The Goderich Star, 1899-12-15, Page 10RI Lu 6 • • ••• • 11; • t. r a*setet ei sieratai* last *Watt Wee' een -rill what . *Moe y No 44001 4.4 inn* .tts*,* gliel An A:kneel" .10/017)0,1•4511,4r leattot tho- . * who le sis red as Omagh, *lie ittellthlat:Sio0 esie-raieeeed. air* lire were talk, • I the tiCOOrti'te 1414104 Wti 70,0 Ttlif.* eng• inattelt the like. the_Lt- Wag en tench 01*10 the* Inn nie00,,Millt Wintery you 'therefore 400hr.t' her bare 'end t evernWherels-le, tact" wtulilialintinirseny Where 82* yo reedsimi": 'the ,..aisruttiprilf, to his feet -Per- th Vet 4.:,lehlte bead. t Ito tiik ,k'r• shit. "Then 10001t*O.4.i" MT** atiTTy '104 are a entire • *Act Miss Msj endie.'Netua ,lmeRnaoatited her hobby. And Will ride* to the depth. "Who *41* tat the any Man in ale lfellerate age • We 1001c at their *eel, and Sin Mita be so and no, • sad ban, tow_ litre noarlifer. but look* -1114.44114 they a* autideg• Bone look •old, beintnee.•they are old, some :inek..014404hrilligits,vice," Tb Prefilesoc,inakee an impatient ,,,,?xttnor044, Iiihrn4t Majondie equal Ae. JW:hij•ittrottaes himixelf accuses him- ,' .eett?o,Atietes alie with torrible readi- • ' bY:that gesture Mr. Carson?. ,'".niedishitainettion of yaur mune, itrid, trust your age would place :.outelne of any sueb suspicion, tiiii-ticein bound to be careful where 40 'St intermit* are concerned. StIOragn, it a faitbful • gnitrnittrisa With open doubt, as to thla, .-"eapreoled 111 eye and pointed finger, -"ehertild be the first to applaud my You•teloOl an extreme view," berthas the profeesoe, a little feebly, perhaps. That nye, and that pointed finger have novrod hins. , ‘.tOtteril Views have to be extreme in these dans if ..one would continim in the Paha Of virtue." said Mira Mujen- 414, 'Your views," with a piercing •; and condemnatory glance. "aro avid - •••it tIvnet ,eXtrettre. One word for all, Mr. °veep, i.ned this, argument is M • an end. I shall not permit my &nee. With ten rierralailon, to walk with you -et ror,,".0 r Men whilet under my '1 dare say 3.,ou are right -no doubt mumbles the praessor, now. thoroughly fright- ened "and demoralised. Good heavens I Whet,t, Aircavfal old woraanl And to tillnkthitrt thitilioor child le under her Ile inippens at this moment to leak at the Phir Child, and the acorn AfOr,,,iiirel Unit gleans in her large eras •-Perfeete his rent. To say that she was 'L,Porptitint wishes to go for a stal, eel* '1111se Niajendle, breaking through „oist of angry feeling that laenii,lialt on the surface, "I am bete taiiittiL„ Cele Peer ber.!'" ••.,01`..A0a,Want to go for a walk -with *eye Verpetua, rudely it mita .0040101000.though her tote is IOW entisatenitarely.,treserved. "I don't let' Maga ;ter walk at all." She ilted.,entkii,ber voice ,oholtes a little n•.andaeitly oho breaks Into a Atiinh„ Vehemence. want •where to see something," axing ,Imploringly at Cur -h Onithibihr seys her aunt;; is only.last Sunday tool ettliiiriSter Abbey where you .ha•`gtentletat edifice in all the 't?-4aterebting plitee," sore the litillettqutoots, with a wild but AUSbothing matters down tor tite!ii sake. . It : Pareetteasti sake, she , aingulat17..ungraterui. r hirox- loin vivid face, 10 tit indignation. *inert heir' ohm she. "You: *hail tell you I I"--dellantly- Otet tient to go to churches at all. atit to go to theatres I There." Thero 1* ari•liwttil Wean, Mies Mai- olvtior, is 6 picture. If the giri &Odd she wanted to go the devil § a et to the theatre, alio could • l' looked more horrified. Eihe forWern, closer ,to Per- 018 rr. *I hot Me relsk Um at ter Win once. " *hot likeP " to see • her writhe; 644 *ORAw Wtith, "l'his ill #1. bed *awl tor you,o earl probaisor, harriediY*. "test Then 3vlay dan'h nett take Al awaY trete 41'1 'if hauld.sr-slatt-a- Well, 1401 i' DEEDS or Mitql$10 -11a1M$ IS tbs d.IaXli I Fwill TUX loOf "Or ' yo. : . *10;ok Pea to. t "OW are ilii MY Sonia et reo,YreasTeeels feanIel er SMOrm,## X60,0 that rens :throoga thaproseper's e4/!*,0 bey* be rageely. !,s14.- Me neasurratil TIMM Vie JOAO:. "'n glee Itileit, . Xelearlif, Itt, „,•ri shrill• lrot 4..1..i ' Vtat WAIL ilteilil ' to he Yerg rittlhir 'Illo iitailli#4 ...„_.%-t.,--m-ti •04ortiitgt7i." 07.* Oh *bent UP 447* isier. fkr torus le quite Op the igth .4 Jimeety, MI, Limits Ptlou,l144fAri *Mt th** 41" SOPS oet IA 4Prifiehr. 71it bower suggstehe Reel; Us cdong woo* „owl to otiolt000d to AbegiVtfiR,,d ATTIP; Itilt -the 4,04x :the professor tbkt there is meiseitit.' — • * ' • ' ' • ' thee laalliee liieb allail - tersititro' loommith if. • : Colonel *Miro at Preteria. hal 4 moiety floe*: Os swims., .fer,7000 . "Toil here sole, frionfie sugar r.