The Goderich Star, 1900-05-11, Page 8ger May 11? 1900. IT'S rnsy r 'I H E (xOI)L1 UCH STAR - -TO lotto I'1CTIJitES with ono of otr-- CAMERAS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• We give full tnotruetlona for tuktwg and bombing the Pictures -if tee of Charge. Prices of Camerae from $2.50 to $18.00. 1'.. l%T. 1311:71VII.El.1%T, Phu'. B. ones( T and DRUOOI$T. Sorosis The New Shoe For Women... The Masterpiece of the Shoemaker's Art and the Standard of the World. 1( you 1111 Ilnt %l l•11 S,I•1eiw Shoes you aro Illiwaillg losury tvithiu yu4e react) that 11118 III/ pnr•ullel in foot - went . \Vorn by the leaded 8 of fashion, nod avllhour glee - tion the most elegant. iu shone, the moat ',emit Ifni In appeeuanc'e, th,• most cunlfolIable, and the hest Nboe ever offered womankind. Nnm.r8 Nhne. 8nppnr•I 1 he Instep anti prevent flat - toning of the arch of he foot 118 1 Perfect Shoe at a Popular ''rice and Lhe Beet Shoe at nue price. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE Zhe Goberich %tar. TELICPIIONIC (TALL 71 FRIDAY. MAY 11, 1000. Among the Churches. (111 Snndav evening, n week ago, in 1111,,x church. ,lies, it. 11. Co1111es. of Clinton, sang exquisitely that beam t l fol solo, "A Song of Thanksgiving," by Allit.sen. Meetings will he led at Ile Army 13ur•eoke on SaHi; day night and all day Nunduv. by Atli!, Ihrhsrd, from Siintfrri. Solij,•ctSundily (light, "lie that shall blaspheme agonist. lbs Holy Ohust heath haver forgneness, but iv fu danger of eternal damnation." The ICpwort 1 League or V idtoriu til. ('hutch inleud giving a concert in elle lecture 1'(1111 o1 the, 11111Th on Toosday, May 1501, cnlnutencrng at 8 o'clock, Among '.there, solos Evill be given by Miss Ik \'itliv and Mr. Thomson. and at rec•ntat.on by Miss 1S. \Vil,on, Ad- ulieeiou 10 cents. The annual week or Self Denial Is one of the many original i11e1s which the Salvation Army has pot Mitt ener- getic and successful runtiotr Jnr t h.. advancing of the cause or ('ht is1 iauity The scheme has two ohjectc : -1. It is to the foucem of the Salvation Aiuiy, and to such or their (V•nroathisers and supporters as may feel disposed tit unite with theta, a w rek Iur arterial (l+evol ion TztraratoraivorAvAvil. lee Cream Soda, Genuine Fruit Flavors, Jersey Ice Cream, Pure Confectionery, ]nTO My •••••••••e•••e•ra•••• The Balmoral Gale p.°' BEDFORD BLOCK p -I ► ► �! ► 244♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 111 SNP! 11111 Spirit 11111 development, and has 10 ;1.11'111 1 very [similar significance, as Ina■ Lent week to the Catholic and Episcopi1l,an hodit•s. 2. All 1h.• forces soil It in a supreme elrurt In raise. by means of voluntary acts of Sell Denial, money for the nmaintenauce and extern• «ion of Salvation Arniy nperati Ins at h(o)e, and its vast Foreign Missionary en Esso'trines 1n India ('hien, Africa, Japan. Java. etc. 1L is astonishing to what extent molly n1 the lending Officers and Soldiers of the organ izaLion cheertully And spontaneously carry the practice of self sum ince. for no other 1111111 VS than the good of their fellow Fete. tr` �} Free1 A Good Wheal Given Away Free COME AND TRY A CHANCE. The Wheel is locked with a chain and padlock, and we have a hox full of keys, amongst which is one key that will unlock the wheel, On Every $1.00 purchase in our store you may draw one key. and on May 28th the wheel will be placed in centre of our store and every oTHEI)e LUCKYNEone f TIe above O OPENIIeT'ys can MAY CARRYand (AIock WAYHE IT(WHEEL. S 177.1=1 'E IN 0MTR WINDOW. Special Values in Men's and Bop's CLOTHING! This week we are offering Special Values in Boy's Clothing. Good fitting, good styles and at little prices. Boy's separate Pants too, you will find in great variety' with us—both good and cheap. Day's Navy Serge Suite at 5I 25, hay's Brown Tweed Suite 81.60 and 91.75 Boy's heavy Blouse Suits at e1 00. Mon's Suite et MOO. 84.00, 56.00 THESE ARE ExTRA VALUES See oar Bargain hot of (Men 110)'8 separate Pants, line d throughout at 85o, 45o. and 50o. Boy's Waal) Suite at 76e. and 51,00, Mone separate Pants, all sizes, large variety of patterns_ -special at 51.00• Men's Summer Coate, Navy Blue, *1 81.40. 