The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-23, Page 10PAGE ''TEN 1: • 'THE LUCKNOW 'SENT.INEL. LU'CKNOW, ONTARIO OF AEP14 . AR OX 13,000 AND TECHNOLOGY BARRIE, ONTARIO regular day, programs will be offered beginning . this fall, in the ` following: e , 3.1YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS:;'. Engineering Technology • Business Administration • • 2. -YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS: Electronic Technician General `Business 1 -YEAR "CERTI'FICATE. PROGRAM;. Medical. Secretarial `A l><cants 'for admission ' to the .College this fall P ilk :ants invited from Grade 12 or 13 •graduates. This year the fall'' term will commence about October- 1, ctober - 1, 1967. STUDENTS WISHING TO' APPLY SHOULD 1WRITET0:"THE COLLEGE; FOR APPLICATION: FORMS AND ;INFORMATION' ON COURSES. FOR CONVENIENCE, THE COUPON BELOW`,'. MAY BE USED:: dom. mak. NINO EQUEST :FOR APPLICATIO ▪ Students wishing; to 'obtain • Information Brochure should and email to: • 1 r i. 1• ..r.; an • Application' . Form and an complete this . form;': cut it out ••GEORGIAN COLLEGE .0F. APPLIED` ARTS ,AND TECHNOLOGY • BO'X • 13,000, . BARRI E;' ONTARIO Name Address Date i Program For Which ,You Wish To:Apply (Show program .as 'set out in this., announcement) o hm WH ITECHURCH We are .,pleased to report .that on Wednesday. Mr. Russel -Gaunt was discharged' from Wingham and: ' District 11,99 ita1 but sorryto' report . P that George Phillips was admitted there that day. •Mrs. `Dave Gibb was able •to return home from ,Wingharn and • • Distiict Hospital the first of the • • 1..' 1 ' KINLOUGH' ififMS. •:Mrs, George Harkness 'was host- ess at the Purple Grove • ' Community Centre for.the August meeting of tlie, Kinlough Women's Missionary Society on the afternoon of August •16th. Mrs,. Alex�Percy was. co -hostess.' During'the afternoon abale quilr. was completed,' and just. before lunch a .short business session, was held with Mrs. ton 'Robertson. pres- iding.. A short poem "We thank- Thee" .opened the meeting after which.all repeatedthe purpose. Roll call was answered'with a verse •containing the word "Faith" Arrangements were. made fora bake sale to be • • held very, soon and it was agreed that, we purchase a projector. Mrs .: Harkness and ' Mrs . Don. Reid each conducted Bible Contests,' and Mrs. 'Jack Barr and girls san ' ' In the garden"... Jeannette Barr also,'played several piano. selections , while the.ladies'were quilting, Grace was sung and -delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses,. Picnic oinf'Clprk OLIVET:NEWS `' • Olivet United Church'Women en : tertained the Messengers and the 1.• younger, members of the,congreg •ation at the Sun -inlet' .home of Mr• and Mrs .. Robert Engel at ' Point Clark. •Mrs. Melvin Coiling and. her group conducted a short meet- t ing.. The children. then went, out- side fora program of games and races under the leadership of . Sharon Colling The race for the very wee Ones was' won by .Paula Hoffman, the three-legged race by May White and Jane Geertsema, Ronnie McGuire's teat'n:'•won the relay race. Brian McGuire, Brant Coiling :and.Joan Osborne finished' the race .for under fives,°in'that order.: Wendy Hamilton, 'Maurine Geertsema Jane Geertsema, Jimmie .Black:,' Mrs;. Gerald Con- ing: Mrs. Jack McGuire, May. t • 1. • 1 11 1 1 1 • 'week. Theit co:3nmun y is happy, to see her improved in health.. Mr. and Mrs; Irwin Page and familyof Udneywere_ •Thursda Y visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Dave MacDonald,. COugratulations to Muriel Conn, Lynda.Coultes and Tom Edwards whose names • were. among .the Grade 13 results; at Wingharn, Dist- rice ,High. School: INCREASED SAVINGS ' INTEREST Pafd on $ year debentures of $5,000 • • or more ' 6'/2%'paid on 3;.4•& 5 years for $100 or more ;6V4% paid -on 1-& 2 year debentures THE ONTARIO. LOAN AND' DEBENTURE COMPANY. ' established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750,000. 