new designs and Olean
htrkk, et per yard 300. 40c and 60C
UNION and HEMP CARPETS—SO to 30 inches wide, an immense range
ot clew goods, at per yard 127X, 160 and 20C
CHINA MATTINGS—gaud wide end every yard in the store new, at
per yard 12710, 16C, 200 and 300
Che Gobe'rtch Star.
The State is Supreme.
The Roman Catholic Church has
no Jurisdiction in Marriages
Performed by a Protestant
Montreal, March 30.—Justice Archi-
bald this morning gave justice in the
famous Delpit marriage case. dismrss-
ing the action of the plaintiff. and de-
claring that 1 he ecclesiastical court of
Rome has no jurisdiction in marriages
between two Homan Catholics when
per formed by a duly authorized ruin -
Delpit was married to Miss Cote in
]1393, by the Rev. W. 8. Barnes. a Uni-
tarian minister of this city, and shout
ra year ago sought Lu have the in.r
ruen aechued mull and gond by the
cc'esiasticel authorities at Quebec,
Ilerausethe ceremony avis performed
I,v 0 Protestant. urinisler, whom 1 he
110111011 Catholic I81hur•i)ieo dal 11.11'
11 cognize 08 It proper rut hot it y to per•
io1111 such marl iage, w hen the con -
I roil fug parties were both Ittinio I
Catholics. Tho Quebec ;Cut horbtres de•
dared the mart iage nail and void, and
referred I he matter to Rome, where
their decision With upheld.
i o
Delpit sought to have the Ro-
man decision upheld by the civil
courts and took,aetion in the Superior
Court. The defendant pleaded that
she was a Pru1 est atl1, at the time of the
marl Inge, 1 even if she had
and thitt,
heel' It 110111011 Cu.holic, the law of
Quebec recogeized any duly qualified
minister as n prupe1 person to perform
marriage ceremonies, itrid specified
nothing ,to In what religion contract•
Mg parties professed, and, therefore,
the gnat rouge was binding and that the
ecclesiastical authorities had no right
to declare the saute null and void.
Judge Archibald, in giving judg•
ment. remarked that the plaintiff's
claim was Drat the marriage bond is
purely spirituel and religious. and all
that rern+ins for the 'dell authorities
ie to coueider and admit the enact-
ments of the church authorities on the
matter. Judge Archibald said he
could not see how such a view could
be maintained. In England the con
sent of the individuals pledged to one
another was recognized as constituting
an actual marriage, without the inter
vention of a clergyman, which inter
vention merely added the siandtily of a
sacrament to the marriage contract.
No ecclesiastic al courts were eves
established here, and the Church of
England is not the established church
of Cahade. Under the common law of
England, certified by George 111..
there could be no doubt, the judge
said, that any, marriage eolemnnized
by any minister in holy orders,
of whatever denomination he mat
he, such marriage is recognized
88 valid. This applies to Can-
ada, and that kat o a censlitsited
a great victory to religions liberty,
not merely as between Catholic and
Protestant, but snore especially be
tween Anglican and other Protestant.
denonunattons. There can he no
doubt, the court hinted, that ministers
given the right to keep registers of
civil statue are thereby given the
right to use such register's. Delpit's
action was therefore dismissed and the
marriage was derided to he valid.
An appeal will he taken against the
judgment, and the case, It re expected,
will he carried to the Privy Council in
Heeds. We had now suffered eight
days cruel tteatndeut ht Shansi, ane
the sole cause was a vicious governor,
h nl n efen•
who had set the ua tie loose n d
eelees foreigners. We had now travel-
led 140 miles, mostly on foot, with yety
little food and no proper test, and un-
covered heads, but from this point on•
ward we suffered no more at the hands
of the people. From Huai -Ching -Fu
on for fifty miler we had good treat.
went, and travelled in carts which,
though very uncomfortable (not hav-
ing bedding or straw to pad them),
protected us from the sun, and the
began to heal. Money was supplied
us at U -Chi. Haien freely, and we be
gan to hope for a rapid journey to
Hankow. Disappointment met us, for
at Chenchik•Hsien the magistrate
would not pass us on. He said the
official document we had got at Tseh-
Chnw•Fu was not a proper one. So
we had to return to -IT-Chi-Haien.