's Stiff and Stift Mats, 608. DRESS GOODS. Fancy patterns Tight and dark colored Dress Goode, tvcI'th 404 and 50o. -for 25e, A good line homy Drone Goods at 100. Lovely black Crepnnl, the newest pat- terns -at 76c, Si, 31.25, 81,50 and 82.00 a yard. All tie new shades in flomeapnns and Broadcloth. at 51 81,25 and 51.60. PRINTS and SHIRTING, Nit* patterns best, feet, colored Shirting Werth 121 for 'l Oe, pteiel line of Cottonades at 18o -worth drab Hotta ivy, wide, fast, colored prieta- Hlite Palrfre arra at tic. SILKS and MUSLINS. Silks for Waists, Silks for trimming*, all the latest shades and patterns. We import oar Bilks di- rect, and you will find our 'values the BEST in town. Lovely heavy,wide Tsffeia Silts, all ebades-at 75e. A splendid line of the new Muslies in the new narros ani bestl stripes. Spa. Mal videos sl 15z, 2018 and 25o. yard, Smoot. new Silk Mobilos with Lace In- sertion, for Yoke Trimming, and Want. - really the prettiest novelty of the season. 1K ` (ilio Special line ladies' and boy's Ribbed Hose --2 pair for 25c. OUR NOLLINERW D PRRTME T --situated at the end of the store, is bright, With all; the latest ideas in rimmed Hats and Sailors. Come in tiilirtd Set (air8tt lies ; n trouble to Shaw goods. A special line of Children's 111"tld1' at Very Low Prices. avtr'y want 11) .the Dry Goods line, for man, woman or child, we can ►ty at Reltsonable Prices, - a%it' or Produce.'s i BROS. CO. Does Baby Thrive? If your baby is delicate and sickly and its food does not nourish it, put `fteen or twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in its bottle three or four timeg a day and you will see a marked change. We have had abundant proof that they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them. It is the same with larger children that are delicate, Scott's Emulsion seems to be the elern,ent lacking in their food. Do not fail to try it if your children do not thrive. It is as useful for them in summer as in vt inter. Ark your doctor if this if not Erns. SCOTT Si DOWSE, Chemist., Toros'., creature. All are invited to help. The dates of the coining effort are from front May 27th to June 2nd. PRESBYTERY OF HVIt()N, The Presbytery o Huron met in Willis church, Clinton, on the 8111 11181 A call was presented from the Pres- byterian church, Seaturth, signed by 862 members and 81 adherents in few or of the Rev. Mr. Larkin. of Chatham. Mt. M. Y. McLean appeared for the congregation and explained that the call was unanimous. The call was sustained and forwarded to (he Chat- ham Presbytery. Stationed' of the am uuul reports Iron) congregation* were given, showing (a slight decrease it) membership throughout rue Presby• tery, but art Increase in the total amounts contributed W the schemes of the church, The Committee on the tee-arraugnlent of augmented congreg- ations recommended that the Revd.. Henderson and J. A, Hamilton •INply for two 'eoliths Manchester:, Smith's Hill, and Leeburu, and Upton church, 1laytleld, and Bethany respectively, with the view of Hulking thew two in- stead of three pastoral charges. Thew MIS agreed to. Other congregations 111 the re•arraIgeu,ents