The Goderich Star, 1899-12-01, Page 5oa
its xttit4 Mtlltillo Home
014yole lolvterY*
.• ososMPE1if z oor
to Ooderie4.
RI nT.tzek1v,„:143,0001111 THE
T1�11$1ON OP- ,,1'.1131
I.INlF t
)U In, Guelpii on Thurs-
SZ• 'Dec. 7th. • a
ilway Coinrnittee of the City
of Guetph have rimed a call
nermeeting to he held in
en :Tilt .9dtLY. Per. 70, to
t(t :ar,.,urO the extension: of
hJyriction line 'to :Giodericb.
or':for delegates le extend-
ititcryening pointe.: Andno
>0'rge n iher will be pre -
Walt of Trade die•
tte'e t h a comrnit-
ere of course co-operat-
ity Council. In the
Z.. iscussion Doi, 13igin-
a'ted the 'X#scts., which are
`eu1 to e)111 public as
the city`- RI the ac -
* *Merit of,the i ch
"T • de not feel that the epayera
Ctcarty,' ndersehipd the posit :hey
are In Willi reference -to this r. -' a
roati that Was constructed by us °w
the clear •tlnderdtainding, a distinct pro-
mise frotnthe 41. P, R.,'that they would
extend it to DOS Huron, and in all
Probability, if the road is not extend-
ed, silifiwill' continue to pay 1010,000 a
year out of our taxes for the next 11
years. We ., have paid during the
last $ years. $72,1000 -more than we have
received; and if we continue at that
rate for the next 11 years we will
have paid over $200,000 more than we
hive received. It has been stated that
the. earnings this year Will amount to
about 0,000 itsore than last year. Well.
then, even it they do, the city's earn-
ings for the first four years of this
road were more than for the last four
years. The trade of the read has been
improving alittle, but our income from
the road was between $17,000 and $18,-
000 More for the first four years than
for the last four. I am only, speaking
about the financial part of it; I am
not. 811eskiug about the importance to
Guelph of running that road through
idle ' importatnt section of country he-
,tweenthis and Goderich. It ie very
Ito port:ant, I would have a small coin-
,mittee. We want to know exactly
what promise was made, and where it
is. Then we will be in a position to go
+to Sir William Van Horne and ask
miin'th coinply:with its terms. I think
.that is the business way, the fair way,
.hid whet the people of this City ex-
°Earners' .)leetings.
Wo sae.n,u sale iq
`","`. r' r.Nayember'a-last dolma December 1ak and goa aft
•,p a rotes list fn' isoode stub as you have imitediatr nes for,
The,opporteeity for saving is great. Prices are for those flays cbly, and the
ie to•reelixe. en our immense Stock. A1oat every deltarkneet in aur
store respoude to the pressure of ilii.s 3argain Sale.
r 'Bead a few quotations from different Departments
A SucCessful Series f Gather-
ings by the West; uron
During the past week the West
}jiudI) Farmers' Institute held a series
of four meetings, commencing with
Benmiller on," fpesdav afternoon and
evening On ettednesday the meetings
were et Smith's Hill, on Thursday at
inganntiri, and on Friday at Port
rt.. Mr. James Suelleas president,
a' the chair, and Mr. F. 0. El-
tda t i . efficient secretary, aided by
Iiernighan, Wm. Bailie,
ere, mor and local ,.embers in the
etlye see .. , , • their best to
fl�itlte •:the mee n a, what they really
in*, gratifying suceess.
Tha1 e ; princip'il speakers were Miss
tcse, mull instructress at the Ontario
Lgricnlluri1 College, who spoke at
each meeting; 3,1r. A. Men. Allan, who
,talked oh fruit matters at Benmiller
atttd Port' Albert; Mr. Thea. McMillan,
lerhet; discussed corn glowing, roots
ttnt�t1 irrain growing at the second and
tt ird Meeting and Mr. Bailie, who
*Mae at the Port Albert meeting.
