The Goderich Star, 1900-04-27, Page 7-,-- . . - _%7W , ,ff , 4 . - ". , I 11_�Olr, , '7�vww,"r . � , F W 7111111111191111F7— I .. _W.--7WT—r -�(--'""-,­Ww�- I , _111� IFRYW ,,, `� 1 17 . _1_77"w I -, , - ,"l MWWT—#�­ - . . 0,� �` 11 * I . . . I . ... 11 I - 711"W�_ ,-, i I 41 I , I - I I. , "V77111M . I � 1) I I — - � I I � I . I ,; . I , I" � , - �, ,; �...., I . I - I � I I - I I I .. . I � 11 I I t, I—) . 0 � T. 1111F,2��_- 7 �,4 11.,�1�11.. . i I'' I ��, .- . � I I ".. I ­__­ --.1-- -11. I ,; I I lw�� 111, ''.. 0 1� I - I- ___1 - . I .,­��,�.-*--�­:. ­­_ ­-_.'' ,,, .--.._.1. 11 I I , . I . 1 �. . I . 1 11 J __ ** I S, , � 11 - 11�111.1� '­­. I III I III 011111141IN 4 1-1. I -110-11i 11.1 - I � - 1. .. "..''... ­1.1­111­1111�_ !7 ___ - - P !__ I !! (F I I 111 . � . I I - I , MAFEKMG"S FOOD SUMS,, "J, . I I . Dc Gaulson 10rcparcd lobd* ft Siege, fotlhat 1i V . , I . � - ,# - I . - u .O., Time'"Clot''111414ers brdci, 11 I -­ � - v! - - - __ ,- � - : � . I . , . , I I . I � I Strengt44,4046 � , 4 I - , � , '­.­ 0 11 � 11- - I . I . I , 44osday, 4 rq.cailile ;0.ailoa, W, , , prJQ J,Q­$q*s COL Vulner ftsbt with, at 0 . - , of 444 9t Apil Us- ppoilp. The wwri; tooi. are well wolhat, tro_m 3-wokkW . - " " - g4-gpcl,wolm"drwixodkRu-d*bkvit.iti�'A ?QT4 thAt 00"JiFerr!"A *4010 wile t4R . ;q $4,4131 and 6th,qV QrQV0 A trollit, Ti resigning Itsolt to ou'dure, tul 401fil 11 me a Z � 444,00t are; excellent, 40 tb I 110 T Up . w -164 l0kip. ,wAJ4,' ox- 0 _ux,lerx are a. AIL, 11i0q. fq *Afry . _ km.g -*,* t1 W44 , ; '1'I .I P0. W. tod t1? J* ger two z9ot r Warcit3t food for 14191111F wao. _ , be i . " ,49,. 'a littJo for"� I ,QAWIY . ot -A Alaw #T,r �, t Mium , 14, I , , Muni; parqep Awit Sa roploc entrenched porth-w-eA of Uaroklo - , -,&. 4 by 794*0 I Msud%rii POW6 VGA* : Tk ,A ' as cop, try bprogbouts 14 muQb, illiaipile � . tut t4 - )� rolAtoroomonta 'tad- aamler lravatsaitt-1444, 1 . 0, Rho- ,g Ther total 0@4 arrivoil. and sometbla of im, desiAlm "s operAtlaw, in, . . , 'Castit4g c4sual;llta saturosy, Were 7PLbut many ?W8400 WAX, OV140407 RFc , , � � . � . i;a&w are. conv4lepol4i and iiQV.e* ArV , the bpolegor's, . � � . (� Man, � -, � bAproving ln'bWku vs. the winter AW Tbore was. a v4proue bombar4ment prMw . . has. _ '� . * tli* town at loborvaI4 With Cane of 'Wativq!l Tvpar4 that, tbe iniaAbItants rro4to,r velocity thai r huagrr.­8bofild L the Boers- h4v of Xafeking, are , 18.0 since the commencement at, tit: 01 11riag oplulun be to their Ilego tell . will find the, country wall �, ef it C9,14401 PlAxerva force was strong grassed and. watered an It 'Proceeds I 1 ly 'ncrtbward. , lutreacbed to the north -wast. � . Toe body of Captain Crowe hasbeen A despatc]a ftero Salisbury, R4040gis. handed over to Colonel Radon7Powell ' � tated 4prit 11, states that three offl- and buried in Mateiring cemetery- :arm an . 4 loo of the jUrikillb Sou The Boers are bolas bolaterad up 47 th Afrl- all motto of stories from Pretoria, I a Company, at Mounted Policaltsve among t1lato rWpjrt# that Russia and - aft Salisbury to join Callorial piume,r. France bst,va declared war agaJust BOERS 4N GOOD CONJDITIQN. ' Gres c Britain, A, SUCCESSFUL SCOUT. Flumerla camp, Friday, April 6.vis . I Mistaking A0 III 7 -The success at ,orenzo M Tuesday. Awril 17- Lieut. Smith_%gsn, the Rhodesian It letter ha=.Sh reiceived'bere from scout, who, with the, exception at 4 , )o-,mandant Snyman with orrespondent, a cyclist, is -a the British wounded and prisoners the only white iman who has entered it the Boor longer after the engage- Mafaklu , g Since the siege began, is Bent of March 31, from which it is Likely to airove of great value to Col. earned that Capt. Crowe died of his Plumer, to whom be has returned with vounds. Lieikt. Milligan is not a pris. despatches, abotad Planter decide to wor, and Ili believed to be among those raise the siege of Maitaking in earnest. he Boers buried. The Britle casual- a It A Scottish crofter has introduced ice were 2officers and Oman killed, 8 method of making nourishing porridge ifficers and 86 man wounded, and 1 of- with oat brim, wthiob is a great boon, tear and 11 men made prisoners. and is sol�ving The question of feeding IThe Boor artinery about Mafekirag is the- natives. .11 -read. Their pampoms are We are now confident of holding out r tathe d on Ill , lit four-mrhooled car- two months longer. The men in th '. . .B.1, g �� -, Me I rawd by four smart treadheii are determined to play th: rse , In mar ked contrast with those game to the and. I . W��_____ 1 . --- I - I 0V I [EW U 9:14 , S, 8"'MMA N . . #F,1� ,F O's . - I .; . I ' PA .'NARA. I Wi4*149, XXV114. wat 4000t 'A I Mow UW1040g. 1, . Rrsotf,Q�W WAU O' . , oy - e�dr 4—** 4_AQ# , 0q, "0* WQ40. -claicla vrovo T titled W �X=tiollj.T#W , , _a�hsva,m4biK. - _ Itep t4a N-Ao4ag r4t40,04 *w)d- . : lil!beti l4tkarl *111 0*01% 04 9.W UkWs U 1"i494-4 9NA 70F " - to 9WIAR at 1119"VIOAV41 vocutilcat *_Pimra.toa40* 40:1429A ou'lliaeg. " _ , 19' t4o % r. 11N, In � n.toA � *",64tv , .- X. -4004,t 4 ro.wov st4w t . , Poop% _.v ed *t Ham, A Ay W , ,,g Qrglials. ilton ter :the vp4hqfgctax* at brkk* ­ AM Wuln4we, the-prigWIlfy Wat � _­ �, I' I" vories'attlerowitue ,tsvoluoit ffee W , 10M. arrived at Part Arthur ftQ A 4 - Illincia. They will accup v the Star .. to .River irolley. 4-urle 4 See, at, a4milton, We . r beo4 aws, 4ed a Qover#mqut coAtraci .to supply. 20,00 Of�ba, . (L pounds ol meat t . 14014A PeW, t=04t_ 19A Cam, V99;tSoa horses at the Sbodil . � - pauy� at,M t ,, iq typhoid puen- � ,. QA hay r , . - age moidia, cvptroxtad 06= air , MQAJAXe&I team WOW tharel.`:, Broadca City Council has Itself elected W. V. Willson an alderman to fill a viacktacy, a call for nominations in the ward meeting with no rasp on". . . The London lirkoklayers' new agree - ment wlt4 the empla a a .ying build to I for 37 1-2 cents an hour and eight hours a . day, the Increase to commence on June lit. Agar Adamson, of the Gov- eraittplG-eneral'a Foot Guards, will be the officer in charige, of the 50 re- Crui& far the' Strathoona Horse. In- Spector Strickland cannot go. There is a great demand for Skilled and unskilled labor in the Cape Rre- ton alin0b, Licit Italians have been Im- ported from, New York. The Dominion Steel & Irtm Clo. of Sydney is doing big work. Another animal suffering from lumilly jawlw" seLzed in Montreal on Thursday by the inspectors. Dr. La- barge, the Health Officer, says he will put a stop to the shipment of dis- eased catfle from the West at any coat. Emersun, Man.. farmers will ask the Dominion Government to open the it ussian Indian reservation, containing about 13,000 acres of good farming land, only partly cultivated by the Indiana. The Guelph License Commissioners are having Some difficulty in deciding ­ 11--_ -1- � .1 ­ � - - _,_ ­ .. 