The Goderich Star, 1899-12-01, Page 3Talmage Draws Some soni From It. Val lu a Storm f'rletulo Wile Are Not awfutlaus-Viliat Are TheY Dffillf to DrIug Dem to Oriat-The Dr. Preaches a Powerful Sermon. seilleilititen tleellieee '94t: et this lifts Into ifierYs WO Met corn. 4440 tom the Intted. - Wit feel we Shell Meet theta t-•''' 10 Ikell 'i-'41caa ; latiliireeirenfrtlatt Orli teil!g. ___I .1 -mot: .ou_! 00$ ni.,,,.tYo 90e t4tarsit .c.4 the eight Ana this wheiworts, 3/ Rine unto other te. the tett. farthar *pert, peie turetNetlitedh /el* .terther apaet, Oil the"eigiaele create) ilimigatlisa In the- )4. . lee" tt4W 141tIte"gc/10(9a*torkeit4letriet4ellitt.e 3117 90,4elnY Sea klW11110 Well Vorilckto, teiPtegti ale keit to eight for evert ha laxly time.. 'Vessels, Vera Air hews to tell you that the unitvitil- led vattlY 'bY mil car*partly, hy Oar, log efferta of those Mediterrenean :Sy**, ItylIetsiMit'ut .great gttreire of Cotretooti hes a eaunterpert on the et, tetiethere'lt.went:heatostiaq to: ttlef the bring our childre ' 'la t felts armee of est ere ma ug 0 'eti*va ifivil it IA, tistut"the l'eseca ME SI1011Enot; SAFETY. , Wee /loponcItot upon. tuo oars, 'twenty thlree sef them 00 *Ith flis et Oa Weisel. You 3r0014 'Ittetlite • Onteide, Sande '400U 1r4 041/ele a Draft as' my text Ando ahOsiiiing lel; hitt he had not t Meth eteget. refeleis. He was run- • *OAF* fretie, the Lord ;, and when *ma geeeteg awey frode the Lord, There never were so many ter/mist:lotus foe young people as there are now. The literary and the social influences seem to be against their spiritual in- terests. Christ seeme to be driven al- most entirely from the whore end the pleasurable concourse, yet God; !mows how anxious we are for owe children. We cannot ttunk of going to'heaveie without them We do not want to leave this life while they are WW1* tie 449 reo Vert! 'feat en the waves of temptation and away -' had,teldjtinaie to go to Nineveh from God. Orem which ot them coixtd we consent to be et 0 earit'Aellt the destruction of that Would it be the SonerriVoltyliclerrated I be the 40, 4.0 dhiletheyed. That elways daoughter? Would it be the eldest 1 es ettOgh water, whether la the W Led it he the youngetetS Would it diterrelleata, or the Atlantic, or the bet he one that is Well and etout, or the one that is sick'? 0 1111,4e., v'eteiele4Cag .tecpiacncaSreeac.siicIt,els / a. parent tuiying tcenight :11;4 th= rrillItie t my helit te bring my children to Chril e 4 4 there when the prow of tit I haveniamid hold of the oara untiF they. , 0. ahnoet under water, and ! baleateilt agyaingsrtast% and I have braced ! seettalking the deet knee deep wn.rde 1 have, pulled' fOlbrs th)feirtheet rn boat, 1 reiroitie, bet I can't get them to Cheristail stirf, and the smirl boate by ' , , t the tweet have been crush- ! The you to finitate the men a,ail, as kindling wood, whistatirowlethwe atlenatat8ingatiodr Cry 'mightily unto God. e,b0lIgh nothing had happened; for children, suechlinaer trlunate praying h father induig- 011ie sayo that these marl- ., ed in when be had tried to bringi hie ham I !meek were frightened. siX sons to Cerise and they had wan - '401 sailors call "a lump of dered off iuto dissipation. : Thee he *come a blinding, deafening itrotd del in his prayers and said: "Oh, urys How mad the wind that' mtaeaens alai 50maya mlifaey, if thrtouogohd the water, and the water be brought to Christ ;" anrfleiell Lord Itsewinte you do not know invitingly answered the prayer, and in a few weeks ihe father was taken tt, . have been, spectators. .1 °Itettse 0 piece of a sail of oaiwx70,0aonfloothoroouJIIGoir igemthnaittyfuthhe is la , that 1 mu of the 1 the ship Greece, that we germ fire hundred mita ,ct tousittland. Oh I what a nightee' Was. I suppose that it wan in so such storm as this that Johall was caught. He knew that the tempest was on ehis account, and he asked the sailors to throw hiira overboard. Sailors are a generous -hearted race, and thee re- reeolved to make their escape, if pos- eible, without resortlag to such ex- teerne measures. The sails emelt no tine, and so they lay hold on their oars. X IMO the long rank, of shining blades telling the 8cory 01 his shame. What :.'ejel either side the vessel. Oh I how are yuu going to do I I3oth paddies on heaven because you do not want ..i4ey did pull, the (bronzed seamen, as broken as the middle of the blade, hew to see Christ, nor your own loved. ones ey laid . bait into the ears. But caa you pull him ashore? I ibrow one whom He has taken into His bosom. 'wing on the see is very different oar to -night with which I biitieve you Cannot some of these fathers and , pin rowing won a river, and, as the can bring him tato harbor. It. is a mothers hear tbe voices of their child- It'0,3?essel hoists, the oars skip the wave, !ono • "1 '11 ren in glory calling to -night, saying: 4liel miss the stroke, and the tempest thee, and to thy seed after thee.' /,'/Aughe to scorn the fly.ng paddles. O. broken-tteitiled father and mother! 4* of no use, no use. There comes a You have triod everything el8e, now IlitierYave that crashes the last mast, and make an appeal fur the help and om- t4weepii the oarsraen from their places,: nipotence ot the covenant -keeping God, rid tumbles everything in the con- aud perhaps at your next family gath- usion of ering, pernaps on thanksgiving-dtay, IMPENDING SHIP'WHECK. perhaps next Chrietmas-day, the pro - a the palm of my? er could afford to die for the eterna,1 vas wasittli welfare of his ohildren. He rowed hard to-hring them to the land, but t sail ofi euuld nes, anti then he cried unto the into the Lord. There are parent& here who are New-e_aimust Onicell.ra about their child- 'hse-oh". • here our son to -night 'Ile ha ed off, perhaps, to the ends of,.. he earth It seen213 as tf your fears when this moment you cannot t et tar enough away froru your 'might give up and he saved. , Do you Christ iali`counsel. What does he care no_t know ease everything is ready4 about Lhe farrows that come to your lame ; about the quick whitening of the hair ; about the feet that your bat k b.igins to stoop with the burdens? Why, he would not care much if he heard you were dead. ,iititervii Otte ant diesieti" , their sivr* leetge III lie lost ,ea mire Ann lit -titers ,froatillevitsist upon enter 40eAptielewe Ton •seellift, 40'4411cl Itielltett ieree.Wet ever Strong enaugh Witolonis tilts:door ot *awn „NCI f.*ti wif-mmor .9•000 $0, ig*k.tita P.I 'Sta. earensami ewer thy !Set *.it4 iatefeHeette :hare hoer. Vied is aptiaati yea. '1144 ht _ PPR Y _ vtogia, tiasiterramrs $4,*-0‘Obillese 04***14. Kra littirtgeas it beteg* lessee e It lei OM* 141.204. eel t trait Oter deettlee Orel bad. it& dici widish • strengthening VC 47$04.417014, A *Ade .4 ',01,0*/14 140 veloti.P* /111O rt AMP* toto.yelia *SO litOr kw an* 04," 104 Petri. Corot 040 a.4C' :Mgt* eint 'Y 194 tOlOotgiterfrie.444410; 04100 thetwentattli °KW the* jolt ly ,141.4 010004 too4ton. to 00040404 so or oat tut too 'ugly *0. tux kgkvs th• Int* roums 'Mk islet tbe cot 'olltaci!t*thet *ea AIS gatiellelbt/041- Ant ha* lived in a bial falYinX lOtt as% Melt* You. The IPS attailtet ro*. ximx. ,tho tioxrumw4741, played wIth t it's the rot,,itsgifaittitOSIiplfoiwon. 