The Goderich Star, 1901-04-05, Page 2, , I ,,, I - � " I - - I �
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'5�;`llir , ;;1 � It. Ci TIATA.
111.11111� _', - - - I � 11 . - - -
� �tl,kwww * OARROW. DbrrJ@tar#4AWId
likusoM ,
, � 004 110011alm OL alul � %Am.
arow thcul away and let them wander Other PSW�JSOPviit, 01100t1kUquillis -,--.----
Idly across 'tho danctu bcautlruL 'W loVill!8 Vif,u. cliallol, -, --,---,V- '
an I Lg blue watcro. , . L
f to Indicato that )at* bad been again all YOU may atiq live. I will
on) a -'us scrutiny. 1pbQ Power of forget all. plx,11 the Count pauw
. ,
, t'joe. before the'Llnoo
_ n has
blay,1111=11co had startled aw., And I felt - MR 0 - UES 1B Rk 0 =LD1 #
Out Q little "MOY04. I #Illowq4 il plarter. the T.Iver GQ4v oball ..
*elf, however. to aluk Wk anious tb* 7our accoliolit, Ana 310 Mon I -11- - I., - _
cushions before I in r whither r.or wherefore Mau I
'16o you have 5=119ned. Count., I
said In a studIcA manDer. and witil a art VM46 W -boon." TO POLISH AND VAA;.NIJ$H FURNI-
otl have ,Choan.-- Bald 1)ml firmly. TURK
Pertness th"t I 44D furry I allowed to 11 can afford to larigh at your threats,
COCAPO Me. I -- Ot lo"Is"bteft"I's 13 1.41 % A him he-'- Iq 1 F 4-
- J� 4. MAVAQW. � 1. y .Our F an 111 0 IUC Is a -
CIIARt" uAlthow. L I. H .-Thorem no Use talking but thle sub- "Just this I'Doluent. madam." 110 m1glity t Llk about drecons, and that
I a is 6L wonderful thing. when turned and faced Inc. smiling quietly; sort. ky upon me wel "It find that chair*.
, lect of type TO* forget, tuount. that this Is tabloo. and other "odeo furnitu.
& " you Conte to think of IL Thu more In 'BY Present humor Ilia manner net. the n1note, asth Man, I tell You that ,ro
. a% Uwe you think of it the mory wonderful it tied me exceedingly. Thbn why should I love the, girl an4t loves me. and will D -d st good polbsill at least.
sconag, Why lit it that fair men pro- be cAL111 toe "madam"? I felt I bad a , an nor aT2 the river gods can
. ter dark women and vice v I grievance. "Itirw uzid that name of it moat have anew
orma 7 "And your friends--" I Inquirgd, I.- I wreen un."
11 CAWONj 04 V. BurlmtCr, flalicitil) nwalli us Q rule." Harry blaciltict-mon ,'It to "91J." (Vhng&n took Out an coat of Fern"
, __ '
. N & ;to, i1rden. tivirr 4 gxltw, tilted back his chair and looked wine. -your tricadw-thu gypalem. I U'Luovo old-famb1pnod timoploce. 17erh we Till tOI10WjD9 compound I& good for
Dr49 ilitlift. #11ch, Money to Leas. There, were four of Us sitting no tbttJ Jack maltil There was a perceptible had bat#�er join the others.
. . -1
- I porch of the Pilot Houmu and Harry ancer In my tone and I wa.whod. him he said. tolovifly. "I am the hour to Ill 1101i"149 and oloaning furniture. Melt
.0 kNU , barrister. doiteltar. was the plillosupbor of the party. Ile face under drooped lids, past elaxt." equal quantkileg Of becuivilax and one -
0. tor I's ul,etbu L&ci '.Friendst titypsicat" Him voice bold "You gentlemen must have had an
" " , M 's. 0 -got. was in the habit of propounding such m. him look Wit* childlike Infer"'lly
1%6 . aml a "dog questions. caLt.- end tile *mP in turpentine until it formif
U & Jack Snuadcro.
I , , - or', standing. .n.11 cim,.B. I. luts frankness. "Oh I Ali. ycm. lo be Interesting argument In
. 11 Yen. So Mr. Satinder"did you there ", sald 3 It In a joking way, or 4 Pilate. orcaxu like, wUoh use an
Me M N ar if of !;,ij;�J`vcd their chair, uneasily. but sort). the t;to reacZ ;. adual. Tull recipe is from a success -
I 1. If 44.01=1W.1, IU440 DO Other sign that they bad about my little lauut?" I thought the .'Well. 'we bad." replied the Count
I mil or 11 do" heard. I whack my head. "I'm sure I lines about his mouth contracted same, "A talk an astrology. Those subjects tot refilltDror of Old polished woods. and
nallm SLUM% U V _ couldn't any- .1 what before he mmUcd. but perhaps are orritrionally or interest v n to it I" good either for polished flours or
, It %van evening and we were watching I was mistaken. Ile left him Standing skeptics Ilk* our friend Mr. Dalee o The forniture, u& it Cloone,em. given
I � CHAS. BRAGNIt. Barrister. Solicitor. No he crowd@ on the water and along the posture and dropped easily Into a rock- " a
I- L too. am Oi 11 t 10 u or which stood near him He leaned Count Ift a elgar blandly. 4L.4 T looked
U1 Conveyancer. take shtirm. TI ight was calm and a
1 taftetroot.0 oricli3ONPO,ateOolkmxmalluotnnl. hing In It's quality like back. and pursed up his lips, and watch. t Charlie. 11IN Yone were turned sky- banutilful glass, 'And has no stickiness.
, 11, vat* fund. W landmo luterosLoa there was mornat .ten- od a spider on the fiGor with a quixxic&j wards, me that I was unable to see him One Pint of linseed oil, aamc of
mortgmga� Mumicra, I M.M.ft a benediction. Harry had boon w
� I . trig a brunette, us she slowly stopped uIr. exprestdon. vinegar "ad dialf a pint of alooll
�1 N. LKWI13, Bambstar. 0ouvoyancer, P,00- by on the arm at a fair complexioned "Theac gypsies are it wonderful Poe- "Ob. do tell us shoot it, Count," cried well atbuken before u3ing, ig atill a,_
1: !at I is Maritime Oour�uo,% Money to ge, tioman. who looked like a Swedo. . to.' lit) &aid at JuAt. dogmatically. I Anne V&ader. "Can you tell fortunes ? Oil" turulture cleanser and polish-
tirloltis A n a gre
I !rat fee. I"V%L,o a a Oftloo :- "I know " tic said, "no one cut' ma -Y MO long taken t Interest in the Are yt)u an astrologer ? I would like air.
.111.111tou SU= No one known for certain why Buell Q cucc, in fact ever strice Quo of them to learn IL few things from the future, 1%0 above polish and elbow greaso
I . I 0. .. Then he continu- saved my life from a Bonito bite in for instance---.." used together. a large quantity of the
I (OM 11N thing should b "Not now, ladies. It you pleame." In-
, .1 C= t IIOIJff.%BARftt8TEIt8,
. a know, I be- Servia. -
;pta,rbe. ,r Leto, Money ad emphatically. "Dou Yol latter is 'lure to result favorwilly.
'a �, , I raised myself on my elbow much tOmIPted :ack. "IDOn't You see the
1.,�, 0111 -% cotiltrou Dickinson. Ilove each one of us has a deep-seated Prof,eatfor Dudjoy of the peausyl-
a 11ni I I of . 260. illy vulnerability to a certain type. inturvated. The Count accaned to have moOn tiPPIng the horlinin Yonekr. TVs in Railroad statca that the beat
- - forgotten me for the nonce. and minced time - were lLbO&r4. What an Ideal van
, Now-" tit the amall bay where the steam yactit night for our excurelon." -thud to OICIAU a vurnieh�sl sort.,,,.