There we found Miss Huston, who had
been brought on by the Tseh•Cheo-Fu
magistrate, itnd who was vet v badly
wounded in the head, the brain being
exposed. The U•Chi-Hsien uvtgistrate
told 110 he could do 110 more than to
escort ter to the south bank of the
Yellow River, and leave us there to
make aur awn way In Chen -Chow,
where we could ask assistance at the
)(stolen. We went, again in earls to
the nottli Murk of the Yellow 'Liver,
and there our escorts left us 111(1 re-
turned with the carts, !cawing 110 help•
It se,
A Vicious Governor of a Chinese
Province-=A,Missfonary's Tale
of a Terrible Journey.
4. R. Saunders, the rats ieiary, in
codcluding hid story df 'the terrible
ouruely of the ( issionar ee through
1M the outbreak of l trip wan in
the Far East, Bays r—
At Tseh t)heo Fri we got a road pass,
and, as we supposed, entitling us to an
escort irons city to etty all the way to
Hankow, but we afterwards learned it
was a paper stating we were to be eon.
ducted as common criminals. At noon
on Saturday, July 14th, we left on
mules r with common
n wooden
pack sad-
diea andthe torture the ladies en
riding those animals for tw
days to Hami.Ching Fu, in Honan, i
indescribable. There were many o
the Netter classes who had much sym
pathy with us, but dared not show i
too much, fearing the anti -foreign of -
THh Ill VER TO ('11.os8,
Willi no pl%lllrt. i\ It emained (0
the hank of the river two disys rand
one night, ,with but very little hope of
getting across unless we gut an official
sass, nut at last, on Sunday afternoon,
July 2rud, the man 111 charge of the
ferry told us to get into a courier boat,
and we crossed, being put on shore
about one hundred yards below the
proper landing stage. We walked
thirteen miles to Chen Chow, and
lead our to ,
went, direct to the I'amel {
cause. The magistrate himself came
out to meet ns, and he proved to be
very anti•foreigu. He stumped his
feet rtq he spoke to me, and said :"For-
t unmet v
tunately for you an edict has conte to•
do y ordering that all foreigner's he
sent. under escort to Hankow, and i
can send you on. Had vol corse here
yesterday 1 would have had you all
killed." He had the necessary docu
nient written, and we were sent on by
cart. but as common criminals, lodged
every night ip common jails with only
a division of
and the chained criminals of China.
This treatment continued tor six days
till we reached Chioh Shan Hsien,
where we were taken to a temple. and
the Mandarin's wife sent sweetmeats
I'nr the children. At Sin Yang Chao,
the border city of Hanan, which we
reached on Monday, Jnle 30th, we
were treated well and clothes were
given us. There we stopped three
days, because soldiers were passing
through en route for Pekin, and it
wag feared that if we met them on
the road trouble might arise. We
found that to let the people know we
were Protestants was out greatest
protection, and other missionaries sag
the same. Nnw we had come to the
IIupeh Province, ruled over by Jhang
Chih•Tung, and we were treated welt
by all the officials, and instead of tra
gelling as before, in carts, we had
Sedan chairs. We found, too, that
'cis � to Foe% Good.
S'I1untlemx l,tltai1.�;tuds .h'ts t()4pd (3
blcsSing to the bell V in Pr. Ii1Jg'a> Kew
Life Pitts. which positively tura con-
sbpati4n, sick- headache. d-zzinessr
jlluudice. wisteria, fever tend *pie an
all liver and atemarb troubles. Pointy
veixetable ; never gripe QV weaken.
Duly 23c at Jlae, Wilson's drug -store.
Bliss Walker has sold her farm on
the Mill road. Tuckernutith, the west
half of lot 30, cogtialntng 110 acres, 10
Messrs. W. rued P. Mcaeuzie, for the
sum of $$1,4550. It is a posture lot and
there are tai buildings on it.
Six Otis. --'The most coucluetve testi-
mony, repeatedly laid before the
public in the coluutus of the daily
press, proves that L)r. Thuinits' 1 cleo-
tl.Ic Oil absolutely pure combine,
lion of six ot the lirtest remedial cite
iu existence--reuledies rheumatic pain,
eradicates affections of the thrust and
lungs, and cures piles. wounds, soma
lameness, tumors. burns, and iujur'iee
of horses and cattle.
