The Goderich Star, 1899-11-24, Page 6atal. tot°442
atteraemens tore Ate. liederia. .1.
Mee. W.N4W‘r*EIVINS9t.
itt fiernotee,„___Seitalezi filters
it Mamas tet tem loweet name
0. .1OHNOTOer. leerrinee Bollciter.
etem ate Wee, Hann,* street.
. -
Et 0 11(PICIN, g. 4.,Sarnoter, Solicitor.
&a_ Weer -Over Urine Dreg
oh. Memo te ewe
LOFTED/1p* D 41e0r. Barrister, iikeleiter.
geet es
4 segAt c°4116:2At.
totes nock, liantlitea Orme Gorier ch.
� CAMERON geneerly of Oamenee
eeeto kelt & Callieres), laminar anti eellei-
ter. Deme-Wannuoa Orme second dem
(rake tiSAOZE. Barrister, Felicity? Na,
tarn sad Convey...leer. 011ice-
ton Street. Oolerich. opposite Colborne Hotel.
Private remise. load at • per cent. haematite
mortgage. Fermeranotesembo.
acd Beetroot ramie
xi SON &lie/LAMS, Beetttleyeenee'
8olleitere, Noted°. Puelleeee. farmer
tem. Oilice-Westeiteter. le le letteitselte
- • ,Deteleer Holmes. 1717
1)111141PEOLT. BARI:1872U, SieloralT0
Notary Public. isa sumer to lose 44% '
wettest lacerate Ontees asetrade -Caere '
ettjuseetateeere, t71e
NICHOLSON, le 1), BMW entetlorie
Rooms opposite tlet reit Oftioe,
, porcelain and gold teams tette bridle
wet a specialty. Inirteelys meat expo .
MABEE,atidL. Derr.
crir pperirene."PielgistgheaL 411
natural teeth a monde/. 0 efeeDete wee
8t, and tee Squire. .
M. TURNBULL, D.0.61;li0:13.. Bootol:
(elision emitter& isittleillegiold, and Miegtitle
raven at Midge etelobeeetall ell
Iiri vel, n iim=e0r4eLer the Maur,' erieta.
,A00400.01,10,0 ler WNW..
; AVM 'INS piorreirr:
4$: 104Ooo *Ur env)* Moo mehte*
And Mt* voureore from the w
Thy IttltigotifsrAncoot eat et el
43 4041 grot 4rooto <feer000,the solo.
tog hill* I
And tuntormektl, io ;reit with, glitter*
T.40 iitSflaaiat 3:14444VO llenrailes
back; -
And All the weirifl Wrinti bee .1404
Elis Nitherthee Waren.
remeee,i, ,
At the rear oflb* alstritteoe keit of
MY bow, le a Wall hiloOlo4AW *bent
four gest wide ornt *tight toot leog§
write* Ellealleth W*4.44
dow"nl4d4t1o* *0_ tbe theee_ **I
theoponingiete 14:4, not? ak 41*
e1/7 t4P: volok -the 114104 of tbo, win-
dow. It to throe otoit'o***Olt toot in
width, jtleil Ibatenf fhO Original'WIDOW
of which this * e0.00010,0,io tIAO
Oar -winder? it io reality A tiny eeleue
by Itoett, 1 goo it 1* winter for *WO -
eters Onirettatoryi on4 otock It with
Olantil„ Witten beet hear thk Ascottlein
totaPeratUra of st, hones. Totet winter
instead of fLliing 1 With bloseorning
deVetod it 410101d entirely»4
leiteke thtege OtOWItifte Foliage
Septet begeneltie and fetes formed the
staple Medueete while every straRatde
bit 04:11Ac. '4initente for Ouch pleats
woe . hood tar Atlas,
„I had eeMo 1?tento Which ere net ileum
41IY tolttootect 'Indoors. fa the etatizon
I Went' etz. the :emetle and broualit home
heeettele bleeld-ereit, bedeetraw, wild
geten bulbs.
Tbea, ZPetted and put them in the
for throe or lady weeks before
atteropung tte process of acclimatiz-
ing theta to* heated house. In a week
Pe tWeafter theyewere brOught up and
elebed in the window they began to
OW. Ina et Christ -nos time I had two
PO,* or lielnitittek in bloom. The blos.
*OM* Were Vete large and of a deeper
laveneer tinteteata when they bloom
eut-qtaloOre, The blood -root did not
regpond ite gulekly, It grew very slow-
ey Med did *wt bloom until Februaxy.
Ti, bedeetraw began to grow almost
at once and crept here and there am-
en the pronto, attaching its sprays to
WhitteVer specimen took its fancy.
•13,oriAs pa the prettiest of these
Weed Mante was the wild geranium, or
Herb Itobert. In this plant the leaves
740/101NeVeiiieUeietiBe. ell *get .frein a common center and
form a rounded mails, the delicately out
tellege being at the most tender and
°N,lir TO LOAN-aPtiVite tondo. nye eliewitehing green. Them plants were
tliereent.Interestestrrer elloatil A ree. green, in low pots, and served in turn
r-a4lat'rriiluNs'*IA4 tn*P2rerrtitltr Iteartittlatiottet 'ail through the winter as floral mutat:.
sederich. piepett for the dining table. The Jao -
Itejaetegya, eteeevie tee0.00e,. no, in the pulpit proved e° fasolenotinEett.
