The Goderich Star, 1901-03-22, Page 7
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,. the UnItIA atat" "d OWN44 'I
on = There 4 an, 044 �Feiwla(h *VA- 7r" Apple, ))%V,.V$d ocpa O" or " bo that Mau lostlawrtily "W& &a , Tbel, 0110 401*4114 -
The Rev, Dr. Talmage Discourses . Which, 4A twjwd thial P"Im into IFA= RUDDJLNQ- *Los a. tryipi; p4* tt&U of ti"Isol. Put *W coatempla,tiou, of tb* CaUstil,t9a.
�__. 94 ou" " What A" , It So 4011111oka ateodard, time 14 from $w, A" SIZ41 ALL KIINOS �OF '
I a &ath WXO �t the Q�tbodqx a0hrowa, 0%; oup-vit finely chapped Must. *A* in W". t0worocia, meat -4w 04 tbo fear emwA sevols at aighli: kaNX4 4awag tlium ,
the Golden Calf, - All or* the WAW14 Jowit 44 dying cup of WOU140a. ane, cap a sour milk. am t4loopwa,"It. Wy 9'A' tho top lsww to tilds twil,etly-1 bar of the "Iresiaw1oh 4:1440. ,wit" It Is 00*at I
#txtv* to rsfZ� tb4 1p"Ixs� This ong and oAp-haitt level teaspacous at of Ma" untU th�% itoplais begin to be, 4W eQAXM4 f .1 I
, ,* mg^. I owilied onsta,wiph tbe tialts, at HAW .
I— dusts nut VF*o s tbA statement that . a km,* &.m,. at Toroatat ?*.a.# at Da_ - __ _ C 01 L
A despatch frOM Washington, KRY111. throwit it Wtci the Jim, &A4 It is there waa a gppolal'applinuatiqu o� tU soda one leval touispooig of alisinantua. tender. lTA*A bz,va prowad a paste owe that voM never ba drIT44 P44 4, s=4 at xNaver. Gam.; at Sam Tsels.
-4cv. Dr. Talmage Pre4olted from the melted, and then it ociEses out and is wur44 4A dAur Lard'a ca*. but it should oiao-�;If teaspoon, each at clove and =ad* &a tQl1owA-. Doe pint flour.,o4e, 6WA bmiw The 4ultual exhlbiteil all *Woo* 4 &.=. ne tims, Iin maxiac, ;a ALWAY$ QN HAND �
fallowing text. "A=A hic took thocalf led off, L 844, by soma absinical �P. m*kv- romont alLvdaints gQ jkldw in "It. a" and oso�quartsr cupe of pinab salt, one beeping teaspoon bait. 60 44PM Of true fear. the "mo its Novo otaiward time. ! I 0 411111110111W I !�Vl
pliance. or W an old-fa4hioned 4 tbe!X '111110441110nz Of the sense %a wbk-b raisins seeded and oboppeti, three- Ing powdor, a" to,blospous malted YOU c"Pkd with attack "A produce AIRAU us"- At Present, the, standard
w%hicb. they had made, and he burnt it 14 pnjlt'rixed, a,Ud it L t 10! it obuld be " that G9d bAA forsak- . I -aidon, Hard
, is ltrown L b 1� quarttra cup of ourrastmi, two and a LwA or butter. om 1wp awaot milk or 4"44117' 1 40 not t-blut that the real time of Sam rx'"toisca, Ths time of The Best Str
it W ibe, fire, =4 ground it to powder, to the lbrook. awd as a punia t. en Win. The ,other roaano whip ma of a a9rM4 man would be unseat. Hawaii will probably be too hours
and stirewetl it upon the water, and this People are compelled to drIO the of special Inteifeat to that the wm-da hAlf cups of alfted-finar. Ldd the water end Iwall-beiten egg, Mixand 40 It be weft locketl up alone with * *lower than Griti.sawlich time, while COAL
nauseating istaff. So, my hearerfl. are'syxian. - That was the language mola4" and sour milk to the suet. Lay over the trie4 apples. Date until that of the Phulmics, h"VAS will be
Eu;ade the children. of Israel drink of you lamy, depend upon It that God lit which our LoTd'a earliest thougnts add two cups at the flour mixed and the batter 14 done. Serve with any Gov" for Many hours. though a por� eight hours faster. When It Is noon In the Market for CASU
it ---Exodus xxxii. 20. will burn, and be will grind to pleoe* we" uttered, in his boybooil's home. allted with soda, salt and spices, add kind of sainas or batter and syrup. Pon vMkw4o% qprves certainly might at Greenwich, Ustwallan 14taodard time I ; goom i . I �
Petple will balve a god at some kind. the golden calf of modern idolatry, He gave up tboa gboiist. He 4imm, lased be so a#*Wd,, If a man discovered will be 2 am, and, ganUa tine a p.m, All coal weighed on the market
and they profeir otac of their ci�va and be �will compel the people In his, SpLrlt� Died a�t b)A dwax will. fruit mixed with tb4 remaining IF" Pie. -,Lim a deep pis p4to UM kW OW"thpart had died suddenly The systom, of atosdard time has so ales where you get J,ow lbs for a
their agony to drink it. If not be, 47. When the ceaturlii:lu saw what flour. Turn Into a buttered =old. with light paWy cruAt. Put in two W1111114 Moist With him. the shock might - 40tk I v"Lesiss that it sc
umkiuy� Here come 11the Israelites. roxe, it will be 1%o an the la4t daA was done. be glorified God, saying, Qover mud *team tour boom Servo tableapoottit wmowk*d dea. Bake un- Mader him t=aa#- 1.1%Zy't'.' be '.*,t:;Q2Qd to all civilized too -
breaking ciff their golden e(Lrringa. luly thi4 was It righteQua mark. XM to those Moat familiar With countries In time. The day in Spain
the moo as well as the women. fow tib',TB"o&iiego'f"etaheotalofxt,o'ia('Uvxerdyaya'pt'i'toa Cebrats the Roms.4, officer who super- with sterling uatiae, for which cream til halt done. Have ready ttx" eggs# dntb and dead bodies them to Is divided Into twouty-four hours. WN. LEE
be made out of borrowed gold. These vitea the crucifixion should be vo, lin- oacbAW cup of butter, then add one beAton with halt pint muk and six 101 -light 24 o'clock. but in most other Ordets left at Lee & Sheppard's
in those times they were masculine as . . thing &we Inspiring about a co ame, M
Israelites of the text borrowed sex, pro CAVU10111- cup ot brown sugar gradually. and oz. cold Limited tiah. Seascaiwithwa- nt's' and 00stAtrim It Is QOPUAtOd Into two Store will receive prompt attention
, .qaed by thempaxn4tural
well as fer-imine decowatioats. Whexe rings of the Egyptians, and then meat% would deeply impress all who 30 01414% Marvels tire Proof agIIIIIA a parts of twolve hours each. midnight
did they get these beautiful gold melted them Into a god. That Is the. ro�d the gospel. The loud cry imme- tour tablospoonsful of cream or milk toy. cayenne end malt. X`LlI the pas. &Igb,L I remember once, when I was and noon are each 12 o-olock.
