The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-08, Page 144. " THE LUCKNOW ;SENTiI L LUCICNOIN ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NQ1i'w ilth, `1l0 NOTICE LUCKNOW ,BUSINESS.' PLACES WILL,, BE CLOSED IPM0,N ON'.• UNTIL So that anyone who wishes may have the 'opportunity, attend the Remembrance Day Service, Moxu� For samd . counsel and a fair price on -a monument frommaterial, rely: on correctty designed quality , SKELTON *MEMS Pat ••O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years WALK.ERTON '' PHONE 11141111 • Present lifts. To Mrs. Wm Helm ONTARIO On Monday,.. October 30, four ladies from . Zion called on n: Mrs. Wm. Helm and presented her with gifts, a pole, lamp, :jewellery and A cup and saucer from the Zion Church and community. Ruth thanked the ladies and Zion comm' unity for their' lovelygifts which she will: cherish. Mrs. 'Allan' Gib.- son' ib-son' read the following address.. October 30 Dear ^Ruth: We have seen man of out nei bours leave our community these past few :years. and it is with regret.; .that we. also :bid you: ;farewell It 'seems strange to pass the .Bill :Helm arouse, and seeit in darkness as it never has been`be fore. • We ask you to acdept these gifts as a remembrance from the Zion . •church:and with them .go our best wishes: for continued good ' health and happiness inthe years to come,. We also hope:you'will return and'visit in thecommunity. whenever you can:.: Signed on Behalf of your friends and neighbours Mr, and :Mrs.: 'HY arve Ritchie r, and, Mrs All n ibson Mr.. and -Mrs, ';Allan Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. `Charles Wilkins. {ostess To Family;Qn 88tkBirthday •Sunday, November 'Swas `a happy day for Mrs.: John Miller of Lucknow: as she celebrated her eighty-eighth birthday at her home Y. when she was hostess to her famil consisting of Muriel and :John Sparkes of London, Alvin and'`J Miller of Strathroy, Margaret and: Fred McQuillan and Eldon and ,DorothyMiller of Lucknow also her,only brother., Alex MacKenzie of Lucknow. . Visitors during' the afternoon were Mr, and Mrs. George'.(Grace Cam- eron) LinleY. am-eron):Linley, Troy. Michigan; Mr. and Mrs )ay (Madeline Hennessy) S t1es..,titica Iyiichian and Mr and Mrs E.W. Rice, St. Helens. The following poem written' by --Mrs :-Linley was presented to -Mrs . Miller. • Plega$sjudge•:AfT' Its doesn't seem•long since we were all on the ;farm --- And all of us Kids were inschool. • And all the good times we had at' ' your place --- Snow apples and fudge and your „ choclate:'cake. :Soft kittens and: puppies and a :' Nanny goat :too. We were all young and: gay then and never got. blue Your piano was always a delight to play Even yet,' it brings back memories of our yesterday.: If we could turn back the pages of or awh' And enjoy those days over again it would all be worthwhile -But, these birthdays do come around' Each year;- - on the same date.. So: we' might as well enjoy ;hem • ; • and CELEBRATE! !!.• So here's to 'our old neighbor • and. ' , friend So trusted and:' so true And so we wish many many .more Happy Birthdays to you r ! 'Best Wishes, Grace and. Geo Linley, Troy, Michigan;: November .1967: Best Birthday Wishes •, to Mrs. . Miller ti• Well Hello! and a happy birthday.. td you. In November, when the days are cool.: inter AMBERLEY NEWS Delegates' for the livestock ' Management Tour are John .Brad ley,of Ashfield, Tom, Papple of Seaforth. and Harry Winkel of Ford- wich. Being -interested members of • 4-H Club work, they will visit many farms where registeredlive- stock .is. kept. On Friday :of. this week they will ..tend the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto where they willjudge livestock. RENOVATIONS Amberley Orange Hall is under- going extensive renovations. With 8 g volunta assista cb odg e hers a' newp aint job'is .almost - completed in readiness for winter activities. Visiting at the Manse with Rev.' John and Mrs. Hill and family were Mrs. Hill Sr, and Miss Beare both of Toronto Carol Courtney .bf Kitchener spent the week end at her -home on the r second concession of Huron. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and ;Mrs.: Elmer Smeltzer on thearrival of.a daughter (;a sister, for Danny) on November 1. 'Mrs. James'Farrell of the sixth concession of Huron is a patient in K4nearine>-andDistrict-Hospf ta-=1: Her many friends wish her improved st ar w Se T health. o. BEFORE YOU BUY SNOW TIRES SEE OUR New Executive Tractionline is A top Value Tire At Reg: , Price :Noir Members !resent Organist Members' of the Lucknow United Church Choir were enterta ned at, the home of Mr, and Mrs. Raynard Ackert, .Holyrood to.a dinner and. ,social evening.on Wednesday of last week Mrs: Ross Cumming was guest • of honour. She resigned .lastmonth, as organist of the church and they have moved to •Kinloss to make their home During the <evening Mrs Cumming was presented with a gift in appreciation of her service to the choir, ************** le MactEE ENTERPRISES BILL HUNYER, LUC,KNOW COME OWWHILE, THE CHOICE, IS GOOD,• •