The Goderich Star, 1901-03-29, Page 71�ff
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IT obc , , � csXa:T.AAWy 00 OWM,80W , 01,rT_,�Tlr,__Xa�,� 'Xmr_,__. - 11 � , t" sr; , Uiry. MW J* Us, �. . 1* # r"1144 0404r. , I
Tt.0 �* , _Jb. was sr"04 � Vlay Mr. Als, , . _t0d �. 11 11 JUST LORD a , . �� .* rill uys, &Zii, to; stta",* ow,
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11 IS GOOD, M THE RAUH. m" **p `4 " w" burw tAo" ` 0-t " e'' I *,4 -
i . " , *Xlow A lson WAlt 1PA50,11swo Mrs tam -_ , W4 DOM, Win * o4ta"o 1113 t1kat fAMily, front 0141=14140 0*4
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� It As, 9" of tits #Mat 0* Arst ro*ars tuddevits, (XW to 1.44 1 4 1 - W-#,*
_� ��� 11 . , ever buot ia AnIeS4. A" Is t -''w ", . %%� . . To "ri'm Al's Porp"ARITY. oittilw* t* ow" sausage "d � '61 test. '44W 0 *W' wl
,,,, *-a . T.*.* At'us"aro of all "-*a, --------- - . "..
' *RQ4 sit Agisal "a _�.111111_ 7,.�_ �� - "�-" I M" vivent "aw a" reply. 114 or" I fgq.r lkouoal� grsdIOU4 0 lay*,
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R,eligion is Sanative, Curative andl , 4owra to bi two f4hu of %wr- 0"*0 ** & , *iie,* -------'-- I 41
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� . . #4 010 **01lietWn. Ak lie let blin *w,t 'N" Wow B= W01mr, "t rritraft "kq* W � from tbo. YJAW Wisball'41 too ,
, ,P"A �v V611411, 10 , 0 it.
11 � ther very boaVA01 t ' ow4 is App -W4 *944 A%I*-tsrdt4a wb0s, bott, a 111"PO" Vo a A64644, Aw 4 4404 or to b" tkAt was. bolflilogjain, own. AAA oveg as hip jr,roks Usele, $Xao
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tbjLt built for hU family and hiju-If #�A elfr" they totidjed that ox"a It is; not t1w wAwk� bat ths, vQrr,y, INQ tar t III, timsio wa, III*, moved, uQualituor drove up to tb!i,_eM
lenic. , . _ , , Titat wr the new I "W-now"Irso** W. - , ,.",.
tjyg* , t - Mr. Sectliari. It conxiolts a a Ifeau . 14% thl art
q utlt,al little kKkgtl _I*k .Mmik* tair facim. "oug to vfia!� *44 4*0 XLpeato a XVAW" butIII400" wtxroa,k� Ruttifelit; U44 3" kqr*" to the kik4.A.*jpR0q1:,,
I � , -
G;ook can,Wy'at .,i4ite marble covvr- On -ow jeff,petiqut minutes later, I& T � , 11 Croy bAin I sk flux We". 1�
� W b�4*4' ' jWJAktM.du sad kurriedly oalne, is.
I � I _ , ,*, & , ., , y I tie . W tawag again, 11
IAW in qIr , wiltich, in tkf,inarky g1jutwer oV tbo. d;*w1ag rogo A* .9 kke to -M, D4 till ar"o; �'Aawd *oW I'm golp w _--.41,_ I
A.Apneutil Qrp" . , � �. OX0111, t
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. Ills lauxel crowned listepi, , I I -11 , W ,g to tell yo
A i1wilatch, from walihingtoa says: The auil�tios you would have hall 'p- turn, lie# q o basement. I - sporkla Private UQI�r. Nos SO* lay 14 tilde W .
.A a wor'bi I" w"Q usipr. Thot dimi tho bifatfiir 4ii,tk -
-Rov. Dr. Talmage preach . 0 - I , 1 404�� , bluscho9lrombailbe" he'"U'r9gefluCtOd"itb7oiat" )* L044oabom$,*acri�*of,lw.14_;=I,-
on this SuNect. 'put together w4ld A, comWativily small buit very '44 Into the presence at the sphinx. Blit y w that *(a$ afft* #0 4ht. end cot, The w0Xt 9*- "Am *000 &A 7ft'90 410410 orpool. 5W "res. I ,
_� from make D. martyrdom. This is a state offectivv gravestone U that erected it was a sweetleart affair. At his Ara #4T0'110&T7 alld troubled, tursied into a 49spital and the black- enovish. we're ggiag to "ad yoo to I
the follow�ug text: -"With long life of awful unbealth. There are people t(w himself. by Mr. Rodocanichi. It words tke sylph's breast was depleted of With &,woo;T. 40apanAttat tight. n e wells like rAgisind, to beime and than when ym -P=-
Will I sat4y him.-Poalms XOL I.Q. who fret themaelvea to' death lor fear wete finished early thia year and is lot oil kope, He said that several .years I betak yWra g to got your
I dying. I want. this morning to Florentine design. since, � while trying to , win Ifts chosen It [a not tbomAirk. but the worry. a, boa4 of premature Wouzaing. 00111:114
My design tWS morning is to #tIQW c trips#, for 79W &V%. talk spoken
t ke 'the strain off fyoar nerves and It must not be forgotten that to lady, him, Afoul blis greatest barrier in her That dirty" au &loop a.we'r. On" be had bcon a very big MOU 11
tb you that practical religion in the a AA We tcwis ozd tam sad wonder. very well of yow You were wwuA*d HELLOA1
the deprojanion off your soul. and I all this approximate figures of cast- twitting blin as a carpet knight. Be About t" astres of the day, but now bils tkatry arms that lay list- at Belmattt. I understand, aud at
friend of longevity; and I prove it, a Vrrinleuto- Ex- given above a very considerable sum when be platineii 4 tour at Scaudi, 104*ly outolde the cover were &4uQ&t Koodsoberg, worWt yout" I � I I : I ;
0. to 2avill ,� I
from, the tact tha� it makes periment the first : VOLL 90 Out may be added for "ground purchase." the DO We Wisk of the luitudAl baird labor.
