The Goderich Star, 1899-08-04, Page 5wirrriwanorwrriew
The $tai" etas
•1;;K'�r w�it:QST,
on as a Newspaper, and
Y1 O:t Jyrly ;lid atttci fieri tis Oleic
a s treitailiet4144aYa
fuepert our Dalrgaips i10 playla
rj vies and Sundries. t
Oar wheels are good and
prices t.
Bic) cle and Music House
and Bicycle Livery,
tta4tik moles. S:8: pet'ee ttages ,of alt`
Stiat,44 XiaV ateds il':• easerrage, Atln:iter .et
tialta cult 1391 - lytta repeat ds t).
Malta Clots to ascot study I hca\o li;ttl1,
the s4tup r-ctttim ptailQ tqr Huron fele
fthe years /SW*nil1
PQ4tinnllltlt)II,I,n limon In'10 Yeats.
Total deaths . , . n 'a s
Tota f wiily' rialattes (Mantling alltol'o t
abaft Mee 11►or 1.8I percent. I
Total persons dggriag woe leP-
•arO .thoul ; Whit neettr odn, moral
thitn (Mee 200 no 47 peas esus,
TQ )atl fnItats eased �nttnt�e aqua
i I ¥'utlulp naWt;e rat 3teci .
O(1 nampes twtice
25 to • three
10 " four
2 " flye
11 " eight
1 " nine
It ars then perfectly..ain that we
have here on a bi•wtd baste the act
practitioner present, that consumption
is, if not a disease of certain families.
at any rate a disease of partaculrtr
,houses, and which, until the ymotic
character of it as a disease had been
demonstrated ,by Piuf. Koch, led the
profession to suppose that it was in a
peculiar sense hereditary. At this
ppoint-Prot, G. Sime Woodhead, of the
Royal Research Laboratory, of Lop -
don, has recently remarked. "1 um
thoroughly convinced that there can
he no tubercle without the presence of
the tubercle bacillus, and that in every
case the disease is transmitted through
the agency of this bacillus. Thet
being the case, I am firmly of the opin-
ion that heredity, using the term in
the sense in which it isordinarily used,
can account for very few -in fact for
practically none -of the cases of tuber-
culosis that occur either in the humau
subjects or in animals Prof. Bang's
experiments certainly0 conclu-
atf ideal cone n -
sive evidence that tuberculosis (in cat-
tle) was not hereditary; children did
Put inherit tuberculosis from their
parents, though they might undoubt-
edly inherit that weakness of constitu-
tion and tissues wh ch constitute "pre-
disposition" and renders them peculiar-
ly liable to harbor and nourish the
parasites, which in the parents have
done such damage.
How constant the danger to such
"predisposed" children infection may
become when the disease is wide-
spread. may be gathered from the
statistics of a single crowded ward in
New York city, where it was found on
actual inspection that of the 003 houses
in the ward 87 per cent. had present
one or more cases or consumption, or
there were 81 per cent, of cases for
every house in the ward. With the
averaare duration of such cases extend-
ing over an average of 18 months in
filthy, crowded and badly ventilated
houses, we can readily understand how
great must become the danger and
how intense the infection. when it is
estimated that the sputa Iron a single
case contain as high, according to esti-
mation, as 10,000.000 bacilli in a single
Aehesan ,
ly Carpet Selling.
Tie wigltt,ieelf sale values See ht:tle -41)air Offered or seen
Our: Carpet stook simply too heavy by about l;0 pieces.
bright Carpets at prices like these.
Yard wibde, 8 ply, all Pare Wool
reversible Carpet. regular value
$1 and $1.10, July sale price..$(k
f X d wide,1
prgven which in isolated instancee1 ar . $-g y, all Pure Wool
trust have been observes by every guaranteed Carpet at 400 and
1 ht Soderieh 5ti t.
An Interesting and Valuable
Study of Consumption.
The following is rhe first part of a
paper read by Dr. P. H. Bryce. Pro-
vincial Health Inspector, to the. Huron
Medical Association recently, which
will be found to be interesting and
valuable. It is published in the local
press by special request of the Associa-
tion, the statistics and facts being
largely gathered from this county :
Mr. President and Members, -
It is with much pleasure that I have
accepted the invitation of your Asso
oration to discuss for a brief tune a
subject, which of all medical questions,
is today occupying in the largest de
gree the Interest of the medical world.
and, indeed, of society at large.
