The Goderich Star, 1899-08-04, Page 3I TZWW ,jr ,Istsw'�-�-r­ - - _., � - . - 0 ,, , , � , - � , A I I .1 , I . 11 7- '.1-7"M -qjr-,Vsr�. - . 1%, . � 'Vork, 1 . I * � a � -,kiry, I f I - � 11 I . I � I it I , V-'- � , I --- MaN ratiamt ­­­­ ----1 -.11-- -1 � I - � �Oygsniavkft %4 woAt I*, * "'mitsIn, 4*1 , - � I ­ ".. - ­. 11--- - -.11.11,1111 - i , x,ailw4t, V;** it"t,* to W,904tio*li 0 Wil..... " 'Vork, 1 Nil: axwke I � 0 .N,q,. to R,, F4 � WN I . "Is".1k I 14WISTROWN STATA*$1 I � -,kiry, I f I I W04tML.Wbt04-ftQrt400PAXW-. A,yosio, ot *A@-* for Witskor4tion ott *. Iftilliko. . Wi*4wrtvTr14ro4N-S.�,Wss3Wx. . -wo pollw 10 044,W4. � tiom ouotpd� ois WotuilAti,po, fxi:tia the , - Arookf"M HIS" 04 01,41t 11 IV, Rli, to - 11 I WiOatorotA,irkWtmi-4o-t,U�attbi*woa'r44,riov,#,O�ilo�. UPW10itture 0044 480kirtmiaxit"Jowokk ', , 4N WV$DARY. AT4W Import- dX4suIt*J,kria.exPWt*d� from whick goo - Cv<*o�'Vxeokr>t�tioo�N-11�.tctbt*#O�yI � . a -HI� A tiollisa. vilIx? " W . $041a, '8� Xwfo tateTtIlitlif- Or - li* Vraucts, tltei$ IWA been of groalt 001'. , S,t�,R�qseai, tp S.WtsOlv, or stwm 0114t; q4t ligle. b*Wo - sit k1kia Partlap ,, ,, Afild, * �w V". Wi0litupiagilou't toe, ctpiitry � the C, AT Uk 04 row N. 1p R. valentli*e � ,**09, k44A 4,44 ilpo"�Ikias wbiclii , were many faix64 were to be totlud ip spItia- p4rfsk, 19 vil,,ink. , 40"40 SO 0gr4sy TuOrulAw *n the Altall, , ,, y others 'Witrie iia *Orm Z -a , � .. Oape,� * *004 Of advice Ikuplik aw 4 .station rum _ ps9A*a4,0ObPay4" , TARA- POiat'y ­ . . , -, , W* kark bipx&kda , 47, q0tailticip, Sir Cliisrhail, , ' , , 0 , n moord Urkete Would Afford. They , 49y;, 40 Miwa , , Pontiac sluit Vacitioc, -TUDOOP rail- Tulippr'p, A04raiiis, ,w a teraperelpla in , . . . a, ,,, , I I I - I I , I 1 ti . wero. to be located at allitab 0 Pic A , wayI, Aylmer to, umlt, dise ukilw language, but g,#mlala4s,gp;0 Ad =can- Sir Charlie I � � a Wupper agreed with, those Pottage 44.Vqvt aa4 Arlaktol. ,-,-,- , , � The Idea * IrA was . t . , . at fq,#4 by ,h wb,q bad opgken that thw stations WOqt4 be of do, value. , " P; V 'r way. for btawli, fjoia ,I J" at 4 wM-11 - . taRnboanCe that it was time, to 00 �tieuaisu, Mr. b Riclimourt add Wolfe, . 15 2114", I I ClOcird Mrsulutain rallw, Law- Ily , , - , elillp in , =ore, than tg ,�*miabla add wan: in favor , 4 the propokkal. They could WIn"I'll rentoevi4la, or 13s*tmkau to 00.13 �-, 1� ia,"­aaa palavor with. our American 114 oil to the various joralitle.a. The wiles� oouwrio. Tlleyt bolujg� irk practical poll- , ur=rpltot his district would be sorely A,tlaittici and Lake Superior, Capflil; , I ( so4wi;64 of the . - . , territory are , , dieptited disappointe -Gcked it if thia vote were kn - , to�py I ; tailes. only* toci wilfiag,ta keep up -the. ell'scus- , orkt� =111se, U ,O eo Co" 06 railway. branch -,-G" , - -4164, iddo nitiply, While it, the raca �4 I tidW I ... I . U" taking .4-ir Henry X.oly db Lotblultare was cer- . from St. Robert to Sorel, 61,9 miles. . 14tau,'Witters. are, put tsiri that ill�Aratiiori stations could And from Motint Job�isiors to St� VA08t ,of the igold, skull Ankaricaa .1 traders arp employing 'All the Cold- ,, teach. our tobacco gr.Qwer* much to This Gregoire ii,tationI one mile. . . , UWW141 advgntajjeo. Six Charlea paid r advantage regarding curing. � - I =. t year* between eight and ten rull- Central- rallway. Lianeuburg. N.S., to Liverpool via Caledonia, 63 miles. � I his respects, to English st4tesmork in . . . J34 lion pounds bAd billencultivated in - ludiap. 4arTen, Queen a County, N.S., I I lumpinor WAfob lot . ;h1l probably a a ' them iny grPat no afford, L , _ 6ex add I(cut'cotiritioa and a* muoll to Shelliumo, 35 miles. � �t�. . . pleasure , told' 41sailt In good round tt�rms the ' 13301re in Qnlotkec. while only two Slid a I half million pounds passed through our Quebec *rail Lake St. Julia railwa)4 Deepwater to Ha -Ha �bay'* 12 miles. . - , , klis I , yeara. of caporleace aul ob vation bad taught him that factories. It the farmers could see put BRIDGE SUBSIDIES. 1. I . , the abld w*almena 04 the Powers in practice before their eyesi the the- orl" taught them in booki they would *The following are the bridge subsi- diea:- . that be in loud is a tendency to � piv It thentik kip more easily. , , . consult. the iveUngs and wishes of the , United States altdigothor tog much. He M . Fisher, in reply to some of the 'Ir Quebec. . . . . . 41,01)(1,000 Yamauka. . I i . . 5000 , ,- - .congratulated title Government upon it 18 oil tions raised, stated that the prin- Sorel . . . . . . . 35.ODQ t� I ­ �Iiateiwivatiou to huva no Moro , meet- .1re of tlkca� stations was the same St. � Francis river. . . W.000 : kS,gs of the Aaglo�.Akncricau Commis- that had wroked out ag well JA the , NicoleL . . . . . MOW Won Unless arld kla,dl thin question Was Case of the ch cese trade. He bad acted Midland railwayriver Shu- I., � in a fair way of oeittlament. By Way uppa tile petitions ctikel Applicottions of I . � -king bonacadie river, N,S. . . 33.4 ". . � � . a mciating tba situation as It now e farmers from all over Canada a e, River du L"p.., , . . . 15,000 I � stan a. he suggetiled that the Govern- ens rental farm Lao river. . P . . . . 15.000 I I Ill' ment take power to Construct a rail- work. The question was discussed at .. I., �, way fr�'ms y.itirmit A. I, British citt. .me further leug,b and finally the — - — --- ­­ , i ,­ 4 . 't" umbia to Dawson via Testin take, and item stood over - SHOT DEAD BY A CONDUCTOR. .;;. I ." . also to provide that no mining licenses - PREFERENTIAL TRADE. — �,' , %"It be issued to any but British sub- I a. Re assured the Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier informed Mr. -MO Neil that the resolution which the lat- A Clewt,A.U41 Bay 111unleresik as Ike Result ' - early support from the Conservatives ter had prepared In reference to of Ike Strike. in o uphold Canada's desire to obtain a preference A despatch from Cleveland duys:- . j interest and the dignity of Canada. in British markets was nob saticfac- A 15 -year-old boy named Cornawich was �.ka . Sir Wilfrid Laurier 6v'dantly thought that the remarks made by tary to him. The Premier said that he had prepared one of his own and would shot and instantly killed by a non- , .