The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-01, Page 16r; :J • PAGE SMKTE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1st, 19i1 r ar WOOL, LAMBSWOOL,. 'IMPEL," D'ORLAMB,: BANLOt4 ORLON. AND MOHAIR. JUST IN TIME FOR THE {OLD WEATHER AHEAD, WE OFFER THESE SAVINGS TO YOU MEN'S AND YOUTH'S Sizes 36 to 46','and S-M-LXL BOYS' ° Sizes 8 to . 18 years • .THESE: SPEtlAL PRICES ARE G6 UNTIL' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER REMEMBER THE BOY SCOUT PAPER` DRIVE THURSDAY, -NOVEMBER 2. ' UC(IOW. Ladies' and .Men's 'Wear. AGENT -FAR .YCINCARDINE-C EA, 1F.Rs Free Pick -Up and Delivery Monday . and Fh Guides Hold Hallowe'en Party::; The Guidesbrou8 ht lunch for• tiieir guests'in;boxes decorated, for the occasion. They were very y nicely done;: and Mrs. Treleaven On October 2 1St, the Lucknow • I had. a 'difficult time selecting the to r Guides gave•a'Hailow.e' — best one. However, the prize went . = en party-�for: children. Each Guide brought a to Lorraine Boyle younger or�sster : or, friend.: y, g •e After supper, Land 'Ranger" Linda The children carne : in costume,: - 'Boyle led Campfire. WAS Closed' .After'•roll call, Mrs: Jack the Meeting. Candy was given out Treleaven; President •of the Local to everyone : Captain asked the Association, judged. the costumes, guides. who` haven't/brought their , Prises were awarded to Debra Bolt ':registration money in to do so next and - Paul Finlay • ; week'. The Bluebirds cleaned up The guides then took the child ; Guiders,; guidesand children all ren on a pumpkin,hunt., As each ofi enjoyed the' party. the sixteen pumpkins was found, . the children tried to do the . ;.. activity:which'was printed on the pumpkin: • Each of the Patrol Leaders then conducted a'garne. •"Musical -. Chairs" was won by Sandra " Henderson._ THAT Elmer Johnston of.Lucknow r is a patient in Winn ghani -Hospital after .suffering a coronary attack I• • last Thursday motn ing.. Lucknow' Branch 3Q9 Bloc U'POWY. . Wear u Poppy y =Proud of our veterans? Grateful to those 'who: died for freedom? Show your gratitude and, pride: by helping the living, support they' Poppy program. a of the Village ge .will be held November 3 THAT Remembrance Day, November .11th - ar will see a change in service at t .,.uck now Post Office, There will be ' no wicket service nor rural. ail service that day. No incomi mail •will : be received until :30 ,p.m. and amail will be despatched at the regular'tm 6i 25 p. ni. The lobby will 'remain open until 8 p.m. for the Convenience of those with box..: service. THAT Mr. and Mrs. William Porteous left last Friday to .spend the winter in Florida. This will be the 17th annual trip: south for Bill and•Jennie who makte•their headqu'arteis at their "second home", 'Daytona Beach. : THAT'•the: Lucknow Boy. Scout:pap-, er, drive for Lucknow and, Dungan• non' will be held 'tomorrow' (Thurs' day) wirh'details.to be found in, '• an advertisement in':this issue , THAT' Ralph Curran, San of Mr and 'Mrs . Jack Curran; of Ashfield; has purchased the 6th concession Ashfield farm of William Petrie who;is.holding an auction sale' •this Saturday :THAT' Ed Hale of Wiarton was the guest speaker at the Sunday service. at,Lucknow• United •Church Rev., Laird Stirling was preaching :the anniversary service.•for the.. settlement .church on, the Tober- rnory charge. Elwin Hall ,was supplying: aschoir• leader and: Mrs.. -- hrr#llason-,as:efiga-nisi :,-W-a-lt Dexter. sang two -solos : atTthe fser vice .' .. : 2 THAT Jim Gibson, who is employed • as an apprentice mechanic at MacDonalds Garage in Lucknow ,. is presentlyon a six' week course.. at Provincial lnstitute of Autotno= • tive and Allied Trades. in Toronto. has been at MacDonald's slightly over four, years, and it• is.. anticipted that this :course will qualify'him as .a mechanic, THAT the Sentinel has in'recent weeks made itself rather unpopul- ar with press reporters from var- ious church groups and 4-.14 clubs by refusing meeting. articles be cause•of iaae.submission." We are' sure readers must get -sick and n. tired of reading this same old liner , but 'we'are still trying des- perately :to educate the press. • • reporters of, the necessity of prompt submission of reports, and; ' this rneans imtnedi 'telyafter they happen. Because of the numerous reports which come to our desk; . we just cannbt consider ,the late .ones. THAI' Lucknow Legion will stage a poppy blitz of the community this ;Friday"night , Novernber pro.. Wear a poppy in remembr'anc\e: THAT' prospective minor hockey players in Lucknow and district ,should check the advertisement in this issue.giving details of registration which will be held, this Saturday, November your boy 'plans p aying hockey this season, ma 'e sure he's at the town hall this Sat .a afternoon:. 1, Lucknow Fruit Market YOUR JIOWEST' PRICES FOOD1.AND`. AYLMER.9 OZ. WITH -PECTIN issori�4 Jams' Sale CHOICE QUALITY 19 OZ. Cream. Style Corn: S.OLO,. BRAND Margarine Sale KELLOGG'S 1.213Z';,.' Cornflakes Bar an KINGS CHOICE• 46 Tomato Juke CAMPBELL'S 10: OZ, TOflato .Soup REAL'fBARGAIN. 5'Jars .99c SAVE., 19c 4:Tjns 1 SAVE 29c, 'ounds: 69c • SAVE is 2p:PACKAGES 63c: GOOD'BUY Tins 98c SAVE 13c Tins 49c REMEMBER THE BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE THURSDAY,:; NOVEMBER i. APAINVIMAIMPAPININWIFIANWArg WE •SELL: FOR LESS VALUES EFFECTIVE 'PHONE -528-3420. NOVEMBER 2, 3, 4 THAT coloured slides, entered in the Fall Fair photographic comp- etition, omp etiti onbe will s hown at the• regular meeting of Lucknow Agricultural Society on Novem- ber9th. Alyn the :cornmuntty are ;welcom`e to attend. . THAT a- real estate' sale was made` • by'auctioneer Allan Niaclntyre-ar the. recent':.E ggggleston sale.: . '. -in West :Wawanosh Township.' The farm. of the late Charles McNee'_:' sold ..n •sol 0 i 'W n sh was West, awn ,o Wes Nivins.of the 'Dungannon area. �1Vi11 Be Held• In LUCKNOW,:. DUNGANNON AND AREA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER -2nd Anyone wishing paper tied and 'handled contact. Scoutmaster George' Whitby, dial 528-3813 Or Bill Johnstone, dial 528-3013 'Would any fathers'' of Cubs: or 'Scouts . who : could help . 'the. Scout Committee with this Paper Drive be at the former.Brooks. Transport shedsin the afternoon of. November '2nd. • Brought To You As A -Public Service By. • ONTARIO'S' SILVER AND BLACK FLEE'