Eatete sad meneriaeureee, 004 di tion to my collet ti n.
eteareeetraeat: treeee%leteffeteesteeteete iteene moderate and in December sent up
r clam opera reateter. . -Money te, " took ,very kindly to his new
re -e- eae`'"euereewele great, thrUty leaves and later appear-
ed In full canonicals. It was specially
Interesting to watch the habit. of
growth of these wild plants. One so
seldom sees them except in full meter-
ety that It was a new experience to
watch them from the beginning of
their growth up .to their full perfect -
Of vines I bad Average° plemosue
and Asparagua sprengere both of 0
which plants demand the attention of
the amateur. The latter plant grew
with the z;aost astonithing, rapidity, 0
some of the sprays reaching a length
of over three yards. The fine foliage
of this plant gives it a sort of misty v
appearance and when placed on a high
bracket, It looks from a diatance like 0
a little green fountain, sending upjele
of water which falls around it In col- 41
tired spray. A passion vine made a
beautiful amen across the top of the
entrance of this little nook, and hung
from the center of •the oeiling was a N
basket from welch depended yard a and
yards of the common Wandering Jew, d
of the most vivid ogreen. -
Ilea window is heated from a regia -
ter eight feet away across the hall, and
the temperature was seldom above 70, b.,
and oftener at O. When the mercury eu
out-of-doors dropped below the zero I eile
sometimes put a small nil stove -the w
tiny kind used for heating a basin of
water -at the entrance ant let it re- be
main for an hear or two. r took care
not to over -water the plants, but the al
soil was iiever Allowed to become en- A,
artily dry. Florists Often advise ma- le
W. "xtioir EVA:40 A"- 14.ilin
TO s halo,
ibitmeeed end commie '
travtoleeeetrage Bedetioh..
teiteteircele beetied Atm-
' thite....liee nee Brea Age,
lefautte ai the celebrated
i' Mol.eughlln:Carriage Com-
te+ ineleti Paw eloomany,
Bette Pertaiiiiint to tee
DIeleeallee Eke& arid Gen.
,Attrele lleeledettele 00t. tiee
iteeetiel '.eiratte made to va
teeteeeeeehate ettemoneble, Conde
re end; emeafter tt. Motto
tilltantrkAnctiettear;tiodarich, N
Altle,'Vette eitedunte et the
riiirs.0741eg.6.,-,Woroto, 1
11 t ttentlee Of hero' Menem
pttniel,tee tett bf tiperatingeaboreee
' letelbeneiler at vettielnarr medicine's
entente .,..terneriaiid eteeteeeNeweette
AtI Werld
be the gettlereaiey uf Krt
ee Beititionme wits hee hol*
ere** tinned 'Keemellipelreittre to
British t as * bsijt.sI OMR
in t &Olt Mr/ootat ay. • Thlteelle0
' the ltee 29t 1414. Age*
Oilors4, bit -441,:ivaritiwo tow..
101.1, ha Pat14: by Jo, Biker 'se 104 a*
:the liKtlath ams ths'T/MS4 Val XIIV.
row Me" alio, maks iny altarstios 4*
thaa mostractiOn tat tlassit*that kkel
4401* alll*OlOSTY, *Or 4tWayttal asr.
.71* WOOS ef the Ceptelet Of the
4441140 aria athout.41100,,tha throe mita'
alt4 Ors* sughteors averilifol Sao °Oh'
And the °IOW of tl4rty.twaa *ulna* and
Premett go 05 a montla sack rsalttnit
* total of 445004 Mr. Palm; will pay
*44' utfloars aid men ovary thirty
dayii. Ths 1141** hunts twenty-two
taus ot Coal 4lat1y* au& calculating
tiOlt at thr.s tiollars * ton, the coal
hill ssola mouth will be Agee.
fitoras for the *Wm eperation tine
MilOunt to .1,000 (will air-
ty doio. Thou there * on *forgot*
rgemhtm of el* or rserien per cent on
the. ship.' Valialtket Of .200400 to be
retread'. It will he Seen that it Will
cost between
114.000 AND g5,000 A MONTH
te operate the Maine. At the Mt*
time the vessel is losing her monthly
earnings of front $5,e0e to .10,000.
twenty-five vemele owned by the at..
lantio Traneeort hue which operate*
betweem New York, Abelacielphia, Bale
amine an.d London. Mx. eialcee la
president of the company. The ahip*
aee owned by Americens, but are sell,
ed under the Britieh flag, because thee
can be construoted and operated, more
oneaply than under the Stara and
Stripes. The head besiness office of
the company te at Baltimore. Short-
ly after war was deelarea fdr. Baker
sent tali following cablegrant to the
coanpany's agente in London:-
ethfer Her Majeste's govelemnent
the abeam of steamers Mein% bears -
land and Montana as hospital abp
during the continuant* of the war.
fully manned; absolutely free, witb,
permiesion to make any alteratimis
Tito reply read: -
"The government accepts otter,
Malmo will be aceepted."
The Maine is not at London, and the
daily press cinema:hes tell hew the
American women of London are rais-
ing thowiande of dollars to fit out tee
step, anti firms are falling over one
another to Supply free everything
needed from the ship's washing to
docking the Maine.
Mr. Baker states that he offered the
vessel through an appreciation of the
protectiozt catered ids ships while Lin-
ear the Britieh flag. ,
The Maine Is a steel steaaner, 818
feat long, 40 feet wide, and 291-8 feet
depth of hold. She regletered 2.780
tone gross, and was built in West
Hartlepool, England, In 1887; She has
triple expansion engines and Loa Make
heads. Captain Frederick Stone ie her
Mr. Baker is one at the first citi.
mins in tlui business and! social life of
Baltitmore, and be La desoribedi ati not
only. a great fianaoier, but a "heat.
ere He received the news of the loss.
th.e Manacles in ehe English Chan-
nel by long dietetic* telepbone at (mid-
night at be country home in Catena-
ille, a suburb ten miles from Balti-
more. He deemed it his duty, to go -at
nee to the atone ei the great wreck.