The sobjeets were fairly well discussed
`,:by the airdienCeei, and the interchange
as anti eeriences should
of{slue to allwho heard hem. prove
Mesa Rose,.in addition to discussing
dairy work in all its features, gave
Lwo'excellent lectures en " Dress' and
"'One Eye in the Field and the Other
hi the Town," and on whatever subject
*he spoke Ler remarks were both In-
ettltttieO and entertaining to both
iteXte in her Audiences. 'rhe presence
Witt $0pieces of English Wrapper*
Woo, laved. patternar suitable for
Dresses, Waists and Wrappers,
regular price 12* acid 1150 ger
yard, sale price per yard.,.ts,•.5
Nearly 1000 yards 88 to 40 inch
$envy Wool Drees Tweeds, the 20,
and 25o quality, 3 days �2j//
selling at per yard
Lad:lis' Aataehan Lamb Capes, full
ewsep, Satin lined, quality' guaran-
teed,' good value at ft
$22.60, special
Ladies' French Kid Glcves, in Tans,
Modes and Beaver shades. Dome
fastenere. Qc
nere. Regular $1.25 6
and 1.00, reduoed to 7r
200 pains Corsets, containing many
-.of all the beat makes, at $1 6
and $1.25, Bale pride
20 dozen Mao's extra heavy all
Scotch wool Underwear,
regular pride 75a, at ......
25 Ladies' heavy Cloth Jaeketa in all
wool Friezes, $.aver and Curl
Cloths, all tailor made, and ranging
in price from $5.00 to
$8.60. Clear them out 417.5.u0
Ladies' all wool Vests, finely knitted,
and in all sizes at special
8 piecee English Tapestry Carpets, 27
inches wide, well covered and good
designs and colors, suitable for any
room, regular value 50 and
55o, our price 39C
Ladies Astrachan Coats, dozens to
choose from. fine gloeay skins and
well lined and quilted. Our special
November leader, a
$28.00 quality, at,..,,4124.50
BARGAINS in nearly every
Day's Selling.
r -*Ka
illlitltlIlr i!to. 1.3
Wei have, 600 carefully 101 44 11-i._111-, izittllS, 20004
w icth tete bsetof ehot•:epxt powdervendslifftxeut numbenkl
atliflt;. Some >ta4 A`1allat.114401125o', • oltott and haws b+q.
These thrill! witerR fatrefully 1.att .' l $1 stir, wag>
4A4/11$ 9eit rh4t; 1p4 era veal to any qtr the nlltrttetl.
Arnberite Smokeless Powder
11 thtr but $recite ess Powder sold in town. Try it.
Ws 11+11 it dhelir,
`j11s. "" Oansgbi General" Electric tamps give the beat
satisracttou and We Bell no other now. Try ore awed yon
will have Aa tinier"'
IIHi'See our 16 C. P. Frosted bulbs, for' house and mace use.
Tho Leadingou
,Clothing an
We Must Admit,. j
ALLAN.r1' bat'trade iu 00r lint bits ri a i little iuoa tbd
mntb, en1d tit the hila weather bas beet) tb* afire. Alet of the geode We gltelhave' Wet *re stll oo the
elhelr; tihey are the very brat, but t ey matte g'e if
prices will,te'the*.. Raney pttlalt wart road+
vrlttx prig%R viae 1eier, hot this big wbolt adY1lpell, atm every pgrehttalar 'ill reap- the benef,, 00
SATUIWDAY MORNING. ,of tbli woeh ws will torn
mnet to _ofr the.ltnp. which_ MO bi tottl,td 0017 oftCur Bargttiit Tattle$14.00 Sut~al far 610,00
1a..0 Salta fox 4%00.18,00. Sults: Si tr0.00 Ifo t 2aQ0' Stihl for 16.00.
$4, $4,60 sod l5 Pants for $a35. fit5.60, $d and 5650 Goods for 54.
OVERCOATS inti to MA itedticed Pter,
Cow ad let rue Salt and Overcoat you. Boot, willbe done wll at dila store, and you will get agret dl
more cheese and dollarsmore value thatt can be obtain•
ed elsewhee. Snaps in such reliable Clothing are noevery' day.
pRl DIIAI4I, The Tailor.
10 aflaatootill Mew�
sad t s boot ronevator or on
l.athar ltells.sefteas, bleak*,
saitand Vstoota, Us! ,
Eureka .