In the great communities of the tem-
perate climates of both continents the
attention of society is being directed
to the causes underlying the preval-
ence of this generally disseminated dis-
ease, and perhaps at the present mo-
ment vet more to the means of its pre -
option and cure. When it is realized
even in our own comparatively
thattled province this disease
cause• - over 11 per cent, of all
deatbs,.or very 1,000 deaths, it
is evident that no :1lhject can more
properly engage the attention of a so-
ciety, whose aims are so wholly devot
ed to the amelioration of the suffering
of their fellow citizens, and to a widen-
ing taf our knowledge of those scientific
problems which occupy the attention
of the medical profession of this coun-
The interest whica the study of this
disease has for the medical men be-
comes increasingly great when we re-
cognize how numerous are its varied
manifestations, how insidious its be-
ginnings, and yet, though often slow
its evolution, so fatally persistent in its
progress. From birth to old aye this
disease is present. often obscuring as
mists of the morning our vision in the
diagnosis of the diseases of infancy,
again seeming for the few short years
of childhood In be dissipated as the
clouds at noonday, only to return once
more with adolescence as a dark storm
cloud, too often bringing rapid ruin
and destruction with It; or if such he
delayed, then only to leave constitu-
tions as shattered ships, gradually hut
surely breaking up, till they finally dis-
appear in the deeper gloom. So gener-
ally..; spread. indeed, are the germs of
this disease, that the physician must
ever he prepared to see them taking
advantage o.' the invasion of every
acute disease, as when in typhoid,
pneumonia or pleurisy, they maks the
attack at some vulnerable point when
the vital resistance of the patient is at
its lowest point.
Living, as we do, inacountry having
no large centres of population, these
conditions which fully illustrate all the
protean phases of the disease do not
greatly exist, -yet by reference to the
mortality returns of Huron we can find
abundant materials for our serious and
profitable consideration. I have exam-
ined the returns for 1898 for Huron and
find that 72 deaths are returned as dire
to consumption or tuberculosis, arrang-
ed according to ages and sex as fol-
Under 10 10-20 2030 30-40 10-50 50-60 6070 Tot.
Male.... 1 4 5 5 4 3 4 26
Female.. 3 9 17 9 3 3 2 45
The first notable fact we learn horn
these figures is the great disproportion
between the deaths of males and ot fe-
males, there being almost, two of the
latter to one of the former. The figures
as to ages are perhaps too few to gen-
eralize from, yet it will be noticed that
the preponderance ot females begin-
ning in the 10 14 year period is main•
tamed until child bearing has practi-
cally ceased, or up to 40 years. Making,
however, due allowance for the tact
that. as in many other parts of the
province, there is the tendency of
young men to migrate to other parts,
it is apparent that some potent forces
are operative to make a difference be-
tween the male and female deaths from
10 to 40 years vary as 14 to 35. Another
interesting fact is shown by these re-
turns, and that is the duration of the
diseaase, as follows :
1 death at 22 years after 4 days illness.
1 " " 10 months 3 weeks "
1 " " 14 years " l 'e
1 ,e ..30 „ ,e 3 e, ..
1sa a62 ,e "afew ,e o,
Again, of deaths stated to be due to
illness under one year, we have one
atter 2 months, 3 after 3 months, 1 after
months, 1 after 5 months, 5 after 0
months, 2 after 7 months. 2 after 8
months. 2 after 9 months, and 3 after
11 months. Ot deaths where the illness
-was over one year 15, over 2 years 11,
over 3 years 4, over 4 years 1, over 5
years 3, and over 7 years 1. The total
of those over one year give an average
length of illness of 2 1.7 years, or in-
cluding those, month op
to 11 m'entli4 with an average sickness
of 7 months, there were 55 deaths with
an average illness of 1 year and seven
months; showing that in the 747 total
deaths fir tiae county, 72, or 10 per cent,
ale due to this disease.
It will be noticed that the percentage
is 1% lower than the average foe the
whole Province. While it is incident-
ally some satisfaction to know that the
county of Huron, and indeed the whole
northwestern peninsula, has for years
shown a relatively low mortality from
this disease compared with some of the
less elevated counties In the Province
s-wtth their heavy clay Bolls and poor-
er enrface drainage -yet it will be gen-
erally eoneeded that 7'2 deaths in a
popglaticlu of 70,000 persons, demands
stair serious attention.