to.Trings. coming up up they did friout way the golden calf in =&do nowadays. dlAtely followed by death. and the end one tcaspooaflul of vanilla drop try with thin mixture. 14,ka until set M101W in the djusecting room at toght.
the (Lesertf Ch. they buirrowed them A gTea,t many housekeepers not pay- woird then ap*en by our Lord struck by drop. It the Liquid is added all and browned and aervo hot. the Und of the aubject upon which I P
. -
Of the E - ine for the articles t . hey got I borrow the ceatuxion as, peculiarly marvel- or halt at once the sauca So Liable Egg Sulad-Hard-buil the egga. was tiagaged became looseued. I did STORY OF LIBERTY BELL. HUMPHREYS
gyPtiuuS when they left ot the grocer, and, the baker, and the 1�oua, LAteIrpreting the other awful ,air-' to so rate, and cannot be made While hot. place In cold wAtiar. then Wit notice what had happens& Sud- The Prime of Wales. during bill
Egypt. These earrings are piled up butcher, and the dry poda soller. oumatancea of the crucifixion. no Ta
into a pyramid of glittering beaut Than the retailer borrows of the saw In our Lord's sufferings and the Smooth apla. I remove the aboll, out its s4k, In denly Mo am of the subJect swung vialt to Philadelphia in 1060, rostimed
Y. oaaeale dealer. Then the wholesale wonders attending them, proofs of a lks rub arourA aad the hand struck the side the Liberty Bell from a dirt heap I
"Aaty maxe earrings to bring?" says Witch Hazel 0*1
Aaran- Non -e. Fire is kindled; the dealer borrows of the capitalist, and avlao and superhuman power. WHITE FRITU CAKE. through it slave, wat and butter to at my tam Team of training in tin- and raised U to that,position which it THE PILL, OINTMENT.
earrings are melted and poured into weborrow and borrow, until the com- 48. All the people that came togeth- To make a good white fruit cake taste, beat in m=Ity from superstition vanished In tw moupka [a the American peopla'a
munity is divided Lato two clasiles.those er to that bight, The crowds that mayonnaise dr6litilog� tb* jump that I gave. -Dr. John D. w
a mould. not of an eagle o.r:a w _ w - were ever ready to watch capital pun- aream one pound of butter and one uutU light and fluffy, 'lie Quit.4tiabos In New York World. hearts. .
ar ho borrow, and those who are bar L '
ohaurgeT, but of a sil y ca , he gold rowed of ; and after awhile the cap- isbment. Just such crowds would as- pound of powdered augur together; this in the whitem of the elligm, and Some froulcal. altbion conceived the One Application Gives Relief, '
Ltalist wants his money. and he rushes somble to -day, but our laws compel add the beaten yolka of sixteen eggs act a half in a lettuce leaf. Watellsom That They LeaqL idea of taking the prime to ladepon- 11CUMPU"or Homwalsolds,Xxtersuslorissisip,
cools off; the ma =. I away, upon the wholesale dealer, and the capital punishment to be administer- and a pound at sifted flour with,two To recauk or boat a &mail roast of `T11107 am all alike." remafted a man donoo hall to view the treasur" %W.BUbdQrUtoodlng,LtCtLtagorDunzLmg.yUw4m
and the ido I is set up on ita four legs; wholesale dealer wants his moncy,and ed in private. Smote their breasts. In , =4 Flatulas, Robot I.on.dagns-'are ownst..