1 .' Yes, l,am interested in your attractivc'ratcs of interest offered on debentures; i ° 0 Please tell me more about this: system of'saving. .O.Enclosed is my cheque for S,.- ' ,for a year debenture, i Mr Mts., Mrss.. . . » . .. . • Tel .•..., Complete and Marr this coupon 1 ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market LanLoridort Ont. Or call; 4:32;--416g. , I 525 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ont. Or call:. 634, 4950 r' • 1•453 Dundas Street, Woodstodk, (Inti Or calls 539:O51 02 1 Mrsrrfhr�r C:,v,ada 'Deposit .Insorarri+4 Gtfrp6rotiz m White, and Mrs : ''Harry, Coiling were also winners in the different events. • A bountiful picnic supper, was served. on the lawn, and 'a vote of thanks was tendered to. Sharon Coiling for directing the sports,' and to Mrs. 'Engel for the use of . her home. . Crop Report • The•harvesting of, spring `grains in Duron County has started, in several areas."'Yields'in'these areas seem ;•to be average or slightly above average, but where lodging appear- ed , the grain didn't fill and thus I.yields are down somewhat. there. Due to: bad weather,:'early in the season, some fields of spring grains. were.planted much later than others. Therefore some -will not be• Mature for two weeks oeso.. The acreage of white. beans. is • • , down slightly in'the county due •to. • the wet spring. The crop is' beginning to•tu'rn in' colouri and s• I./Maturing quite favourably. The corn crop has progressed tap - idly after. a slow start due to cold wet weather but requires •more hot,, sunny days to br ing 'it along. in maturity, Yields here look proniis- •I ing also„ Some second cut hay has been taken in and is of very 'good qual- ftty: ...,r..�,..,. .syr . -__I 1 VkCf:xCw�%:ars«:.truxtiwaa'inxm•..;. .....ra',r. St. Augustine The. St. Augustine. C. W.L. *iQn thly meeting August 8th �. was held in the Rectory with 12 members and 2 visitors present. The President. Mrs. Gus Redmond openedthe meeting with prayer: The minutesof the last meeting. were read by Mrs., Cyril•Eoyle in the absence of Mrs,. R.. oyle. All conveners .present gave their monthly 'reports: Mrs • Joe',Hi'ckey reported, three get well cards sent, out. Mrs. Jerry Van Aaken, reported 26 paid: members. The President - thanked all:the ladies who helped to cater to the wedding at the Lucknow Legion Hall•and she. also thanked the two ladies who helped to. paint in the hall. ' .A thank you:card'' was, read from' Mrs'. Orman Heffernan. Kingsbridge C W. L`.thanking St. .Augustine, G.W.L. for their invitation.to the June meeting. • Discussion: and final plans ;were madefor the bake and variety sale; that is to be held Saturday, .Sept- ember 2nd. Three`ladies appointed to,be be ' in charge. of the are .. Mrs. Cyril Boyle, Mrs. John Frankin, Mts. Wm.,'Redmond, r A 'Spiritual reading was. given.by.,. Mrs A. Boyle. Mrs,. Bill Kinahan also gave a reading. . Mrs, John'Frankin and Mrs. Theodore Redmond are in'.charge of the .church cleaning for, the• month of September. The next • Meeting ' will be Tuesday., Sept.: ember 12th•, the lunch conveners arae Mrs.,. Jerry- Van Aaken , Mrs.: Till Kinahan, Mrs:' Cyril 'Coyle. The meeting closed with prayer. A . dainty lunch. -was served by,the. hostesses in charge. Dungannon U. DUNGANNON NEWS The U C.• W. of:,Dungannon .Unit- ed Church met with Mrs.; Nelson Pearson presiding' and opened 'the rneeting with prayer and a hymn, G� Mrs. Dirk Logtenburg and Mrs.' Chester Finnigan took the devotion; al., reading God Enlightens we reflect his light and the 'roll call was answered by a verse containing the word "light" Mrs. T; C. And- erson entertained nd-erson.entertained by a humorous ' reading. "The old wooden tub".: Mrs ..Howard Johnston reported. the sale of the dresden late quilt P. and an invitation was extended •to '. the ladies from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott to attendtheir .50th wedding anniversary open'house on September 5.. , . 