The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 166,4io .S:I'XTEEIM *, d' 'T'hIS Picture Of The MinorHoc: :re eta When, Squirts: Were . d •with. Jackets: By Pani arson, Has Been Delayed In Publication THE LICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW: ONTARIO • te r'a rA, rf ft a; At ri V FREE FILM BLACK AND WHITE OR COLOUR with each roll brought in for processing at popular prices. All popular sizes, We specialize in PICTURE FRAMING -PORTRAITS "-WEDDINGS -BABIES MAXWELL PHOTO STUDIO Ph. 357-1851 WINGHAM Ripley Entertains Area Soc'ieiues. The Ripley Horticultural meeting, was held Tuesday , July the , ••, eighteenth in the Ripley Legion, Hall at 'eight p, m . Guests were` present.. from Hanover,. Teeswater:. Wingham and Lucknow. Mrs Dave Elphick, President and: Mrs Stanley,. Secretary -treasurer opened. the "meeting with the usual procedures. ' Mrs: Oliver McCharles introduced Mr. ob•Crawfordfrorihthe exten.: sion branch of the Departmentof agriculture Toronto who'spoke. on the Laws and By-laws concern- :ing Horticulture Ont arid. He ansryered,manyproblem`" questions put forth by.":the audience. and completed the evening by his': . criticisms of coffee,.table ,arrange • naents brought by some of. our . Ripley members,. ,Mrs, Reg Moore extended a vote of thanks to•Mr, Crawford on .be• - / ' . half of, all present.. '• Tea, cake and :ice-cream,, topped 'withfresh strawberries were seved by the lunch committee. convened 'by Mis Bert Irwin. 0, The president, Mrs.'Elphick had a:lucky numbers draw/and several ladies and •gents won slips. .flow- ers and roots from her flower gar - .The meeting closed •with expressions of .thanks from each • visiting group and the singing of 'The Queen" RIPLEY' ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Curing and Smoking Cutting and -Wrapping Sausage Making; 7- Fast Freezing • HOGS AND 'CATTLE ON MONDAY'S. CATTLEONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With Two Big •,Coolers,' We Are Able To. Hang Your' Beef- Front t To.3 Weeks •-- Whatevi.r Yours Requirements, Are FoK, Home Freezers We Sell Choice' Home ',Killed . Beef, Pork and "LLamb In ,Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS 'ARE GOVERN MENT ECT INSPECTED FOR YOUR; CALL I IPLEY 100' OR 106 4, CHAS.HOQISNI'A';, PROP. • THE WELLS (BY .REV:: •DUNCAN McTAVISH). • Among the scene's„ of my child- hood were two wells; one at the house and the other at the barn. groin these, water was taken to nourish life for both man and; beast... The land on the old home stead was of sand and gravel com- position to a depth of ten feet or thereabout. Then came a clay ridge: ,The water drained through. the sand to the clay and ,these wells were dug.down through. "the clay a. short distance torpovide a reservoir In,dry times this reserve some- times.gave out and water had to be secured elsewhere. The well at the barn was cribbed 'with stone,. but the one near' the house had a wooden crib of hemlock lumber: In due tithe this wooden structure rotted and had to be replaced with cement. Asa young man, I under- took this task. Before doing. so,. 1 lowered the clay reservoir. a 'couple:' more feet” so.as.to.enlarge the` reserve Supply. Then, making a .false 'crib of inch, lumber, 1' poured. in some three or. four inches of concrete filled in with, soil as` same nearer.:the top !mat,.finally the'work was complete. and aperr manent crib had replaced the orig- . final.: Both wells have long since. been filled in to 'avoid cattle falling• to and being lost But as. a boy those fells. were mighty important plac les • They :formed , the basis of the one commodity which the early pioneers had to have asthey made. a home in the wilderness. Back:from:the hill about forty rod. stood the; old slog house and. nearby was another well where my, ancestors•found wager to quench their thirst. This well could boast a stone crib which was eventually filled in to avoid accidents..Fro.m these wells ;my forebearers'drew water to sustain. life. With a pail of this lifegivingfluid to which was added a bit of oatmeal, the sturdy'men of the forest went forth to the fields to: labor from dawn until,d4c; No "coffee breaks" in those' early days; but' the," biose" no doubeservea as a. "pick •up to'', men• engaged in arduous toil. • Three Area 'Grads.