Ain altaw is bul, It In front of i the shin- he rushes upon the retailer, and the accordance with oriental demonatra- teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Slice beef, WXO,P It in well -buttered brown coming out of a Woodward avenue w.h1ch are the most forcible remind- It cases burns. Scc� and t7loarsibeing "d ce�
�ug calf. Then the people throw retailer wanta his money and 'he tlan. Smiting the breast was the pen- three pounds of oltron, blanch a pound paper. Thin will keop the steam in. Watchmakees, accompanied by a lady. or at kmarica's "defl" to bar mother trSCUORAtrocaDurus. TheRsillaiflussui-s-tsootbag
p ushes upon the consumer, and we Itent act of the publican in the par- of Llaxonda, and grate one cocoanut. Park Sm�udage_-Removia ski.a. bite of "WbOT'liblalred his wife. oountry�. WomdortaL
theiir arms, and gyrate ek, all go down together. There Is many able. " This beginning of fear a.ud add to the batter with the atiffly bona mad awlotle from rather loan 'Watchmak,xv.11 tt cum Tutu. cut or LAcerani,d Wouissim wo
and dance mightly, and worship, a, man In this day who rides in a car- narrow," writes Dr. Jones, " may have The prime saw the partratta of the bmimL
Mimes has been, six weeks on Mount riage and owes the blacksmith for become with many of them a repent- beaten whites of the eggs. Line a cake Pork. Put through aaausage grinder "How?" I man who sUrredi up the revolution. It cUM boat. Carbunclo% rolosup. - Rasoc�-
the tire, and the wJieelwright for the once auto life after the day of Pente- pan with greased paper, turn In the and season as followa:_-For 10 the "I thought other cities maybe weren t a (acers. (Ad Bores, ItCALIUM XrUPUOUS. 1101iffy or
Sinai, and he comes back and hears quite like our small town In the wild ud he Amilly came to a irarret, Scow 110411.
whoul, and the trimmer for the our- ooat." Returned. To the city. mixture, and act in a moderate oven. moat. allow five tableapQonA malt. faux and wicked west, but they are and where the boil was rung when the It cur*$ luftarood or Cak.1 use. to .A B.
the luctwLing aind sees the dancing -olf tain, and the ariver for unpaid wages, 49. All his acquaintance. His friends Bake slowly for two boom; when cold, tablespoons black poppox, three table- more M I take my watch, which, as declaration was read. He wanted to Nipples. 1111alu.1110.
these goldeo-calf fanatics, and he and the ha rnea&-maker for the 'bridle, and associates. The women that fol- It Carom sou Rhouni, Totter.� seurry crurucas,
loses lait� patience, and he takes the und the furrier for the robe, while lowed him from Galilee. Not only the Lee with cocoanut f rosting. If kept In spoons powdared sage, and half tea- you know, to a tine gold one, full Jewel- know what had become at the bell. CbApped Hands. Fovu mijiteM sure Ijpo or
tfwo plates of stone on wbich were from the tip of the carriage tongue certain women of wealth and socLal a close tin box, this cake will keep spoon cayenne. Mix thoroughly to. A costilig $3ft In to have a few m- It was hidden away beneath a mass XO&trtl* Cur" Made" sure and Chated foot,
. ,
clear back to the tip of the camel's eminence contributed to his prosper- two.or three weekA. attaim of IU�Ls. liftmqufto Due. and Sunburn,
written. the 'Ion 0o,mmandments and hair shawl fluttering out of the back ity, but there are many indications "or, fill muAlLu baga two or three plairs, much or little, as may be, and ar peanut shells, orsage peels, waste Three Sizoe. 25c., 50c. and $1.00
flings thean &D hard against a rock of the vehicle eve.rything ift paid for that women followed In his train as A sponge layer is an excellent one to 1.1101110A in diameter, and hang in the the boas timekeeper gives we an old paper an gold by Druggists, or sent pre -paid on r"pt of price
that they Split all to pieces. When a by notes that have been kind of disciples. cold. When ready to cook. out oroAs- battered tin watch to carry in Its place "This old bell," he said, "is the HUMPHREYS'MED. 00.,
man gets mad be is vary apit to bTeak THREE TIMES RENEWED. 50. A man named Joseph, a Cann- use with jelly, whipped cream and wiae in slices tbxe"u,%,rter inch thick. that makes me ashamed to look Into greatest relic this republic has W- t.r. Walton, & Job" Ist... NEW VORK.
all the Te.n. CommamAmentsl MA)Gba But, ray friends, if we have made selor. He was at once a member of Some other layers. To make this.bea( the face of a reputable watch for
t the Sanibedrin and a disciple of Jes- three eggs, whites and yolks together, Stewed or tried apples should be aerv- weeks. In addition It excites suspicion da,y. Instead at being boxe. covered --
he takegi this calf -god ddA) we will -ee our idol demolished. a. I cp and a half od with flattauge. I In the minds of my nearest friends with this accumulated dirt, It should � Ak P I noose Tablets
rushes in amd his; world our god, when we cometo u
and ttaro,ws it into a hat fire, until 51. The same had not 46OW3611ted to of granulated Sugar. Measure out a Soft Ginger Cake. -The followl[ag re- when they ties me take it on and It I occupy the chief place of honor In this lr.�' , t you want forbil fourrimuf
How much of this world are you jgo- the - . t, hall of independence. It In fernal.'t'roubles; an tufall1we retne-
counsel and deed. He and Nico mpo is an old-fashioned boo. but it is should die with that watch on my per- to I dy di.00vemd by a tommost ter-alo
it is melted all out of shape, and then ing to take with you into the next T demus may not have been notified of *up and a halt of flour, and stLr In what the Magna Charts. Jim to Hyao spcoLaii.t;wuar.Dteodaa a 1".itiva
pulverizes it -not by the modern ap- WU1 you have two pocketa-Tone in the meeting of the Saribed,rin, but as ome-half of It. Sift a tea5poonfuland do good that Lt voill find favor. Take son In a striLnge country the nevvsPa' )aad. It is cracked, but It is � - V__ cure; will p(.Itivciy estabiA, th.
each aide of 1your akroud? Will you .
by we have already noted there are indi- a, half of baking powder, with the rem " cap molasses, one cup thick, sour pm would say, 'Judging train the sVi,rai,icm. Believe me, my tri �. . no,rulal tunouo�% umed mout?d by
pliauc,., of nitro muriatic acid, but cushion your casket with b cation& in the gospel narrative that . watch found on the deceased, be must affects me more than anythkw I bive " over oo,000 iad ieu; for saic a t Lud-
the anciowit appliance of nitie, otr by mortgages and certificates of stooki Enaimmg half of flour twice, and Stir "' cas '991 one tablespoon Sin- ! slate, or Be
s ous defense for have come from New Jersey! Now. been gbows." Dot on scocipt of prioo$1.00.
