The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-22, Page 18PAGE •EIGHTEEN •f; INT.RNIMP FOR .64R14.612,,1660g Goderich Total Duty Hours - 454. Highway and other roads, patrolled in miles 3,471.• . • • INVESTIGATIONS:' Criminal (a) Thefts- 5. (b) Breaking and Enter- ing - 1 (c) Other -12. - Traffic (a) Accidents - 6. Property Damage - 5. (ii) Personal Injury, - 1 No. Injured.,- 1. ' On Sunday, October 29 on #25 • County Road at Junction of #21. Highway, James Fraser McDougall, 164 Bayfield. Road, Goderich and • William.Paul Goddard, 176, Britannia Road, Goderich were in- volved .in.a two car " • ••• • -accident. resulting in. a total approximate .dainage of.$150.•,00.: On Tuesday, ,October 31 Ont :Highway.,• south of•CanadianPOrces Base, Clinton, Jean Turner, Varna Ontano was involved in iiingle ..• .Car accident resulting in $300,00: • damage to her • • 'OnTueiday. October 31, David. , • Frederick Ort, 2,Clinton was • involvedin a. single' car- accident ' on the 6th :Concession, . Goderich Township. south of #8 Highway . • resulting in $150„ 00 damage to his Vehicle • ` :On I'mesclay; October 31 .Mary • Sutcliffe 73"Harriilton Street ., Goderich was involved in a single • car accident as.tho result Of a .deer running out of the ditch into her ,vehicle. This accident occurred on #86. Highway, west of #22 ,County Road and damage to her vehicle was approximately , • . • • 4 *THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO $14:11°.::id.ay, November 3, On # 8 Highway, east of Goderich South Lirnfts, Robin Lee Dale, 256 ' Naismith Drive, Alinante, Ontario was involved in a single car accident resulting in $75.00 dam- age to his, vehicle. I " On Saturday. NOvernber 4 On #27 County ROad at Jnnction of #20 County Road, Benson Grant Chisholm, Lot 13, Concession 13,• West Wawanosh Township was in volved in a single car accident , resulting•in approximately $800.00 damage. to his vehicle .dhishohn , received slight injuries: • (b) Charges - 14. Highway Traffic Act - 14. (c) Warnings - 11. (d). Safety Talks - No. Schools, si b. Children - O. • General (a) Requests for Assistance - 18. (b) COnViCtiOnS - 25 persons appeared in Magistrate's Court, Goderich; 16 convicted of Highway Traffic Act offences. Motorists, a reminder. We are in the season now when carbon O monoxide kills people in cars. car- bon Monoxide seeps, in at a. result of some fault in.the car's exhaust system..Guard against this very . real hazard by making sure your • car's exhaust system is fault free„ • • and by always when the engine is running, keeping a .window open. O a couple of inches or so. ,.. `G.S. FERRIS, • PROVINCIAL CONST* . GODERICH • Total Duty Hours - 408. Highway and other roads patrolled in miles • 2.922. • • INVESTIGATIONS; Criminal (a) lkeaking and Entering - 2. (b). Crther, -.22. Traffic (a) Accidents - 15 (i) Property Damage - 11. (ii) Personal Injury -4 No. Injur- ed 5. . "" . • On Sunday; Noveinber 5 on #21. Highway north of Eighteen Mile Creek Bridge, Bryon Black, R.R. .4 ?.. 4 • • . ,.: ..':',...., .,,,, ' .1.:'''.::7•• ...4.4::e ,......41......... . . ..... - .. ..1 ei.....:. 'a .a .'7*.1:•:-?:-.... ".:-..' •,- i'.967Mociels • SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1967 GALAX' E XL, 2 :door, hardtop. 1967 FORD. Custom Vs, automatic. - • • .1963 PONTIAC Grand. Paiisionns;, 4 door- hardtop .146 METEOR, 4 door, automatic, with radio 1946•CHEVROLET, 4 door automatic,6 cylindOr : ' 1965 .PONTIAC1.110Mstian,.4 door,cylindor, automatic 1965 *CHEVROLET,. 4 door, 6 ,cylindar stationwa9on 1965 PONTIAC, 4 !loor,', 6 cylinder automatic 1164 CHEV IMPALA, )/11„4 door Isard, 1164 CHEVY: II, 4 door, 1163, OLDSMORILE 4 door hardtop • • 143 CHEVROLET BO! Air, 4 dcior,:6 . 1946 RAMBLER, 4 ,• dcior' • 1959 DODGE, 4 door ' ,• TRUCK • 1943 CHEV ½ ton • •-•• • SEVERAL. OLDER „MODELS .`• • . ' • • • • • • , • . • •10..• SEE THESE AND OTHERS BLYTH PHONE 523.4342 , . . • WEDNESDAY NOV. 22nd, iv' you are looking ristrnas Gift that appreciated hroughout the year 41. UP • .0 00 ve A Subscription To The Liicknotv Sentinel A very thoughthd gift, yet so inexpensive. It's an, ideal gift' for • relativesi-hiends-or-students:-And-welt•-send-a--Christmas Greeting announcement card.4rEnter. your gift subscription now, for three months, six months or a full year. • •• .52$41341° . Port Albert ,Ontario was involved in a single• car accident, resulting in-$507.