• strong eortio against the Beers, whit be ham *St sons down any .etaireea. se *eve los. • _ .., . . . .. , . 'were baideatng the tewat iss foes* The swittlY, A .Wigue. If uneekaorledge4 • " There is a ilfre. Ceniteno. who - ., "- • - • ., a „frottnit Oat 1;4 ie.11t0011;t041.44:)04 .reiresei hare iall*Ir444 le 0.0.0 AMR 4orjas vat" het "rotil ettnoeheflin an alt eitelipe , pas _ , . leis/die* . 44.,,, Bee IX e Yining women mail her the cells's*? was *boat to rotate. it wee .wiagete him feet,: potere44%1te* the ea0U4lr Wine A trieed of Atitt_t. 4. ltho!...,__4* disrovared tlmt two.- Healthy* and, a ionli,4not nna. that - wo 'ego/. nee, ',yr, *soot* Iftr- 1'4 A iMWQ"* .°441 Ate Mee were mieslue It was Dep reifotY fjoto that giteatt trate Meer* eteprut kind: Ebe id On avinelit tithe • - - - - - - --,'" Sp stair* Sle 10, l3ht tint)Wfht to; resch .491 twasoneert seseshhist-sille ben 2git. Jirtr-04 that dor were lyil, wounded t e, the itomai0'ru woo ,e310 uvora, Itio Boors would :got 3et the key- ing petty at Malabo tither fron;404 belga* Of tle 430. Thar (MOO /itiae AAA belts, int* what they t000tt to jze$1.96t were the Uigk- kindeis lemma. Times *rept:m*0r victory ttey •raratally tramEnreed Wes qv I* the Plate 0: honor 411 their linOsoo. nut then Were not contikOt with deopeliing the dead. wbee the eft deate• fereiste‘ *0 Welter: eltlerp,„Nvere 01Xelenase* . vet- Te* Itthe terae stem t * "ittWttr.s MY: 11X04444.1.,Twdeisbn,Z.J.tr;4:ttirtIc' winalpost, 04004er iht; 441.4trionoomottioir- st: 4044* tliair,/aoaniAl/01 Itijte-c$44-tkot lelv* *Oa •tet • . Rom, 004.1,4 -00 11,01,4004 of400,,otw ybgaignd:iht0 the AUK Water. Teo ,0•04,4,154 oves ,rds or them told .Zienteriaat. Wriest to. cideat ooturreil *Wanty nilinitaa. in • • - • • "0,0, toad over hie. woe's au Gee. Seithert,' t ims nos 4 - wateil it. Wright wild be would am a'ouhert the watch when 'he htlipti for it. When, howeVerfrA fe Minutee Jat- er. were reasong through a thic- ket tit reatersell 'ideate. the Doer ,lac - .2 his rifle tn Lieut. 'Wright's ear and it, holetnair•-dest yet, . . Nth* hers OW *4)W AAP, X. $10441111 on 'the toOtrad at thole/es :this ridge told him *9 deism! up thit watch- bop. . ., A. door ina this riebt Want the bell P,bok lnie forgotten all *boot It by this ueg by the Ticere+ When thateet was ION ..kootfootot telt, or tie- Tht4itOt" -inatead ef login to achatii. hen e ..,..„,,___,,,...... ....,... 1...,..,. ..,..__.i.,..._. fore he had Veen:tea tea or -die' The dovrTh te7 th4 riVert 444 clambered over • , .,. bead is on- callthent17 Peohleik thKetigh Mot sigh& The clutradth time so fitoiltu rmi ar!44.- ''''Pla *"t""7" -t'''' lieutensat preferred. Ms ilfee't0 ilk Ahtf BUM; f4/ the West. able etoW4 PU to is opened miutlealelY i 4 *4017 little tor", it...nut-two amilotta red lice whiacerr rntar "ths 1114"rgl* la lag “4 .4119rP°4' Pion"' 4 tb.' 94k ....1''', '1'4 Widek 0A4 Woe the totter nit the froze* taint vihleh- horitera the "Kr, Otircons" firat. and thee. ea he AgelAS The Wls fa hrore is roistered* Trooper Periallars 4 Vul 1491!•4"*(1 attteitte. 4,--thie Peiutp The k/e/ Viee turn. in eamwer to the whimper. 'Me soft Rim drool?, Nor Sisectosottot Poor* Moves's Rorie* il4ilantli eot clieRAZTEEt IN Tag CHIN, an ineh thieki end looire& • firm en& Tim/ youngsters *etre MOS ,at the PerIc. oeheOi. end Were Present as nalial 018 Thniedan mormag. The. idtintog Surfaeit- Of *be, Den virrir. cov* • *red Vali the tkrar lee of the. Yee•gp, Korea too etrong At* littr041.94. In the. afternoon. •And 00.04704 truant. web ter father's wish, sad who le Xe# MA to btirlig thoTLP tootFlot o°or IFf Oti$0 the her/ WoWer Sean Oat, 1 •*••••.... stay Imre. that lo eartaninsen net it• jo ChAPTER V. to IMO* ilf/WAirk 0001 MO' treated nt te0 Sighting line thee twu young *c rt.09,1****410;-:4-'' , 44r41',the.****1424:414' h*unt":49.0*f°44Q):::cet4c1 Ft"It*- 0* prof/weer*. that he -shOUla Pretend *dorsi rer -fettY 500 It* "to 000. WOO of poorktoota kut "4" eelveop number et alleviate Work.' lova is ihre the sea, Whin if .be ,actl.d_mitke.a midis et ulie to where ths•Ohjeete Is now declared that this .otila hide. 4usititialt they Were Ailleert*, tis changeful and as free; And yet statn, a little 'A° -t* 44410Ped ' • Vba guards -Ale charge og the Men at, SogietiMlie &Warn. ainnetinse4 fee* •the that know itadriesef ItoSs Of their *earth were Inieg. Mesta ell. better than any tither feature, MAO. •e,hat Ka* hav-en" rough, a pre lem, Ohioan to solve. Ail the the time to the tierce tire of the goers. mouth or hand, to indieate )171411,;4-37`tia743477,14,*741,4; tvo's, yet ott Aitioe S- .i and calm ens prefeseorat learaing,Sells hlro now. on thoy wont opt000Sod, 40, they actor Pt Its PosliesuOt Isholii ate *ere Wit teen followed by the tirlemt- Atmuch too calm for meTo he goat." marled the artlunded •tmen, One eed good 4udgronat. are neceleary ter era. oath,- .M.ued, qf eyed PerPetua, , t but a lovely Perpetua AFTead ,1. whom died Jot fog tin/ cow% gto determining the charaeter of any ono stkb'oli6Jla,f WV: Soirees the river EFFECTS OF FEY. or. tor all that. • other, who was serlouely wounded 0' .A.