0oo , :4 XSUV0,A4TAf 40C C , 4V "A"^ ww"10%, f , , ;AW ro."m I I T44, 4410'er, rartwt low 1104 , n , at all rx*444 bao - foxiii'dow x4i. 1% I[, W **tioos. : � , to, -k* �0*040 la , I 1* SO bawx � taI a "I 1P1Q11X1111#VU1W1 =*" i "*#"a .1 : w4ebUtl0fal or 014kAS0441t 1143141 calaxed. SW read A" acute - �w %11W,%JW 00 J4JA*4k A,;k, pqtb%"* 9tr,tbsi I , ., IA pfm4g,W " ^� , _ ix"gried,lot P"44 -464P tbtlw*� F _. # 4 riteatior't 1W 0**A�w lkavo ec'mrX44 I In, tbrft. Week$. .atirlsxktish partkon.. The, a at 00 C*J�Q $W#04,� toatimw the afitattgai 4 *g M*IiAh #Atra*AaVtV_WIXtaA=W. _ P It , � itb# 1$90,44- sioPr*� MW ap.a. QQ040rinow v ,SAO, DQW-44LO. 4s,*ym 1 31" tow 'At 404"w'u-ne go- xpiffilgo of 'Ain , . iS , pela on . ke. , 4 bqmoelf ,, , Ty ,. . WX4Q1`Qlo*'el At tbe Mite', $tatvs. I - evo ORV9 Tile Boer " Ys have arrIV04 r,,,__ -A ru­_ Wf1h.1-1.. u" — __T -a—- 04 The 1"' , 4 y Ple cl�;, . 11144 Wely - them (91 - , European courts, un(tor We leader- stilpi of 0ormany. stands aloot. The Tr, d4d, :i,,eglalature- has far� Vlaally rm,=4� t ad reciprocity _ be - um"te'do tra*.ty Wlt4, Q10 StuAv*- The 'ai-erobixorm are, 'boatilie to It, preferring rKIP3700 a tmdo relations with Canada. The Can*41nat GoverameAt will spend #W,00 pa; literature, both in Freuch- end English. to be distributed at the) Paris NXplosition. In ail ad- an 0 c of ho a& aw is a v c 001 t "lo - It ' tat- ad that at? the Loadon &Position in 18511 the Canadian exhibits were vahLed ,at $14.000. whiLel this year's exhibit wilt bar worth ovew 02110,000. EVACUATE BOSMO'S KOP . — Boers Are Trying to Leave the Country By Way of Ladybrand. Bloemfontein, April 20, 4.10 p.m. -The northern circuit of British Outpost& bits not. been touched by the Boers for soverul days. . It is no hat llelaY evacuated Bosma'a's kop last evening. it to reported that they are seeking to leave the COUDLry below Laidybrand, eir next `1`31 there I-ine of defence across (rum nowthwartiL The British retmountm continue to ar- rive. The animals are healthy, despite the fact that the jou-raoy was made through the beaViegil. rains. The horses - __­_ - ­­­ � _- - - ----- — ­­ _­ 1, 'k. ROUSER001t � . I - I _____ _ -"-"'--�l-"I"-T.l�"11'1-1"4'11-11" '- I I I I 1 I . � . .1 , I . I. I i ; I I " 1. I � I I , � ; , ..I � I � � . I I 10 I IT I I .11 I 11 . � I \ . I I . . ,,, 1� . I .. I ! I . 71 - : � � . , I .. I '__�_ 4 1 11 , � I I., � .. I I - . ___ � I . I � \�:�-. - - 1, , - : , . L I I I - - . N I ,� �1 .; I 4�, � - 1, I I . I I I . . . # I . Eton jacket of tan ladies' clot It laid in narrow tucks, which are stitched down with brown milk. The shawl collar is edged with three rows at brown .Hk stitching, also the Cost alsevea. Material required ladies' cloth, 48 inches wide, 2 yards. Cut In 84, 30 and 58 tactics, bust measure. Price, 10 cents. FLOWERS AND REVENUE. Mrs. Helen Churchill Candes. in a bright little book entitled "How Wo- men May Earn a Living," which is full of practical suggestions, giv as a chapter to the cultivation of flowers as a source of revenue, not to t bho wo- man who Inia glass and a green ouse at her command. but to those with merely garden beds. What she says soubda so helpful and may be so Sam- Ily put into practice by any person 110 Situated an to command a market that we glean a tow of her pars- goraphal. 11 I... I ­ -..--. _­ . _1-1- ___ Sa "11418L 414, 00,111it I , 1. ''. I Im , 0. Rol$'* "' , i , , � 111141110 1, a r4k 1, I no TO" I . , , _1__.:_1. F a : 0 11 1. - ; 11 '.. . 44 I 1-04" 30" " $0 ym VAr X"O"t *441, �Qux , _0 TIC -""*,A*#, ]POIN(M Alm' - $41; t4 � � I 11 , *"'t WZ %U* Ow 404 ; ­Jitim IV, Tax Gam tf�lt. Pa, 4* 1*9 * riob, wvw 44;,f;y a" � M -P" BOU44 1#owSi- mak #OVA 004444 1# IWO* Over "" It"Ps 40- , , iwsolt tuqoo, a dovo, to *4"s"S`# ,tarq, it to F."04*44i'mio,or,440 T4#_4*l*'*4"q: I Oto 044." a. 444, to it w0r. V.�%l- *WJT#.A,0*A*%##f*m#4k.1oiw ,, , W�V�wt _ W . qW. 1�11 and At a .4 Aooilami 00" 1*41114,019" ot Qa", S; IN tod0or 4 -rat 4441 PAU fory xol�, fl** t"S r.c' ; vw"t to rkiva,# Isla S,,ra lmd"a igle. So 'clotrotoxiati" - k 10'i 19as. 4104 14 a. . .( t. '" Ad I 719* 1A a r on, AMM pear tog At two 00". aw x0josty"914or, ow = a good 4 sygiry I , - qd con uArboar. 9A tile *g1lit at A%­ *oamed RM'Doll SIX 09P for 41 gust 244, IM, NQW#4a.y* xa, su4 pilage . quarter 09 an bour, Plunge late cold VS C , IrISIA , , ova a � , arbogr is pbow.o an the � Water- remove ths' 4b*ll* and cut Into ft#p� :Put tko bar 40 bw,# the is , &me Wqk slice&. put I%yam 04 the #g# ot Cove 13&rWtw ISI tAess days is no Mo so;= a =u4trow it with QQW place OJM Quispastown. Its M 'Id , V a bits at Wt. ter. rpper melt =d cho game was cibapeoll after that first ,Sped pars a lay. coat X,4110 tilz layers visit. tl all the egg Is, tago up, than Pourinavot a cup- 11�ar W 'at . Jesty OU4 bar royal cowwrt (4) cream and brown the even. wer welcomed 04 Moir avvx"-Qk to a able, ' LU Sbores Of hahkad by a fou 0 .W*. spoonfuls of tapioca, rinse it thor-fired Irm the batteries an $Oka Is- outoly. then &oak it five hours in cold land and Camden Farts. Witter enmwll to cover I t. Set it pint AN I* thU400t Of theme heavy 00044 of cold writer on the fire .. when It balls maob and stir tip the taplocs. of or,duance, wrlites a Jourpatistle eys� that to In the water and mix it with witness of the movas, bounded more" it* boiling Water. Let the whole the still waters of one of the most simmer gently, with a Stick at cinna. nPlevAd borbours that the eye ol man :?a or mace. When thick and cleat x ever tested upon, bonfires Sprang up two tablespoonfuls A$ white sugur With halt a tablespoonful of lemon In all directions along the beach. A juice and a glass of white wine; stir number of brilliant rackats also burnt it into the Jelly; if not sweet i "'outil late bright state above the woody- add more sugar, and turn the ally in- created hills that surround the via- to cupm. - turonque little town of cove, IP PRETORIA PROTESTS. All the merchant shipping in the harobur, an well an the vessels which had accompanied the Victoria and I hinks Great Er 7tain Had No Rig ht Albert, hoisted lanterns on their yard- to Send Prisoners to St. Helena. %rms and mast cradiss. .1 Pretoria, April 17. -As soon as the GMAT BLAZE OF FIRE. award of the arbitrators in the inat- This fortifications of Spike were one ter of the Aieizare of the Delagoa bay blaze of fire, so that the entir Scene railway was known here, the Trans- 0 veal Government offered t loan Par- was mikiraiticaut beyoud description, 0 the intense darkness of the night add- tugual the amount of Money Decals- Sury to pay the award. Portugal Ing to it an additional lrxandour. The courteously declined the loan on the houses of the town wore not fflumi - ground that the money had already uEtited. the people not having been pro- be provided. pared to receive Her Majesty mo soon. on On the morning of the 8rd of Aug- The Government Intends to protest net, the news wan known generally gainst the action of the British In a lijorally a warming with people and its ding Gen. Clronjo Lind the other sen Ikeralyl swarming with people and Its Boer prisoners to St. Helena. barbour was studded thickly According to Boar reports, there Ili noble a steady flow of foreign volunteOrtitu wi,ib mail of all description, from the the Transvaal. Hitherto these advert- stately allipa of war to the tWo-oared have been ? I a TWM #A 11�.