Ile hasitly_ packed up a. few valises, ore
ered out Lie team and drove to Balti-
more, rewinding the city about two in
the morning. He chartered a aPocial
ocomotive and oar to carry hiro to
ow York. He reaehied there at eget
n the morning, and at 'nine was .011. tee
rusk of a six day steamen whiab Was
uLlieeg nut from her pier and. headed
or burope. • a
When Spain and the Uoited States
egati enstilities Mr. Baker lett tee
issouri to tbe United Statete govern -
eat under the Beane cietiditione on
blob the Maine luta been lent 01
mat Britain. • Sbe was operated by
r reviler °Helen and. ereW at. an
teener) of thousands of .dellatit eVeree
onth for nine Months. IterWaten
uguat, 1898, and May, lap she car-
ed 1,568 wounded and eitaitettoldiere
Pow/ Cuba and Portaltieo to the 'Unlit,
ed States. Twenteetteeatt died during
the voyagee and tWeetet Werebetted•at
ma, but hundrerla were e elide •
Tie. Navy DepeertMent tieing Made
a regular hot/fetal ship of. tee Mielithre
tele, aevernmant purohtuted, her- leer
June, and lall* is now. ,on ited, Way to
hianile M. bring, thconts,,the. ill and hp.
jured. „
nee of oaresete akeiderers hadleted by
Ike bireitetee.../gettat
A deeetiteh".fteltt. :Tattinto
Wa d 't John''
Cam to Ula death the 7eityt Tor -
Cato, on .the lith;d*Of.NhenrOberi as
• result Of tolhit ireAtiaeloodutted by
the Valeta Wit*, ret.01re. Prod at ton/
upon the body etiteitaid John EdwL
*Tartest hy;
or. ,losepti,hiliOltiateith, sante Otitis',"
Oa that .thOi4titig0.4.Ntruiti000d
$01glitstioo*Wkoiltas:01frtlei on ita
Oh day? of,'.thritthAte:*.
t4filt the aid Varcos,
trIbettle,'".",poses; hot,ovetoo
,e,tpteof oe
hotAdoh'et Dioksett is; geed. Judg-
ment, lotototti' etio, alertasasi,,,14 ;to,
temitootlbst tut Ver00.01**Iittrt to*:"
•of r. ••• guIa-
Snoli :WO*: thO:44o4tOtrettirtiell:Iee
'art ort : atter, iliitellt!
eh: %Alt:loon* fOr.: hree,nlirhtti•
14 1', 0. iiiaawk, *ha wbtepexad to
lin that et the; ore.. wsre
ealtiOt We* the, ••
MOO •toliett 'et ;
*Witter it Oita el'
The Priatieet did not 160h
like aitittiolerer than. rieYrine ebta itt
the linienettneei Septet* thet
Ma appeetalett *111,Jelle in hitt fearer
*Nth* trial, *ft VIII. then plead rilitt
4falitYr *led *ill AOC ottrthe eland' ttli
teatifylit his OW* ishalf. ACP, !Beb/04.,
stop :Itayg+t,liet Ina elle* et, MeVot
fair odltelitalift and itattelfridititly been
thaltitia 1441
A BPICIAt.TY. team to let the earth in the Pots got
dry and then glee It a thorough soak-
- Ing. light' leg. T hetet tried this method and
have found that to treat plants In tele
way and hat,e them grow succesatuller
they Must be su1tiratad in the moist
atmosphere of a green -house. It will
n the dry,
liature of our living houses. The
4 , ;
remodeled, and getiend repairs
attended to promptly at moderate
only fertiliser which teed was
Metall qtantity of lade% perhaps
heir a dozen times during the winter.
had one or two plants oath of gran -
lotus, patentee. freealas, Jobnsone
the, whine biemorned during the sea -
ren Guetaeleed, ode bet it Wail the luxurious ,growth
of 416 foliage of the plants Which did
t Street; doderleh. not .bloom that gave me Meat delight,
ruron iteed; and I tvottid advise anyone who levee
Pleatte.,. itrid Who dorm not hay,. enemies
with blossoming OMAR to try those
which prinnise nething but leaves.
_*-00et Ott dent
'40:+ktteitt n4.
NI it.
'oh hinds or Bu
obi* tunt
have Often 'wondered why It is thrtt
Pita' etteellele end growers of sweet
Tealereetelleniend brtith or loth* made
.with-tMtiei to give the,iiines support,
408,11, Steitate lellnlale For years he
bus u'tad .pottitry netting. and' (Mete
+net neat. -be ilolUeed to hue anything
else, ;It; ollettPer than anything you
can nee, -end „it the polite are salt .itt
the.groonthehontleur fost„they will
aor,,bkroilki,taCtlia'tagika ttat for
woof: yote:. Ilia moot : are neneuy
lo to IS feet high., Feten the tea
ginning of Aug* be tail :to 13,04
atopladderi And by the elld-ef tetetthei
:the Ville*: *too gone above .tho *oohs
Lhren or fear feet. eVer to
•; whinteve* aide the wind our** therir.?
,ta.464dtot early. o rnigcwrith the..y1neojn t p
axe **MI ftt p***.
:I • tA 4kbtek4 gravzo, aiugi
•klis . • , tosk,- /Ertirst Atte, topS'aintpulle. h
"ro,t6:4h lf :anyone too ton*(1.* better thin
`11 e!'"' tageteled.ef'thill.Pesb than
tIO, Matt ,1140 *Wit '
on aOpit! ilk* AO heir r he
:hitrlednhOnt.,1,004 'Of .th
tY 40100 It
ubla-flowered elierrlei'er*Oreeng
handeoine.t .,:fhAvetrIng **NU' rer
witoOng; feta* :being
ratiotet rrirIttY
Berticalttital settlety
exisibition leaf
id Jaxo.g 11, Velteht the fie
• "or 404* 14
tho pata
It' Ilaslr ilarast irri
lat BareehitrW tarsi tight:.... - hiorite to *MO SPA WO*
reepoodialt. VIMple "who Age '
-titzt z:114:1 to4iirittireliwz.::41a*4 to 5::.1er 40 et t40,„ ,.60,kat 4:0.:Tiltir over * del;
,Ith Bittsilose MOO $00a1 /0041*. : thole thist mum zet. the,leveth tOX /ten
woe *ores* '7004t 4 NO. 'Illortig igx44 oiux atop 000ttitgot7e *refet *44
•INmi* 40.4', Pill A** 4 1.8K 7410 OtAr- pretty, ortieleo • '
ect the otroy I* o won*** looOot ilt,i **Iwo* ,* itot,lori *ow 14,000*,
40....,,11.. rOPt.,,..4%.„,404,..111,,,ft w",,,,,,,....,tr""*". ;OW 0.14 401.4rff and how ta **kW*
ler....m ,,,,,,tme - *VV14,- NI'mY.8_8 '88-t.7., '',',":'thok n004 *IOW I, *4 riouir, tiro
Miring, IA04. UPY,thoal Rirsou94,wcAitloroo,,ors* iritto sfp.4at.7 ‘otturaiiii..0.14,4491:41:00,c).40:4.k.40044.7.tfr 440,thia"git.