'Mrs. Lorne Hasty :spoke, regarding leaders for C.G.I. T. work forthe next year. Mrs. • Melvin Reed 'gave a very interesting .talk on.' The Church in 'Politics" from'the study book and Mrs Jack Alton told of Negroes, Whites and Churches in'Canada.. The offering dedication prayer was given by Mrs. Howard Johnston. After the benediction, lunch was served and a'very'successful auct ion of donated articles was held., Mowed By Strike The bricklayer's strike which is . still in progress is:slowing down ' work on the addition to .the,Wic g- ham District High School. The: contractors had°hoped •ta have the administration area com- pleted by September but this will be impossible now as only the fotindations,and floor slabs have.. been 'completed , WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1967 ............. Calvin -Brick U C W. WHIT> CIjURCH NEWS: • Calvin Brick, J. C. We held their August meeting on Wednesday aft- ernoon: at the home of Mrs. Norman Coultes with eleven mem- bers present. The theme of the meeting w:as "Stewardships'. Ken'Mason, 'Stewardship convener, gave the Call to Worship, read the Scripture, gave the Medit- ation and led in Prayer and in the Bible study. She passed out readings on Stewardship .to all pre- : sent and they' read these. The off- ering was received. and dedicated by Mrs.. Mason Mrs;• Sidney'iliornpson, secretary,. read the minutes: A committee to prepare a program to be°given on October 24 when the society visits Ontario Hospital are Mrs: Alex. Rob ertson Mrs . George McGee and Mrs. Gordon McBurney. The lunch' .committee" for this occasion are Mrs. Mason Robinson, and. Mrs. Ronald Coultes. The new Study -Book on Japan will be introduced at the Septerrb- er meeting . Mrs:. Alex 'Robertson gave the Benediction. Girls. Present Program For UCW Mrs, .Harvey Ritchie' held .the • Augus,l0th'meeting of the Zion U C W at• her h ' . C. .. ome with 20' ladies; .:6 girls , 1visitor and 9 children •present., The' President ;.• Mrs . Frank Ritchie` opened 'the meeting With repeating repeating in Uni- son hymn 679 and the Lord's Pray- er ., The scripture .was. read by ;Mrs.: Robert Helm The Bible study was taken•hy-Nits, Earl Swan: The ' Study book "On Different Churches" was' read by Mrs Russel Swan. .The program , under the leader Donna Ritchie, was by:6 gals.. Brenda Ritchie sang "May : The Good:Lord Blessand Keep.You":: Donna hgave a•.well .prepar= ed talk•Ritchie•on hei trip to Guelph: to''the Conference-, ; :she. beingchosen;: from , one of Huron County's 4-H girls: eubs. Each speaker spoke on different walks of'lifewhich took in a large territory for 'young:girls . Brenda Ritchie:at this time, present edifts to the leaders the past g club, Mrs,. Har'vey•Ritchie and Mrs: :Charles.. Anderson on behalf of. t'he 4-H club .girls. A'piano solo was' given -by Wanda Hunter. A, reading "The Patchwork Quilt" was read by Nancy Kirkland. Elva Ritchie and. Barbara Wilkins'rendered a duet, Mrs. Charles Anderson• thanked the girls for the gifts, Donna Ritchie received. a •cheque•'. for- expenses to Guelph: The.new leaders for ,the Fall 4-1-1 girls ctub are Mrs. Harvey Ritchie' and Mrs . Gordon 'Kirkland : Visitors for Aug' ust. are `Mrs. Marshall Gibson and, .Mrs. Lorne Cook., The treasurer's report was given by.Mrs..Alan. . • Barger. Thank you ,notes were read frorr Mr. and.Mrs. Peter. Steer and,°. ,Mrs. •Peter.Cook . lvirs1. ,Jim Hunter reada'letter'from`the Lucknow Agricultural. Society asking for. help in a booth at. the Fall Fair, September, 16th. Mrs. John Gard- ner is to see about a guest speaker for the September meeting. A vote was taken. to spay half of the. expenses on the painting'of the. church.' 4: Each one is:aked to get the :History of, the names of their•farm for the:. September meeting and '. also'cooking 'recipes. for. the• Cook: •• FJook . Please note that the Septenhtier. meeting is on September 7th at : ' the home of Mrs. Peter Cook. Mrs Wesley Ritchie closed with prayc':r.. Lunch was•served by the hostess and Mrs, oward Barger and Mrs. Peter, CookH. .'