*ronjr, priOecting c)ite tm4tY feet from .:01ther eider a Terpettra. A pad -eyed, tearful- there was 1$ 11 hale, ead li k f, the heed. Daher tool*, by the lege ien inaloaloant onirou will *ad, no 11 " Well I" says he. " Sh 1" say* she, again, shaking her '''".. augler. or Wrist em, sneered * heed ominouely, and putting, her fore-•liererrir Th4; tier ireternts reared Sae finger against her lip, "Come in, Was Moly to iHS71,10C111661felit 646nd. here," says she softly. under her In the pictureaque village of Sderrlt. breath, . ton resides Mril. William Angle, who. " Here," when he does come in. Is after menthe of suffering, has found a a most 'untidy place, made up of ail cure from the uee of Dr. Williams' things beterogeneoua. Now that be la Pink Pills. Mrs. Aeglea relatea ae fol - nearer to her, he can see that she hge Iowa. tte eawrience through which been erring. vehemently, and that t e she bee Pluiseti, 'Four Years ego thia leers still stand thlok within her. 4prils. wfith,..6 resident a Dwain, i eyes. had au attack typhoid fever and " I felt I must see you," says abe, - to the disease left mein a warn out and tell you -to ask you. To -Oh I you extremely nervous condition, so that heard what she said I Do -do you thhak--.0 the least noise startled no. I could not sleep at thane for a week on account ' Not at all, not at all," deelares the of terrible atteeka of heart trouble. professor hurriedly. " Don't -don't on' Perpetual Look here," laying his band - Then aoain my head would trouble nervously upon her shoulder and giv- Me until I Iliad bad dreams. I had no apretite and loot twenty-two pounds Ing her a little angry shake.. I Don't i weight and. had b 8 verytbl cry 1 Good 'Heavens! Why should yoe that my friends were:airier:ed. Wale mind that awful old woman?" in this condition I erns treated by two Nevertheless he had minded that aw- ful old woman himself very consider- Physicians but with no avail. I tried ably. everything recratimendial but atill " But -It is iggek iee:t it t" says she, found no relief, Finally a relative per- " I know that myself and yet -s" Wigt. shaded me to try Dr. Williams' Pink fully--" I can't help it. I do want to Plata After I had taken the first box see things and to amuse nlYself."- I could see a change for the !better, so " Naturally," ware the professor. I continued the use, of the (pills until I .. 4.u4 it heft that I forget him," had finished six boxes and the results says she is an eager, intense tone, "I were most gratifying. I now have never forgot him -never-never. Only aortae,' sleep there is no 030r0 twitch - 1 do wa.nt to laugh aomeitinies and to ing in my hands, the palpitatione have be happy, and to see Mr. Irving aa ceased, and I have gained in Weiglit Charles I." and strength. My whole astern seems The climax is irresistible. The pro- toned, lip, and I feel entirely well. I foamy is unable to auppreos a smile, Leel 'grateful, to the -,Dr. Williams' " I'm afraid, from what I have heard, ase, dicine Co.,.and hope/they will keep that won't make you • laugh," • say* lip theogoodwork .of administering to be. the afflicted," " It will make me cry, then. It is Dr. Williaras' Pink Pills cure by go- al the same," declares she impartially. ing to the root of the disease. They " I shall be enjoying myself, I shall be renew and build up the blood,. and seeing things. You," -doubtfully and strengthen the nerves, thus driving mindful of his last speech-" Haven't disease from the system. Avoid Ira. you seen him?" itation*by insisting that every bac "Not for a long time, I regret to you purchase is encloaed in a wrapper san, I -I'm always so busy," says the bearing the full traderruark, Dr. Wil - professor, apologetically. hams' Pihk Pills for Pale People. " Alwaye studying 1" questions she. the moat part," returns the THE CLIMATE OF SOUTH AFRICA. prolessor an odd sensation growing wit in him that he is feeling ashamed 4961 •ygegn.' fhtetteg abouthithe In1.44.ii whilst Murray lifted hinx by tlis Nod, :10=41 lateillseite; Afea and women Bo water. No tsunn was bot in getting arid mane. Thua herdinied,00.,Were midowed usualty succeed In Oda their a 0.1aeto and laying tt out on ,che feo. moving haek to Own when sthot `2114 rWonl '4(tirg:;.1411,0 QuP-rr-tu telePbca- 4"-#' euiry nen, a plucky con- offirotOi.:or. ree0de# 'Ttligire Welted/ ire- he ;rot to the balrhell:a u oWhenn. ing the•retailing lads 'aid BO be *gruel; the laanereerintrei, in tlia back • WiA14.'