The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-30, Page 14• PAGE "FOURTEEN,; THE. LUCKNOW :SENTINEL ..LUCKNOW; .ONTARIO, ihjly. Reunion Held OnSunday. WHI.TECHURCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs„ Stanley Leeson and Carol. Ann of British Columbia were weekend visitbrs with her parents', Mr, and Mrs. Ben.McClen aghan attd:brother Carl and. Mrs,. McClenaghan . On Sunday they • held a family reunion and Mr. and Mrs •Harry ;Moss,•, Bennie, Sus- an and :'Janie'of .P.•lattsville, Mr. and ,Mrs.. Irwin McClenaghan, Mary Lou, 'Ronnie and. Nancy of St. Thomas; Mr.(' and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan and Michael of Wat- erloo,' Paul Geiger of Waterloo;,:. Mr, and Mrs Bill Parker,Douglas, David -and :.Beverley of Ex to were all present, Other relatives' attending were Mr and. Mrs' Elwood Barbour, .Mr. and Mrs., Angiis'MacDonald'and fainily'•of.St,. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. •Kenneth Barbour and family of Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan Barbour and, farnily' of 'Listowel and Mrs.. Lillian McClen •agharf•and Mildred. Mr.. and Mrs.. Carl Weber, Ann,., Marlene'and:Clair on Sunday visited Story .Book' ,Gardens at London and • .. ,called on.Dave Gibb.and Mrs.. Clarence Adams, •:patients at Victo. ria Hospital,., London e . Visitors •last'week with 'Mr: and Mrs. Gershom Johnston,' W ingham were Mr. and •Mrs . ; Chester Long • man. and Mr and ;Mrs, Jack Long- man all of Windsor. •• Mr, and Mrs. Ross Nurse.and fam ly of Rosemount were Thursday visitors with Mr. and . Mrs . Gershom • Johnston of Wingham. : Mr., and Mrs. Albert Coultes were Sunday' evening visitorswith Mr:. ` ..and Mrs. Jim Coultes and ,family. Visitors onihe!week .end With: MIS ' `:Robert Ross were Barbara; and Jean 'Campbell of London and .Mr:' and • Mrs. •Georges Ross and Cheryl of Owen Sound. f:. Mr and.Mrs, Jack Johnston:, David and. Donna. Jean:of London were week .end visitors with his parents Mr . ` and Mrs . ; Gershom . . Johnston, Paul Johnston of Listowel • who` visited last week withhis grandparents returned home with his parents Mr. and Mrs.. Jim John- ston when they visited there Sun day,everting.. • The U. C. W. will hold•. their ,Sept- ' ember meeting. ,September 6 at 2 p.m. atthe horn a of Mrs*. Dan • Tiffin•Teeswater: Mrs. Russel'• Gaunt is in charge,of the 'meeting, • the theme of. which is..Co-operat•= . ion ,Christian and.Missionary,Ed- ucation. The roll call is to be an swered'by naming. a Canadian Miss: ionary. There will, also be/the :Birthday Tea. Mr and, Ivtrs. Carl Weber, ,Ann; Marlene • and Clair enjoyed 'a ,week :end'tour.of'Northern Ontario•which: ..included: North Bay ,'Sparrow Lake and Burwash. Mrs and Mrs. Hugh. Simpson, Darlene, Murray and.Jean•were in Toronto on. Sunday to• celebrate with 'Mr . and Mrs. Jack Norman their 25th Wedding 'anniversary. ' Mr: and Mrs, Albert.Smyth and Andrea of'Kitchen'er were•week end visitors With bis parents Mi and Mrs. ,Edwin. Smyth. • Mts.. Russel R oss and Dorms spent Tuesday in Kitchener and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross Leonard Robinson,''son of Mr. and Mrs..RoyRobinson is a patient in , ' • Victoria Ho'spitai London and this week will undergo surgery on the • knee:. • Mr., and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth left onFriday: for,a two week train trip to the West, Mrs. Davidson and family and •Mrs. •Ketchum arid' family of Chic- ,.- ago• holidaying at a cottage at Point Clarkand their aunt, Mrs. • Gordon Scott of Ripley visited on Friday with' Mr, and Mrs. Wallace' Conn and Mr, and Mrs. Earl. Cads lick. Kincardine' ACCIDENTS: On Sunday August •'20, provincial Constable John: Gault, investigated a single. car •,accident at Inverhuron ;Beach.. The,. driver James Ardy of Tideslie Ont ario •escaped injury, There was $400.00 'damage :done to the .yell,, icle, and4, damage to•private prop- erty amounted: to $25Q,00, • Provincial. Constable John Gault investigated a second single car • accidentat the 8th Concession of Bruce Township on Sunday, Aug- ust 20th. Weri,dy- Beaman of Guelph Ontario was injured and taken, to.. Kincardine Hospital: after she. lost control of her car andran into the .ditch . T he vehicle, was a total loss. A car -tractor accident was investigated by Provincial Const- able Jim Poland on the 6th Con- cession of Huron Township on Wed nesday;,. August 23rd. Allan Wyld' of R. R.