4iiestPloixoill111.97:d44,44:414. Pa Cott iatSlielt .014 Isteid Aft lied and 4,0 tter4141141 :tiertatpittine influmusea alid-Atientio. Not tie, itiolplewt a trim*, girout br twenty *ilea ot !wade Pe tire. rrere it Yee say. A will Prove it. John- v. Mr I " man San otatie tO um, except the Vathet Which bath Pent mo draw Vim" But While theve shwa your Issitt- lesteteefe X Was* te rat by the aide of it the power and willirignessis ot Oihristos veatO sefUnrottltiti,,, u4ntprr vitorWteoge lot*, tett it Wee driven to Moms on- trkeldie The CePtabli. 1014: his sett With him, and with the erew they WeAdered up the beach ittstl started on the lOng Pursues" te find After_ a -while this sou fainteid by reason of hunger mid the length et the Wee. The captain mid to the crew: °Carry roe bey ter Me on your shoulders." They carried hint. on; but the journey was so; Mew that after awhile the crew tainted trout hunger and trom weariness. anti could Wry him no longer. Then the father rallied his almost wasted energy. and took up his own boy. and put hlm on his shoulder, and carried hins on nsile atter mile, mile after mile, until. over- come himself by hunger and weari- ness, he, too, fainted by the way. The boy laid down and' died, and the fath- er, just at the time rescue came. also perished. living only long enough to tell the story -sad story. indeed. But glory be to God that Jesus Christ te able to take us up out of our ship- wrecked and dying condition. and pet ue on the shoulder of His etrengthe and by the omnipotence of His gospel, bear us on through all the journey of this life, and, at last, through the evening gates of heaven HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE. Hear it, ye dying men and women. Though your sin be long, and black, and inexcusable, and outrageous, the very moment you believe I will pro- claim pardon - quick, full, grand. un- conditional, uncompromising. illimit- able. infinite. Oh, the grace of God! I am overwhelmed when I come to think of it Give me a thousand lad - dere. lashed East to each, other, that I ,might scale the height. Let the line run out with the anchor until all the cables of earth are exhausted. that we may touch the depth. Let the archangel fly in circuit of etettrial ages in trying to sweep around this theme. Ohl the grace of God! It is so high. It is so broad. It is so deep, Glory be to ,God, that where inan's oar gives out, God'e arm begins. Why will ye carry eour sins and your sorrowel any longer when Christ offers to take them. Why will you wrestle down St 1' THE BLACK -EDGED LETTER, that brought. the tidings, he woeid put in the saMe package with other letters "See Jesus stands with open arms, He calls, /le bids you come; Sin holds you back and fear alarms, But still there yet is rocan." Ohl men and women, bought by the blood of Jesus, how can I give you ups Will you turn away this plea, as you have turned away so many? Have you deliberately chosen to die? Do you want to be loel? Do you turn your back mQ'IeSa:t'h":ta boisorttied:r1:P4to:lotIes. 141:14ww::joIrsto•trcrolid entlitelY salt-aupportioiti With thAs loi combined I astoi-ottisiet 040#• pooP- hopso, me bouraorhouso $xoctirot obuivaocommootto to pant ..x•suloo, OM talsblea Whglltt teiReere *So gave out ot the Cite.' Ref. the' AO** to noetcavtioutil. mid the most exclusive eat will not look congenial igicle4. At the "house ar refuge," howelier. Pin- e* who have Met with tetereeti ere received end melded with good. food end lodgiug acot fres. ' '0 A.ecording to the munielpel etatie- tics, about 5,800 eats ire 1411041h tab" deo every year, most Of Peetio <either homeless ones pure and 41011)Te. or abandoned pets found dimmed and dy- ing in empty. houses or out-of-the-way gleam. It wee in the hope of amend - tog thle etate of things that Ides, Gore don founded her Society for the Pro- tection of Cate -of which Lady Wil- liam Lennox is the president -he July, 1898. Her plan then wall simply to provide a place where thane poor for- saken mousere could be oared for until homes were found for theme but tpo boarding-house branoh wais added soon end now the latter is crowded with refined oats end is rather more than paying expenses, while the shelter le so popular with the masses that the woman who takea charge of it and its tenants told me she never had any tirae to herself " at all, at all," writes a oorreapendent. Everybody in Shepherd's Bush knows all about the " boarding home," and the " home." 'Everybody seems to take a good deal of juatifiableepride in the institutions, too. for dignified police - Men and ragged. gamine alike vied in directing me to the "shelter." It was numietakable, even if it had not been for the gay sign outside, the sight of whites probable has cheered the bezel of many a broken-epirited pros and white) read. " A Home for Starving and Forsaken Cats.'" The long room was a bewildering ar- ray of padded wicker baskets and bowls of bread and milk. Mrs. Foster said that the Oats get milk for breakfast and bread and milk for lunobeon, while another milk counse in the afternoon serves them as a sort of 5 o'alock tea, and at 7 in the evening there is meat all round. Bedtime comes at 8 o'clisok and Mre. Foster sees that every eat ie in its basket after "taps" have sounded. "Indade, it's a great reform we're bringin` about," said Mrs. Foster, "an' anre we expect both the frinds and inimies of cats to be wid nil, for wbo won't be glad to hear that they're gradually bein' cured of their prow - lila' around at nigbt, I'd like to know." Many of the oats are brought in by children, but more arrive by express from all directions. A contrant has been made with the two great express eompanies of London that any eat de- livered to them shall 1 nonveyed to the home for sixpence. . his makes it easy for any one who sees a forlorn oat wandering about to befriend without actually adopting it, and Mrs. Foster says that the public is beginning to take an interest in the work. Letters and telegrams regarding suffering and needy pussies reanh Mrs. Gordo"! in sboals every day. and each case is looked into carefully. Of course, a many persons who simply want to get rid of their pets dump them UpOn the society, but admission to the home is never refused, and the society does so much advertising as its means will permit, that more people will know of the home. Every effort is put forth by those in charge to provide homes for the Cats that are taken in. and in the