$401114. POP915iti-WhiAlo thins viet waken out t board. encl he ten 44411;eide ' iteeteiti ' and dal ad • the whom be had linked, and ail esteryoire t4' 99114` P ra a ver$ geed-tatUrod, Yialdk4 /m1030103, /eet dee#,... After groping about tuka can, whom le lifted up and carried to ahor I) the the Y" tha clot lisk1:4:44/Qrtail'1#.1:411= l'itt; ir.4. i.:11.XN EY *M. 649orp:4.4,:terolurliijaikinItot et 4,41,rzek**:* YS tee a * 'a* alq IlighwelY 'teems os all Itti,tattai r , .'10..lerilltWritfelslilti•Itlf•Y1411/4•411/itsth,14'tXt***1"Sitrirt# WI • aeb- .04Tiersiss:tet:-:ast2IT4tev,ir.oeb:villylreigiiiit4i,likenktiotrser: ii.,. .1.....1144-4frItbax.Firfirr"":1rg:t:42 11Plerlast4Testi 'I& ;ter litoted the Orengs.lfre4-fitateine*Vt• XII 1844 3$401444, ceIuMered, **4 • holts IF eitatir tlite VSO's - c -- . SuT • ear . „. Altm.?:: '11:1:9:.9,1t11:01,t'iles7A.1111111141""1"."*"‘I.b,/4'k'C:lair:i„„1111°TEaledice0,61114:11(447‘,::14;31'It.414:irs' 1::11:":".7::::4, 1 1/0Feet:ieei.-stiettl.., 10,0_,_ ra . Boer hOaA., 'butter eliti:iee. Or .eef- fee, furnish Many, A farraer's, meal. - ' 'w...* 4 0.0,2 ht. kn § art indinegoo tit therm ulth981,tatinfill: 10Wered binuelf into . • • at the moment thought, ferfeited his 149 Well 65 life. Danaher turned, Irina down ana 'fired away at the Boers aver the 'bo- les of hie corarades. Then • tharraY bade his comrade go and leave bira. "You can't de axe any good," mid he; a gone coon -Axe off awl save yourself." So Danaher picked up the three rifies,.and hidding hie pal, fare- well, *lambed coolly back to his ad- miring comrades. But the following day the Beeell sent in Lanee-Ooreerai Murray under a flag of truce, and (the J gallant fellow lived to. enjoy the IMP - ream %mike ir-d\Jsaving the Victoria Cross pitd ons breast by the hand of the Queen herself,' NQ FIGATING ON THE SABBATH. The Beers object to 'NOON; ou' Sunday. One of the first queatiOne aeked of the wounded officers whe awe captured at Majaba. 111,11 maw ), *lenner: Mind," *eye ek "This le ik. ,Ottr ream!'" '41:Pray-prey till*Ot all titbit OA ',Prayer can ,lb'Ciliti,'• And reraember, this is the .;.*Ord'nnitu this subject. As long . ' •,Ate -under my roof you obeli g0-,pr,,.lkeinful:,planis of cianuae- ,.•1•'Itithidgyou ever '10 speak of hivetteleg,'„ • .'" :t„. _.„,14,ferbidden I" says Per- t. Aelittonti her aunt with .:'llard orhneektheeke, "I go (.0 the theatre. WY to .;:zhiA *0401 and everything. I" 1 a ,.,:itn* elitlx *Most °Melt 1 enningin her *Ming Vete°, tA4rea iefe,.'lo latish,' to sing, to ,-•• ;*Mtlii*AritillO*40'.ibti the gayest thing „•::-.:.-in.ell'tlat,,,artirtit...r. • ." q',Ii4e htope,i,schi.lkIli,tbenetet‘ -burette- ' oft, '..et-bor".:cown daring, and thereinerlanee tnte. moment, a little 0 'fit*Alid.thenlies Mitiondlo leeks 4; iteVihillft in all the world,' head theritrahle tMileifatalleilig.. '„,ff4eur tetter`,401Y four menthe thaMhtftillyi"I‘hileSe;,'Meratiniso, '417 .1.*',1*ei'';.#1,c,II. reaOrt'aele"., do if it -00010a le,thet„4 ;ennitruth***, . . . '.". ' . ' "• you.keee' tele 40440 etlieettete'04 • ,004,2•010000,;; ".:111. "7 4444,.-,,, looe4 was ltni. ' . .,:',„.•'•-,•, ,-,,'!.,:;•,_ .....r'.. t''ka re;ieah#,•tt:ik:i,e' it „4/0„.04 06 lItt Mester Of 'Hallantree;',Ohin'Anw. Ihli, ',...eisiteat(deeth•I ' it*, Tht,t(rOttottOts' Shaletins. lasele•''Xrala gdi,AliiiIStit.* .:*okoettitientolit!WeritaisbitidAlltiitheih hith trilaiihleVelleini'Yat •lt, .lintrOtPatillit ' litlettillaltil4e:tbe;:ea/V. chant* it!' It. his dated. At. for the talsfeleOtht - "Ribripettat is ,Aralatillist treas. li.tirld; ',.'t - row*,. retlPebe ;tirefoS Iliiii. brOW*H, to - foot. tdit4t4neit:100k "*bte****': ,, l'en4 ,• Tin • ' ,thle.lhitooet'l*Pett. ., to •":,hat);' 'beatitiftili": 04/1 -,her ,:-.hkeit L, t,:ningt I -'' he Water : Of •• liallia*treei!' tethee•'' ulekit'''''Shia -lee thilatiec bey tcteetkokt lutAirratet.,;:eea •:to,,t,..: • n4opriteifoorotto*Ator uocstio T,I.te:Ottltriiiee ,biadtlitat and 1. ' " ',She.iiiMittViaaYistilrOithitirOttait ate, • #..Seette,40.40:.:he.:,,,svi 'it,•,:*e 'good an wordi ' ,' Sbete*te, on* anteeihed *It, tinlui Astritutinatiantl.-,,zi•. ' at'.,tbe•p/kioi,e,soti. anClinaliiis ' 4t.Vittiong..,„..criecehis,,,nols. ., , her frotu lea reliirii,'..',,, . ,•:,,,'..., '. hilaiii. softly,, assitielettly: ,,..