were left in Unto n present relations, Rev, J. A. Hamilton was appointed to the Gen. Assembly in place of Rev. C, Fletcher, and J. P. ROSS In place of Mr. Lawson. Leave was given to the eougregatinns of Varna and Blake to proceed with 11 cull. Rey. Shaw was appointed Ihetl1her 01 the Awem bly's cottim1'- tee on hills 1111(1 1 oertinco. Letters viers read limo different Presbyteries that they would apply to t he next Gen. Assembly to receive as Ministers of the Can. Pres, church the following •-- E. W. Watson of the Eng. Cone, church ; Robert Guinn of the U. S. Prow. church : (len. Booth, D. 1)„ and W. 1). Ur•nv,u( Austnlul Pres. church, The Presbytery adjourned to meet on the 101)) July in stone place. A MESSAGE TO METHODISTS The reading by Bishop ,Andrews of the Episcopal address, an otfical ex• pre**inn of the High Executive Board of the church, waw the event of great- est Intetest at the opening of the Meth- odist Gutter/al Conference in Chicago last Saturday. It outlined the position of the church on the .treat questioue of t he day. political, temporal. and ecclesiastical. Many of the leading (ten present characterize it as the greatest expression of present day Methodism Chet has been uttered. It seas signed by thirteen of the Board Of Bishops. The address, among other things, expressed the following pointe : Hearty concurrence in the equal lav representation act. The conclusion that the time is not ripe for formal 'ihristran unity. That the church has a message con corning trusts, labour unions, lock- outs and strikes, capit.tl and labour. tariffs sudtaxation, currency and the colonies, but It is not one of dictation and observes uo clan*. The church, aroused at the aggres- sions of the liquor traffic and met cusahle miscarriage of the anti -can- teen law, will pledge ministers and pimple to n more determined struggle. Divorce atatiatics indicate that the glory of the pure funnily is suffering eclipse, and if need he the church law remold be amended to conform with the New Testament rule of marriage. Amusement. are heing degraded the attempt to enforce absolute al. *tenti in from recreative Amusements reacts toward* unrestrained indul- gence ; the au,nwetnent question de- serves careful attention of the con- ference. Sand the church must stand opposed to laxity. Tho church must sound the call for A etreuuoua and nnlltant political rightousne*s to meetthe colossal evils that threaten the nation. Entire removal of the time limit of pastorates. with limiting of appoint- ment for three years, would be of ad - vantaQe, When Bishop Andrews had noodled reading the address the Rev. James Robertson, fraternal delegate from Ireland, said "Ins address is the finest ntterance of eacleaiattical statesnisnahip 1 ever listened to." Your Physician's Prescription, You should lie deeply interested in the correct and honest tilting of your physlchur's prescription. In every case 41411' dl*penning is scientifically and ac- curately done with a view to belt re- sults for the sick. A Groat Medical Discovery, Pain's Celery Compound is the crowning medical discovery of the century. This popular medicine is our great leader, It Hives the best results 10 nervous diseases, neuralgia, dyspep- gra Bright'e disease and liver com- plaint. Jame* Wilson, Druggist, Oodsrich, Ont, Holmdsville, PEnsoNALS.-Miss M. Rudd, of Clinton, is visiting friends in this vicinity, -Mr, J. L. Courttce spent Sunday in Clinton with his son, R.O.