-11!11 %*loato � .is A*4 . ^-?ko to-sui totol.1144S. w I'* st"ki *0 01,10 04, wmruti 4401"k *04 040*0,0- 19OW tlp,* $*�* %W4,rk., t.** I I 140it 401140. a*. 4,4# WORU'r . 4 0. uttir ill* Tootoll Zero. 734 oxwo 400". I* I prboo, ax* 1494*411; 4", was tbe Q004.0 W.04. JE41tqb!r Cattle IS, 0.191V wqakor, wItb � �q 40 as , toU agor.e. . btocks3ra war* 4tma%lyl W I* small, Avoly-0 Ullk cows. export. and and 11"dora are viracticalli Sileopt &ad lamillo are firia quotatleam; about 150 cam Good TOO Calves as* wont Too apany light hoga aset tag. but ax yet prlc" are Jeer prime jbAW, acaling f, Will Iba.. the top price Ii 6 bo go are burin jig 5 341c pava,?eppotcbed k'allawlag t the range tlo,i_ Cattle. ship 0, per owt. 's 424 , Bate r. chat a. d . 9 It'i ce a. Butcbsr- M04- to good. $25 Butcher, Interior. . 250 0Aockers, per *wt. . M Sheep and Lambe. Sheep. W cwt. . . 3 Lambe, owt. . '. 4W spring &".be. saelb. . 2W Bucks, per owt . . . 250 Milkers and Calve COW&. each. - . . . 25 00 Calves. each. . . 200 '11108111. Choice 11098, per owt. 6 (10 Light bogs, per owt 5 Heavy bogb, per owt' G: sows. . . . . 300 Stu a. . . . . 200 9 Toronto, April u.-Whea era markets were weak ag Local prices were steady, wt Caption of 51-taitobas, whkoh Quotatiods are an follows red and white, 05 to (to 1 -go. west; 66 to 60 1-11c, each; go 712o, east, auJ 71c, went; up No; Manitoba. No. I be North Buy; and So I -2u, g.l. FI4,ur--Quiat. Stnilghl. to[ a,,,,' huge, uiidqite freights. bill. bid and $26D asked brands, In wood, *43 to 03.10. - i . - ---- � CHING TO WEPENER . witich licenses they will Cut off in obe- belonging to the forces moving on the "Were you ever," she asks, .'at a lumirg attached tothe vat- punt. kou" andoes. Now It is said they Milifeed-StIll scarce. Brti - dience to the City Council and pending a decision have granted all the hotels veldt also suffered less than was ex- small summer resort, where flower& ten are a be forniod into a spacial legion About two o'cilock bar Majesty aDA ad at $16-50 to 917 went. _$'Af( — , three months' exEatusion from the first pected from the reins. . . . except the dusty wayside weeds, were with Continental officers, and there is her royal consort descended from th at $17 to 018 west. �, Jenerr1v als Rundle and Brabant Are of May. GREAT BRITAIN. General Roberts' outspoken cr%LiCk. 849ou kop has ullobtainuble? And while at such a place have you had an event occur it rumor that the Command will be ViciLcirria and Albert, into the Fair; given to a distinguished French mol- Corti-Husy. No. 2 Amoric at 40c, on track here. Cana _ , been briefly published here. The arialy north and dier lately retired. wb-) is now lit the steamer tender and otoamod around none offered here. I Anne Beale, a popular English endorses the censures of the commund- which positively demanded a gift It Tranavast. the harbour, amid the roaring of the Peas-Huld4ug steady. Now I'laking Good Progress. novelist, is dead. or -in -chief and believes that the that criticiant flowers f Perhaps, Boma one was try- 0 frigates unit Line of battloshipa and north and went, &'a ; and Barley . Only four per coat. of British wounded in Africa have died. knowledge' such public will fall utpon officers who are dere- Ing to celebrate an anniversary, or illness had the artillery on Curative and Carlisle GEN. WARREN RECALLED. -Steady. No. 2, 42c 430 east; and No. I dull, a London, Monday, April 23 -Fighting man. Owing to the fact tha t It was Lords of Admiralty will inspect training lict. in their duties will be of great'fu- Cure benefit. per" aps or affliction came to a dear friend, and nothing but the Fort@, Spike Island amid Haulbowline. — Having arrived opposite Lho pavilion Order Said to Have been Cabled tit 43o west and 44c east. Rye--Uni�6agad at Uc i proceeding South and east of .We, ,ous'idered unfair to exact an cadets' school at Dart th. Ton It is understood that Empero There is Continued unreat among the loveliest things God ever made and to South Africa. erected fill the royal reception the 5k east. ener, yvhile the bombardment of the submission unless the British fur- nishad protection to those taking it a lism' will visit England about August he districts distant from the ral[Wa). � forgot to put a soul Into, seemed like Ftilry stopped, and the inumbe;. of London, April IS. -It in said that a Onts-About steady, quoted of 128 14 to 29a, kritish garrison at that tilace, continu- Free State Mounted Police bias be;n 2nd. The mail which was despatche,il Cron) tittiag messages of your affection. "Many a time, and oft have I search- the JWMIJU011 COMMIti.06 went On peremptory order for the return of am west; mixed, 27 to 21 1 -to v a with renewed vigour. Gen. Rund- formed, and the country divided into General White, if not required in London March. 3i'l was delivered here wheat- board the royal tender, and were Lieut,-Genoral Sir Charles Warren, Buckwhoat-Quoied at lift �'a column is gradually pressing its Sections, each(of Which will be adjoin- South Africa, will become Governor of this Morning, Tbis is the quickest lie- ad for flowers willan none were to be introduced to her Majesty by Sir 1110 anal. ray east against a stubborn -resis- istered by, a commissioner. Gibraltar toward the end of May. livery that hils yet been made of Eug- had. In the mountains, the Bummer the commander of the fifth division of George Gray, Secretary at Stat a for Buffalo, April 24—Sprinit President Steyn has issued a procia- lines by the Boers, who hold B�trong mation urging Lhe burgliers to main- Rumour ,says Sir Eidward Grey is to subcoed Sir Henry Cumpbeil-�Bun- liah mails In Bloemfontein. cottage residents are there so short a the South Africa field. forces, was the Home Department. N aminal ; No. I hard, 81c; N orn, 79c; No, 2 Northern, 7 ositions. Gen. Brabant, ad tain their struggle against the British vancing unUl the the