The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 19i6Z • WEDNESDAY, .JULY 26th, 1967; THE 11.4.1111MPAWAllaalMIC ,..7-711LaM111111114; !WNW. X.., • LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN. •Lu.cknow Couple 50 Years Marded `.Mr.,and Mrs. George Saunders, residents of Lucknow for the past e, ten years; observed 'their 50th )Ut Wedding, anniversary on Tuesday July 18th. • Mr, and Mrs. Saunders were big married at the Dungannon Manse ler on. July18..1917. Mrs..Saunders is t- the former Ruby. Ritchie , daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.. James Riti chie of Zion: George is the;son•of the late, Mr.. Mrs. James Saunders of.. Blakes The couple • resided 'On their farm in the Slakes, .community' in Ashfield until about ten years ago•when. ill health .forc- ed them to retire.. ',They.. moved' to' Lucknow and reside in the Ashton •• Apartments on Main Street: Forty-three attended a family • • dinner on Tuesday evening' of last ° week at the .assembly .rooms of the Town Hall.. Open House was held 1 'at 'their home'on Wednesday after- noon and evening when about 1.50 attended• to extend their best wishes Mr. and Ivjrs Saunders were the • recipients of a. scroll from the prow ince of Ontario which•wa.s present- ed,by:Murray Gaunt M P.O., for' Huron-Bruee. A telegram of congra- tulaiions was received from John P'. Robarts, Premier of Ontario and,. . catds were received from Lester B: Pearson;;' Prime Minister'of Canada Robert. Nixon, leader of the Liberal: Party. in Ontario and Mr. Gaunt. Mr.. and. Mrs. Saunders. have a _family of five,.:Mrs. Eddie (Violet). Thompson of Holyrood , .Mrs.: Reg (Freda), Browne of Belfast, Mrs. ken (Lottiey'.Scott ,of' Eelgrave; Gordon of Ashfield Township, Lloyd of Holyrood:. There are seventeen grandchildren A daughter• Ila passed: away thirty-. three, years' ago as a teenager, HonourParepts. ., On 35th Anniversary:, Mr • and Mrs. James MacTavish of Lucknow were hcioured on the weekend by .their family on the occasion of their 35th wedding - anniversary. They were invited .to their son Allan's for 'dinner and found the entire ,fa ;mily, there, fo. , honour them . The kids", had a;.pony and call ready and Jim and Clara took a. trig doWn'the lane tore, mind theni' of' eairly.times. All the Adults went for dinner t:o' the Tiger,Duhlop Inn at Goderich• ' Mr. and Mrs.. MacTavish were married, on. the second of Huron on. June 29th, 1932. Mrs. MaeTavish is tate former. Clara Hamilton,, dau ,ghter of the fate Mr..; and • 1rs . Cook Hamilton. Jim is the son -of' the late Mr. •and 'Mrs.:Peter Tavish. The :couple. farmed on the 2nd of Huron until moving to Luck now eight'years ago. Mrs. Mac- "ravish is.a teacher. on the Lucknow Public School staff. • Their'farnily are My. and.. Mrs.. A1lanMacTavish, Mary Anne, .Patricia •(arolyn.and'Elaine.of Hur.'on; Mr, and Mrs, Eugene (Evelyn) Walden;. Jeanne; Anne, _Kenneth; JoanaLBarrie; kr. ander Mrs,. Claire (Peg) Thuell; and Brent of Rexdale Mr, and. Mr%',..,Perrin , (Marion) Lowry, Robbie; .Brian, -Deborah of, Huron;.Mr. ,& Mrs.• Jim MacTavish , Jeffreyand. ?Michele of Huron. . REPORT Kincardine ..ACC1DENTS Ort Thursday., July 20 ,Provincial Constable Johi}• Gault investigated two ,accident's between a car and a cattiebea.st , Both accidents were on i 9 highway just: west of Millarton. The driver's were John Lemay of Georgetown • and John Hudgl<amp of Arthur. The, drivers Were notinjured in the mis= Gaunt Reunion Meld: AtSt..He.lens The•annual: Gaunt reunion was. held on Saturday.. July 22nd .1967 ,at thefiome'of Mr. and Mrs. -Jame'' Aitcheson and family:at St. 