The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-12-20, Page 6rr r PAGE, ' :SIX' • THE LUCKNOW INTINEI.�,.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO o; you qr your sly .... m his be your happiest' Christmas ever.. , MaciN • 4 .r . z•. • WEDNESDAY, DEC.. 2Ith, iH May the bright star that showed the way'for, the three Wise Men lead you to:a Christmas _... 6�lled with -joy andhappincss. INfCREST MANOR Tis the. •season for' joy, thoughtfuinest and thunk your.Sd 'we're ;taking time'to soy just shot, 'and' •wish. you a ,very` Hoppy ,Holiday. MONTGOMERY MOTORS Alice j,.Uer.,Lv,.l Speaking Contest The: Huron County Junior Farmers, met in the Agricultural Board. rooms at .Clinton on Novembe' r 29'. The public speaking competition was held at the regularmeeting with Bob Fotheringham acting as chairman There were three speakers from, the County Juniors Donna Rey- nolds, Alice Allen and Jamieson Ribey.: Alice Allen won the comp- etition with her topic about young people"mistaking education.for jobs with no future. The judge for the competition was. Mr. Dale Greg, teacher from the Clinton District High. School: Murray Hoovertook charge after the public 'speaking. Jamieson We. Wish You_A Very Merry Chris turas Ribs read the minutes of the last' ting-and'toa .the. roll cal.an Pullen gave the treasurers report Donald Young, announced that the Huronco Review books are to be out`by the middle of December..' Anyone wanting one must contact a Junior Farmer member.',lt was decided to send the World Literacy Fund of Canada $50.00. This, is the Proceeds ' from the ticket draw at the Seaford' banquet, Plans are being made for the an 1 -tweeting to be -held -iii Bel, grave the first Friday in February. They also decided' to hold the •annual curling .bbnspiel in Seaford' on January 27.• The Toronto conference will be held on January ;5'and '6 at, the King Edward hotel, and the Huron County Bowling tournament at the Clinton Bowling Lanes on Decem- ber 27, 1967.. 'Murray Hoover: is to be the dele- gate to the:Huron Federation,,of. Agriculture:. • The next meeting. is. on January 24. 1968.- ,• NOVICE HOCK MORRISO R.R. 2';LUCKNOW Blyth and Lucknow novice teams played m`Lucimow Tuesday, December ;12. Lucknow won with a score of 6.:1. Iucknow;goals were scored by Wayne 'Parrish 3.. -Randy, Ackert 1, Craig Treleaven 1_,. Eddie Court-. ney1. Blyth's`.lone goal was scored by Lonnie .Whitfield; xchanye Gifts �t W.I.Meeting INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK The St'. 'Helens W.I. rtnet in the hall on Thuriday,' December 7 at' 2:30 with Mrs. Harold Gaunt pre- siding. re-siding. Twenty-four ladies answeredthe roll call with an exchange of Christmas•..gifts . A good report was given, by Mrs. Frank McQuillin on•the furnace fund: The November Committee was thanked for doing.. a good job that month. Christmas Carols were then sung, accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Ruther- ford on the piano and two solos by Mrs'. E. Rice, "What Child Is 'This" and "O Holy Night" Readings were given by Mrs Jas. Aitchison,. "The Christmas Spirit" and by Miss Isabel Miller; "Christmas, Recipe" Mrs . Chandler gave, the topic, ~' `'Shopping For Christmas'''. The entertainment Committee for this month .is Mrs E., Gaunt, :Mrs:. L. Humphrey, Mrs g::Aitchison,` Mrs. G Webster Mrs. G. Mac-' Pherson and. s. Fred McQuillin The'meeting was closed with the Queen and institute Grace, A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, 'Mit, A . Gaunt, Mrs. Jas Etthtsort AndMiss 1saUe1 Mlllet py'. holidays, : good ` funarid, cbaar. we send the; wishes to our.cratoiserLote of •_ shanks f or; their: patronage:,': :HAVENS 4 • .o '‘‘..4 `.. `.. % A • i A i • ' 14111 /. '/, 0 %` 1 •i 1 , • 5 ' • Santa's conning •• your way, sounding a note of good cheer;' • RONALD E. FORSTER