`. Get Diplomas Red'. roses:and peonies formed'the' decoration for the Graduation .Ban - clue( of Ban-que(of- the Goderich Business 'Coll- ege. which was held atThe "Little' Inn, Bayfield, on Saturday evening` recently . .. The invocation was given by Mrs. Walalt, followed by "0 Canada": and a Toast to her Maiesty' The Queen. • The entertainers, for the W evening Vw re Martha and Earl Hey- wood been associated with CKNX Radio since 1942. They have appeared in' many places in both"USA and Canada•on tours, and have guested frequently on the CBC network: They sang' a diver- • sified' seleetion.of songs accomp-' anied by, the;gtiitar and•organ.' Business Educators' Association „I Diplomas were presented by the' Principal, Mrs. F. NI, Weaver.;.'to the following students: Deborah. • :Amoroso, Susan Barlow, Nellie Bilstra, Leslie ,Broad foot ..,.Barbara. Buchanan,. Syke de long;, Mary • ' Ervine, Shirley Gallant, Cheryl 'Johnston; Patricia Lippert, Barbara Linklater; Rhetha Mauler, Connie Opfer,• Judith Reid :,"Joanne Stryker Marilyn Tebbutt, Fred Tyndall. • Diplomas Completed for• the month of June will be mailed to the stud- ents. Certificates coveting one or . • more subjects for which.' diploma standing has been granted by the Association were issued to the following students; lack Wild- • WEDNESDAY,, JULY 6th,. 1967 IS what you SHOULD count on when choosing a;' milking machine. Many Millions of Milkings by Surge Machines in many: barns, in many places; pretty well back, up the safety, convenience, performance and value of the Surge. . No matter how you're milking. 'now — IT COULD . pay you' to, find out what Surge, Milking' can do for you .' . in your.barn On your:Cows. We'll be glad to • , show you!. AUTHORIZED 0 SURGE, SALES arid, SERVICE FOR MILKER'SERVICE PHONE KEN. MARTIN incarcnne 396-2408 gen,. Eonnie McGee, :Eleanor Ayotte ,'.Lucy Brudnickt. Typewriting MedatAw:ards were presented with the compliments of the 'Business "Educators' Associa tion of Canada. Awards,for 60 words..per minute were won by Susan. Barlow, Fred Tyndall, and Shirley Gallant, -Awards' for 50 . 59words per minute were won by Rhetha Maurer, ,Rose Marie Vecsi,.' Bonnie McGee, Marie Cox:. Elaine Kennedy, Mary Ervine, Judith Reid. Nellie Bilstra , " Cheryl, Johnson, Constance Opfer , 'Marilyn Tebbutt Syke De Jong, Patricia Lippert. Deborah Amoroso. Joanne Stryker. ., • Gifts were presented to those who • assisted at the school during the past ;year in, appreciation of their. ;excellent. work, On behalf ;of the students,' Syke -De Jong and ,Fred .Tyndall expressed' "thanks tothe teachers'. Mrs Walzak led in a sing -song • accompanied" by The Heywoods at the organa:nd-guitat-w-hich formed- a happy:conclusion'to a pleasant 0' and enjoyable ev;enirig,' RAINBOW WEDDING LINE t N VIT4, T1O.NS ANNOUNCRIIIM"T.S. See the complete catalogue. • at THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PAID ON IARANTEED UST CERTIFICATE: a issued 3, to. 5 year term • earn the above indicated interest; payable half -yearly .by, cheque.. ' ; authorized- 'investment for all • Canadian' Insurance. Companies and_ trust funds... • THE 1 :NG CORPOFRATION 'Member: Cana& Deposit Insurance Corporation' 372 Boy 'St 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mi'ssissagd E• Oriih`sa TorontoBarri.