firat. be ogered to expose himself - "a a
I this world, it does not make any which to invariably heavy. peril, of capturing a grebe along the Qv the sItSPA Of the tired toot I the 04 from wrist to aboul- But Private Ik203 could out evea
the care of our Physical health 0, 0 trenvehiallsatliury u0juntlook- The Old Reliable
difference whether in this world you scraggy cliff of the coast and promised Ah I w. but we plan and ponder. dor and ty"; bone In bia akull 6bQMr -
positive chriatian duty. Whether have been good or bad, or whether .0 - bird. $he Ravi to make both *adit most, _ od and looked; no w Field Marshal ALL KINDS OF
we shall keep early or late hours, whe- youbel iro, right or wrong. you will LAUPLEATE NONSENSE. tier the Priceless plamemot the ad pl&W:r thi"It the skin. His hair gave him a slight farewell bittal
admiringly agreed that It he would bring h&4 been clipped and so had Ilia board a friendly nod. and with
ther we shall talce food digestible -or go .tra�bt to glory. "Impossible," Tennyson Is amid to havo been tend her such a royally won troplijr the would It in act the, wAwk. but the worry, granA thou t
indigestible, .�6v,,hetbler there shall be you say, "my tommon Dense as well of foolish fun, that over delightful give him it locket beating a portrait of TbLt waken va'sobar and alad. tnift; a thick stubble bid his big gaunt a Word the imbudgil all the others
thorough or incomplete mastication, a's my religion teactios that the bad sort of fun .which lit cot wit but non- herself arrayed in the feathers. a taken That makax to narrow mad sordid, jaws. uW an answer to their saluts, he took C 0 A L
and the good kDannot tive together I of her plighted troth. Nbas we should be cbe and glad rob- I" staff and hill presence from the
* sunlight, a. The doctor said that be we ' p room.
are questionta very oft deterred tothe forever; you give me uo'comfort in 80111141- Pursuant to his iatentlovia, he was low- There's a shadow beforiii tul hly going to risoover but tic 'did not An for Prlrate Mll*r, be looked u ALWAYS ON HAND
realm, of whimsicality; but the, Chrig- that experimen0' "Experiment the One day, ot Burlington House. tie ered In'ttle usual way over the edge of ADA ever Is 4wad 1A the blue.
this world, malted the guests a conundrum wbtob The ment of the vaae in tainted. look it. Eutexia fever bad made suoll at the sister, smiled a won smile airig I I I - MOM I I I I t I F-71
tiain man lifts thil whole Problem Of 8 . the Norwegian precipice to a nest of th seemed (kintsd dsgd &Way, But when b
health into the accountable and the You will go into an intermediate state he had just made: grebes. The prize wag secured. and be The onto of Uke new in untrue, a wreck of him that dea came to hl Lf. the Mat words Z: The Best Serhuton Hard
where you can got tLxed up and pre- Who are the greatest women in the was being raimed to the top when the to be written in his deep suaken, eyes
divine. .He Pays: "God has given me pared for heaven. - Impo"Able." orou warldl It in not the work. but the worry. said were theas:
this body, and he hag called It the tem, may, "as the tree talloth. so it must The answer wag, rope encircling his b*Jy loosened. Atter 13!h,Lt makes a woman grow old. and sound in the weak, hallow tons& "D'ye ken the little mytal; be took COAL
�varled dangers he landed upon the sum- Jrhakt numbers the yeariii of woman- of tam voice. Tay hand, A'am to get well soon I He
pie of the Holy Ghost, and to deface its lie, and I cannot postpone-, to an in- Miss OUri, the Misses IPPi end Sara mit, to find big raven black hair turns() lit the Market for CASH
termediA state that reformation Gestla. - milk white. The horror of that on hood. jIa was used to bospits, life. having took ma It"."
,_ to utter- Bre half thi story fig told. Atuad with that he lay there, look- . unusual t I I I
altars, or to mar,its walls, or crum- which o4ght to have been effected in - able moment was branded upon him for- That weak"m thsir talth in heaven been down to Wynberg twice in the ing at the atimot useless member, as All coal weighed on the market
pie its pillars, is a God-detyLug sac- thin 4tate." Experiment the third; INV # - _ ever not only on his external person, but And the wisdom of God's Sweat plan: first six months Of the war, with ki it ivere a valusibLe ourli"Ity.
rilege.- He sees God's caligraphy in There to no tuture world, when a man - __ __ also on his mind. Never could he recall All I 'tin not the work. but the worry Mouser holed In him. Then he got the *a scales where you get 2,000 lbs for a
dica, that is the last of him. Do ri, j.- oi .j�ay. near to me, ring emo- Breaks the heart of a wlaman.
every page-anatonucall' and physio- not 1l ,;,h An,. . , it tat &we, lt� said he, without overpowe ton.
logical. He says; "God has given me WXyrry about what ;you are to do in it is a be,. -n bright And tion, fever al Natal Sprult, and thin was
another tstate of being; fyou will not To chee, uke .. .0 ..ji Adding only that he had achieved his framework of the strongest man In ONS DOOTOR'S OPINION. WN. LEE
a wonderful body for noble purposes." do anything. " Impossible," (you Pay, it is a star to guide we throuch aim, which was worth all, Mr. Yale left WASHING BABY'S FLA.NNELS. the regLuatfut I -_
,rhat arm w-ith thirty-six curious "there is something that tells mo that 'this busy -41 .1 pain. the room. The audience, with a saiges. Cause efse Muck 91clese" is the Fairweeb Ordet s left at Lee & Sheppard's
bones, w-iolded by forty-six curious death is not the appendix, but the A biaevu bright to rest with me lion of guilt within their hearts, gave The baby's underwear 4bauld be of It was very guict to the bare little "=fly - Store will receive prompt attention
preface; there is something that tells Until ,�c meet again, dar in Indescribable silence to his ascent flamnel, as soft and fine an the purse room. Ocoasionaily a man muttered, 'A physician who had resided in a - -
muscles, and all under the burairl's me he grave I rho vision it.. food hop" of the staircase and entrance Into his can buy. an4 kept In the beat possible but as a rulo. they all lay there with small town for noaxly a quarter of
telegraphy -three hundred and fifty only get- started, and I will go on for- Of better dayo in store; room. While still under the charm of his Princess Tablets
pounds of blood rushing through the ever -my power to think Days 'Fof- It .hispors .1 a time to come, narrative they sat when, perhaps it half condition by washing it properly, A all that was left to look at -the move a, century, and bad accumulated Lt ,&ro w t you w at for oil tortits of
ver;' my affections say . Forever;, "'lien we shall part no mom hour later, his door reopened, for him to Carelam laundress can ruin the beat their cyalide closed, or else looking competence. was in a reminiscent sin tuf allible retric,
husart ov,Lry hour -the heart in twon- 0 dy flAacovered by a foremosit female
y capacity to enjoy or Puffer, 'For- Then rest with me. on. vision brightl Pass out with 4 letter, which he was seen wooden garments to two or three blandly up at the calling, In a slow frame one day, and said to a friend: eciallst;gua ritcodass positive
'a oure;wUl posTlaively establish the
ty-four hours beating one hundred ever."' Well, you defeat me in Iny My only thou art; to post before returning to his chamber. weallkage. making them so shrunken breathingi half-wakiug sloop. " It may BOOM strange to you, b t - - 14P
thousand timeg-during the t%vcnty- three experiments. I have only one My only joy, my only grief, The letter read thus: 'came into u , - normallunctiour. Used MonVily by
four s stances more to make, and If (you defeat me 1. �h.0 we am apart. I Lucie, carissitne, rate. can keep it no longer. amd rough that they Lrrltate the ten- ,An arTaRY nuraing sister three-fourths of my practice is am- .1 over 6ti'llookadic"; for sale at orug.