the old-fashioned file. He atixa low Ah I no. The ferryboat that crosses Jesus, sod one might suppose that Lt In qui,kly. Add at once the juice g-, one teaspoon soda, and flour to what I wotut to know to why don't � Itatna rug Ca, Windsor. Ont. Can.
the people a most naus6ating draught, this Jordan takes no baggage-noth. Joseph and Nicodemus were this do- of half a lemon and halt a ottp of boil- make a stiff battex. r3tir briskly and Jewelorm have louboUtuto watches' to ----'--- -----"------' -----'--- . � � -
He takes this pulverized goldeacalf ing beaview than a spirit. You may. fonne. Waited for the kingdom Of trig water. Stir it in quickly, and bake bake in greased tins in a quick oven, match their customero'? That to to may,
peThap8, take five hundred dollars Wy1TT"WVTMn T6WX_trWWWTTTTT"TTrr"WWTT"
and thxojws it in the vinly b(rx)Ok with you God, Planing their JIve,9 with regard the cake tit once In three layers. Take A little ppioe may be a4ded, if preferr- let the customees watch lert for re.
two or three miles, in the to the coming of the Messiah. 0
which is accessible, and the peciplCare shape of funeral trappings to Green- 62. This man went unto Pilate, and care to heat the flour until it its warm d. I find that thia recipe can a" palrs determine the kind of watch he Is
co,mpellod to dirink of that blrook, or wdod, but you will have,to leave thern begged the body of Jesus. A bold to the touch, when Lt is 9tirred in the be used with good results. when the to carry until he gets his own again." The Leather,.
pat djri�nk at all. there. It would not be safe for You deed, thus to defy public Opinion, and bions, axe on a strike and eggs are But ble wife couldn't tell him to save #
to lie down theze with a gold watch. especially the opinion of his fel Jow- cake. The oven for .sponge cake Should no her life.
l shall descx�bo to you the godt spok- oLr diamond ring ; it would be a temp, t to be obtained. In which case
- counselors. . be only moderately hot. Let the calrea cm Lt this egg. and titir in a little more I in Them.
en of in the text, the temple, tation to the pillagers. Ah, my 53. Took it down. Armed wt'tll the cool in the pans bafoke removing them, . Didn't filo* tbo Joke.
HLS AlULA411 OF SACRIFICE, friends I if We have made this world governor's warrant,'be drow out the When they are cold spread them with f In ar. "it Isn't safe to be runny these days . Every inch of leather in -
the &USic that is made in th tem- our god, when we die we will see our nalls, and reverently lowered his Mds- any filling desired. Do noit ice tho Delicious, Ginger Cake. -One cup tended for " Slater Shoes "
o Idol gTound to pieces by our pillow, unless one labels one's Jokes," said a 1 3
e�i U_
pie, Lh(m the final btroakin ter's body in his own sepulcher. Pil- butter, one cup BugaX. tw,o eggs, OFLO hoes -d
9 up of and we -will ,have to drink it in bitter ate only gave the liermit after a g arl upper layer as you ordinarLly db, but woman who went abroad recently. ']
the who -le owwrogation of idolaters. e ted opport Lties esus dredge Lt with powdered augar while cup molatises, one tablespoon ginger, "You know, I've always rather faftelvd I . ilitist pass the most rigid
Every god must have US tem- Of a lifetime. ,on that J 11 .. .,
p1c, and this golden calf of the text Soon we will b IK,n,. wan dead. Fine linen such as the Lt is baking. to give It the sugary two teaspoons cinnamon, one large myself as a wit, and on the stearner .- inspection.
Is no exception. Its temple is vust- Ob I this is a fleeting tworld, it is a Lord's body was now wrapped in war, crust of ap*nge cake. I an tweg, one cup sour milk, tour coming home I really let myself out. .11 It absolutely must be of a
ex than St. Paul of the English, and dying world. A man who land wor- a luxury. He took him down from the Cups f 10 ar. CroanJ butter and Everybody was n bit seaslek, and I- .
St Petex of the Italian., and the A-1- shiped it all his days, in his dying cross with the assista,noe of Nicodc- t
' moment described himself, when I Very tastyalmond cookLeawhichare sagax, add well beaten eggs, then one Well, even I had times when I thought grade high enough, that
hambra of the Spaniards, and the said "Fooll Foot] Fooll" he mus, and probably of other disciples. . I'd rather own an a utomobile than fifty I � i
Pau-thenom of the Greeks, and the Taj His tomb was in a garden near the nice to set on the table almost any cup aoux milk, and molasses, spices when tuade up, the shoe is
th- 11 want you to change temples, and placo of the ,arucif ixion, and had been time may be made as follow S: MLX and flour. iStir all together. Just be- kind of a yacht. One fifty we all fore- 0
Mahal of the Hindoop, and all then to give up the worship of this I gathered on deck and tniked about I worthy of the slate frame
er cathedrals put togetber. Its pit- intended by Joseph for his own fani- to a smooth dough a halt pound of but- fore putting into pan, stir in two tea- what we'd gone tbrough-you know
tying and cruel god for the service ily
ed with gold . Thus was he with the rich in ter, a half pound of .sugar, a pound spoons soda, dissolved in two tab trade mark that the makers put on all "Slater Shoes."
and f the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is the d.a'th. See Isa. 53.9. 11 bow People do on ShIpboard. I was
9 gold that will never lorumble. Here are and a quarter of flour, five beaten 8POO118 hot water. talking In my cleverest vein with on
gold, and its chandeliers are do- securities that will never fail. Here 0 ggs and a heaping teaspoonful of Lemon Drops. -One cup of augur and English famlly. An expert whose Specialty is leather looks after
ac'ending 9011d, and its floors: are tea- u're banks that wQ1 never break. Here
sellated gold, and its vault.q ,axe is an altar on which there Itas been FOR THE -CENSUS TAKERS, (b'aking powder. Flavor with almond the juice Of 2 good lemons with a. very "'I'm Ilke a famous lady,' I chortled this Department.
