The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-16, Page 10couple To Reside �russets THE L.UCKNOW SENT.INEL., LUCKNOW; ONTARIO }Y1,: y � , .4 .t, tY• CARDIFF` Christ Church.; port. .Albert:was. the setting for the marriage of Beverley Jean Phillips anti Lewis Elston Cardiff on Saturday July'22nd... -Rev. Stan1 ey Jay of Lucknow :per formed the double ring ceremony: • The bride is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Thomas, Phillips of Ash field., The groom is.the son of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Cardiff of Brussels Given in marriage by her father, the bride,•chose• a floor. length gown of : organza, `over: taffeta.. lace bodice' with .snatching fitted coat train, featuring an empire waist :'.line. Her'•flow rs were deep pink roses'accented with fern., Matron of honour was Mrs. Don (Dale) Chesher of Sarnia : 'She. wore. • 'a floor le igth empire waisted gown of chiffon over taffeta'in dark lilac and ,carried • a bouquet of variegated pink'mums..Her headpiece and shoes matched her 'gown and she wore white• gloves • Bridesmaids were Linda 'Litile • of R. R,.7 , Lucknow and Brenda. Haldenby of Kitchener, Their • dresses,and flowers• were similar .to, the matron 'of honour. . ' Lrenda .Phillips ,. sister of the . - PHILLIPS bride. was flowergirl.; She was dressed in dark lilac' taffeta with bodice, and: sleeves•of white lace and carried a basket of pink roses. Don Chesher of Sarnia wasgroom. sman;. Ushers were .Victor Cardiff of Sarnia, brother of the groom • and Jack Phillips .of Ashfield bro cher of the • bride .. Organist was_ Linda Foster. Soloist was Mrs. Bill Gibson of : Lucknow. who sang "I'll walk beside•you''. 'A dinner. followed at the 'Church Hall. : The. bride's • mother chose a pale blue .sult of lace over: taffeta, white accessories and corsage of pink.mums, The :.groom's mother worea pink crepeAress. with lace bodice,' white and pink' acc&s'sor•= ies and corsage of red roses.. A reception was held ,that even- ing'at'Dungannon" For travelling, th bride chose 1L g, e a • dress'of Metallic brocade,, dark. pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. .' . Following a wedding tripthe young "couplewill reside at R. R. • 4, Brussels. ; The groom is employed with the. Black Top. Paving, Lin- wood.. Photo. by Nephew• Sih�rLak�W.LCkbrGteTeIith ' Anniversary; Honor Charter Members.. The Kinloss Public School Was the gathering. place for all.,past and present members;of the Silver Lake Institute and n hbours to • celebrate,the $ni 1 e the tenth anniversary of Silver Lake Institute. The present president opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart collect..' •, Mrs. Clarence Hedley read .the Scripture.. f Roll call was answered by all • present by showing, a keepsake and telling. its story. The; `firat.`rrittiutes of August:1951 were read', Mrs. Ray Stanley and Mrs, Dori McCosh pinned corsages of roses ori all chartered members" presidents and secretaries,, also the district president, Irs:: George Whitby, • Mrs,:, James cEwan led a sing song. Tht first. president Mrs, George Young, have two readings.,. Analysis", :and"The' Doct or's Sample A skit "The Party Litre" was given by Mrs, Ray Stanley and Mrs:, James MacEwan, assisted by eight Mrs. Clarence Moulton, the first secretary, gave a humorous reading, "Church Doings" and conducted a contest "Naming. Trees" Mrs. James MacEWan and Mrs. Glenn Young called guests to the front to do some of the old; time .dances followed by the yotrgstes doing the twist. v'. The 4-H girls put'on'•a skit "A. Fashion Show" modelling different. styles of dresses, examples 'box,' balloon, checker, rose, .flower, • nylon etc.. ta'Cing•meanings liter-. ally. . Mrs. Albert Colwell held the highest bid on Yt h"e. centennial quilt • :i...RN.ERS and: Mrs. ;Morley:4Nall and family and Mrs. Remelda White- head of Teeswater visited recently, with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parker of inglehart. Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr and, Mrs. Morley Mall and family were'Mr. and MIs. Rodney Ribey of Underwood and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wall of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. Tom .McGrath 'and, Harold McGrath all of Toronto visited last Wednesday evening with Mr and Mrs. James. Haldenby and; girls. Cpl. Russell and Mrs, Stewart of Trenton and. Bryan Stewart of Camp Borden visited this weekend'with Mr. -and Mrs. Tom Stewart and. boys Linda-.