-Harness Oil
...Ivo best bantam your Ptd len
wsr.aaatlyourtaresastoA tew
EauIn *es only look bettli DUI wMr
eiig wtbd9U PIMA t0 a sa1lone
119.lte eeltagLMica, rs.aow.
AbsoluteSafety !
Department --Three WI-'"ca`r'e's`s"
Bring your Prescriptions and Fane
At lly Recipes hero tor the same reason
`6 that you would send for the beat doctor
When one of your family is ill—to be ab-
solutely safe.
it, Not only are our Drugs Fresl, and
Co Pure, and obtained from the most rote
b. able sources—but s continuous and vac-
d tett experience of 25 years, backed by
6, close pnrsanal attention to business, on•
8 sures to you carefulness and perfect ac-
ouraoy in compounding.
k.,- You will find our prices reason-
Beware of False and
p OAK."
Promises Made by Manufac-
turers of fnferior and
Imitation Dyes:
Beware of dyes prepared for home
use that promise to wash and dye
goods at one operation. The soap in
such dyes way do a trifle of cleansing,
but the coloring work will be a flat and
decided failure.
Beware of dyes that client to dye all
wool and cotton goods with contents
of one package. This is a chemical
impossibility. The operator will of
course get a color—something muddy,
clouded and streaked, that, will arouse
indignation and anger because of dis-
appointment and loss of neat
Diamond Dyes give fast,
and perfect colors. but they
promise to cleanse or wash soiledas
ments or materials. A washin
Of so many -ladies, especially at the
Oilfening meetings. when the attend-
anee was very targe each time, wits
026 Of the most gratifying features of
;sense, ,and Many points advanced
Miss Rose were warmly approved.
She has it Pleasant and easy manner,
i Ilttfto
unaffected, yet very much in
earnest in her subjects, and deserves
the ',hearty' thanks accorded her by
Unite in charge of the meetings.
Aly is cligtolxiary, the evening pro -
grants were varied by musical selec-
tons, and the ,representatives of the
',NOW Era, Stem and Sighal tilled in
abort intervals with such general re-
• , riterktt tui seemed suitable to the neca-
ilfen. Mr, lebbert McLean, who attend -
.cd til0 Pott Albert meeting. also con •
rife acceptable and appropriate
r task, �ubh gatherings, having for
t ,their objeettheacquisition .and dissem-
ination, of information on agricultural
And kindred matters, should he of de-
Lt'ided inter'eet rind profit to the farmers.
tai %Ylfoste hands the conduct and enc
eels nt -the meetings treats, and to an
4iiiuoker the impression is that here.
` istnis tlutlrr in any taster gathe inge,
' liftt'rthitt Out help and benefit each
,lichee to an e fettente that calls for a
sxliltrlx: m e general Support of these
rill tan t
t10 not
chine may do good washing,but it
cannot pretend to do the ironing as
as well.
Diamond Dyes prepare special dyes
for all wool goods, and for cotton and
union goods, and guarantee perfect
wo"k when directions are observed.
If you desire to color all wool goods.
tisk for Diamond Dyes for Wool ; if
you have cotton or mixed goods to
dye,•ask for Diamond Dyes for Cowin
pearl Mixed Goods.
Onnde imitation dyes and soap grease
mixtures can never cope with those
great chemical triumphs — Diamond
*Cure e. Gold In one Day
e �,tyktive flrofno Quinine `pati -
dreggisteirA4ifekid the Menet'
it (lilt ter sire« Mee It. 'W. elleire'a
{ nature itt on eikeh be*.
t Aft.. eorttatily',t for the tforntit ille
Cheese Factory, twit 416 14+3 yilt��i,,.hoist
,(! th,'' Septrfribe'�' Yn*ke' of &Creel tO
deisteft Brea, et Stratford* 11 'hill?
BRIEF NOTES.—Mise Etta Hall was
visiting friends in L,ucknow last week.