„,0)s... , u ig- ' X iii*teleet‘entegy allitpbalti horeottOccel:P*WOokheoltht h to a Wirt( lasVlt. *.etek'terribitt.'4.iltie 4.1•00.,: . it h00.4.1.4.,-10‘.,ti, 464 18 prolesaor.,t‘eree,:iesi*.'.114.80 'tNeitidle, A gtonlkido* ,Itr,,,I,,',t,R0.,,:g„ 111 1* great„,o*ot- „,‘ .., . , ,.,, . ,,, ,,,00-itior. ., ii . , . , ,o, k. o• 04 e414. Sec, )4 cito .3,k,,It, oocurs .ithe ottoi sell bi isitrt that sortof way. that 148 e, *4 , le Poor!',eli t not ti to It0* 0 eltt -ii.ftc4.:,,k444: .tti„t .14001,'./6"*0,114,4'.4)!:-:*i.%1,11:.„', ,.. sh*.. :low .../;,Slia tee 'been 14* fah t bat • ,, ,,,•,.,,, aft haV,titigeti ',* ' a e "Tb.a '. i ,.,, ,elie4t)iie4lia0141.‘on,hwie t4hirtl*::10tk't,?0.:76,-;:,1".4:, t ' *et ' • ,t,',I ' *04.400 ft . 4i'. ioa• ti 0 *dile A better' . vetoi think? she Wettlel, ,10. OW innt ' ' AtiaIliebtre bianterilghtr hihtae • 'nettririztrodootklisiiXiabutittitotiHtight st,,...,akiiiit, , ,tilig 4 le "1.40Hitvicellits:1141tonld-te ;a, , ot 041 it,te ate b. 410Ni 5441,. I' the li , p44014115 th4,iift Pbi th • he& . 0 of bimaelf. , Male RAM There When the itlith Average --,^ , "Alt 'work, and no play,” begins P6Tc et TelliperalUre 16 41011614101041. pane, and stops, and shakes her litutrialug head at him. " You will he Observations -of the weather baye a dull boy, if you don't take care," saYs been systematically made for many she. , years in South Africa, and In the Calm/ 141 ghost of a little smile Warms her Colony the meteorological conditions sad lips as the says this, and lights up her shining eyes like a ray of sun- have been as carefully and completely light. Then It fades, and she or 0 studied as in England. In other parts sorrowful again. 4 however, the observatuons are far lees " Well, I can't study." says shako satisfactory, and in the Transvaal...at,- •' Why not?' demands the profusely rsatiOna %Sr bet -said scarsaly t01 eX- 04IckLY• ffier° 11101'66 his °wItag"thi ' tht -knondecige r th w tither fenftrieletloat, but a_ 104'819 oliangsa being extremely Meagre. . our • , o e e . and here he bee a griPittrnia haid-s a strf sii one., ''Believe me. kriewledge. Is , the f.onas few yeara ago the "Report of having. Pleasurecrichea;'rehltS'iell MO • t G ri the Meteerological Commission" at tbe one good thing that-lifit eolatains Worth into insignificance betilde,it,'",;: _ Cals$ o • ood one embodied detailed lat'v' lienu'lvt trulelu tlikenUtrtittek'rriP,-0's.!:?'°: You rthaeinidaisil trmibartiontoroefatchheinr°aninthinshatiffwienr! " I know it for. ki .,, that: ' etteei It • t parte of South Africa. The average Get knoWleilge-auch„,lehoWledge oaths *bit for the year show that,- with short oat of life allattatt 0 es OD allow you to get. I • can lead year t ,exilePtidn of 'it anal areal* - the some books, esey ones •at find, and*" iminediate vieiniii ef 'demo Town, the. "1 couttla read your tiOollk!' saY" total rainfall for the year lit skillet she: "a1 -Yon haven't any novels, I suppose t" • • w.holly below twenty iilehein that la. "No," says he. "But-" considerably less than in /*radon. In "1 unlit taro -for any books but ntiv- most plabea the average for the year els," says she; Sighing,' Have. you read ,..., , ' Alas la I covet halro•,,nnyshing •th in An than ten Inches, and at some five inches read here, beartese Aulit.Aine says nor. stations it falls as low ail Ms are of tlxe devil, And that if I read for the whole twelve menthe. • them I shall go to. hall." In the Orange Free 'State the aver- " Nonsense I" inlid the Profeissa age rainfall for the' year, Is about Et:t"'Ytratitith't tilink tem afraid &beat twentY ilio11-04. - The WirttAt ra•th. ll are nat.! IlthOW:thei eitrattplace coitld hays; .,belog ,ripti,,n.'acutionSho, of ot4 locikek 10 *404. -167VS* about Rae *----"""'"7"7"'",--, minutes, 013ritax got hold' of un- set *Ott hope en0etrilet Mebireetentatilleetteli b v... e. awardetinsitnedelSeaelitiPlatoahlee-nagertat 44! ate attS4)77 discearaged, led aatraY, tine have cower or:iiiltiative. • hlinknfero th:4ettair'itiet6es are strting, ifthistinge is intell;'aretted,-;lhe brow hthad Aed arched. the eye largo and in- telliginitpptila retreating ebb* th not SO RVg,teft ,401: indication of Mental •thilin- quencies;- in fact, this, person may be possessed tcgeot in some,dir- eetiona....