`.l. Sir Charles with reference to a rail- sho%v it to Mr. McNeil. Probably they union conductor on Crange street on .., way were a weak.point in the argu- would agree about it. Monday afternoon. Curnswich was a . - �� ment and its enlarged upon it at some length to show that the leader of the ' TO ENLARGE DRY DOCK& passenger on a Broadway car and , made a remark to the'conductor Ralph � ,, 01pplosition had repudiateelf the Sell- ate'a action in rejecting the Mucken- Mr. Fiffilding moved the Hbuse into committee on a resolution regarding Q. Hawley, of No. 103 Bolivar street. I "I . xie-Maark deal. As to Alaskan bound- public assistance to dry docks. In Cornswich then got off Lbe car and , , ary. the Premier pointed out that there 1882 a statute was passed granting the conductor got off and followed him. : . L,, , " were only three possible modes of set- I per Cent. of a subsidy on the out- He pulled a revolver and shot Corna- ; ., .. :�,� , "'!, . ding such a controversy, compromise, urbitration, war. The attempt at lay for building dry docks, but not to exceed '410,000 per year. Owing wich through the head. Cornswich died '�..j � ' Compromise had failed, ypil nobody to- the increased size ot stearrishipe, almost instantly. I -1, contemplated the possibility of war. larger docks are now required.and Patrolman Heilman was riellug upon � �:­'�, " there remained only arbitration. add the resolution proposed to increase the Broadway car upon whicb Hawley , � ,� 4 11 Sir Wilfrid% remarks on the point the amount of the subsidy to 2 per he e n4uQ an at once was t 0 Lor, d he :. � . were of the nature of the physician's cent.. on the cost of the work for 20 placed Lhe latter under arresi. Ark 1 � atatentent, that "while -thero'B life years, but not to exceed $20,000 per Immense mob of people, enraged at the I.. , , ` 1� a's hope." From his general tone w year. The looks which were built un- shooting, quickly gathered at the r " I It was evident that he does not ex - der tht. statdte�'caa get the advantage scene, and the police charged upon the � I 11 , �1' I ptiot to see In t]Ae near future any of the now act if the size is increa8 - crowd and made several arrests. , � -, I . k 1, n c etween Great od. At 9 o'kilock Sunday night a subur- , � � � - 'Britain tind the United States. There The resolution was adopted. Sir ban car was blown up between Wye- �T ��' wasl a, distinct note of discouragement Charles Tupper agreeing With it. aliffe and Willoughby, about fifteen ., I i I in his appeal to the people of Canada �W"O LOAN COMPANIES' BILL, miles east of Cleveland. The outrage � 4-ls t;b a patient for a few months longer. � The Latin Companies'. Bill from the we, not reporte -it to the Cleveland po- �, , � . ) Is 14 distinctly discouritsing thopro- 11 - Senate, which kea provision for lice until Monday morning. The car � , � L : . �� ; - .J. -sal to exclude Americam miners from tlm, on try, he did not say ", companies to beknincorpotated ithout i was on the Painesville line, and was filled with passengers, mostly women tha�t deboeut'limpossible for circum- �Jnig com lng to Parliament for theirvehart- ers. was taken up in Committee, The from the city, who had been spending ' I , start"s to c urkdor*wbich such a c bill was read a third time. the day with friends in the suburban . , ,oliov policy might ,44w.o&templated. He ht towns. The front end of the heavy mo- , o confined himself to a-6-dht*Qtion that N THF CLAS,S OF IMMIGRANTS. tor was raised several inches from the . such action would almost certainly lead The Immigration estimates were track, the headlight was blown off t be - . to r.taliation; to be followed very pro- then taken up in supply. Mr. Sifton, car, one of the axles won bent, and Rev- I ,�, C, bably by non -intercourse. in reply to Mr. McDougall, said that oral windows were broken. Two pos- . THE PACM, C CABLE. . he had been taking out a plan sengeris were badly cut by flyingglas8. I.- whereby something might be done in 1, . : . " - i The PostWastor-General, according to the way of inducing farmers from the I I I arrangement, proposed that the House Old Country to take up lands in the NINE MET TRAGIC DEATH. � . proceed into committee on his reholu- unsettled parts of the older Provinces. — '. � P: tion providing ter Canada's assuming RAILWAY SUBSIDIES. Only Five of Porgy of Fourteen Miners I I - five-eigliteorkths of the costof acable Sixty millions or more is the sum curvive--otherg killed toy Lxltsoxure. .., I line between this Country and Aua­ ' w hidh is to be voted by Parliament at the present session. The estimates al- Dlsean�, and Oise suleldIrd. . . tralia. The question, he LhOught, ready down exceed $M,000,600; the rail- A despatch from Victoria, B. C., says: � Was one on which there was no dif- way and bridge subsidies, of which -M. Perelman and R. R. Haneon, who 7.; , ference of opinion, while the primary Mr. Blair gives notice to -night, includ- have just reached here from the north- � object in view is to secure cable Con-' ing revotes, amount to f6,W,295. The summary statement of the rail- orn gold fields, tell a tragic tale of I aection witb. the Australasian colonies. way resolutions is as follows: adventures in Lho north. Out of four- . it was inconceivable that any British Bay of Quitite railway, for branches toe" men who went from San Diego ,. power sWirld Stand in the way of the to mines Or woodlands in Poterbor- together in the ovening days of 1896, I � Empire's obtaining cable connection on otigh, North timberland, Hastings;,4Len- only live are alive. � fair add reasonable rates over the nox and Addington, Frouterato or ll,eeds, 10 miles, revote. Fatalities rommenced early "Bob" . 'le � Eastern Extension Company's line to Hawkesibury to South Indian, 35 Johnson fell into a fissure wh 1, cross- China arid Japan, which would prae- miles. Ing the White pass, and died,. eleven tically give us complete cable corinec- Sault Ste, Marie to Michipicoten bar- days from blood poisoning. At Five- . ' tion with China and Japan. The en- boitF and niain line of C.P.R., 40 miles. Branch line from main line of O., A, Fingers a scow, containing much of [we 130t terprise would be of Imports ' and P.S. railway Lo Pa,rry Sound town, t'he supplies, was lost, and with diffi- cu Ity Eric Armstrong, one of the . only to Me who�le British Empire but five -it-. agon party was saved. His re becom- . of direct benefit toCanadian commer- Haliburton, via Whitney, O., A., and P.S., towards Mattawa, 20 miles. - if ted a few days a ing a cc fterwards ,he cial interests. The financial aspect of blow out big brains, and was buried the case was based upou tile, report Extension of Tilsonburg, Lake Brie, and Pacific railway from Tilsouburg to at the Ravids. At Whito Horse rapids two of the party, named Dow � I of tAbe imperial committee Of 1897, I Ingersoll or Woodstock, 28 miles. and "Long James,"' died from typhoid �� which was favored with the advice (if South Shore railway, Sorel to Lot- fever, while shortly after reaching � ­ � Lord Kelvin, t&e distinguished scien- bkui,aro, 82 miles. Dawson another. of party died k . tist. Their Calculation was that the Fort Frances vrelsterly to mouth Of .the brooding over imaginary troubles. I Rainy river, 70 ,miles. I Four others died shortly afterward. �, cable would cost in roll it figures Ell- Is Clanadian Nowdliern from the Winni- Those who survived seemed to have 1 492,000. Since tJwn an increase in'the peg Great Nordiern. north of Swan struck it well, and Perelman and Han- . . -1 cost of the Cable, )material has brought river ko Prince Albert, four miles. son do not seek to disguise the fact. .1 �, the proposed cost. up to X1,592,000. The Edmonton, Yukon, and Pacific rail- way, (rom Sout/h Edimonton to North They are here -forthe purpose of order- ing a steam thawing mac.bine, with . plan contemplates that the cost should Edmonton, thence westerly through which to operate some of their claims 1. , be divided in the proportion of five- Yellow Head pass, 50 miles. in Dawson. f � eigUt,eentha each by Great Britain and Bay of Quinte Railway Co., for ex- - Canada, and two-eig(liteenths each by tension westerly from Deseronto, two in ilea, and for extension from Tweed BANK CLOSES ITS DOORS. I New Zealand, New South Wales, noirtherly, five