amounting to 225,000,009 pounds in that I am exhausted. A mighty Thy face, ah. me. 'tie always near; Shall I tell the end or the beginning first? You der flesh almost boyrund endurance. the rcOm quietly- SOMO Of the men ong the farmers living within a radius gists, oreent on rocelpt of price $1.00.
One, on a knoll back of Jerusalem, 'Thi no�e, fret. my tight; cian't knQ. som enough. Would have written a The following method has been used followed her with their eyes. She of ten m4e* around this town. I have Aetna Drug Co. Windeor. Ont. Cdkn.
weight -during the sum" time t'he one day, the iskies filled with forked it haunts me through each long, long day part of i� the night I arrived hen bad I Into
lu.ngs taking in fifty-aelven hogsheads lightnings and the eaxth shaking twith And fill. my dr.ams at night. how it would come out. It only you knew w1wnt for years with unvarying success, the went to the little table near the win- travelled every road and lane in'this Dr. Humphreys'
of aLr, and all this miachanism not volcanic disturbances, turned his pale And yet it is a source of Joy, dire catastrophe befell your feckless and on that little garments retaining their soft, d01)v and put a little bunch of flowers nds Of tin -8 -and
It I. my's great wealth, luckless true love " he boarded the train which tl,aeoy jun until entirely worn out. in a glass- SLhe wasn't very Pretty; know eVeXy fuel Of them.
mare mighty than delicate, and easily and agonized face towa.rdo the heavens Anti only would I love it for took him away from you] k Farmers
anti said: "I take the Pins and the sor- The vi6im'v own dear sell. starting late for the station, I battled through Use water that Is as blot as you sbi- wits tall a" angular, and had ought to be the hotilthiest people alive Specifies cure by acting directly upon,
unitooked and demolished. The Chris- rows of the ages into my own heart. the streets rather frisidly, themby probably un- can bear your hand in aumfortably, for PrOlultiac t front tooth that were OOD- but there in somebody nick In their tho discust), without exciting disorder In
tian man Pays to himself, "If I hurt I am the expiation. Witness earth,and ------- -_ settling my wig, so when I tried to pass from my
-my nerves, if I hurt my brain, if I heaven, and bell. I am the expiation." - - - - seat in the car out to the amoker, while we were rLannal cannot he hicillad and hot wit- tiu�aitlly 4ba"wing, but hLr very prea- families nearly all the time. They any other part of the system.
Accept that sacrifice and quit war- THE ROMANCE OF swinwing by at full speed and the wind was blow, tar cleanses and purifies it. Dissolve once stierneid to brighten the room. 'rho habitually eat too much, their ys- $0. oussn. FRIC310.
33lart any (rfxay physical facultieg, 1 rying. Take the tonic, the inspLra- TH ] Ing, aigh, it proved ton much for the- tat&@ balm m. -ith its long white at -roam- torati become clogged and Intitoads of A-Vevere. Cmigeaumu. 1,11--ca-fdoas, .23
0 of nine.- little borax in it, add enough aoap little cap, w
In,itilt God and I call for dire retri- lien, the longevity of this thoughC THE WHITE CURL Tb, wig whiffed off to the forty thousand cor, to make aatxong muds. and wash the ero, appoarod to tho titrongly %-Warcmi. W.m Fovear. Warta Oolic... .23
butitan." The care of all your phy- Religion is sunshine; that is healthy. _ ners of the earth, leaving my bitid pate In puribus flannels thmugh two waters prepar- marked face. starving themselves well they aced 3 -Teething. Conn. Lrytrig,Waltitfulness ,Ija
Acal forcea-iiervous, muscular, bone Religion is fresh air and pure wa- IL naturalibual Covering it and my humiliation for the doctor." 4-11harrhas. of Childron or "ults.. ... .23
1 ter ; they are healthy. Religion its By L& X K,meker. will my hindkerchief, I tat in theme =ill we ed In thin way, plfimging thern upand Alter she had "rauged the flowers " Wbj don't you tell thom so I" ask- 7 --Cough.. Colde. Bronchitis ... ..... .. .!13
brain, cellular tissue8-for all, this warmth ; that is healthy. Ask all the pulled up at this microscopic com fly, where a he turned to the end cot and S-Neurni$fe. Toothwho. Fatiewch... .23
i mm down and rubbipg gontl3r between the 8 ad him friend.