-lut, nevertheless: the re- treeitirlir eitin is Certain evideicir of Moral weakness, besitationatel lack of independence. A smelt. wall -rounded. ellin; covered with moving "pads of fleah, is an in- dication of a pleasure -loving Waved- .Ifie 014 Al 0420(04 it as 11 sigh -sof? untry. MaA.ayitrust- Warthilie t Win oh.11Pelliono aro generally blooded with a healthy Con- stitution, and are apt to live to a good old age. 1014, hoed chin points to noble characteristics, if rather square d b • It indicates an open; honor - "why Yon fight on flundlana, It Is able, init 'determined perixon, whocan riot Vbrietian." And at the Mege of hate as Haply aa he. pan love. if Potchefstroom both parties by Mutual • ,* - • neediest/lir line when looked at le this broad, square chin forms a per - consent abstained frOm sheeting al profile, • and is coinbineci With small, each other on the Selliatix The Boers colorless lips, it is an ennlistakahle Sunday nights arid sing psalma and a geoctaiks. tailikted )ettioation 'ef the used to acaewhie on sign of crailityauldharshness. A long; narrow and somewhat Pointed oh/Jests in the trennhes hyannsfer 41 couple of hours, and the poet born. 'InifortunatelY. tins kind British never disturbed them in their of chin is 'an indication:_a - weak eevotiona. We need not, therefore, ex- constitutiqp, and if it ie ,todinalikcan- junction with a mouth 'Which peot to hear of any fighting on sh0. Beers' part on Sundays% unless our generale, with a reekless disregard for; that deg of reit, deem it convenient to attack them. The battle of Water- loo Was fought on a Suakin, so was the battle of Toulouse, and in the first France'Gentatin war .some of the tier- cest fighting took -place on -that den, and it is unlikely that Sir %Miters Baler and his colleagues Will always respect *teams. Kruger & Coapuri- tanic reverence for the Sabbath, of wbich those crafty 'llypooriteir. are quite capable of taking a mean, ad- -va tage, THE .A.DAJTANT'S MOUItNER. that," moo Perpctuai demurely, OM •Verit SOutlit*I,,testroacdo to 4 rablitli, °r mutian Aunt "dme t°'` th entrap 'With the feemneencei so I'm all right," The professor bun/tees.- with IdraP i ' la not ots- ' Meet oition -,ikadot the self tor a moment and theri gives trtX, n 're , • •• Ah new you are on my aide," 04'66', IttiT6T1 176e. ratabltisarlitte'llt:06:treraosethattte,teehe un - 'to mirth. , hie ward exultantly, She tuphither are moo and as* is -those Menthe the into hla. "And- as for ell that ttllt; It to ' eee only 0.3 inch ARM " kndwledge. don't, bother Mo. .re n a Y,V about that any more. It's *little ludo er: *clic, In haus** ..rebrattrY of 0%A° Yoh knOW an*W0tatra and thei average VS the Orange Ceas AUlice--thet.ilneitriethi totc )its,u4. re four ers: inches in whereas, nature toe,' throwing. o t onotai her other hand, a nOW laioitr;i0* yottir:46 as most girb,_ areht,cteht *Oh, iovtilixow 1,111890 , tior", rainfall 'than Many. I ditreltlin"'Inhtthig aittuvaailsa east a yoluiSiesbarg was 11110 stotleallY ni In Y; August ind litateti,4)41eAtt October the. ram - A,ntlwas eeloe; ,,elitelx Who the *IC*, the Year. and rale, FL, 00 Ileven de* •-hi.:•hoth "Noetee4 and lietainaher,. tbe'littefelt le 'the Otlebetbseeharg iikeeeded•five Inbei, and the total ***ithlrot.‘er;1144 etithitaindhring the4e/tr Vitae elttY. la'ilia,Orenita,'PrOfef'11' tate the ulteter' ONO Jaboii":04* 'tbera••.Wee Ottani ;rtifirCIA.Saltitainher, but In October the h4Oesterh thief heavy, ' 'befit .'eleo A toweling instance of a dog's fid- elity °Courted At lirankhcirst Spruit, where the Boers treacherously ;Aug- mented barge detaelnnent of 'the:J.04th Regiment. The adjutant of the regi- ment, Lieut. Elayriaorti bad al orad pointer, of which he vies ex- tremely fond. When his roaster fell the ,faithful animal remained MI day Out all night by the bixly, crying und howling piteously. The next morning some Boers tried to coast ,awity from the spot; but, he would not our, though suffering from n *bad ibuok- allot emend in the thigh, and they 1 1' " "Ixefortilinite, to few ra. Shuttiewootb and Earl were excelleam, Theirreseteruseennteall—intooth' re to renaer every assiatence in owl dimmer. Ash rout Oiler to eetais 0. ir power, and as the boy was still ounnir• 10.014201444411civo ... etim. and, raid been under water !or - fa.,e,. (*var.* uma, : „ y eboat. ren ,Ininutes, it was hoped MI044PHOTIO,h, Sr' -- )J10ImilOki i ' t he might be rearlacitated. lila • hes %Vera straped Ot4 Eked the medi- k Ode -fern**, 'fa cal but nun reo Sm dea men worked hard for some time, comilleSit SHEET , their tabours were fruitless. Ten SIG PAUSIOcATALOGUE inte mm0141,841*, ate* atter the first body had been OF, OinOtINT# War (mired O'Brien brought Walter Vrt/Vit ta, d. tic I oweti ith to tire surface. He was quite viliY MMUS lomat, RoycC t4Vanted a IBronshitis, Irritiihie Throat and kind- red affections in Catarrhosone. There ts ne 'Mystery about itt but pie ef- fect is magical. °laments, washes and amino have proved worse than useless because they cannel/ reach the 'mat( of ,..thre diseaSe,blat Catarrhorona lie oacried„ by the vehicle, the air you breathe, 'nettirts allows to e enter into the A Boon to Catarrh Victims. 