miles. — I Queensland 'and, Victoria. In com- Ontaxiol, Bellinont, and Northern rail- Ville Warle, of lientrent. Flnl�krn Its , mittee lie -would propose a,n amend- * wrLY frOkn es tit terminus at iron ��=rty, five D (littluered ta�­r To D . I morkit, that the representation on the mines, 2' miles. A18o erialon fo,r ext * southerly to the Central A despat from Montreal, s yFj:-An 'I ' ;%, 'I'll board should be two members from Onta,ri o junction of taw Ontari o Pacific great sensalt n waa�caused in he city Cartatia and three each from Great milway, two miles. � oil Tuesday rising, especiall among , rn�.rkg . - " 1. Britain and the Australasian colonies. Pembroke Southern, from Golden , .'y '- - the French co unity, wheels n after i �" ' �, I ,, Sir Sanford Fleming bad calculated take toward Irandaley Bancroft, and Ottawa railway, at Bancro-ft, 20 miles" 10 , word P. tit forth t at two o'cl ck, �ce �1­ t'hait the cable would earn with a due Lake Ene amd Detruit River Rail- th � , ._ officials of t h e BWEV, Vill arie had allowance for Asiatic business in its wa,y CO., from Rielgetown to St. disappeared, and that. fbe-y- were short I first year of operation, 1902, 4114,157; Tbictmas, 44 miles, with running rights in their accounts, to a large amount, I in 1903, L153,031 ; In 1904, zCI97,375, and over the Canadian Southern. Immediately a run set In upon the in 1905, ;C249,144. From these figures Kingston and Pembroke railway, branches from main line to Bluff Poin t bank and a few minutes later the di - �., and t1c opinion of all who had given iron mine and Martele mine, five miles. rectorR decided that in view of all the , the question Study, it was apparent Parry Sound, towards Sudbury, 20 circumstances it would be better to I , thal the proposition had no financial miles. SUSPEND PAYMENT. � terrors for Canada. It would tend to bring us trade and to build up our Ontajio and Rainy River Railway Col., from Stanley Station on the P.A., AccorilLngly notices to that effect own telegraph kines and would, he felt [)ninth, and Weiliern to Fort Frances, were posted and the doors were clos- . cortains, compkend itself to t1he favor 140 miles, at $5,400 per mile, not ex- ed, , �, , of (1 -is Country. . cooding *990,000. 14,nquiry elicited the fact that The �� , I Sir Charles Tupper congratulated the government and the Postmaster- Quebec Bridge Company, towards accounlant, F. Lemi�vux, had been all- ' Rent from the institution for a few ; General upon this move and commend- construction of bridge over the St- Lawrence and Chwudiere basi (lays, On the plea of illness. Tuesday �' �: ed Sir Sa:aford Fleming's interest in t-hei subject as having done mare than Quebec, $1,000,000, payable 40 por� cent. morning the tolier, J. J. Herbert, did not turn up, at tho usual hour, and an , " 1, � anything elso to insure the success of ma on monthly progress eati tes ap- by the Government engineer. investigation showed that there wan I I " . � 1; ­ the scheme. Sir Charles gave an ex- haustive history of the movement for proved MaSsawippi Valley Railway Com- a large def'o* Counts. i"t'n their ac I '(W SHORT AT LEAST * �t " ,!��tbia cable, and took the ground that pany extension to Stanstead Plain, A short while later it wag stated Britain had but acted fairly in toeing the mark as she had,. Que., 3 1-2 milee. Port Hawkeph,ury, N. S- to Cnriboo that the defalcation would reach at I,asl­458,000 Find might be more.' ': I Mr. Craig took ad optimistic view of Cove, 10 in""- --- ----- ­'. . !� � I I .h r Q oject and urged that the benefit won it be great to the ninpire. and Fort Franoon, Ont., to mouth of Rainy river, 70 miles. WORLD'S MERCHANT FLEET. �',, , " -, farm morne return for her foster- Central Now - Brunswick sailwny, ,IIII'sIIIII, , ing Care. from Newcastle coal fields tol Gibson, C.,,S, Britain ll�nd.. %Vlfh lh� Inited 11� Messrs. Osle7r, Prior and Rostock tit- Sri a ke In favor of the resolution. N.M. 30 miles. Antler Station to Moose Mouninin, 1401atti. 14"mol. Tre bill Was .ad . third time. Man., 50 miles. A despalrb front London Says:- " THE EXPERIMENTAL FARM. Sunny Brae to Country lint-bour,"tind Lloyds RpRiater of 8hipping gives the I V - *1 . �� � Mr. McMillan said that none but Q from Country harbour 10 GuYsboro', N.S., IP miles. entire fleet of the world as 28.190 � I : '' practical farmer should be at the head Port CLvde to Lockport. N, 9- 20 ' tea,mers and sailing vessels. with a I ,: � � ,%: of the Diqpartinent of Agriculture. He miles. tota.1 tonnage of 27,673,528. 0 f which 90 , 'I, '. , _ was a fasmer himself; hot could not From t.C.R.. near Halifax to Central per ct-int tire BritiFilk. The Americans C I,- 1� -. . run -a brewery; the Same thing WAS railway, LunAnburg, N.S., 20 miles. come next with 0010 vessels, with R 1, �i� I- , I , - I true of the premier in regard to the far iog'bunInessis. Nothing short of a From Labelle, P.Q., to Momaningue. 22 miles. tolal tonnage of 2,4135,A87. Norway 1 -0 � � '. ,141.1 1 4-oution was needed at the farm. T11"y' b4d; now is practical riian in Mr. Western Alberta railway. N,S.. boun- dary to Anthracite, 50 miles. has 2,528 vesse,lo, with a tonnage of only 1,694,230. Ge-mriamy bas 1,676 vea- l. - � ! pri-aale, at the farrq, and with a rac- tical farmer . like Mr. Fisher, th Reatigouche and Western, continua- gels, with a lonnage of 2,453,334 in I which tire Included her particularly . � . ' a? . 0 heillid, he looked for great improvement tion (rain western end of 25 miles, itub- midized, towards St. John river. 15 large ships. � Rwedon ban 1 409 vessels, jr4j- : . 1 1 in the management of the farm. The . miles, and for the railway from S4. with 695,991 tountage, Riussin has 1,218 1, -system fit vogue at. the farm might John river near Grand Falls or St. vesse Is with a tormage of 643,527. Italy [N � halve been all right years ago, but It Leonard to Campheilton, N.B., 12 miles, hns I 1�) vessels, and Francs 1,182. It , was not up to date to -day. The work in all 27 miles. No'othsar nittionality oan boawt of a k,,, 11 :'-'� - desim haft was of no value to farmers St. Francis to olloulb of St. rritnein tboustind ships. Japan has 841, Den- � . , in, Western Ontario, the West and the river. N.B., 3 miles. mark 796, and Spain 701. The BritiRh I "fl� *. lte­\ MAtitime, Provimm. Mr. Fisher appreciated the way In Canada Eastern. Nelson to Chatham a-nd ,Americans together control one- half of the entire merrhant ship ton- � , `1 . ,) Mr. McMillan bad dealt with N.B., 214 miles. nage afloat. I .1 - � , . r which PaApebiae, P.Q., to Gaspe, 32 miles. : L�, I this queation, and the Suggestions TRE RAVOTES. ,. from, a)pTitetical farmer like him Were I � *,,�ij, of special Vltlue� Ile promised more I Thiel following a" revotes:- HAVE CONTRACTS IN BRA ZIL I , I ��,� 14 infornAtion In th# annual rtporfs con- Central Ontario Railway Co., exten- — i , I (*rtfrig Aitty tequiroments, which @ion from Coe Rill to Rlincroft, 21 Ryeolle,aj, ,f r,"N#, ,,a 01111iter Caussollan 1 � . I , would ron(6dy a defect. The condition of,tbia st,kk *lis 41" to an outbreak of militor Great Nortbern Railway Co., Mont- ('0"It'll.tA Got ressirrAsIbuft. . 