Rema years ago I endeavored to es-
timate from our mortality returns,
thrmilg�h ttaittng the names of all per-
edne t ping from this disease in a com-
fannityrd'nritlg a ten year period, what
ytbt1t11 f lift of thomb names which Weir
**Dented bore to the total deaths. and
tools utast old settled counties, Prince
I!ttierittd, Vireliaitd and Lincoln, for the
fhfrpatie. Old with the following ret
eipfta t .
�tatltti from Cottetfiolition in 11 years
is etuitntfee, Welland, Lincoln and
Ott Fite fleeted twuTetil deaths, WO:
Having illustrated the general pre-
valence of tuberculosis in the com•
urunity, its zymotic and communicable
character, and the conditions under
which it most commonly invades the
system, it is of the first importance
that physicians realize these facts in
order that, they may be in a position to
take such measures as are best calcu-
lated to prevent the progress of the
disease in the individual attacked, and
its dissemination especially to other
members of his family.
Until within very recent years it
may be said that the disease was but
seldom diagnosed until the physical
signs were well advanced. Thus Dr.
S. Edwin golly, of Colorado Springs,
who has written largely from experi-
ence in the treatment of the disease in
the high climate of the Rockies, gives
the following table of 100 successive
cases, he found :
In 48 cases treated as soon as
diagnosed. 24 were in the 1st
stage, 14 were in the 2nd stage,
and 14 were in the 3rd stage.
In 52 cases not treated for
several months or even years
after onset, 14 were in the 1st
stage, 17 were in the 2nd, and
21 in the 3rd.
Under the conditions by which sani-
tarium treatment of the working
classes in Germany is conducted in
connection with the Workmen's In-
surance, Laws, Dr. Gebbard, of the
Hanseatic Insurance Co., reports that
of 1541 cases treated during 18413 to
1807, 311.9 per cent. were slightly a fleet,-
ed. while of 300 cases treated at, the
Halite Sanitarium in Finland, 00 per
cent. were irethe second stage. It will
thus he apparent that it is especially
to the ihterest of the German insur-
ance companies to send patients at. the
earliest stages to sanatoria for treat-
ment. and that as a result 30 per cent..
were treated when slightly affected,
and that of the 1541 cases full working
capacity took place in 71.8 per cent. of
the cases: general improvement took
place in 85.5 ner cent, of the cases, and
local improvement, in 58.1 per cent. of
the cases.
Or taking the figures of the Bremen
ins Trance Society in 1890,' of 297 pati-
ents treated at the ltichburg Sanitar-
ium t
Z3.9 per cent. were slightly affected.
.7 per cent.. were moderately affected.
43.0 per cent, were seriously affected.
it is very noticeable 't herefore in re-
cent years -showing how the cnrabil-
it.y of the disease in its early stages has
been fully realized -that early diagno-
sis is becoming increasingly frequent.
As we are aware of the only method
which, apart from physical diagnosis,
has been made use of to any extent
with us is the microscopic examination
of the sputum, and this a9 yet, I am
afraid, to only a limited degree. You
are aware that for several years the
Provincial Board of Health Laboratory
huts been examining all specimens pro-
perty packed, free. when sent through
the local hoards of health. Doubtless
there are physicians who do their own
work! hut it must he confessed that up
to the present, exact diagnosis of cases
of tuberculosis is still very partial with
us. That great interest, however, is
1-ftaita,Ietllee, parse or catsup ars
�Dortrp}ttryla�� Oled �mckryBann more
Paracone Wax than by any other
method. DOOMS of other tueewili be
'"nn°a°TRefl ned
Paraffin° Wax
In *very boembotd. It is clam,
taatisces and odorless -alt. water
and acts proof. Get a pound cake of
It With a tet of Its many gam
nom Sold
eeeryyw8ree. Rr ade
tapgililt.OIL F&, limltN•
Yard wide, &stored Hemp Car-
pets, revertible, regular 25e
July price
Handsome, fresh,
English Tapestry Carpets, 27
Lucile, wide iu Seat designs,
suitable for hails, drawing
s rooms or parlors, regular 50o
and 55a, at 40G
40 pairs Scotch Nett Curtains, 8-1
yards long, 60 in. wide, regular
price $1.35, special per pair.... V
being shown in this matter, may be
gathered from the last quarterly re-
port of the Board by Dr. J. J - Macken-
zie, its bacteriologist.