4ti:,40,t"ub41141:4, to4414t4.14!".44":70:2.;oi.rilirlii:044Uili.W- iltat.:40004;:41704474.- I .:1114:09fl'or.‘r,e*.470710.744:4zitik:4:70440:1.1,44:::::;:zrtt!.
kil* "44/ 11414 '44.9.'• -"4 *441111" 4totah hopth shoola ha; *tarood. attar ta
.111.:::1",.1:944 tf;t:,:ini,47.3144;00!*4 .4‘0":#5,144:: ::::***07,0'70:1:: 07i044,r4:114iat'14:441):
tooir *tin the 4000100 all**, we./.44,40,; os 4r00000 ,ot ffi.o otswhohtsi!
vlik4.14; "4 * ItS4.Rft *id"*.4441t'4xe1,fet,s oroseeivey tyosi„ 4.4, theoefoir,
to filr Bredar,lais'$teRheitaOn, ,00**Fat -,.,. .. --
;XoiolltIce:trit rhronflitleMe*rttr4rftititt#1:1„,.._74•1*17:14t; jk.;14t‘t4i 444 ag °'*. t :414*r1441
rooewso ths, ragol, Ana, onictipooa. ao-,statlrar.,, they am vary imausUstank
tg, 00,,314041,9, and ow 0,041,4,044y .**4'014 -lata saally *tads all honzai, Both:
40; Kw 4,0214004e He ebtewed ve wp,,, tithlt4reo eo4 ,g,tao shoot boo gowns
Reny il,,, go*. 1088, 4344, yio 404.4,, :Otnr.,,, hilta muslin; ar:tla htttra sailtaaJuat ,
"tisarsal4'itattP4"4. t/sitielarttaar,11* 'Y'll",24,"'Sti;91.4*'Plitta7 i:1.111LcnulZ:119t4464.°4."0.; I'll kktd* 91 41411i7t. -;41,1.?'-'11°.i.
evit7 lee"L4rtalneetae4.4.49209:14% `'-'1Lis,,,41.4),944-4,th'!' ilAt'''clY.471-: ,wwigthilch"091v.tht:Plato%4104, if7arns;Attant!:
Jutaat st *ha Xton,,l1011ag41 Votantaar fnllor *ald anitt4 :Must alSo .Its 'whit
4400, 40 * 311004.400,,,, .0.0d 4044, age, the. retilet ot tlt* drele.. §liteen, eta::
rtill'atz":4,107rilit.--16.)ox" 7'0 444:::14,44:/°71411:4"0,'r09::,,7::: 144:4o:: otl:As:::- to'414.:Ntitsr
fordeldre*lofiat Aofentry, reaching the' ri.717,44,1';'*4Ffitr.4%444:934;iltb.titi*47,141!.
44.9jor BO:ward, Wolteudtri tiray..., Of 4.. 'Iltatatt 1, Stalk, will,: -130. OA _ 9;1„. :
A , :
Lt$0 ,iipy,a,t nRa4 4neatoOA 40046, ' 'yaw ,Whte13,, ttalthing can beeeeecieea , no
bora OA Seisemeer A. thiti. .aAtr`rsk-i, deiterWt V011ection., IMO lik;Mast,•Peo:4„ ,.
itcrietveavr4obutwettes4.104,1 eodue4t4a.tellutwnyerelloil4Ixel.,.._. p4nalo aptilealeMs° titextee. tilwriottlese444z, which hoonycl:
anti woe me senti. and 0.(M. novena' sista Of a tong tahltylorined by la
team iii Doe spa the mete aette was Leg ptoge On Itoetle*.A11040 be ceee
, i *rod noth wItito ,,o4t00).4-.--14.4oeL, they
.1)14414" 41 Its5°. " 44"."" 4 ""*'' 44ea l'ulag bn' ;14:0,Ifertrilltrehl&c
tliallcia;o1;tabea°4.41.1:644:41:1'4;1:4,00t.4:44441!.:: .,i4704.4tOveillaultift4:6:4:1;';1414„Pa_eet..166tr are. rj:trh-tentinwtth.left eiteilt-tirni '
received the State lideriteMa E
a the Royal collagta0 Ph7s4c.lallo,t4or i attlatItocr !Att. tvgAticriiii lilt
14,4„jkINTIA,TA 4,T. pfBrkj.(00, ' ' leiMuld All ha,:allice9in ,,,,,..,,,,b„rn.. i,41332ero:6511:
S'' t411 uprigttta. o , .01L OP! ra 0 t;
trent thaftiniveneitY of 04dirldu l601 of eteneoard hang nir, re, _. _ etarriie
a Le
and in Mee WO eteoted a ronnw Cq tall) , OA thin itilt) W0148, 14;041:SIZA ers 0
RIVAL College •et SU -4000e ire1e011t 'Weld lee painted. in t , n
katrartaleueirpieretatooldoxfoed.aallitelootuoJeem: ' pse inw,hteitct rgoresettii° appear
paneard 4cartoe° rtowttignihnly,
r eeriOall To43.4 )44
ente the *Me otr local "IgY-
Itlitart *Sok, gee'phieet4 .4bispriboo
awthoda of aurgsry sarstal Osta.