Qrowded hea,lics of gold; and its spaes one sacrifice that does for all. Here � extract, roll to a quarter of an Inch Little water. Cook until the mixture gayly. 'I'll be extremely glad to Set
and domes are soaring gold, and its is a God who will oomfort you when WHO IS TO GIVE THEM INFORMA- in thickness. brush with the beaten hardens in water. foot on term cotta ngaln.' The Slater Sboe Co. use stich large qiuintities of
()Tgan pipe4 are resounding gold, and you are in trouble, and soothe y Maxble Cake. -For the white part, "That evening the mother of the Eng- fine leather that not only call they contnd t1wir omii
i tm peda Is axe tr amping gold, and its when you are sick, and save you TION AND WHOM IT IS ABOUT. white of an egg, sprinkle thickly with
stops puJled out axe flashing gold, when you die. When (your parents � choppod almonds and bake in is Siulok orcain together one cup Sugar, and lish family took me nalde.
while standing at the head of the Lem- huve breathed tboLr last ,and the Old Time Creeds Rind Itneem WJ1I be Dixtingulml.- oven. half cup butter and the beaten whiteka "'My dear,' she sald, 'I'm so much tannage, but buy on very close margins.
Pie as the presiding deity, axe the I older than you that I am sure I may
I wrinkled, and trembling hands can no ed, nut the Terns Carindian Will In- of foux eggs, half cup milk, and two make so bold as to tell you something, Money saved in this way is put riglit illto the
vx�fs and sbou)dcxa and eyes and cars more be put upon Lyour head for a clude the majority. SOME CIOOD IIE011?17s. cups flour, into which has been sift- and I want you to take It In the st)lrlt shoe-, themselves, thus giving the weatc-i- ad%:mtagC,;
zLnA nustrils of the calf of gold. blessing, He will be to tyou father and The instructions to the census en- Choose Rannekiz.-Put one cup of od one teaspoon cream tartar and half I In which it Is meant. You sald this
1.�ur(h,ir: every god ruust have not mother both. giving Von the defense
wdy its temple; Vat its altax of sacri a he can get i -u no other make.
1- of the one and the romfort of the umorator$ are as followS: Every per- O& pOon Soda. For the dark p rt, morning you'd be glad to Bet foot on
fice, anAl this golden calf of the text other ; and when Drour children go son whose habLtual home or place of bread crumbs and one gW of milk on t a
L% no exception. Its altar is hot, away from you, the sweet darlings, the fixe to boil. Stir and boil until ',r" tog -ether half cup butter, and terra cotta again. I thought I'd just
Diade out of atone as otbar altars, but abode is in an enwriarator's district smooth. Then put in four tablespoon- all otipraugar, and add one cup mo- call your attention to the thing so you E welte(l, t1le ,_aIlle :Is li�jii(j
you will not kiss them good -by for- i4a any part of the Dominion is to be lasses, the beaten yolka of four n. made only the muscles of the inachim,,; aTe of lil'oll.
('rut of couxitimg room desks, and fLr,L- ever. He only ants to hold them for fuls of grated cheese, a little piece o eggs, won't make the same mistake agal
prcof safes, and Lt is a broad, a long, a little while. wHo will give them back entured in the schedule, ixrespective f hadf cup milk, and two and a half It Isn't term cotta. It's terra fIrma.'-
a high altar. What dc,L�s this god to you again, and He will have them of ags, sox, or condi1ion, taken i or- butter, and Salt and pepper. Stir till cu pa flour, Into which has been sifted Prices $5,()O or $3,Y),
eare abcrut thoL� groans and struggles all waiting for brou at the gates of In the cheese is dissolved, then remove o us X
of the victims befdre it' With cold� eternal welcomel Ohl what a God der from the head of the family. The from the fixe. Beat two eggs, the teaspoon cream tartar and half surfasso saidicationa. kk2AkAAAkkki2aliLug-ZA-R-UkAA-q-"A.QD,AQRQ Q.QRRP,_k9A.Q_k1
nuetallir,eye it louks on, yet lets them he is I He will allow ]you to c Ome so "tilation will be grouped for consus yolks and whitea separately. Stir the teaspoon soda, quarter teaspoon el ov ca From "A Book on Daitmoor," writ- Wm. Sharman, Jr., Sole Agent for GoJer�ch
suffer. Oh, heavens and earth, what close this morning th;nt iyou can put pu,rpo6ea under the ,heads of families, yo the and quaxtex teaspoon nutmeg. When ten by the Rev. S. Baring -Gould, comes __ - ,...- ---,--- - - . - - ,.--,- - - ,-
an altax! What a sacxUi" olf body, your arms around axis neck, while he households and institutions. Tbe heads Iks into the Mixture and then baking it story which might have me from a
I 11 both mixtuxem axe ready, fill
TILMU, and &f,Ul I L.2 Pysical ca.
ofi great multitude is flung on to
in response will put his arras around
of these families, bouseholds or insti-
WalLea of the eggs. Pat in a pudding
digih and bake fifteen or twenty nain-
pans by taking alternately from
less trustworthy source:
ths sacrificial altar, They can-
your neck, and all windo ws of
benveri will be hoisted to let. the re-
tut . ions are requixed to fu_rnish the
u tea.
eso h mixture. This makes two good-
The wild and romantic country of
not aleep, and they take chlo�ral and
deemed look out and see t1he spectacle
enumerator with all the particulars.
over this a cup of French dressing and
sized loaves.
