The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-22, Page 12r a. -034 N fi it 1N LUCKNOW TELEPHONES .EXCHANGE Effective ' December lst extended. T, "phone.ser vice will avails le : between. ' Wingham and L.ncknow:;. Hydro. rust omens in the Lucknow .Telephone exchange will. please call 357-281.0 . re garding Hydro business, after this• date. THE ZENITH` CALL NUMBER IN THIS EXCHANGE; IS `:NO' LONGER; EFFECTIVE. W H •McARTHUR MANAGER - WING,HAM AREA:: nrolment Held t Brownie Meetinn BROWNIE NEWS By Catherine Dunsmuir The 2nd brownie pack met on Tuesday, ` November 14th. Two brownies stood at ,post escorting:. the mothers of tweenies to a seat. There was a game, followed by. fairy ring with the enrolment of. the tweenies. The mothers were served tea andtoast by Susan Hall, Elaine Whitby and Catherine Dunsmuir: Three first year stars and four 2nd year stars were awarded:. Brownies closed with. chimes TMR' LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Miss Jean Scot -L- Fractures Hi ; •AMBERLEY, NEWS Miss Jean Scott; formerly of the second. concession•of Huron, had the misfortune to fall on slippery pav:ement,..which resulted •in a broken hip.. She was taken to �St: Joseph's Hospital, London .for fur Cher treatment where she will be confined for -some time,. • • Friends of Mrs. Eldon Bradley will be pleased to know she return- ed home at the week end. from .St Joseph's Hospital, London where she, spent the past week and is ' ,now much improved; in health. Spending the, week end with Mr and Mrs. Donald Courtney and family were Kathy. Stevens of Wat- erloo and Carol. Courtney of— Kitchener. f'Kitchener. { Mrs. Reuben Wilson is a patient .. in Winghamand•District Hospital. Her many friends hope for. her 'early recovery. { A large number from this area. attended Ripley, District High School commencement, where capacity audience filled the auditorium. ',Mrs. Wesley Robb:, who spent some weeks in Stn Joseph's Hospital, London, returned tp.her ",home recently; and is enjoying improved. health. . • • .Rev'. Harold, Mrs Pillen and ' daughter Sandra of PJ'attsville attended Ripley D. H. S. commencement on Friday evening' where Rev. Harold Pillen presented' the•Ken Pillen Memorial, Trophy .'"The Pillen family 'Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott. of the eighth concession; Friends of Mrs. John.Emmerton of • Board Member Gerald Rathwell, , congratulates Sharyn Mowbray, Lucknow on receiving one of the L. D. H.S. Board Awards for girls. Teacher George Gibson presents • Eleanor.Wtitby, Lucknow with the Wrn .. Schmid Home. Economics ' award for Grade 10. r.. the second concession of Huron will be glad to, know she returned homer at the week end after spending. some time in Kincardine and Dist- rict Hospital,.. •' Reid''s. Corners WO. will meet on Thursday evening; November '30 Mrs: George Whitby of Lucknow will be guest; speaker Maithel Lie Wilson ofWaterltro tiniversity spent the week end at her home on the fourth concession of Huron, • y Wf�DNESQAY, NOS+. 22nd, no COMMENCEMENT Jamie Ross, Lucknow receives the „Lucknow Women's Institute award from -M -r -s . 1ex-Ma Na -y, uckn F. E. Madill, principal of the Huron -Bruce Secondary School in Wingham ,'"presented Barbara Cameron with her Secondary; School Honor Graduation Diploma (Grade 13), Barbara. is this year •attending Guelph University,: Gerald Rathwell presents the Grade 11 Languageaward to Nancy Irwin, Ashfield Township.