The others had pricked up their ears rode at anchor. In the prospect at a steam across lwiUlout injuring tbo giosA is to use a
. rnil and Jack moved restlessly again and "Yeal," 1 said. "in Servia ?" He held the rippling water all else was forgot. uAxturo af PoAvd4t3red soap and tripoli
, L looked at Dale. -No I No t" he ex-
" - - him chin In his hand. and I could see ten. The hurry of Preparattont bi in proportious of about t1xCC partEl Oil
I claimed at last, riming hurriedly. "You the Peculiar pattern of his cult-Itnif. I "'M L 04 domn a
MZDi don't cattill me discussing affinities. You t saw Gbagars beckon his me n but a p to p rtm of tripoli, applied
-.-- I but-woU It was of triangular shape. with a ser, hought little of the tact at 'the time. NvlVh u wot cloth. The slight solv_
� 1. - ' _.::z:777:.� can talk it out with Emil), pailt's crest carved out clear and camect. The servant was of the same dark race (vat action of the soap doca not ,nj
1: R& TURNBULL & TUBNBUI.4 excuilo me and I'll just go and have A like. as himself, but possessed no claims to or ure
. I D game of billiards. Conte on. Dale. and "It Is a long talet" he ge, tthO Vurniallied a face, but it remo
I Id. withdraw. beauty. �'
join Inc." ing himself from a reverie, I's long tale, As we were about to go, aboard thin the dirt, and the grit at the tripe'li.
PIIYOICIAM� '�L_l 11101. ONS� RT0. Tile two logged off and MacPherson Otherwise I would tell You the whole man came running down to the wbart. Which must be very fine, outs off such
I Orrier.-Ilamiltoll Street. mat up otralght much taken a back. No of it now. Suffice, that I was residing In him blind he bold a Pftper which hp matter as t4he Roap, faile to remove,
OrNtirlitcalla tinewor,od from offlem, man likes to have his put theories flout- In the ),Ills at the time. and that In hold
ed. 4-1 Buy but I like that." he mut- the ,up. at the same time shouting un. When furniture requires re-vilarn-
. T11114111PRONalog . . . . . . neighborhood was EL band of theme fittol Isible words. He bare P. meassire Willing. it should be wall washed with
I �. J. 4 Tviusincu. FHANK I) TvIltilit'LL tered, Indignant � slid I could not get wanderers by the name of Secant, pre- to the Count, eftllln_r the latter to flull- strong Wda nruter, Av'bioh will r
I --.--. - -- - _.__ _ - - - - __ - another word front film on the subject aided over by a Dian called 'Yoper.' I lesple. Whatever the business was it is-
Z " 811ANNOs ANI) UAL14)W ' of types. wan trialle acquainted wiui hint by ac- vvaFp imperative. and he was forced to Mow every Particle of grease. Then
p D "Now, Harry," I maid after a pausc, cident one day, and wan so pleased set out at oncss. Jack was bent on w"Oh With suit water into which a
� little vinegar, oxalio ucid is better,
.11 - ,,)on tnuist not think badly tit Jack. tie that I became a frequeqt guest at his Postponing the excursion until another has boam Pit t.
, 11 PIIY8ICIA.N8 &Nil SUROKIl actuti in that way for a good roa*on camp. Then I was unfortunate enough evening, but the Count would not hear Thiii to centralize the
: Orvt(78-111 IL%Ikk Of Commerce, Building, which you will readily admit when I to be bitten by one of the snakes which of it. Dale declared that wg could aodia.
: � , Woo t
,. X tkdo of 3quare, have explained. There was Charlie- the charmers of the company possess- go without Gliagars, land K.Nw so nPx- W1PC drY und coat with a good
;, 'Night Calla at Ilesidonoo, but you, of course, didn't know. Lot ed. I was at the point of death when cited that I suspected his motive lay ,QualltY of hard -drying varnish. When
I 1 , lilt, FUIANNOM. Dn. OALLOW. me tell you him story. Ile Is sensitive my old friend Yeper utived me by an deeper than he pretended. He evident. (try. rub off with a bunch of ouried
. ,, . Old Residence NlWh` 8L "'- on tile SklbjCCt you broached. and Jack antidote which to one of the heirlooms ly held reasons for desiring Gholgarle balir, to remove the glai and flow on
I . � PHONN44 Napler RL PHONJW go would do a good deal to shield hint. of the chief. Dvor since that time my pre nee not apparent to the rent at a full coat Of cabluot finishing var.
- ____ - - I--- Llbton I it makes quite a long Yarn." Interest In these people has grown in us, setint at last we got started off aA4
I I :� We edged into a dark cornet- and then I Intennity,'and I never miss an ppor- the V ML04
� 0 .ount and big servant Weill IIJTX�k Ink staiml on turnitur
. DENTAL. began ; tUIlItY of visiting their carnivs. I learn, to the house. 11
. I ='. _ ... : - , - - � - - 13ofore I married Jack. during the ed ftfterivarda a moat peculiar pro- lb Mond by a mixture at .iT1aYZr.e-,
I I I warm months ho, usually rented a villix porty of this antidote, It will not Op AN OCEAN FANCY. aPill of nitre find a teaspoonful of
. � .1 rilCHOLSON, U It, %�qnu Baltic Crain twice upon tile same Person, Yo -
It ,g SuMn,
tounks uppo,ilto the t �it Oil M ol, at a surntoor resort and invited u %-t-- Dirt a feat -her lute this and
I .; P.- n'. POft,81.1n and Cold crown,and briago friends to share it with him. Ill 'tit can undermland tile extent of lily grmt. touch the , talmed pa.rt. when the Ink
.� . ,� ill -Poe AL ty. .1,11irty-five ywuv, exper, we. that in Ja.�k. selected a little place Itude, madamT" Rare )on �vvr had m notion a a
I 'I'll tone& Iluit you'd like to croas the ocasita- will disappear. Larmediately after thiA
,I , , _ __.._______ bordering oil one of tile bluskoka, -Indeed I can." I replied earnestly ,"Itht rub the graft with D soft cloth and
1-t , b 1!. AlAIIN D, a H, L D, &I Dental kikkeft. (,barfle t)ule was with us that "But do You really believe that Othe;L rhat if,. we air .ould much benrilt Your oold water to prevent a
� r . 8urira;s, 'Ealoat audalgovod moulo,j. year, d lie learned enough about well -it is nonganse. ch. Count?" Itave you lied a passiou frantic white mark,
or all dent reservation of typoS tn(l)l last him for it lifetime. He He Stalled again in his peculiar way ' h always appears. from bcoom_
r or Just to - the broad Atlantic "irble
I . natural t*6Lh % � Oilloo-Alor, Woot th � or in some foreign country spend your ai,ealthl ing permanent.
-1 =Zs, made a sPecialtY Of the tawny -olive " 'Them- are stronger things in
, I St and the Squero TO take out IOSS serious spots find
� I kind. Charlie was a graduate train a world than your philosophy hath well. I once bad that ambition. brighten the furniture tit the same
� ". I i floNN Nt'k 3U. northern university. was an ntill0te. a dreamed CC I Only quote the words Inn, I knew that my pealthat
, I r � , --- - � , _ - . , - ____ - .- Sol) wit), prospects and several other ,it your own poet," he said. Was met, as not to warrant "ch a ",. UU10, take two tablespoonfuls of
I � I I Ill. TUILNIIL _4 Ikl),s.. L.. IX &, 1),ulla, Wood qualifications, in fine, a moat do- "All very well, but Shakespeare was- A ... I I'" ry often vrandered ShMet QiI. one of vinegar, and half a
� . . I � Surgeon, :uraiorly oa.sel.wd with lit. alrable follow to meet. lie (Illicitly n't thinking of cluirms find snake bites Ito. I lived up several hundred tablespoonful of turpentine, rubbing
�", 1, of montre"I. 411 branch". at ull. ro. became a favorite with till the guests when 110 wrote that. At least I don't And cngaffv4 a passage on the fimteA Ship, thlis mixtull On with a bit of Ham-
, I .1, ton praot.lml, including tit and potveiat� lie had a way with hint that won him suppose so." nel.
� �� wit an,l bridge work. 000ml AtUlal tritinds overywhere. Another Of big He made no reply and I saw that he Ali, .list joy antlapated.
L an to tile pr"W"V611011 Of tile untural tooth. characteristics was punctuality. But find lost Interest -
I : I In Ila conversation.