arift* -aggf. , 'W.42.o* 1.* vomidsoli
teolt-RmlesttiAticif, vritxt g4knorta itt
suggana eg the Iliethanelt 'Mite
,turl,taust ;wear startlingly. trttal
.th* light ,0* vrosehlavUlt,
TtO merit Is thee of Atultroett pare
ark* in 1579, being thart*las awash lana
otta °SI* orgiono or his ,alayt,:pobitok
a bglity ;font* which heestne seen *
'establiened authority and held
-obto(iltm so, low a. kiatsy' that 7& year
'Afterward it was tratislaktul Into ita
;lista end rIttsbect Ifs444,,
1n ie first book io osoolors tkk
;geoerel phentellollon Ot hta/t
,ttattitla and tliaaasSi imaCI in the- oapt
relating to tsmoersanstats ettd lam*
'Or*** "A* humor ia ralls4 .14
tibilairtimut. what Pallat sParorlat Iiquid
sod: tioalug, thaltO4Y. of Pang crea-
ture. enOloassi With lalostV Proceed-
ingtc! t40 'Wan/44 divisions lumn
Orly' eaparates, thrna tom
Arta, diatluot color, eget
and namely. blood. Wed=
choler ing4, melancholy. Biset in hi
ettyit; Mao (nigh
/sea_ Ptleo: li*ITIOrrbrit40. .
leer. Pelletereek rietwae,
turtle stk Seet4e.
1.01 WoortAlo * Brtiteeis
• Ottto Sores.
L.Both* TOMPric.
fttion.#0„ fe Tett**
In 'Clutppeci; lisofte.
Fever VillOttOr.
Foie Up* * trootrile, .
<CO„cipi B4cona.
Rd' 'hel $tillgest; Xat,aa Peefteftte-
Tboe *Ot *Set'and. SP*
to ,
eieleleetra lee let bele legeselteletreaa.
✓ .6
Ler of the British Meditate Asineention.
He entered -tee rtenla sei a eurgeolteMP• someone amongst the, comMapita auf-
round the words. There is sure to be
tato In rebroare,. ede7r told obtaLned ficiently artiste) tre Paint the aliens for ,
the rank ot Major OU Feelleettkee a Wet- malt booth, as, they only -require to lie ,
He proceeded to South Attlee IsoM done tare coarsely, effect, and net de- a
Lieutenant Hugh Sydney' M'atoden tall, being the objeat to be gained.
aiebsictoaldledoe tett)
of the int Battalion of tee K,Anfro „ slAnaomrootheru:tt
Royal Ritle Corps, was the only BOA silandcanthie
and only child of Mr. F. J. Marsdee, linen, tea-clatbe, bedepreads, dolleys,
Irish waren of all kinds, handkerchiefs.
01 °Glee aboae. &Lelia °ohm kaaiex, and children's clothes. There is often
and was nearly tWeateetwo years ot a great demand for 'needlework cam- e
age, baying bean born on December 8, mewed, and the piece sold with meter- e
len. He entered the Ling. BoYal lia- ials for finishing. This takes Much less i
Ile Corea se a second ,lieutelleat eli time than to work a thing complete- n
July 7, 1897, and received Ms lieuten-
&nay on April 8 larat. ly, so I will commend it to stall-aold- h
, era who bays not much leiter.. For v
Lieutenant John .Lirtosey Forster. 01 example. let teem' get several squares
the ead Battalion Of the. Regiment, of linen, large enteieh for afternoon c
wan in his tWenterethird year, tile date pea -cloths, and iron oft a pretty trans- a
of hit birth being March 3, 1877. Re ter, either tie corner-piecere or aa ot e
entered the Hittite Itoyil um. corps border going all around. They can illat o
as a second lieutenant On April 7,18e7. commence one piece in deka or flax -
and two yearn later On April 6, thos threads to show the coloringe, and
Year, reteive,4 ,Illa iletttenancY. HO was have suffieient silks Or thread to come
the teed of Mr. Paull Vetzter, of Mal- plete the work done up be a paxoplt 0
;ekleye, East Woodluty. near New- probably it will be difficult to get
are. real ahamrocks, but the baskets can a
Lieutenant AttMele Taylor, MoDoue be filled with imitation ones and
gall, of the 4204 BUM Battery, was grassed, and the poises oan be eked out 6
twenty-eight Vern eit ago, the date with green ribbons. n
eit'heie birth being anti 30,4871. He en- 'thistles represent Scotland, of course
tared the lineal otertillety as a second and this will be a capital stall for t
lieutenant on ettele 44, i891, and obtain- e woolies " of all 'dude. On the sante a
k f
: 14';10.4"r: 4144Bilettat-42tateA0711w:rfkod s:
, zost in Yeretea-o.;te to .ten 1 - '
dhirk, • ,
;Wender in love I but Awe in war I
''cltall: moment' Ill: womenVFaMeIt:
. yeu,F •ssotto-,"Touali ma. if yr.i Owl"
✓ rTL"btarriel4cua% 146p, 't7adtdePsdkgra4itrOlan,1
tlti., 'ICraite"4:11tr7tenhtukrirlutigt7magetolle"at. '
a "Po4 tialletrillgrar ir
Highlandorst. charge t-tbe Boore must
t ..Ree le 11 e 4'400
Reif' Men 1-31414rWolllen i" .