you must be brought into requisition doctors, and they will tell you that 0-0-0-6-0- treat, "Itimitica chased me on that my elles, trai. traightened the pillow with a know- 91-fleathathe. Sick Headache. Vertigo . ,23
"" ly one wkfYeur in town and but one wig In his hands. 80ay should cover be ap- Lug Pull here amd a Bolt pat there. 6ho " I used to do mo but It offended to-ovepernifin. hadigo,olon. Weak Stoinjuds.43
wl.e,n the -world is on fire. ,Smoking a quiet conscience and pleasant antic- Frederic Yale was like Ciesur, for he stocs white o -el plied directly to the flannels, and was very proud at him, wm Stater them and they dismissed me anti sent I 1--SUPPebinitol or Painful 1'-,Ioda - .1.13
yonr nervous, system. into fi�lgets, ipations are hygenic. I offer Von per- came, he saw, ho conquered, anti With this 11,wever. until another could reach ma tmm Potter, for twine they had put tlie 11,li-Whitua, Too Profuso Poriods . . .93
feet peace now, everything hereafter home I made capital out of ray afflictiona to driv* rough usage thickom the texture. little screen around his bed, behind for other doctofa. So In many cumes 13---Cro.p. L4,vusilia. Ilmiracum"....- .13
burning out the coating of your which can fillip the blow and irradiate achievement he did himself credit even dull care away during my separation tram you. Illorax Doftene the water, making very which Men are expect die more I have given them mild medicines, find
stomach with wLno logwooded and the disposition. You have been accus- although his triumph pertained not to I laid a scheme which did not go a-gley for be- ad to ".It Ilthourn. Ery,dpal-A Emptions .140
strychn,ined, walking through anow- ,am n thiB side the farthermost parts of Gaul, but to a coming faiiiii6ject of inter"t to my boarding house little apap ,or rubbing D0008sarY, prinrately, as it were, and make their told them they must eat little or noth- �, 5-Rhe-to-thun. lth-umatl- Pain-, .23
biank; w:th thin shoes to make your the septilchre. This morning I open commonplace boarding house, where he an, ,ororwbfit of . t.1k,r and for noting as a P.Lum through clear water of the same exit as gracefully as t -buy call alone Ing for t,wo or three days, In ardor 16-hfial.rfiii. Chills, Favor And Ague . � . All
globe trotter. This evening came my d,11,1" temperature as that used for wash. and un-Lnterrupted. to give the medLelf-les it chance to take 19-41starrit, Influenits, Cold In the Ifeatl .241
the door on the other side the sepul- tarried during him sojoarn in a certatin opportunity (the people were road with curiosity But Sister Potter had determined to 1110-Whoopina-Vough ., , ... .... .20
fet-1. look delicate, pinched at the %valst chre. You have been accustomed to Inland town. 11 it made it) for spinning a scandalous yarn about kne, and pass them through a rubber effect. Town people overeat, too, mind
until y,)u are nigh cut in two, and walking in the wet grass on the top " pull him through, If possible. Not you, but for re-itions castly explained, 27-Kidouty DI ac . . ... .... .... � .. .24
This boarding house was by nature a 'lie turning of my table tresses Into whitel wiringet. Then just before hanging tja,j�t she was not determined to pull they don't eat as much or as 111ti-N.u. D.billtv , - .. ...- ..1.00
nc:ther part worth anything, groan- of the grave. I 9how,jlyou the under well Forgive, it it needs forgiveness, my bringing hearty
Ing aWut sick headacht� and palpita- 'side of the grave ; the Bottom has fall- ry wilderness-ru thJi drawing room you even Into that nonsee. for you art, ever in them cut, pull will stretch every piece every one t;hr4yugh who came into her food as tho farmor unit Ilia family (to. 30-Urin.ry Wo'k."Writurigned"L. ..4&
tion8 of the Iwart, which you think '" out, and the long ropes with overgrown with weedy gossip and at ta- my thought, and gladly would I let my haim be- In shape. fpr. If this is neglected, the hands, but thlot man especially, for the By the way, Chester," he said, turn- 77--GHP. Hey Fever .1 I � 1. .26
conie from (!ad udien they come. from which the pall-betti-ers let down your ble, under the surveillance of the propri- carat, white or any line of the rainbow In jeopar- orderlies said that tho end cot would Dr. llumpbgyj'ja!�ual of all Diseases as your
es of sj� dizing life for you. Or. which might ples" you tiny wool fibres interlace, causing it Lng to his office assistant, who had DwIststir 'Ali for".
soon be vacant. And there were j,,t come in, 'didn't Unclo Hank by
the devill You are no Chrigtian, dead let them clear through into etress, revealing barren stretch � better rcloicingly would I grow wine capillary to became hard and PhrumIken. Place plenty enough Waiting Out In tb' Roughrider, Just South of town, kill munipr .`TZ06ZX1�.1N=T3:LVVZ
What right has tiny mail or any wu- ,heuven. Gloxy be to God for thits rb- lance. But from the moment Of Frederic , ,,,gdni`snj8 of in own. them smoothly on a line in the sun- tents of No. 5 field hospital to fill it I Now . V
man to deface the temple of the Maly bust, rubicund religion I It will have Yale's arrival it all blossomed as the Tell me you think of the escapade and - - ___ '--- " - _ - - I -
Ghost ? what is the car ? Why, it is . lendeaticy to niake you Vwe long in rose. Merely his presence wrought it belh,ve and cherish always your friend, shine where a gentle breeze will blow a score of t4ues.
Ili,-- whispering gallery of the human this world, apd in the world to come metamorphosis, for he sat at the table The roluntear surgeon who had
soul. What iti the eye? It is the you will have eterwil longevity. "With like a king and looked as handsome as - - through them, Pinning them securely charge of the ward declared that Sis- � I
Observatory God constructed, its tele- long life will I satisfY thee," Adonis and In manner showed himself -Poilteneso Pays.'. I'll everjr mixer eight Inches. Every part ter Potter had saved Private Nailer I
a veritable William of Orange, caressing Some few weeks ago a noted minister of the work should be done as peedily by sheer force of will. Every one '. -I .. -
scope sweeping the heavens. .% won- 13 .e"Jlo Value of Endorsement.
derful is the body that God narat-81 his ------- 0- and familiar, yet civilly dignified. went to one of the local railroad stations as possible. When it Is noce axy to knew she had a vvial Of hor own, "'ad . 11 ,�
"m ber word was law, But whaterver Lt 0 � Q .//-
own attributes after different parts He talked, too, delightfully. Evidently to meet a frknd. Upon entering the sin- dry them Indoors, hang them on a line was, the iscroe.n. had been withdrawn It . Every "Sloter Shou" iq endorwd on the sole
of it. His oraniaciance-it is God's SOME RME YEN'S TOIBS6 a man of wide travel, interestingly and tion and loo6ing around lie saw an ele- abo a the Ptova, where the hot air anal the cloud of death bad passed by I � ,
eye. His ommipresence-it is (;ad's - picturesquely he Interspersed into his gantly dressed woman, wh 0 npparently wUlvoLreulato through them. the and cot to settle suddenly and un- by tho ni,ik,� with their name and shoc s price
- THE MOST EXPENSIVE TOMBS IN lections of many lands. Although far expectedly on a light case Dear the in a 51ate frame.
ca r. Hisomipotence-it is God'm arm conversation sundry anecdotes and recol- wasebout to board a train.