1, , � tu)**%1loA(4( some tilde min". A few Cagan and St. Tito Junction, on the, A despatch from Montreal, Fmyg:- thorouXbbred tiattlia had been purebts- LOWM' Latil'61litida railway, t p., 63 1-2. A Syndicate of lending Toronto and I ed: told0o U0 I'M# 16"jIlpad the pre- 1�6,dt ltporbprotti6h *bit allow now Mile0lit, for bratich from ma 1111MO to I Shaw aa,, 6 1-9 milis". othei 'Canadian capitalists. headed b3 ", i #drahilleii. Thbirbidglibred fAttle would Phi1=1pa urg R911way nod Quarry Co. William Mackenzie, of Toronto, and F aww s. Into s6m, lind it was a, matter shortage to Goverament wharf at A Ponmon. of Halifax. Ithre obtAines] I I In *btbh M e6tild q6t 'but go V*ty ' - "' ' vatuabl^Ancessions for the construe, I , , , pufthh"ing 610*1 , Al Who = = ior "'-it- 8 tion of steel rairwayn and the suppil I NZ .. - � -a bb t�� tf� t iftntrit farni. 036 *Stl,ah ._Y�, t, Ark- . " .., 1'. light and power in Some, of the I , , ,­,,­­ftT 36. r"O,r kAf6r0ft, to the, uW ' ' *%p*JfteAt* *hfph� are, +lab* ,ftr- .,.,I .I, esk� districts of the Republic of Brazil. Tho -work of construction has already beat � I � ,viked, on Ift the dift,4111ft of ifttsaftaining St. John VA116Y anti ItIvierib dti mllp commenced, #Imfas. I 11 00 News I � I � IN-& a -jartelly, TA � Id � 01- 4 ""*"It", TW WOW" "" I 1. , " '"L OF 1XIMM11 gw"*"i w "W .00"K. , IR""." � 11110 atillso "a­**ele," 610ORessew "'kist-Tw u0sist 14wil ist 0" owsk, cosplitry, � asilap , � , -_ 14 00 **"W4Ai�O-WbAlt Of 61111if " 10 *0 I"" :44 -1 *a wer" "W. I I C*N`AXFA. Wautford'is Civio holiday in Aug. Ic Wbft RiMitoba Baptist College will be located ai� B_rsiudcin. , The Union Bank at Canada will clow itis Otta%iia branch. The steamer Rosalie. with 4150,QM in Klondike gold, to at Vgucestivat.w. A new Instact that bores into maple treea has appeared In Hamilton, Brauttord ban decided to spend #6,000 more sod flood prevention works. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been Invited to open Kitigatou's ;Fair on Sept. IL NAthaltiel Lesch. a well-known Farmer, of Calgary, fell from a traliks and broke his dock. The Koutreal Street Railway, it is =rted, in about to absorb the Mont - Park & Walid Railway. Broker R. Wilson-Sruith. of Montreal, cs cent.,- bonds of Manitoba to the amsou , ut of *M.000. Mrs. H. Bradley, of Hamilton. who has nine children, has reported that 5he, has been deserted by belt husband. In the construction of thel Govern- ment telegraph I in the Yukon. it is stated that excAm"L pripgress has been made. A Brockville girl named May Pen- klook. white playing at aeo-q3aw, fell and aad one of her eyes toru out by a pro- Lruding dell. The Dawson Sun of J 1, 4 "'firms - the reported death f ' -Mayor Ste - irt of Hamilton. ll,�Zi.d at Pool ,iw,- 3r of scurvoy. It Is said that Premier Marchand. of 4tiobeo, will be able to announce a tiny - plus of #W,000 oil the financial opera- s r, Joe Fletcher, Railway street, a to- vear-old boy, of Hamilton. was found lead drunk on the market Monday jud was taken to the General HoW pital. The secretary of the Brantford oo s ready received Over 4A applications for the vacancy in the teaching staff of the Darling St. scitiosal. - . President Ahearn of the Ottawa Electric Railway Co., announces that Lhe company will donate $500i tochur- ity as a result of the success of the Sunday cars. Mr. Goo. T. Bell has, been appointed first assistant general passenger a d ticket agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. with beadquarterH at Chi- cago, vice Mr. E. H. Hughes assigned to other dull". . A4 party (if fifty Northwest Mounted Police will shortly leave for the Yukor, to take the place of the men Whose time has expired. It is also re - Ported at Winnipeg that the mil I tia will be recalled this fall, The promoters of the London Auto- mobile Co. have ordered an automo- �ile carriage from Toronto, which, it is expected, will arrive in a low days suit will be operated by the street railway strikers for the present. " It the Present crop be harvested safely." said Mr. McCreary, Northwest Commissioner, of Immigration, - we have advices which indicate that about four or five thousand United States farmers, from Iowa, Missouri, Kansas arid tile Dalkota,s and other States will cross to Canadian soil. A prospectus has been issued for a new Woollen factory to be started at Brantford. The capital stock is plac- ed at 095,000, and a large portion of that sum has been subscribed by citi- zew. The provisional director" are Sheriff Watt, Aid. Leeming, F. Grabb, of the Massey -Harris Co., Dr. Hart, And G. W. Brohman. The Investigating Committee ,fthe Hamilton Council has decided to offer 11 ge8tIon to the City Council that Ilyll bring about the saving of $1,225 Per annum, to the city. The following reductions in salaries were decided up- on: Fire �'hiaf Atchison, from $2,000 to $1,690; City Clerk Beasley, from $3, 075 to $2,500, imcluding salary as Bee_ retary of the Board of Education and Medical Health Officer Ryall, from $I,- 060 to $800, exclusive of fees for ntte-ud- ance upon inaternity patients. � . GREAT BRITAIN. British dye and colour manufactur- ing a combine. The agitation for a Criminal Court of Appeal in Exilliland, has been re- ne 'ad. The Risley team will take back to Canada nearly XZ00 in cash, as well an abundance of prizes. The Sultana mine, in the Lake of the laced on the London ,ruarket. Capital will be $I,- 275,000. A Glasgow despatch says it new At- I lantic steamship service between that port and New York, will go into opera- tion in the fall. The British Government has renewed it.9 contracts with the Canard and White Star Stearnship Companips for the carrying of Amorican mails. Nearly every coun try in the world in represented by delegates wearing native costumes at the Salvation Army's exhibiLion which opened nt London on Wednesday. 'Dr. Peter .Steins, a Russian, is in England,introdui-ing ngygtpm of wire- less telephone, which he Rays he hit s invented. fie says that it is as s ur- cpssful as the. wire, system and that voices can he recognized ,at long diw- lances. Truth says chat the Queen hag been undergoing a course of treat - men( for ten weeks for her eyes, an advised by Prof. Pagenglooher, (if WiesbadM and with the most suc� cessful results. The Queen's eyo- sigbt in no longer in danger, and an operation will be unnecessary. The United States Government as offered Miss Reid, a native of King- stan, now 'reifliling at Boston, anti ' it "ition on the United States Con- sulate staff at, the Oty of molieo' Mex. Miss Ripiet in a trained nurse, who Se rved with the United 81 a ten acIldiers through the recent war. In (he House (if Crimmorim Michael Davitt asked the G*svernsmont if, i n view of the fact that the conduct of Mrs. Maybrick in prison hag boo n not - C, formaly good, t'he Horne Offi p would not recommend Royal clemency in ter Ca Re. ,Sir Mathew White Ridley said that he was unable to bold out hope of exceptional treatment for Mrs. May- bTick tie was not aware of the ex- istenre of any reason for clemency. — UNITED STATES . The FpwoTth League convention de- cided to inept in San Frnnriaco in 1401 Prosideut McKinley has gone to Lake Champlain for a stay of Several weeks. T'he United ,States has evitireaRed re- groi to TtAly for the lyrrhing of nix 1-taliAnk In Louisiana. . lirnmenilw quantities of fruit hnve frbilied as R result of the strike ol oright handleva no the Pennsylvanin railway. The United States hospital Ship Mor- gan City, is at San Francisco with 473 nick and convaltaiteent Soldiers from theorhilijilpinals, The transport Sheridan has lefl Manila tior San Francisco with tht I Calitorytia fnfftntry and 275 discharge( P soldieze of other regiments. The United States Government list 5 Marstared the siteamer Siam belonging i totbo Orbrntal Steamship Company o Fiums, to transport troops to Manila .4 11"A 111sre , 4401111r, so 0-49 i4i flit 1411k, WW I 11 ... "I r " it'lit w4ft, joill OWSWA4 OC *4 tv" oil " - - ­ . , ^ wows 11 I I IQPAPI,s�wi* 0T. ot*- � I :: I 11*149$9,boc Or soaxy.il"01441, eglow Two XMIL I , I 41,1110,w III 001d. I All. , � i 11 11 afe,'00, to Oos$$ bar owa towowyl,' I - - � kalit , I � - xin . I .1 I 0.11,11, I � I I t)O, lea ot t)w , " ojlsoi, " : . I A O" 14 31*r W, 44, tia, I I I Ov WA r1ro"111111. r. *W*4 * 4a , W Am'", , t 4111111its 14PR(o0% Avf. 1,�,,,u tm isotoin stitts.. . � - All"Is, - W I wxoh I* wlkt 1p** wiia" , r� I 11 - 1. , J* at Xat"gits. Twr*.