The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-30, Page 6tl Ei i1 iT jit .P GE SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LW..KNOW,. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,; AUGUST 30th, 147 SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley !,eac With summer • on the 'wane - and boy, how it .waned ,around here —. I've made a discovery. With the .minimum,• of ` 'encouragement, • I. could spend therest n f' my. life as, a ' beach bum. Never was Ttnuch oC a hound...•: for the beach life before,. As a. .boy, I swam in . fivers ° and lakes, but not, at beaches., Any- way, kids are too busy swim- ming and diving and horsing around to„be bothered lying on a beach. As I .grew older, beaches still had little attraction. ` I ,just .. didn't like 'sitting in the sun. I don't .tan. I just sort of turn - burnt orange. leaches were for .: 'women, little kids and old nee - pie, I preferred golf or; fishing. ' 'Well, I'm not., a woman or a little, kid, so I must be turning. into anofd people. , Someone. o ,hIoquy will think unkindly, no doubt,, thatit's the advent of the. biki- ni. that.:has prematurely aged • me.. This is merely a half-truth `i'im not particularly: addicted to_ the sight of ..navels, though some of :the ..other 'stuff dis, played is mildly interestin.g.. No, it's -,the other sig its .and sounds that fascinate me. No*, i:;don't.like the -huge, crowded, commercialized peach,' It` in- spires in me, With its, noiseand, utter and bawling 'transistors and screaminghumanity, ::noth ing. butnausea. • But the' beach: we go lo, 'al most every day: the •sun shines, is not like that: It is clean:sand and cool, blue water and friendly., relaxed.I?eople. There • are, no loud -speakers bellowing' the latest beat; There isn't a; hot-dog stand or a .:motorcycle MODE Ford Galaxie With 390 engine lags;_ ev ,:Bel Air wer steering S MODELS 5 Mercury: 2 door. hardtop Ford XL 2' .door'; hardtop : number of 1964 and 1965 Chevrolets?;: Fol and Pontacs :in' ' hardtops . and .sedans, ., V-8 automatic.- : • , 1964 MODELS 1964 Mercury 2: door hardtop' A number of cars, different makes and models TRUCKS evrolet 1 Ton Pickups 964 Chevrolet 1 TonStake Body dual wheels, V8 motor- BrUSSeIS....Moos Cities Service Dealer Phone 173, Brussels o►u Remen . ger !•tugh,lo :HaII and' Shelley Miley 'Wherk They, . Had The C.raitvds. Clieeringi? . or a, beer can in, sight. , That, doesn't mean it's as quiet: as "a ' church. The ` gulls wall,the•.:mamas holler at their. children,, the kids scream and fight and cry.' But when you - stretch' out on the sand after a dip; and. the.:Sun 'bores into' you, taking away the aches. and the' tensions, it's• as, though; u were hearing it all.,tlrought. ton wool. • ' 'For some . reason, ' "our beach has become `a mecca: tor'•' newcomers to :Canada. Foreign- ers,•as we used to call. them in the old unenlightened : You car lie- there all day and scarcely. 'hear a *Ord of .Eng Gish. And. ,what a ` pleasant ' change that:. is. You :could be at Odessa: • on the -Black Sea.: My' • fiungarian and Polish and Ger man have. unproved . tremen dously. ,.: But they're great . people They 'love the sun. mind their. own . business, and pick up•;: their junk. When they "leave, which is more than can'be'said. of • a good A many tenni- ' generation ,Canadians. ' '' •• it's- fun' to watch, and ,listen. Over here are a couple of Ital- • .ian• grandmothers in • black dresses, both built about five' by five, yattering.'.away eighty..' miles an hour. Just fiver• there is 'a majestic young woman with Slavic features, a'' baby,..a ' bikini .so sparse you couldn't '• blaw .Your nose •in • it, and a • bust that ' would knock 'your eye out. Maybe both of them .Back up on the sand• a bit is the. teenage, Crowd. .They too . have, discovered our beach this summer. About sixteen; 'of. them sprawled in a .loose sir- -1-eler Y -heads• -together -indulging i.n'harmless sex play;' laughing, puriehing, smoking and making their intricate plans- for .the „evening. But they're decent • youngsters,• who apologize when they, hit 'you on'the head :.':. with their football. No hippies,,,,' thank• the powers. Here comes an elderly{ Ger= man gentleman who must have . drunk half the beer west`of the Perlin Wall to produce that Magnificent pot There's a young Jewish'. father, spoiling— his his kids rotten. There's a.. Hun. garian couple. tanned the col. dur of. tar, with two beautiful i ' blonde urchins, And speaking of • urchinsi. this is' the ' real fun ' of the. teach. They are through, over and', around the prone bodies They build castles and dams . ' and forts. They'. hurl 'them' 1 Selves- into the water, shrieking • +• '�•�.a:::*.04 Milli 'whk' i r 3 -, 'with delight:And' they're:: all so brown : and firm . 'and smooth you could eat them.:.: ' `Why', do 'all; those .darling,., chubby five=year-old girls . have to turn into, 'bored, -neurotic... harassed women? Why do all those careless, sturdy, ;happy little devils of boys have toy turn into hard, suspicious,• u1-. cerated men? A good question; But I still ,haven't 'told you .wliy I: like the beach so' much.I've discovered that it's the •only 'place ; in, the •'warld where=mywife will shut-, her mouth for two or three, hours. at a stretch. Pre-school The. Pre-Schooler is one .} of.the.Ieaflets in Sun Life 'of ' °Canada's Values . in Education series and .was written to provide pa rents •with° more information on I the normal'. development of the child 'from birth. to the age of five. This leaflet t points out, that ming.nsigtity . into a child's needs at this'timecan help mother .and:fathers develop strong parent=childrelationships which are essential to his whole•growth. Other leaflets in this series include WHY -STAY IN OL? THE VALUE OF A COLLEGE • • EDUCATION, • WHAT ABOUT TECHNICAL AND TRADE SCHOOLS? and YofI CAN GE'THIGHER MARKS; For any of these keaflets or. for a complete set, write Or" plione, me today. .There is no charge or obligation. WILLIAM J. KINAHAN R.R.:it Lucknow • Phone Wngham 357.1987 ASSURANCE COMPANY .SIF' ,CANADA o; )Y M :, w._n,tt#n»tt kaauLs.R7' :71"wM