nerinan aft leader dt the English Li4- 0 - COL. CROFTON RETIRED. time that garden beds cannot be made to bear, arid those "ho live ult the cabled to South Africa this morning. ADDILESS TO HER MAJESTY. The War Office declined to give tiny 2 spring, 75o. Winter whe . rum the south, is now at Boaman,m report of Boor peace Commissioners arrives from Europe. orals. Pritatruse Day, 'the , year in the place Boom to have no high- Ali address of we,loome (rum the I,- information In regard to the rumour. nQlatUally, No. 2 red, 74c; P 73 1-2c. Corn-Finmer; No op. His advance guard is in touch He says that this will be only a Short ,ith the Boers about fifteen anniversary of the death of Lord Beactmisfield, was - The Fate of Other Commanders or trispiratiun in the way of summor tuinistering than Iflundry work. . - habitants was preheated, and her Ma - Colonel Crofton, who was In cam- josty niid the Priiac.o than 49 3-4c; No. 3 yolluar, 43 1 miles time, and then foreign intervention Duth of Wepener, after taking a will be certain. The British Correa- ,ub8e,rved throughout England with customary zeal. Still Unknown. In these days flowers ure it nooessity landed, milt'd at Spion kop from the time Mthutigh it handsome I bra had ne yellow, 42 3-4c ; No. 2. 43 Corn, 48c. Oititm-44lightly f pondents interpret this proclamation ,eek to cover the forty miles f core asasign that theFreeState Boersare I . The Hart (if Londesiburough, William London, April 20 -Colonel Crofton. of civilization and IALopla vvill have them at ail price. Arid does not, that General Woodgate was wounded until Colonel Tharneyeroft wa4 ppointod to been erected, bar Majesty remained a 2 Vill tu� 29 3-4 to 30o ; N :ouxville. The delay was caused by slackening in their enthusiasm for Henry Foreater Denison, is dead. lie who is perhaps one of the least guilty mean Chat. a pretty penny can lie by fur Ili the position, and whose heliograph standing and bowing to tile dopuLa- tion, whivIi inoluded Qui ,,cantry 29 1-2c; No. 4 whi.to, 28 1-2 No. 2 mixed, 20 I -2c ; No. 3 t has been pro- war, and need qpurring on, but ill ey was bo,rn in 1834, and was vice -ad- rairal of tile Y-arkshire coast. of the Severn I officers concerned in the made raisixkg them sale places %where they are dLfficult to ob- 111088agC8 to General Warren caused mom- General Buller to appoint Thorney- bership and the iocal pariou priest. 11ye-No. 2, nominally 63 ailing. admit that there is no other sign of A despatch this, as they fight with as great vigor from Maseru, The widDw of Robert Louis Ste!en- Spion kop disaster, has been retired What be taken in ina'all ? . . . To pursue the business craft to the command, was placed oil She. at the request of the deputation. the Cove Easy. Chicago. April 19-Flaxse Basuto- as ever. They even say that the Boers . sea has taken a decisive stand against action will regard modest way dOlyAuding upon sum- for halt pity to -day. Changed name uf to Queens- town. Her Majesty then re-embarke d - North-West and, South-% ind, describes the Basutos as orderly, who attac ked General Methuen's con- he natives vOYfOu&t dash that hitherto tile proposal to dig upher husband's bones and caltry them from Samult to to other leaders is not stated offici- mar,, visitors custom, may nut mea. to earn sufficient money fur do- Privatn information received from Shrewsbury to -day is to the effect that and procoadqil to Cork amid the firing $1.78; May4 fILT2 bid; Soptoi under arms to prevent an with a had not been the Scotland for reburial. ally. fraying ail the expenses of living, but 'oneral Gatacro is leaving ,South Afri- of the ifuns and the Cheering of the G 0 ctober. V1.14 bid. seen on western rAvasion of the country', by t he Boers , border That Lo,Td Ruborts is advocating a 4 It a business Ili capable of expan- ca this wook to resume command ota poold' Detroit. April� 19-Whoat re commanded by three British com- The -Daily Telegraph The great chalk heartland at Dover, clean sweep ofall the blundering it Wucu, and eapeoialiy in a place utshort local district. It to Interesting to note that the No, I white, cash, 711-4o, prints a de- iissioners. apatch, dated Doshicif. Orange known asShakespeare Cliff, is to lit- generate is, hawever, the general on- sojourn where people tire touch crowd- - Queen on the occasion was attired in cash. 711-4c;i May, 71 1-4c; J Free The Standard's correspondent at 8tate, Sunday evening, which states that a commando is in im- levelled in order to give the new ,apid-fire batteries of that harbor's derstanding. ad there is olyportUniLy " After 8UggaSLi[lg soult'loilowers, eas- - a fancy muslin dress, light green Jo- APPEAL 10 AFRIKANDERS. sephino with white trimmings, straw Milwaukee, April 19-W Northern. 661-0c; No. 2Na Poe.r that lloemfonteid� lit a despatch dated mail I aft a n eighbourhood, and that it is defences a better range. The Press Association, which is Ily grown and alN�ays lit demand, tile - bonnet lined with whitti satin and or- it) 651-8c. 117o -No. 1, 58c No. sat Friday, says it is still uncertain looting everything that can be carried low much longer General Roberts will A, new order has been issued in Great Ehitain under which Argentine frequently used by the Government for sounding public opinion, lasl�,-) this author goes (in: "When flov4ers tile ready to cut, Boar Government Circulating a Mani - nacCent ad with a whito feather. She had a paraaol of variegated colours. 2, 43 to 43 1 -?x: marap t:.A 1-2c. off. emain at Bloemfontein. He draws at- The despatch adds that the weather cattle must be alaughtered within 36 landing North Amori- .., , s tritement :- then comes tile matter of disposing of little festo In Cape Colony. The Piince wore a black bodycoal, a Minnealpolis, April 19 --Cl No. I Northern enLion t0 the imlipossibilit3q of an ad- is twrtac,t, and th1aL the British troops hours of and "The them. It may hurt tile pride a Cape Town, April 17 -The Boer Gov- w hito waistcoat, the [)and of the r. -in sturre, lance by' the, blaint �body of the army and hog -lies am in fin" Condition. A Cane withiin five Klays. For the pres- War Office maintains absolut 0 to its intentiom regarding bit, if bu8inems methods have hitherto der of the Garter, drab trousers, and ornment is cirrulating the following 7-8c; May. 637-8c; July, 65 intil its flanks are cleared. -Her adds eni th,p order will a,pply only to Dept- .;dlence as been fore,iogn to the flower -grower, but 1pl,,,C, of the mula" oolou.r. I -2c; Reptemben 65 1-2c, on COPY Of al procliamation recently issued hat there is still pressing need tor by President Steyn ford. Sir Charles Warren. The officials will Lhe best way of telling the public manifesto