The Goderich Star, 1899-11-17, Page 2-aft, aiew".77"'" • 7N.-• 4111"wr. MY Of TOE EDDIN *011itlit VA% einer et *A Owes Ansestwesee"*Itew Insisile0.* *Tar *SO et illesela Ma ,ors "sr sr", 1Re, s' "sr: "r` Ilr • MART -«iWO A Were C•hiviorP add ToOrd tairesty,fehlriet Md 1t the :praetor ;Brecon. alagretiDsit Valekaat ehe ittlOwilPoilet.nierrisii, do r what t wee to be poor,yet toheilit *Weer, aka Moulted. to he rieho.to- leetr for Seasons ned 1 thlek'net, 1 berli mat hm allyety..aet to Amy* all dselett to her.. 04 4440. but 1' •birre atter ate /Set *Ala liet life ate besVntrer *at" * 104 PO° Sired soothing ilk.; this aorrew-k,the And then Lord Arectiiii. seal 044 aerreer of laisaVailitsie reesetera ot tee gra Waidagn V040 atiltriate„ WithOilt timapieWer Of *tease,. Walln3g 10 talk, went Away. w• att pf lovetliat Inman Po- le 'reuJi" she :1114 nosn!,4S/#40114: worthy or over: meeting with 101•0 Ill ,• 04 tb4 statfoY row* _ mat . Sidon of handing .141i . Carileaceal toOk ;her tolho iteas Ingertherspith, Ine* lesW* eball 1 WO itl hat Oh* looked *A better Wilt% It i. 410.0t *AMY 1ea44 :ither!eatee: bitela merao • pf the Ile wee standing soniewhet, *pelt: vravew could not &eV) the- .VOieit Of looking Over 40134* PtiaialtrailatV6 '04a her ',heart. It vet/ *0 iirneeed thet widehed bita with is uditiog aorta 'Dever again Via AMOY Walattite to her haode tint:Waled; sta thal. her fan bill her eeneelence to sleep, or to for. foil from there, here !Pehia,' Ihrlibbed, sot the *roost *be had done. • every nerve ;memos]. atteilined. Wen *eel -4410;4 10 MAMA., All "It Whet be :1tetil't,e14 otaiat Mail lira Ate aitansoinae or piderenta eouid not teg ever had -IS faoa likt hia 1 Mira UV* Matiorial aer Mire. the %maim speak to abet lite did net knOW Mei 10 exelleo herself from accepting is- he could not havi. unft•ToiA944.4n$'141" vitation., to fin,1 moons why 'idea I muet go. to 'alte.. on I snell *0014110 go oat..sind. thin, too, wfien, With all the:BefitalialOail raPrailgail • Leta CarIlIwooll WO, Site was in the love of heir heart, eliiniug in her UV, pride' lef her SiOrittne beauty, the light gleareitig in her ,teivaje, 14 Wee killing her; it failing on -her riels, Violet &Saes *Me merged' ail the* greater that for se long preened the room; and wtett up to *he heti*fergotten NAL She *ma al- weye Picturing to herself the delight j die did IMO Moyle MOM when be aew of a reserdela with Ides; night after her. She la.lit her bead on hie OM, .night .he tiresined that these ten .itti 100keit tete te rate; Col& eurProe* Years 'Were but a dream -that she was "Feels ilbe wintiperedbeading low et Limos wittr Paul In their little cot- until, her beeutitel ,heest Wee neer hie, PUP% Clinging to him and praying to "Pant, de you not Arnow me I f ant 'Ora Paver to let her go; she would letamiy*,-*Litaity, your wife." Woke with tear* streaming down her Ile itinaled, politely MU; but cold- fase, anil weept again that It was but ly. O dreams. "X fear yetb are mistaken, median; "I would go hook to him," she liave h to herseif one day, with a deep, sob -s VO She looked at hint long aud ear - would go back to him if I 'could." • eebly. 'Mid that idea took possession of her s -the idea of going back -giving up all "Oat be mistaken 11" she said. "I the advantages she hne had gaid-leavs inwit .holleve-" Ing her benutifel world. Was It 4 . et the wordy died on ber lips. Lord seine little love and tenderness -she rueenartIhricitaYboujtqlrle warthmtullth owf itthhe room. beautiful worldf Her heart oohed for !She woe effertwaw terrible. Mr. obliged, to control herself, sa- lsas tired of Ster loveless life -wearied though t with the weight ,of her sin. ,s. i "I would go hack to him Lf I ooUld," Pale left there With some excuse as going to Bmyin had onoe mimed, to e,..s "Wisueado* alcoQt1111% ow me," ahe said. elle said, and, just as the thought of her to embody all that wae deelrable *ooe would 40t believe that his want he world, to now the thought of *.e. Megiddo,' was real. She was in In t oing back to Paul wade her heart•s istiselen of love, of sorrow and dlis at with delight. may. -Virhen she looked round the She pictured his happinees. Whal roent agate Ur. Dale was gone, but ay he shoo! Mrs, Waldron did not leave until she would he say* it, some d wake up suddenly and see her etaild- had, obtained hie address; she had m- ing before him 9 She, remembered his Seised, come whop might, to oall up - loving words -his tender and caress- WI MIA* lag utanner-hla worship of hex. Ile would be overpowered with delight. She forgot that the wrong oho had done him WW1 a grioVQ118 OA% suolt an man never forgets and seidorti for, - pirate. "tglae must go back. Of enurite Lord Oarlswood would never torgive her; but aho did not seem to care now to Much for that She had tried both lives, and sheslinew that for real hap- piness, the We she had led with her husband was the. trueet. "I will go to him," sire said. "I am not happy here. I cannot live away train him any longer." LII WM' .crwm• mind sherfolt Sure that Lord Oarewood would never disinherit her boy. He hadbrottglat bioS up for ten yetien ale hie heir, and, it did not seem probable that ho would disap- point tiro now. She resolved to go; andantes) having made' the etude°, elle was very muoli• happier ter it. Then the pratitioni. details boson to bother bet. She remembered that for ten years .iihe bed heard nothing of Paul's Wilierea'bouts: Was he eta' in the lit - lie cottage? Her heart contraoted With a maiden, terrible