last year over one hundred moistest have thus been " assisted" from the gutter to the family hearth. How high the hotres of Mrs. Gordon's proteges reasonably may rim) will be judged when it is known that one of the "strays" was bought for a hand- some sum by Her Grace the Duchese of Bedford, and the once homeless One is leading a life of luxury .at Woburn. Mrs. Gordon makes it a rule to inves- tigate carefully every family that of- fers) to receive one of the rescued tab- bies, a nd no Cat gees Otitt of the home until Mrs. Gordon is convinced that it is going to be happy. The society is aiming in time to solve the •stray -cat problem by strik- ing at the roOt of the trouble, and to this end, when kittens are born at the home. only the males are kept. The females are put to death painleftly in the lethal chamber, last behind the large room where the carte live. Here, too, Injured ertts are pnt ont of the way. able those having eontagious die - eases. To the departed in elven a de- ment btrial in a cemetery get apart for the purpose, grave-dieeer and un- dertaker being combined in the per- son of a large mnn who for a salary attends to these last gad riles. The boarding house, in annther part of the village proved to be much more pretentious anl heee else eats Were the find thing i hat me' one's eye. Vastly different frnm their brethren were theae sleek. wellset-np tabbiea, tortoise shelle, Ruseian bluen. with here a nd there a haughty Permian. manifestly ennseinns of the feet filet 75 cents ti month ie paid for their board. inetend of the 01) eenta whie.h ei thensunl rate at the borirdIng house. Almost every rat here wore an erne - monied cellar, Or at !emit a bit of ribbon; there were no torn ears here and the coat of each waif emooth and glossy. These pampered eats have the en- tire attention of a caretaker and her daughter. F.ach cat haa a rage to R- eef, and rill their food is conked on Hie premise". There are fifty eight eats in the boarding-house, and they have enme from all over the United Kingdom. When a eat onmes in his of her name le entered in a formidable looking day bonk, and the owner leaves full instrartionn as to rare, which are followed to the letter. The (trite are weirdly homemiek et first, and refuee to eat. The nontalgie tehhy intermit - ed with the moet alluring daintier. Ruch as thiek cream. ehieken, flab - even beef tea " The veteri na ry surgeon calls twice a week," the earetnker said, "and one of the rulee nf the holism is that we shall be allowed to expend $150 fnr treatment. If necessary. while waiting to hear from the owner. The diaease with which we halve moat trouble Is influenza, and na soon as a eat taken it it is removed from the others' a nd put in the hospital Come and see." Tbe hospital wee in a smaller room, the temperature of which was about 90. A fire was burning merrily in a email Rtove in the Center of the room, and three baskets containing eat a were not fnr from it ste we came In one of the nate coughed, and Mrs Bryant. t be re retaker, took down ti bnt tie from a shell, poured out, a teaspoon- ful in a bnaineaslike wa and gave it fif to the eat, who took It we withotit making a face. The labe on tbe bot- tle read "Cat medicine One ispomettil sentry four hour*" theridee the elite nest the tiro there Wei% Serra] others In awe, ail of them looking rather doleful. " Tbey haste the beat of everything," Mee. Bryant *eta an "1 here used "Steer this way, father, Steer straight for me; Here safe in heaven 1 am waiting for thee." Do you not see the hands oft mercy, the hands of loved ones, let down now from the skies, beckoning to the Far - cloning Jesus, beckoning up to heaven or, all my text tbas it: "The men row- dtgal may be home; and you crowd and to glory. Can it be that it is all ed hard to bring it to land, but they on his pies.: more tuxuries than on any in vain? could not ; wherefore they cried un- other plate at the table, I am stire the j CALVARY IN VAIN? to the Lord." brothers will not be jealous, but they ' Death -bed warnings in vain? Minister - This scene Is verpsuggestive to ine, witl wake epee]. the Inutile in the house tering spirits in vain? The opening and I pray God I may bevel grecs and "bscause the. dead is alive again and gates of heaven in vain? The insport un - strength enough to represent it Ler because toe lost Ls found." Perhaps ing of God's eternal Spirit ale in vain, fore this dying yet immortal auditory your prayers have been answered al- e mutt__ To your knees, oh dying soul. before it I preached you a sermsn on another ready. , 'f vesse,• usey "15 be too late to pray. I hear the creak - phew+ of this very s ject, and I got homeward, and by the light of this Mg of the closing door of. God's mercy. ,h3tter from Ho ton, Texas, he rugat's state the absent sun may be ▪ Sa he rsading of that pacing the deck of the.ship, iinxioue tor To some of you the last chance has come. The tOncrue in the great bell sermon n London had led him to “od. the tune to emu.: when ne can throw begins to swing for the death, knell of And I rectelved another letter from his arms erouud yuur neck, and ask for thy soul immortal! And in an hour, in Smith Australia, sayinis that the reed- torgivenese tur that he has been wring- , which ye think not. you disembodied ing of that serrnen in Australia Wad ing tromi your os) heart so tong. Gior- spirit may go shrieking out towards brought several souls to L'hrist. And loud re -union, tbat will be too sacred the throne of an offended God, and - then, I thought, wh.y•ns 10 W take an- for 00.8101.e it, 100K .01,00 ; but I j what. then? Has not God been calling other phase of the same subjecis for, wouid juet like to look through the to you, my dear brother, during the perhaps, that God' who ism, raose in window when you have all got to- weekf In the uncertainty of this power that which is sowrererweaknees, gether again, and are seated at the may this night, through 4itither thaaeohanquei night as if you would like to have God world's treasures? iDo you apt feel to - to the people w Beall httlit, and reli- ef the earns subjects lirsOls salvation I nougn parents may in covenant be. and Jesus, and all the precious pro - And have•their heaven in view rubies of His Goapel? remember, 'yation to te, SLI si road. „ they are not nappy till they see, i that after the great crisis of 1857, Men and women, who know how to ,' lefty, lay hold of then Lord God Al- Their children happy too." when the whole land was rocked' with s mighty to -night. and wrestle for the • Again, I remark, that the unavail- COMMercial Borrow, the spirit of God 'esses4. Eiahoe Latimer wouid ing effort of the Mediterranean oars-' descended, and there were two bun- sounce,mes in his sermon. in the men has a counterpart in the effort tired and seventy thousand souls in of his argument, and say: "Now, vt-hich we are making to bring this one year, who found the peace of ell you a fable." and to-nigto world back to God, verdure and Christ. Ob, 1 would that the rooktug e to b ' -grthe scene of my eafety. 