I , . I Do a me"n't Now Illack. he hrLdn*t been with us more than a It wns strauge, too, wnen I thought of Arif whet hopes I'd cultivatedl YAIUOUS RECIPE&
,,, i- . �- - For many weeks J lived in prrlmt blies,
� 1. few days when lie dropped Into a habit It. for Gliagars was a great talker on And my J.y "a suit unfailing Tapioca Leman Pudding.-rour is-
.. at coming late for locals unit qv a
, �1' I I I M*RRIAGE LIOENSES . nerally 'Illy subject over breached. The on When (lie day arrlv�d for sailhic, blet'li0and granulated tap:oca. soak-
. 11 _______ __ ____ .... � - _ ___ . absenting himself. We couldn t under- wam hastening down the west. which And I thought what tots of sport almo people
,1 . � W. LANK I&9UNIt OF MAR16AGIC stsnd It at all. Of course all the lattice told me that It was time to dress for mtm ad oviar night In I CUP q1110 water. In
, t! Licenami, Godorich, Ont Call land more particularly n. certain dinner. The Count rose and bowed me
,�. Anne Leader. ft literary woman from to the door. 'Twas In June (X%Y recollection tha morning add sufficient water,
I ", 1 ----.-- _ " - !emasesee "You ma,y nee some of those strange Somce me right in this connection,
� � New York. She was no exception to cold, to cook it closr, but not t9O thin.
, , . �, AUOTIONFXR the general rule. however. We all had things yet. madam," he said, enigmati. Though of the rest my mind in met an dear) Take from the stove and add juice of
, . - � .------ a warm niche In our hearts for Charlie cally, as I departed. I turned to quo@- That I sailed for sinires historic,
,-� , 0 KNOX, Novrgato "Irpot Uodertob Dale. Needless to say, we became tion him. but he. was already out on Will, vWons metaphoric I 10MOD. 4190 the grated rind of thl
I 1, I tilto thilli Hotel. lJoexiiied mio -
!. � I r ,I.*. lit for It Noxou III, � curious and were on the lookout for any the grass, and I went to, my room won ,kod & I_Uiog (or the Bait we ,amQaPbi,n,% San-, a pinch of salt and sugar to
, r �Ur% tile to solve the mystery. We natur- doriliaL I could still fee the Impelling
I I . Callum In pliallients, Is; Lbe '07106mod 0 spected a woman was mixed up power of the man's gaze, and that to- It ) ti*v,n*t secti the ocean taAt('- Beat the vrhiteS of 2 eggs to
� �� "I . Adeaus'W le - littAA I alin iLisrriago c,,,tu. ally sul A stiff froth and add to the tapioca
. I I: i, ; . any R a * I 6 .. nil I'low Coiup�%ay, tit the case. our Idea being that the gather with his manner ra6ther on. And would view its wild commotion. Whom pertectl3t mid. Place on im
I '' nI 'am allot'ho I'loalwrtaillinglotille poor boy had been enanared by one of Strong ray nerves. By tile time the Just strangle your desire, without delay.
L ,� 1, artuing trada. I
� � � . . L - - the blushing farmer girls of ilia notch- bell sounded I had not Improved. How- Though I crosacd the broad Atlantic ,%arve vrILh whipped ercam- A tapio-
. . oa strawberry Pudding may be made
I ,� �. bell When I finish You will 80e u ver. I well t down and took my place at And t0t its inrell- gigantic,
- -hour was noven t nevcr saw tile blamc-i thing either % . -a y.
, , 110MAS UUNIAtY. T" in a similar w Prepare 4 table-
, �L' I bow tar astray we were, find, moreover, tile table. The dinner
,, T flow strong tin aflinity there Can be be- o'clock, rind as we eat down tile dusk
, �,' Spoons tapioca, its for lemon tapioca
" I � � 1.1vu Stook &Tkd (leneral Auctioneer, tweeii dark and light. crept out over the water. and the abOv'p, adding salt and sugar, When
��.,,� Ufticlilton Street, Uoilarich. Another person who occupies a chief sounds of night began to make them- liummilawe Sale Incident. cold add Lho whites of 2 eggi beat-
�, � v place Ili thks ,story is the Conte tit selves heard. Charlie Dale was the only It one hall anything around the house an to a stiff froth, Stir in this 2
,�, Side* made everywhere and elf ell'arts tando Ghagars. lit, vi as from the south, and one absent. and a Servant dispatched one we"
��z". to6i satisfaction. looked like tin Itil : and Ile Spoke to his room reported that he was dress- is to get rid of, the proper culls straw-b"ries, S -It on ice till
. thing to do Is to send it to a rummage cc I d. Serve V"th following sauce:
.1 choice English. it scolus Jai met him Ing. Presently Ito came In with a mut-
�, ,�, VIAP1110TViNA10 MOUNA discounted, ,%)me tored apology, for his lateness� There Is it perfoct craze jest now 'It t Nr ites of 2 eg", add -
, ----.-,-.- I kit Venice or Geneva or liorlin- The i,niv. Be. he - h ,,,
I Place over there. Jack travels all over Count rat opposite me. and I saw a (tic this form of entertainment, or char- fectiODers or Powdered sugar till
", t� ilia worid, and Is the most I�ohernlan quick flush mount to his brow and then ity. whichever it may be, foi- nil rnminage creamy, then add I cup masbed bar -
, , ", VETWUNARY -t You coul'i Possibly meet. lie had suddenly vanish an he controlled a ,,alcs ere not nlike. This truc, story pro. ries and I tablespoon melted butter.
.. .... .,a
1 a passing emotion, Miss Leader bluallied
,�, j, ,Ikcd tile mati. and so ll him -ow a recent snic held for a chumb '11glish fashi":
. �, R. N%% F, VLARK� V. S., gisiduatil of the standing Invitation to look hint up ally alld became confused as Dale took his evedg ft To Cure Macon, 1. -
,:., D Ontario Voterlmiry Oollqm Toronto, I illno he Chanced to come to Amellea. sent by her side. These signs perplex. food. Tak1b the Irbate aide, after the ham
:� -� An enthusinstle young %rental% attended
': ,� 1, ritrock I y the a% %�ntioll of bor,le owtior. The Counit. Bonlething of a wanderer ed mo considerably, There was Borne- and siboulderil have be" re d,
" tollya provedinalti, tit oporal-Ingon hon,rft' -turned train It in great
� '.1 I I �ur d (if "kertuary modkolvic. himself, had dent, so. 011agars was ft thing afoot tit which I knew nothing. thd sale and re me ve
� way" on It d, no "it stables -Nowg%tv, man of inedhim height and Frain an epicurean point at view the glee. , -ill the following mixture:
�,L; of sligh, and rub it n
I;i:. of
",, I �Moi, flatter ch. build. lie told Q most striki it. ominten- meal was a success, but the table -talk "Walt till you see what I've found," For moh 100 lbs mical, 7 IW salt, I
�, Ir �.�,� ance. with high * cheek-tZes, a was utterly stupid. I was glad when site announced to her mother. "just lb briewn sugar rind 4 on jaltiloter,
4� Tonsorlal. oil roligly� Illarked brow overhanging an It was overi and %,.,a adjourned to the , hat we here been looking for in every
I �� finely PO'"'dored and mixed together,
I aquiline close; teeth of the most daa- open air, Jack and some of the other
,:,: _ ____ __ . _.- __ r1ing whiteness, and dark skin Of a d,11- gentlemen brought their cigars to the attic and Rillique Shot) for yours- I SPT�Iad this compourld on the ficab
. �', 1%1O,NTItEAI,ST TONSORIAl. ROOMS - verandah. but the Count find Cho -rile In"w we'd get It Some day, suit now you side of th, MN"t cully aai�d ru it
','L,' ento fibro, Ilia full, dark Sro N, -4 BUS b in
i 1�1 __ - e Sw4tcoos, 1�114"" to J. thropho)') ,111alned to discuss another clam of eou*1 Inugh al rutlunagt, saics any more", we I I �
�,;, Pratiroitur, mt%doru. ", oiw-, h h - ceptItile of tile most wonderful clinago, ry LlY uIlOtbOr piece on the
1.� Ban . avoo, n1r. now lustroloss, again changing to On wine, so they said. From what had "What Is It r' asked I he dear old lady, ti -t -0, trout it in aia,all, mance,
� I Cutting and ohampoolug. worii sharponod
, matt hoand. r
,axl= of mysterious Bartow, then passed I felt Instinctively that more "It's a mato to that antique cailidle� and SO proceed until all the meat i�
...:. it all up with qWek anger. than sherry wine detained them e had so lung and never could &*'lied. Let it rcrnOdn in thL4 shape
ij - .11 I-, I.. . , Tt.ld Jnok at slick you'v
I , ,� " .T� thut I thought Ghwara tablo� it was not quite P'g,', Perhaps. onitch." Site proudly unwrapped the bur three weeks; it will then he re-, .y
I ;- NVA.81 1I gypsy frain what I knew of the but I placied myself " at I could ad
, 1 � , � ty but he only replied that it didn't watch their movements without my ac- handle. "There, isn't thnt perfecil to 44111g UP tv dry or to arabko, in
"I' Mdea.n's''''1r ane mter to him as long as they Uon being caideralood by the othem "It is, indood," replied her mother, a O'hich case it should first be, wippd off,
, "
. "
� , 11 CortNrit EA,w,ST. &Nn SQVAim. wcro gentlemen and good tollowa. The The dInInL-room led Into the dmwtng- queer little Smile playing ilbout tier tam Clam M-1 Muffins -Put the yaik,�
1. A_--ount was cortainly a Perfect gentlklr- room. and thence to where we sat. The -In fact, It's tile Same, I got tired of
��_ ,;i� , FAMILY ORK211 A SPECIALTY. man. end one of the most cultured men heavy curtains baturoon the two apart- I 'I g - 0 se - Sea it to Of 2 eggs into 1-2 Pit s1our milk. add
r7g,_,11, I know, bull U'oll, train the first ments were Partially drawn, and the Ibe r1nomage snip ,,, ,,_g I., ,q I ', t I tabdospolum saft butter, t,hen add I
"' " If are" d "' "'in a d
I very I hing to Scw�" said lwi"w,%l w r t k
,: ,,� _---- ________ ___ _ _--!� them was something ro"torlous about brilliant chandelier lit tip the tnees of I* CUP ClOrm OVMI ,and 1-2 oup flour. Dis.
