The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-22, Page 198 on'. _h South , 4B evolved. on #3 ghway, •. Will, Arley G. volved otal ,on #21 ro:a• ;John. Blyth;' �tfotd Bayfield to or. ffic • 3.. Warn- adult • far pits -10. ate's con- . ori! irk . 1R WEDNESDAY, NOY, :22nd,. 19a7 ,.. THE LUCKNOW SEN.TIMEI ,. LUCKNOW, (NTARIO .Master 40% DairyConcentrate. . for thoio with abundant grad».. 3 swostsi f ratWis 450 lbs. 40% Concsntr$ta 100 lbs. 40% Cowcsntrata 1000 lbs. Com or Cora and Cor. Masf ' 000 lbs. Corn or Cortland: Cob Meal 550 lbs. Oats and/or Barley ; ' 100 lbs, Oats and/or Barley 2000 Ibs.16% DairyRation. ; 2000 lbs. 111% DairyRation • 300 Ibs.:00% Coacantrats ` . , 150lbs. Oera $50 His: Bailer:: 2000 lbs. 10% Dairy Ration. MiX Master 40%'Dairy Concentrate and bolos -grown grain for maximum profit! is ots'that cotnt! - • *:. * D. R. Finlayson' LUCKNOW PHONE 5211-2903. honour=Ripley Bank onager l�por�; is Retirement The staff.of the Royal Bank of • Canada at Ripley, alpng with a, number'of friends, honoured Walter lock and .Mrs Lockat a retirement party on Saturday evening, Octob- er 28, when a dinner was held :at the Bruce Inn in : Kincardine. Mere- bets of the family 'were also: in attendance .' Mr. Lock has been' manager Of/ ,the bank for the past' six years,. coming to the village from Tham- esfoid: Since; taking up residence`. hem the.family has ;.been active in all community ,affairs and their many friends are pleased that they will continued to reside here, Also present for the farewell get - :together together. was the 'new manager, • W.'J. Stubbs.`and Mrs. Stubbs Who have been in Hanover for the, past •:three 'years Following his intro duction 'to the/gathering;, , ba•nk accountant Robert Sebelle., on be- half of the staff, presented Mr Lack with a leather: bill fold, and key case, • Mr Lock, in his very capable manner, replied and expressed his, thanks for the.thoughfulness of the staff and reminisced over:many of • the ..events which had occurred .+• during his banking career., In Ripley he. succeeded James: Butler who was, transferred •to Smooth Rock Falls in .Northern Ontario.;. Retuining to Rlpley .. the group . j spent a,'social evening at :the home of -Mt..* and :M rs . William; McCreath WHY YOU •,. . SHOULD CONVERT YOUR PRESENT EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL OIL HEAT It's easy to convert to oil. We have a complete line of top quality Esso Heating Equipment las Choose from • Esso burner—$1.85 a month • Complete. Esso oil furnace . unit—$4.95* a Month. And' now, 'with heating equipment, 'We can arrange for you to get Esso Home Hest Service,,at no cost. Your . best guarantee for continued home heating comfort. *entailed s• yenw mini" fret wain ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating -- Phone '528-3012 Lucknow. ESSO OIL Ei3WiER SALES and, SERVICE HOME HEAT SERVICE " PAGE NINETEEN Saugeen Group' Elect Officers The final meeting of .the year of Saugeen Life Underwriters Assoc- iation was held November 17at_4 ..m Aces Restaurant Clifford, with members present `from Durham., Hanover, Walkerton, Wingham and Lucknow. • The speaker of the day, Walter . Lantz, State Farm Insurance Co of Hanover spoke on automobile insur- ance, relating some of the changes that have taken place recently and possible future, changes.. The most significant changeto take place in the near., futurebeing, a possible re- duction in premium rates.. Officers were. elected and comm- ittee chairmen: 'appoi•nted for the 1968 terra as follows: Past President, Bert Disch Northern Life , • Walker; ton; President, 'Gordon Raeburn, Paul Revere Insurance, Durham; Vice President, ,:Walter Lantz, State. Farm Insurance, Hanover;'. Secy.., 'Treas. „John.Schnurr, Mutual Life ,• Walkerton. Chairmen of Cornmitt ees; Program, William Schinbein,. Mutual Life, 'Hanover;Membership: Walter Lantz State Farm'Insurance Hanover;"L. U. A. T, C. & C. L. b.. Harry Bruegeman, Mutual Life, Hanover; Ethics & Practice,, William. Kinahan, Sun Life, Lue-know;=Bui ..' ron, Manufacturers Life;'Wingham Publicity, Wilford CatlicI5, imper- ial mper-ial Life, Wingham .: HE LD CEDAR MT. ;REV. DUNCAN". McTAVISH. • I. have written about the old soft elm but in all fairness I,must not 'overlook. the: old .cedar , . another patriarch of the early forest. Unlike the elm , it stood on the 'flats but•in the bush surrounded by other' trees. 'Its long'top rose above the rest of the trees about it and could be • A :number of ; ::1964 and: 1965, Chevrolets, Fords seen like the':mast of a gr,P.at ship -dna A _k .roto and—nal —V41, automatic 1967 MODELS 1.967 : Cheyroiet Impalas. 1967 Ford Ga,iaxi� 5 Power equiPPed: i967c.heviokt BelAirs, Various colours, V -8's with power 967 Pontiac .Laurent an 6 `cytlnder, automatic 1966 MqD!s.. 1966 Pontiac P 4 door hardtop, 396 engine,:' fully power equipped„ 66 Pontiac Parisienne 2 door hardtop 66 Chev Bel Air:' /', poorer 'steering. 1965:MODELS ercu2 door hardtop ry, piercing the very'clouds.Folks'saw Y -it £rom. a distance: and being short way from the highway;: t' became sort 'of:a landmark. One ,day, a 'man called on my fath` et-, wanting to buy ,it, . He was plan- ning to build .a 'few srnall' boats and after looking over this beautiful old tree;' decided it had the' very mat_ erialae.was..'looking for. H'e: Offered father rather a handsome sum of money but father had a love for old trees and just couldn't ;bring himself to parting with what • .to•him was• the last of the original cedars. So the buyer went his'way and, the years passed by. Father • •sickened, and died 'and his son, who had a little less, sentiment than :his father,.decided to cash in on:the tree. ; But alas., w,e'were in for a terrible disappointment . Like the old elm, it was hollow inside though there was no visible •evidence of this 'from without The trunk was nothing but a, shell and the first forty-five feet were of very little use. for"anything:: 1 almost felt :thankful,that father wasn'tthereto witness this tragedy; It'would have been a/severe blow to his love for those patriarchal old trees., • aut'the old saying, ."You have to take the bitter with the sweet" seemed to hold good this time. At least we had some sweet with the. bitter • For high up in that;hollow cedar wasa wild. bees'. domicile and several pounds of honey were retrieved from what seemed to be . . a total loss. Many years have come and gone since then. But one thing was discovered that day that has proved valuable ever since. It was found that the cedars: • growing in that area , at a. certain trine in Iife; developed an inner rot at the bottom and might as , well be salvaged before being lose, 1964. MODELS X64 Mercury. 2: door hardtop number of,. cars, different makes and ' models • from 1959 -1963 TRUCKS 1964 Chevrolet 1 Ton Pickup box.: 1965 GMC.'/z Tan Pickup STATIONWAGON 1965 ChewJmpala • 9 Passenger V-8, •4111y *Moped. 1965 :F�rd Statonwag�n 8 //cylinder Brussels MotOis • Cities Service Maier.`, Phon.. 173, aruasels • •Aettlasitkik ,d.ssOikdi!ss •