11 this world could have been in Washington City to -day - Lion of a MOM. im- saved by human effort, it would have the commercial rocking - might rouse lees reel b, As those been done long ago. John Howard took up men to the consideration of) the in- editerranean oaremen trying to hold of bne oar, and Carey took hold bf terests of their immortal souls. bring Jonah ashore were Oisrennfii- another oar, and Adoniram Judson As I asked you this morn - ed, I have to tell ,you•that they were took hold of another oar, and Lut her ing, 1 ask you now: "What shall it not the only men who have broken took" hold of another oar, and John' profit a man if he gain the whole world down on the.r paddies; and have, been 'Knox took hold of another oar, and and lose his aoul?" • Come baok, ph obliged to call on the Lord for holp. I they pulled until they fell back dead wanderer. do not ask where you want to say that the unavailing effort Ei from the exhaustion. Some dropped in! came from to -night. Though you may of those Merlits,rranean oarsmen has a the ashes of martyrdom, some on the' have COMO 'from places of sin, 1 shall counterpart in the efforts we are mak- 1101 be partial in my offer of salvation. SCALPING KNIVES OF SAVAGES, log toliring souls to the shore of safe- I offer it to every one W {30 sits before d Brim lab the la ue- truck room tyS.end set thilir. feet on the Book of oat? the la°zar tt g 8 me me. "Whosoever will, let him. come," e o • and still the eha and let him come nOW. Ages. ' You have a father, or moth- - ' . . , or are not broken, ana still tne despot-, er, husband, or wife, or child, isms are not demolished, and still the! Plenty of room at the feast Jesus near fr.end, who is not a Christian. ha8 the ring of His love all ready to world is unsaved. What then Put • There have been Cmos when you have pu, upon your band. Come, now, and down the oars and make no effort I been in agony about their ealvation. sit duwn, ye hungry ones, at the ban - A. misuister of Christ, whose wifP wag' qu,,t. Ye weo are in rags of sin take do not advine that. But I want you, dying wtthout any hope in Jesus, Christian brethren, to understand I haAt. the rube 01 Christ. Ye who are ewe the Church and the school, and th walked the floor, wrung h:s hands, ed by the breakers around you, cry to cried bitterly, and said; "I believe I co li•ge, and the missiohmry socimy ar•eut Christ to pilot you into smooth, still shall go !insane, for know she is not only the instrumentalities; and if thi. willies. On acrount 01 the peculiar WON{ is ever done at all, God must, d prepared to meet God." And there phase of the subject, I bays deawn nty early have born &lye of siekness in it, and He will do it, in anewerrto illustrations, yuu see, chiefle, tb- • our prayer. " They roa‘ed hard to vette4 susi *dead until it -think* theta notlititg good, weigh tor ' 'leas ot- the sate kora reallY .era stall, Oh. Yee. .1 *OW' III 141°,_'r' Wei end! want mix with th,,a„oth, same- I melte it sr robgt to lento Wet Oates Wel es It come* in. en* to, make Arittede with it. Soso* ig them ,There'a Om, ffi *art ber• ere waladerfelly Igeneelelit at' Wet. days now and itasn't main tblui0 abe voluted oirerhead. Where Jet Meek eet Wee ereiteldlett one et the itiglisat beeree 'Med eterint down et tie with hit; yellete .nyela. Then wa wet* Mit MA I took a picture uttlut Coco,. With vows of the big fit tab, Me* waning themaelvee outside. TheY eitY: care killed a eat once, but evident. it wasn't the kind of oars thet gated with aulpleur. Real cat Ittie its "eeeette are getting. '" each tat% owe la Walhed down with " oaerY rilOrttIng,4*" eelitinued. ,Fare catbelin acid ialad entirely twat- breektaet. and ellen they here their fuses end eyes washed, and their mate combed end brushed until they shine. They're hot quarrelsome, but awfUlly lealmm. After I've handled one of, them and go to mother's cage the eseend eat will siterl and spit fearfully oin my apron!' just .betteuse he can Motel the other We were interr'upted by the arrival .of a portly old Englishman bearing a wicker basket, Mad with two stylishly 'strewed 'little girls at his Miele. They had just come beck froni the moun- tains and wanted Tem, who had been put to board while they were away. Tom was duly looked up an the book, and es title produced, to be greeted, with shrieks of delight by the dill- dren, and was kissed and patted vig- oronely apparently mucb to his die - Piet. Yfowever, he suffered a fur- ther lose of dignity by being put into tee baaket. against which high -band- ed proceedings he fought ; and, the old gentleman having paid for his board, he was borne off in triumph." "One of the beat Henri that this tome accomplishes," Mrs. Bryant said, " is in saving many a oat from vivi- section, !Probably half the pet cats .that disappear from their homes are stolen to be tortured in this way, and the reason is that a pet oat is easier ,to catch than a stray one. We used to have the stray eats and three that chants. That a colony of Phoeni- we took to board all together, but one elates, had eatabliabed eteelf in Jeru- of the strays brought in a dhow, and ealem, was in itself an excellent tact, aftes that the home on Graneden road making tor inure:testa proaperity. But was started. Mrs. Gordon has still an- other home, though a smaller one, at Tyriann did not worship Jehovah ;Baal Hempstead. and we are going teepee wan their god and Ashtoreth their another at Kilburn." goddess, and Jewry nati had more than enough of 'their licentious influence. Brought flab. Probably by rapid Ines- seogere from the seacoant ; but much of the fish sold in ancient Jerusalem woe " preserved," like the sardine of modern comsnerce. Sold on the Sab- bath auto the ohildren of Judah. TY- riane might be expected to Heil on any day ; but it. wee ahooking that Jews would buy on the tiabbate. Had theix exile, then taught them nothing? 17. 