-06-to-the-v-elik-le-he-was' driving. On Sunday, November 5; on #25 •County. Road east :'of Carlow „- James Leonard Moss, R.R. 2; Auburn/was involved in a,single ear accident resulting in $2,500. .damage to his vehicle.. Moss sust- ained injuries. ' • " On Sunday,. NoVember.5ion #21. Highway..south of Gddetich, Jean Wilkins, 96 Elgin Avenue, Gale'', • ichwas involved in.a single car 'accident resulting in $100;00 daina- ge to the, vehicle she was driving.. • On Sunday., November' 5 on #2.5 County. Road east of Carlow, Murray Grigg, 106 Joseph Street; Clinton, • was involved in a single Car acci dent resulting -in $1,206.90 damage to his vehicle., On Monday. .November 6 on #25 County Road west of #255'County. Road. John Arthur Ross, 166A The ••, Square, Goderich, was involved in a single car, accident resulting in ;$200.00 ciamageto'his.vehicle. • On Monday, November • 6 on #21 • .Highway south of #25 'County ,Road ' 0 Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, 6•2 North Street, Goderich' was struck by a deer which ran onto ,the 'high- way: Damage to, the vehicle was • $50.60. •, On Monday , Ndvember 6 on #31' County Road south of #13 County • Road,, William Heibein, Wroxeter Ontarid• was struck by° a deer which ran out onto the road causing $25.00 damage to the truck he, was, driving. , • • On Monday, November 6 on #21 Highway. north of Bayfield River 0 Bridge, Vernon Frecterick.Terry- berry. , 208 Warren.Street ,,Goderich and .Mildred Yvonne Canipbell. R.R. 3 Bayfield were involved in a two car accident resulting in total approkiniate damage to vehiole$ 41,200,00. Paseenger. florence ' • . Terryberry 'received slight 'injuries. On Tuesday. November .7.on',#25 Gount7-Road-east-of-#21-1011ghway7 Jean .Prest, R. R. 5_0Gotlerichand Gordon Schultz, Dungantica were . involved,ina two car accident resulting .in total approximate damage to vehicles', $400 AO. - On Tuesday. NoVember'.7 on ,#4 .Highway; south of Clinton•South Limits.," Ronald Prieur , 281 CarsOn .Road;" Garson, Ontario was . • involved in a single car accident resulting in $150.00 dam- age to his Vehicle. On Tuesday. November 7 on #27 County Road south of #20.Connty Road, Doris Elaine House, Victoria 'Street, tucknow was involved in.a single car accident resulting in,• $90.00 damage to the vehicle she was driving. Doris Flouse.received • injuries as the result of this..• accident. ' On Wednesday, November 8 on #20 County Road, east of #21 High- way, Max Gelinan 24321 Manistee • Street , Oak Park, Michigan 'and Gordon W. Drennan; 7 Luck - now , were involved in a two ear. accident With a' total approximate damage to both Vehicles,: $800.00. • On Wednesday, November 8 on #8 Highway. east, of Goderich South ward -John Grealis, 48 Huron Street, Clinton was iuvolved in a single car accident . ON Ttursday, November 9 on #3 County Road , east 'of #2l Highway, :John Copeland Kenney. 257 Will- LIM Street, Exeter and Beverley G. Hill. R. R. 1, Varna were involved in a two car accident with total damage. to•vehicles $300.00. On Saturday. November 11 on #21 Highway in Bayfield there Was.a. 'three car Accident involving John Nethery, Drummond Stteet, Blyth; Norman Nikel, R.R. 5 , Stratford and George Mayor R. R. 3 Bayfield • Total approximate damage to vehicles $2, 700 00 Injuries' • 'sustained by Mikel and Mayor. • Charges -9. Highway. Traffic Act - 6. Liquor Control Act - 3. One. of which was a minor. Warn.' • ings - 16. Safety' Talks 4 1 adult group. General (a) Request for, Assistance - 1. (b) Convictions -10 persons appeared .in ,Magistrate's Court', Goderich and 7 were con- victed or. HigliWay Traffic ,Act offences. ' • . •' : 0 • 4 . R.B. WHEELER, 'CORPORAL. ' • • RIPILEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchoripg - Curing and Smoking e • Cutting and Wrapping - Sausage Making - Fast FroeSing • HOGS AND CATTLE ON''MONDAYS,, • CATTLE. ONLY ON• WEDNESDAYS Two Big tooter*, WO.Aro Abl. TO Hang 'Your B410 'From 1 To 3 Weak: Whatevor Your Roquironionts Are Por Home Freezers We Sell, Choice'. ,Home Killed Beef, Pork . and Lamb Ip Any Quantity At Lowed. Marketing,Prices , • . , . ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT IN,SPECTED FOR: YOUR PROTECTION ClIAS:1100ISIKA, PROP.' ABATTOIR 395-2905 • ' • ‘Sir°1tE 395.2961'