Lo the Afrikitudera through- After a doJighiful nail up file Lee. I ha rd. 66 3-8c; No. I North ha,s been received iormes. in Boshof. It declares that ill The Birmingham Post is responsible not confirm or deny nor discuss in know that the. breglit rows of flowers out Capej Colony:- the royal party arrived In Cork, where No. 2 Northern, 613�­Iio. Free The rumour that General Warren is State Bocirs who fail to take for the Statement thitt Tur s any way the report of bis recall, af is wilitzil Choy admire from the other they were received by a guard of "We feel that our fate, and the fate bran --4U nelhit aged, no bout to) become Governor of the will have their P, a rials .property confiscated, )range Free 'State is interesting in themselves placed several important mmiss onm co i I w comill ith the Kru!pps, to be eted be- firming the subject one respect- ing which they are not at liberty . to aide of the fence call be hadt for a few Linkling coins is to put up a sign to houcar of the Cumoroulans. Enter- of ill& whole of Afrikanderdota, is Lit Ing The Carriage of the I,ord Liouten- Duluth. April 19.-Wbeal cash, 68e; Mily, 6141-4c; 3 and they willbe shot when ,law. of. the nov, a concerning the they The fore. the end of the year, whioll in- give any information. I "There Lhal, effect. Cut the flowers after stake, and we appeal to you tosland ant of the country, the Hart a( Bandon September, 67 1-2c� No. pre- arre captured. proc4unation ant ma nuer of ms naging t he cou at ry, bits 0 lude better machine ,guns thanpare Seems to be a growing con- they are ordered and not before; the and fight Shoulder to shoulder with us. the reigid party drove round the M. ty, cash, Ode; May. w 1-4c: Ju creat6d e6naterna-tion among Lhe vbich wasarranged byGeneralPrety- burghers. I at present used by any European ow- 100,000 Mausers. v iction in milititry clubs and other in- formed circles that the mere fact of mere i is gratifying it) the customer moving delightedly You cannot. you may not, allow the and everywhere her Majesty's rocap- tion was most enthuslastic.. September, Go 1�2r; Nw 64r. No. 3 9pring. Cie. Oil i or, and UNITED STATES. the publication of Lord Roberts' let- eat deaptatches presages some drastic fro in row to ruA. It yriu love the flowers yourself you will Know ny in- tyrant to extinguish forevo finest tratis of character as ur YuUr QUEENSI-OWN TO KINGSTOWN. nation. ?he. ____ ___ __ , __ � - - - - ___ . . - - - Automobiles are to be used on step." ; 41�rlct how to group them, how to - With you on our aide the issue can The (allowing day the royal party . DYNAMITE , ancbes in -Texas. - mass them, and when to lot them li,e not be doubtful. We must conquer. on board the Vlotoria and Albert, PLENTY OF W, AT THOROLD * New York police Commissioners will not issue boxing licenses. GETS TRE VICTORIA CROSS. loosely and scantily in the "lly tile Japanese Love to ciuster flov%ers. God grant that love for yotircountry salled from Quee"town, and on Sun- and your liberty, and the noble vis I uos day entered Kingstown harbour. On - The number of Japanese students -_ "Flowers on the dining table areal- of Man truly frne, may induct, you tile first appearance of the yacht con- Rains Have Removed Or - in America is placed at 3,000. An Army Medical Corps Officer's most as inuol, of it nece8sity-1 might to join, " in the hour of our auvrrme veying the Que-.n ill front of Drilke r., Robert.3' Chief Difilci Eight were killed by the may more of a neces8ity-in hotels than struggle." there was a constant rumb of poop a 5esperate Attempt to Blow Up persons L 0 which swept over Kansas. Bravery Acknowledged. at. bome. The progressive hotel- ____--W__ between that plac,e and Kingstown. I Bloemfontein, April, 19- a � , ornad Copper in large quantitiea has been London, Aticrili 20.-Tbe official Ga_ ke pal realizes this, and in cities The royal �,arh-t first entered the LOSSES AT WEPENER. harbour, bav last ton daysthere have he in Tanana district, Alaska. zette announces that the Queen hah Cables are supplied with fresh flowers rig at a short dista rive ruins, and an enormous � Welland Canal Lock. discovered New York raivid transit tunnel sub- conferred the Victoria Croi is on Major daily, I have in mind a country hotel deep in tile Adirondacks where each - behind her and on her quarter. the Fairy, and (he Vivid, then forward wit ter ham fallen These cat c 000 of the work William Bliptie, of the Airmy Medical table is relieved of its unbeautiful Since the Investment British Have the Banshee, the Sphinx, the Trident, though extremely uncorr have been awarded. Cor^ for,couslilicuous bravery at the hotel -like ap,pearance by the V0808 Of Had 20 Killed, 100 Wounded. and the Vulcan, followed by the far as the soldiers are conc §t-tVMrr_1._SS, Ont., April 22 -This alad they ran out in (iran W see the The managers of the United Stat 09 battle of Coleneo. flowers which always stand upon the Maseru, April, 17 --­('�ilon�l Dalget y'm Stromboli, the Lucifer and the Gar- bad their advantages, for 'icinitl was thrown intoahigh state twe of the chnxge for the upper gate- , I way burnil"g. He IWO"Plied to the Colo- of exeAtement on Saturday famine fund are searching for a vessel to carry corn to India. Major Baptio w"nt to the assistance table. Tile flov,ors are brought about fifteen miles by someone with a little casualties since he has been bemieged land. The rerep,tion of her Majesty. a - in the country round aboi evening phone, making time remark. " They are -hen it became The National Sabbath Alliance is of Lhe wounded gunnetra in the face of garden. They are of the simple, at Wep-ener have been ti4enty killed cording to tile "Freentan's Journal." and the (juvation of water. v ,in known that unauc- blowing up the canal," and as he hard to abolish the Sunday a heavy rifle fire. during the fighting .sort and so scant that sometimes only and one hundred vv�)undetl The Boer Aug 6. 