1 coatended with the nobles. Be- came° the common people naturally followed the nobles' example. Thome who are shocked by the Sabbath -break- ing of the common people to -day have need to rebu;ke the untitled nobles of ie `J: *me ',tett ft an rtant rail would be bring it te ehe land, hut they could not ; wherefore they cried unto the ,A FATAL SICKNESS Lord." and bow elosely you examined the face of the doctor as ho come in and scru- tinized the patient and felt the pulse, and yoll followed him into the next room, end said: "There isn't any dan- ger. is there, dontor?" And the hesi- tation and the uncertainty of the re- • ply made two eternities (both before your vision. And then you went and You talked to the sink one about the great future. Ob, there are those here who have tried to bring their triends be God. They have been en- able to bring them to the shore of safety. They aro no nearer that Po!ni Own they were twenty years ago. Von ink pou have got them remota to shore when yen are 'swept back *gait. What sball ybu do? put down the ear Oh, no, I do not advise t hat; * hut I advise) you to appeal to that Mel to bom the' Mediterranean oars - Men appealed -the God who meld !fl- eece the tempest and brine rhe ship Ite Battey to the port. t tell you, my frielida, that there has got to be a deal Of praying befere our tam - tits brought to Christ. A.b I it la van! thing to beets) halt n house- ' it Mt one 8:ale the line and the Ob- vert et the iliteaseholeiton the other aide tbe line. Oh, the poseibility of tett ,eteinal stmetation I One wonld thinkthet atich a thottght would hover beer the pilieW, Old hover over tbe ivrkilitheir, and tenter refer the table, teal thet :eerily °latter at the door &old twits a Shedder Sts tbougis tr, lie telt toosseirgor had come. a lite tegether in this world fife *Atte. '01* ten pare. or VII Yeats. and then afterwards to sive twity frost , met Othet millioite, ikeillietittetatiliene ht INV*, lend tie knoW Ind fief thit 'wool - a MO- siernAl ft:P*1'0_16A there Is' hely • One, Mixt meet I. whets ritir thriSilits friebds go Again, the unavailing effort of those Mediterranean oarsmen has a counter- part in every man that is trying to row his own soul into Bidet y. When the Eternal Spirit flashes upon uti one condition, we try' to Rave. ouraelves. We, say " Give me a stout oar fdr my right hand, give nie .4110Ut oar for my left hand. and 1 will pull myself into safety." No. A. Wave of sin mines a7eel danhes you one way, and a wave e;t:,.:Smptetion comes and dashes you in enother way, and there are plenty of rocks on which to foutder, but eeemingly no harbour into which to sail. Sin must be thrown overboard or we mmut periah. There are men in this house, in all these galleries, who have tried for ten years to beoome Christians. They believe all I say in regard to a future world. They believe that religion is the first, the Wit, tbe infinite necessity. With it, heaveni Without It, hell! They de everything but trine., in Christi. They make sixty strokete•,,, a minute. They bend for- ward ..11 all earnestneas, and they lay bates until the muscles are distend- ed, and yett they have not made one Inch In ten years toward heaven. What 144 tbe reason? Thar is not the way toga to work. You Might am well take * frail skiff, and put it down ate tile foot of Nitigern, and tben heed It up toward the ehurning thunderbolt of waters, and expect to work your way up through the lightning of the foara into calm Lake Erie, as for you to try to pull yournelf through the surf of yo•ur sin into the peace, and end placidity of the Gospel. Tee cannot do it In thet way. MN IS RO170117SEA ; b and lettygmat, eareel pinUiteeetted tn. dole go down -WAWA thilit Loet1 del' er; het' if Tot will Cry yiVekrist s lay ' night, FROM, THE WATER. 1 remember that a vessel went to pieces on the Bermudas, a great many yeers ago. It nad a vaet ensure on board. But the vessel being sunk, no effort. was made to restore it. After many years nnd passed, a company Of adventurers went out from Engtand, and after a lung voyage, they reathed the place where the vessel wee said to have sunk. They got into a &mall boat and hovered rave, the piece. Then he divers went down, and broke through what lookeo. nee a limestone covering, and the treasures roiled out -what was found afterwards to be. in our money, worth 1,54/0,0no dollars, and the found- ation of a great business-bouee, At thaStime the whole world rejoiced over what, was ceded the luck ot these ad- venturers. Oh, ye who have been row- ing towards the shore, and have not been able to reae.h it, I went to tell you to -night, that your boat hovers over infintte treasure. Ail the riches of ..God are at your feet. Treasures that never fail, and crowns that never grow dim. Who W ill go down, now, and seek them? Who will dive for the pearl of great price? Who will be prepared tor life, for death, for judg- ment, for tee long eternity? Many who bear my voice hear it for Abe lard time, end I shall meet thewr not ngain until the heavene be rolled up as a serail, and the book.s be open. Flee the wrath to come I Tthe Lord help yen- I am 'slier of the blood of Houle. See two hands of blood, stretched out towardd the dying soul, as Jesus says: "Coots) tint° me, all yet who labor and are heavy laden, and will give you st." ot ok, x 7(itYAINK liagittilo to the Wet T diming obildtett threitif the 409,0-teXis oa 4 tee& .0titte ler the latest tiiiaateltatie MO leg 4 ."ctlirsts AL Ast. thoel SVC POO** 1440 orOtel*L MilitatX eallis navel stroviirsi Ma - r 1 tteew x 4.;o40. 140 0044401400,00 hembiles mooed ter* ell' Strio01/04 °4tilekrit *144" 4°44 **Ai ow( wolo ito aillit le Okitetelat it with. losts Utle ,64triley. Tresuilito wine. preerses. antt 4044 44 * titetteflialt ill* 04$ ells 1°4 1).0640°414 0410itt Or 4t-'7. -11* "VIII 4 I"" wit*a. imiirlis twit** sr. mothers; witets 114 Iiiitae aii orl oeft toe* whit* pleats feed, Zesty WiAlt WO 4 *Vitt Of Palmitin*. The saboir 4 074 MA11.441r of *strict** it from tho X at *web Otere thet le raised see* ere averywiterit in the Usk each at • . o-Oot * $o t . oil' Ooo titit at /701,, th , Omit .Itit * tiiniF etilee (44-- lirtiklkil*r/14elk*411ii'' el 1/4";1464.4441**44.41,4121440, ' eletentt7011""liattitiel", )414'-lt ! dritetit'Weli sAmititi. Val* of "gases*" ' the' litsta viesieA Ai on, teeter. Ow soit was originally very -rich. it hold Whole itiesfile of gray**. )11t- ''''.= wkic 00444 a two boo xaeja or wourtfit_u4tooll..Lo4, b Ifoo4tx _wow% 1#0, toefo, ha,' t witu.14ta " ; 41,p;r441,,, t don*** iii, :044 ' heed, It the 0011 iteigittellef fieeteillted i tanks. the empisg:' Vet large angtlE4 tit lr, "ear' . ellatLze4 41* 414415 Il4.* * 00 Ittottfitr i-e-r-r#t .00 the .40ter steer et 4thiolusk trbio*wegr"211144 (.1: Itorw"er"vi4at7144Sut op.41.494;o9ilictrk."00;',Qt;:,.74.9"tti.rauatt: "ItheltiltP41 1,411;40,11V04114rio tit 0grico'V *wl4ists*t'crottel°4117 labor wee exhilarating, Tb* wine 49**4" -win reitclt the ItOot headterieg feet MAW* dented klien thu grups. how- 80 thg wile.* "glgt$ "ego t° '''oxikagutiort" with Much greater tePliit,. ' thl4geythci9Milisda4d7r.loirbstdy asTilliaolithaetrr.a"Tr. cw`abarlu.b*F...t.°01w4r.,.."4 '410-1"torwa..