He examined during the quarter 218
specimens of sputum, with which 138
history cards were sent. He states
that the number is too small and the
work too new to base very definite
conclusions upon.
The following were his results of 138
specimens -57 were pJsitive and 81 ne-
The cards gave
mat ion :
• m s 4 z U 3
the following infor-
other question asks for duration of symptoms :
O a x ' ti
(o 1-• 713
t t'
c° v oma"
e c, a
Another very interesting statistic la,
obtained friar] answers to the question
as to a history of infection. All did
not answer this question, but of those
answering, 34.4 per cent, of the positive
cases gave a history of infection, while
in those specimens when the bacilli
were not found, only 7.4 gave a history
of positive exposure.
(To be continued.)
"He That Any Good Would Win"
Should he provided with good health,
and every -one would have good health
should remember that pure, rich
blood is the first requisite. Hood's
Sarsaparilla, by giving good blood
and good health, has helped many a
pian to success, besides giving
strength and courage to thousands of
women who before taking it could
not even see any good in life to win.
Hood's Pills are gentle, yet effect
We notice that Mr. Ardagh is now
developing the peat deposits in Ellice
township between Stratford and
ListoweI. Fifteen hundred tons are
now in process of drying; the G. T. R.
siding will soon be put in. and the com-
pressing machinery will then be put in
and manufacture commenced. It is
confidently expected to have the fuel
on the market this fall.
Tested By Time. -In his justly cele-
brated Pills Dr. Parmelee has given to
the world one of the most unique medi-
cines offered to the public in late years.
Prepared to meet the want for a pill
which Could he taken without. nausea,
and that would purge without pain, it
has met all requirements in that direc-
tion, and it is in general use not only
because of these two qualities, but be-
cause it is known to possess alterative
and curative powers which place it in
the front rank of medicines.
Tuesday morning of last week,
Robt. Warwick. of the 2nd line,
Morris, met with a very painful
accident While driving from the barn
to the road the horse took fright at
the upraised top of the buggy, and
dashing down the lane, came in
contact with the gate post. The
driver was thrown out, receiving an
ugly wound on the head. The doctor
being called in. found it necessary to
put in 3 stitches.
Can Reeonimend It.- Mr. Enos
Bonherry, Tuscarora, writes; "I ane
pleased to say that Ur. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil is all that you claim it
to be, as we have been using it for
years, both internally and externally,
and have always received benefit
from its use. It is our family
medicine, and I take great pleasure
in recommending it."
of a Carpet that will outwear
two ordinary Carpets.
because of the purity of the
stock and the way it is made,
be sure and try a flooring of it
and be convinced.
The "CANADIAN BRAND" gnaron-
teed pore fleece wool; colors fast, See
that our trade mark "The Sher "Is on
the ticket on the end of the roll with
sample of yarn attached.
Royal Carpet Co.
Boning Agent at Godarteh.
SaaSI agcu, eaa ea,`a.'GaasVaVsSa'ata
"To Err is Human,
People like to talk about attractive
things in advertising. In a company
recently the proverb above quoted,
and which appeared at the, head of
one of as well constructed series of
adv i
art ae
menta of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
was so much discussed that we doubtt
if any one there will eyer forget the
source whence it came. Messrs. Hood
& Co. are using these proverb adver-
tisements on a very broad scale, and
they are attracting discussion and
favorabie ronuuent everywhere.
Two cats of fine 3 -year-old steers
were sold last week by Alex. and hole.
McAllister, 3x13 con., Grey, to Messrs.,
Dulmage & Mcllerurid. The cattle
averaged 1,300 pounds, which will not
be easily beaten when it is taken into
account that there were 40 head. At
$03,00 each the neat little sunt of $2,520
was paid for them. Meesra. McAllister
have about 80 head of cattle yet on
their pasture fields, The McAllister
folks operate 323 acres on the 2nd, 3rd
and 4th cons., and 100 acres rented
upon which Mr. McAllister, sr., resides
at Ethel.
A dose of Miller's Worm Powders
occasionally will keep the children
WE have just received
another car of Flour
from Keewatin, made
by [he Lake of the
Woods Milling Com-
pany. The best Patent and
Strong Baker's Flour made in
the world.
Choice Groceries
and Provisions.