Probably few farms in the County
of Huron have a I retied such as that
of the Handford homestead. in the
township of Usborne, now occupied by
Mr, limes Handford. It was taken up
by the har�pg Richard Handford In the
year 16'31,1aatd from that time to the
present not a single person has died
thereon or a funeral cortege left the
premises. Few terms in any county
have such a record.
A Carefully Prepared Pill.—Much
time and attention were expended in
the experimenting with the ingtedi-
nts that enter into the contpnsition of
Parruelee's Vegetable Pills before they
were hrought to the state in which
they were first offered to the public.
Whatever other pills may be, Panne
lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of
much experimental study, and all
persons suffering from dyspepsia, or
disordered liver and kidneys may con-
fidently accept theta 09 being what
they are represented to he.
Hensel) Observer : Mr. D. McTavish,
of the 2nd concession, Stanley, has
sold his 100 acre farm to Mr. Robert
Pearson for $9,300. taking in exchange
Mr, Pearson's 120 acr'"s rut $0,000 and
the balance in cash. Mr. McTavish
then sells 50 acres of the Pearson place
to Mr, Alex Innes fur $2,1350, gives the
balance to his son, Douglas. Jr„ and
troves to a tam he hag Nought near
Kincardine. Douglas, Jr„ has now
rented his 70 acres to Mr. Alex Elliott,
of Goderich township, and will, we
believe, study for some profession.
ft is quite coalition to see very
hearty eaters very thin; this indicates
faulty nutrition. The systems of such
people crave nourishment and don't
get it; although 0ver•working their
digestive organs, they lie 'starving
slowly because what they eat is not
assimilated, Miller's Compound Iron
Pills inereisee the powers of digestion
(31111 assimilation, so that 1 he full bene-
fit i4
will he 'lei flour what .Paten.
ter, I I 1 ived
is noticeahle so increased weight.
and strength, and the izenetnl feeling
of comfort, (hal follow 1 nen• Ilse. •tae.
fur 50 doses. Fut ole by all druggists.
An unusually stylish and pletty
•wedding took place Lost week in God e -
rich township, on 1Vedr,esday, the
'27th, in •Middleton's clot: oh, which
was prettily decorated fur the (0 :t-
enon. Miss Cara, daughter of 31r, and
Airs. John Aliddletnn, became the
bride of Mr, (Utiles Taylor', of (near
Blyth) falurris. The ceremony was
q o , 1 11
' )r 1 ell 'P f til It
I11 Ih(
forty guests and others, by Roe,
Smith, and seats mere set apart for
the. invited. The prelty young bride
W1113 (hiu'ni1ngly attired 111 white silk
organdie with c•hilfon trimmings; she
ware ra veil and carried a bouquet. of
white roses. Miss A. l', Taylor. a
wete in favor with the officials, and
the rest of the journey to Hankow
was dune in comparative comfort, r.t-
riving at our misstep house on Tues•
day morning, Aug. 14th, in all 40 days
since we left Ping kao. In addition
to Miss Rice, whose death I have
already told, four others of our party
died on the way. Two of our own
children died from fatigue and want
and were buried in Honan. Mrs.
Cooper and Miss Huston died in
Hupeh after terrible sufferings, and
their oodles were sent on to Hankow
by the officials. Mr. Cooper's hairy
died soon after arrival in Hankow
from the effects of the journey.
Job Could'nt Have Stood It
If he'd had itching piles. They're
terribly annoying ; but Bucklen's Ar-
nica Salve will cure the worst case of
piles pn earth. 1t has cured than•
It evicts For injuries, pains or bodily
eruptione We the hest salve in the
world. Price 25c a hog. 0010 guar-
anteed. Sold by Jas, Wilson,
The contract has been let for the
erection of the parsotragge In onnneotion
with Bt, Joseph's oh'tnrph, Clinton,
price $1,625. This does nottticlude the
which are
• I cost of brick, stone, etc., el
n being laid upon the ground by the
parishioner'', so:that when completed
�, the parsonage will have entailed an
expenditure of two thousand dollars or
in the near neighborhood. The con-
tractor is Mr. S. S. Cooper. of Clinton.