**0 "'it te apparent la every etteti w Work 4101041 rnythsoloal. wee memos- tc7ID4 'to keeP back the teNtni :cm* Itisetafrolat tistertre4egeocChattptettittelget4etzoretioc, . Rented by elnesiest. It wee ail ;Ix the bir PI*" eaf"' in ida' coo. glAtt air. In the bainaiset dale et the (411) °'t tto 'Cli'rriagla °---4--- either threngle a Peter ur short Wiest delightnal Palestleian atumeehere, end triaged twe weenies. The eider stepped Of year* of cnisivatian, without fertitle ut 'Apo you coming to les V' she zatiette tbat lientettiluit Meat be done Ito wonder that such exhilaratiuse ex- eeeee* 'ee artiste beanie emote a emwern tor "7 '''"e_Yeeke„ game* re, 'bee, , to /Indere it te ite foreller *tete Ifil ' 4(1344. To tread grapes oft the Sabi- Z'ale"; "..;-"' ""'ee' A 7. a"'''"-"ee* tertility. tt is tree that it ie trittele both wets grossly to violate the tette ""cau.'" ''bt-11°` °"' "o allxcy." '''`e more econornicel tO keep gg the 00We bleth law of Reed. 20. 8.1L Briaging drawn, terribly expectant Owe sank natural aupple et fertility then te 111 sheaves. Greta of all aorta gather- bacic amid tee furs. A minute later let it become runt dew° end' then at. ed tram surrounding fields. It wee the elder WOIStin relented. tempt to renew It; bet tbe sail fact tor fear of robbers, Lading assets. "Home I" she laid. brisfly. "W I usually threshed within the Wei walls . el 7 confronts un that tbere are thelisiteds tvell, what news, whatee The melt oe of eoree of worfroef or 01100;040d the snotber4 with Its set, stutter reel, The Revised Versiou here supplies the , soils In this entutry and the queation word "therewith." Some of these wall acitielebl an$Wer ; lbe de le" is not now whet. we might have done donkeys bore beeps of grain. others glove weir i.plitting with the intent- to prevent suet) a oondition ot affairs, meows grip/ on the carriage door, mod skies of wine. great, baskets ot grapes. ie, eee, ,,, , ,, te it but rather what shall we do to inl- and figs. mad all manner of burdens; w.`" a ''''''''''al'"'`'eu °°' "ace "e w .6 prz:esnaasttgereisc.tutsesi. chemists mos for the Sabbath was no longer kept. the carriage rolled ou. in the temple worshiping God were,' la "lees° a wkicenes ut tale description were to ne their dieeoveries that nature flarldidies and the people who should bave been ed il day, and groups_ er.law: certain raw materials which Would rie spite of their recently renewed coy- :lel huemearee"e1111.3do faces stood arouna th store to tbe soil, her lost ingredients. anent. pushing their secular blueness '--- - . ottenee. many thougbt that the wattle= was testified against them. Wlth the auth. 11.11. ".1've omen up to ees about my broth- . said ono "Ile'e wounded severe - wee to apply so malty pounds ot these solved and that all that was necessary on the holy day without a blush. 4 ority of a great office aad the earnest- elYe'e=drel'aleeeltiree't ;eiT'aebeeleeeretwlillete =and respective fertitizer materials each nese of a sincere soul. In the day °hunts. Poor Bert I" year and beautiful strops would tole "My eon's dead, I hear," A talc:, wherein they sold victuals. When and low. The result of thie has been that where he saw the crime, thee and ce`eibitatiade lteet myeauentelleataerwarearect are, the commercial fertilizer trod. in this there Nehemiah denounced it, without terred to his brother, "'You mustn't country has amused enema:Wile pro. waiting for legal terms. worry, lad ; you mustn't worry ; the portiona. It is equally tree that in therein. Men of Tyre were Phoenicians tdoroneutnewelf Iroseau•We alti teoxpheositr il, Leo appe"teou of thew feouestodo oe tons 01 plant food, there le inuir.h ex - le There dwelt men ot Tyre also our lads -our lads-beust, danune, air. we who, like modern Jewel. only to an even don't want. to I" and with a husky travagence and waste. It is not escee- greater degree, were the world's mer- cough the old men walked away. aary to discuss here the question wha. Up 'to a late hour the stream ot an- their or not fertilizers pay. but what xioue callers at the war office con - we do wiult to. know is bow we stould tiaued. Men and bops trees fro= the factory and workshop eagerly we theun ao as to gee the greatest weaned the typewritten "Liat of Caen- profit, teem teem reties." Tbese fellows as they rime We have found out, or rather it morose the name, oft a brother or friend fuoire ctir tliTt rat; laltlila thheeenuftnieteamdesoutet wfohr tkilvelle.d. 'rfePt7ir nooltd 31.11, ich".ntathaket ulap that effect, was all that escaped their the soil, only about 14 eater into the Lipa. composition of plants. and of theae 14 'The stream seemed as tbough it it is only necessary tor the farmer to would never. atop, but as the hour of ooncero wormer wee three use moree, midnight approached there was a fall- times four. These are phospherin acid, ing ott, math at last the lonely son- nitrogen, potash and occasionally limeil try .wee left to pace a dessert -el therefore, when we speak of an ex - street. tweeted soil, we simply mean a soil which has been deprived or deauded THE NOMADIC BOER. ot its contents of phosphorio acid. nit - PM.. rogen and potash. illenee when we silvers a 'wanderer ea see sews et see temak about reatoriteg the fertility of one soil, we mean som,ply the renewal eerie. of the four ingredients mentioned. Tbe Hoorn did not reach their present Here in this prooess nature comes to abode in the Transvaal by forced our rescue through her wise provisioa marchee, says an English paper. When ot a certain species of plant knows fleece its colonials along the south the Dutch Govesinment commenced to as "legumes," among which are cloy - given these the property ot getting era, beans, peas and vetches), having count of Africa, they trekked i eland, nitrogou, which by the way costa about and in their sesruseh for suitable land three timed as emelt as 'phosphoric / acid and potaah, Crone the air. There- l to settle u,pon, gradually drifted north - fore in fertilizing these mops the far - wards till they arrived where they Alcobol was first distilled be the A.rahlans, end when we talk fee and alcohol wo ate noting Arabie worda. OFFERED TO HMSO JUMBO HUMAN SACRIFICES HAVE PRAC- TICED IN THE WEST INDIES. Suirding flews an Ile eteitheelsk PreetIce4 le • Britten bleed of ibe Leaved Group. From a British island in the Lee- ward group of the West Indies the cable brings theenews that a man ia in oustody at the Circuit Court for sacrifice to a heathen god -a blood of- our land, the stoekholders and mane - tering of a child to "Mumbo -Jumbo," gere of great corporations. Evil tbing• to obtain his aid in discovering a hid- Sabbath -breaking is always evil. It den treasure. 