Dartmoor consists of a tableland wlth
moirphiale and intoxicants.
The troial>16 is, whon. tuen sacri- I
of a rejoicing Father and a returned
En'cases wbere the members of tho
Cranberry I'Le.-Use one cup of cran-
A Cheap FrostIng.-Whito of one egg
rugged peaks or tors and a but Im-
fice theim8e.1ves, on this altar Suggest-
prodigal looked in glorious ernibraoe,
family are temporarily absent froxii
berries, one-half cup of raisins, one
beaten very stiff, three tablespoons
passable marshes. After a dry summer
ed Ln the text, they nzit only sacri-
Quit worshiping the ,golden ca f, and
bow this day before Him in hose
their home or usual place of abode
cup of sugivr, one cup of water, one
tablespoonful flour, tea-
sugax. Set dish over boiling water for
It is easy to plek one's way across
parts of It wbich at other times are full
fice the,inselves, but they
presence we must all appear
their names and records should be
of and one
spoonfal of vanilla, Chop the oran-
two or throo minutes, atirrulg 60n-
of pitfalls. At one of the latter periods
it man by an ill oau:rse iri determ-
the world has, turned to ashes and the
scorched Parchment of the aky Shall
dealt with, so as to conform as near-
ly as with the eon-
berries and raisins fine, and stir in the
,a tantly. Flavor and Spread on cake
a man was cautiously treading his way
j,ned to, go to perdUlon, I suppose you
be rolled together like an historic
Possible general
oeptLon of the de jure System of en-
flour, sugar and water. Bake with up�
while warm.
6agax Cookies. --Mix one cup sugar
across one of the treacherous mambes
wl ea he bat lying brlm down-
,, a
wiil have to let him go; but he puts
his wife and childran in an
per and under crusts.
with one cup butter, or one-half but-
ward It sedge. Us gave It a gen-
a tlw, ,
equipage that is the amazement of
racial sense, aft there are .. races of
Veal Loaf.-'Uae two pounds of veal,
ter and one-half beef fat, one cup milk
tle, good burnore d klcic In passing and
the avenues, and the driver lashe.,4
F.A�gardlng forms of entry, the Chris-
one, -half pound of Salt pork, two eggs,
two teaspoons cream tartar and one
almost jumped out of his sliln when a
the harses into two whirlwinds, and
and remained six hours on the cross.
Per racial terms. but in the case of
so -it and pepper, one cup of mLlk and
quiroments. Even chiffon and tulle
choked voice called out froin beneath:
tbe spokes flash In the sun, and the
tiam name and 13urname of each per-
ono cup of broad crumbs, rind make
of soda. If sour milk is used omit tho
::What be you a-doin to my 'at?"
golden headgear of the harness
B'on should be entered in full, but if
Into awell-ahuped loaf. Bake for two
cream, tartar. Do not mix very Stiff,
Be there now a chap under'n?" ex-
gleaum, until Black Calamity takes
t he bi Ls of the hoirsesl and steps them.
the person has a middle name it will
hours. It in nice for a luncheon serv-
it you wish them to be soft. Raisins
chilmed the traveler.
and shouts to the luxuriant occup-
'Jemus cructfied and Burled." Luke 23.
be only necessary to writo the initial
ed with peas around it.
or ourranta may be addecL Lt desired,
'Ees, I reckon, and a bass under me
a,ats of the equipage; "Got out I" They
44-33. Golden Textv I Cor. 15. 3.
of It. In de&aribixig the place of birth
English Walnut and Chicken Salad.
or one teaspoon ginger, gives them a
get out. They get down. The bus-
it will be only necessary to give the
-For this Salad there will W required
nice flavor. bprinkle with granulat-
A Difficult Wife.
IKLcad and father flung W family so
hard they never gnt up, There wa�s
Verse 44. It was about the sixth
country where born, Such as Canada,
twenty-four English walnuts, onion
e d sugar, and roll with a crimped roll-
An Englishmart thus describes the
t ho mark u.n. them for Iffo-the, mark
hour. Mark says it wasc the thL,d
England, France, Germany. UDited
paxaley, chicken liquor, celery, ool�
Lag pin. Bake in iron pana, in a hot
wife of his boRorn In his will:
of the split hoof -the death -dealing
hour when they began to crucify him,
States, without giving the Ermall Sol)-
C'DolDed chicken, French dressing' and
seeTriatto h ave sent her Into
hnof of the golden calf.
�kiloarion offered in one on
that is, nine o'clock by ouT reckoning;
divisions, counties or states. rf Can-
mayonnaiaa dressing. Take one pint
French Cake. -Cream together one
butter two
(, world solely o drive me out of It.
one Occasion, twenty�two thousand
the time of the morning sacrifice.
"Jam -born, the name vi the Province
of the chicken cut into dice, one pint
on p and cups sugar,
The strt,ngth of Samson, the genlug of
oxen and one hundred and twenty
Matthew, Mark, and Luke agTee in
or Territory will be givem, and it will
celery out Lnto dice, and parboil the
add three well -beaten aggs, one cup
Homer, the prtidence of Augustine, the
thowand sheep; but that wag a tame
the hourrs that they canotion for the
be Important to know whether born
English walnuts long enough to re-
in illi, throo cups flour, two even tea-
tartar, and one of Soda,
skill of flyrrims, the patience of Job,
tilp philosophy of RocrateR, the subtlety
sacrifice compared with the multi-
-u_ : -
different events of the crucifixion.
in the city or bountry. In dosigmat-
move skinn. In boiling nuts add a
13 poon8 oream
of linwilbal the vIvIlanco of llermo-
( une M(M are sacrif a g em- or two teaspoons bakLiag powder, I
841 1 VCS on this altar Of the golden. calf, John seems to differ, but it is; now ing tbe rao". only the PUTS whito slice of onion, a sprig of paraley and hoape4 a little. Flavor with lemon ��('"'�s' would not autlice to subdue tho _ - . -
� IT: * 1.11, 1: I i . 11 I - " " .
