The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-16, Page 19r,19 ria >t are a the' t wa ald rand rM X ily of .; 'nt ath ener c . arenas ie a Lai Nook WEDNE SDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1967 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'PAGE NINETEEN M.odeIs SEVERAL TO CHOOSEFROM 1967METEQR 4 door 1966 CHEVROLET, 4 doom automatic, 6 cylinder 1965. CHEVROLET,. 4, :door,, ,6 cylinder.itationwagon 1965, PONTIA•C Parisienne, Z door • hardtop. 1965 CHEVROLET; 4' door, 6 cylinder; automatic • 1965.PONTIAC, 2 door V8 1965 •CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, automatic 1964 RAMBLER •American,. 4 door,' 6 cylinder :1964 COMET, 4 door 1963 FORD, 6 .cylinder 1963' CHEVROLET,. '4 • door .TRAILER 1964 PYRAMID' trailer, with Cabana.. TRUCK • 1965 MERCURY, I. ton.,� SEVERAL OLDER MODELS.' E THESE AND OTHERS • Change Decision .On Beach Road HURON COUNCIL MINUTES Huron .Township Council held ; '' -their regular session on .August lst with all, members present.. Minutes of last meeting &" special. meetings were read and adopted; Ata special meeting held on July 28 at':Boiler Beach, Council. decid- ' ed to close the beach to itaffic but at the August meeting,Sam IvMcGre- gor attended and persuaded: council to proceed with building the road as a',one way .road. and council de- cided • to' post oneway signs on it... FREE FILM BLACK AND WHITE OR COLOUR with each roll brought in for processing at popular prices. All popular sizes. We specialize in *PICTURE FRAMING *PORTRAITS *WEDDINGS *BABIES MAXWELL PHOTO STUDIO Ph. 357-1851 WINGI-IAM The Auditor's•report was read••and accepted, showing a surplus of, • $21,167.. 05 •Township"accounts of. $2,966,29\and RoadAccounts,,of $53;301.26 were ordered paid 'Council adjourned to meet f • next regular meeting on Septe. r 5th. EARL TOUT 'CLERK Brother Disc In'England • • WHIT.EC.HURCH NEWS • • This community extends their syrnpathy to Mrs:: ,gill Evans who .recently received word., that her. brother, Jeof Evans of England sudd- ;enly passed .away due to.heart • attack. . • • Torn Morrison.was in London at Westminster Hospital on Friday .fol a checkup and received .a good report. • • Mr, and ,Mrs. John Murray, Beth, Kim, Jay, Scott, 'Ronnie and Harry of,Sharon were holiday .weel< end . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Tiffin,: • Ivlr and Mrs; Arnold Lougheed., Lori and Cheryl of Fort Erie were holiday visitors with her parents• Mr. and Mrs.' George Fisher.. Mrs. Bert Reid -of Listowel and her son Ronald:, and her ,brother and wife. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Eglleston of Colonsay. Saskatchew- an, attended! the ,Centennial . Church service on Sunday and visited with•forrn.er friends and neighbors.` We are sorry to report that Jim Morrison was adrnitted•to .Wingham and. District Hospital for surgery: Mrs. nave Gibb was, admitted Tues• day afternoon and Ezra Scholtz last' Tuesday evening to: the hospital; The community wishes all the sick'. IPLEYHURON An estimated crowd of about_15QO persons: attended the Centennial Celebrations in Ripley on. August:• 4and 5. Friday evening a. dance: in the Ripley and. District High School . auditorium, drew a large crowd of young people;. and at eleven p.m. the Centennial Queen was chosen by judges Sandra Erooks of Toronto, Mr'. arid Mrs. Boli Finlay and Mr. 'i Cameron MacDonald of .Lucknow•.., Miss Janice Wylds of Ripley, daughter of Mr, .and'Mrs. Lloyd. .Wylds',. placed first over the nine lovely contestants; Janice will now represent Huron.Township and • Ripley at the Lucknow Fall Fair on Septernber 16th. Ivl sses 'Jan Hamil- ton and Susan Farrell' were. chosen as her; attendants. Also competing were Florence MacLennan,. Judy .Mann, Dianne Sholtz,,Shirley Hunter, Peggy Fry and Vera Aitken Cheques were presented to the winners along with trophies and 196': Silver dollars• to all the girls. Saturday.' 'morning saw.sev.erai ball 'games in progress as well as Volley Ball'and track and :field competit At l p m, sharp the mammoth, parade started down the main street' with the' Lucknow Pipe Band, Lucknow High School Band and the Teeswater Accordian: Band keeping the feet atapping with Floats Decorated cars•,: antique•cars;, de corated: Bicycles 'and Tricycles,. ponies;, covered wagons and: every conveyance n,iniaginable. Winners in the float..section were the I- uron and Kinloss Telephone, group, The', Log Cutters and the Lucknow, Fall Fair. Board. DeccSrated,cars•were-. driven" by. John McCharles and Stewart Farrell: Graharn Cook had the.`winningantique vehicle.