%, Ox" 1, laaw 18 N=, I 'a .1 Ineivisf* kkt1o4 fq milo'cmm, AN, , wen'T toom 414 X tbovot iww ow -h-, '"lift 44*wd Alot J"i We, *4 a twolt ot 006.40iI, Ir , , I -d I I wwro'elk love'", A *aIllk )k*- very A144 it wo". lot to hav* ggg, otot4- thor prins, purita*wl , wwo% $'W'' )�� bot woon, Wfu sini , - r ,o r 94 W)0!:J*ON , i R. T wk *r, writ" .yos^ X*4� 1 alo" Or 44yught. wt W I,*#* h—*04roo show list usslow."alixtj I r , till I I , , t)Ao I t;tuy - Will, WV4". � vlo W. X41st I 11 _ 01,""t dAWS1 by tM 0 . 40 1PAY41ills W *4W 1111kilk. 000111. I "No 400 UK Ott* allevir kt, '04 . I r Ii llis ,,I:40. 1 am 9. moo, -4 The catfies, tgskigo 'Was! rosy Ille, . Y� Im W a I , VO4 to, .91vory k4, IWb , cxowi%xottpo4twtrUmet'irltV)k*dirt,*I. 4atk-losio $41, w4ft ow ligin" - , 30111104tity. No 4 - - �. - in lispr"it of tM. "Tons. whole tu obvim 04TO04" go'l Ilaole toe, soxv-pit, likwoglic*w -oikeff, tAw ro. I . � 0 0 ,,,,, lr,�,, !,. me 1* My wroar of tu $or; . . � tw1a - " 4 B�kkletWW Int 13affjkla ot tilts 4 rot live Us$ pillsIg ltk&Wt�. oult til , � a - 0aw & le at at pox -kiJef ,that $01`03 I MQ itas 19*8 I I I lill, Joil&' wom , , . , igiikk$*, , ,,W tolik, svpWistlid. by OA 1194to pqrtaxon, oIW - ly (Ilk A 141-Wr strimet; 440 0-mes, ustA& vxsold� 11 I , . . . - - .* to wintillivoity,, 4144 . I Atill, 010 owli whou one wo , ­ I degil- gls&k�s qW to- " wbO* I A112 Whes, o*kligiry t Mrs, to imlysist ailk! ,f*T* kow �9,C, 04pp�" "kgo 1g, � Is . t tits Vort of Vow York - shot w4l ever alostit. And I m often alone. gaing ta quisit to . � . V,IW say ola a , I � it w,h� it was d4olis be able to w1a Mir wair thrIsaillk the or fr— thia tis"tor. concerto or opera; ,� , 1p. , 0"Ant ist, *4�1' . king. Mr, willetro, � 1, , late -frond 011"40will 00 , V. reprieswing PI, 1). cruel world wit1lout tbks� gooll tk,ttad- i r4turskistS L04404 and Liverpool wilirko* - Macy, - , . 4*M 11400170*4 lay'"If to remote loav, prkmw wJ&1A are, jpr*v44�X#.,! j*tM, I I Ot Chicago, *aid tk&t ktA firm o4t "14 And Xkmldtr 4611k1*4 wIliflab quarters ot Iny- city. And Rover yet , 1. I � , graiu Vill MOAtvsal QPd Iter brother-bliesselt friends cam ("I so bave I me wItU &alloys of valu" here bass figir W 4ow O$yg skos,w ; I I pt no* in I I VA, because 994traill in now I tr-t I -11�24. 1 4AP tW vor 'it-- u. -A ur- L.'a . . :� - Lbe clica mute from Obicago 444 the Nor=". OWERAAL. . wrelisch crop reports are encourag- ing. The strilm of dockmen at Aintwerp ist ffirmadialig. A ftrix de"Wh says the political Outlook ilo Italy 1. exceedingly wravie.. There Is aertous rioting in many lowra in Austria ever. the uem tax - ea. I A, itrainsetruck a tally -ho and killed rive peracinis - at lHeindenheim, Ger- many. The alleged British officers arrest - ad at Jobanuesburg have been re- leased. a The battlenblip ft"rian was launched t)* TueAday, ]She is the largest ship In the French navy. being of 12,5w tonla eliIIplaosaiment. It: is reported that Baron dis Rothar 3hild will distribute 51)(11,00D francs Limougg the poor of Paris sat an offering i14 gusemo(ry of his wife who died last week, d Am Ameirican millionsiress, "well rnown in New York society." has been irrested for shoplifting in the Louvre it Paris. She pai4 Jor all the articles round at her botel and was released. A French engineer named Chevalier knit his wife- who were Captured a a while ago by Turkish brigands. have )oeu ransomed by the Porte, which paid E15,000, Turkish, for their re- lease. The Government of ills Island of 4 7rete was fortmeLily handed over in the �retan8 by the British authorities on Monday, the British ling being finally lowered. The immigraLion of Mussul- 4' mans continues, I An Immense meeting of Uttlanders, a ield at Jobannesiliturg Wednesday a Aght, adopted resolutions denouncing .he franchise law all wholly inadequate. tral demanding effective guarantees ind a proper redistribution scheme. Strong opposition to the Jamaica - United States treaty has arkaoik in Jet - masers. The Gleaner explains that un - ler present conditions Europe offers a better market than the UniLed States and that, therefore. Interioan rocipr�L city is no favor to Jamaica. -On the contrary," the Gleaner adds. "the Senate will help us by throwing out the treaty, und thus raise, more rev- enue whil8t in much an event there could be no retaliation." The military prosecutor ,q t the trials of the Sparkish Generale Toral it "d Jaudener will dentund that both be imprisoned for life ' � and lose all rank, honors and pensions. the former for having surrendered Santiago# and the latter for Capitulating at Manila. . Two Augustinian friars w b landed at Markila from the Hong Kong ship have beeiv arrested, It is said they had documents upon their persons showing they were agents of the Fili- pino Junta at Hong Kong, and that f they intended to bear messages to kguinaldo. ----- -- - - t BREAKING THE SAD NEWS. 11 1.4ift , Itallroatt "#a an ges".1al Duty to N'sity likereaved Rive% Iviless A"Idenfol orvar. " " We formerly left it to some of the Bmiployoes to inform wives that their husbands had been killad,� said a rail- road boss, - but now regular men do it -mon who know how to break the sad' news to widows and orphans at home. I did it myself for thirteen years. The company chose me because I was fath- erly looking, and I stuck to the"job as long as I could, but it's wearing , work. To go into a home and hear the wife singing about her work and be compelled to tell her that her Jack's just been killed dow-n in the freight yard takes nerve. ' 'Of course, I had different ways of breaking the news, Sometimes I asked wh . at time Jim would be home, or where he was going that night, any- thing to get started, especially if I know the woman. Strange to say, when- ever I Caine near the fact, saying I'd board that Jim was hurt I the women would scream (put they were Sure he was killed. Then I let them cry awhile until they'd get ready to ask further about it. It waa not so hard after that. I often thought that the wom- an Raw so much sorrow in my face from my long serving in the business that they knew what I Caine for. I tried to look cheerful, but there was a weight in my heart that I couldn't throw off. . . " I once called at the