fear -was he Wing Or wen he dead!' , When should she gov The sooner - the einild Bud an opportunity the bet- ter it woultbe, Then eito Was. obliged to put mai s her thought for a time. Lord eartsWOod Iseat made a point of lic attendance at Lady Brentway's end !Mei was oompollea to go. hetves.,ittipiteially oareful- about her &nes that night. She wore a robe of pate, violet velvet, with a sett° of euaterb diamonds, Dorf Carlswood's He looked once more at his book, to . Pinisent to her. Sievers n her life had note the page, and when he raised his Limey Waldron looked more beautiful. eyes again he saw lamas, standing near The roterta were. crowded when she him-lemay, his beautiful wife, once Bo rtsiiebed Lady Broadway's. ' An Wend beloved. The morning sunbeams fell she Was eurrounded by a crowd of ad. upon her lovialS face, on her sweeping Milani, mad then she forgetter it thaw dress, on the masa ot golden brown her ;Odds, her fears; her trOublea. bar. On the white hands so tightly Mar beautiful face grew eaditta; her °hoped. She looked at him eagerly, Oyes Anne bright as stare; She was "Paull" oho cried. You are Paul; the ,very. embodiment of heatity and neither your changed name nor your entee her voice sounded Illot sweetest changed position eon deceive me. You Magas her laugh was tweeter, -then are Paul -my husband." -the Chime* of: bells. Sho was enchant- She went up to him, with an eager Ing; people looked at her with wonder., etep-she knelt at his feet and raised fillessitaneed. ti,vo Or three timet, and her face to his." &Me fooling tired, sat dOWil, Lady "Speak One word to me," she said. Brentseity eeated herself by her side. "I am Limey, and, oh, }\u1, I am have dm lion of tbe !Meson 1144, cane to pray you to pardo1S me -to WO, Wald:MA, Will you; alien' toe to implore you to take me back -to tell initaeddier hirotte you," you hoer grieved I am, how sorry for wo :Which pertioulart lion do you al- ray alit." • hide?" iMe &eked. , The wordti died on her lips In it pas- olier. Dale, oh Ravenadale, the 'peen.* elon of tears. The stern; pride and. ler -ntoteibers* at he is withal. Ile is a Coldness of his fade frightened her. He very' handsome men. with •a had, half*, drew away from tho toueb of the hitter ewernionof face. You Must white, jeweled hands. aftgapaisim and convert him ; we Want "I have no wife." he said. "The wo- 111,00: 411L,Lise. Tory side. I told Lord Man X loved with my whole soul, who DelintWaYlt.or One Could convert him promised me her truth, and faith. de- ll initetle,IinL" sorted me. I have no wife." "Ateklet neneteriddiss as not much in Her voles was broken with oohs as my MEM" aepllad Mrs. Waldron. tihe anmvered /AM. • Opoiltleitl, or course. 11 have mode "I know it was wrong! - croons, onveteloIle," Wickedly wrong - but I was .tempt - ,"I hope they were *sere entis,'• said ed, and I fell. Olt Paul, be merciful thiti bonutitul WOM•ens Vsitb: a laugh. to I was so young,• so vain. so ea• Iota If nate,* hid alit- weak. Forgive me, and take me yours, should back." yeadri More. mere eetnee Mt. She Might have been haw terrible Chaise ts.,Hribia Wenderliag why be was the struggle --great drops stood • --tea iriVitatien; be gram no- upon hie forehead, his Wheie frame trembled, 14Yott ask me to 'take you back. Whyt inc Wier." "Modem I love you - becalms it Owns to me flet me soul has been in it long tileep. It has awakened and knows no rest. My heart' eriesjor you• -.1„love you. Take rae back, Paid." Tial Werehaaria enough for many Odra *latent Me.! he said. , "No. X Wins not 'happy - was in- tOnleated With vanity ss ,SWee en. 'rtiseeal in Pleasure Isvart /leen up eft nnd nall to the wield. / latwer a-a00ail to think ee jneetia dared to da 004 litiVe liaed fee in it dream. X howw- Wakened' Men that dream,: arid r, Ana ihOTOr kneeling At ?Oar feet, Or LAW /ou Pettlen Mo.': . . 11.1 yeti reltibinitee."the0 Yen ithilad Me.0 hariiestii"be latti.-"thet You:tots' hhn tretn'ttiSiend *Mar thought of :My anytitit• otirritro • • , She; bowed ha head,. AOldin Tho teat •• guilty, 1autI T pta you 'forgiter inc end 'Mite trienank,n, . , ,.- '4rrenft4v that *on4ciiinot be happy onhin,:tinlook,x,A10. orki,hinOtr "lialtari" She 'MOOS. anion ,.t0;, iny)rOnlitahDOOktni woo 4.104;Wbat X hortorna *44 you left ms only ithe**,:: not oituot,tho nick* otrontriand torn t 11r." liott ',0051110,4, 1.1011. 'ROO 'tilt, yritailt *44' itaT100111 Milt TOM mould 'Sty. 000104 WW1 'Yrat.114044 &HMV 4rotar Mr.bonito* buln my' angolaii t morn'. ,t Altokild tak, olotteonft. 'NOW tb. tlni OS** :Whin , teat, ko*. tO, Vit: ritt telL'f,Poilft4r4r**,. and el* 041 poa that itswork riorst font Wool" " • t*Oil linitirlklt tleakhitit *1*.tet ittall Use* ishCrallied hat trim. ' to aim Otter * •011,111•4•11181 OHAPTBR XVU. Mr. Dale eat in his room alone; on the table before him, lay pamphlets, wiper**, reports, all ot which be had beert resolutely studying. But from each page a lovey face looked at him." 