—Messrs. Will Trealeven and Vt ill
Kirkpatrick.of Orewe,were in our burg
on Sunday,—We can again hear the
distant chinte of the wedding bells in
the East. --Mr. Samuel Mathews is
drawing gravel for his hank barn,
which he intends Building next sum-
mer ; the wall will be of cement, and
this will be the second cement wall in
this neighborhood. — Miss Mc Vittte,
one of our Nile talent who sang at the
concert which was held under the
auspices of the Good Templars on Fri-
day night last in Goderich, Was most
heartily encored. This speaks well
tor our home talent.—Public School
Inapector Torn visited our P. S. last
week, and reported the work prosper-
ing under the management of the
Misses sprung and McKnight.—The
W. M. Society will hold their Decem-
ber meeting at the home of Mt. J.
Tiffin. on Wednesday. Dee. 8th.—Mr.
Will Green. of Goderieh, was a visitor
at MI . C. Stewart's on Sunday.
But what about the blood which the
heart must pump at the rate of 70
tunes a minute ? If the heart is to he
sturdy and the nerves strong this
blood must be rich and pure. Hood's
Sarsaparilla makes sturdy hearts be-
cause it makes good blood. It gives
to men and women strength, confi-
dence, courage and endurance.
Millet's Grip Powders Cure.
Two weeks from Tuesday wilt be the
shortest day of the year.
Hood's Pills are non -irritating and the
only catharic to take with Hupd's Sar
Chief 0111, of Exeter, was telephoned
for to go to Shipka and investigate
the many complaints of fowl. stealing.
In a few hours be' located some stolen
geese. He found them baking in a
neighboring farmer's house. Restitu•
tion was soon made• for the stolen
property. Ducks. chicken and geese
had been stolen from three parties the
night before, in that neighborhood.
Every person suffering from general
debility should take Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills.
Oh my S how your complexion has im-
proved. Yes, Miller's Compound Icon
Pills did it.
Poultry thieves are operating in
Clinton and Exeter and adjoining
Herring fishing at Bayfield with
nets has conameuced, hut so far the
been light.
cntche have
The great demand for a pleasant,
safe and reliable antidote for affections
of the .throat and lungs is fully met
with in Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup. It is a purely Vegetable Com-
pound, and acts promptly and tuagica,l-
ly iu subduing all coughs, colds, bron-
chitis, inflammation of the lungs. etc.
It is so palatable that a child will not
refuse it, and is put at a price that will
not exclude the poor from its benefit.
Miller's Worm Powders correct all
such troubles aa lack of appetite, bil-
iousness. drowsiness, sallow complex•
ion, etc. ; nice to take.
While helping to erect the shed of
tea* nee* Perisle terixn C'.arch at =1.nna, Thos. McCash wsa seriousl injur-
ed; part of the roof of the shed fell on
him, hurting him internally.
Zurich is to have an up-to-date
electric light system.
S. E. 1110K, CHEMIST.
Ci•or aertmCy$.
ear Alwsys the BEST et Rick's.
Seaforth Expositor: E. Cash, of this
town, has shown us an interesting
business relic of by -gone days. This
is his pass hook with the Bank of Corr•
inerce for the year 1805. Wo notice
that Mr. Cash then did a banking
business of about 511,000 a month,
"Seeing is believing." You can see
what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for
others, and must believe it will do the
same for you.
My wife Is having the best of health
Miller's Compound Iron Pills did 11.
The Exeter Times says the business
men of Zurich presented Henry
Wurum, on the occasion of his
"ninth" birthday, with an easy chair,
pipe and tobacco, expressing the hope
that he might be spared many days to
enjoy thern.
Tell the Deaf.—Mr. J. F. Kellock.
Druggist, Perth, writes: "A customer
of mine haying been cured of deafness
by, the use of Dr. Thomas' Electric
OSI, wrote to Ireland, telling his friends
there of the cure. In consequence I
received an order to seal half o dozen
by express to Wexford, Ireland, this
Alex McDonald, of the Sth con., Oul-
ross, delivered a hog in Teeswater
watch weighed 1140 pounds,
Three weeks from Monday will be
Miller's Compound Iron Pills have
such virtue that everyone should try
Ask to
Tho " CANADIAN " Brand
Wool Carpet—examine each
strand of yarn for yourself—
nothing but pure Fleece Wool
gnaranteod. Beware of imi-
Soo that our trade mark "The
Shoop" Is on the ticket on each
roll, with sample of yarn at-
tached—noneporfoct without It
Royal Carpet Co.