'rho upholstery of the midnight beav- She wits carrying a number of parcels
cals-it is the work Olt God's fingers. GREAT BRITAIN. from proving the old fashioned literary in her arms and, besides, had with her MOTHER'S INFLUENCE. doorwa,y.
conversationalist in monologue, he evinc- The sister j1had not said anything to The Slater Shi�o Co., are just as responsible
His life-giving power -it is the, breath - three or four children that with great How often we read of the Lm- her patient as she arranged hiA pit- for this esidorsetnent as they are f'or their cheques.
of the Almighty. His dominion -the Fortunes spent in Prepurina Last Reftillag ed cozy chattiness with every one Indi- difficulty she was trying to help along /
government shall be upon his about- place. ,if moll 11VIII& Lot. or Means- vidually. It w'as sports with the Youu- The clergyman approached the Indy M port,nt part mothers played In the 10w. She had sLmply smiled at him, It means that they titand N,hind their "� - �1_
(ter. A body so divinely honoured and 110AVILIful sepolchreA. ger fellows, business and cigars with the offere(I his assistance, which site accept. lives at famous men. Not invariably, but more Nvith her eyes than her lips, goods and are ready to an4wer tiny jx�smilllc ;,
so divinely constructed, ivt us be tinces with the young ladies, ed. afterward thanking him very gra- artifficlently often is it the caso that w hic It were open continually. �4he trouble calls, and make thern right.
Since the far off time when the caeul's ma n felt his Prow with her long, cold tin -
careful not to abuse it. When it be- d books and aLwg with their ciously for the kindness. The train mov- men 'who have risen to eminence have gers. Any shoo that does not patfs thrk ... Kti the .
c MOB a Christian duty to take care rich East Indian prince sacrificed mammas, while even with the silver hair- ed out of sight, an(] lie went on his way e. I I
ed dowager in the corner It dwelt with become the exalted ones of the earth Number 3,203 looked up at tier. He process of tnanufactum� up to the Slater ��,,
of our health, is not the whole ten- hundreds of human lives and almost thinking of the endless opportunities .��'. " " If
dency toward longevity? impoverished an empire to build the enlivening loquacity upon her maladies, one bas for doing good, when all at once be It In ,whatever apher owed did not amile In ret-a-rit, but started standard, never gets endo"ed. They ur, ""' ,
her reminiscences and the caprices of the 6. have to say sonaetUng, and after one or
AgaLn, I remark, that practical re- Taj Mahal, at Agra, the world's cost- climate. lie discovered that lie was carrying a no little share of their greatness to two efforts "me out with it weakly: iobbed off as narneless shoes. / -, i, 1, / 7,%,
, in tho beautiful silk umbrella with penrl an(] " I 1. i".
ligion is a frientl of longevity lie,st and most artistic tomb� as the the mother a -t whose knee they lisp- "is to little main comin' ta see me?" " Slater Shoest ' aw (',,)odv,-..r Welle , I/
fact that it is a protest against all As a crow0ing luster, however, over gold trimmings. --Ii,)- are 11 "I 1, . I
the &9!jipations whi.-,h injure anti tie- last resting place for the ashes of and above all his accomplishments and Since that time the feverend gentleman ad the evening prayer, who cheered he asked. same as hand rnade only the olu � 6P �,
stray the health. Bad men and wo- h graces, the newcomer attracted attention has very little to say on the subject of a,nd supported them In their early The nurse did not reply at first. It performed by pertocled ma,hincr�. I
his bcIoveA princess and consort, ( c as a man of -secrets. For who does not -Coul-tesv to Straagers." broublea amd whose far reaching In- was the same thing hd'had said over 4 .1, � I .
find over again in his delirium: When Prices*,-$ S. oo or '4,;..�o. . I
kills them. I know hunIlredo of good , �
men live a very ghx)rt life. Their sin wealthy and the potentates ,of earth find an alluring guest In the unraveling fluence steadied them in yeacre to come wits the little man coming ? why . -
,old men, 11but I do not know a half haw shown almost as much concern of the ominously hinted, unknown by- �� �
,%v,,Iiy ? 'rbey about the style and quality of the gones intertwined about the heart of a long after mother, had passed over wouldn't they lot him in I He was just
dozwi bad old men. Prankx of Printers. outside there aijkLng for Private Mil- Wm. Sharman, Jr., Sole Agent for Goderich
do not get old. 041 bow many peo- stranger? And of such a stranger! Jorda,iti, It Is not fet all remarkable
� grav" they are to occupy afterdeath A compositor, chronicling the career of ler. Over and over again, in all sorts - -- I - __
pie we have known who have not its they hare in erecting palatial and Frederic Yale was mysterious in two a ,nild dog, snys: then thalt the woman whiose praises of ways Lt bad been repeated ; as a -- ---___ - ,- - - .
: I 1,_1# lu ; I �_ f particulars nrinci-all� because of the 1.
i on e r ays cause o
their dis,gipations and indulgences,
luxurious homes for their enjoyment
perfect whiteness of the abundant hair
We are grieved to say that the rabid
aninial, before it could be phot, severely
have been sung In a Lmorst everry tongue
whose beaALtLful life ha been pointed
question, a complaint, or a request.
Now here he was, without a degree of
Now, practical religion is a proLefft
against all dissipation of any kind.
during life.
In England perhaps less money is
curling about his youthful face, while a
poignant subordinate Interest " ttached
bit Nir. Sampson and several other dogs."