'Paul, Paul, I am Limey ,- your wire," sounded ever in his ears. Ile studied hard; he tried to drown this voice. He had been haunted all night by both. "it is my own fault," he said t� ''l wont to the ball purposely to Ste her --1 thought to satisfy the hunger of my hearti to still the fever et lar hinging, by looking once more on her Inc., and Whoa boon the worst thing I could have done. How dare aim to think 1 could forgive herb For- give await a wrong as that! No; not if I were a peasant and site were a princess!" He turned again MIAs books, but the lovely faoe seemed to shine On the page. The morning sun name bright and warm into the room; there was a frag- rance of mignonette and heliotrope which brought the garden at Ashburn - ham beak freshly to his mind. He laid his pen down with a eigh oil despair. "How am I to work," he said, "if I Ain troubled in this wayl" "A lady wishes to see you, sir," an- nounced the servant. "She would not give her name, but said her business was very important." "Show her in here," he said. "It is about some subscription or charity, I auppose." • The Oat intlinettt a till figure, Was bowing hotorn her. Lady Ilrentway site* inc:to I; deCiaaft, Tailetis roma ' "-Tata, bent alma lieledteble cares, LiaallearitWay moved. *way. Orciaa-ltielred•liito the leareittalie tale nit :nest .litas, sad.. then a thert, detrintifled•titS., eldists from her Jipe, ber',Doe atteaaeadriefilY Witlief dtitith, ber airiet etriateet atittlesd. iherediti- 300k. ^ Ir.',•Delei7'eleiaisaid, in it IOW Vette f One; lit A di•eleilia Tharci -"tai..iiiitheierialt- 100k; tha rielato w was Old and . . • She '10 , het tlitittlY• k Pardon )hei.0 :the nabk °It6ti‘, O 110 ,04..tlike#,;:.,*•xt:.1.0.4,1t, .is Paul ' titi4Oti not : know trier We not -the piestiere.et knowiti Stild„, turtith Ortintlf ' • • -,• , t3he.• *deed looking feer*,100.:dientay.1.itil StriTtelt10: "11 1. "Ad iturct aa ttitenthisi there'll*/ } "ehOnlh anit he doeI tot ACiltiV " : A lairkettii impa felt- aligetiol ithe .1.0eked alt , I '-'imPirwrirgirairmigrimomprsptc UTfl II epermo 41,7 t Toot solar, 111r*,,„,,* peril** ms.1°4 *940arly904004 Peal; for rhor mum foritiro mesow.'t rodood,* hod odrit 4 w&rmag 01, 'DO *Oa Take ** ivil *Fit within ine,'iso orlod-"do not, if x000ro nd no of ft* brie, Ilia Yoh*was 14114 hla SeeaMer VP% e$1* SO ehe Sehhedi "'SOO OA 'too altered: "'WhoMac Ohonifkd Mei Whtt_ttirti., ed etteitg, glad PRP* 04' fete living delithi Who iteleigest love Ina( tide, Whop, Attila is it tact Afir 104 VW* I Ulna bMn Tead,y to cl* "A will try to Make doeachiP she hiail04. "Oh, PAW, forgive Mei Twill bit 4447 e4e4lriltilsigilfigAical. fir eaTietthr00 "1314 IsrtorrsaVrisegVitParra7arg4104 ego, no wird, love, no pity pleaded for inel 40 yokes be aatar heart eeken for Moray ter the'raim you 'were dooming te I living death. And MY only faith was loving your "Love inc engin," ehe said; •"try inc again. if I could die to undo my foult, I Woalsa" • "Listen to me. If by my retinal I broke your heart and mine. I would still ratio. You yielded to vanity.' yield ta Wide. 1 wili not Mice back to me heart and WY howl. womanwile deserted me beeause 1 estOld iset ntiuleter to ber vanity. • You loft Inc beeauzie I was poor; I am rich now, and I refuels to take you. back." She ahrank shuddering am though he bed struck her a *sudden/blow. "You refusal" she repeated, "Yes. abeolutely. I never wish to itee your Lsise face or listen to your false voice again." The beautiful face dropped until it wee hidden from his eyes. He rose from hie chair. every limb trembling; he could not hay* borne the eight of it another moment. "You have squght this interview," he said, trying to epeak calmly; "let it end. Do not say I have a hard heart -you broke my heart years ago. I bid you farewell." He hear her ory to Heaven to have mercy on her -he saw her fall with her taoe to the ground. He stood for a moment half healtating. "If I opeak to her again -if I touch her -I am lost," he said, and then be left the room and summoned his housekeeper. "There is a lady in the library -she It III," he said. "Be very kind to ,ber. When she is better send for a cab; she will want to go home." And he himself left the house lest any ory of hers should reach, him and he should go baok to her. "I have had my revenge," he said to himself; "but never yet did vengeance cost so dear." • To be, Continued. A Trying Experience. A NOVA SCOTIA FARMER SUFFERED FOR FIFTEEN YEARS. Committal Peer Dintors. Dot the Only Ile• Der They Dave Mne Was Through In. 'cottons or Morphine - Dr. Williams' Rink glistered Ilists to Health and Activity. From the Newo, Truro, NS. Mr. Robert Wright, of Alton, Col- chester Co., NS.. is now one of the hardiest and hardest working farmers in this section. But Mr. Wright was not'always bleased with perfect health; as a matter of fact for some, fifteen years he was a martyr to what ap- paused to be an ineurable trouble. In cenversation lately with a NEWS re- porter, Mr. Wright said :-" I am in- deed grateful that the trouble which bothered me, ter so many years is gone, and I am quite willing to give you the Particulars for publication. It is a good many years eine° my trouble first began, slight at first, but later intensely severe pains in the back. Usually the pains atteeked me when working or lifting, but often wheri not et work at all. With every attack the Pains seemed to grow worse, until fin- ally I was bonfined to. the houee, mad there for five long months WEE bed- ridden, and mueh Of thia time could not move without hole*. My wife re- quired toothy with me constantly, and became nearly exhausted, During the tittle Wan suffering thus I was attended by Sour 'different doe- tora. 13otae of bheett pronciunned zny trouble lumbago, °there !elation, but they did not oure me, nor did they give me any reliefs MVO by; the injec- tiori of morphine. ; For years I of- Mred thus, setinotiMes confined to bed, at other times able to rp about and work, but alWayll suffering front! the pain, until about three yeara ago vvhen I received