11449, was " i.n the highmi re- orto (luring the march (if 0 essful attempt had been made to blow grasped the receiver the second charge working delivery of ice cream in Now York, Decermber lh,andt later in the day as- four or fl.VebIONSOM9 can be accorded losses are reported 0, have be�n con- 81`001, Olderly, creditable, and even re- been (�Tle of great (111fi,1 LV one OT the looks of the now Wel- exploded With ten L�lueg More violence and canal at Titicirold. Two distinct than the first. The door of the Shanty New York carVenters are on strike sinted in bringing in, Lic'mtennot Rob- erts, Ban of Lord Rooberts, who lost his to each table, but their number I, eked out by the, addition of ferns from svirve d. 1. siderably heavier. The following morning the royal practically moiit.l. The be altit- t1i move Ili tiny dire was bIoWn in, the telaphione shattered, -eports were lbeard, and many build - and klass flew in all directions- As deinandimg an 8 -hour day for five days a week, and 40 cents an hour. life while Auempting to rescue the gums, foo, %%bi(lb, after his denth. he 034� woods near by, whiah are placed among tile fit"NOrK end IaLd On t h e After the night attaik (ill ,kpril 12 party disembarked Her MaJeAly on I he dead were left oil ,he field � bere leaving the yacht took the Prince of ,crtamtv of finding ,i nuf ply of w'ater ngs higher up the mountain were the,amth at thp upperr gate was ap. The damage to fruit trees nea r %,its nwArded, tile Victoria Cross. The cloth near them. If tile bolel Ln piur they still lie unburied. Wales, and the Prim,oss Royal. one by 'I'ttere The %hole regular nind &aken,, while in this city and Port , pareintly slow in Betting off the fuse Canon City, Colo.. from tile late heavy la ter feat of Major Baptio was also teumVit8bed vicinity has no floment of itA own, pay is a conflict of opinion a nio ng each hand, and having patim-d awhile. di-jifts hiivo arrived, -in,l it )alhousia the noise of the explosion , his companion called from the road mtorlin and frosts is estimated at $500,- a c utrideri a severe fusillade a visit to tile proprietor taking with the Boor leaderm. .Iionie� want ti) attack proceeded onwards is) the v" tibul� hrigade im n(l,, ;it it.4 full w vas distinctly heard. Two pa ,, Hurry up Jack, drop it and come.'; rcela ofe, 000. You some sampie blossoms, and use all again, whilo otlicfm tefume to -1(1 at) le�, (it to the Carriage terminue, and bvmUlLory f,ting " mnLp- 7. Lady li,J,.rt- .md her M, COOLI A collie dog has (tied at Now York - your persuasion it) gain his cunt uni cantom and her jefity was ae,rorded a m og I hr'Ve arr,ved tit Ill-nif,,rit lynamite were I �SlCOUNDRELS. extill ded by strangers, from over the doath of its owner, DIED IN HOSPITALS. and hiA consent to lot you supply l". Ing"' continues. heo r I y welcome. in rprognition. of one at each of the heel -path gates of The strangeArti part of it all was the , grief Mrs Bertha Wise. Two more of bar 36 table." The Cal�d')[% 14 riMing, which alarms which she ropewledly bowed ____W__= oak 24. but as t,be charges had been coo Inesi; withvilioll the dynatiniters dogs are dying. Among the hloas,,mm ,Ahich Mrs ill" Boers, who are rww oil both "kies KFYS OF OLD DUBLIN. BOERS' I I did their wor . led close to t,he wall, very little dam- People were, suborat. and miany. saw A 5,Wlti-ton siesi,m*-r Ivas been mecuil-ed All But Two of 7hele Were Victims Candee enumerates as Npec,ially swjit- able for this Hart of trade are ni,wn,,- of the river, rind might bel.cut offif I 1- -treflm was "' l'O' "I'le f ,od.d. Her rp"pdion an route to Dublin -AST - tg . a was idone exeept to shatter the Lbem r1un, from the look and, take the at Washington to take food xu!bnc-rib*­d by American charitable institutions to of Fever. a' es -"t n I he old-fashioned kind, triod- Vive Boer igunri tire Irelieve-i to lie was most cordial, anti at the c�ty gatos she was pre.sented with the keys of Swaziland Said to be Cho ronwork and punoture the gate with road in the direction of Niagara %Falls, about eight miles distant. They were hole tri.ken India. a r London, Aprik 18 -The War Office to -day printed a list If 36 namos of eat and delicious. in preference to the modern 'gian'' I hat itmos its frrigrunce disabled. - the rity by the Lord Mayor, address- 0 treat If Pretoria is I L about a foot in diameter Lock : on foot, but. got quite' a start before 4, wittere the attem-.Ytcd wreckingoe- The Chicago Tribune saym an Arn- a 1. ican officer, Major Armes, hassent soldiers who have (i.ed in various hog - in the effort to gro%% big '- Hwee ' "e"' a d him In terms oxprpsRive of her A PRINCE AMONG SLAUN. great "ialit (in arriving in Dublin. I.ondon, April lg-.%fr 1 the Thorold people followed. one rig arred, is Is peculiarly vulnerable spot contained Mayor Wilson, Mayor nearly 23,000 Americans to Kouth Af- pitals since the last report. Two at bluels or hnelelor'R buttons, n list ur- turns, cosmos and Of the - and at the receptk)n her lfvyai sulijeettl teraby w,rea to the hdmniti ex 'or rica to aid the Boers. deaths ibe result of poppies latter b,n d g iven her. Rloemfoni�in undet date o the attack ofan enemy. Under Williams, Chief of Police Clarks, and Mr. Martin. They the two A bill is before Congress requiring these were wounds; and at hers were from fevers she says: "Ttiere are tile deltrate vnrielies of Circassian Nobleman Killed In the The scene ni night wai; r,ne of bril- "Ohnervation might V overtook be steep bank runs the Welland rail- men ne a.r%Stamford, and one of (hem trusts to punish periodioally sworn The War Office also issited a list of Hingle blossoms that burst into love- BriUsh Victory at Boshor. liant illunlinati,.n In reply to an ad- kept ontho intentions a vay line fair balf a mile, a narrow got out I& the, rig to remain behind Statements of their capital earningg, 40 afficers who have returned to duty, the Clio- in,ss tit sunrise At evening I lie bed London. Friday. April 20 -A (I.- d reaR fr(,m the rorporn t,on on t he fol lowing day. her Majeaty exproonle d Tho nkland of earth only supporting the the raten wbile the other three pro- eXpenSeB, profits and dividends. including Lieut. Caldwell. of contingent. is only a mass of gray -green foliagn buds, in the "tch to the baily Nowm fr(,m I , i-- ifiration at ths, acene aho hn:I g3rati plan of operations foilowii rreat volume of -water. The Thorold ceeded to the Falls for assistance. Of- Roev. W. J. Rutledge, Raid to have edian and relirent morni frail. henute(nir there nre clo7enm of in 11 % that Princ,e toria, datpd April 16, -ny witnesned, and referring t(i the fa- at PrOnris includes the lepot lies in the hollow, and the de- ficer Mains, of the Ontario police force been the first to suggest the forma- .