The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 17• WEDNESDAY; JULY lith,_ 7 THE LlUCiiNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO •_ PAGE SEVENTEEN LETTER 'TO THE AMOR. Captain A Ferris Three Years __ There 'bNTENDED FOR MUCH'. EARLIER ISSUE• Box 610, Wingharn, Ont, June 9,, 19.6'7. Mr. D. Thompson,, : The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. • • Dear Mr, :Thompson., .May I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and " appreciation to you as the Publisher of a' very fine Weekly paper,: for the: part you played in making our, recent Red Shield Appeal.a success. I would also • like to say thank you to Mr. Ken. Carneroti, Post 'Master: andthe members of. the Royal Canadian Legion Lucknow Blanch . I realize that'if it were not for the co-operation, of the citizens -of Lucknow we certainly couldnot write success at.the close of this•.. campaign.. So many people helped and:'now • so many others who need help, can be helped :throughyour generosity and, co-operation, Say • ,ing '.thank -you seems inadequate.,!. but it is'expressed.on,behalf of -` those whose lives Will be made more.satisfying and rewarding be causeyou took their interests to heart, What Lucknow did in the • '.Past, weeks of the Red Shield will, come back to:its citizens, in the months to came:. trimly times over. I' would like to add just a • little personal, note at this time. It is now ,'three' years since Nlrs::Ferris..the • children and 1 arrived in Winghai' from Manitoba In the three years spent, in'this area we have .met some very fine people who have gave Iingh am ith 5'td ,atiofl Army helped to make, us .feel at home. God: has greatly rewarded us. for our labours, of love 'but the -tithe has. come when we are to move .on to Palls : tinknown as yet,•'We•have re- ceiv.ed orders that we ;are •to fare- well. from ,Wingham on. Sunday June 25th.. Mrs. Ferris joins with me in ex- tending greetings to one•and all in. this our Centennial year and in' thanking you, once again for every- thing•you: have done to make our stay a•plea'sant. one; God Bless Yon! r - Yours sincerely Albert. Ferris .. (Captain) . LANGSIDE Betty .Johnston 'ot Clinton has. •been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.., George Young and. Heather. Greg Arthur of. Auburn is :visiting with his cousin. Brian Wall. Barbara McQuillin and Don Nickel of -Toronto spent the "week- end with Mr. and Mrs:: Dick Mc .• - Quillin Donald Scott son' of. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sott returned on Friday' • from•;th'e Scout •Centennial Tour. Robert and Keith Bregman, sons of .Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Bregman'. are .spending this week at Kintail• Camp, • ' Geor e'• Moffat of Lucknow;spent ent g the• week with Mr. and.Mrs.,,Don Huffman and'. girls. His parents, • Mrs.' Lloyd: Moffat land Sharer! were .on a week -end holiday. to .Northern Ontario, far -Truck Accident InLan.g,side. Area: LANGSIDE NEWS ,' On Saturday evening an accident , occurred at the corner of the triszl concession and'. side road. 25.. by No 9 school. A truck and baler elevator, driven. by Bob Adams was struck: by a car, driven by a brother of Mrs. Gerald' borscht o. f • St,. Helen's. Fraser Purves. was a passenger • in the car and was,taken to Wingham Hospital. He was•'not, seriously injured but was cut by ,. broken .glass: Wedding bells are ringing Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer who were married on Saturday at Zion: We ;glad to report that. Mac.. Conley''got home from Wingham and, District Hospital last . Wednesday: He had been a patient .there for over.:a month with then - matte fever Mr. and Mrs; Albert Lennips and. 'family'a.re,now living on the form er Omar Brooks• farm= where they had lived until last Fadi , before • Moved oved to the :Ritchie farm. Mrs, Visser and family have rnov• ed to the former Richardson farm., - ,now owned by Peter'. de Boer. ' On; August. 6 ,, the. Church and 'C, o. C, service at: Langside. will be at 11:30 and. Sunday School at the regular time. The change of time is due to a joint centennial • service at Whitechurch Presbyter t,a'n.•Church at 10 o'clock for East 'Wawanosh'; . • ' On Sunday July 30 a; Centennial; Church Service for Huron -Maitland' •Presbytery will be held:/at Camp, Kintail 'at . 3 p.m. Everyone is in vited to join in this serviceand • take a picnic lunch. others MAXWELL'S STUDIO; 1st ANNUAL FREE PORTRAIT ONE a," x 10" ENLARGEMENT WITH AN ORDER OFA 3, PHOTOS REG.. VALUE $1,3.95 ONLY OFFER GOOD hone -Today— * * Six' Proofs To Choose From • •* Children 4 -Mos. to 6 Years • * No Couples Or Groups UNTIL AUGUST •151-I86I-PhawTnd.y BABY PHOTO .CONTEST Ever child �ttoto a Led duringMax •. y to be chosen Septem- well's P �` P The winnut entry, p well's Baby Special will automatically ber' 30 and will receive : free 3 be' entered in our annual baby photo contest. 11" x 14'•' enlargements in .folders. „ •PHONE i51.1851 WINGHAM .MODELS' =ord Gala= 500 4 door hardtop, , fully e9uiPPed 1966 MODELS 196G Pontiac• Parisienne: 4 door hardtop �. A number of 1966.Chevrolets, Pontiacs and Fords in 6 and; 8 cylinders. 1965 MODELS 1965 Ford XL 2 door. hardtop A number of ; 1964 and 19.65: Chevrolets, Fords and Pontiacs ill hardtops arid,sedans, V-8° automatic OTHER MODELS Chevrolet' Biscayne 8. cylinder stationwagon • number .,of cars, ':'different .snakes and m c els ,frons 1959 .= .1963 , russets Cities Service Dealer rotors Phone 173;. Brussels FirsfWhiteWoman To Cook Meal in:Laniside'Area..1 .The following obituary of. Isabella Lousia Crowston was published in an issue,of the Sentinel' many years ago in the `' Langside News" column":. Because of its historical' interest during Centennial year, we are re= publishing it' at this time Isabella Lousia Anderson, wife of Mr. John Crowstori, and one of the highly respected pioneers of this section, passed away on Wednesday, Mort i4g August'7th,; aged 70 years. 'Deceased was a quiet woman and loved her home life; "the. home being her first con= sideration. She was a good wife and a. faithful mother and was beloved by all who knew :her. Mr. Crowston was 'a native of Lincolnshire, Eng- land; and emigrated to this country, .in early life. He first located near • ,Toronto and there rnet` Mrs,,Crow- ston •and they were married on the 3rd of October. 1853, •and; starred (ie5ct day for their new' home :in Kin- loss. trave.'lling:from Toronto. to Hamilton by boat, from Hamilton :to (;oderich by wagon; .from Godericii to Glen's` Hill by.wagort from- Vlen''s Hill to McQui•llin s . Corner by ox cart ;. and �fron „t.here to .Kinloss by .Oxen and'•sleigh. The log shanty had been erected but ' the roof was not yet on, the first beds used Were from Hemlock' brush and Mr,. Crowston' and his brother'James took turns in keeping upthe fire'during the nights. When they settled' in,thts section their farm was all. bush'.:Mrs. 'Crowston wasthe "first white.woman to cook 'a meal across the creek that tuns between the farms of Thos. Wraith. and John Murray'. Besides her' husband ,' deceased is survived by three `sons and one daughter,' viz; Frank and Charles of North Dakota and Newton •of British Col- umbia. The daughter, Mrs. Geo... Mirehouse of North Dakota ,, has 'been with her mother since last., spring. The funeral to Tiffin's • cemetery on Friday was largely attended; Are :You - In This School' ;Group,?, •