tft think that vial:x.4mm ate won
to nitres St Bet ot the day as b
lt °extent, peculiar motion or tid
Tluirefore, tea bleed Matra trash th
ainth beer ef tea niaebt to the tier
hour of the day; choler tb the rent
of the dey. 'Ppm melancholy te
hiead fjewe frem tee ninth hour 6
Y feel
0. The terrors of your walla et feed 1 '
e ''Cock (0 tbe Nortk"' the o*W141304
squeal I -
0. "Half Men ",-etalf Women I"
h Remeneer Ueda of valour do., -
e • "Hallmen 1-hatf women I"
f Renumber fielda of glory. eveteet
the night le under the dominion o
•Equally ourlouts is the following
aPetets, wince he divides into "ant
Male" "vitalie and "natural'
"Tito animal epleit has talon hie sea
be the brain. :it is called animal be
cause it ie the life. but the Chief and
Wane instrument thereof. Wheretor
t bath a most subtitle an& eery sub
tame. Tles anima.' spirit is mad
and harbored in the windings and fold
Inge of the veins and arteries ot the
braip, brought thither sometimea et
the pure .air or tweet vapor drawn in
by tee nose in breathing. The vitel
*tit is net to it in dignity and ex-
ellency, whieh bath its chief mazetion
O the left "'outride ot the. heart. The
atural spirit, if suoh there be any,
ate its station in the liver and
Describing "certain juggling and de-
eitfut wa,ye of healing of (term by
eat tfleal*E1 as fear, surprise, and even
9 Ante& for spider bite, the music
eneliag the patient to dance so lustily
bhat he shakes all the poison out of
hds system," he sums ep some of those
heroic remedies thus: "I would not
ast the patient headlong out 01 a
window. Btu would rather cast them
odainly, and thinking of no each
thing, into a great platelet filled with
old water, with their heads foremost;
either would I take in out until
they had drunk a goe •entity of we-
er, •teat by that ,i.a tall and
trona fear the matter causing the
f lei „le"lIeltalaint Fla ebnaltTlirsifdowituellehPa' re,
Bring *poet° the name you bear,11 .
floer.cue rhalatilmreenspet_latihre werGemssenyein, wear
And when the struggle' obeli be o'er.
"Half men 1 -hall women I"
Return in peace to Scotland's shore.
t "Half pien 1 -hall women 10
(if the"'
OlaBies, a'ocarstioly fitted: ,
Bo tiefecihm guaranteed.
W. '1'; Welsh •
Tee Mune taneetewe
t1001011 liget, *or
104 014y*$, -
,X9huston ,44 King
oretvorif Godcrich.
Your mothers, sisters, brothers dear,
Wile welcomri you with many a cheer
• And soon forget old lerugee's sear, -
"Hall meal -half woratin ,
Toronto, Canada. JOHN 1MBIE.
ed his lieneenatioy Any 24, 1094. The prineiple as the commenced Been wor
4210 flettere, etatiatted in Natal, la there can be sufficient wool for spat
eamihanded by etrajee Q. E. Gotaburn, of seeks, with two pairs of kniteing
Sergetutt-efaeoie George Allan David needles, and clearly written direction
Young, of Colonel Peumer's regiment. for Making, eold at ao much for p
who was killed totem at the Croce- tot.
dile river, Ititedefoo, on October 22, Was The Art booth should be aesthetic
a neePhew of Asp Charlotte Young, as possible. Sunflowers always seem t
the rievellet, and' the youngest son of be the Moat appropriate blossoms, and
the late Mr. 3. D. Young; of .Otter- they are very effective against the
bourne hoes*, Harapehire, a.nd of Mrs. white draperies. As at this time o
Yongo, of the Old home Dorking. •He the year real sunflowers are oub of the
wan twentleeldht- question, very good imitations. may be
Made of crepe paper.• •
An Oriental stall usually fin& a good
JUMPED FROM A BRIDGE. many ofistomers. It is a good plan to
get some responsible city fir= to
joeo nimnberm. of Toronto, swam" ta tosettindgsdo0wEnthae selection of Oriental
linotedisle Ravine. sale or return system
A deelettee from Toronto. says - teTrirce fircterh6fralrilYs ,• sthuMerelYfo,rteheelnit 'et;
josene. Chatabets, a well-known York- to make, a considerable ,Profit on them.
011ie resident, committed suicide ear- zit nfleozerchfrOirsattizematautfinartrIzathi;
19 Sender Morning, by hurling himself
from the middle of the Sherbourne stet ese will have to be artificial. The
all -holders here MO be dressed le la
efeeeet bridge. The dead man seems Japanese.
r dionproenweizoi.arabl"..d frtomibetheare nrPdble patt6mrts taob6thves
a A medicine upon which he dilates at
e great length is "Mumatie," referred to
as the usual retmedy for contusions,
and he deeeribes it as follows:
Oj eletunienie liquor flowing from
the aromatic& embilmens of dead
bodies, which becordes (try and hard,"
f anti being ground into medicine was
"administered either in whole or po-
tion to MICJI as have. fallen from high
places tee first and last medicine of
lanitnsoustiaallooaumr ?practitioners at this day
; He- oleo gives same grewsome facts
connected with' the preparation of
"manunie" whet he earea: Vertaile of
our French apother.anes, men won-
drous audacious and covetous to steal
by night the bodice of such tui were
hanged and embalnierig them -vrith stet
and drugtethey. dried teem In an oven
so to soli theta thus adulterated in-
stead of true inummie. Whereupon
vie are thus compelled both feolisely
and amens* to dewier the mangled and
putrid particles of the carcasses of the
basest people of Egypt* or of suoh as
are hanged, as thetigh there wer
o e/ way to helfor recoVer one
iteted Withollt any strong mo- A "Sweet Lavender atilt will be
'popular, will all kinds Of sachete and
V ,the may, explanation offered acont bags. Large ete, made Of lave
ender-eoloree linen,. and big Meougli to
cotter the contents .oe a linen draiVer,
are ve.ty ohatMinfe, 'd easily
Made. Tha. top no of linen, and
by tietrienda is that Chambers was
Tonely. 10a wife, died some months
eget and after that deceased broke UP
For the paat two Months
•ltlerriefels hew!, not known where he
11 ed eine on Saturday he was repott-
eel to the &Boners "missing." Els was
,e)i yoati,
Dr!, Callon, the; College street den-
Weti riding along; tip!. „Rosedale
• ea 6 tenet it 04004 .wben just rialto
wati easing ' tinder the Sherbourne
street bridge, hitt horse allied at an,
close to one of the piers,
The rider stantraPted urge the fright-
eeteet,,eintect stit, but the animal rade=
nd. ',tot:Mira, and the Amster Olen:wonted
and fennd Oltatabere* mangled body.
tbe mutat pair WAth olOOtt.
