The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 20TWENTY,• TH LUCKNOW SENTINEL, • ;LUCKNOW: ONTARIO- WEDNESDAY JULY" 26th 1967 rujt Market YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND 4y ff v' Ox' fi war •r�r�v..�"vx4v:•f::;:.. lam r; SHOP HERE FOR THESE y�7 COME ONE, COlVME ALL, To The August 4th and 5th Celebrations. In Ripley, Frida ,. Ni ht August : 4th Dance In Ripley High School Auditorium Choosing of Centennial Beauty Queen for: Ripley. •• • S�tird�y,.Augusi 5#h 9 A.M.. --' Registration at High School. 10 A.M. - Ball Games and., Volley 'Ball: 1 P.M. SHARP --:---,Parade from . old school . grounds.,', • ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYONE Antique display/ in; Township Hall Butter. Making —; Quilting: Churning = Rug Making Weaving Soap Making .. Ball Games All Afternoon — Scotch Dancing —"Square • Dancing : , Music and Competitions For Everyone. Institutes of area will'provide. food:. CHiCKEN: BARBECUE • '5. p.m : to' 8 p.m.. Adults. ; $1.50, , Children 75c • ponsored• by the Ripley Legion. CARNIVAL AND GAMES, . OF • CHANCE. ' FREE "ADMISSION TO ;'PARK AT ALL, .TIMES.' SATURDAY NIGHT - dance in High School with prizes for Centennial costumes. ;and"' beards. Peking family W story Here Callers at The a Sentinel last week were Mr. and Mrs. James Scott• -and • their son William of 4234 Crestdale .Walled Lake, Michigan.. They are seeking information about their, family •in attenipting to' write a family history:.Mrs.:Scott is the,for,m'er June Potts. She is.the grand -daughter' of Elijah Potts And Maggie MacPherson who left Luc• k. now "about 1880.., her. Potts went to Clinton and Blyth and then on to Port' Huron in Michigan. It is believed that Maggie Mac- Pherson was a sister of Sandy;Mac Pherson who at :one time operated a liquor store in Lucknow. :The •MacPherson family originated in Kincardine. • The Scott.fainily talked with. many district residents including ;Miss' Jess e••MacKay 4tio will he 100.'years old come October: Granddaughters Qf Rev Angus MacKay Visit -Local Church: Morag add Catriona Urghuart;; two. sisters from `Ross Shire. Scot land•paid'a ,visit:to Lucknow on.: Sunday. They came to see the Presbyterian Church and called at. the manse. • They are'•the daughters of•Mary MaclCaY Youngest est d ht r f • Y aug e o the Rev. Angus ,MacKay who prea- ched in Lucknow some years 'ago Their niother was seven.years old when the family left Lucknow •for Scotland •in 1904: r let "i CIVIC -HOLIDAY PROCLAMATIO 1 Hereby Proclaim. Monday, : August 7th' A CIVIC HOLIDAY .FOR THE Vilioge of Lucknow andcall uto observe it as 'midi . pon all persons O. W. JOYNT, Reeve . Alaik SEE.; . By TheSefltini •• •TI'AT 165 Boy Sco ti and 45 lead- ers from: the Saugeen District. • arrived, back in Walkerton• on Fri day night about midnight': All concerned report an exciting and interesting.4000 mile camping' . trip to the east coast. Many of. • • the group, were from :Lucknow' and Kinloss Scout Troops. THAT Mr.. and Mrs. Byron, Greig 'Of Lions• Head observed their 5Oth' wedding anniversary. Saturday,• .July 15th.; Mrs. "Tessie" Greig is known to many in this area ' having been ..apast. Warden of ' Bruce County;. THAT Williath Renaud of Kitchen- er passed away at St.. Marys. Hospital in that city last week. • • He' was ,71 years of"age. Mr. Re --Lnaud was known inLucknow through his,aisociat'ions with the Flocal factory a number of ,years ago.. ,% ' TITAT, the Ripley and; District 'Cen- tennial Celebrations ; •postponed: . • • on the July 1st weekend. because', of the drowning deaths in the community, will be held ;on the, Civic. Holiday weekend; and an 'ad .appears in this issue: THAT ,v1r:- and Mrs.' Jelle,de Jong. Of the .4th of Kinloss have had •`„rela'tives from Holland: visiting. ._With them , Johan,de Jong; from. ,,Zaanda:m in Holland, and a nephew Of Jelle arrived: the end Of June' and will return in late August . Hans Dykstra,' a :cousin • of Mrs; de Jong is:from Metsal-:: awier in Holland. He arrived July 5th and returned last Friday. Both travelled:.by air THAT John Ackert , :son of. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd •Ackert of Holyrood. will•loave .this week; for theJ2th' World Scout Jamboree to be held at -Lake Pond Oreille,, Farragut State 'Park, Id'aho.. Scouts from 90 'countries will be at the United' States' location from August .1 to 9.. NABOB 40s' PLUS 15 ,RAGS FREE TeaBags Sadet �... BARGAIN Package 79c LYNN VALLEY 14 OZ, .. REQUEST REPEAT Green= & Wax Beans 4 Tins 59c GARDEN'. PATCH: 14 OZ, Cream Style SUPREME REG. 3-41.00 Assorted Cookk MONEY 'SAVER! •. ins..65c STOCK '..UPI 89c THAT Mr., and Mrs. Allan Manic), ,Susan and, Ronnie. moved to' • Clifford. last weekend from Lucknow where they have,resided for eight years. ,Allan is' manager : •of Wesont Lumber' Co. in,Clifford• • The:mill in Lucknow shut down sometime ago L�cal.B�ys At' Hockey School Kenny Hamilton, son of Mr,. and Mrs. '.Al Hamilton of Lucknow, spent last week at. the Billy Harris hockey school' at Maple. David Cleland, son;of Mr. and. Mrs. Brock Cleland ;of •Lucknow, also is at the school .and. will re- main for six weeks The boys receive a training in all phases of hockey by Billy, with.; Dave Keon and Bob Pulford'also working with the boys during the first Week there., The group were. taken to a lacrosse game at Maple Leaf Gardens during the week.. Richard' Ens, a Port Elgin young:, ster who gave the lateknow • • PeeWees•some problems in the garnes•last winter, won the individual trophy for most deser- ving player of the week. r... :... KAM 12 OZ.., Luncheon MIR LIQUID Detergent;Twin-P�ck' ..11M1.•••: .a' r . • +�% 4111.11.' REPEAT OF SUPER SELL-OUT APPLE OR' RAISIN Weston :: Fresh Pies • SAVE TO 29c Tins 89c SAVE 10c Deal '7:9 .SAVE 47c .mss • ; ..• _ w ;N UP YOUR PAILS OF CHERRIES NQ NEXT TWO WEEKS, WHILE . THE SENTINEL IS ON HOLIDAY YOUR FOODLAND WILL HAVE "IN ,4. STORE” BARGAINS. .,i .,1111;., -ate .111.1P' "'111111.. s• . WE :SELL. FOR LESS . VALUES 'EFFECTIVE' PHONE 528.3420." 1 ' ' JULY 27, 28, 29 ,. 'hied: Generation 'o Ho1d.Pos� 'At the 112th Communication of the Grand Lodge of Canada: in the .• Province of Ontario A; F.. & A. M'.• heliin Toronto July 49.=20 Don- ald M. Aitchison of Harristora was" elected to the position .of District .Deputy Grand Master for the Enke District • Fit. Wor. Pro. Aitchison is a " Past Master of Harriston ,Lodge ii.262, a Member of Royai'City Lodge of Perfection A. & A S, R' ' .2nd Gen. Guelph Chapter Rode ,'Croix and a member of Moore Consistory 32 degrees Hamilton. Rt W6,or. Bto. Aitchison is the third generation of his family to hold this position following Rty ,hold tiro: ,George Aitchison. North Huron District and Rt. Wo st,- Bro., rack ,Aitchison, Sarnia Di tiet. • r . Brother: Passes: At Clinton Hospit:al, WHITECHURCH NEWS This eonlniunity extends•to and•Mrs..' Bed Meclenaghan their , sincere .sympathy in,the passing of his brother Harry on Monday.last in;. Clinton'k1ospitial'.with •burial,on. Thursday.in Win•g harn'Cemetery Sympathy is 'also extended k all, other relatives in the area. - . George Falconer of Gerntanv . • who is visiting his brother Lester ealconer. of Culross,, called on sev`• :: •'° eral relatives in the Community and visited Langside •Cemetery ori Thursday where his parents.ate buried. • • Joyce Tiffin of Teesw•ater'virtted from Wednesday to Friday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs 01'v04E 'Tiffin. : Wallace Conn attended a Mason gathering being held in Toronto from •Tuesday to Thursday: , A in alsl To. 6,3 C trac 5 the Do Th'. foo tip sel ,Ji Wi and ac ;of an,� ret 'De rio :ha y un wr. (G. re• Tr Jul aft on fri wa ' th th. he -cls de. 'Th in qu an. rn A. roi ev w