" � �1� ut then there Is a Chervil in rca.i both men. Charlie related the Call EXPLAINIED� 801vo I stu'll teaspoon soi in a lit-
. I I �._ Daystery. imid In addition the Count was Sutton to tile later. tit) mil)l Bent all togetlior, Fold
I handsome. Ile \Vita the kind of person Er'Or Many minutes they both sipped
I 8 ...... * " - be,'verage quIetly, mid at the
I � Geo. With , You %vould turn an the stmet to took at. thel% I 11 -arbor -Why in it (but you and 10 t;ho well-lienton whites ut the eggs,
.1 � ; , __ _ __-, assisoms. Such beautiful eyes I never saw trt;,any- SAMO tin's U'atchad ench other furtive- your brothers are so bald I Galt� 1-2 tAIMMOcia, pour into gcu
�, ,�: one olso, lie might have stopped out IY. I could see the Count twisting rest. pans an dbake, in a quick o"n about
, "i" CONTRACTOR at a Spurdsh romance, You Immediate- lesslY in his chair. Ella reatures began Victim -I'll tell Fou it you prom- half an hour. ,%tile like a litil(
, ::, 110U�SERVILOER ly a-m,cletted him with knight-errii to work. Suddenly he looked up, ISO to say nettling about it.
,� �!Ili, ' 'KRAL CARPRNTI�R,. and pretty damsels and such like. Ott- Saw the sparkle In his eye shoot on, aw-tening. whil I tablesprjon Mo.
I . � � ' 'r anti GEN I Garbor--Sure, lasses nVay be added.
. . vlously we all were much interested In as It were theme. He grasped the table victim� whiaritwing.-It's because our
�. "Ousef" r""nlodolcd1 and 9"cral cel"Al"s hint, We, used to Plague the C&PAWn with both hands, as It to hold himself hair has fallen out, A Good Cough, Remedy-Tbe follow-
�if� � attended to promptly at moiterato (Saundere owned a launch. and wo tit his chair. Then his mobile lips grew Ing is a "luable romi and doe,,
I �, prices. "j,is him that Dome) to tell us more firm. He strove to speak till CO�IONS BAD.
�- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Rbout him. but he pwralstently put us "YOU wave afro" the ca not oca"Atipate" while having the re.
�,� tents at the
�. off with tar-totehed excuses. Then he Selihni to -day, Sir ?" The wards were Mrs. Goodnrt-You seem to have dooming fmture of being Pleasant tc
I Al. women. ik demand and contained a Challenge, some education; perhaps you were tilli Wants and oWittron wil
- � , Slior-Kingston Street, GoAclic would tAll at the curiosity a
,�_ RESIDENCE -Huron Rond� and overitualLy escape from the back "I visited the Gym camp ever yon-
, L'
,�', 40c^ I.. - der� It that is what you meen.- replied owe a professional wan I . readily take t4ir, mecticine. Put I
." One day Jack was telling me a story Charlie careleady. and he played with Hoiward Hasber-Lady, I'm a numlla- tImOUP flax-nicied to Soak over night
�� ,� - about something he had wtimesned In NO gla,'m "WhY do You ask r' - ThO, next Invirning take 1 1-2 on PQw.
". tuatist by profession f
".: the South Seas. I xlms lyt" In a ham- The Csount*a demeanor had change& 'Mrs. Goodall numismatist f dA -d fiCWiOC root, 1-4 lb Chappec
�,",�,,��, F=eral Notim mock on the front Ve'roind*h. and be- His chair was tilted Idly back, but the Heivtrar4 Hashoil lady, a calloo. raiiiAl 2 qta watxv, boil an hour
I �,; � , Tkill Proper turstilitims mad Conduction vi As tilung on a caulp-atow beside me. light in his eye Was the glint from for of rare tolins z any old coln, is rare then Odd the flaxseed and 1-2 oul
�_ He vii Composedly rambll away t1hilled steel. His manner w�u austere to me, ,
I I ',: of FVNILRALS ail a ocall which dam I .. V maple isyrap,or gralaUln4ed sugar an;]
.�, when I nearly sent him tumbling on anti his tone Incisive, I
I .� *0 W^k* it a burden, am a" with so. the stool by suddenly Chm, boil 9M Uttar longer.
I nill the sub- "Young man." he said. slowly. -you Sgrain ttsf
,L I -
I., I 41. DROPEIMY Ak SON. jkvt froin, oarmlMllara to Count Ghag trifte with what may v* to !,,oil a THE AWFUL SIGNIFICANOR Mixture and tin rot vrith lemon, whet
" �., ars, The roar of the traven from the serious undertaking, llrav"e a rtght to Coal, Pour into ft quart bottlo and
. , ", little angry lakt, came to us In an India- ask
. o you know my blentity by (his Weary Willie --1 dremait last night label it, The doow isi I tablespoon.
11_.�'��, era tinct monotone like the hum from a tt-. and, you -you will know we
_. "r, even dat I died find %,ront Aer he.area I AV-oll ful for adult% for chilldron I tcalaspocic,
111110=1100K 0" thOUS31nd hl'%" Of ll it served as a beit'&IA- JOU May have Muse to fes, The met oX I qt of t
US Is not to be be, r d , 41=9
. ,�, bit of ecilai high light to our van- nlie� '"ted by a a yor 8%ioso dat meanot
11 versation. --A chII&I, blot VrIb-half that of's t::.- -
Frayed Fagin-Dat you're going ter edies, purobsted at ill a art.S.
. "is iltlat to me T who i"
. � Tou are Toper I know." muttered live and Rot married I Dreoinst allots
�� �. "'There Is solmothlaw about your Dale. "What ��!
� 1. . !t:1
;� - I Count that I don't quite fathom with Is Ross be contrariest Taxtiets'-lboll out tun a nice Pill
� 1� � Yeper ? I neither ea . .
�. - - - - all my worldly knowledil I r(- ka nor do I fter gmbte. cut out with a bilecuit cu ter
� �, , .Vai lie was a sh 0
�,,, settled mrself In the bfirarno,ck mind all twardly P 1-k1r. though .
. or axed 11W eyes on a $utttng Promontory [.'-"I, 89 calm. and his are FORCR OF HABIT, with & A-MIlOr cutter take -out
1.� L . ec myi�i of the Coast with el, little travioyard on met Gbagars w It 111nobing. A abort Cwtomor-Wiliat"a Wa f Setimaq- oemitra of evary two out of tbrot at
6 I n'" IL'Uokw"em Allone,
I t I the ta'o� .. e,envuod, and then he conllnucd�, tbom� lay the rini;M thus made on
� **AWMIO Of "NO � 6~ Of Jack hail Sim came to the point w1i'm never win the x1r] now, T'ero, 13 that LR outrageous I &U,V switicts desired.