-----Q- bloasmille nodding on lonir dP%s-wP1 Rarastion Mograff, a C.1r(aasian noble- mine, expre,aged a hope that - t h,, of Swaziland for the ry joined the Thorold people, and as Soon a ruction of lock 24 would have meant as thei strangers reaChed town they ti6n of the Grand Army oft the Repub- lie. is dead at Jacksonville, Ill. STILL 11UHTING. AtemR. every shade at 1.nk and red. man, wam kdl�d at B-abof in tile ham,e heavy vinitiatinin with whi,ch Provi- (lance hiH reconily vi�tocl larg,enurn- half of I he lkwr (tirron, wt or fall, har it to Z,,ut he ruin of the entire section of the M. V. McInnes, Canadian Govern- - e very I �mi h I e nri-fin(zernent (vf color 'IT, the A bunch Id them Fiet engagement %�,lh ,be lirltinhinwhi,h Co,I de Ville bot. %It reuil 1-1 him life bars ,,f my people in lhi� eoun,ry m -half Boer .mia-wrieri are alu own. The water would have overrun ARREST OF THE MEN. -he neighborhood and carried car ment agent has just shippe,l one hun- dred and eight RettlerR and ten rars According to Boor Accounts Wepe ner Siege Has Not Been Palsed. Tm,ials in aiqmraguA green (,r mnid�nhnir fern w , cnim Saril,df. v,h., -m Prince Mor- p"""'ng 0 ny After leaving Dul,lin. her %trijenly country endeav(winst it) I crat information concerr Niagara Falla, Oat., April 22. -Late racks,depat, and several houses down last. evening, The three men who made Of Atock and effectm firma Michigan Kroonstad. O.F April 19, via Lor ia a gift for a fairy tir i queen But, ainm. they irp exceedingly perighs011p. gnff,% ­",,ade. .,If ielar,i to Russia (,,rthw,th ,imil-i C.rton, th,e .eat of th� Duke v.rnn 'n the gr"ymtol .he slope for a couple of miles. This the nt tempt to blow up lock 24 on the The Bonril of Edur,mion lit Ala- .S,. enzo Marqu". Aloril 20--Thp Intent rA never h9iii-eir lotiger 1kinn n (Itty. and ________-W___ 4 l,­nxtPr, and pub-Itienily left for whieh are kntjwn ionly to .ith the (,hje,t of accum Welland Canal were arrestaft hero by ock lathe next butane tattle waters Dectect Iva Mains, of t he Out a rio pollv-, Lake Eric. is by medit, Vill_ ham adopted -k rule f-rbid- ding the empkiyrnAnt aFt ienchers in ports received, here frarn Weponer are noi .19 TIT116111111P am th�ir I�PR dell 71 te relmlivpq. the bw d,,Uble poppy IWVipl, whei- her r-ewi,m w,-- 01 AMBULANGE CO R PS. ,e,e'firl ly en4hilal;-ti, lr�lrlirld vistorin and arainunition" if It 0ought many The prisonerm- the Publir Rchir,olq of nny perq(,n% af- mate thiii Ahp fighting between ('.en- Thpse are lona prolific, but are fa -r- I HeTsfajenly" In.f V,iol 1" - - .hat (he dastardly attempt was aimed W-ilsh, Jolin.1 WaobinCt,n, PC. it the whole waterway, and that the aged 28,lavarill-sixed, clean Alinven. flicted with tuberruloqiR. A colony of American f,ral firrihant'R Horse and the Boers continue" The f1ritish' Fire surround- able. bprauRe of )heir laql`g qun"fy and when put with the wild Queen -i n pn,,t i n I M 1, . lw n . 1:. v i �. t ed K , I The Chicago "Nurqes** Are Now Fight I e l.ir"ir and r -i -ed the tr,-opm h n FEVER AT MAS iead look was ithe objective. Nolin, John, Pililerdelphin, aged 50, prospective seltiers for the Buffalo Lake, Alber4a ed. hurt they are ainking a gallant Annela lace flower. thA wild ent-rot. Ing With the Boers. quaripred In the I)ublio distriot at - I TVR PERPETRATOW& - tall, stout. weight ZI& pounds, district, numbering 2,500 orr 3,OM, have a t wn d. are. softened almost into mentiment " 1,(�ndon, Thurpday, April 19 -The I ho Cu r T agh Pretoria Despatch Says lrbe ottenVt weis msAe in broad day- Dollainn, Karl_, aged 3D. stout set, appointed four Toledo men an delp- - Daily Mail'n c,,rrpRpond�nt at Lorprizo - Decimating the Gal light. Two men got off a Niagara Con- wall dressed, evidently the leader of the gntes to go ahead and select their, land TRTFD TO WRECK A TRAIN. MOICH RECIPER Marqunq anyn flint nearly halfo( the FOREIGN DOGS ARE BARRED Pretoria. Alpril IS, via L tral train abotit 6M and started up the gang- t to the briAge the - President Potton. of Princeton, has -_ Vhn kpnn rind Celery. -Chap Pooked memberii (if t he n mhola r.L&c c ortim I rom - ques, April 19, 2 p m. -The rock crossing mnal. F4ah man had a telescope valise, and - made public a at atement in which he %ame Ti� Pit") I P *to tibe Iri-k F-4 *I chicken cyr iurkpy. and mix with rin Chicago, on rpnrhing Pretoria, accept irms""'k era` r"-ft"us rhem '"ns of Senior Machndo as Gc it weighed L heovily considering the upholds the Westminster( ConfeRsion 4t, to be for rro."Oo.. equal proportion of celpry . it little ed Mattker rinno and remeived their it-Kabit get. 1h. ir-ory. Rod Crofts blidgen A 4p". tell fr,,m I,o4don PayA -Ani- era I of Mozambique by the trequent thimiagels the men made from Exci rES BOER GRATITUDE. Dne hand to t* other. Numerous 0-p- and claims good enough the Preshyterinn, Chur-h without A degM. trh from g"rineeton. Ont . salt and vinegar rrnly. although gom� Mr. flay the AraeTlClln Con4nl, noti en,an fourints who usually Inko their Government ni appreciate A despatch sent from Mi people noticed them crotne down the nomm"t w y to wihirib nrits.1a -, -re,, "InOnditneut. The charge that A-merican army I ys --A dristardly attempt fit Irnin ij� wrecking on fbp GTR. was perpet. like a dressing an fel,r sinw, oat thill tnkpA n-ny ton mu,h of r,elery laitta tied the TratinvitaI Government that he R %ith thain -nnol bring them musit relpwort, the circumstances to The PPt ""6r day mays that fever in do street ft*ft the NZA1. bridge to the Th.ir 0611011 V"..114.r.. to* but no not" wad to them officers at the FirigineAr School tit rated here on Friday night but, hRg)- 11 may he prepared with lettuce in authoritipA at Washirution into le.ngland thin Irear The Board of British gnirrison at MAfak paid May *62* ft6h in the ticlittity of Cape Towni April 19, 10.55 ti.m�The Willot'n Point, N.Y., and other inail­- pity, without doing anv dam'affe %me stood of Celery. Agrieut, I- hit put int,) rigid enforc4�- - TO PAY FOR THE I tianal attifthousia, where they went t'. tritoeeasftil effort. of the military an- tutiona. interfere with Catholic priestm persona placed alme wooden cattle- Pickled Moab rcAmins -ClAn n nod mont an tdd order fiorbidding the lam- ASKS FOR ASSISTANCE - irrantili the 900. and th9a about 7 thotitleg in fighting the fever epidemic in the performance of their religious walitti young. white rinuRbroomn. drop p,)rary ontrance into England (it for- o'clock b6th !meml set 0* to ca"Y among this Boor prisoners has appealed dutlea. in being investigated. gunrds on the track. just Fmat ofthe t hem Into irtalted boiling water iind al - PlIn df,mm lta�),�" ham been pxtprMin_ eolp T -es avallablo aro ' out &Mtgn. The inan who ,wis to the of a van the Liffle, Kolie, Knepppr. of New Vol -L-, Princeton sto , tion. I law thern to boil up twn or three Jr.ab . 