'breaks one of the Ten Commandments and opens the way for all sin. it Evidence that human sacrifice and tends to tbe enteelalement of the body, atiberenoe to other rites of the preni- 1 to tho overstrain of mind, and to the tive religion of the West Indies still a e y 1 de asement o SOU . i direct 'and very evil aecular °Mote exists in these islands la every now slowly demoralizing society, enslev: now are. It is currious to notice how end then coming to the surface. These trig the weaker classes, and tending at mane race's thows ere which the modern rites have not been etansped out by once to greater financial expenditure rush of colonization, has uprooted from among the descendants of the abori- tewvear their Licrieeireargare0e1 the efforts Of font. centuries, and a miniliondlOwer their old haunts and started moving las to the vales of a weekly! res't da '' eitwflY away to new grounda. Look at glues and of the early importations of abedb Gdod staayskea: "ItemeLt binatbeir, th.e Sat: the North American lndiansi. Except a Very few peaceable and harmless Africans they prevail esuch more etrongly . tb.an is usually admitted, , evil upon us, and upon this city f The 18. Did 'not our GOdk bring all this partienlarly in the interior of the is-. ! very ruins t'hat they had been rebuild - lands. Not that human sacrifice is at Ing were reminders of the punishment all common, but the most observant 1 that God bad inflicted upon the na- travelers say it is more frequent than 1 bt iroena kifiOnrg itv:asainens'e °off zhehiehohiSaer,batyite- iiaMoined, and that Many oases of bring more wrath trpon Israel. And ance" simply meaas the furnishing of anc'ahr rmoowrley. 'murder" and "mysterious disappear- • roornlastrieoal ciouledxiloetpsoteanwdams , the humainetictim, whose death is tot- er propheta. saved by trehemiatt, Ezra and the lat- lowed by cannibalism. 19. When the suites ot Jeruealem began to be dark. A beaudiful picture . at the twilight hours and as definite a tlitickl The New England litotes of an age when watch and ()look were are loeleg in population year y year, Y.t. N a hire and others statement ot time aa could be made In verM011 , , ow pel , b Milken:twin The bolus of dqyligilit . . . whilst Montana California, Oregon and were divided into twelve equal psi._ Wyoming, increctee rapidly. 'fhe centre lions, which, of course, were longer , . of populatione in the United States at one period ofi the year than at an- has m°ve° in fifty years 800 miles other ; and the last of the twelve hours - ,cen colonies the movement m even weetward. And in our own North Am - gates." Before the Sabbath. i, h emrore hurried.' Manitoba, Aesiniboia was ''the hour of the darkening ' began at sunset. The gates should be WIL..- and British Columbia, increase tbeir shu•S. To stay shut for twenty-fourf -_- -.a 'Donut tion frottn 5 to 10 per cent. a the open places near the gatea the mer- Y itnivers have a good deal to do with hours. So the traffic was stopped. In ' accustomed to congregate. Some of t ers had been r°137"ing Psimilaiistus• THE GREAT AMAZON, ohants and their cue my servants set I at the gates. No- . hemiah depended on his body -guard, ta a notable instance. Manaos, close until public opinion grew healthier to the junction of the Rio Negro and ' the Amazon, has now 210,000 people+. There should no burden be brought in. People might come in to. worehip The United States gunboat, Wilming- ton reoently steamed 2,300 miles up in the temple, but not to Puy or to the Amazon, and only rounded once sell. or twice. No reformer need expect l'he Arabs, originally inhabiting a the whole time. '20. Lodged without Jerusalem once , small portion of northern Arabia, were that his reforme can be made prac- ticable at once. These men apread by nature of a more enterpriaing turn of mind than their neighboure. They, their wares tor sale outside the walls . noel sold to people who lived in the sub- ' i 4E0 malt other moving peoples, have urba as well as to citizens who came shifted WrAl ward and invaded and our to purchase. partly ronquered almost a third of the great African continent. 211. Why lodge ye about the wall 1 ism thennende 01 yearn Europe wet, which menas "Seatter I Go I" 11 ye al intervale overrun by huge hordes of do eo again, I will lay handa on you. eavagen. who poured out of Earth's While crime receive,' sharp rebuke, it nureery-the emit table lands of Cen• shisuld also he mei by meamures of tral Asia. Now, civilization, in the prevention. Those, who per/del. in defy- shape of the Rusnian Government, has tag God's law and rnan'm law should rhangert all that, and for the first time meet with stern and determined deal- in history reversed the met of the cur- ing. From that time forth ram" they rent The few mill independent tribee no more on .one Sabbath They had tit .rv h.uot, etew.y 1 RIVIORZed into t he us strong as theirs. longs h met, a reformer whoft will team mountain.. to the south of Russia's do- minion. and there they will stay till 22. The, Levites. To whom sacred du- Russia finds it worth while to turn ties were In general referred. They shou Id cles.fte themselves. Pur f y them out. There are two races whleh hold the t helmeel Yee Go t hrough a r 0 un I wor it's record am wanderers. The Jewe service which would make what they of retiree are the first No one knows serve:« Come and keep t he did a sacred rite as well as i. reenter quite how many Jews; there are al g"1"8, 1" present in , he world, hut there earl airs ma net if y the Sabha! h day. This ly ie not MIR country et which they do would relieve Neheminh'a bodyguard not exist. and few in which their power and would alno Macs the eiOR . ng of is not (eh . the gates on a higher moral plane. f t 11 1" .),,,, I. tb,, worid.,0mrn„int would no longer twee'. merely RR an act of pereanal preferenee or of pub- lic policy. but ss an outeome of I be national religion And now thin part of our an rrati ve ends by a t ouching appeal to (Ind. "not in any degree a prayer of se 1 f it lorifi es t i.e. hut of faith in God's truth." DEVOTEES TO MAGIC. In most of the islands to the magic of the aborigines' has been added, the voodooism of Africa-maglo, of a simi- lar sort -through which the deified forces of nature are propitiated, and there ts no propitiation like that of a human wicrifice, particularly the sacrifice of a young and innocent life. Thia counts for more than dancing, hiewling, fasting, torturing, and the eariou.s forms of incantation to which the voodoos are given. In this latest case the Attorney - General says that the child was un- questionably made a victim of the still living early superstition tor the pur- pose of personal, gain to the, murder- er and the prisoner's counsel admits muoh, but/ states that his client is not the murderrex. The tut is, that in nearly, all of these riles and ceremonies the purpose LS for immedia te personal 'advantage, rather than or immunity from suffer- ing hereafter. "Aium•bo-Jumbo" is ep- pealed to for everything, from a obange in luck to protection front deiath, and so strong is the belief that euperstitious foreign sailors are af- flicted by it, and they have 'been known to go to the native priests for oberimS, and to joln In incantations tha involve danetog, singing, praying, the sacrifice ot a goat and the drink- ing Of the goat's blood. HUMAN SACRIFICES. Even human sacrifices have been witneseed by white men in the West Indie,s, and the Catholic Archbothop of Hayti, tells a well authenticated story of how a, young priest of his see in 1893 went to the interior of the is- land, and while disguised vvith bLack- ened face and hands, witnessed the eacrifice of a young child, who was afterwercie devoured by the aesenabled cong rega t ion. 