A good Inohlnr,
borsOrnd poor brol,•�,:_
Ing hnr,Oee 1e too
won:, laud of n cow: ' _
Eureka ,
Harness 01F11
not only mnkee t ho harness and rho
home loot hotter, hot makes the
leathereo3and(.1)531 pu1eItIncon-
dition to loot 181•0 a, long
e it ordin,rt17 no01d.
Sold orrr„her. 1.
.t.... ted* ty
sister of the groom, as bridesmaid,
Was gat bed in a corresponding costume
of pale Hoe with hlaa('k picture hilt :and
also caroled a bouquet.. The groom Was
supported by Mr, Charles B. 51iddle•
ton. Among the g tests were Mr. and
Ales. Deihl, of Ailsa Craig: Aliso M.
Shepherd, AL', and Mrs Lee, of Gnde-
riell; Mr, and Itt14 Mtuk, and Mr, ('.
Marks, of Hayfield: Mr. olid Mrs. Arch
Taylor, AL's. (Rev,) J. H. Taylor and
Misses Elia and Bessie Taylor. of
Blyth, and C'lititon relatives of the
en, rind we propene to wiener liar. .. Moor Trost ip • $Tho Great Wall q•i•••••s•••.••
genet he public the • Raphael Tuck & Sons,
1Vo'ro bore to. 11I ART'S=EAS'1 ER
weal, \L, CARDS.
don ((Ire whether _A1.80-
kitclonon rort iyour parrfor • • 11111 RtCoy'a
ler, we hero patterns • "FOR Til E EM VIRE"
oat win pinnae ven, • Series.and thn price will be •
Just what you want • PRICES --Range from
to ray for that inartt• :3c to 35c.
Our Papers area Geo. Porter,
all carried in stook, Court Hones Square,
we have already 1•R• • Ooderlch.
(r !••t••ese•s•••••s
p�operr enp OAR PAD. and still morefollow, 11 wfll bo a elm case of ogr city comm
edicel•, Mimbtllg tip seated a litbne Wall this Mehr.
Prices commence, es*?tatierte I40 and Se per roll.
Pretty Co10r n' 'hd' into at Co. To, 60 and 100 per roll.
Yon can bny a 600 raper this year tdr 85o.
TBLIMPIIONS NO. KO it Porter's Book and Wall Paver Store.
OO'lIITmoues minium aoDanicgt
t) a t
He Kept His Leg.
Twelve vears ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Harltord, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wile, 1nflanilia l ion and blood
poisoning set in. For tarn vPars he
suffered intensely. Then the hest dor•
tore urged amputation, "hut," he
writes', "I need one bottle of EleFfrtc
Hitters and 1l boxes of 1luckiest's Ar-
nica Salve and my leg was sound and
well as ever." For eruptions, eczema,
totter, salt rheum, sores and all blood
disorders Electric Bitters has un rival
on earth. Try them. Jas. Wilson
will guarantee .a(iefartlou or refund
money. tlnlyh0 cents.
Seafnrth Expositort The auction
tale of horses, held in Mealorlh, on
Saturday last, by Messrs Archibald A
(•udmnre, horse dealers, of thiq town,
brought out an Immense crowd of peo-
ple from, for and near; Indeed It is
some months Fence there was such 0
large crowd of people in town. Title
ie the first gate of the kind held by
these gentlemen, and the marked suc-
eess attending their venture shnnld
encourage them "to Jo it again,"
'Ute horses $041 wore wo.tly all og4g,.
wavy. woo farr{t Dilraiw, anti 'tittle
pretty Weil dIvided between Mitt's and
geldinygsl, They were an exeel)tfonally
Noe tat, and every animal waft guaran•
teed tw.inrel. Tho biddfillg wall brisk.
tan leery satiefrtatorr price, were reat-
izc . The fillies sold utast readili', and
brought from $100 to $1110. white the
geldinue. its it rule, were sold for
smaller figures. The haultcer woe
wielded by Mr. Thomas Brown. and
the clever manner in which ire man-
aged the sale, was a subject of general
remark.. Thu following is a flet of the
attics made and the names of the tau --
chasers: Teams were told to Alex.
M.cLauchlin, of Gres; F. R. Hamilton,
Hibbert. and Alpert Wallace. ttullett.
Individual ranimall were sold to Rub
orb Scutt, Morris; Wm. Robinson, Lo.
borne; Win. Hazelwood, Hullelt;
Win. Hagan, Stanley; George French,
Leann; Wm, Waite, Hullett. 8.