I - +-11, .*- f I; ill, 11 � will be, classed as whites If a erson
aW c a CIS w
( he m. The soldiers of General Havr_
genera yum eTsd thaL h.a adopts
t he Ro m-
an method of reckoning, and
. �
is foreign -born, the year of emigra-
lk� e c c en I quor. th drain, re.-
mo ve the brown ins, an m i he ED
sk d x t
an<l vanilla mixed. Thin makes two
poi verslLy Of cr c mrac r. - x
lock, in India, walked literally ankle
,i,,.p in the blood of "the house of
no t the Jewish, which harmonizes his
tion to Canada will'be entered, and if
with the celery and chicken. Pour
good-aLne-d leaves.
nvissacre," where two hundred wo-
hours with that of the other ev'ange.
born in some other country than' the
over this a cup of French dressing and
A Popular Hoot.
'rraveler-Bb? Has this hotel chang- 1
wen and ohillilmn had been slain by
lists. The Jowa countod from sun-
United Kingdom, colonies or depend-
put in the refrigerator for an hour
ed bands?
the SepoTs; but the blx)6d around
rise, so that the third hour was; about
encica, the year in which the person
or rooro. At serving time, stir half
The woman with one hat Should not
Clerk -Yes: the old landlord busted
about this altar of the golden calf
florws up to the knoee, flows to the
nine in the rnowning, the sixth about
r accorded
a Pint of mayonnaise dressing into
gaxnioh It with ostrich plumes -there
" 1); nwed thominndg of dollars to all the
girdle, flows to the shoulder, flows to
t we I v,cN the ninth abcout three�, and the
rights of citizenship Should be noted.
this. Make shells of crisp lettuce
are plenty of other feather& at ber
p 1-ovislon denlerR In the neighborhood.
LI -P. Great God of heaven. and earth,
twelfth about six, The Romans
Among whites, the racial or tribal
leaves, put a tablespoonful of salad In
conama-ad that are much more appro-
I -'or every $10 lie took In lie spent $20.
));I ve mercy I The golden calf ha,s
counted from midnight to noon, and
rough the father,
oach, and ft teaspoonful of the may-
'I raveler-Too bad, too badl Ile's the
, lklill the degrading worship goes ori,
from noon to midnight, as we do, ar
and care must be taken not to apply
the words American, Canadian, ,,, a
onn also on top, and serve.
It is folly to expect a hat decked
onlv landlord I ever met who know
how to keep a botel.-New York Week -
and the dieviotees kneel and kisst the
rather as they taught us tc d" Our
racial sense, aft there are .. races of
Apple Dampling.-One teacup of
with anything so perishable &a ostrich
(limt, and count their golden beads,
bourd then was crucified at nine oeclock
Japanese, Chinese, and negro are pro-
flour, half a teacup of butter, one
feathers to live, up to all round rc,
and cross them.,�elves wLth the blood
and remained six hours on the cross.
Per racial terms. but in the case of
heaping teaspoonful of baking pow-
quiroments. Even chiffon and tulle
.f their own. sacrifice. The music
rolls on unAier the arches; it is made
Tlve�re was a darknosa over all the
Indiana the names of the tribeA such
he tribes as
der, one arnaLl tablespoon of sugar, one
rosettes, which seem utterly good for
,,f clinking silw.r and clinking gold,
earth until the ninth houx. `� Pro-,
Ores, Chippewa, should be given. 'Per-
beaten Wg, a little salt and suffi-
nothing to the majorrity of women,
and the raitlimg of the bank,v4 and
�,rokern' eboW, and the voices of all
tesnrintural darkn, n t an eoliy4._6
- .
which could not ta pla:o at the' -full
Sons of mixed red blood will be known
;. br.eida, and 1persons of mixed white
rAent mLLk to make a sort dough, Roll
out half an inch thick, cut with a his-
will usually look bott43.r at the end
of a hard season than will the average
"n"11I na R-. 4d.1-1 t. al., %�11 F.
�a %#-1-1 4.'r-" -1,h Tlrn�.
Spain hftg bo�n
he exchanges. The, SQpFramo of the,
,korship is curried by the timid roicog
Moon. Whether not this dark-
and rod blood Fwill be described by an
Initial letter, as " F.B.,11 French
ouit cuttor and drop in boiling apple
ostrich tips.
�w Jan. I 141,
iRir , I
4 dded to,,,the inatiom oRinif ntnnrlard
of men who havie just begun to specu-
neas wast co,nfLn&l to Judk)a we can
breed ; " E.D.," English breed.
sau .
There aro oxqulmiteLy Shaded
time, that im, Grennwloh tieno. The
i,ite, while the doe bass rollq out
only comjectuxe.
Calf's Elend.-ILoak a calf's head in
br(�asLs which trinn moro Inodimhly
ft ituation nnw IN as followx
from those wbo for Tears of lm-
. on on
iquity huvie be ,daub danaried.
45. The sun was daxiceuned. The
Regarding tbA definition of Cann-
co Id wator with a little salt for seven
than the ostrich tip, and rernain thirign
Groat BTitaln, Belgium, Holland and
0horus of Vot"s rejoicirig over what
Sun.a light failing." The vei ( the
I o
dians, nationality is a term of more
hours. Then wa�gb it. thoroughly, be-
of beauty much longer.
!`;pnin havo thn %ame tima, Groenwi�h
llw-y have made. 011OTUS Of VOiCfkA
temple was rent in the midst. "From
or leis conventional meaning, but it IA
ing camful to remove all clots of blood.