An advertisement announces:
oil e a
t for a model should be Lod bt d to
(ever, and yet with the same words
on his lips.
"But," you Pay, "all protegaors of re-
, pant on costly tombs than in many
to a handsomely gemmed locket, dvlicate-
"For sale, a splendid young mare-
her mother very largely for her ex-
" Olt, he's coming soon, but I Hup-
ligi(m have fallen, professors of re-
ligian haw got drunk,,profesqors of
other countries -notably the United
ly and diminutively feminine In ,outline,
which dangled from his watch gu rd am a
would suit nervous old lady or gentle-
empletry early training which fitted
pc)3,a he is very bu3y now," said the
religion hav,e misappr priated tru;t
States, France and Italy; brut for all
man with long black tail."
Ttie. c(iito, of a prominent biweekly
her so wall for this great responsLbili-
Durse quietly, and she spoke it was
" ident wherein lay her power and
funds, professors of religion have ab,-
that there may be seen some vvry
Those who had scrutinized the trinket
ties of after life, One need but took
charm. It was her voice, so low and
sconded." yea, yes, but they t1trew
beautiful and cosIty sepulchres with-
a t carefully reported that one shle
m 13
"The essay we publish in this number
&t the countenance of the Duchess of
sweet and comforting. Many a poor
away their religiom before they (lid
tl)okr morality. There are, aged peo-
a t searching beyond the Metro h-
u po
was embossed with a miniature of a
young woman's face, framed in a re-
'N ." written by a well knoWn writer-
Kent, our late navereigm's mother to
fellow had listened to it, and never
ple in this house to -day who would
tarl cemeteries, slays the London Daily
spleadently plumaged lint. But this,
now to 1. many years In his grave for his
own amuqernent."
feel that hex,a s
known why ife felt better. Many had
found Lbf) secret, imil 41hestLonod her
Lqv-e been dead twenty-five, years ag,o
pointing to an affair of the heart, there
A leading daily, recording the wrecking
from within. The Duchess, with a full
.Lpr - I k of the so nd of
' '
d the equi-
In a chat ,with ,Mx. wood, of the
Were those of the household who would
of a bat it, says:
appreciation of the responsible posi-
.',�,'pI;.1crVriv`ut" Miller ..In nod-
PoLso of religion. Oh I if thrsr rel igion
is a protest against all forms of dis-
'Art Memorial Company, West Nor-
fain discredit.
For soft Innuendoes were already afloat
"Thc only passengers were W. J.
811,illi,' wbo owned three-fourths of the
Uon. the young PAncoas was destined
IRM'ia head hlowl�at wo or threy I Imes
f1W be agreed and wits consoleed.
sipatiov, then it is an illustrious
wood -possibly the largest firm of
of an alliance between Mr. Yale and an
0iri arA the camilin's lovely daughter."
to Occupy and a conscientious regard
In the evening, as is cumtoinary witti
friend of longevity. My ti-xt right
designers, sculptors and modellers in
engaging sylph of the boarding house,
far duty, surrounded Vlotorm with ev-
1he fever, his temperature rose, and
again: "With long life mrill I anti%fy
the United Kingdom - thi"writer
who had whispered to the dowager her
eh I A'arn HaLr unkept "
erything that was pure, shielded her
w1wrl the nurse came to giv-, him his
t hce. "
Again: religion is a friend of long-
loarnt that West Norwood Cemetery
opinion of him. Her confidant relishing
the gentleman's advan
Hard Question.
from baleful Influenoea including bar
illustrious uncle'a court and directed
little bowl of arrowroot, he, wa" a
lotle flighty and would not touch it,
evity in the fact that it takes the,
probably contains the most expemilve
had promised her most masterly tactics
world Is round, and it goes round,
Uncle Rastus," said the small grandson
her milmd so that ahe noght became
" [In wand na coom," lie mutterod,
mporalities. It is
not work that kills men; it is worry.
tombs of amy in Great Britain.
In behalf of the girl, who, inexperienced
In matrimonial campaigning, uld cer-
of the old colored man's former owner-
the Queen of the g-reitt Victorian Era.
Theme who aure Living to -day are the
,. Ile's hard pressed wi' ta Ing fight
When it man becomes a genuine
This is doubtless largely owing I a
tat ly never have essayed the subjugatio n
"Don't yoo understand about It?"
"Nn, honey, I I does," ad-
only ones witio can agpireclato what
that's comin' on. I want In dee-ho
wand na coom."
Christian he makes over to God not
the fact that it conkaLns the Anglo-
of rich an empire as he unless aided
cyan't any
"" tIod UDCle Basics, 8urTeying the well
tibe DIuchess of Kent forr the na-
No, be couldn't come ta-day," maid
only affections, but his family, his bus-
Greek burying ground, tire Gree;cs as
by the counsels of some veteran comman-
varni,hed apple with which his little
t[on. d7he effect of thin cutireful yet
SWer Potter, " but perhAP4 lo-tnor-
iness, his reputation, his body, his
a whole being particularly lav-L,h in
do, each as the aged lady.
St lint] Mustrated his argument.
kindly training was GCOD RPparent. If
t o W."
Mind, his soul-everytbing. In-
dustrious he will be, but never wor-
their erection of costly mausoleums.
As women tire proverbial romancers, It
goes without nying that the locket and
" W'at holds tie world up? Dat's Wat
is to be seen in the remar"bie utter-
aflace of the prInaaM when at twelve
Thon she wvnt out anti told thA
v" lunteer murgvon ; and that night he
ryLng, because God is managing his
The. Ralh family, nearly t hirty
the snowy curls and the fnelpi,,nt In-
I'd like to know, chile."
"Why, it round the sun, Uncle
yeoirst of agia she was Informed of the
,tin" wittli a member of the hexilquar-
affairs. .How can he worry about
years ago, crected a temple in the
trigne became pet themes of conversa.