- Mist spene ding Irel tweeks with her aunt. Mee, A. Elcoat. - Ml*sea M. Canteltrn rind Miller, nt Clinton, visited Miss Ida McCartney on Sunday. -Mr end Mr*. W. Ladd. of Alymer, are stetting his parents. -Miss he guest Sybil her Brand fatheof r Clinton. J. L. is tCourtme, Can berry, od f 7'liscatv1rx. writees: "to. ea m pleased to say that Dr. Thomas' &fec- all ie all that you claim tt In hr. as we hale heen using it for years. Moth in- ternally and effectually. and have al- ways received lretietit from it. use. it troop family Iu ` icinlp and I tike 'treat pleasure In retttliendlug There are Amer fernlike* who use filler"e '1 er$1 Powder tot All ams in erases rt Wlfr►}ttlrireyr, clitint Iwtter results theft ftmm�t tklt Ober rnt'diefite t !tile door. re ` *fly ilefttek'rlt to. correct the troll Par Side et 1. M. Dun• re's dot , store. I 1111e, OhN147tAL NOTES. -&loot h( the iu4-11• ern ate Ott tough needing. Fall wheat, which carne I!trough the winter look- ing splendid, is Int I(nkitlg neatly so well now (wing Lo I he cold wihda and want o1 u wart( 1'1111. Mr, and Mrs, Will Morrow, of GuderIch, Nuudaved In our village. Our popular cbeese- ivaker, S11 rh(wp.(,+ and wife, who spent the nattier 111 /...4-a, 14'117164 111(1 week. Sid Gib1ou, ..f l;lrel,azar, and 1•houlas N ii(t4, ji.of Dur vdingo, are beautifying Mr. Jaa'os'Girviti's reoi- deuce with It 1,.at of paint.- ()nun( our popular bachelors must auou t)e guiug Lu tare t., huueell 11wife, 188 he 11444 (1 late been Ien(vat{lig and furnishing his house. That's right, A. P. -Mr. Alt, Murru will aloe his horn on Wed• [tenthly afternoon "I' One week. \VEIL Mc Whinney is doing the work. There can he a ditleretee of op a un OR most auIjecta, but there is only o 1e opinion ns to the reliability of Moth -r waves' %purr' exterminator. It is safe, pure and effectual. -- St. Helens. 8(•Hoo1 Rgentrr, Report of N. N. No. 3. \V, W . for month or May. Fourth Chass;Total 57J. W. J. 81nith 448, Sadie While 341, Mn, u. Dorn in 134, Betsy Smith 324, Bet.y McAllister 200, Maggie Buchanan 270, Rebecca Agar 266, Oen, Stswnrt.187, Harry Fowler 14(1. 'Third Chess St. Total 270 Mian v Carnes 1117, Nelle Aga'• 148. Third ('lass Jun, No, -), Team 205: Gregor Stewart 187. Maiy Murray 184, Brown South 1.40, Stanley Agin 127, J. Sturdy 117. Second Clans Jun. Total 275. Lucy Bray 18:1, May Cameron 178. Willie Duruln 151), Lizzie Ward 151, H. Buchanan 1110. 111 ('Ise• No, 1. Total 0 V to t,4-• Dorton 110. 'I'. M. GottuoN, Teacher, The Star leads all rivals. JOHNSTON BROS., Montreal St, ,6oderloh, Will this year sell the colebral.d P'eath oratorio and Columbia Bicycles. ,w good Wheals as C1111 be predated, and Lite prices are all right. Our Livery le np.Ai-dale, and the very boat service of moderal,, tales le guaranteed, Repairing and Enameling are easel - allies with on. Itomombor we, aro experts Irl our lino, and a Trial order will verify this. JOHNSTON BROS e9 OOOERICl1. Montreal St„ near the Square. 170.5m Special, Special, Special ! 'T 1.T 3t0 - Gocier1Gh Metal Got 'Into opened an IRON YARD and JUN KET SHOP on 1)1e Corner of Park and Vic 1,.ria r (cera. .1 hero the bigba+t (rash Price. ..111 be paid fur all Iciod,, i,t Beeap Iron. L:oppar. SPEARS. Rubber, Zine, Raga, otos al u .vin (8111 with Le•1ot fur all (nolo 1.4 uutt lied at the Store or by card. 8dilt 1111 pay to deal with us. SHER BROS. SS J. REID, i Practical Cutter and Tailor, OVER PEDDER'S DRY 00008 8(ORE• I Alf classes of kootls made to order in modern fashion, mud Satisfaction gucu•an- teed in price and workmanship. Let us figure on your neat Sud, Coat, Pants, or Vest, Repairing, Cleaning and Preening are also specialties. 