I ,, saiii I know your Caml Count_ you can rive cilints for a two -cent statilp I WbJ. %Mrd and biakel at all Fill Witt
� .111 I . I I q , I the rimill-vating thief otemptied Chris- TouNr dark-s:,_Nvd princess ratual,
' , I 111111ft we tlatl is mine, As
" 11 I I . , Mill" AppilanailL ftt CoUnt1--mil I my count t rt I long: an I deatre--aho han,--cb, Wall, I see bl"aggiat- BM Pardon, Siir� f Cftnbi 11011-10ne cup sugar. I
I 11 , OUR P!kl0XS ARE VRBV LOVt did I weant chlet. "Ile looked at me "arran'totedasmucli. Shislovesurn,- thought you bad a rrrtsclr�ptlmm for it. 09V% I tablei� butter, 1-9 cur
. 1, t*Verely Slid ien he grow anlaptetous, -1-fleTO w" an exultant note li-A the
�� . TWO*, likuwatit"Guatantood. young athWes voice which the Count -_ water, 2 Cure flovi., I tablospooll
I, , 11 I . stud fh�h�� la ,Don't you think could not broll H0 fairly abook with PERUAPS RAJWASTIC� bakin . flavor w" nutmeg
.F..-- aftth t IS becoming florneWhaii m He ground his t*eth and Zeari-
-'* Your all r he said. I told you mill pa'"at and roil out
k i I SM I SRI& non"i rest And what do your think of libe, Cau- add am' I,..
I � ! 11, IN 11 !, - W far alml, this table, "ny, Draciarl
- I - L ft ii him Count When I tntroan"d a " Inueb, 'ton 41asian ram flow It we ask*d. am inch Weill. EsRrviad an crantserr
I . I hAmi that I koew. balt be a jl�;j he hissed. "but this 1, Sow, roll art, put in an Ithca dj3
� fellow. load It" b- 9000 too fair, What! And AM 1, It moms to be\a rate for toot, sadly afell atell,311a tbAl bOUM ill
� I - "ob M- I drawied� -but so alill to he *%,MM by YOU! All I to be sh1tv,ered the intelligent, though hos-
- ow"i6es - atA then such a ft" kick troatod U` a 41* bT this Ontle cur � thea� (,11tigifte, NANO Sam ctva=�Grste maple
I Am M oWA X"Ne to kick upon Mo . .
I I ,� 0_3 t6m" Intovi; "" withaut buy lrftru� with contutol NO, I siveorl Jay bow and odd to We Fremb eftan
. lag, Too romantic for thebo
r ,; Querich MRON ]RIN 609 I rd like awfully to knoVWt �ft* the gMt God. I RWftr M sball oat NO BIRIY& with ftbusio ob"tecticeees sugar tc
� woumm 1 M41 hoped, Jal ths, U tit ,the dift toe tkl& Tbe girl T*ra Is I am told ll misis ItTooks is a maid AWY slope dedre& Walnut
11 bad helpit0l khn till the dttel--J�= *V" now *4 tin* dead, falki! thou -thou coftion sonille, is tbW flostato" am de-
� ,, , N " il� W *Vft 0.4 abo. By the mther. ftall ve"tarftu. said Mrs. Fosdick. "Vol.
I 11, BUCHANAN & SON -4;=bw him r.mtW%_ia.* alw*,, �*w* 1111% I Awt4r. tW AftAk I %*Oft It. "is ta. irtrilivilit Mrs, Keod'ck- t"to LIM, Crackers -Three curet ,11,l.
. ecul 110 *"* ",tk ftto hil: vutr aind I 40110", in lit" millneerv.
I I . I "alled me untly. rath,er M,)m ?like blia tato lisiMallig frWM Ills Vftkt4 9*r. I cup lardi a ""M I Tit remil
� M4641i Svm k*cw"1 ilen't ill it
I 11 WhIA he 60ittill at Ift"ftis Wkilb Itits
. I I . C"trultoft 011101%ft is %A se.4--all 0*4 as Hival6t
I - and RaUdem Or lks tolabl as Devi I"tk ft 111" *Qvw� ST"Alay. lo", So Warm ast )tutss oil. to w4ca
1 1 lights 06% ofti, ovft at Idea t et tftiveir�s asummim,, Saak antilaceia
IL 4*414 0`0*0 "r at W1011M I Bte libla, # 1 -4 artov,., a flor .lathu-to_
'" Q 0"luatel aw,
I Umat*ctwtn of and dbalon itted ra %Lt* Will ft vat fail vaftlo 440=tv okilditt lkluxamt tir Is* I"t faickt. 6k imillk avim 1&4*. nomit eggs, tro..
N ism all kifi& al veimlis Ms. W 1116400ta " I watelp. I
,., ". � ! �� WT M_*=�L C =lkwittm 11 811VII, tZ St r" 11106'T04 6004 beft* bil %vo., Wkk#-45 that 110# I h%VsA`t likad P*r 0*4 l4rd toldlefloer. A44 Ifull"
, A Am Lanni ;&1VW% , "I"t too ill 4*4i ,,it is not well to tut awaftm-6 litow ter 8, ime tifta, "I 'Just before *6 tl~. A tallflwl
� I I ttirials same *"* lilak "", . "
I � . : I Sook 14till.woliu% NZZ "I tiiarw uofa*�ft T*V*m %U toll t,kvfttt* eftnt:l M view 44wie aft rabi t"t to vilake ties 41suglit leeis to rall,
I I I tMWh*1a. 1 4" fill reoccalso -I
. I <�'. � ""a", "*Illt 4 all 3*Ar ato- tulerd"Sm. "# sloll Ituat a" prick WWI a tfar*,
1. wltu " - U'lli Over to th6ditt. atftulile= groat 11A Cut bit a%*are& T*Mhafo V*A*" May
I . . . 11 Istlowill, 4wA OWWAt" firraist" OR aA Q1111"100 -6=1"U" V"k S" ~
, . . "I�m *~. % k-, � till," tftv*l , Ittft CA" to alot t1him to*-**" -witat as sxlftoikiailf� italur*_V,4va tie ill" &A a substitat* tor tile ail. it
: � 11 ' � l 401sh".
. ft *'ft&%** Ut ei 0- Q %*Ilofilor ifilliRkor $A fur T*tfs lit "ll'it Ilk. 111� T"114tll 41111. remarked
�, , V 04*Au*oksw&) - , t , "* ot "Is bft4 uirlofe,ti
11 I I ft a *"Atli* I I 111111 ;=v 1611111111101 4011606100 N60gat Caklit,,�� etor
I 80ohan" a son. _=__ I so 111611tokt I sk-0-ft it* o*16 X;ft Ptwk* Briloar, 1-4 it," butter. I
", "
. I I I ''. �� 11 -.1, I 11111" It tw__ % I . " �= to =4 - V** Alnktd,Xr. lWeirtatial Utfa ii ' , - *ft, 14 evo
. W14 "4 1011141111*44 " Mile, T TMI %,sV*t*t*t*"***4 ha", "'of s"r wilt, 14 tismspeciaral sadA, IA
. " I I. 1 I I I � , � , " V�,,�t ==== 00 ^ I tkmk. to vsl; I K*vt akftrd Nift ior4or liver &*A ttavools"I buldoit p6woer, I
I Xw", " twLVDIM *" slilati at** 10 110.0-P1140 %b 000001111041I,!", 1101101"M at A rt%44*t"t� 1% t0lke;h tbAt k*oos-%t,b t* Ut � **61V
. , #A *6 si"et% , � - Amel"" I I "'" la eft 'a IBM" itaftit toui ,to 11M 05", il iliott w*t*,r, 1*1*"
. . ., . I I I-- 9* .. I. Zft I
I L "401C4**tV441W*,K%& %1*ft)a
" " . 1, 40 )NAllillol-awt "V timill AM elilitilutop" 114 tutBit that'SL 1,fl
I . I I �
, , to 14 OAI* 0 "illill" , 'wrft ftl*ih thIll. 11s,ors a"
I , I xii *Oft WA ii tuatisitwule" ot I I" It" 111111"lli *101,01 *6 *ftlt 0016 pat WWI
"Iff . ' *" == ` , %* vk oftoll W" t*6 iltotli *00*4 al IV -1
(?' I 110"06011V fait 9" ""llo, bAw"re livid a% A -ill let, 'r ia
, _. i , I 4%16, Ni 1014 *" IT" illoill Ile Win 4,&Tk in v0V3, Akt%
1 A-4-4 1" ), , . V" 0*0 'lit OM� tweattl a Will rio bit t .
� . . � -k so,6401 Ilk is 'k tv*kl�, 114% 4 4"k _ *iltlii vk*� T"
1, 1 40�. * _h . illA In= I " I 04 - I � "
I .. I 11 . .�* 10101101111". litv� 11r. I m%% - *W , , T*r **ft t4t A ,
` , �� 0 Dit.
tf. � C`
11 7NOtiloeia
tel 8_ in all
_ sel ertj7d
�Z;,a S _
4 if
I _ ___a=.