` Hel- en and .Paul Culbert , Linda Mac-- Donald ac-`Donald ;'Janice and Larry Need ham .were decorated :Tricycle winners. `Greg.MacFadden, Gail MacDonald. and, .Mariorie ,Colling all won prizes.' for decorated bicycles. It• might be noted here . that:. if paretits'.of:children on Tri- cycles and Bicycles would contact: Mrs • Oliver McCharles., the child • ren will all receive a prize -for taking, part. • Comic entertainment prizes went to Sam Snobelen, :Terry Elliott and Kenny Stewart. Carol MacDonald withhet cover- .ed over-ed wagon and. Janet Burnett will receive special awards as will the `Kincardine Senior Citizens. The oldestman present was :Mr:, David MacDonald ,of Ripley who is :93 past and th'e•oldest lady, Mrs,. ilessie• MacKay of ,Ripley Who is 87.., Mr.: and Mrs. Wes .Tho, rnpson won the prize .for the oldest couple at the celebration... Entertainment • all afternoon kept everyone happy.as there Was:some- thing for all to see. A wonderful display 'of antiques and dernonst- rations_of Soap making q{�ilt ng, Weaving, spinning. dolls; rug.mak- ing and goods made by thepatients rof, Goderich Ontario Hospital filled the TdWnsh'ip hall' .to:capaci ty. Outside in the park - Square dan- cing; Old time Violin music by ti folks a speedy return to health PEE -WEES• PLAY • On Monday evening Whitechurch and Wingham. Pee -Weer played the first play off game on the Wingham :Diamond with a score 13-2 favour of W i'ngharn , dn, Thucsday ' evening they played on. the . Whitechurch diamond with a, score 10 4 in favour of Whitechurch and . Friday evening they played at ' Wirlgh'am'with a score 7 -:' 5 in favour of Wingham BY MARION McCHARLES George MacDonald and his group of Old' timers, ' Scotch singing by George Procter of Belgrave, Step dancing by Aurel and Wayne Arm- ,strong•and,Ji ihiie.Elliott, solos by Janice Wylds, accompanied by ' Corinne MacDonald, Highland dancing by Contra Needham., Marg, and Nancy Cottrill, Marg Anne, Davy and Heather Wilson, Accord-• ian music by. the Teeswater Band • ' and the Collins sisters and Guitar `music by the Mac. Leans -as well as continuous, entertainment by'the r Tom Fortner -family and their trick horses kept • everyone busy Winning,the Beard contest Was Hugh.Mason,, Best:Moustache.- Sani Snobelen and the Mutton. Chop Beard, Cecil Sutton'. Dr. Peter Bissonnette also won special Men- tion for his full •beard.. The Women's Institutes'of the: .• area 'manned a booth'and kept busy all.the time, hundreds of. pies were consumed and• milk and coffee sold •A giant chicken:'barbeque and games of chance were run by the" :Ripley .Legion . An old tinie• costume. dance in .' the High`'School auditorium at RATIONS END night was .a final gathering place anda capacity crowd was "there .to see the prize winning costumes., Winners here were ?vlrs. "Ray Stan ley, Mri. Ivan enson, Sam Snobelen, Austin Martin,. Mrs. Jas:,,: MacTavisk, Iv1rs.. ;Harvey Elliott, Mr. 'and" Mrs.;. Francis Gann -Jell and Mr/' and Mrs. •Oliver. McCharles„, • The, committee made up 'of rep- resentatives from all organizations ° * in Huron Township and: Ripley and • headed by chairman. George Mac Lean,. Sec. ,Mrs. Oliver McCharles and Finances, Bill MacCreath are satisfied that :the,celebrations were., quite successful antiwere happy to ..' have DontMacLay;as their master of ceremonies to made the day complete; Hundreds of people had their hand in doing things toreally put , the ,celebration across and it would .. be hard.to name anyone: particul arly, but to all who helped , a big Thank You goesout from those who saw the complete. co -Operation all residents of Ripley and Huron. Township and many , many others from surrounding,country - Make Ripley and Huron Township cele brations the success it'was.. ei The.: -COOP Hog, Feeding Program is designed to get.. baby .pigs,, growingjas,rapidly as posSible. Start there out the right way'w'ith the right. feeds .:"CO-OP Pre -Starter: and Starter heeds • CO-OP PIG PR'E-S`FAR'L ER For piglets,: 14 -weeks old, this highly palatable feed' encourages piglet to gc p i (hied; feed:• more.quickly, Resulting hi •agreater weight gain at an early age... '. CO -C P"PIG $TARTER. Cradualty cliange to this .feed ' at 4-5, weeks of age'and feed until approximately ,,o lbs:' of weight. Available in• mash, pellet and znedieafed form= '_CO OP PIG,STARTER GROWER A specialty feed for sate barnp desig ned to offset. possibility of , urs and stress conditions..:Also in medicated form for disease control. Complete your program with CQ -61) Hog Growr and CO -0P Hog Finisher. `THERE'S A CO-OP, FEED FOR EVERY NEED,. • ..,basked by farm tented COOP" Research.. cknow. .District -. Phone 528 - COOP HOG FEEDS •