Thompson, Hay; J. T. Allison, Us -
borne; George Black, Tuckeintnith;
Thomas UhapeJ, Tuckerernrtht Charles
Peacock, Tuckeisnulh; C. Monteith,
Usborne; Wm. Elliott, Centralia; 8.
Sinclair, Tuckersruiih; It. ltieDole,
Hullett ; Thomas Lawson, Hullett.
There were 22 aniutals sold.
The United States Government (1
said to contemplate a radical change
in the design of its postage stamps.
Under the bead ou the stamp, it is
proposed to print the name of the
gentleman who owned it Itho head,
not the stamp), and perhaps the date
of his birth and death. The idea ot
teaching .history and biuvuaphy by
postage stamps ie tut to promising one.
For good lucre, be(wtdul design and
admiratlle workmanship, theta bras
nenet been is postage sta 111) to beat
the old ted penny stamp healing the
brad of the young Queen Victoria,
which was in use iu England it quarter
of a century ago. The simplicity of
the design was one of its chief charms.
Massey -Harris 111arerooms
Hamilton St., Goderich.
Ala. kinds of Farm Machinery, and Bicycles
with the most modern improvements, and
a reputation to back them up for solidity,
lightness, and reasonable pikes. Higbee
award of Paris Exhibition 1300.1000. A full
line of repairs for Massey•Harrls-Patterson.
Wisner Inlplenlen(o always Irl stock,
0 rant ford and Palmerston ('aro n ges, good .ro-
liable, up-lo.dato. If you wont u carriage or
Implements of any kind, It will pay 10 call and
800 lea.
Bert Parsons,
A re v te,-,..0100.
. , About Imperial Measure. . ,
Thorn aro 160 ounces in ens Ilzpariul gallon.
There aro 188 mantes in ono gni. wino measure.
Stop and Figure Your Loss
When von buy MIXED PAINTS that are put up by \Niue Measure, you
aro losing 35 per cent. in measure, and possibly you aro more for
I your paint theft you would pay fur a better paint put up in Full Imperial
Are put op in many pretty and artistic shades. They aro the Best Paiute in
Caner's. They go the farthest, last the longest, and aro pat up in
HOUSE CLEANERS should use Furniture Oil in polishing all
venni bed furniture, We sell it at `dao a bottle,
Our Spring Goo4
HAVE arrived, and we were never in a
better position to give patrons more choice
goods at lower prices. This is saying a
great deal.
R Special Invitation
IS extended to old and new customers
to call and see the attractive, solid, good
goods we offer in Ordered Clothing. Your
every want in this line can be supplied
• at this store.
GeneralHardware. Paints, (his and 3 nrni+hr•a, Honest goats at honest plicas. PRIDHAM, THE TAILOR
to our New Store on the Square, and invite the
Public to come atd inspect our Sock—the balance of which will be
here in a few days. We will just say we have the most ferhtouable and
best absented Stock of
Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds
and Light Overcoatings
Both Canadian and Imported Goods, that ever entered Goderich,
Our Prices as in the pa,t will always be found the lowest possible.
41„,e—We Still do Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing.
R. member the 1 lece—Next to Jahn Butler's ilook Store, on the S,lunrs.
M CSW E E N, The Tailor.
and when finished will Mean a Isrgo quantity of ends of all kinds, which will
be disposed of at pikes that will ensure quick sale.
61I.T ANI) STEEL Bl'TTONS just received—all sizes.
New Yarns in Black Colors.
Men's Hosiery -extra value.
Ladies' Extra Large Undervests-generally a
scarce article.
Aa MUNRO. Draper.
11111.0;1401. :7i' 000 • .ir ...d • ,o:718' f"..'r -.4.:11.11'S ,. 4
S'201.1,,..1VsZ-r zr,r.-.,,;,r,ra,
'.14'51 •SLS•L:S•Z:.i2..3•AISi4„Z'tahS•i+ridrtA
CURE— ..4.
geTre, Ce ianbd all form; go7Lomosoris lc enrrot
without a biemldh boxcar, It dots not blister.