` indapo
Made a well
Man of
ekomi Ea TBE ABOVE
Renata 1a 80 days. Ower
all Nervous Bisresea, ratlIse MemoSlosplayamarm Nightly rr
{ veed hr out atkenomnetea, afros
1 at 17 rasterr . Lead
ed. difusa..i'pockeLya o(( aor yams., quickly but
Six for da carried0 wittha...r4Uee,. g spare se
guarantee Darr v care
nt sonfanoO baring II7DAP0. If your druggist ha. not
sot a. we will .sod iC ropWd.
0o Fusser co. e,.� a=+•4a ru. • or ayay
Sold in Ooderioh' by James Wilson. druggist
The most Important Historical Hotel of the uear, "WHEN KNIGHT-
HOOD WAS IN FLOWER," by Edwin Caskoden. This is considered one
of the most interesting Stories of the day, whether read in a historical light
or merely as a romance,
"'RED ROM" by Thos. Nelson Page, This book has had a sale of 44,000 copies
in the U. 8. at $1.50 We can supply you one at just half that price, 75c.
"DAVID HARUhl" by Edward Noyes Weateott, Read this book, yen will enjoy
it and IM you will IMORAIID CARVEL" by Winston Churchill, paper editions 05e.
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, regular 75o, naw 20e.
A new Novel by abbot Darr, 'THE ADVENTURE() OF JENNIE BAXTER,
JOURNALIST," paper 1dc.. This book is also having a large sale.
The lawn of the Medes and
Persians never changed, neither
baa the superior quality of
T. & B.
Murtlo NdvU
Its merits have made it the
most popular Tobacco in Canada
for nearly half a century.
___ /6 9�r'!1-r/
Is not the result of "influence- or "pail.•' It I -
the result of right preparation.
Central Business College
Onr graduates have beer, wonderfully slime.,
ful this year In securing goat situations. They
snoe.eed because they are properly prepared.
WNto for our new catalogue. ICs the finest
business college catalogue In Canada and rep-
Bicucie Livery and Repair Shop.
We are better than ever prepared for the
'macron of 1899.
Wheels by the day or boar at reae..nabte
ratee. New riders schooled with care and
Reliable new and second hand Wheels
for sale at the lowest living prices.
Brazing. Enameling and Repairing of
all descriptions promptly and mechanic-
ally done.
Cor. Montreal 8t. and Square.
Pastry, Oyater Patties, Tarts.
Short Bread and Cream Rolls.
Mince Pies and Lady Fingers.
Kisses, Macaroon., Mai angnes.
Brandy Snaps, etc.
Are as good as the hest made in any
City in Canada..
Crartt.elon leads the trade in
tatty. Circulation. Shrewd I
Order quickly to get the low price for all sisea.
Imported --best quality. low prices.
See these -only 25o per pair, extra value.
From 50c to $1,80 per gallon, mixed ready for use, the best brands
in the market.
Is up again and those who want any should order now quickly.
Tlie doctor's medicine to cure you
by using a
For Sale by
Rave yen ever tltttdallateti basila swat: flit
eevid La the lea . tug . ,by fir(" tolkr
clothes made by ei alto that kuotm
business. Clothe* 1100,4t, weir 1.**p0
look better, and are)tln,ore igtlia is t'oty lip ,
wearer; those Who Weir oltr germ nt* op*
preciato this.
While perteetiofa way tuft. Ji r* Itdslit
reached in any depalrtmeu4 of hejtakettki.
vity, not excepting the science of tailoring, but the claim elan Wily sly X11
that Pridham a Clothing is as near human perfection tut it fa'plle(tibler tick bee
We show more new and exclusive design. in our Spring sad BMW.
met Goode than any others. Wi guarantee to you that our paces ere IaWe
than you will hays quoted on warranted first quality clothe.
We give our customers the beet value. We MI every order.'pronipt.
ly and on time. We know our business thoroughly. We do it bauselily,
energetically and courteously. \Vo want your trade, and in return will, pre
you the value of your money every time.
PRI DHA( 1, The Tailor.
Our Fancy Worsted Suit
for $15.60 to order---w-
Have life and snap to them. These goods are made of long
yarn just like the finest fabrics, therefore, wear longer and
look bettor than those usually sold at this low figure.
l,lvelh Patterns in Gigs and Stripes.
Order of us and get your
money's worth.
Art Tailor, Natty Hatter & Gent's Furnisher
A sure cure for Rheumatism. , -
J. Brophey & Son,
West Street, Goderich.
