The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-08, Page 13+WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1h: 1N7 THE LUCKNOW SINTINBL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO . PAGE 'THIRTEEN .PROVIDES A COMPLETELY COMPREHENSIVE. IF YOUR. MEDICAL. INSURANCE COVERAGE 'HAS BEEN CANCELLED: BECAUSE YOU DO` NOT PAY THROUGH A GROUP, WHY NOT CONTACT .. . C0.0PERA"�IY'E MEDICAL SERVICES . RIGHT' AWAY. THEY WILL HURON BE HAPPY TO., EXPLAIN : THEIR POUCY BENEFITS, AND YOU CAN... OBTAIN COVERAGE EF...FECTNE THE FIRST CIF. ANY MONTH. MONTH . IF YOU U , � • . SEER ': ... .. -.' TRAN FROM ANOTHER COMPANY THERE WILL BE NO WAITING. j. PERIODS ON YOUR NEW POUCY. OBTAIN F►RST D21iAR.:COVERAGE ESR... IRGE MATERN INJE� 01 FFIc.ECALLS CHIROPRACTIC :TREATMENTS NS � FR BURNS and •LACERATIONS SO 'DON'T DELAY X-RAYS =.INQU'IRE TOD.AYL y it : 82 ALBERT STREET Boac;'699 OR CONTACT YO • UR LOCAL :*GENT: LORNE RODGES, R.R. 1, Goderich GEORGE TURTON, Goderich , .FORDYCE CLARK; R.R. 5 Goderich*. • ROY STRONG;,Gorrio MRS:. O. a, ANDERSON, Belgrave GORDON " KIRKLAND, R.R. 3, . Lucknow: LLOYD' MONTGOMERY, .Winghtim; BERT IRWIN, R.IL Seaford' ED ICAL Telephone 482-9751, CLINTON,; ONTARIO BERT KLOPP, Zurich KENNETH JOHN, Exner .GORDON RICHARDSON, R.R. ' 1, Brucefield ART WRIGHT, .Seaforth . PETER. ION, Clinton ROBERT McMILLAN,, R.R. 2' Seaforth HUGH B. SMITH,. . R.R.+ 2, Listowel RUSSELL KNIGHT, R.R. 2, Brusseih' • Ay:Helen: Attend Show Monday afternoon the majority of the students and the staff had the pleasure to see "Man for All Seasons". at toderich. This.w,as a very,historical play and, the stud- ents would like to take this opport- unity to thank the Staff arid. the 'Schoolsoard for:allowing us take part in a very educational project. CN I 13 ' The •students' council, would also like "to thank the people of the community for giving ,generously 'to the C. N..I,13. This is 'for a: very worthwhile cause and we believe it will be a great asset to the institution for those who are so unfortunate to have lost their, - sense of sight. •: a Commencement; L. D. H. S. is'verY • ; busy planning • for Commencement, November 10•. T-hi'sris-a veryi-mportant=night fob hose people. who have tried so earnestly to achieve their. goal. Let us make a sincere effort to• come and join in onthe joyous' evening:. Music will be provided by the "Beaumonts". • Jr..:. French.:Club Most'of the 'members of the: club got penpals :through Brian 'Keith from countries such as 'Fiance, Belgium, Switzerland and; England,, and .others. With the help of Mrs, Allason and the grade tens, we wrote ,a leiter 'to, a penpal in French' Attendance was, taken ScieewC, This year the Science,Club; attra- '.ted members -:from all grades: The executive was'pic.ked •by -a mock 'vote which. resulted `as- follows: • Pres- ident 7 Jin Hepderson and Secret ary Dorothy Van Beers. The Wing ham Science:•Fair is the main oh- • jectiveof this cluband`all men' bers• are thoroughly interested as , some have .already decided upon a project. Besides this, we will be seeing movies and all members will• have'"to.show a project. or pre- pare a lesson for one meeting in the year ..: Under the direction of Mr.' Gibson, this Club' will be both fun and worthwhile; • Art and Hobby; The Art and. Hobby Club Met ori' :.Monday at 3:25. Our supplies had come for . this meeting. , Patty Marr - ,iott made'a poster for A Man for , ''All Seasons. This Was in the shape of a, shield. Mary Elizabeth Hend-. erson arid Carolyn' MacGillivray Iratle another poster for(this salve ..ourfney • Show.. It. had a knight holding a shield' with :a fur seasons device. BockClub ThejBook•Club met.last Monday at 12:3.0 Mr. Ashkanase; gave each. member a test in :speed reading,. and then a test to tell how much comprehension' you had of what 'you read. r . Donna J Ritchie was elected. as • Chairman and Janice Wall was 'elected for recording secretary', Bowling Club The Bowling Club was organized'. this week, headed by Mrs. Doris. MacKenzie, Mr. Dennis and Mr. Mygland. The _. manager is Ray Elliott The secretary is Linda , Marriott and the assistant secretary is Marilyn. Wall. Twenty trine • students were present and six teams were.• chosen, five of students and one of teachers A. captain' and a name for each team was chosen.. They are: Losers L ► : es; uc . es - eorge Moffat; Sensationals - Bill Thom- son; 'Happy Hippies .Marilyn'' Wall; .,Bowling Stones . Janice Hodgins, Winners - Mrs. Doris MacKenzie. Sr. ` French Club The senior French• Club met. on`` Friday afternoon at 3:39. Anyone wishing penpals in foreign coun- tries told Brian Keith. After this, everyone tried their hand :at Writ- ing a.. letter in French inch-Bayeac�s Lucknow Randers The Lucknow 'Rangers met in the town hall Wednesday, November 1st at 7 :p m.'. The president; Linda Boyle opened; the meeting with all repeating the Ranger Promise; Roll Call was answered by 10 present. New officers are as_follows: Ran' ger Captain, Mrs. Donald Dennis,. President -. Linda Boyle., Secretary •- Eleanor.Whitby, Treasurer Linda Chisholm, Press. Reporter.- BIenda Ritchie:.` Other members are ., Nancy. ;Kirkland, Barbara Wilkins, Joanne Greer, Elizabeth Newbold Beverly MacDonald, Nancy Corrin; Charlene' Anderson, Pat Hamilton.' 'Discussion was held aboutmoney making,+projecis.such as :coffee, break, bake, sale, barbie doll draw. Plans were made 'to•goto Dundalk for Remembrance Day service on November 11. Regular meetings: Will be held on Wednes- days, The meeting was adjourned. RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and 'Smoking . Cutting and 'Wrapping Sausage Making Fast 'Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY OI, , WEDNESDAYS '"`°"With: Two Bi`-"Co-otete We'"`Are"'Aisle"Te"Han YourlBeaf-Fro 1. To 3 • Weeks -- Whatever Your. Requirements Are • For Home Freezers . We Sell Choice Horne Killed Beef, Pork' - ' and.•Lamb in Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL: Mi ATS ARE 4OVERNMENT INSPECTED 'FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS,.HQOISMA; PROP, il ABAT '0IR 39,5-2905 STORD 3952.961; i r+Y�,ie.�;.";:e yip.�r�4k+M�i+�`'!3Mrrxr+fii tiesw`' ' •