Noma 1' ,team, Oat. P. r4 '1L
th. r, , tool Styledre 1
p'7 µ woe, e.- Ia tial,,
lain/' , e, ,till, 01)3 tam
a8, `7r erre, r"yi'' d
�0 a ted 5,,,. mr. ed, V a,{
'y ,380leerieearntmt
hits et, sal, 1. sea 11nrmaet fn t.rn,y mid
aedepht re, anis 'roar
Trdtr°rou " i the or lleaeteta•,^
tag heat free, a rflrssI
SdlurIldll Aril 6
MOflhidij1 April 8
Satrday and flonday, April 6=8.
Satiurtln, flvrH 6
Mondll1 8
GLASSWARE. Enamel and Tin Ware.
If you care to exchange 250 for 5.0 'worth of
goods, you have now a chance to do so.
loo doz. clear Glass 'fumblers, full size, worth
3r, Enr 3
10 (107. '•i gal. Jugs, goat glass, worth 25c fur... 11)
15 doz. large Fruit Dishes, worth 25,, 1,1 .... .. 1,5
50 din., Nappies, to match, worth 6oc to,, for
n (dol 2„
t doz 6 -piece Tea Sets, worth .1oc, for 25
Scrub )brushes, worth fur, for.
"5c, 5c, f st..... ......
Stove Brushes, worth 2.,,•, 1, r...
40 -ft Clothes Lines, 33oltl) 1,w. for... .........
ors -ft. Clothes fines, worth 15', for
Whisks, worth 15c, for
Brookins, worth znl•, for
Our gi,i.0 (itc syndicate has just recently purchased
$2o,000 \\Orth of Tin and Enamel Ware, all bought at
3Etcif ®MU °XXX SS
Blow we sive a few quotations of the malty lines that
will he slaughtered Saturday :and Monday, April (1 and 8;
3 Jo/. \n;. 11 sial t) Graeae l r.) kettle-•, worth e1,25, rut In
then hriee 1)1 ,ut111n1)l) 1,11-1'rsae ;, 65
20 Ju/, (21'allitt' (.,ultra' 1 1,, Nu1111 493, Inr (1)
to " " „ 5i, far 25
nth 5u:, t.,r 25
" 701 to $1.00, for 35
40 ()Hung Pudding 1)I he;, ,teeth 251, far
Philters, 3•in,ll, as atth 15r:, tor 3e 3
(.rc,un .lea;, 33,etl; 2;:, 11)1' 1 )
W.11t•r i'il,her,, \lnitll6t:)i, tar ,. ';
111 (1) „ „r $ I.(x), (or 35
Butter Pete,, '.'. :11) , t
\bilk I'2l15, ,s (ugh .il 3 , tar 15
(;11,1 01'I r fail,, 35,0111 ;51.25, 1,�r ()5
Wlntr (i:.lnito (.1)4" ;11.1 ')( 1.r r,, 33„131) 2(), for IC)
” 11t1;t,, 13ort!1 12i ,111.1 15,:, for 5
(;; ti) to ,111111 .IJI.I Illte 13 eters, lite largest ,IL(' mad(', \forth
$1.50, a ut t„ r'5
lit :ulite I'1c' Pietas, lo•inali, \seath 1))e and (5r, for 5
1.13Sti"r rs,',3,nth 1,,,,for 5
1111 ie;l I'ut,, 3-.I;lart, 33,l'th 25a, tar ............. 1u
Tin Tea rots, 4-,Iu.i:1, \\,,;Ch 3SL, 1„1 15
I'I.lin 1 P.ell;, \'(:111 I().', ter
1 -II', lain. 3' i1,1 (..I'i'l,.1, :,, '.3,):t!' 15,, 10rr
11)•,111111 1.1211' .ti111k I',1 ',, as lrth 21>, , 1.4 r, )
511;1'x''1 1) 11)V I'.111,, '3.,. 12, all rlh 21)t , tar.. ... p.. , 1.1
1-.l Lilt 11111'u I1.131',)!'., rl•;.,11.1r NI. e,ir, tut t112 (Ile...,
I,) 10,1i I'u Platt ,oil') 5., for. 3
-rint I'lere.l (airs, \vette 5t, for 2
7 2I
Saturdau and Mondau Only.
Fortune knocks twice at es cry nnan's,lour, don't
expect it to knock again.