1500(90(ill We offer to the readers of this paper never falling remedy for Catarrh,' Toflo1i9 -Q Sausage Casings--pltato„;74,,zif .604^ u°g`iliatE-ftintirtulalZtivILIIIII' , • cartere ewe CURE leo. Cure* Corralling g Co.. Assets, •Tns_,Innitsoutite 11101111M011-1: tr",titiorig.11188`c7411 Cathollo Prayer 14.4.14, 4.4:tokt14'sr' Lungs ur bronchial ituPea,. /re? to the se I tho .diseaseovheyeeit zanies, muse thatasry. and Ca #11, ga.ossettoltel. :Tter41 orders 00., Men kills the AtlidAtt.the fected par unit bo For /price ,oto`' 8 that =wee Catarr , 6 heals all the'af- -es by inhalation._ ral sate taxitse. ta..pr--by- mail, siiiittit Send 10e' 'N. C. VOLSON' ingstax, no. .• at the corners, we may be CV taili,qf a predisposition toward aonsumptioa.. The TransvaaLls. probably the rich - d, massive large, fleshy ohin with afar.. eat canary in ,tha world ao far as row down the thiddleindicates an.; lin.. Ainetek tire.„..........,....00neerned• pulsive wholo-souleth passionate na- • without the furrow, but with a slight MeliliSheal716C°mP,T147,ili.°. n ture; while the same kind of chin, • goweical,Blianngt cab "anotee,thiisotino:be and: ahave ,egotiiim, deeeit and similar un- Analytical Chemist. OitQueen St, W, o r IV, Bond ono cent ewes foe cheater. W. J. nitelinaur ' *,.--- Literary attainments are not in :me 7:1, f:veoeriecietedth.e Tronaveai; the °ray book of the Boer being their beloved -Billie. Letter writing is almost W- A u lEinUttiD:ETROSLIE:.:,,yhYlfic Ith KES1:11 rimy Is Owned by Iter thrgeety. England, stands unique in the world I ir.0601141/ 11/0•11° 4"1"nablziw.Qu'e. The town of Haddereffeld, Yorkshire, s nu. as the only town which. absofiltely owns 'tee:U.1n -every respect. ning life in * rounicipai: artrsans' :adlrer.b.y,thedjiritiabirar Deoartmeet• Seliesotnerli chat:011LT thhaeyenu:rel:neroorr, den:thing, the young wan **des . • ...to. hie gas Or electritity frets the city. ositeigows -tat, priALT work on a municipal train. 1 Bei iota gig Wife rerita a gas stove, 'from We lattsnridnitind etierkm.' his Iiitetr b Slunicipal hats, eleni4Pa'l that-1u°'nieRt A•h4 itichtati ha. aeoidea that women. ',4:17:11;;4004314"'T`c;;;Of the state ot, !MINT. tatty, purchases:her „produce from a• cannot hold elective offices. 'rib • .6 bistilas"iisa- p - • :JoY" isitY "Per, mite' t an `thilii en to the eit plitygrainid ,,waillsofolt‘,.#60vtitlotr idotlantfrit VsByrt vein. Theket: hVi‘bzthseei; rtellfttatlie ..114114,gis Aildtr,:teirtsirtbilee,rokinktel:Zisur. r=in*. zue8:4=4441 had to drag him forcibly away. The- .-tleg passed into the possessiqn of a Dutch farmer imar the 'kens of the; ratesalicre. Three months later a troon of mounted infantry; of the*Itli In command of Licht, O'Grady, marelra lug to Lyilenburg, Pattered the Boer's farm. The dog, Oh seelag the known redootite, in an blatant rushed sifter theta, barking with „delight' Lieut. O'Grady at once recognized Ad- jutant Harruson'a favorite and took, the defy on to-...34denturtigi 0 '0 .S01NT VEILS. : • *It tha ShapeteU�, *184 keeping thein 10 good don' lei* I h* 44, eeet Mo.* *'$*eittihliti*;0ii.teeet.: 44. ' ..e4tO 44004 rat' 0414 )tat 'e of liter; 'Abla• t HMS At Ulf * PAW en Mth444 llie ". All • t.• 9 Mt 111t0 'WMII * the 4 linen 41* tidesi," ir ris.' a ober* ot tri vole *If 000ii * Or titles uhatiolti roidsrI4• h tleatist Ai re -pt �i A he iietifiverli t). -Leht It Thenceforward he Woe edeotilit ht,the' bfficero tend lientiatite'thalfiet'zof A STRANGE Another tinit_PlaYed A 'cliritnitt 'part in the Mtge of LydeliihArk-,.„.0ne den* after the **roister:en htlioared. strong hoa blazed for some bear* atlho: tit - Ile garrison of eisty roan Who held the tort, and the latter, had replied with •gotiet trineli'•Vaekentl, tan terrier' WO teen olutiing ter* the space between .tins the fort. 'Awe isentrioa let 'it hi; and Lieut. regirbont, • "' Letigivrhts. was la ,o9asossati, • found a 11111 113 pftl lodging ream* Their 'le teis are hollected" by a city pi:Johann. And in *ithhuermid other' Ways their tatty lifeconies Ail' Mae contact With ,the *fix goteernMent. OA last are Intend lit ir city einnetery. P111 may ha • Selistiam, or it may hot be. The eitions are satisfied and apprette pietsio..0t4br0-101thidi Witt' rag. Reit, theta V.et,•*14494*phhk::.?I'herepetoiie- trtirio4 e .1644*ml*** ariMe,:nr. 