The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-12-20, Page 28• ' , • •i, 44. PAGE twaPirralallir • • • KNOW MIAOW * * * * *It or rii ithattl• •filTi. db./ ;Aare.. • E,• ',DEC. Stb:Iti * Market "LOWEST CES" FOODLA1ND f00 roriviiiIMMAS RAST THAT Silt liolt and Mrt.. Bud ••* • Thompson are assisting the regu GA'( LEA. • Mt ar Post Office staff of Postmaster Kest Camemn,„ Mit- Ken Camer- on; Carrie Milne and Bill Sprout ' during the Christmas mail rush at the tucknow Pi= Office.. . . • TM'Eta& ifalt;la:•-year-old son . , of and Mit. ETWin, Efalt of Encknow, very capably played' • . . LAS* SHIPMENT (WESTON). • • SAVE TO 34c s 99c 41b. Rich Fruit �ke 49c 97c $1.93 ttnited Church Sunday- DEL MONTIE,. 120Z. . . • • , • THAT the annual meeting of the o K e.rit • Farmers" Co"-op,Sealet Co. was herd in: taanow, on Sarni -clay., The year end report showed a • tour of t485 cattle,. 156. calves and 1794- tamh.5 handled in the. HAT dte magi= street too ona:. new took &sr week with the in- a- why the village workt , t department, of decoratiie light- • ingtet the light standards on mai street. The new frameswere string witit coloured lights with two at, bells hanging at SAVE TO 23c 4 Tins 75c „mAxwEi.t. House LOW,LOW • PRICE Ground ,Coffee. Pound 15c *--CROVENBRANDOUNIT____—SAVE-1 Tea Bags 5.1. Package 79r ir illk"silk * * * * * ** fr *4. .11 —1.0• 11r * 'MAI the Cfiliallia5. tree.arog the standpipe, pictured in last week' * f smokier,, now, has a string of t • lightt•ori ft. 5eitms Thor tire tree • had the ad -slings! spirit during • the day whew it could he seen., but tow it identitcr at night- This pyobtentwas rectified over the • weekend by the mysteriont tree rt and now the master- ! piece can, beteeno day or night. war The Sentinet has many • valued correspondents throughout the area who.. each week,,, en- deavour toreport the Coming "AMA1CA 13121622.0; 4r— 4 .• • „ • , ", • • t. : • • • . • A A to I,t;ft are itzkr onvortungy to empress • . Won) ta Your our . • „ frierids oil -1.1(01 itIMETABeAtilicrtung of tsclken 1.. - . . .. • - • and" ffirnierLY.onuargot ig, raw; E IV -4 - Benmignr arla man etiprteel by i the iiiaieito4cur1:-i recently snot loathr-Wolf in the '.....e uor, ,4. att„if' ? Asiduritarenjustrgnatkawnihtoch Bk. in ittustywawanl ..,I. f.%.,.... &Tic- - • • -• . . teaLEfn for grigintatv • WA team*, anted Church• "• • '" - . , . Sun . Submit staged. their -Emir goacin. )01,17., ruesdify., ., .• annual Chtistntat conger in the Decemfier Ze hai beer graciaitr-; drum:1i Cm: 5tiday• eveninwbEicist et .ficlfili*yiirlInclittaw, - weak.- • , .. .'. .° NIrewishi all our'. ., . friend's a very:layout and cheerful Christm-Pg• -.7,•••• . .0. 4 7.•• •-• • • • a • tr twig? 3 !--‘1,11 X ' ;s • • .„ A 1.1 • • ***It* * *t'..*****fir ikr. *** * ;fr.4 *-1 :0( • • . . , Ifave yottu ever ikd. up, ihe 0(i/re aitit•gvok, tfiern a bit a newt•for their triT,unufil The nuall c.orrespondenit perfciriti a. • variable service to, their. ° communit. With the Chrisrinat Season upon us, there wilt be • • hundredt. of newy' family get -tci.7. eher to be reported. Mike sur y5i newt it in the paper... FARM FRESii " 'river :Llano*" Bu,nss Assodatio!tiwin: again sponsor - fieetkating in the Lucknow aren tidy Saturday afternoon u the have fOr the past three weeksSant; hOwevet, made his iist appearandein t.ueluiow' last Saturday and will be busy pack- ing toys elsewhere this weekend: GOOD BUY or Grape --- HOSTESS Vic SIZE 45. POMP ELEGANT . • Package 9C, . ' • litiE POUND TffAGeorgeioyflt,0uL.. in.. • * • •' ditcus#on• with Alton ofthe FO IZ CHRSTMAS. REG. Pic Since CoUnty Li-braryIlOarti,„ hat - Ito Cita' made artangetnen ve the rental paid: the vi ge by the liruce Connty tibray System far • Cieintiet. at the 1.ucknow Town Raft .raisok from .$40 per month t * meet; lutcy GOOD SIZE Oraiaes Side SO per month:. PO'. wiltarnoin* to. an sifdirklat $240 annual • rentat revenue for the tr-rAT' ffie late Tuesday afternoon did considerabk smoke andwater• ---darnake ro•the home Of Mr. and Bruce Thomson of White-' church LocknoW Fite Department • • FOR HER! es ROM Chotoiat 49c •. • • sit vE tar 11(11fGai. 89c GOO VALUE. 3 .Dozen '$1 . . •• ' ... r . ' • _., . . „ • a. • ., **A*** iii,* * **It * * *****•*i* ***, * • • NOW TURKEYS' suceeded. in Ohecking the Wait •••4; * ** * it* * but not. before oomiderable dam- * *• • 0h04. been done. Much of the • ' • ThOmsinet furniture and liethonat poiessiont were removedfrom the home by neighbours ,;.• .v4E 'SELL Fos 14aCC. 11140NE '-5211-AtIL • *JO* irir *********** • VALUES OF rDW TILL DEC. 31 * * * * * * * * • .• • • • • 4 " , • • . • , ,a; • 1. • 4" • tk.f. :4.:.41441:4.1.01,11f-PkT*It ,g11115",47 • , • As, • • • • . • , ..t • • • • • „ • • • . . , • •• . • • • • • IV • • • ga- 4. • ' 1 • •• . • • • . • . ' , • • • . • . • , • • . • • • • . • • : • . • • . • 7 • --tr• ; . . . • ••. • • .0 • . • • • , • • • •sv •