home Of ft yougsk wife. Her busiband, an ougineor wan killed at a bridge that morning. w . iLILOUL saying a word. Afterward she told me that she had taken a nap after ig and had seen kne.in hex dream standing in front of her, telling her that Harry was Ivilled. Once the wile I came to warn was mak- ing bread. Site was up to her elbows in dough. I itaked w%xere Mr. Jones lived, walked off and waited for half an hour until she got her broad in the pans, and then I went back and told her the &ad Story of bar husband's death by a Cave-in at a culvert- At another house, the mother and two children, neatly tire&" were ready to go to a Sunday school pidnic. It took nerve to at op them and break I he no". I began by saying that there might be rain. It was cloudy. Then I Paid to the wife she had better not go an Tom mi4fht be back from work pret- . (y so,lu. rhort she knew. .'I asked the company to b roli - e "' v Isd of my job three times before ,hey found Rome one, to take my Place." ----- NO WOMEN THERE. There is only one territory, and never has been but one. occupied by any considerable population from which woman In absolutely excluded, The pis" ban existed for centuries ' As far back as hintory reaction. to all fp- males It has been forbidden ground. This bachelor% Arcadia in Situated on a hold plateau, in the Grecian Archipelago. and the mainland Herst, in the midst of cultivated fields and extensive woodianast. dwells a inon a 4tic Confederation a( Greek Christians, num baring snore than wren thousand souls. and not one of the monasteries dot" from a later time than the twelfth century. A few soldiers guard the herders of this anti -female land, and no woman in allowed to cross (he frontier. Nor in this all. The rate Is extended to every female creature. and frojn time immemorial an c,ow. mare, hen. dunk or goom ban been paralitted to make so quall)LAMS with this t1hrl'itOrY - ---.*Ab- - - Only one death from Smallpox has ' been registered in London during the I past twelve months. 4111146. litat wv4der that tao otisor -D 'T U MY m San u ""M If ."-," t ­ � I I . I � 9 Chivalry. AWtIserlassi to I am, Itton. some good staff We We, X44W ilillif, . Irle, are 40 jealous ot tbally oatural O psat the brotbers of incirs but qQ04114105W ran" W I L . PrOtOCtOT2. losslaille t1semi oMa$"- fortlinote ifirlal , , 4 fr,oslo #4." tis - silly. to be was, but so grudgingly and Tb4rsalis a great confidence in kxWw_ $1.80 per cwt, wiM $6 4a al:�il;it tu - ., w" so abargs an eye to Illikeir prompt 'a grQuad. as wellpas one's self. limit for primike cattle, a lot Or two go - . return that borrowing is scarcely a, tv"U"Id &over dare such independence aelactims, were said to hisirse fliteW is , . in sk 4triks -or* but la tk* York shilling moria; but a*ytW4g be, 4o town, uckwIt -k ,- , - pleasure, And tMa me is apt to go*- old famAlar wa and bywis I orsitse agala and to tkiak ths, V. , an' oy yqad 45 we& in no sesse, a repro Ateo. , ., � - t the flative citf. T country a is a . as � . i girl witli a brother in very ,fortunate burror to a brotherl"Is girl. Your tive figure. The trade Iii in bad alispe I I ,� -1 I ' dark road* just now. -11 indeed. but abs Is very stingy t I ,6vur obadowy wootio. your I i - Of him. dessalate , da -even empty "it do- Bututser cattle wall also dull. gottl . � � ".. � And after all. wbou he In one* lost- sarted of Man and beast -aria full of all gradesk--except a little extroollo" � t, � � � � I an bio nee=* very pronso to be -what be- more terrors than all the crowded altuff-sold slowly at front $4 to.4*,75; i , cameo of the sister who has grown to square*. Rainy ways and saloon -lined and for the best $4 to 14.95 1-2 per . i 11 depend on him I Brotherless girls on thoroughfarvit of arky city at night. awl. At the close some cattle was un. I The coutktry girls who come to visit sold. I I born or -a-*- L am glad I woo born Me or* horrified at my proposals to oks. Stockers and leaders are uavbaiAX*d� � I I , so. For whatever may be true of hav- oort them thither and you, and Good bull& are worth from #M to I I ing loved and lost, it certainly can act ErptlY decline my brottlarlokka offer. 04 Per Owl.; tU enquiry was slow to- . . . . ­ � t., year in and year out. I am in far da& I I - pply to brothers, for It must be ter Is" danger than they, and the Item* ilkere rage from 426 to #47 eacb. � I I . �, worse to here had a brother -it to In the nowspapare wifl prove it. U and a taw c oice caws, are wanted. 1W I I ve lost him to som other girl than one must be brotbarless, better far to Calves wore eagrat froak 42.50 to #6 I �. ikeyer to have tied a brother at all. be brotherlas in a big City. each, but a taw abolce calves will "It . :L I . , Despite ithe laniouss large families of The feminine instinct Is to be pleask- well- � I , I Ing. to strive to appear at an ad. There was a fair demand for ship- � I I . the good old days long syne, there vantage. But one can not always be Sheep at ateady unchanged prices, I mom to have been many brotherlow & positive quAutitY Of Joy. It in some- 9!:t"Inkferior grades were a obxde more maLkinthen sanowaslays, The errant times eater to be a negative u&ntitT; easy. The beat Sheep soild up to #3,00 1 and like the clipmeloods. adllkptyi�g one . per Owl.. an a Lop figure. . 41111 Is of the days of chivalry -what self colorlessly to the surroundings so amba fetch about aix cents per lk . were they but restless girls given a as to blend with them, swap$ unnotic- or from $3 to 94M each. Choice lambs . I Latch key at too 1--ture an isgo. and ad. The brotheriess girl has In mind line In fair demand. 11 I vith no brother to keep a stern eye attention. but Too mamy light hog* continue to - I I I to escape any attention whatever. it come forward, ,but we had only a I upon their goialfs out and their Com- Is not so satisfactory to her vanity; but elmall run to -day, arid prices are . , . I I � ago in t No girl with brothers would she calls make up for arreara when next s I �i ha e ce to roam Ohs appears In public with a suitable Priames holls, scaling from 100 to 200 1 1 kbout the country for the sake escort, eligible to be the cynosure of Ibis., 5 -1-8c per lb. was paid; for It Ist .1 I of giat- all eyes. (at and heavy fill the price is 4 M " I ing into scrape& and so giving knights w rr lb - . t,� ., but poor. lead hogs are not irrant something to do. I know other linlit moves than 4c per Its. r We' brother"ort well to believe that. WIRELESS TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Sows are fetcliskag Be per lb. lowever much they might admilre such — Stage moll at 2c per lb. ionduct in Otlker follows' sisters, how- Atusaias laveater a.ly. His my'kees" illaft be Store hogs will not sell. � � 11004 Aces" the Alkautle. Followi.ag is the rAugs of current . I �, ver gallantly they milght rescue a for- tiliviatkow:- � orn stranger mald in distress and Ai despatch from London. saya:-Dr. Cattle. . I dmiru bar all the more for being in Peter Status, a Russian, in in England Shippers Cwt. . . $4 25 8500. 1 L, scrape, they would pate wktb horror Introducing a, system of wifeless tale- Butch.,,Xorwa do. , . 376 426 11 d., to g9od. 320 350 "a - Butcher. Interior. . 