Then there's fur, whiob will, if rea 1'
noon, 0 hour, Is tnkAn aq tho In,tant
k�nfllna owrwbat theyliavelost. Thisi
temple of w1hich I it
the tolp, to the bottom," ,go ys MArk.
e rd Canadian. aA
de"oribing every porgon whose horne
Take out the braLcia. Put on the head
stand wind, rain and snow.
of i4tandar(l noon all over thege roan
a standa open
day and night, and rX. Is the glit-
The curtain of the sanctuary. it
In in the 'country and who has acqui red
in cold water and boil th,a head until
Some of the ba.ndsomost lints aro
t rinn.
lering god with his four feet on brok-
hung b,t,,,,.n the holy pluee and the
rightm of citixpnmhip in it.
well done, putting one whole onion
made alrrso,,st entirely of shaped felt.
Wh�n it 1A noon at Greenwich the
an heATtB, Mad thero is the s1moking
holy Of holim. It was a symbol of
-In clandlying the people by their
into the water. Whon the head is weW
an durable An Lt In stylishL
Atftndard time in I p an ove,T all ,Rwp
nitar of sacrifice, now victImA every
the Inability of humanity to approach
re.ligiouR faith, it must be born in
hoiled, the meat frilling from the
--------- 4o-. -
dan, Norway, Denmark. GArmany, An�-
minm,ftnt on it, and thaxe, are the
kn*vling dovotees, and the doxology
God except by wjd&nh ad the IsTlesta
mind that in Canada there ig no
State Church, and Lt he does not ad-
bon,S, I it out of the water, iknd put
I ake
tria, ,%wlfs�rland, Italy. Romia and
n( the worship rolls on, while Death
only omoe a year did t7ho high priwtq
here to or fav%T i1my Churoh or d,
aside to get cold and drain. Then
Sorrin : and 2 p.m. ovpr all RurixiA.
sla,nds with moulo and skeleton
vs. nture to lift tin ectrnear and enter
nomination be must not be elwvwd
tak(s all the moat from the bonea &,nd
A Landon borFm doex on an
Rournarilik, Bulgaria. and Turk�y
arm beating time for tho oborus-
its holiest place. No omp elgis bad
virith, one or ftnotbor. Tf he Is an rig-
oh,op it up. The brain,q are boiled sep-
average, mixtPen milem n day. which,
Fr&nc�o and Portrigril still keep to
lawfully seen itik Interior. The ,oil
noettlo or n non-belieTer, or a pagan,
or a raincarnationiat, or whatever be
is,rately, not taking nearly so long to
with the henry konds; and the frequent
PnrLq and Likb(kn l(mml tirnom respeo-
Wit my text Augg"tg that thig,
in lt.s sa,notity waA nwre prvhibItiv,a
may be, lha should be so clan -ted.
cook. They take about ten minutes.
"toppa4ag, formiq no light day'a work
Tho driver on his holdit tho rib -
tivsly. The thrin nvmr Ril Capo Col -
Worship has got to be broken up, as
the behnViottr of NfW" In text
than cases of trcta hung on doorpo!%ts
The date for t0ding the consum vvill
Pitt them aaide aliso to cool. To bake
bons for ltbont eighty-fivo mileR a dny.
rwny im IM p.m. at Groorivriah noon,
i,nilionted, Tberci are those wboarty
of stone aind bolted with bratia and
he t1he Same an that met by the fm-
Parliament, heng Sunday,
the bead, brawn broad orumbsi, not
� hard tank conaldering the diffloul
riond in Natal In 2 P rn.
that thhR 9'01&n calf spokeft of In my
8 teol. Its being wapernaturally torn
March 31, the decimve hawr of ree-
arFtckm&r dimt, and put the ahopped
tiom and dange" of th. otreet Th '
WhAn It In ri�n sit aroonwLeb tbn
text was hallow, ILIA 11W.Tely pInted
with gold; othcrwitte, t1my
was a sign that ewary Imraxn son]
icaniing to b,.pt 12 midn gbt of March
hosA and bress(I crumbn in & I
pan n
nompan lem giviri no holidays, i(f
A 'buA-driver wanta one ba most tako
tine in W(,kqt Auntralle In 8 prin.; In
eould ant htt" carried it. I do not
oould now comb clone mlistion
God the Fatheir.
91 to April 1. Unia" otherwise In.
striacted, the murnerittorm will com-
elternate layers with bito of butter,
L1 al hin own nxperix". This rexult Is,
Jptpmn. 0 p�rn : in South Anatrnita, 990
know that; brat morabhow, perhaps by
the w-Aldtance of his friends, b6taken
46. Jeans bad cried with it loud
menee on Monday, April 1, and work
p,.,pper and otalt. Broak an me on the
brainig tknd bekat them over the top of
no doubt, mittinf"tory to thA p(mirets
of the direato,1%, hat Irm so to the
p.oa ; In Vk,inrlm, Quoensland and Now
up thin gokkn calf, whl,b'b Is &W ba�
roloe. "Two troirds" dir "mntna ce,%�
ever day creaVt .%turdars. Ten Wouril
will L, a day's vrork and ,twelve a day
the pan and bak4o brown. When done
of an, Who IN on
constitutldst the RD
Soutb Wadovi, 10 p.m, and In New
f-arnAl kftlt it God, *Ad MKII, and
"Ell, Ell. lamsaboahthanW, AWt.27slastA
a Ifallf. f t L
41losa of lamon eon ha put on top iss;
dnty,' fair weather or fault, tar tif-
% A . . I- ar an',
7wisland 11.1110 P -M,
Greematirldh time nravatild ovar all M
-On - It .6,,. W 0 . ff� .
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