8. J. REID. Order your SPRING Suit from Dunlop the Tailor. ''"'• art"'• Wood's Phosphodine, The Groat Znyrfah Randy, Sold and recommended by ala druggists In Canada. Only reli- able medicine dlseoverits forms bexnapos ' r ar nt d to ears all 1 Wea nu., all efreota of abase or .xoese, Mental Worry, ltxoessies use ofTo- beo.o, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en reeelp1 of Pelee, one package Si, six, Sit On. oa: yla ss, 18(z will curt Pamphlets tree to an address. The Wood Osmpaay, Windsor, Oat. Wood's phosphedhie sold In Oodorloh by JAs. w-tLtcoN, druggist. W, 4CHES0NaSON Three Days' Selling, em,_NAY 17, IA 19 We quote three days' for the most desirable and such a sacrifice in prices : reduced to a fixed amount with a rush. Read every quotation are good at regular prices. prices, Prices extraordinary and seasonable goods Our reason for It is imperative that our stock is in May, hence we prefer to do it herewith, and of which the values 20 pieces of Dress Goods up to as high as eighty cents a yarn, widths from 38 to 54 inches wide, to be sold at twenty-five cents a yard. Handsome Plaids and Checks ane Silk mixtures, one table at one price, per yard ... 100 American 11/4 4 -ply wbils Cro_hel Cotton Quilts, good designs and re- versible. They are alightly soiled. Good value a1 regular $1.25 ,Q your choice 5C 10 pieces best Looh Lomond Flannel- ette Shirtings in dark colors.Q regular value 12-4o, per yard, araC 20 pieces white Victoria Lawn, 1} yards wide, regular price 121}o, Q three days' price at OC 25 pieces fancy Wrapperettee or An- cona Flauue1s,haod4ome for Waists, Wrappers and Dresses, in light or dark colors, re'nlar price has been 12t -o and some 15c a yard, our three days' price at per yard ...5C 15 piooee Scotch Gingham in bright good plaids and check patterns, fast colors, prices were from 15c. to 18c, your choice per yard„ IOC 60 pairs white Lace Curtains, 54 Floor Oiloloths, English and Cana inches wide, roll 8it yards long, dian, in 1, 13, 1#•aud 2 yards wide, bands -me designs and entirely new, new designs, regular 25o, at special value at $1.75, per square yard 20C sale price 411.]5 20 pieces heavy Cambria Black Lin ing, firm good cloth and good enough to line any diose, would be good value at 10c, our price three dale at . 7C 10 pieties 27 inches wide English Tapestry Carpets, designs and col- orings good and enitable for any room. regular seine 45c and 50c, your choice at 39C W. Acheson & Son. There are so many Devices,—w. To win business nowadays that it's bard to decide where it's best to trade. We should be able to settle the matter for you when tee announce that we are determined to reduce our stook of Dress Goode and general Dry Goode at least $2,000,00 by 1st of Jens, and, in order to get in gniok tomb with those who have yet to buy their Spring Goods, we shall, anti! the 1st of June, give with every $10 purchase one pair of beat quality Rid Gloves, guaranteed worth $1.25. Yon will get a cheque for every purchase, and when the different amounts aggregate $10 the Gloves are yours. We have also laid aside for Free Distribution a line of Goods well worth 600. for those who spend $5 with as in the salve space of time. We are anxious to show you our new and strictly up -to. date Spring Stock. We see to it that no Dry Goode concern can give yon lower gnotatione ; aria certain it is that during our Great Redo tion Stock Sale no firm will offer the same in• ducements for the nett thirtyfive days as R.B.8111itIDF0600660 r;,1 c:ti25 Oiauvaa- ;rte �c�i�ta . ansa7..,, , i7,Air abul*sltirl%�,LATA W AiriA7 e eWir • 4 OU ai Chain less, Perfect, e Garden City, el Dominion. 4 These wheels had the largest sale of any wheel upon the market last year. They sustain and build a reputation of being the best for the least money. 