I ,olik Mr
: ow
- .. � ., M* oAt "" . ,"* 1A%1%**V Wb* il sawr onsteir. tap. CONC91MWO OUMP-1k
,. � 11, I %lkiiia`�Aat` ifi %W *I" vllw . ,, '' X *"Wuft it ilu* with *%wm 'Ift **lit * it tt IMYA* USA tAmellft*-
� .
. .tz, ftftilillit4li-Ilu � . lu," I tuaft-4k .... =w ItIt" ku= - 'it is ft,w
. .1 q � ,,, , *ft*ft,V1w*.14*ft lilv='" Ileg"Wall. ,& ft Irft to" ox em0*011,11A ON)OA eat �
I I I A � it " M V:*A%A6WA#,i,%*t"_ hiaotAWAS T)at a **etW*t liall of' WaAkoli*
I *s*t,-,!** %% *04 *4*11" 4% 4%� otisoift ola -1 I WVAK I ot V114 , ,
. 'i ;9 " , . , **~ Tmoill ,fi� Nut W"ibili "k * 0"^ ft% . I ;1%0= . I ilflt "O"'Wft a sft*#� *01"1k Iliftl *Aitaft too& *" a ikovit sit Water. it tout We,
I *' I - , � , t for 66*0 "!A 6*01 %*. it torics loll 4V 'k *%4 "t" i* *lAit)k t4sl1k,
. `u ** tu'lol *111'" Itt.1%�l&*-I�:�ltlt!O--k'-�---', . - T-0 Able koftmilgi, tsihmiti,ii" valeff tt "b.
. . ^001111 IF I il" -1-'s -- 1:-_ -_ � 1, . , a - , I "t -
A I I.. 11 .. t W= *"%Ll
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`0"k " t 4 , 1, V�l - - 1.� , � 1.
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11 I
, -
iffughly cle4a", 444 Al them limall
oweet Autti clean,
WIll Ii teaspomful of viazaar bait -
In* 01, be 4tom-0 will counteract the
wilcil 9ctroag food.
TIAt ,a teaspoonful a$ ground
clavvie oil a few hot coall will producc
the name result.
Thlet a N-mr drops of oil of sandal-
wood dropped on u but sbov�l is a1sc
an excellent deodorizer.
That ct stato cru -it of bread boiled
with cabbage will absorb the strong
That a large lump of charcoal in a
refrigerator will Prevent a ma3t3
That a Pound of popporas di,maolv-
ad In boiling water, If poured int(
drUin Pipes. will dissolve the groasc
and carry away all lmpurltiw.
That a d6agTocallt! '%m:ou breath'
may be gottiva rid of by awallowinii
a mouthful of vinegar. or drinking
it half cup Of hot lvut('X in which 0
pinch of linking Boda has been ilia -
on I vied.
That a foul breath may be sweet.
oned by a mouth w-ush, of perman-
ganate of potash, in a teacup of wa.
That a frequent use of lye in ill(
kitchen sink will prevent a borribit
The isivirtiet Pao in &merloa Is Joel
beginning a now era In ita develop
meat. In 1876 there were only ab
known varictim Of the flower. ,L
the remit Of the most Careful out
tivation there are to -day 70 differen
kilialf- each with au �udividual narne
More or low significant of its peou
Liaw orlinracturiatios. Within th
next tow yeax" an Infinite number a
Dow aud even -a a beautiful v"
Usti will be cultivaited. It is am an
acatially American flower. which firs
attracted attention in It4 nature
ffrowth, and ha4 since been ould
vated for Itil fragrance.
Among the more prominent aim,
Inont beautiful of the varieties a
Etweet Peas now in existence, axe tb
Queen, the Mrs. Gladstone, the Sena
tar, the Indigo King, the Duke a
Clairtmee. the American Belle, tb
Adonift, the Alba Magnitica, the Appl
Blasson:6 tile Invinolbi Black, tb
Butterfly. the iplushin Beauty. th
Cardinal. the Carmillne Invincible, th
Emprean ad Indimi 11VAs Hunt. the Car
tain of the Blunis, the Orange PrLnoq
tlia RkAng Sun, the Royal Robe. th
Purple Prince, t(he Violet Queen an,
the Lilla. � , , I
What ham become of all the at
maidat One can remember when on
numbered several real old maid
2,111sone one's acquaintance. They a]
VdressadalUike. alked alike, they god
, 4 ' "'
airied, they era generally "touchy,
;� r
they Latin ad their affections a
whoaxy pugs and disagreeab]
oat - d 7 1 conveyed the Imprei
' a. they
.I .1 lf.vs
at of never having been young. an
w r. 1. .
where in each a type of woman t
be found now? She ham wholl
vanished. The f1mot Is nobody acknow
ledges nowadays that age can witbal
or that a woman is "out of it" if ab
does not marry. The "old maid" ha
becomis the "bacholos maid." St
droaaes as all women do now-aday
without regard to the flight of tiraq
She has her Occupations. Useful c
social. she is cheery. she uses tip ever
minute ot bar time, and she is dii
pendent on nobody to take bar abou
The '�old -1d " Ill fact. is quite ob.s(
The creators of tardlion haw* Q(
Yet devised a rably day Skirt whic
is K-Vt&bla to the well-dressed wi
man. Whe Present short skirt in il
-do Condition is inart.L%um T1
short skirt of the future will not clam
the ground by more Lttuen an inob am
m half- Many w0n,611 find the daub '
fac'Od. heavy 'weight materials I
which the Taimy day skirta have bee
made. quite tale heavy, and the weal
Orst RZ15 %UidklY fativued despite tI
hot that In them they a
. njoUr muc
-- freedom in walking. I& nice doi
bic-faceld 981wic. With a worsted flat
4 a mercerized cotton back hX3 a,
Pealred On the maxket for spring wea
It Comes In plain and striped books ax
browns. Etra^ blues mind blacAM &
the trunt- The mercerized book dot
away with the nomell Wr akii
lininM and on this asoccant Will I
To" pa"mr. Its chief recolumendij
tion' bolve'Ver, is Ill IWO Wtljrht�81101
half that 01f the materials recent!.
Used In the short walking skirts.
Ve" few short s
warm at present by the ultra restrict
a3lite. but it is pradiatesd that the 6ha
skirt Will have a loac reign when
d0litrabils MO from an artistic and h,,
96111110 standpoint has been devised.
A grauri at small billysi. gathered at
deir a big oak, had listened spellboun
Aw an hour to Unclet Knoell's fait
of adventure by land: and by sea, a
the field off battle am] in the tracklei
At laftt -the barall of all the advvq
turm Polusled tar breatJi. and one i
his liStollara vxMittred a single gam
Ing quelfttial
UM016 IWID(ft he staultnervId, I s'Poo
-Z u, inerer ran aw-ay fra
=riin all your life If Not froi
befairs not tigerl nor cannons nor wil
Lniliania. nor -nor anylibing?
Uncle Encobf pulled his spectach
Well down an Us lons no*4, and ga I
vid, benignly over them at the roll
tmeaftrat, young person.