# 4 Ripley and'Gordon Cooper of R. R.#5 Kincardine escaped injury as their vehicles collided 'on a hill. Damage to the Cooper vehicle amounted to $400.00,, while the tractorwas only slightly scratched. On; Friday, August 25th, Provinc- ial:Constable JinaPoland investig- ated a rear endcollision on. the Boiler Beach Drive-in Road. The drivers of the vehicles involved were Mildred. Bushell, of R. R.# ,3, Holyrood:.artd•Thomas Wade of 55 McGivern; Sr. Walkerton: No one was inured' in the accid'ent.which caused a total of $250.00 to; the two cars. A single car accident wasinvesti- gated by Provincial Constable Jim Poland on Saturday,' August 26th. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1917 Margaret. Hedley of R. R,# .2+ Kincar, • dine escaped injury as she lost control of her car in fog,',and ran,' into the• ditch'.on the. 5th ,Side Road of Kinlos s 'township t ;Darnage' to the Hedley.1vehicle ..amounted to " $300.00. • The total accidents to, date • last year = 93.,• This years total stands ' at 125,,.RG. • CHAES: 4 charges; were laid under the Highway Traffic Act, PLEASE practice safety on the. highway during the approaching Labour Day Week -end. JIM POLAND PRESS RELEASE. OFFICER, 150. WILt BE FUN Fit •ONE:ANDALL First Da' Friday,:.September . �.� 5 N a.m. to 12:00 Noon .Grounds and Hall open for placing of exhibits. 12:110 Noon - Hall Closed. / 1:N p.m. to f p.m Judging in Hail with no one allowod in hall while'.ju� takes :place. :N' p.m. to '10:O0 . p.m. Hall open to Public - Admission 50c for everyone. Second Day Saturday, S�ptember l:00 am.._ . • Grounds • open for . placing of 'livestock ; and. poultry exhibits: ' 1000a.m - Grounds and. buildings open to Public.' Admission -.75 cents 11:N Judging of Poultry and Pets. ' 12:00• -Noon - 4-11 .Judging. 1.00 p.m • Mammoth' Parade from High School led by St. Marys '• • Band:- 65 strong: 1:30' p.m. , . b ' Fair 'oPened, by Murray'•. Gaunt, M.P.P.' for Huron -Bruce 1:45 .p.m.. ' 'Band Entertainment,Costume Judging. 200 p.m•- Entertainment - Demonstrations -• Midway . .: Bingo, etc. 3:00 •Bab . y Sho 4:00 p.W.• ' Potato Racer : Barrel Raee, Musical.. Chairs • on horseback • ,• 5.00 p.m. Removal of e lhibits -. Hall closes' 00 pm •• ,,. • . • Hall opens - $1:00 admission to • games of chance,, dancing, Beauty Queen contest '1st• Prize $50, ;l0 to each • contestant and entertainment. Music for dancing • . cmg, by a :good. band provided; by Village: dal :Events For :.1' 1. Decorated Bicycle 5.'00. 4.00 ,' 3.00,. ' 2.00 100',. ey: 2 Decorated Tricycle $ 5.00 4:00 3:00: 2.00 1.00 .: Best Costumed Rider on decorated pony in parade (Animals will not be judged ) $: 5:00 4.00 3.00 200 1.00 4. Best Costumed '; Rider on decorated saddle . horse in parade. (Animals will not be judged). $` 5.00. 4.00 .: 3:00 2.00'; 1:00 1 5. Oldest Lady at. Fair Centennial Queen $ 5.00 6. Oldest Gentleman at Fair ... ...: $ 5.00 7.'': Best Original..Centennial Costume: worn by Lady visitor to the : Fair $ 5.00 4.00 3.00 ': 200 8:. Best Copied ' :Centennial Costume worn by Lady Director at Fair $ 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 9. Best Copied Centennial Costume worn: by Lady visitor to Fair $' 5.00. 4.00 3.00 • 2.00• l0: ' Best original Centennial costumeworn by Lady director at Fair 5.00. 4.00 3.00 2.:00 L. Best Centennial: costume worn by. 'gentleman, visitor , to Fair $.5.00 "4.00 3.00 2.00 12:. Best Centennial costume . worn by gentleman director to ,Fair $ 5:00 4.00 . 3.00 2.00 13. School Floats in parade $ 8.00, 6.00 • 4.00 2,00 14.: Schools Parading in costume $ 8.00 ` ..6:00 4.00 15. Decorated Cars $10.00 7.00 5.00 '.'3,00 16. • Antique Cars prior to 1930 $10.00 7.00' 5.00• 3,00. 17 Best Centennial Float $25:00 ' 20.00 15.00 18 " Best .' Patriotic Float .::.$25.00 20.00 15.00 ; 19. Best Comic .Float,$25.00 20.00. 15.00 20' . Best Groomed Moustache $ 500 • 3.00~ 2L Bean Groomed' Beard .•,.. ,:: 5.00 3.00 • 22 Potato Race on pony • • .... , $ 2.50 2.00 .'1:5 23.:Barrel Race on horseback $ 4:00 3:00 2:0 24. Musical. Chairs on horseback BE SURE TO �+kT YOUR di1RIES READY NOW • • 1.00 •. •tor air CI* otilior a," i vr *tsars* a `ifiO