Mrs. l'ntts Irons, polished, worth $1.23, for.... `5
Mrs. Potts Irons, pickle plated, worth $I.4,',far 1, )
Mrs. Putts Handles
Best oil linen Window Shades, worth from ,loc
to 5oe, for .. ...... t5
(;tun Drops, worth 150, for 7
Vaseline, worth 100, for 3
Vaseline, worth 150, for 5
3.1h. bar pure Castile loop, Out lo. 2.S
3-1b. bar Premier Laundry }l(tap , . , .. . , 1„
I -lb. tin Baking Powder, worth ass, for to
Corn Starch, worth 70 package, 4 for 25e . 25
Curtain Poles, all colors, per set only 25
Egg Cups, worth 25c per dor„ for . .... 1F
971)11•00 Dinner Sets, in Blue and Brown, nicely
decorated, first quality, worth f7.5o, for„ ..$5 95
(. pie.,•Toilet Scts, meet, printed in blue, ctrl 1n$1.75
piers '1•oilr1 tints, largest sin•, in blue, pink
nail l.rown, 31.11111 f2 50, for $2,15
(111)' Toilet Ietq, i,, ,tiffany lecorntc,l, will)
gold '1111', gold 1111ed, worth in
3l'in'e Votes and1 1:saltier', worth y"c dor , fur ., 65
1 , 10i r, 111.11 \\'}111t. I'Lites, 58(3)3(1 75) ,lo,., cut
In ', 11112 . ..
I., ,1,,, .) oh h llhole Plitt,, worth f 0.s, dei.,
rut to 'r 410/ .......
„,ln> 9 inch Plates itt 1,111e, w(rrth ft.(5, for 'y
1VIn11 I:•,'31s, W01)1) tor, fol
\Vt.)), li. els, won))) syr, fur
13 lute S. 01) l'l:ates, 58,111, ft.1s, per do/ for 'y
1,n•r sloputetit of China have just arrived,
eh'. h shouhl It1\e Leen in for the Christmas trade.
The s.unr air are nasal (.ITe,ing at Sped/11 prices.
Saturdai and Mondau Onlu.
1,,,n 1 .k 11, :a ,,aril nr vuu alae lose it f,
11.1 c((pper, Nitl,• Plated Tea Kettles,
,,,,lth $. 2 tor.
>„ ,) „11.1 Coro r, N1, kle ('3,lle.) Ten Kettles,
v „tlh dl 2•, for ..
What we 1/11 YOU is no ni
reality. \V have just recent)
of a $10 000 lItit,1,1sc of \'11111
cafe, This rn,lhl.s us to t;Ll
given to the'cst j 'b`,,'r in (
Ill hic kit 1`v `t tin); our ;,,,or kis
`,H•1`1111s tlri 111`•3
shown 1111111
Oil all I'ap:r I )r tw J ally, only
id-suntni r dream, but a sprint.
v passed into 3tl ; k our share
I'a1'et bought bW our 3)'n ir-
IL I''•t pos.II`1 ' 11 ,ntlnts
;.ul.l,i,l. You NN ill h(' ntol.
dn,l I'l lies halal In,lk int
Pore lee. e,•,1 f111 }',tilts, t•,tc• t .111
s"igl.l(•,, a ”, 111 .t ti, , I•.'r .111111 ... 3 3,
S1ritsil ins, 58 ))l) 1 5, , far t,).
1-tirrottire VernIs1), a, rtll 71 rcr tan
Large assortment
Brushes --all sizes.
111 (Monday
41, April 6-8
1 71
of Paint
4, 11pward`• 10 pt'; C(llt.
.+'S✓:°v... :r '.41 '. trete, ;•.-. .8 r
Spring Underwear.
r'r1r1•t 1 ,, .•,• 1• t 1 I) 1
(:very line we have advertised we ;.:1•,e in stock,
but will not guarantee those lines to last all day --so
come early. And if you are late and we are all sold
out of some lines don't,•^illame us.
.X!) .zal•la
Milk Pans.
to ore' , ter . .
• 4C
ilk for
12, tar ....
1 5•
I83 tor..
. F4.
Saturda1 and Mondad Ovid. f1
Saturday fel
[Monday !t�
April 6=8 10
Parsons' air, ori Span -West St B
1 *4111.3.:13:S:1•440044.• ikitIc ik a Aoki • 11 t ,aCA: ii . i:1. i fa' 93'