01:horexakheeWeet. The, tee. atoll can
been aelie.e10Werrte,rinele no -Carnet/One
or eiolettie ettidethe flower' atalliitS61f
sletteld be Oiled :thri"Pese 'Ser.
era oblIdren ,thourd be *Otero 'here,
asean:hhaving a large baok�twork tray
hung tented her peck with ribbons,
daisiert,',And tso ,ottehoetwehtesssit
,Ohon ,attial,ylatt blatant* t tbe. ri rethettuteritte6barei!1::en tirehletedilltin !416411.140** 191t-tthleti:'
waa doad...,.••ths. doctor at oust gat- pOond Oa, littit4itionitiilifix'ett•Of•tiSituti
,Ifftiott' to No, x.*,[roliss . station, • and is- pager' in two shades a
,partatl , Oka' ::Otatoylitist, ,Sargt. batch Of °. posies on tellc of
tben lettenOtiada.hte patrolwaggeh. eeelietlitSY Will tale itatillt and Ittr
,14:144.044..daaal"ilstilittiran°,11440*tbedtb!b"thni,rutlfe'. 4n. aSint; 'at- a
right .* lag had been broken als ON. 0::'very 00.111:triViOl4r
ee4, that the .tieit• erro. had. grata. effeeC' Take- inane Brilbtf eXeno
elWbetle triotured:: There was a paper•and out v'tct,* throott4 'allows*
.ogolp,,eut, be- 00 • Prehearl',. and t itiltete %teethe TO theieeti 01 paeh
keit *intermit*, swelled and,,aratovt, ,,:thooh t000s pOqi••41, eettP!, Of • *hit*
ed..;e4/0.14bete :had 01400' illeteetee•ba bean Wrlttt'n s
pper the.a4tiliiiii lite these, .artiolon, Were 04,03t0,04%,7:roil 011:1000 atra, 0611
11445 rt' '6°4t 401(rbat bOraPik tg.tWitit We Viiii6*#, hi*
1put itt
9)140,.. 'Oh ground lona *4.2*rge salad , bowl,,And flanged_ oo:
'trent. th* betlY. 14.hie peelietire tir***--iii*CtittOkautatiotivai*,Illeatiw? th`te
*Zit ' •.' eleatend 4t,Ite
ttaaOtt*at As he ,64.iolv ,Nefots, tito quotitiort, he
..11:44tttl*.rottli%'Etttet:4$4"ge40;b140:1106"441 44"ttttotolitiitbEitt';'8tftiVOOkillIt'.10%'"•,tii41411,tlbfirottr,
0$4, '! :046440 tor
On* ,lia*: ;Ono Oderited.:,eolu"
*: tr40,440.14.,Ii*O;*
ittatoplattitat', atilt ths* Oh*: beebeen .nrohing tor hian. ' ,mit4
iaattaa4 IOUS
**-Yr;*a.tittitira ' /eie
he etiesittetetieellate epentetie
• :voila ***,weeti <
teh,, *Wet:V*40'4w,, " •::144
ttiii<•polikolt* , t Ot.,BOlteheik:•Ot'tikr'. W
o VA *WOW • .01W . :the ISA; itinirtn..e( beta :Wreat
:31t. teir'liietv::*thohn*ittlee tbem
too:464 in the, ueoott**. - .04,t - •Atitineeti-W1
int c,reint4 their; bit :
blows 'ha* to tits Eirt4 tha SOS et oh, tte4 melt•
* At tits *Wolff' troll WM* • CUM
"4, be• liettelittaland'ellet in' tone.Whiett 'to be
belleated litantelatitit the *Woo* : to*,
'ofeettv "'WU *Loaf ,:kove :stregtokt tharwoor
be** * to
Ikenishetit ere ;Owl '
y Wee' pointed Ott to hiet. 0*---eoe5Stet ••
54 ler a fall tresia Itign place." •
or have net thought it fit in this
phone' be seam, "to Muth the industry
of ,Neholast I3icart,. the Duke of Geita,
hitt `surgetin. who being balled tO
Pe.ktEtitl eovtotryonan to set his shout -
slot, being , out of joint, and (blab*
.110e in too.. plied% bee_ Weis the patient
and who ebdieliti media hitaitt
Aldo work, lie tint the patient bound
eater the tbratneittrOvied -nterizier te
lader,tten':'hofteditite1Y tyed
atayyn at the lower end Of the ligature,
Which Boteated abed the patientet
arm above elbow, then pat it Me
tYo'il nal beetle of the tieelle the
der *Winer: Se* could teld got aetriee'
ttietratutton and sate thereon with hie
where Weight read at the, eame blatant
maibkildis,wite pluck the 'etool from un-
der:34*feet, Which being dons the bone
Illeeeettly table into HS Wade*"
. also gravely discu s °bilk
.and witatiOrattk the birtb6oted mitts •
Week -hereon heele itild Wing& reveal!!
their birtht� tha ,ialestet of evil,
PAssENctsa MAIN TOON 114,The L :
4704ea04: 1:0:4:44*'ite*:::1.4•80 ioal*bitt:tt:y".0 1_41116
abooki,ig 04443ilt btia .0tirttit On 'the
.tiefebst ownacAlit iailway. *Ilk
paaaanot train 'watt running 81.1 high
rittit; WedhWen, and
;£bmedabad On* 01 the ;';,orteriattea,.
caught MA.; The' Awes; Spread ;With
great rapidity, add *15 tho pansongere
f11e� 10 the et000ttleo or,the.gttitilL ,thtia
Atttaatittit. the attantrcin ,ny
iiahty persoas .me known to h&v been
e.rioiaaiy 1njrsd, • -
• .
t*ban In th� i***tvviniutota00"4°Itttiteiv,:itt401441,66:0)itilial4-!
tba "om
„. .