a. /141141 lease oft life and a freedom train the pane that had so long tortured me. It was at this time that Dr. William& Pink Pills for Pale People were brought to my eaten - den and I get two boxes, effeot seemed natisvellous and I got six bereft more, and before tih.e.y ,were all steed was again it healthy man and ..free from paha Tt abold rtihreet years 'ranee I waa eared, and during that tint° I bottle neverhriti an attack Of the old trouble, and I eats therefore strongly testify to the 'sterling. quality of Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills. Since they did soli good work for me Mae recsanmended them to several people for verioUt meats, and the Oils have always been auceetafttl," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'mire by go- ing to the toot ad the die** They renew and build up die ;blood, dui ertrenetlfen the nerves. Orti driving disease froth the seetem,t• • Void dons by firieleting that *Vera box you pureheo enelosed le a *replier boating the tradestlark. r henna, Pink, Pills •tor Pelt Ponplo. , - AUSTRAttAlf TRIBES. storrtsle inittiu'oirilis:;shti!eit to the lire liaitranalateriee • Prof. Iiii/tiVla'kerieer, end P. .1 Lib elatibrele, have. returned from Oentral Ardidialift ••-•With material for , ,r. . • •. , hook ttpOn. *0010 rieVer hetet% viit- ad • Theee Oaritini -AbetifillafieshitVe teroclilre, the Alsokan limy, uo.dro lini* :tnto, rile dclan irehoes 10.4 tem.)* moon. rho -beet thik- kritlekaPi ,tteer!,, The yhiplit,,OkttitiOn tete& 00',oinn- *to not :noolonoort tho *ono nn. 03 01 bit firliert"Akifor0 iherinit r*toll :feltoidit*,0, trite he mast .-as ihtotiak , Okitildatia to an initint. tdititineit alkWait 1.14, ant, azzd withhta blood is it e. tleernit. 401 tiltiik; Upoo nen ittn, itraot riot "yoti, atoi. ainv. *Or fir, hinged. T thatteAtatlastiett eitonittat Or lins` ialtiated ritOr. potMittoit Au:lookup,- ort Wet., it Mal 14001.11Ltatete 'that there sheeld he is Viiiittak littitraiht COO. Wally* nalittewili. ;Nat 'ties lit. :the Altatfalleat Oolitinont la beta latetletera Wee. A* heat and Isola Of Water, Widek thili Wind. MO* PfaStleildIS int* thasigithis (ole- '-' driven threirliti 1 11 TICIVAIXON OT T lo hoofs vikets.,eoiti Sie weed stsv eesatitate *HOU eirkigeseont, No/00her 04004 V*i t411 1* t*41* salt* poitirlmoo oto oplo,ma oput sto 'WPM of VariPtill POO threat * thorough dimming helm" Wing. log thew ;Intl* the 4444 TOM* Paree the romprot ofo, Orr* „door 0141* ,tirror, mot illowo Olt workor to expedite the labor without the antioyence or the libelmates, whichlpollabinn stove .rwor * carpet or Pear * tree*? PePer* . . ed wall *twills *Made To properly clean it iargeUserlatte.: or cent 'gore e good dare wOriti toed it is wisdom to emlaelt elleY meth. ode, *move all the nickel eastinge, and mica, and. clean out allr.the &shoe ii•intl tine duati from rho 4nrotior. No- thing is etaits, Of49001510*** tur- key er. wet** wing tor thie, liArAKiita" Wipe the duet fremsthe eXterlinz With • oietb, and aAPI7 liquid blcoking With RP iechavisie Imitate brilleat Tiler# .are seeeria brands of thie hlocking, on Ilia ontrItot. Xt careen la 141400 tin cams with licrew tops for ten Ottani. There la enough In can OP bleckenA coal stove. It ill Preeareil wita 0000 - line or somethirsg akin and toilet not no used In a room with tire or•artiti- Mal light. It 410o evalaitatea rapidly; only a alanda he poUredi out in a saucer one time. The briptie brush will reach reenOte en -dere and deco castinge, leaving UP red or dim creaees to mar, the linishea work. Apply the blacking to the ward° surface, then commence to polish where tbe blackleg la dryests A eltoe or home brush Irons the stable is eas, cellent for this parpoee, and must be Mean and dllr• The liquid blacking quickly Ucilehee to look like satin and holds he lustre during the whole, season. There is nothing trotter to °leen nickel then ammonia and whiting mix- ed to the ocrimisteeey of thin patite -4.11PlY with a flannel' • cloth to a atoll suildsta at -a- time and Polish be- fore the ammonia evaporatee, if the Woke,' is plain, die it olio:tear or it clean flannel to polieh ,with; if rough. so deer° is no danger of seretehing, rub vigorously with a se.rubbing brush to moll lilt the Creases, and Lu- lea with the ebasnele. Vine,gar eat'. reinsivel tie smcdg ac- cumulation from Mien, most effeetnal- ly. Drop the pieces Of Mica intd • a pan oil vinegar; waste thein ha it with a cloth, andltramifer to a pen of clear water; rinse well and wipe dry. If not rinsed. the first tire will pro- duce a cloudiness that will be more diffloult to remove next time. . A rolling Platform! or truck is al -- most a awsessity in moving heavy stoves, but wheaa one is not available a coal stove may be quite. molly car- ried by two men by means ate abort piecie of narrow plank placed under the magazine before the nickel trimmings and doors are replaced. A third rier- eon rosy need to Steady the stove, par- tipularly It -there mean oven to over- balance the weight. ; • The first fire 'should be a very slow one that the, blacking may not burn off, causing a disagreeable smoke and dimming the polish. Never make thie mistake of starting a coal firenwitb wood kindlings or ithe work of cleaning. the talon will be all thrown away.' Where live coals and datirooal are not at hand, live coals from feud wood will do the work slope. Put in a layer of fine hard coal itt. the firepot, two •shovels of live coals, not burning brands, above it, them cover. with fine coal