:i. h. VEDDER.
Bolling Agent at Goderlob.
The Huron Rifle Association has se-
cured a hew range on t•be Random'
property adjoining Clinton.
' Impurities in the Blood.—When the
action of the kidneys becomes impair-
ed, impurities in the blood are almost
sure to follow. and general derange-
ment of the system ensues. Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills MI: regulate the kid-
neys, so that they will maintain
healthy action and prevent the com-
plications which_cettainiy come when
there is derangenient of these delicete
organs. As a restorative these Pills
are in the first rank.
A meeting of the teachers of district
No. 1, West Huron, will he held in the
public school, Exeter, on Saturday.
Decembet 2nd, at 1:30 p. m. A good
attendance of the teachers of the dis-
trict is requested. The following is
the programme: "Psychology of num-
ber applied to fractions," Mr. Andet•
son; Plant life In aar!culture," Mr.
Johnson; "Primary reading." Mise
Ball; " Physiology, when started and
how irtroduced,' etc. Mr. Brownlee,
Two Weeks' Serie Before Christmas
8U Vol. Sett Diekens, Subscription Price
16 . " " Carlyle,
200 " Cloth Bound Books, Sate Price
175 .i 46 41 ,. .,
Among whish 'rill be found such writers
$20.00, Sale
18.00, „ ,.`.26o V
15e Vol`
The pimples have disappeared, Mil-
ler's Compound Iron Pills did it.
When you look at the calender, and
think of the weather, it dosen't seem
poseihle that we are so near the end of
$7.50 Sett.
7..60- °N
as SE,4t, Dickens, Coop
tttn tat, Ingraham. las. Prentiss, die., &o.
60 Vola. Cloth Donna hooka, slightly line/afoot, 16e. a Vol. or
Vols. for 26o.
Other Ling Wlll bg shown at the Store at Reduced Prices.
etnldtlh]il�+�IITEP STORE, .
A •A i� s/lti4Pe' iiltilllt �dttlx�+lrt'1ii`
tst$IE its f i31e14t tlr' 1`' i o.iOO 'gi no ,. :; teed litYlilai BOW,tlod.rioh
Made a well
Man ofo
t'�°� pir3'l`°Il
a, be post abuse,,SISkOrald+a.
to d,r_ G, ion. •anal eatakt7 but
it rent yod,et, rrleee 99•tO*aekY..
a : tar • woo tsreee N err*Modr
pumas,. m a fru �n�.aSSet
1pu s°en►►ald��aay D
tar b9t'o'tju 00., rr.P, �f•. LS. rear .L.M
Sold to dodertch by James Wilson. druggist
O 00000 6?
O 0 00000
O 0990000
• Christmas is near. 49 6
What you want In our line for Xmas
Prosents (useful and oruamontal) will be
• On sale next week.
Come to this Store if you want the
beet in the market.
Full particulars next week
J. Brophey & Son
Leading Undertakers and Embalmers.
O ® ® ® i
1 ® 0 ® l
O 0000
A Welt -Shaped root
We should like to show you some .foot.
wear of that sort—to prove drat style need not
interfere with comfort, nor comfort with style
—and that we give the most of style, comfort,
and durability for your money.
See our fashionable
Stingers and Boots,
All of newest design, perfect make and
guaranteed to fit and weer.
Wm. Sharman, Jr.
Corner of Sgaare and East St.
The Pickling Season
Brings to mind the fact that housekeepers require
and other necessaries. We have them at close Gut Prices•
This is headquarters for FRUITS, GENERAL GROCERIES, &o.
Courteous treatment ao,l prompt free delivery to all parts of the town.