Donny, be said. in the tone of at
antifely arrivied at the sileat of wisdoc
]*TA Live, keg ofteogilli an' you'll fill
-out 'tian't vver bait to ran a w -*3 Itra
danger. no mistler wtftt� but you'll sit
times " you'll climlialre itront ai
advance in the, other direction 'box
as (Alft ast You call go�
Clik. I slowillis George slowed his wit
eats Wolf* I tomarried him. and mail
a ftol iff,likilself. ignaterally, like otbe
offift. but I ellwsys frfafft biall
Wkiat a deut1tirially near 'all
Oia it moat be to blimal
EM K.�.
TiMaCillor--fibbby', Can YOU t*11 IM
the mr&uiug of the Weird respec"
BildbItill-Tiew:t. Tt*u the ft-elio' as
kJ tots r
W tlier what kin lic
Tbb TMwei Oatfoo& arsai at
levier witlis " avkVillfiral exst in hi
#3* *%kA Ukled Ill for bis, Imi-st,
He %*a a ttai"als whi, owvWd I
or 46 cavm It's wis arrankgifts wit
itub %W"llbir ablat lag W*41analf. allf
uhs Waft to isitaft 11w haler.
WeIL Wk. lise r*pRoiI. I 0A
J"t tb k* Ilmilar air wo, Tagreat tb
tmftovl� ye vt*z limac Pill b�) (11ft,' As IWO
as tviii I t1s.
idia larAl r ortufto It %sked tit
. L
I '*I* Chriliefti;6% fter lawsr
Ill" thfif tstrW". ' L
L _____,___�_
,ad tike ftelwadr 11110991041110111 110 ff,
P , 0114fir X40th-- THE FARM:E:R.]
'rho WOWS" and tl* baby in the West --------- -
uuud avoolist car kW am car lively. The 1,() 1)0 Too M UCIL
aby lied " ougitior,li"ble Yell$ front the FARME&-i I'lly
'eace awagnuakt to the war department One oorwa,, , ,k, LbIl th' tmr�
ud beyond, The baby kicked and tooled met mflwtb up"n bilus.1f Is big
ud beat itill ijig,thilifir in the face with its n " - greater
sts and trkd to poke holes in the car attempt to tulL,V.L� , a to This
,iudow apo galilivil and snorted and hban be si�u pl-w-il) ""N dand
4oked ham been an ci(vi I,Lw "LliLbu�
"What If It mammals PItty Itty King He h". li, l"I (b, Wan
I ter' tho baby's mother would inquire. Pc,c"Li w
7ow-wow-blutf-wo.-cor, nor the lu,,da,, I. 9", hi,, ,I-Vd More
'Does It want lintannalm lily purse?" than hull th, ,.Il�,,l ,tL1L1(1-L1 theyl
"GlEig-flUg--W)WD#Q--Wlk"-WOW I" should hiiv� ll� ti"', .uff'i,, frouk;)
"Batil harts Ito poor itty mamma d ,�h,'Ll b�;d' 'a
unchlas her. Doa baby waut, the nice the ill trrd(WOUE �" , ,,p ,J�fl, Wet in
ty horalo?" pi tw fLUd- li'� '
"Zip-woovh�_a4w-bIub-w"wP' both quanuly d1i'l qual-0 4"ll hissuii
"Does It want to go pea poor ole Peru Poorel Lhatt 6clult, l[te ,,,.S WOre
rocking lit his ola dook?" .,ad lit-
"Niiw�ow-owll# planted, rb,Lt tli� ""W"I"Ll J
"Shall " go buy It a Dow dress and timate retu-6 fiva' th, "'"" furn"
011ie?, of Plant ld,, u"y UUt d'W""'ll each
"Whojil-witil boexhomoo-wowl" "J, tbal. [ft- firt'l I
year. Lt Xd li_e.� I 1.
"Sea out 9ft7wilidow the wagon go- 1"',st Wd'at ,in.
lir along Without au,y horale. isn't that of rho SoLl b, �i ." , �.Zidtir the
The at-jorktY uf f,11
Many 11, nee" of the 1.111LU'di'l, ,rup. but
"Y14"buir-owliaml-woot-wow r, "umdotatu the
"Shall mamma take it to the store to rar,ly takL' L%11U , ,�Up it .a sur-
- the new pittiest" "code of I lie "I of t Leek 11al Lb DOI giv-
"Kor-blm-*oool" priming that wof" I b ding at
he 800.8 fertility tl,,,t V�cb )0111- LUUY
"Don't want to ,,as the pittles? There. 't to tbe perwilue", U11- nil
ow, 'here, Do" ky no more, mem' b ing larger crops 014" thv year be -
lain illy sing. 0411 she dance It up tZ
ud down?,? ore and at swaller cus( . tua ki- him
"Baw-blltum-swatc�w I" The farlu ell'"' ' t hrough
living (row tht old howe"tead
The tall, cQrmtjl It sed man who out his 4ife, anti that his children and
�as aliting light .L. ,,as
guide the woman his children's children %Lli tuutiOua
, [ill the baby and whose raglan the to make their living fl�w 11, but 'U
aby bad been threatening to kick into the face of this he will Persitilt 111
bort ribbon@ for some time past had sue h methods of culture and Luduage-
can looking straight ahead, apparently lumt as WL11 slowly , it w') be, but
ncouceruad and oblivious at the prem- Eturely (Lad Iqtit,uldtirally r.b it of
nee 91 the squawking Intent At Wash- its fertility until it is reduced to that
agton cWo, however. lie rose to get Off- rn out eondLtlOn MO cowwon. Defi�
"Momma's bwful illy sing," the moth- wo t quantity, variety and quality of
r wan saying to the still bawling young clon (", I "Ilge of the
live stock, lack of Ice
no. Proper care, troatmOnt &ud breeding
The correctly dressed man I who was of farm animals and knsuffl('lent pil
beat to Illight, rOAChed down and due t I of cropi gro" Ei ,NI1 "illy for
hocked the baby under the chin. auLu- theLron aiutenance, I, 1'111'1�1 'in U01-
ag amiably and causing the mother to mrsulomistake. Lack of in(.rmatiotf
Dok pleased. regarding the reqtjirvWeu(1 of ape.
"Mtrams"If bo0ful baby,*' -he want '- .i.1 or,, inaul prqi,iranon and
Adressing the youtirter soothingly. "11* judicious cultivation al'. vlefuents of
Iced, mamma dam t know what in this failure. in the inajorit) of [he cases
vorld to do with such a bad boy." the logical result is a fntlure and
"Have you ever triell," inquired the due probably to no uth,r (,,tu!3e than
orrectly dressed, mall as the car was lack of informa t wn on t he I— ct Of the
onflug to a halt for him to got off- farmer.
'have you ever tried the brass knucks,
L saudbaf. a piece at lead pipe or an A_DVANTAGE IN 'I'H01101"GHBRIM
cc pick?' CATTLE.
And before the mother could recover
ram her amaxeinerit the brute had st,00, Tha time is 'not fnr disi Ant when
led off and the car had started ahead, the scrub covw will becut"d k thing of
he rating 011ie still howling.- the past, and "ill tie superseded by
o nd high-grade.
onsly a 111imances"0116 Even the bigh-griuiei mill in turn give
Mr. Grump -I've brought home a now wab, to the thoroughbred, It is no-
notto for our sitting local. Seel "Beer ticeable that the coinwon farmer is
MY Oross."
Patient Wife -If one word were added wakileg up to the truth that the
md the tootto read backward. I would Common grade co%% is tin unprofit-
ske It as a personal warning. a ble Creature, and figureg ,iri- helping
Mr. Grump --Take care. woma.1 What
10 you mean? the milk farwer to learu the facto.
Patient Wlfo--Then It would mad, In every locality can be r3een the
'Don't Crass Thy Bear." ateady improvemant in dairy stock,
. and although the progress is Blow,
The beat Preserver. 5 v . er . -y siow. yet it is as sure its the
Customer -I want to get something Ming and Bettin.g of the sun. Not
many yearsago, Lt ,as rarely a tholl
:hat will preserve wood. oughbred bull could be sean.