1. takaft4l 0.1 ,I-" 11-1- A P�rl- atod in Grecat Pr -min The last ran* i.ri- and ao.olk gratitudis pro, to 'blow flit 16*tv gil,tes Into the air riounced Dutch newspapers- Mr. Dup- had NO v*lDW 16t d6vrh With a topei, whose sleep of hiore thavy a week ban puzzled physirilvirlit.' died Thursday -At the awi teb a numbe r 6f i iep wore piled on tha track, and at ranothar I Imes Throw them on a Filern. nnA *dii R1.2.0 kn,iwn wiA in Walon Ina' November Ar,cra. Gold C,m,a (',4-ny. Wont Only so-ri rap,ep ara ipc,,rdnd fortbe Berlin. Al-ril, 19 -The fter looking into the vat] and U04 to t1ft tailing of tbie gate. hassle. the Secretary of th-6 Sobr Sick The 6101(olo WAS th" &*ut ten test (find. bag a letter In the One Land to� without awakening A little more than 1tweeki ago the child complained pridut fortlier vast a nitinviwir of Inr 91, stories dad fence rails. w hen cool and dry place tbAm in jnra and cover with vineglir in which nAlf Africa, ApTil 19--71144 Governor, Air prpt-odina year F.1v%en hundred(leathn mf hurann he-ng� from h)drophobin :.g propnAitiona for rais lromtbw�16' of#w1o*. Thereport of abesOacha ftud fell noileirip. Every The aprarent objmt wan to wro^k M per and imirAl lea7es have boon Ced. FrPrIprick Mitchell Hwhril-n. wimo ar mn record ,n Grem, fir ,,%in during meet the Prpensam of tb4 _0 of thili 0*1WOO *** 110" tlrtiallth� day. Irk which he says that the British effort titilawaken hisr was In rain. (lie midnight extiriviiis, but a frAight I , from Rumasate that thp othar irthos be I q q I r)) y P 4 r n I n4e r t he mert qu rev orientation bill, now says I cat tbA"Allitkict. alid b,roaght etgry� militilry withoritim desoli'Ve dft GENRRAT� t-ratlin poased Pilot a abart tim,e prov- MArlborrough Pip -Mit fart rippip.m. am rising again, and he anka far an- tak-n by lh� (;­rnm-n, (he yearly taxes a7ailmilial for this body UK'MAVOU to thig d66r. Along gratitude for their willinsnitiog to 7. I Cous amd (brew thn olistrurtione eirtar six cane" of nagar, six oune4k* of but- itintance number ,,f ,1 ent ii,i ,nd , *-o have dwin- the" ov lollories and Bali thb litt"t uwh*, &WAY from, the li*k fdrd every ,"96f postsible. He adds, -friends Peirain, istin danger .f it famina nf tho track witlout enmqinR =y 4nm- for oT Mick orearn, mix Mirs. tba trat The loyal Balruis have lik-a a I f nrk#%d dle'll in nolli'lla tions ribikOk 604*91dift itiff0ftil and tbO that fortthe, presaZt, the end 0 1 81 Boer prisoners ,� Ilift6b th fAr %*Ay a rbY#ikthI*eft z6f the glass Ili svoty , , tht 'Pt's,40tilot tstirtbe Wsh ,immtiroy" Wil *W aftwuA that every,thino 41cluolittlya tat now (r,P*A of the plague Plogais ria" have ca"M at Vftwn- P6 fe, bdta. jqp� a Envy is a patsion so tall of cowar- ad peel of Can lemon and an -half the Juica. Grate the applaft, after P11 r by the Anhalitts, Ang ;\�e been V,,� flint the Ai..4.. hnsi vnniahpdk I hn I - I " killed. It in feared t ill ronlip-1 fbp det�,ul,nnl, n - to keep the die- 'b", 4 I them to Join the robil, 1. ,id.nfly,:aft. -ill nf r%nv ,ni hy tr-Ilring for 'n,lft f- hrpp,iina - 0 Miss Nellie Dallinage, im teaching in l3rit[ab 001 been to eda TU,I*k -wao"Ut.-MA * 0*4 ch lido6ft'sky for tWr comfort *W IA ft 'AltUtil TheTatkub Poverruinvint; ivill build I dice and ahainei, t4fist nobody ever bad Ing nod corring (hern ; at ir together i the matter ta airtromel 11 , and i,rn 4,,V. ,,ol p, ..t. par. nVipoltitod & pool OrIllis Pebtfe school ata the Awitty,064's *ftb 9606? ild", - - , & hdt*&y ftojV MftmkseJW to MCCAM. the CofifillieftO to Own It,-Rachoster. the better and sugar. an for cake. was minimized uaill It C" o Into P-"- W .. _4A I wn ,�' I � . I **a 1*4 - -� I of WS, I I W#,ai, 101; * �, . 04 1111"Or '. LL I '. ", *W*W, 0 .1 , . L: *loft _ _._ I ;0#0 , , 004* *t . � y - ----% . )4�.t,­ p�,�, 1* 10 " W, *1 1� �"* - - L I I I 1 004. win" 1 tu ft, � . . I stistod, **4 ' - ' . � 4bt bul,lot, I .1 . &Adbopsgod. � _L ,, , At , x0cout .1 , I Is*. *ill .. � . atill. Como I . pacbmilif6d. 11 I.. Am IM to . 11 . 1410; Light . r lb. . I at quata� ,. I 416 I . I 1 480 . I I at Ll� a . a (M 1-3 I I 495 le, .�� 1 650 '. L, � ! 4150 e' ' ' 300 - % I . "I a. 1".. 11� ,,, rrr 000 I'll ... I �� I 10 OD "I I ,r .1, � �, I 6121-2 t: 1 1. I " , 5371-2 ", 1. .1 5371-2 111. 41as . �, , 225 �� ,, t - Went- .:!, min to -day. . I . '� I th the ex- : � ol�. ca4ed aft. _ :-Ontarto, ;� ,:! north and `� LLL use wheat. 1 A 1, ring, east, �,, � " I �� A, 79 J -2c, � , *,:�, t. , � ter,* in buy- ,�� �., , ': #2.50 per .�t": t � L . Special I �:` I I e n is quet- I ��.'�; F �, ,nd shorts, �;, 1, rvvost-Bat- ,f, I -.. 1,�, ,� � , , an yellow, - : �"­ . 4tin source. .. 1. L' - % , , ofitably be 11 - � �_ .!�r Cat lots, . .. ': ... � , , -;I: east. 630. �; " . , west. and i , ." ��,, �� " ad quoted , 1. ,,4 . . :,J,� , west, and ,". .- �i. VhiLo are � , .. . - ... I t, and 28c ,,;,� , .,-, � oat. �11 , Went. and ­. I )(7 wheat- , `� I �L a. I North- .:11,;; 5 1-2o; No. - � " it -Weak; ,� "": o. I white, :4 . 2 yellow, , -2c; No. 4. 11! Ac, No. 3, r�� ... , 1;: Irawr; No. : 3 white. - L" . I , to 28 3-4c; . .1 mi ind 2&. �r'� ,�,:�'; . Flour- . L� 1, � I 1�1 ed --Closed: ; .;. , 'eat, Vasti, , be r, $1.24k. . I �� � L -C I used: - , I No. 2 red. ,�, I u I y, 71 3-4c. 1, beat -No. I I "I rthorn, 65 , 0 "L,::. I � , Barley- I � "', 38 1-2 to LL I'll ., se: Wheat , ,1� , Apr I 1, 64 � "" 3-8c; i a 65 1 track, No. I r � I I , I or n, 64 7-8c; 1 � . . Flour &oil I . -No. I hard ill 69 1-2c; 41arthern, 1 I y, 67 &-8o; 4 2 Northern, I . is -.:N. 1-2 tip . kTER. .1 Z , - L V, _ '�, V, - -0 ij_',,.± -";-- "*-.-' .11-1-11 �, �l a of Gen. 1��4';�, , - ,,, I , �L Ities. ��:,�,�'�; , , , Dujing the [;i__11� .1 :�,ill­ 'n conatant . . juantity of . ditions. at- furtable as - )rned, have 11 � � I it IN filled, I � .vbich hit h- . e a rrny bas I ILY. Is now r-po will 4 ,. imn witha 11 ,� �" , " icient qup- ... ,,, I I v"11111trer I ... .. Highland 1% 1 , f%Kt h 4,� , � , C'�i I ".. daughters , � hn ��,,�,, 1�1_�_., " �� .1 , ,,, ATCH. , ,!"": � I , ien For Re- �;i `�,� ik an. �, rvvost-Bat- �. � ( ['oat from I � , I,- ' April 17- � ofitably be or " *., the Boers i � 11 alternative .�!,rl :. It, 1� "I g on defeat � , , imployment i,,� �� 1�' tiretnent of I :, �f� � , lie the otb- , ,� �,.": rinsherg. r � ,-''�,� ady in that " � � urctLase se- :� , � a I I I "! 0 country, _'4* , the natives, ��:� tinting pro- .. . 'Ili , ' KING. , ; " ;. .. �.�� I i; I Disease Is , �. 11 Pisan. I �.,n,*' , . ! 4 �, irenzo Mar- � I ,­'' I �� I 0 ppointmant � vernor-Gen. I 11 Portuguese � � 1, I � 1 �.�, . i7J I hem lopa . I . :, I � . ; � k 11, yester.. �imatingthe , � I . , I � , .1 i, 4. Dr. I . I I'� I t� . � I A , AVY. I . I I I � , " � . "� � ":1 , , ,� , � I : -, ,4-" � . 1� � d 4,x , I � * , 1 h040 as Lot Z� " . I 1; , I i . " 31overament, I . : , I � , I . .. 11 . ` toux RefelloA . �� � ng ta*dd to - : j . , naval aft* .1 � I '' . , hat theolkly , 11 . 1 "-''. 1, . purpo" ikr* I I toe trawmfk4 I . . I � I I . 11 - � be h" 600%, I I I , ;�- �"� , I I dabio# U41 I � I . ift. ft' 'r � , I � � , , ,� , f. 6.010 . . I . � I r � I I , I � ,_� ! I r I I !�t , ", ,,. r I , . � � , 1 � . . .1 Z , - L V, _ '�, V, - -0 ij_',,.± -";-- "*-.-' .11-1-11