Rastim," said the boy eagerly, "andothe
lile In store for bar n,nd roplied,"Now
term staff.
business when, in answer to ,his pray-
I)oric style (it a cast of about ;1!20�
tion around the fashion plates and the
'"' holds it tip by the law of fittrn cti n-"
many a child would boast. There is
The convalescents, in their light
ars, God tells b1m, when to buy and
11 ,i :1 I : li, I is
,r� I I �Lr T1__1 11
embroidery of the household. But with
"Um! Tioney, I reckon you sin' gone
mudh splendor but mors r espon,!bU-
I,- "
lylue hospital suits with the broad,
e ga n a
be,st, and If tie legal that is best. 1,up,-
41 a e r, es was e
architect, and he. so contrired I t-
equal zest vvere they discussed In The
smoking room fit the billiard tables,
quite fnr 'cough in yo' ronsonin yet,
white trimmingii, stood up Find malut-
�cl. A little knot of red-capod nurtion
. .
I .
pose you had a supernatural neigh-
ters that the oe:nitre of the buitn'
while among the few juveniles suffered
s�iid life old man, with a smile of patron-
izing good vature. "In dat cage, Will
in the corridor Nv(�re in ter of
a flu(
hour who cakne in and said: I
want you to pall on me in every ex-
might be used as a mor(uary chaP('l
by the eontire Greek community. the
by the landlady they provoked an excite-
ment which made their poor mother quiv-
would keep de wovid up when tie sun's
Paradoxical " t3ita heading may seem
whispering. The or derlies standing at
ho on4rance Of the wards froze in-
igenoy ; I am your f"t friend: I
wing buildings only being reserv�ud as
er last In some unguarded moment they
"ne enno ,town? AnHwev me dat, chile."
It is nevertheless striotly true. Mamy
t, a n attitud, j a t tention Sister
,ould fall back on $20,000,009� 1 can
catacombs for members of the Ralli
should execilte their resolutions of ap-
mothers are the persomilfictation of
PottAr bent ovrr Private Miller'm piI-
foresee a panic ton iyears ; I hold the
proaching Mr. Yale on the topic. She
nfo Company,
kindness and Igentleness to their chil-
con( ralling stock in thirty of I he bent
The interior of the building is rich-
told them it might rex him evoking so-
"They Fifly 'a mnn is known by the
dren, think nothing too much effort
.. He'll be in in a few minutes," she
monetary institutions of New York;
whenever you are in any trouble call
on me, and I will help you; you can
ly decorated, and the figures which
adorn the pediment represent the Re-
vere reproofs before others, although
there lurked within her the suspicion that
he wasi after all, too sweet tempered
c,mipfiny lie keeps.' Do you think that Is
Own" true?"
if It adds to their citunfort and some-
times they carry this to such an ex-
Hal , Who I "
The iltlf- iiian ) ou know you
' I
1.1 8
Mve mry money, and you have
e"r to become incensed at small offend-
IV- I]," replied the mnn who had know
baellud n theatrical enterprise. "I
tent that they became Utoral "white
wanled to see bijil."
my influence, here in my hand in
pledge for it,"- How much would you
are abo,wri in the metopest of I he
Gradually, however, it became aptiar-
oi,,. man who wap known na a good thing
Blarea." Motb,&T may not mind
Goil guide us, I'm not fit to be
so-n I Caud na I a Rhave fix9t.
worry, about business? Why, you
Another very costly tomb. in WAst
e!nt that all the house were harboring
bv the compriny he kept."
sacrificing herself for their gra ._
eh I A'arn HaLr unkept "
would isay: " I'll do the best I can,
nd upon my friend's
generosity for the rest." Now, more
Norwood Cemetery is that of the Va-
.gliano farnily. This was ereetM in
similar designs to those of the children
and that all shared on their own account
the matinees expectations of leniency in
tion, but ahe would Lt she only thought
that she waS gowing tba Needa that
[to put bis wonk fingers it) big rough
hairy chm. "I'm, diRreepulahle lint
na meantn' it," he adde(I. weak -
. A
Doctors fi,L%L
than that in promised to every Chris-
1898, by the prest-nt head of the fam,
ily, to the memory Of his father and
can their queries should prove nnwel-
In after Ufa wmild make bar sons and
daughters selfish, 1,11-breid, dictatorial
ly "He wawl na Ilake thr troiihlo to
I inn businens man. God sa h
,J own New York, and London and St.
ther, and prospectiwly for him-
come to Mr. Yale.
For some days they had hoped that his
The absurdity of many of the cOrn-
men am d women, without self-control,
F" " tbt, like o' me."
In reply the nwr� anve a little
Petersburg, and Pekin, and Australia
It wft.q designed by Mr. Wood after
general t0tunlitmiCatiVenegs respecting his
man forms of mpew.h comes upon tin fit
discipline of mind or body, and utterly
soothing caress to hiA waqt�d. V�ny
and California are mine; I can fore-
see a panic a million ,years ; I have
t ho Temple of the WindA. at Athens,
and it cost over .f2.(*O. - 11m I t of
experiences as a traveler would lead to
a volunt=7 disclosure of the mystery;
tjm�a aomefbing like a shook.
A mnn w1an was making his way into
Lgmor&nt of tb-at (lower of courtesy
which each lumnan being should wear
hit nd.
Do,vn the corridor caine four or five
A Good
rill the resources of the universe, and
I am your fast friend ; when you get
,.hit4, Carrara marb-le, it contnins a
stained-glass window of the Resur-
btrt� none taking place and the time of I
his stay being limited, they determined
a crowded orrtnihim with considerably
forever. fresh and fadelons, making the
kh k,�Intt riKWP,8. At t h, head
"' a Ik" the vol-unte4-r tiurg�n and be -
in business troubte, or any other
reotion anti the vault is capable of
to wait no longer upon his pleamitire lent
jnor,p haste Man wan rwcAssfary
wearisome places of bvumrLn life endur-
"it le him, with a mtrcrng, quick xtep,
trouble, call on me, and I wilt hear,
necominoda(ina a dozen coffinis.
he should some day leave and his secret
ro ughly upon the loan of a woman
e ble by its dbarm. The most beautiful
wa I kP4 a hort, woll-krut fig-ure,
15 �Iad
and I will help; here ia my hand in
pledge of omnipotent deliverance."