We have remodeled oar premises and converted the whole second
flat into a modern Undertaking Department, and are now in a better
position than ever to supply the wants of the general public. We
carry a complete range of goods, have all modern oonvenienoes, and do
embalming on modern methods.
Night or day calls promptly attended to.
In Furniture,
Our Stock will be found the very best in the market, at prices
whish will compare with quality. An experience of over a quarter of a)
century enables us to procure the beat quality of goods at the lowest
possible price, and our customers always receive the advantage.
If you want anything in the Furniture line, drop in and ascertain
what we can do for you, and if the goods and prices suit we would be
pleased to have your patronage.
West St., opposite STAR office, Goc cricb.
A Well -Shaped Foot
We should like to show con some foot
wear of that sort -to prove that style need not
interfere with comfort, nor comfort with style
--and that we give the most of style, comfort,
rind durability for your money.
Bea our fashionable
Slippers and Boots.
All of newest design, perfect make and
guaranteed to fit and wear.
Wm. Sharman, Jr,
Corner of Square and East St.
A Few
Good Scythes from 40c to $ 1 each
2 -prong Hay Forks for 15c each.
Hay Rakes. lOc each.
Snaths, b5c and 65c each.
Scythe Stone:, Sc.
Gold Medal Binder Twine, 12c.
Consumers' Pure Manilla. 11c.
t1. tlI,t`lNR0.%7
Specialties in Fancy and Staple Dry Goals, White Nainsook, Swiss
and India Mull Mnslins, Swish Spots and Lappet Muslims, Fell range of
white and colored Embroideries, white and colored Ducks. fine Scotch
dingliama, Piques, ehookered and brocaded Muslims and White Lawns.
a large range of Towels and Towelling, SUTRA QUALM' AND +ALOE. Umbrellas
and Parasols, and a full range of fine Cashmere Iloaiery. Small wares as
usual, full lines.
A. M U N RO. Draper.
BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, (burn either coal oil or gasoline.)
DISH WASHERS, (the latest thing.)
CHOICE MACHINE OIL, special for Mowers andjBinders.
Can be had at LEE & SHEPHARD'S
Bay. Troughing. Plumbing and Heating given speolal attention.
A Bad Leak.
A leak in anything is bad, but in
a water pipe it's a serious mat.
ter. Bend for us to mend the
little leak. Have us do your
Plumbing i
g an d you i will be in•
shred against leaks. We do
Steam, Acetylene Gas and \Vater
Fitting anywhere.
CATTLE BROS.,\Vest Side of 'uare, (lOD
Square, ICH.
Stock nearly complete again. New goods received daily.
A lot of Fine Bath and Carriage Sponges jest to hand.
The newest and latest Perfumes.
Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
Rubtker Goods, Syringes, Atomizers. Hot Water and Ice Bogs. etc., etc.
Corner Colborne St. and Square
Cook's Cotton Boot Compoai
la aneaesstatty need monthly by over
0,550 Ladles, Bate, effeotttal. Ledges Oak
our draulat for Caere Case Md Com
yl�y/. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and�e
box' I ons..1 are da��� ra Pram,� box.
box; Ha a, 1e urea r,
t or S. mailed ea receipt of price and tiro latentstamps • This Cook 0esrpass Windsor Oat.
� n� d geoid
in aCan dam ended Windsor,
reepoesNo. 1 and No.m9 sold in (oderich by JSIM
W nerve. dearest
.n tansy designing, end ornamenting
and almond icing. Give him an order
and your eattsfeetion will be nusnrrd.
(2 Doors West of Old il1tapd
Telephone iSto. 100. 00109 Blouse 137aarat, Godertah
1307119? -81`. 00DL'RILCH.
A Revolution in
I am the sole apart and hare added to
my Bte•ele Livery on h,ingatnn Street,
Deet• rleh
The Famous Ries Blctjcle Counter.
Whereby two Mryriea aro ro,rpled as one
Fswter to control far old end young riders
A h.nhaaely 'ale. and the greatest comfort
and ptaaonre .moored.
aa-hcetw for hire and repairing of all kind..
Kit>aston-St., Goderlch.
We have for Sale Cheap
i Shingle mill.
I i5 horse power Threshing Engine,
in good order.
3 Horse Powers.
The Henderson BIGiGIe Co., Limited, C ader1Gb
'ii . 1 r. ala