'fee law bus been fiLOW in apprehend- ing those who have commeted mur- der to thei 1111.0.0 of their religion, be- cause it is extremely difficult to ,earti the fame, in the first place, and yet More difficult to find the perpet- rators. Usually these ceremoniee take place in the interior, awey from large east - Lei a, and under the prol ec t ion of dense wows, so ae to oe known only by thotie who take part, and the, feet ie always gate in their keeping. So far do the believere in the an- cient bloody rite carry their femings, and no great is the Rn t 1st ao .on that they take ilia that faith, and, keep-' .ng their beliefs aedret, that 'they have been known to join the Chriatian Ohurch, participate in itli ordinaneee and tmortiasent, and then, at regular intervals, go Info the lateness of Hones forest, appwal to th.e spirits and per- form their incantations with °Rubor- allee of joy, as though they had done Romig hing that would meet with the approval of the. gods TOPTIKA VY OVTIANES, Is my new hat all right 11 Yen. (tear , pm' look ions a laundress retrying home her day's work on her head. remktantn of one tribe in Maine and 800 Seminoles in South Florida, not an Indian exists in the east ce the cent:le- ant. The whole remnant of this once nu.merous race -250,000 out of what was once 6,000,000 --are confined to com- paratively small reservations in the far weir- Some of these tribea have in two centuries moved 8,000 miles from their orignial homes. The while men of America are following them more met haa only to buy two fertilizer in- gredients instead of three. Then the judicious application et some good Phosphate and potash fertiliser, lilt* phosphoric acid and mariate ot pot - Leib will greatly nourish the peas or clover, se the case may be, which in turn will absorb a vast quantity of nitrogen from the air. At maturity the whole Mase cam be turned under, thus enriching the soil in the three essential plant food ingredients and at the flame time eupplying the much needed humus. The hint about utilizing the legumes ebould be taken proper advantage of. aad eeery farmer in planning his farm work, should select a good rotation in which some one ot the legumes will take a prqminent part. BARLEY VIA WHEAT FOR PIGS. In aome European experiments to determine, the comparetive value of barley and wheat for pigs, it was shown that wheat produced slightly better results than barley. The differ- ence. however, was so small, the, in practise it amounts to almost nothing. The quality of pork produced by both graine was exeelleet. KEEPING TOOLS BRIGHT Kerosene is the best remedy to pre- vent rusting of tools. Keep a eupply i n a cenVeMieet place, dip a SOft mponge in It, equeeze the sponge and moisten the implements with kerosene It will save the implements from loss by dampness, and also lessen laber by keeping them bright and Mean. WAYS OF THE WORLD Sandy Pikee--Th.ngs ain't fair in din world, Hi I I Billy Conlgate-What's imetter now, Sandy Sandy Pikes -Why. Pee jeet bin dom. a little Cinkin' Here.!. dere high -flut- ed fellows dat frit a good dinner frr jest tellin' a funny story after done t'ro' eatin' (We has to fill a woodnhed before we kin git a little eold lunch It ain't right. WANTED TO KEEP MS FRIEND- SHIP Jaok-Yoo won't let me have a V t Why', you loaned an X to Jones. and he's almost a perfect stranger to eon. Torre -Well f „lank -Well, I'm an old friend of yours Tom -Exaetly .1sek, and 1 don'i want to lose you. PREPARE SMALL FRUITS FM wtrivEit. The fruit grower must be a willing worker, and to be aneeensful be muse be a laugher and ever ready to ,..ke time by the forelock. He must be ,n advance. rather than behind with ihr work. The mutat' for the strawberrie. and compost for rampberries, blackber. ries, currant... gooseberries and Lucre_ tia dewberriem mhould now be readc near the garden. At soon as tbe ground is frozen bard enough to bear up the bermes and waggon, put the mulch on the eirawbel ry bed. Spread evenly and thiekly enough to give good shade to the plands. Do not undertake to rover, damp enough. to prevent freez- ing, for if thin in done the wet finows will pack the mulch and smother the plante Gr)ort judgment is required here Straw of any kind. corn staiss, with or without the blades, leaves. ever- green bought., swamp grass or any Irnyeller the gipey in certainly the soar... material 1 bat is tree of seed win Id -s t ramp There is not a tipot will answer This millet) should be f rorn the heat he of Brazil to 1 he hi I la •eft on the bed until all danger of of Hmalaya where the ten' of the Ro- tro,,zing is over Just before the rnany may not be wain rheir manner,. erowna open, the mulch should be rak- and eastern,. are the same t he world erl eff the piantel to the epaee between over, end no te 1 hea r lArviecre.,0,-(VOt fb„ jaw,. .11. . se „„,i 1 ,A Sinn,' a as. for slight differeneen AN OFNERVING FR1END Winks- -Thet job you hare now is a soft nnno. :stet it 1 Jinkm-Umsrather Nolning nt all to do. have you I Well-er not rime& Good pa y too Very fa•r Bow do you happen to know sn mod. about my yob it nollee you atiek to H. PLEASANT lit•TY ON HAND Henry. it a tone for you to get up and make the fire Lemme alone, 1.7!1za I'm going to stay In bed tater now. and help erneh the real treet IRON BEARER THAN GOLD Mnottinee in witeh factory will rot ecrewn with Si89 trends to an inch. Title tbrencia are invieilde to the naked eye, and it takes 144,000 screws n make pound A pound of them is %yeah Mx pounite of pure gold. light the mulch may be parted over the pants and left in that way to pre- vent the earth from being splashed up- on I he fruit. F., other lines of entail fruit, (*can - post hi preferred to strewed mulch. , be latter invitee mice which will gnaw the canoe and injure the plants. The compost may be ecattered broad- oaet over the entire nurface as the condition of the ground demands, or be placed around the hills. In either came the compost ehould be worked itr- to the Roil by means of a libation' cult& vator early an Ole ground is tn rendition for work. To do CI perfeet job tee eurfnce should be worked t ho rang h I y fined. Working ahnold b. repeated at intervals of RIX and eight day. until raepberrles and black- berriee are turning red Small traits cannot be suereesfully growel without t borough eultivat ion and pruning Sea - non after wagon When tbe grower beeconea experienced. I he work te tbe small garden we) be coneidered inme ot a pleedors than) a talk,. I e.