Now Clerk -Yen, air. Here's just the 'It in not Bo much a question at
hing ,you want. what brood, as it is a .ell -bred thor,
Customer- Nonsensel That's a pad- Ough-bred. Cin this point itlone hinged
tick. largely the Mumtion o4 profit and loft
New Clerk -Yea. air. Put that on your to the Nrw owner. The strong desire
6vood shod door. and no thief will ever of practical farmer.4 to know which
�et Ili of his f!o-vs are profitable and which
More Flop Their Money. unprofitable is The elealent contrib-
Mrs. Nebb-Do you take the Sunday buting so largely to the i,eeding out
U L of the krub, rund substituting wall -
Blatherskite? Yo know a Picture 9" bred thoroughbred animals.
kviLh every copy? ,But the present strong dernand for
" NI rs. Ite"-No. We prefer the Sunday a better quality of milk from a more
Lsbng� It comes in four volumes and intolligent and critical ruilk-consulm.
las a ')011ie of family "nanent With It ing public is perhaps the strongest
,vvry wepb,. factor tending to thii change of
- stock. It is a fact that the purl -brad
A General Idea. animal
, produces a better quality of
"But," Said the cruel editor, "this is not milk because (if the betfer care it
� receives from betler housing, better
,00d dialect poetry."
"Not good dialect?" answered the feeding rind more, ittention to the de-
Ireamy pact. -Sir, I defy you to find a teil, of sanitar - y conditions. The
single ivord that is Spoiled correctly In thoroughbred L4 freer from tuber-
that poem. I ruess I know what dia- culomb,; ,,oil otbur diseases because of
lect is the uniformly belle, treatment they
- receive than othor gr�dm Resides
Taleturpliciable. all this, the thoroughbreds are of
Police Justice- -You say you are Inno- more even temperaluent, of l,luder e
L,ent [Tow do )-on explain the fact that Position, more latelligent, better read -
Full were found near the scene of the, ers, have better (arju, obape and Cad_
robbery with the stolen property in your or than grades.
Prisuner-Dat's what's puzzlin me, too, H
lvb,v Sline Lant Him. We doubt net that two generations
Freddie --&ad you mean to tell me that hence farmers will be able to look
Hiliklus hasn't married Miss Paynter? back at u1i and PLtY us because the
Why. the girl vies throwing herself at knowledge on "h,ch lie pride our -
hint the last time I snw them. %OlveS was so f,, inferior to their
Teddic-lify dear chap. did you ever
know n woman who could throw straight ? - There arP �;`tlll unknown quan-
tities or influen,eg which have not
been fathomed or mea-9ured at the
A Dv�esdftl Kima. lwilee& beginning o,f the 20th century ave are
Miss MIncer-Oh,-1 suppose Mr. Gron- far from attaining a feat knowledge
tie is not So bad a man. but then he's not of the science of agriculture. The
the man a woman womid care to marry. progress of the last half century has
Stiss Candor (of Dostou)-,Good gra- taught us inucti but ,the moat import-
cinusl Is It possible that there is Such a met lessea is that it has shown us
man as that In the world?- aot Only bow owch we were LgDor-
It of Irears agv, but it has enabled
as 1111,1116f,ec , as to lee something of the MAUS,
MiDITS that we yet need to Study.
"All right. then, we'll toes for It." said The primary arithmetic
Tommy. "Here goest You holler. Heads which ends
with the tables of the ton, great
or tnitsr PriluciPlee of adding. subtracting,moi-
Very well." replied little Emersou of tiPlYing and dividing is but a be -
Boston. "I prognosticate the talliss or ginning in the science'of Mathematics
the obverse appocumat.`� and we have bearcoly "t farther than
that in the science of agriculture.
-MiW MM Plof1ding Pete. -what DO NOT WHEP.
caused yen to adorit dia way of riviur
"It was no sarin dlsposltiorl�" answer- The borne that litumbloof should eat
ed Memaderifig Mike, "I got into do kab. be whipped for the accideml. He may
It of B&Tln meneft all mcch work ma Von'- stumble bec-susis be is badly shod.
his and I couldn't quit it's- - EJLO may he- a nerve" disorder that
Occasionally CAnSes him to lose call.
Oliver n WAs, Dolials., trol over one or "Other part at the
Prelbleigh--PM. how did you because
ossified ? nerve'a that are used -in ,his Compliant_
ad Work of -a&ipg trotting
ossified U22 -1Z my Y011 I *%a Dim ling while pulling - or rullm
=nd soft like you, When. I g.6- up and a load or holding
Lt back. Whatever may tie tileeatilas
Used what 41 cftd World this Is. I be- Of his Iturnbling, -hipping the Bitian.
came kardesivL- bler Will do no good. The ,bar" dessof
ANAVIrv,artme& .. not Stumble for Pleasure, or threMb
Ettobbot-41! ym wilieN di"581, Illumbliall I. painful to his.
kamp walls eat just why kle` lstiondd be tortured with
Plenty st oftions. a -bjp While his "r,ous system has
Ellobbol , Uistale right No @W been wronch"d I. a Stumble a,A a
respecting ink -be womM Cane to aftek fifir"'i6gle to keep his toot no one tiou
ov asillost 40 ealft eaten toll- The -hippil .... aft., tio.
A accident. Tke bore, dam not wa&r-
ataxid that the stinging lashing it a
10 War ling to him Rot to istimamble WIS.
Stages" riblovalm. Be r"rards it 93 merely am 444'ed
Furies settied the worw at rhiucceras tortare.
- rbleoceta-li, we u* rifiej for rottilft 1.
Infortmatival as to the plural tit ,tkw -----a.-
recoadite boevo. -Arastrook- fft exam, "I
06. So sataft *,W- sevzoety &@066 eft auE&Jayi Tilk OPPORTUNITY.
ecareely be passed as -bacl�-.-%W�mme" eals Aaldt-4 wander why Grempe*hav
maswer. Tbot ph"Itl *r tb*vjtk this 11
asalocy of t" novm is [a Ito fliction. And vrifs deserted Ili, I
or"t of the unwe 0 �� . W111111at 1111l Tellit-'she had a new coi-g-ti,.ft),
" O" ut OW Ct-*4mbdeut*? Wo Coat 90WIN mad "mited as .rou, to wear
lit *Dgtftt the eXp6dieft ,arnis tW24r it.
who V" ar&r1iilc a tomfou at tbeft Iii. - .
mb*&K'Uft fteft 010 WAUWtklbn,M
`PIVaBe Solod 006- 1111141 W16114411. ft" 7EIR S'rPERLATIVR
tfiws"- Tuft cliftio ( � 'no
"COW at -goo"Mr, no -w*,*g *,araaa Cal" fhw
11111 - "
t'NM ill first 'rite -d,,,r,- blot he call,, him
'Ptease mad asal tallel's Cause'.
Re in aftertlibucK in a 91ftaosd w4a -cIvz,,osL..
Wrote. 'Ti""O sma ". Joalt-weil. 1 gum abis iilL : I
As"@" winfibmay, . JrNT li" DIM
"'I'llotil Sft tWA It prot&W - - L - Searman'-Te" br*tb,r D" slia room,
sat lu a -1 *e llilaa�t 6P ot ot altar Wft* eat of oft Tend mickIt.
, -
Ife *a* O" tut awas Joil %1P9ftf*d b 0116 WrAft Wearile-Ilkst.10 Just ,like Meat.
tionoteft or plerWom, I ft - My imenoto trat Ira 19 flers" doift "Gas ,idiot%"
0600 ffislaiat Veto or *f1wa ot am vilmikle me, I likiflit.
'or "eft litelf beft ftaillow" 4 fret. � -
"Vft At ft Is lieo� ft ISAL"Emp"
"Am that lie" a"" I" aeoftwitsios lit at - r
%Villksio waseft of hassou betiol It*& o"_ t% rive sent scares, eir stairieo
wartk"Ififix to wat etr I tailtilis litarfreat ,.,,;.,. I liva" I
"'Ttla, "on, VA k is aiso, W" oftlimit, wilill ",&oaa it vies We
$Imor I* tooses a �L no "MCA. " *0111l so.
or Isoot == a* ftuallIftift I ake4 410 W,b t1key W044
01"It "Ott " Poka. a ~
I .
I i �, I I . I
" S . . I I I .. 11 I , I ,.',I " �
I , .1 I �� -
I . I 1-1 .1 � 11 I �., - I � I ,
, , " , * I I : , I . �_, I �
_ �, ., � - , . - � _ . .- - � I 1. .. --1 I - - I . ,
. le,
* 194,