11 The Grass is Growing .. Now is the time you want your new Lawn Mower, 4 The flies will soon be here. 4 Therefore see that you have your Screens bought before your house is filled. tkit In these goods our prices are 'very WI??, considering Me advancein cost • American Field Fencing, Barb Wire, 1 Nails, Elephant Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Builders' Hardware, d 1`icKENZIE & HOWELL. iM And all lines of Genera!—Nard'lvare ourLii stock is complete. OUR READY (MIXED rPAl`INS gibe1� entire satisfaction. t�, 1 Introducing 1 _ xEn IN 3EIOl3TON'_ • E have secured the EXCLUSIVE agencyfor this '�J famous and incomra Shoe, which is known throughout the United States, and is the acknow- ledged ledged standard of excellence in women's Footwear. We want every woman in God- erich and vicinity to make their acquaintance, You'll like them. They're an advanc- ed idea in shoemaking—the combination of all the points that make satisfactory Foot- wear. We desired the best shoe made to sell at $3,75. To find it we carefully in- spected every line- Looked at them as you'd look at them, and closer still, with an expert's eye. Queen Quality is far the best—and so we took the agency, steIYs the Sole Agency here. The Shoe wanted to come here. The best shoe wants the hest store, and the best store wants the best shoe. The conditions fit. "Queen Quality" is made in 6o different styles—fashionable shapes for street dress, home or outing—a Shoe for every wear. And they are all new shapes, as dis- tinctive and original as the quality. They're made in all the popular leather and kids —Black and Brown. '"4"ft.'' BOOTS, X3.75. They'll interest you who have been paying these same prices—because of their betterness. They'll in- terest those of you who have been paying $4.00 and $5.00 ---because of their equality, and consequent saving, P. T. HALLS North Side of Square. Exet er. PERSONAL, -John Hayes, of Brant ford, (formerly of Exeter) is t'eoewiug acquaintances intown at present, - Miss Violet Willis spent Sunday the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Habkirk, H.n- sall,-John Pickett, sr., was seriously hnrt hast week, whole wrestling. and ',confined to his bed,-Mis, Westaway, having spent three weeks in and around Exeter, returned to Brantford this week, -Miss Oorby of Bengali was the guest of Mise Olive Wright, Exeter North, • DOTS. -A. Q. Bonier has commenced work for the summer season at the creamery. -On Tuesday morning about 12.30 the tire alarm was rung furiously for about ten minutes. Citi5ene were running hither and thither, trying to locate the scene of the exiteulent, when fortunately they were informed that it was only a chimney fire at the Met- ropolitan hotel; the fire brigade were soon on the scene, and after they had got the hose laid and everything in readiness, it was learned all danger was 01/140, "A Fair Outside Is 4 Poor Substitute For Inward Worth." Good health, inwardly, of the kidneys, liver and bowels, is sure to come if Hood's Sar- saparilla is promptly used. This secures a fair outside, and a consequent vigor In the frame, with the glow of health on the cheek appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. beasub,t•ronbled with dizziness, tired teeAPPOtit. - was in ms and loss of appetite. I was completely run down. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and after awhile I felt much better. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla built mo ap " Lultnt L RIIeamLL, Old Chelsea, near Ottawa, Qtse, wilt/ink= and biliousness and was -"I have beano troubled much run down. Tried Hood'. Srarila and it gave me rallet and baht me up." A. Moaarsox�80 Data Street, Toronto, Ont. �,�rNa'rtt..3 N Dfsdpp(Im15 n • • 's Pills etre liver Ill, the asadiA4 at Port Albert, A LITTLE OF ALL SOItTA, - MPs. Ne- vins, Wawanosh, is visiting in this neighborhood this week - Harry Hawkins left for Huron Tp , Bruce, this week, where he is engaged work- ing at stone and brick work. - The barl�miest man in town Is Kichard.- Da[15 McLaren, Onderich, and his gang of man, are busy engaged moving Jno. Schoenhals' house, which partly went over daring the flood to the spring; they also intend to move W. Smith's house, while in the village. -bleeding is nearly done in this section, and Tires - day's rain did a power of good, especi- ally to the fall wheat, which has gone hack a great deal the past ten days. - Miss fauna Thurlow, tllnderich, waw in the village this week,- -Randal Graham has purchased a NO. one driver frura his nephew, Geo. B. Graham. Gode- rich, and is no longer going to take dust hnm IRichard, bnloker or any one else. -Service will he held in the Eng. loth Church Sonde, next itt 11 a. In,- 1Iaa the Forester'* new hall that was tomer snow A DRtr dhMa tin .h gonthe e tee work for Geo. Mime,* at Rayfield. bled. Mom -Te on Rea% 155Q ay ith. Martlerrettnnt)lar , stater pe Una are Jarwea CUrk, gee .! years, 1! 9 ' "Sole Agent for Famous Queen Quality, CODERICU. N$W ID$A •• K' ' • LargetinRug PA TT$R NS • • TravellingRrng • are the Best 1* • • worth $2.50, for Size the rumen we • $l.lb. Only a sell them, • t • ffew left. • ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SNAPS ?. . . We Have Some Just Now. Drop in and see what we can do in that way. Cottonades— Over One Hundred Ends from 11 yds to 23 yds, et Mill prices, Serge— Heavy; All Wool, Navy Twill Serge for Boys' Suits,......Specisl, 824 eta, We consider this great value at 40 or 45 for 8213. Tweeds — In Stock this week. New Shades in Our Speolal All Wool Tweed at 40ots To see thin line is to be convinced of its value 40ete, Grey Cotton— We want to introduce to you one or two Specials of Grey Cotton. 5o Grey Cotton, worth 0o, .for 5o 612 " 'e " 7o,.......for 6o Flowers— At Factory Cotton Prices. That's the way we gall Millinery. 25 cent Roses for per bunch , , , ,10ots 50 'a " " " 20ate Sailor Hats at Dry Goods Price e. 4-w Shirt Waists— These are Manufacturers' Samp- les, Some are a little ernshed. We bought them at a big out for cash, and that is the way we will Bell them, Old Price..,.... 500, 75c, $1,00, $1,25 New Price,....,,85o, 50o, 70c, 75o We have sold a big lot of these, bot we have a larger lot yet, Table Linen— A lot of Mill Ends at Mill Prices, There's Money in it for you. Napkins - These are Travellers' Samples, and they represent a Belfast Mille product, There are only a few of any pattern, and they are all alightly damaged, bat this is the way we Damage the prices. Worth from $1.00 per doz. to $8.50 We sell 5o each to 20ots, ..pecial Value in Hose, Parasols, Corsets, Vests, etc. Try us for Snaps---First-Class Goods that you want at lower prices than their value. W. A. McKIM. Bunsw!k Cigar Store. o'l Tera Cent agar for Fire. We will sell you The Celebrated "Iemrindble Cigar at the rate of Five for Twenty -Five. Try s Quarter's Worth. It B. TILT, EDUCATE FAR -- Central Business College STRATFORD. ONT.. Yonsg seri end women should eternise easygreatd 4n hootln1 a ScheelMoney le not oro it ahweid sot be spent tint• »eyes decide to speed *douse with row. e t Con - Setae. . lot tot a abelal esrsa a et tTom- A+aw�Setaee olio eeareit N JW. Oar '1tteettsnfM�ere• 1s it srddslikt at. goad tesitWritr. StidoiittieskiMill Lk tar hem Cinistins tlaiabaattesatld K L elili tlrAt, PROPIREITIte. 'IOcsnt.torTfaitSTA* tit! the tend t atm A 1)