'Abe. trienalYAOtraste)ilt"Idttio.,;ettentlirsit the Beer* WerCitiiserrellusgr nflioflg themielietk, end; had: not 'Math ates* deo tbo idea. *Wit :it.::hint ens added tliat"theIlre-Irtne the :tort Wes teieditg'itnie' te*teedeett10,1341,,e, The •uttte,!44144 1;4000 ;r1filkl9t,? feek*eowtelitaiet419110414.A1 e Modal* belief ArreeekhOrl he, ly returned to tbo fort* where rinailitheCtlie;".iniitand.",:.tif the -ACV- co,WegeetTOXi. ',.."tjOeof. put )03 end tit' the Singes .• • '..1110hh,VI'VW,'NEN'h iVES D'Vraltr*mirre,seec„,,mitiv,,,001, ed. bile, tbsix: weir:fond itholt *keir.pkieee4,0*, -11** 044444 tY:titia.:.bi*I4t5•41iktraittite et' L41/1- White iibirtiotibieli, 1*4 tripped to Reit Mere "frealVirith djed couneon..'wttit hit. litoodo. and bis ISObit..tikreeoNerY'Atinehred niL. But Seale 4Mala,erts‘like'Orttei,Ititt 00010 kill tleiont: ised 'lielli/e, Bathe. Still' 005 to toll the. 000 Of th0 da' ,whan the "tOol4iitjel. rainglisk ,hinr•••seithishet and shell, It 'wab e*id thait!thlaisisS. diatiditeltheit Mkesaarlieb lawn la, harraerbilii ankle eit the 'aithlet Bretitherat,tilstelt.-neitret Itioiethot • b*' s. .4* , ,Isr there.. 'her arid tbk Sele.•he U*4 ga t Wee et the 4 0. , Goo . Barkley, et yanillten. Ands: a -Cure ter.Aheaelatiste. occoeveheomer.,..seeetice4itres4hooy cas.aisviiiceeltiistat orliktererl,' laithic*.ititi Are iTIIIdu 401!,1144,, lo, and tbobett remedy or d _ t•oubt by sitectitsistashrensitouti,tna,;i*nd- „tort ika a tor,r6611.,1514*IDY 6 SOSOsmS ISSr1W• • • • 1/001ilttPit PEW 11,66614-6 Barkley,: in.mlide7 of;thia eitys'is.lattatiet-ihey has faunae 0iire.eura for neetoothijil at last, He as it well, klinvisa among hiis friehd,,s lite been search/Mr „tit; .filibit Misilielne for the 'last', !SW Ytara And Until reeentlY quite votnli. Ho , ha* oleos been curK•sil 1118 own 5:3158 and he rtiaiihriahl'7 ltifare that the iknos oat ...04re* „him; will euro etherei ” , „4 • , obasiaiitisai 10 telt' haO:WA.,tiii:he AtieaSo resuItmfla frehic4diaor4er .kidneya. That *e .ACIAV#081$ 1014 104410164g04 Oet 1;1,1* t *10. 00140 :011,40.1 0041$1 be taterS (1 AUt JOL016 bio9ChY the, kidney* lemairui.10 ..the =Oder& •Wheta.theed etgallitnre,mteattliyi an Ate; Alto tig 010001-,;. 0ret ray. • terrisatiO04.. ,- iraire4riedieiiierat:*wroatiteir but itt 311e;,!'1"beabranVetiW!'e187.411*.l, hetird::etwdail(Itidtair, 1i•,44th.t%..4O4141e1." 4•04*.te.ttrAteir6;1 , e,LSO n f ...ote:thikti • iee4400.01e:liettettt it*** elette114.'eellOWee* e0...;eorhoti71', -c;,4ttiit • trlj ,„„ • the, Ala; 0;o tete there • '411•5 VI •1•16 • ''' 410 g • 411 b# Aloe) POAISION 611181 KILLS ROSM463# tire V Bugs, Rath And Mee, 8o14 147 MI Druggists, oral geese W. Tomato, t fisi• . ar ,ixtzt ta. ilarr wc-• Ifl , 10,11.010 1,6 71 •-•" sat, M4 brOdar, tat 01000X, Wt. PIV03411111 getinli00.0.01.0 at, 400414,11.011 tactrunttlet.t..tailytivelytt,,,ueolarro(inressi.voisietftlatv. trowauSeitilvaniV0404 seeiettaeco..11. 161',AwRii..tRiont,„6,121.7"rira'atrielt mum* atia"..rpeositit." Imre, 'EOM 11P3.- loathe= Part _Of Africa is of toloinio °Val and the land in the tielghborlitxt iltimboley is so std. pat/roue dial even onto cannot exist in it. V05041114 MO. • tiroitligaget A lir, le alexia° hao given a vet- diot Of 481.000- against a trolley Com.; • poor to o'horl*,110 Vitt tooth lege cut daily e Car', Whleit tilt ever him. • e1140 ttivett *I tete ••• v • .1, # s * ragi 6611.9,k1,6146,1661911,0.9. 18 9. 6 1406,611111. 11,61111114111111 1 •111114 V '' • , Ptatalittiltt oar I lexitifertlinibeilidatitimiskr:: iguaitttemoSeystis tans.to erovembigesture won eete. box* Vol,:: . : :,-011:0711dgitettskra:::01.1m .hr.WeatetplOVt. . . Iril ValtliiTetiCror ongisontrinig•:fftehorarg4mPeathi)lane"orredirata Crating aild Pitting Genttemeda Ochnenta. Wran sea other PACCUIJA to antra% bee rindlitooartgo 1;:irieirit;144114711;0;g:,11;:.:131;:le; „.......„.,‘..v.,o jo,t)Lx.rionti0E-rso.LENNGGRATr-i jit.46 146 6. ..-,• 8 .10 Ariti.A1 ...w,-.10e:c • , . commas,- nairesalet, !aroma I) alit Irdithiryer:bethobt Vont Iv " ORI1101 AMERICAS'BY - • talk l6r *Aaitissoaris Montreal, Toronto, Ott* 111a4enlIY: rettionol,4::IVESS:i';V;t1:44, .0sladiell. .110008E'S " 06441ratr.eiis:,otoi:ie „. GoOds d satanh fer Menet& coats, doom your ear' ea lining, Iga*enit; 0 r Ail 106 •••• ItQn • " r•P telek***04.**1., 0. • • os46016616tl'ri*-So, u:0.,tsolir&I vei,.1G„oefot 1 -Ib. 9m111 0 00,194 D104 e r IF , boortgri, • 9. hIs60#6,, 1 1 * I h rc.7 .HAVE $OMtHU4G *0 s 11t „ 'jk.04, •„„it :71 LMt 1;.itee(4;44*.„0611et 1;14441;;411*iitmy lor Th. had hoot** rush et,eatiSeritiera tUt:Ibo. sober *000446'4ot 10900*, 8.4030 aStatsitsct, thsdO ate eatiebedicarY cittree sly to' reach itbralis thcalailWt'eford (he end O ;eget* tut .0414t aiftedy,.. We feet tie Ibolti. And et* weak ee thIff ' TMrly wag: Ice41-0)1,'o.tei or b 1111 Hghu ..• ci ca if- MI at 0. • •