on char- coal, abrow open all the drafts and your fire let certain. As soon as well Martell, fill with coal and try to hold ohook ow account of the( new -pol- ish. When the pipe, is warm, dip. a flan- nel cloth in. linseed oil, raw,. or Coil- ed, and sub it crver the surface. -Spread 'evenly and not too . generously. Com- mon pipe: Will take on the polish of best Russia iron, and it is periton- ea. •I Lamps ahead, be given a thorough cleaning in anticipation of the 'Ong winter eaaniags. The wicks shouldae renewed, or washed, dipped in vinegar and dried. The fonts ahould be emp- tied and alit a ediment renamed.; - The burners, if still gook ought to be belied. up int seboa oho and water, eretthjag and svelter, or a ends Made Withi,aorips acrivder. When the pertoratienn are clean, moues thor- oughly, finse and dry. se little Ste- t:motion of -alio kind may prevent a tierioura-aecildent tot life and property. Papeoially this true of barns lasaps and Lanterne. A preetied bousevrife who: is noted for !her immeettlate lamp chimneys whispered the Benet : Bach morning ,the •Ithietneys are wiped out With oft paper, and washed ina the fretilv hot Oda' beifote the, breakfast dishee, and dried la a Aean crate* dish towel. oblanneye ore no Iblighear in that home, and. ispologiee for dimness ere never teseessary. ••••••••••••••• THE CLOCK OP mownns. Gardeners claim 'that it is quite poa- aihlo tO no arrange flowers that all the plbrposes et it elftek Will be answered. so is aaill that in the times of Plinal 40 flowers were known to open and shat et Certain hoUrs of the day, and this aliniber basaltic/0 been largely inereas- di, • Per instance, it bed of common dandelions ebsiti it was 6.85 in the Morning•Mia 8.35 at night, reapele- :Lived*, Lor thine 'flowers open and shin at the tiraira ,opreed, ft-441101UP tha Minute. Tiln otatitnOtt hawkweed bpcna itt.8 in the Meriting and May he denettils lad U to elate within a feW &Mate* of t , the attetnoon. The yellow goat*, beard shuts at le o'clock Sleets Abates to the minute, sidereal time., wite sowthistie opens at II WM., and Motes il• te 12 Was The white Illy ripens tit V *Alas and 010Nee et Mani. • TUB. MOWING TOILIIM •. Ia.abeiars Se. little fhb*. Wiii, thhrimighly oty. ow, as wives end moth- er., mrefdi, of olio tonoit .tootnia,g, tide Wait hertail 10: ,wayt • "a.-sirttylk .thin of say„wifel as. 'tntortlina arititY 1004 ttehOlititt nactOtott* alatha'hieseltfait 101/10."-- Iteterlei to Snake tritithitig.WrittiPete . osnat At,botti ",Nintoiritt Oft atoi; *Act 04 little 144; and, ribbon Juct * AltdMilag, thsititatiiink, diens en: -delay 'and Welting, -,Teti ,titten, itittik**1: 44- Availoi • w*litit, •preparldit Ineektent. not dirty 'work, kett'enth. the: bitt,, enfant abd eleovitproteetontellinsid ottlohoit We .11 Adiviii : the..kithIet ts .4000 „it ,knot voronoy... ,Ontt glow *Alan itti atii0 leiditterenti stO het atimatitli 'In the siiii4tnittitearei to huki thic:AdiseilatiOra aer buthend ,ionitoldldren„,. It ottwoorlit ' Se, wind; boot:Nor day nan, -*Wit Ube "10, nitato onioint 'itantatti) A *tutor* fo .Me And Is" Int the• iitatiekt dilet :ott tee **Tb. oarstaee V .' 14,Itiisifit the %OA ,..liamitatfactiadtati' .2 eeok 410wlY.• teresuillicereertivita,i4p0; alber .140, Zua e( *OW' os too. ,X Motb.fa oor* 3444 gottfoo.,,,-': Poo-lolt oloot s roof* intik airerlialt • girt ot thetr. Anierheit pint ot rot* otmeet,irr 00031koseltnerteltiopoo4ter sap ato hontonter, 044one one and one -bale toeeppontale Prima& leg pawiden. fiitt pegustr potrslor in itionrt tttit egguudt and log aid hotter., yolk Or anti lent; 01 alt in4 white at egg; pour thitt2pUture late A ilea0a weit.greseed ionttle• glans, end' 34.41"114431'y tsuntry-tik,-"e"01.e quart ot tioer, and eitt it; To one goad ot Kollin. odd PiaiehalA OUR ral *WM irorer *Ad • atlr mto rim olfro4 Slonr; tithe two ona. boot 142kkforo41. watcl ounor to, the doolro4 roortt in OP otke,01 the egat4; ,After eflice are WO *At' 104 1= 441k);0* tP bEttftEY 41.104114L jy no email tibiae of the credit to email venni Oink Abettor And *115 ' which b tit theniPtrt tir rise. and ofrer.# was P0r- oPe en Atli WA*, hal& riSinisbest hard then it'Int Oven Ur other*, possmi$ est more de. *earl raatik ,aret rifise it "rviug., but moo prop44ent, rear ektli4nulifeeRMIaltitl°14%;theil ainleht Man, and from all the weeotioro of him that imee mached, the nubile, Act (memo to ati it dere, dieltura eithiler. who ' clearly la view the desired object and ((Peaks nor tied' for effect, but iceePe Weeteeeriveor:oenide arg irnotobrdetortkaa• t'04.erietbteor, Onta4litow Trnowurtun-atWohlienb, HCanytunotelders wheaxtuode itg attalamel2t. In other worde, Dodd'e Kidney MIA on he la the typically suecesetni general, Hand. cold-blooded, regiirding the Uwe of SOWN Tnil *MU 1011T1L le New *eft *key lasester 40ealessiva • ees tietseareee wawa We 'en tiosteit itteeneet DOPOOlf..410400 Millettli1101 ultesteser. Tito ePPOWtesent of foloorrfl000rel Sir Redeem Autry Ballet to the ow Prom* ronumned 9r the Aritlek tone* kioath Alzine.:,stettriour unite* st ,094 ASA latereet in the 4104041 etiliS,Oeter effiefir tionteraing 5/11$44 *be okedieti While know* little, Auger ia,00' Thera c44, earl diirlala Ain *nor Ile heti *erred with ,dintinettoe ,china, throogh the Zuht woo, the Atihenti war, the 44YPtian war, the rentopetati ot 18844 in the:gouda:11/40,nd tire former war with the Moore: hot in otnke ot Lbw rentlieta wee 1111'..oflte• maga aiffereetiatect f oat that et others tosseetticient degree to Oro tautt4040..... 