-Rudigher of .Georg ae own is visiting this week :with "Virginia Benedict. . Collin Ming of Brampton visited: last weekend with Martin Benedict Alex Stewart and girls -of Kincar- dine visited Sunday afternoon with: Mr and ;'Mrs.' Tom Stewart and.. boys Mr. and Mrs., Ken Fair and fam- ily of`Wallaceburg visited 'during the week with Mr, and Mrs: Elmer Benedict,:and family.. Linda .Rudigher of Georgetown and Virginia Benedict visited last. week at the home of Mr. and•,Mrs • Bill, Noisworthy of Clarksburg Mt, and Mrs . Steve Woloschuck and girls :of Winnipeg visited last. week..with Mr, and Mr ; Ernie. Hanna. • Dr. H.,H. Hetherington of Brampton, and Mrs. L. ,Gallaghei oil Wroxeter' visited last Sunday at thi.home of Mr, and Mrs .. •Ernie ,Hanna. Visitdrs ;during•the•: weekend with r. ' and Mrs. .1•1, E. Haldenby- and fmily' were Mr and Mrs, on Haldenby and Sally. Ann, of Toron-• to,. Mr.and•Mrs Ross Irwin and 'family of Lucknow, M. and 'Mrs. Fred, Friendorf and Brenda ,Harden: by all .of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Rae' Haldenby of .Teeswater, Mr..; and Mrs: Delbert •Hedley' and Mani ily of "'Holyrood and -Mr.' and Mrs., Doug Haldenby .and family of • Lucknow. : Mr., and Mrs. •Robert' Porter. of Cargill, • Mrs s Bob: Hopf and'family of 'Guelph-, M. and Mrsl. Don "Porter and.family of Waverley' visited on.Monday witli"Mr. and' • Mrs: N. E. Haldenby and family. Mrs. Sadie liabkirk, Mary and Peggy, all:of Aylmer visited last Wednesday with Mr. 'and. Mrs.: Jaynes ,Irlaldenby and family: Mr • and Mrs. Art Campbell and family of Kincardine, Artie Campbell and Bonnie Baker of . Toronto visited on.Sunday with Mr and Mrs. James ,Haldenby and family. • Bryan Stewart of Camp Borden • spent last week with Mr., and Mrs.; Tom Stewart and boys. Georgie Stanleyof Kinloss spent Sunday. with Mr. ;and Mrs. Torn Stewart and boys. Mr..and Mrs. Elmer Benedict left last Wednesday on a trip. out West.. . . Mrs. George Whitby brought greetings from the district and Mrs. Don. McCosh from the provincial board. Mrs . Mabel Campbell lit the. can • dies on the anniversary cake which was in the forth bf the letters, W.I. Mrs. George Young,the first president,, Cut the cake and the present president Mrs.' `Ronald Thacker served it: A delicious buffet. luncheon• brought the evening to a .close • 'Many thanks are .due.the`comm- ittee Mrs, Ray Stanley, Mrs. Glenn Young, Mrs. Harvey Needham and Mrs. 'Jarnes M'acEwan for a most successful evening. 4411i,t.' ._`•w:y�"y,p; :`iMC k'.�l". .... �'� �- �" IfR fin`:leor c WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1'6th,1N1, i967 MODELS 1967 Chevrolet Bel Air V8 power steering [ 1966. MODELS on • iac -• ie�nx�e. 4 door hardtop• Lumber of 1966 Chevrolets, Pontiacs and . Fords in,'6 and 8 cylinders; ' 1965 MODELS ercury 2 door hardtop 1465 Ford XL 2 door hardtop, nn mber of ,' 1964; and 1965 >Chevrolets, Fords .' and Pontiacs; in hardtops:' and sedans, V-8 automatic 1964 MODELS 1964 Mercury.... 2 door hardtop A number ' of cars,, .'different :makes' .. and : models °'from 1959.. 1.961... TRUCKS. : 964 Chevrolet 1 Ton Pickups 1964:Chevrolet 1. Ton Stake Body dual. wheels,. V8 motor Brussels Motors:. Phone • 173, Brussels Cities Service 'Dealer' DUNGANNON Miss Rosemary Eedy: spent the', holiday weekend with friends in Wiarton. • :Mr. and Mrs; Bill.Atkinson and children of Halifax. visited ;.lastweek with Herb Finnigan and other.' friends. Mr, and 'Mrs. Harry Fong of Tor- onto were 'guests•of. Dr', and Mrs. Vokes fora few days. • Miss Pearl Caldwell of Leaming- ton and Ben Caldwell of Windsor' visited recently with relatives in the community. Mr,' and Mrs. •Cecil Blake and Barbara` and Harold Blake visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ben Comfort of St. Catharin- es. They also called on Rev. and ' Mrs. James Bright .of •Fonthi1l.. Visitors aon`Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert•Maize Mere Mr, and Mrs i Definer Maize and Jimmie Of Scar -1 boro and Mr, and Mrs, George • • Glenn of Goderich. Wayne and Drina Mugford' of Mount Clemens', Michigan, are spending,. this week with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Anderson Mugford; Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy attend' ed the reunion at S, S. No,.9 •:.. Ellice, at Rostot k on Saturday.. Mrs. Eedy was'a feriner pupil of •; the school. . Mr, and Mrs, 'Benison Pentland Of London visited with relatives here over the .holiday weekend. Mrs. Lovell Weaver•of Chatham is spending a while with.her•son Glen:,, Mrs, Weaver and Glenda.. • Mr', :and Mrs Albert Long and' daughters Nancy. Laurie and Ann were Sundayvisitors with sir, and . Fowler. Mrs.. CharlesF. forth Mrs: I obert . Elgie of Sea of . Mrs. Fisher and three children -`f K.itchetter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, A.J. Sherwood and frietidvin Lucknow.