F7'0,ndartrikers And *:;,,tettortoo.i,;,
Thadiette of ellasetioetnette*Plife sf
.Open day 411
goods at modereteePrie '
eetatepue attendee, ,
ee Bicoiroiti) flLOJK
, ..„
, tee is one ot the nt
raisers!, hub:AA
fialethejar . or uttirosorit'its th. ifft
Chad .04txdbute th
reriestimPl"rroml" jj*:**. 0/1.11- "W. -*rstrS wctuesrecereie...
Cures flzeignele diereeteMe *tem tree all mambo* emote*
Kidney diseassaet* th'• 0 0100
Adieus of ahl 'tlissasse centinteatree
hems** ^ the poet . few,;
• years waled science 1241114
wonderful strides In coping with its
ramose, South American Ifidney.
Cure his .proved "rich -In healing •
clever. and every 'day testimony es •
• peed ,for 11. gmcuratertereeialie
ties. MM.ers .kireme 'dimme exiebt
it is generally indereated by riertn
accomobangespanunin titeno4uretteyfilichsath:17.7aguara.cies,t
sediment, albumen, 'Mick dust. Iteld
and bloode-pain tenet necessarily an
• railigtesantroxilisk*:iriarhaa° 4:11scit. Tiale4.elt.;t
do in a roarwhile clog
I 41U anop, pe-gtiadormiaidoatva:/.:1=diseasielltPairiatlieuty,_,,h;
that the faactioneefthese organs are
en tbe patient welds a reddest. ha
Kidney' diseMes reare a solvent- .
South Ansuican Many Cure Is tel
solvent -it is a liddney spe • •."-"....:4141.. *claims to be no more -it has
tested by eminent medical authorities on ld'dney'dheeses, and proved and testified to bf
them as the surest and safast gum for all diseases of the tricker and bladder. ree
purifiarLe..-ailhealowstrimaeathealk° tithortsabuilefitter--effiatt.s..,caciougotusaliktoeivausoto ataition,isiuwwommtlatt14 cue.
A young Machinlit in a largoirkaaimetwinf cis"- Itiovarom he took his ease la kla own It 8,
cern Northam Quetta 1.11 a Name o ersnieeti 14:4 Sea for hh life. lie ea ,
date ""Ye
Emphatic °Magee in Molded kla daily re- As44/alas Cotreskitddleall:drth41113iitodtrto apt"
he continued Wein* anal 'haat leorasnarnlet mod Nrki etw
to quit by timplayeeleaftem whom be8.4adoildeasint be beam to h
en Mier
reemilvlat iranttnedst. fir tidied T4ircoto sad ose He Hallooed to gable lp.h. hi* . •
enunilme arminentautlierire lin kidney die. lott.les.4-211411 tlut fah•
easel.' The doctor sent tdrotoodetlittlisttopefal foundat that same lathe, ng et
a story of Mandl as ha could glee, but write coneernLkale and hearty as the hat day betted
-ptivitely to tete 'suss scalettlihrktian that It there. He dives all thq.eratit to South imadati
wan only a anaterof,tim with him until death Malawi Care. .
would dein Mother ate, 'sham. •Whea he
satire AlitineleeN Neettelell-la a nerve healer. Caron Infieetlon and ell stoutish troubles
"erygomravaroric CURB -Hal Riad toff a bed of pan dlea few day"sae who bite not beenvet
from suffering for years. /
D. Atostawss °Ronan cures blind, blesdIn•Cyterhing or Idocrallnd Ole* In front three 10eve mine SS caw
•a •
• Pinch your bet in wrong sloped slims ; make
you nervous, irritable year tempera
•your concerltration.
• Y011 wet expect to go tits eves tenor f�ur
tray tit a oboe that attplea.
fiSlater Shoes" erentade to fit feet -to cover
:trery tender joint 'Clrafertably-,,melte fthget
yeti tree a pettily fritot.
• Therfit the first Bine' they're Worn; and ever
beetnise the IMMO( and ishriak hair tutett for
Ott taken but of them while 111$ dayd Ott (lid lad.*
Twehe thapeei alt sleet, skc*i'djiits., all °gores
• styles arid Ieethesii
OMigyeit ;relied, *tintou tbe soles With.
emtle aui4lirice, 45o attd 55 OQ
iturneiSsetituik,staseiehlt,44411Wili OilSc ' H 'Y.:buss *1guia$
,,ee,•r.• Vripirtii:a's tse'tee,ie: issh' tt4o'' e)'a
t4t(41110l,011,1113446Th04Ie.4erimieeee emet1_0thieteeaelay.d
e1t0ei1tte140bl,wata‘400ALtvts44,00;,3,vnd$oto40164lwititoomo"4"ild4114"iti*6"i4ttetaii'atrN*il:17tltltd **
rrg.1eweS;40laertrraObriieeeteenieTa e'ea
mtitiS.Mieiltbettlettea :Watetaled
v4I°64'th.tH/etR"Rbl'44lj•4;art*tt"k4"ir441*.4er.6ktte'i-ea,4eeetnXiiietet10tol:edee14aagOOtiN.4color .,teesasertb:7ifil4itI'4/Witilitrgviissket
hini, :siehnlitat:iohlesidh: eeareettelde o,as*wi*.neknwsa:resat e eereteetaitia.4-11tsil IttereoobaiL
k' ebeeteneittetii eraaetea *OW vtrfatn hala.eeettteleseimlteiiee set itertetIowltt
ritienial`ecfil0seeeeellremet ekleaeall,bl111kil'IktMtelitefMahi Melee hatemettgeeleMenteese Mee Meetlent 1144ilm0000ot
044doutemveti.toe ""1!!,:enileteteileen
c. '44elietere*
I" .:046100,1040_44,fimumet.Welad.,,nsmittiolomil4Wiett,
Irais sit
014 •4004..14044000tTibite.,
Ie84 itsi
5.0 ladi
: !0l1ie15o4t1r4ui1to0.sit86hdlYoskti1,
° '111:'
cine Cures the
01t'11s. 44o
, ,1000.044 ..
, • ....act, - ' .
,, ,'