1*(449* 04 a, 4f.tMsreh 40;4 ssatsuttienti-, tisKOS • Woo moke up-tiva nano hetore wanted. tXt the OAP of milk is set; aufficimtt, add more to thin tiro hatter. 1 INCH LUOKNO W. Once leieleal Weise* rills wore hare, diced Utile io Wove or Me ole Cesselsilet-Imeererlieeale. nee. Seesaw Exbilaliel Ph Cape. •Lunlenew, ;Nov. 13:-.1.08, people or this totro are of tbe opinion that they' are the most fortunate lot of people, in the country. They *my they have disaovered a remerlatlay easy es- cape fracas Baoketelle-the enemy of all peoplea itt sib times. • They saa that lanoicaolie la really Kidney ache, and ,Olitet Dodd's gainer' Pine will cure it. Tjje people •ef IdhcirnoW may be( right, Mat indeed they are right, to 4i ciertain escheat. But they ate; laboring under it •mistaken impresaion if tbey inner - Me they have made it nem discovery in finding Doride Kidney Pills will cure Baokaahe. Itl lie a well-knowu fed la' all eoaa- tales that Poctre Kidoey Pills are a Opecific not: 'onLy for liackeche, bat for all forma of Kidney Disease •-• Bright's Diaease. Diabetes, Rheamla- dem ileartTlisease, Bladder and Ur- inaxe DokaPlainte, Women's* Disorders and Blood Irma/wattles. • The people: of Lucknows„are nOne 'the lees fortunate, however,in having a medicine •that will' °diathesis diseases. even shougie cures aro not confined *o their own town. Dodd% Kidney. Pills comprise the only me,dloine that will cure them, and there, was a time When .the more severe oil the maladies were linllirear.hh011a George e Burgress, ot Lucknow. says: SI have been sit* for about five months. I had a terrible Back- ache all tha tinie, and my kidneya were very bad as the doctor said. I was advised , to wie (Dodd% Kidney Pine. I got one box and found, relief almost immediately. 1 used three boxes els 'together and am recovered complete - y. can do my work better now tban ever in my lifet before:* " CYANIDE'S DEADLY ATTRACTION. Those Wise liansile ilae Diaz Drawn Alumni • Irresistibly to SiVnlioW it. "just now we are engaged in the making of tons of cyanide of votes - slew." says a member of a firm of manu'ustnrhig chemists. "and of all poisons, thici, to my mind, is the Most dangerous. because of a singular qual- ity it possesses. • It is in appearance tatotveLtheyareyattraetttn ivoet:tetedszewhwoitun handaie ih almost overwhelming. desire to eat it. To Due man it probably suggests sugar, if 1m have a fondness for saccharine subatances, and to another, snow new- ly fallen; but to bedsit is SO alluring that -they may only overoome the temptation,. to pet it in their mouths by great force of will power, ; "Tee very men wbo niake it and Who are most fainilier with its deadly pas. pert,ies are pursued by an unreason- able desire to eat the poison, and as long as they remain in ite vicinity ,this extraordinary craving endures. They know that to give way to the craving means death almost instant and hor- rible, and as a consequence are usual- ly able to recast the stran,ge temata- don, but during this last ten yeare we have been engaged in the man.ufaetute of the drug four of our most intelli- gent and steady -workmen have oral, mitted suicide in this way." "Ever feel like eating it yourself," he was asked. "Yes," the • manufacturer replied: "Many times when in contact with the cyanide banes, and have had to Wee - work paecipitatelyin consequence; Sri roU 18 thitl °taloa fact known in all works where cyanide or Potasaiuns is made there 'ate always. two : Men at Work together, and a jar of ammonia, whieli is the antidote to thespoitien.18 kept at. hand, , "Potassium la art Of WO Moot inter - eating substances .knoWit to themipal Makers. • The metal lteelt Is moody used itt all itt the arts, but ita many 'ante tire of Inuntstmo 'welitiout valuo Niter deedlargely in theassellesition of gunpowder, Vitalizers, inedionies and dyeing compounds. ;Oyealideltali &m- mol• as means to ab end, regretting the 100 of soldiers 10 battle, not on woad of the men; but trent the fact that It- dinanishea the number of hie effective force; pituctjIiqi in duty, end demanding that evenhene else ebould he the same; net apariler and equally merailees in bis ex- actions on others; a man to whom' OTHER MEN ARE MACHINES, to be moved to and fro, and manipolat- ed witheat the &lightest regard to their personal teenage. Such a man 'may, in hie moments of relaxation, he an agreeable compan- ion, but relaxation to a man of tbie kialundotiainferecoin,naalancleos‘tvithuruttahteurpoal;puit. lar conception of his character, nor, In- deed, with the tante in the case; for e, man of this description rarely feels the need of It. Cold, phlegmatic, for all practical purposes, his nerves might be ateel wires; so far as can be judg- ed freut word or aot, he has AO .nerves. Ile is among men, but not of tiaena ; a, thing apart and above the human race, using it for his own purposes, to accomplish hie own plans; to carry! out the objecte which be .proposes, to ful- fil the teak Wallah has been set for him, or which he has set for himself, without fear, without zavour. The portrait of Buller, might, with trifling modifications here and there, serve an the portrait of Kitchener, but, the moat obvious quality, of each be- ing silence, not to say taciturnity, the °boosters of both men must be judg- ed from their *tient*, rather than from their words. Theyare men who make history. Silent mert in positions of power and influence always dq. The nitre of action is not alwaye silentethe