'Helens, Due to the beautiful sunny' day, number of the men 'spent the after- ••noon,in the hay fields butjoined the .rest for supper. Approximately 55'people attended the picnic and helped to.nrake.it a very successful day. During the afternoon games, contests and races were enjoyed by old and young alike: A very .pleas - and surprise was. the une)Tected__ arrival of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Phillips and daughters. of Vanccuver '.B C. They are visiting with the Phillips family of Fordyce before continuing on to Expo. Relatives were present frorn Owen Sound, Vancouver,Hanover, Londesboro,' Wingharn, Lucknow, West Wawan- osh: Coderich,,' Whitechurch. The sports were very ably conducted by the sports cornmittee,comprised'of, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and Mrs..Russeil Ph liips . . . There were races for the children • Drawing'Picture contest.; Ladies. • Mrs. Leonard Phillips; Men, Lanny: Scrinegour; Jumbled word Contest Mrs,. Norman. McDonald, Sheila Scrimegottri'Threading Needle, Mrs. Harold Gaunt .•Susan.Durnin; Bean C5ntest, Earl Gaunt; Kicking Shoe: in basltet; Men ,.'George Pf fillips: Ladies:, ,Mrs . Gordon Phillips; Youngest child present,' Steven Galant Closest Anniversary, Mr; and Mrs. Leonard Phillips; Guessing articles tray, ,Mrs: Gordon Phillips; 'Jumbled words Mrs. Murray Gaunt , Mrs. Bob Aitchison; Travelling parcel coni • fest Mrs., Earl Gaunt. MONUMENTS For :.sound . counsel. - and a fair price on a monument correctlydesigned from quality material, rely on SKELION MEMORIALS WALKERTON Pant' O'Hagan, Prop. Esta41ished QVer. Sixty Years, PHONE 881•0234 ONTARIO haps.. Provincial Constable -Burgess hie• stigated' a two car accident at Pine River, on July 22. 19,67. Hector Austin of Sarnia„ .Ontario .and :Mrs. Margaret Macl onald of R.R. » '3 Lucknow were involved. The damage, was slight and -both drivers escaped unharmed. • . A car - and farm tractor accident . was investiaged by -Provincial Con- stable Poland'on on-stable'Poland'on Saturday, July 22, 1947. The accident occurred on il21 Highway, North of Kincardine at. the 5th concession• of. Kincardine Township. ,Claude Michelucci of Guelph , .Ontario and David 'Norman of R.:(t;.:r 2, Kincardine were-invol- ved, ere"invol-ved, The daniage'.,to both vehicles ;amounted t� $200,00. On Saturday', July 22, 1967 , Prov- incial 'COnstable rov-incial'Constable Gault investigated ari accident ori the 2nd concession of Kinloss Township. Lloyd Mc•Nall of R. R. 5, Lucknow and Vern Parr. of Toronto were involved. CHARGES: 7 charges under the I Ligtior'Control: Act. 1 charge laid under the Criminal Code of Canada 8 charges laid under the Highway 'Traffic.. Act 1 charge laid under the • Ga.me and Fish Act.' • • ' The number of 'accidents reported to: date last year 68. Accidents.to° date this year 105. • •,ifM P.OLAND',: PRESS RELEASE C?PFICEft,: • Here's one way to cut fuel. costs, • 'reduce health haiards and prolong. the life of your home' and furnishings. A:"Spring Air. Humidifier on your furnace will prevent those ,dry, brittle • ' conditions that play havoc with furniture, drapes and carpeting.' It will also help eliminate headaches, stuffiness, dry throats and static electricity build-up. - • • ..Reduces: fuel bills • Stops: excessive wear and tear . ▪ Requires no electricity • Fully,automat c filling•: Trouble-free ojieration"' Get all the details nowiduring this 'podia! offer. rrr:•:s. PHONE 528-225 P FIRM Anniversary mattress • Button -free' surface • • Woven stripe cover . Duro-Flange® keeps top firm • Hundreds of.steei coils SPECIAL PRICES - $39.95 - $4A.50 and $49.50 .**************: Specials On.ContinenMl Beds 3sa0s—as•-n.�a rs• acKenzie Furniture Y LUCKNO PHONE 828 3432, eti `iii +'�t71►►*mit y • p. •«i