DFgembe as come.
aura Okeillettieir
wail Willa tiw hilar &u3 Neu will soon Use* ]till shisdierrt tare
-whet; prweents you w.I. Lily, NV* 'ii s brash think** M fbd' `
POrahlug,iar ttio txlasst 4lutsgii o tl*xdr. epuitwleut
tAtroiti t.iiinf, yon elk Mk Use 1,scsx d,b14 **Si Itsterites
d Yeti
IIS it fa in lelti4la. :1 a1i. it W II )404410
11 nr+r are she prtdtu:f;
Fins Vali Iyrees Shirts.,,,. ...... .41110.114
`iiia White Shirt*, short or lens do etfeasl, • •.. +«,..,>«..7 .1
,,. • 41 4 44 r. 14. /f ,x•++1•.... N..,. .'ww�
itsaider 45e to nndiri d 8hltls,. «,, .., • , i0doc allot 41."
rise Iritis ?,noon 11twdk t'abitts.. h+tnatoobsd,15e tar 2 c Ue
.extra tine malt Lsiwtt' Ilenditlreh.fu tar tiOtt at'$ tti!`titke
4 iurst latah Lice i Ri asdltsralii*t,, ,"ttfc or AWOL*
YorTho Newweesk Collar. "Tb Wnu vitae et 414kot4 *wit xo
We ea.u.vopouym pie 11quyip see. n(uta ma tett
VV. C. PRI D All
TUE I'g0S18 1'H WOW LUItsi it it,
tolien's and Boy's
Suits, Pea Jackets,
,1 -~-and Overcoats
At all Prices ---from the Lowest to the Best
Grades made.
Corner Montreal street and Square. GODERICIB
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts.
Short Bread and Cream Rolls.
Mince Pies and Lady Fingers.
Kisses, Mecarsors, Mctlinguae.
Brandy Snaps, etc.
Are as good as the best made in any
City in Canada.
lends the trade to
.n fancy designing, and ornamenting
and almond icing. Give him an order
and your satisfaction will be assured.
O000'4 Cotton Boot orapoust
Is 1ty stowtebtr
As iC "iEr �ilak
rai.�t tar au
atw&tt til
*salsa ills
d No.
f sold In Goderltti Ltuwa
Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons 75c each
Iron lianales 15c each
Cinder Sifters with Handle. 15c each
011 Cloth Binding 25c set
Electro Silicon, Silver Polish ..15c pirge
Family Meat Choppers $1.15 aeon
Weather Strip 3c foot
Odorless Stovepipe Enamel 10c each
Sunlight Stove Polish 8c each
Soft 011 Soap 20c box
Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS !
Notably, Navy and Black all -wool Sergce, Broad Clothe, Crepons, and Bleak
Double Warp Luetree—Prom ISe ta45C•
Full line. of Hosiery and Gloves. A large stook of Yarns—the boat
that ready money can buy.
Will net be undersold in any of the above goods—quality being equal.
i -Will bo pleased to show Goode whether you purchase or not.
A. M U N RO, Draper.
—While buying a Range why not get the BEST—
Table Cutlery, Carvers, &c.
aa'Ask for Cash Register Check with every purchase.
OR— -
See Our Radiant Home and Souvenir Heaters.
• . . A Guarantee with every Stove.
MiSS CAM ERON, Hamilton Street, has in stock all the latest
creations in
Fall Millinery, Up-to-date Shades,
-.•.•Trimmings, etc.
A Bad Leak.
A leak iu anything is bad, but in
a water pipe it's a serious mat-
ter. Send for us to mend the
little leak. Have us do your
Plumbing and you will be in•
snred against leaks, We do
Steam(, Acetylene Gas and Water
Fitting anywhere.
West Side of Square, GODERICH.
Ladies of taste, who require Fashionable Millinery, made up in the
most modern, artistic and serviceable manner will find it to their advan-
tage to call and inspect the stock.
Shrewd Merchants value Circulation• rend t.hsat'a
the reason they talk to the messes through TRH
Stook nearly complete again. New goods received daily,
A lot of Fine Bath and Carriage Sponges jeatito band.
The newest and latest Perfumes.
Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
Rubber Goode, Syringae, Atomizers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, etc., eto.
Corner Colborne RL and Square
We have for Sale Cheap,
i Shingle nil'.
15 horse power Threshing Engine,
in good order.
3 Horse Powers.
The Rogerson BlGuGlo Go., UMW, Ootier