eilent man la not always a man of ac- tion, but when he is, when hie mentel energy takea the form, a« deeds rath- er than of word,s he is tOlertibly SIMS of accomplishing something which .Me world will find it wertb, while to re- member. The silent nem, while them- aelves speaking little, are a source of inspiration to the talkers, ler so na- tural le it, and so much' easier for men to translate thought into language rather than into action, tbat the silent man becomes more conspicuous, by his taciturnity than he could estimably be by, the exereise of any gift of speech that might belong to hint, SILENT MEN. ThS history. of• the world has been made by silent men, who like Buller andKitohener laid well their plans, but did not talk of them, often not even to their inmates. The silent men ia of necessity self-reliant, self- contained. Ile beans with Patience tbe views and opinions of otliera, bat does net impart his own; he listens to ad- vice, but glees ne 'hint cse to what use, if any, he intends making the sug- geations offered. The talkative man is morally certain, mane time or other, to make it slip, and say too much, or to say the wrong thing, or the right thing at the wrong time; but the, words of it -quiet man are usually well weighed be- fore they are uttered, thua generally convey a deeper significance than times of the talker, who, from mere force of Wait, speaka whether he has anything GC1Sra411eat °nor Idalitt have generally been silent meg. The military life of it- self is not cc:inductee to loquacity, for the discipline a the ra.nka enforces silence, but the private soldier has per - 'oda of relaxation, daring which his tongue may bave free play. ne hoe no care, no responsibility, rot his move - menta 0.,re directed by his officers, and even if he had the capacity, he isnot 'permitted to do his cavil thinking. An- other thinka for hint,. /mother tells him what to dts and his main duty is sil- ent obedience. A commanding general hi In a position *here retierve is ctn- forbad by his eurrousidings. 8,e has 110 etplaki, and therefore, bo lath:as-tea, ho leruicibes;sttiettrioesraed, abiYe tim all,radeahibereltihgohste- ast who bear them, often distorted into a. (significance which he did net in - /f you wv3i,, eroubledi 'with Catarrh nnd want 1:101°13.0162egnr7rna: Itattahilo• ..sreirar, .zOne,- which 'is a guaranteed mire for thin dietresaing disease. There is rie roontd. Ofceltrooge,00nitt t4lab oatiert:tailitimio Ittifeitt Lf*reca ehotelmagt Caotitart4 haxanaatiaenthsetigitoll cl oiter liquefiabie gas wbioh hitw- the ooritni eenribt ratuall theitdieettied parte oilerof alitelitilir and bnraa With nnu nd hanst,tlittelateared uee1ee. but. 004' pin flews; Cyanide 01 potauium s atilittione 14 tiorried by the itir Yen Made by Wising pekeiteititikt an,alkall 'breathedirectly to ,ithe,diseasott parts Metal. in efensgen-lpta. and la h' value ,it:,•IftrilItow.., kWh* tins ger4 pmusshato of Wash, 11";in prkitioted• lits.wnd 'tooling thr,,Mre epotit 11 aIim 14 West farms** in Which ors 14 COSS hiS.inhalatirliti No agnate* Aid' sine tad, with coke oncoat mitt le,ver.• rink, ,noid b*. all „druggists or by mount When kept.dry, but. ; deoont-: *WO **Wife* trial °teat nenctl Ottecia readily itt 1#01f1tt att.' it 'Or*litlit'!'; DODD* JO N. il.kiVhiowiit & Co., (Ilox 518 144651 bitt1tY'r .00tOgiolat bIooka, nnti 14 RingettMi: Ont. tatsMitlY 001016lintot.lt. heel the 4 • ' i; 011et. 04410, ,t1 nd fitlftitt hitter.4 ; .010144008 011' IT *nide ;OUVOritOriltirn • 4i. - • 1. XIS 0E84 letEtt .WEEtan ,"4191,r4'"0, tete, a °Iritrilt14hritittt*talltbaillifittrattl .4:41entitte'll „Settee. Of ftnita oott aidonaio in 1.111,11 EASY tkatilin take 111. *any here et let.. - lekt: Odds/ • iskt be ''Atte 01 bit oitroAt.t. dust lot ..A1.41k"i6edeir :Syhtlin..,Wir thecoily,'allat • ot lot< It* .xntrv noo noka n000nit lOpa :ha% 3104,0 41,10 . • • • „ ..7*,60trlialt„WITU TB LADIES, ,tbs year bwnies it haft. told .eneng# to 0060 ttleet, and 11 inn,t4O bot it th.lr ult.:Nowt *tom in 5 •RIA• • Worn*** Work le never:409, 'wad?' ted the ,eyinotiehetie citizen. . t=tft le, B.nr'tetta'ui Nirootan'S work, 14 :stover ,40134. %care is Away* enough 'or It i.lt treek'ta'ketne her' huithend: Imo: from the, tine:the ,igete through 'dinner tilt ha'S US tired ne: hite, to go; to ' ALLA LILY 41 ;iik.$4434 and ittinakaitl 7fW," Toon in IttOIa.1 but rt.ot the leent ttie dieeeette;'0', **Mlle 4,eleoll? 111 ElM RAT A - Tokelau -Ws Brom° Quints* Tomato...I Atk doillIflellrofauct the MOW. if knelt to sine. OretteseigemOtAisint wish inns It iflaa la *044; klagla tieoPItVa lAnlat lls 1000.0644telt. 1 "Terrfrr., 41 pharaoh leap rens et fiteett.9ee. ' No man is abeng tob!. valet and - no man wants to be a t to hie bete, La Toe atm& 1 Mitt malleat mematf.......7.0xutb. eau: Tags a wise knows what not to do in ea . 0,1CIEEFFS- 117T. az: MALT ZinlSorantiL. sown Whaa man bas done 81113 can improve on. .11.1.1•1110 woman thinks P00 OVOR FIFTY TOMO ateadtfairstovas sceseMica elrarfr mn roll bent sod Motions for Owir.sbUdesa WOW. Diess Ds metese the gens, allays min. sures Mon solfs, an jai issbenjomoly kw meow*. Ice a bet. tie. Botany sli demean thrtoriann Ms world. As ewe sad ark Are"WA Winslotr's ftetidse Symp.. • Imposition is the only position some people ever attain. , ado Revtard, $100. • The !sedan) of this paper will be _pleased to learn that there ts.rtt least sae dreaded disease that science has been ablelc ratutiro itnte:. I ita states and that is Catgut. r °sterol camels the only JOAO/a mire new the medical Araternity_ Catarrh being it e Ututional disease, requires a constitution treatment. Hairs CaWrb Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the word and memo; surfaces el the eystem, thereby des- troying the foundation of the Wawa and RIVIllEtbe patient strength by building up the constitution arta assistluit nature bn doing its nark. 