500 325 11 it their own sisters should meek eman phone, which be says he ban invented. Butchnif L40 cipatlou and the right to got lost. And Ile says that It Is as successful as the Sheep and Lambs. I , . not even a fra"ful hound or an ads, Wire system, and that voices can be Ewes. per owt. . . 325 SGO . � I I recognized at long instances. He pro- Bucks, por awt. . . 250 275 quote cap.and-bells, would have satiti- periment with his system Spring latubs, each. . 300 450 1. , i I tied theLr brotherly consciences of dis- Cotewal.t.(I extigland and Belgium, anti Milkers and Calves. � oretion. Una and her lion never had diticlarvil that it is feasible to use it Cows. each. . . . . 2500 45 01) I I a brother, I feel very oertaLn Nei- between England and the United Calves. each. . . . 200 600 . ' (states. Hogs. . Lber had those ladies who were Worst Choice hogs, Per cwt. 475 5121-2 to don pages' apparel and appear at — Light hogs. per cwt. . 426 4371-2 unexpected and inopportune OOCaSiOAA YUKON GOLD CLEAN-UP. Heav3 hogs. per cwt. 425 437 1-2 when it was Inevitable that they must — - faint away, or says some one's life, or T28"Ists' lift"'wetsir "6111.0st place. is as be themselves' killed In the front of Tblrly 11411110an. HIS $1,000 WOULD BUY NOTHING. battle' These were all brotherless A despatch from Ottaws' sayg;-Mr. S. she Hobo Nuff4ird — a gLria-like me. And yet, somewhat J� W. Willimon, Crown Timber lumptle- IlVa. 4el,brat.,l n.l"palu&ilorrn.-ri4l�rwrun'mrp&ud unlike, too. (or for tile Yukon territory. in in (own "I've slept under a abed with the People are wont to speak of those at the Russell. tie thinkm tile eloark- t,hormometer 'way below zero," sa id good old chivalrous times with a thrill up for tile year will total from twenty- the tramp," "and I've gone two long � J of pleasure, to praise the beauty and five to thirty million dollars. As this days with nothing to eat, but I'm tell- � the woutauliness of the ladies fair, and estimate exceeded the average o8ti , - I smile given by miners, Mr. Willison ing you straight that when I on" had I the gallant heroism and self-sacrUlce, explained that the ostimate.4 sent out $I.t)O0 in my pwket I was worse off i of the men. They are wout to Sigh are generally based on like winters Lhan at any Other time I can romem- i� � or the cusitonts of those da ' ve, and to work, whereas there in now consider- bar I had just been lot out of the �',` ' deprecate the degeneracy of to -day, a ble work going on all the year round, Bridewell, in Chicago, and was begging You bear these people speak much of on Lbe Streets, and being tts-rued down , I he masculine woulan, the bold and VICTORIA FOR fEDERATION." on every hand, when I picked up a � elf-depou4ant girl, the strong-minded — ) jfi,000 bill on Lho sidewalk. I thought 1P, emale able to take care of herself- latroustilege Ketursk. skan, no oveir it. wait a dollar, arid you bet I made j, I all three Of whom are as directly re- wkelining Majorlay. � I sponaLble for this careless, Lsnpudebt, a husda down a aide street. When I . A despatch from Melbourne, Vic- dodged into a doorw elfish, ungaliant men. These are the toria says: -An overwhelming major- ay and made out 11 -11 people who never think to analyze the Lhat I was a thousand dollars aheadof moralstof knight errantry ; who never ity its now assured in favour of foder- the game the sweat started from every pause o consider the parallelism be- ation in Victoria. Returns are not yet pore and my kneou knocked together. tweell errant damsels and modern completo, but so far give, 121,047 votes bachelor maLds--both being brother- in favour of federation, arid 8,240 1 was regularly seasick for text min - less, restless, ambItioug and ellsia"'n- against. u tog, and my heart thumped away un - ed to stay at home and wait. These Incomplete returns from Tammania, tit I thought it would break out. aris-Lbe people who admire old-faab4pn- where polling witia also in progress, ... I'llat. $1,000 meant a heap for me, doll -baby "females" like Dora Cop- show that 11,000 votes were cast in � perficlA, and who "don't lot their girls favoux of federation and only 720 you understand, but I was so excited go out of the house after dusk without against. that it was two hours before I could an attbadant." ThoLr twaddle of the _ do any planning. Ths, first thingwas, 'eternal feminine " Lhair ideal old- ' , fashioned woman, who should be like a EXPLODED WITHOUT WIRE& to buy a new suit of clothes and I on - clinging vine about the sturdy mascu- — Lered a store and picked them out. I i heriesa buch- When I exhibited that 01,000 bill the elor maid just a little weary. FAfter Wave i4yatrus of Tranxissitions lar� I For she, having gro*n up unlined to Irtelly a %en, Assam in war. cloLhkor ran to the door to call a - � depend upon a brother'B Lsivariable ad- A despatch fromiLondon. gays -Fi- Policeman. I got away by a close . "� ­�, �1� squeeze, and thou I rea,lLzed the situes- 'V� , vice, protection andescort, haslearned periments in the ,ether wave Aystom of tion. Tramp Lhat I was, I couldn't how Willi able a wc4man IS to take care .� , � tr a nankilting electricity were conduct- get it changevi. ,If it had been a ten I - of herself, It she only known how. [ could have had lodgings and a bed, � I �i . � There are still many girls who are con- ed at Newbury (in Wednesday. A but I'm telling you that I walked the �� , �,,", � tent to wait for the kn lit errant, amall powder magazine, located 400 streets as hungry as a shark, and slapt 1� brother of their own or o isome one yards from the sending point, was eloc- at police stations and in lumber yards. � 11� ,1 � 0', :' � else, to squLre them to joust or tour- trically exploded without the use ,if "ITuder Lho circumstances the bill i , , , , 11 � ney. It he I diciettil't COMO they Stay at wires. The experiments demonstrated might as wQll have boon a piece of ;, ` houts, weeping iallaybe in the moated the feasibility of rasing the sytitern for brown paper. I trLaid all sorts of � I . grange like Marianna; deRtroying mines. otc., tit w-ir dodges Lo get it busted, but it was no L �, "Ali, me I I am, aweary, aweary ; — go. Every time I showed it I ran the 1, He cometh not I- she said. risk of arrest. I offered a Putcher I 1 The brotherlesa girl, who is used to SIX-INCH GUNS FOR U. S. $100 to got it cAutrigod, but he refused � � i escorting herself from place to place — to have anyt-hing to do with it. I'd i -after dark, maybe; sometd.mes later An Order rintr�d With an F.uXll.k Gum have gold it for halt price and head � � � , . even than errant damsels were wont Virsts. glad to, but there was no such thing �, v , to wander-ia always surprised to find A despatch from London ym,-At as making a deal. Finally, in do- . r. "a Bpni-, I went to one of the newspaper �!.; how her Lirsdapendence Is a sour" of the, tRun,.hing of the British battI08hil) cifficpq and IoIoked up the advertise- � � I I wonder to her friends and their moth- I ers. My mother is no less thought- Vengeance at Barrow-in-Furness on ments for the we-ok jinst. The loser �� ful, anxious, tenderly careful than any- Tuesday, Lieui. Dawwat announced had adverused, and I went to big of- "� Yet, being a Sonless mother, she has that Vickers. Su,ns and Maxim, [Amit- fire in it big building and gave up the sympathy for bar brotherless dough- ed, had received an order frout the bill. The reward was $150, but he 11 . ter, and hax learned confidence in her United Staten for a number ,if it, I- in' It counted out $10 I,,u top of Lhat and . , I valor and c[L-oretion. She does not bid guris, whiolt were to Ile adopte( f,)r said * I ale tarry by the fireside from dunk to use tly tile /Unericall navy, ." I WoUldn't. hjkVo believed therewas bed tialle; but if I am late to tea, or . such houenty !it the world. You could I Lf I start upon a nocturnail quest. she have kept the bill am well as not.'