How much is that marA going to war -
ry? Not much." Ohl nervous find
The torn of John Ralli, a Lq,) ft I
West Norwood, which cost in the
neighborhood of R12,N0, w" dc4
go with him they being none the wiser.
go whenever the gentleman was fth-
sent the Othifts fen to Plotting for 8=8
ferreting If
,0:Uu, itt-tteret! an exc3amation of pain,
a ,nd he stopppd long enough to may:
gLrl In the world, It she thinks of her-
self alone, and shown it by bad man-
to few. Too
Inunifoulately neat uriif�
"' an m'
held In by a brand belt anti crol,,
st rrips k),ovr, it roap a kindly,
t fa<,�,
the try thiii
Rignod by Edward M. Barry, son of
way of out the mystery, pos-
I beg a thorasnxid pardons, ma'am.
ners, cam tippen] only
n roug with a gAnt),�,
feverish people of world
the famous architect, from whoge
sible, without laying themselves open to
often untmelflob mothers bring up self-
merry ex-pro."ton in th� eye. A
almighty sedative; you will live
drawings the 11ousea of Pfirliament
reproach. Tte chosen plan provided that
The origginal offense, was b,.A
limb children, contrary to the Lnwm of
'nouth with Atrang downwaid lines,
twenty-five yeaTA longer under its
were Ivailt.
at the elosaff of some dinner a certain
enough, she repFed, witbout asking me
yet Aympathotic aA a WOMILICK, a t�row
soothing power. It is not chloral thnt
you want, or morphine that you want;
it is the gospel of long6vity. "With
It iA n I)oric building with a mar-
ble dome, and the pediments are twau-
member of the company should begin an
entertaining, exciting and prolonged tale;
the Ladles to with-
W isame a thoutimnd pardons for it . I
%v ill grant you; just one pardon, air.
bciT6dttjF. It [a jumft aa important to
teach ohildren to be useful and obser-
furrowed by ,.rti and work and a voice
that, like tho mrrAr,*P, rnad� one n heart
warm to hini, oompleteA the man.
tipully sculptured. Inside therp fire
that should propose
fully balpful aa mv bock lemon or
" ' -
long life will I antisfy thee."
two marble angels standing ov,rr the
draw to the reception room to bear Its
Ther� w -is a general tJtteF sm Flat
It waA I he lit I le nVon, Flobs. I he
Again: Practical religion is a friend
of longevity, is the fact that it re-
,,ltar, and the entire intorior L-itgorge-
au,jly decorated, with coloured mar-
concluslcm; that this story should lead to
a general destre, ter each one present to
R'.Wt down, am he did not mt�p on any-
bo.dy-e toes ho
It may be well to waft an one's haa-
hiplovvwl 1 -
The ocrupiant of the find bed caught
movos rill corroding care about future
mists the most thrilling adventure to
Vvent .
when PIA
band iffiffocitimeas when he Im very tired
Ftight of him junt am he nnt�rr,d. He
existence. Every man wants to know
In 1882 John Balli. a prominent
which be or she had ever been a party;
- , ,
but why find ths ohildren'a hot, mud
mfruggleA to rijm, but S'Axter Potter's
what In to became of him. If Ton
member of the Greek community,
that the lights should be antigly lowered
mehoal-books for them every morninat
hArul ro0ra,ned him. tie sainted
got on board a rail train. you want
erected a magnificent tomb at West
as an additional deony, and that If Yale
nano the leisa, with a iiwift movvment
WANTar) -A � a bed health that R'I-rA,N'll.W
to knW at what depot it in going to
atop; if you Iget an board a 8hip you
Norwood, to the memory of him fathor,
Xenophon Bliss Balli It cost V,759
did not readily deliver himself of his his-
toty divers little tactful, persook Ivo hints
Mrs. Modum-Well, George, yon
me a now bounet.
Why *b* ap the scarce detntY You
need youzoetf Whtn Wing to a itreedy
at fi�rat, ftnd them a dr(yp to thecoun-
terpone. " if the effort had been too
-M beinalt. r -y li.rd.h pat' and prehas ut ."
M a se K st
-IW. N." tl� ..H R I P A I. -A
- taititwo. If I PA'N'S tior F..;,*
%vant to know into wbat barbour it
Mr. Wood it
aboulill be thrown with a view t0
clilld f It In poytaltn4y not the, mnth-
muoh for him. HiA fane flushed and
= Olt, ats,
4 stai T -if" arid .eae =1
iA it,oing to run, find if you should tell
and modelled on a pure-
ly Gr"It tonic dpAign, after the pat-
coaling It from him, Then, If at tam
George. -If Promised you a new
Wben f
"ra drity to his the "burnalle of raffs-
ItiA Im-enth heAvvA. For &n Lnuftant
.Urvxf .adfl.4v"ypd4"f- 111" otabi,
(i`1.d.d "- C"a'"'I"d r_-, N` - orm"'
me you have no interest in what iA
torn at the Nike Apterom, Winglegs
tb,ay nettled or aggrieved the gentIman,
bo nnot I Great Scot I
for the houMbold. ChUdreen grow into
tlw niater looked mt him nervouitly.
... N,."'14h.
to be your future d68tiny, I would, in
Victory. on the corner of the Athen-
th,ey would rely upion his cuftoutgry good
Mrs .Modus -Before you marrted we
Miff habit, not became of innate self-
Th,� other rrwn in tht, room, who were
AA polite a way as I know how, tell
inn Anropolin.
trainoT for a happy imarne out of tMr
you swore that ncrAr ohduld diWace
lAh- but through -Others' mistakem
In a spoiled
.11 Mrtvalc_q0,�nt^, ro" to a alitting
you I did hot believe arm, Before I
The building ecintaina a stikirlmd-
rest upon my head through yon; and
kirldjtfem� I& selfish child
had thin matter settled with reference
and two copies of the
'_" _=
uttl* seed had they, howev,w, f- -7
1 do call this shabby thing
obild &%d tkers ;a a* mpre disagree-
Tbo Field Marshall took thism all in
to My future erlatenfle, the qn"tion
.. from Florenot; it
ml-li %eyenid the first story WhI&
wh at you
ab&6 tjAnW met W the w&IU of
-tip 61 - a I
,jth a gwee,picia kindly recognition,
- - - ____ .
--- --- - ammmoavo
almost worrittl me IAt6 ivivalidlain.
also dWters the b"St of Gas of tU
Was JUVArabd tseleg 'A okftft;vi�s
i astso sis, as &"A &*It I
a" twa a 1 ek"
se" wittkaA %a WA 00 %WSW
, .
.�, �� ;
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