'rho proprietors naves) mach falba in It. curative powers, that they offer one Hun- dred Dollen for any,case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. 11`, J. 01110113)/ &CO.. Toledo. 0. Sold by drugghns, Haire Mundy Pins are the beet worm.. Be sure you Are right', then be cer- tain you are sure. FIONTO1111. MOTU CIRSOTORY. The s' Balmoral," Free Sue tarttO: Hotel Carslako, Roza 02r.O.Ststion. Montreal. Geo. Caralaka& Vo.u, Prop's. ATOMS HOUSE-mcGUI-CollegO M50 enu& • Fpne. iralzy.Hotel rates $1, ST. ,JAMES411)TEL..-°,10,rogpm• pet Hallway. First -clam Coannercilig House. 1117deni im- prooaments-Itit$es moderate. Some men show good -judgment by showing a lack of self-confidence. , WP.C.998 • CALMER:1"S Cerb011O ototsfoottutto. Soaps. Dint. mon% moth-,..,:ettwitorct eat; heve been awarded moo mor and diplomas for superior excellent*. Their regalse Ube prevent infect!. one disarmed. Atit your dealer kr Obtain a supply. Lifts Millertfreetisetoplleition. ' F. 8t, DIADONIISTOR, 1101(15.410D, usic cachets anted To sand for One complete 585E1 • ig71.81/1CP•541021104eLli IM_011y 'wry MUSIC , /0AOHER In Canada What% 110Yal ti 158 Unpaid., TORONTO, ONT. Solid Doid,...$2.85 Best Gold FM .1.50 5 yrsOoldFill 1.00 , Beet Moses., 100 Welfilatentee Perfect satidaetion. OL011113 OPTICAL CO., as iroria*Strest, Toronto. VOINTI04-Mte to travel, Salary or omungegigny rE,Yr44 Mat Elt9SAck, Montrcal. 101401HD-Sigismei1 ptptecifilrult trees tromill0e8t1030.05 Weak. 1.111301tINHCO., Monroe Careseas OLD 01181106. Cures in it jiffy. P. Mo. OoltiaCk *O� Agents. hiontnIsl• IMO MO whit lisieeevit-.Sootiotoot,' seswoesoaloit'ous: 4•43.4k,,th ej+Lei trothevecteteleo. seteeliSit411111#010.isitle-larsilahlthi 11;-ass"lirt4t4nariltiefterlam.415112116a°4. PARKI MhAOM. ADZ li-Digtoiiitin loor HO I ia wituido 6 Cirds,prIntsd lstetstyle, toortntedhshruentarostrumunt ease tr6s6Pstdfor 760. ,Asbets wants& • !Ara tfOrd, Olt* 414 461 -110 OPoilo • COPP R, ORA suet I .ite waks Xultow _,tielb• sales St *SAVO 'T Kideee Tr an, Catarrb, Coast tion '404 Voinp!ion ioon. or • orlon ,kiatin. In' CAM re. WARD'S and NER ILLS YOURstVib:a PILROT uill tAA OlententA that ....);40itn OW 'BLOOM' and areata -neW tistitteS Thera 'les no .gueinstOrk' tho reettit they' .preoltice •.'thes • ken thoronahlY: tested' • endt I cases have wee *atintoetipn. May inflow flawIIfa idt0. !Wig 004 Piii4PWII ,'001•1041.9.411/! ' andenaWe yo tosisep sound, Mit ASSIIIITAltddlptily‘lial°, yolf. :oat lino trial vi1.1,1!:091! vino" you. Prim, 00 Ceuta per box, bogea 3.2•90, 011.4reggists, or, mint by *14 by addressing Sam NOIllee3.4•:. ltkCo rOV0100, Ont. ' • ' Dyeing! CleavOn * rtheser) best send your Viire ties kttitttlerEeTtl?glAft MOiltreal. ofOrircl, 004101:QUO OnesitOossolvonthDrieit Puro,Wholato Um. zap lb., callilmforMo. Rotate Is MVO por web, an armor., oi *mai Li-lb.ps to the 01091C00 Qs • Men& wanted lh every mon : BALD CUNEDI WO" Po'slLtitOlY sodpci , Eitithleitt• Hot Falikil eta, ees renders; tin; hair • Va131iVinfraliWAPOO l $t ROSE •Sc CO., 228 Emonnelles Ass, ,To}osto. ROIIVAl mans t Y c Offts' sigtat EVENT CATHOLJO YOINS MAN inquiw Copy of "Tit ,Ostinnia Studobt's we oflustrustlou andProyers, tor all sendonsor INC '..- hooloslectIoal Year. OOMPLe5bY I rollsious, oudePtim Immediate eupervision of too nerstend IL Spturel,1".0... ' S. Professor or Moral Theology.,'Grand Semi narr_Mbute real, Canada. It coatatos imurgirai Prayer& indply. enoes, Devetiono, and Pions Exerchnis tot overrO000? Mon. and tor anseasonsof the Ecclesiastical Year. 119 Pages. 4 full pagoLlestrationik flexible cloth. ronad corner& Pries Mo. Publiseed by 0. & d. es01.14111 & 00., 1600 Notre Dame Bt., Montresi glANADIAN LIONTINGENT Souvenir' Boailtilal Poekralt. of Her Majosty Cfcebn Victoria, lithographed m mina, sultable we Gismino, also 15.01 Wallet Mailed free, In tube, on reeelpt of 15 captain silver. BENSON AIM COMPANY, 49 Scott Strout, Toronto. lillohlgan Land for Solo, o 0011A011111 0000 10011110 tA11011-4REITA0 81. 10 aoOrsw wegrotoruzttter Elhrrimiiek1p Icot ae-Halodie pri ons Dora estel torW.POO UM*ro.toZutapringMs wrn*unarohno•nOlaOa, sad will tosedeositee notatabusess. ADD to IL 11,111060XAsent, Won Bay City, aka, - or J.W. Walstsment. MAL • n Linn STEA 4 MSHIPS Dominio • moil.' Portland. Me., to Liverpool, ceiling at flanges Westbound. Vancouver, ) Lerge arid fat Stabtaitn uiLipoonlraoan Dominion, ambr an. Rates of passage 1-11 For ratchet lutanist a apply Miami agent', or ' Cabin, 155; Steerage, 50 and . . DM. Sacrament St. MontreM. DAVID T00ti ,111106 s CO., General Agouti,- i ' ' ' • SalvanIzed Steel Windmills and Tamar& stealWax Maas, , Orate arthdire, iron and Wood rum" _ BEARTFORD CA Not toe Now Masiosuit • Mention MIS IMO4E+ THE MOST WUTRITIOU GRATEFUL-COMFORT1111 ottEAkpAst-sui*O, . . GO TO alifornia via 'Personally conducted Nivel pr Calitornia Excursions 1,115111 via miSSOuttl PACWIC .1 - IRON MOUNTAIN ROU THROUGH TOURIST sturgR LOWEST akrits; gaiatatoiontioa itaotation 44: 101411* - 'it telZi411MtbLalt-k.'n Aim Otto.Zrakol noligritik Lstonitayi vo; Vat, A..111Adausr 4411. I [1 so 1 q g , , ilv4V.04