. is content and unworried. There is so BUBONIC PLAGUE SPREADING. -He took ,town my otanto and all that much fun missed by girls like my — and gave Lhe affair away to the re- 4n.c. ltrportM %4 "nerill- 'HoneRt Tramp' and had my picture in r as brought bet, Tuirty psi% portorg. They wrote me up as the up, to think that roaring lions are ll�uftlssft staffer. the papers, but you ni�iy guess I dWu't abroad, bound to devour defenseless malds who return alone after lamp- A dospat,ti from London, mays:- ,lrijoy it ,wor mtwla I had 160 in place light. She must be a,t home for ev- Tile Coh,niil Office Arkskount., it,:,, of ill,R)o and as (or my honesty, it was ery meal, unless she hag particularly the hubotti, plague has %proad fr,Ira �' 11 IK).h. I returned the bill because ified beforehand when and where I lind to. Rnd though I'm hungry and spec "outit Kong anti Mattiolus i.. Reunion doad brolit, anit don't know where to . She may be found at the hours Of re- There were 36 calioR tit Nfaunim,t it, turn in for the night. I'm not looking post. She must return prompt at the its, week endi ag �Tuly 20, uf which -21) for any mom big famin, ,Something I . hour promised, or the town crier is rl�multpd fatally with a figure '2' on the corner will Sent to clamor for a "lost child." She must never be out after dusk or her just about fit my vest pocket." mother ham hysteria, a fit, Convulsions CAN PREVENT SUICIDES. -- -- - or somotlaing equally unpleasant and A IWATTRILFI) F A 31-I 1, Y. unbecoming. And aim can not go — anywhare of an evening unleas Rome "fellilsam*4 11-16111 I"Ard K."It.ry ".. . A Rt-rikLing family is that of Mr. and man is provided for an escort. There,- INO-1 Irb..rr Ab -al Ith.sismall.sm. Vlr� Frederick King of Chartifield, fore, my chum, charming girl arid Secretary Baker of the Michigan ,;urfolk. Rughtrid, mbich consists of dear, paxsea many hours in solitary Stale Board of Health, is at work u.� rune sons Rod thi" ilaughters. communion with hornelf while 1, less deaervLng and no more brotheriests, but on a theory -hwh ot soatiewhaw novel Tbe oldest s..n 11119'Q Post ill Aug - more fortunate in a Rensible mo- He llkiakA lie ,-on provoril a largi, nunt- i rt I LA ther, aim vastly improving the time of her ,if ,he sul(.1(jen which annually oo- Another ,-Ti �- i foreman gardon- "Lvalry in not quite dead, at lenat Pur in Michigan There in, he explains, Pr in ffpri� In thin country. I believe the real ar- a tendency to suicide by persorim afflict- A marriM daughter rog.idos at Wick- ' ticle in hard to find In many European ad with rbeumaliffm They are the h,,m .Market tn 11suffolk. I cities, especially about Pariss Bit( al- class of iudividuak who got up early A third son in a captain in the mer - most anywhere in our free and I nde- hang themselves ,�h,al F,erviro. now proceeding to pendent country a girl unproteeld, in the morning. and brotherlanx and alone, may Safely be OrPut abullet throughtheir heads ho- Italy free find Independent. And the obi- fore the Tent of the family to Atirring ,% fnurth kA Vc.or Sergeant in the valry of to -day consists more in kindly Thitm character of nuicidel; oonsl "ol .. Gri,riall­T Guards fit Gibraltar. not doing than In polite doing. All n I [ A, fifth son is & civil engineer in that the brotherieRs gLrI aRkn of trinn- a numerous class They are me in ly ,on Ion kind at large in to be lot alone And unbalanced, the doctor Payn, tiecause of it ..xih is a first-class petty officer Lf, by manner and carriagv, "he asks the proto;urs upon the brain of that in the Royal Navy, now at Ascension Lt unmistakably and manearply. her Something in tho blood which prnAucen Wand. wish will be rsIspected What man rhourstatimin During the nleelving hourn 11he nevpntb in a fireman in the assert, that girls themselves are large- the acid in the bi-A, or %hatevor it m. %letrOpOlitAn Brigade ly responsible for any unpleasantness finds its wity to thim brain, and upon The eighth tr a Lowestoft police eon- . which may befall them, I believe to be awakeing the pnr�jn in dorankro4i After stakdo true. A woman need not be 50, u4igly, exercise the acid is taken L1110 the eir- I he --end daughter is proceeding to and ragged In order to pass safely the cuintion again and the individual in Australia in the service of Lord Temay- a g c. A young, in a normal rondition .on. prett stylish girl may take care of Such persons Akre liable to commit The lhkrd daugllter and ninth Non ll..Ti quIto an well. But ohs must suicide in the early morning The idea A r,,I a I home, not/eibt being oldenough . understand how ' An a re railing in not now to Dr Baker. although he to go out Wan world on their about In arlareth of trouble 8 quick to has boon making it deep study of it, own rontis 9111. spy or fancy W A too timid manner and I^ prepared to write a paper on t he in quite as on i on an a bold onck, subjer I HIS GOOD CONDUCT. and in challew-effun the world has a - - disagreeable, or agreeable, inclination MR NIZEKS' COUNTENANCE The, Manager-Illow cards you to not to disappoint. It It finds one ex- leave your last P11106f peciLng danger It in inclined to push Little T*rror-Mamma. My Meeks' Applicant-[ was discharged for dainfrer along. The brotberlesta girl Skin in as Smooth an pap**s No good bebavior, air. . needs above all thinqs to oultivale, the me.rks on It at all The Managar-niarharged for good manner of cc onplaceneass. She most OUirmax-J'unt bear the child. M � shavior I That's unusual. i"'t I fit Into bar surroundings an a matter Meeks. Of o6ni-sis there are no sxkftrl� it I I of course. It she (kads It necessary to co It, my pat A,Vplioant- Well, you see, good con. be out alone at midnight, she must Little Toviror-But iron said the bison duct took nine months off my iialk. appear lquietly in the path of dsity, had been wking himi. I t"C'N. I - ­ - I I I . 1 17 d (K . I I I � I I ,� . � I I . 11 � I I p I 11 I I 1. I . - . ! I , � - ­ I . ., . , , 11; ''I i", I " " I I V- ,-1 , ., - , , r I I - - , � I . . � " 11 ,,, I I'm I - -,-L.- �Io sw.�A­ - . � I I ­ I , J­�..�',11­&-�..Ai' �,­ - I&L ! , ,- ,­­ ,. . .. ­ ­ I I-_ I - � ,� - � l I i , , ,�, t1A . � � . I 1-0 I I L � ' I . ,I \., ', I " I., . ,, I- I , , r . litN ", - 1, I 11­�_%;�- I ; .1 - �. .- L, ,, `� _ �� I ­ii,ijigiii I I . 1 17 d (K . I I I � I I ,� . � I I . 11 � I I p I 11 I I 1. I . - . ! I , � - ­ I . ., . , , 11; ''I i", I " " I I V- ,-1 , ., - , , r I I - - , � I . . � " 11 ,,, I I'm I - -,-L.- �Io sw.�A­ - . � I I ­ I , J­�..�',11­&-�..Ai' �,­ - I&L ! , ,- ,­­ ,. . .. ­ ­ I I-_ I - � ,� - � l I i , , ,�, t1A . � � . I 1-0 I I L � ' I . ,I \., ', I " I., . ,, I- I , , r . litN ", - 1, I 11­�_%;�- I ; .1 - �. .- L, ,, `� _ �� I ­ii,ijigiii