The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 134i.1.111 , r 4111 a1 r,R• P,A 1. arar.' ss .ax -A Oar ft.........: WEDNESDAY' JULY ;Sieh, 1%7 'THE r`UCKNOW' SENTINEL LUCKNOM?II, ONTARIO ' � � � � ' . • .PAGE: THIRTEEN ACADEMY' AWARD . YINHER. BEST: SUPPORTING ACTRESS: . SHELLEY.,WINTERS .onewouivatine nEpaims,.0wr•aaaas • ,a istinE SIDNEY POITIRIELIEY WINTERS , ,w ���p�� IN PANAVISION' r.aE�ILJIDL II) ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The Beloved Best Seller On The, Screen! WINO and C ta. :FOREMAN pnpnl ' 1 SAM JAFFE PAUL RAM /•4••••4••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNDAY MJ NHlru JULY 30 NOREUN MARTIN -.� ,� 'CORCORAN� WEST iircioes. illy al Mo I . re -1 wxZ _ SPIE�1TiTI'/imili,E1 �I$1!" lirir IYNA'�IYIA17l'11'NKBM��!!r711EK�Y NI 6— • • PANAVISION® TECHNICOLOR® PR1V1N .•• ;:..THA'TR • TtNP 3 Fr1 4. set. S • also • 1r•s1I MMBI . Mina 11, VAUNNN. . COTEMParf !ARlT1:ANCASTER MAp111M.• RQ6�R'I` RYAM • JACK QAIANCE.plus REUAMY! I ;.CIW B1A CARDIWA J --'YNt PROVE$SiOlhAtt$ ti ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A e9WMS1A 11en/WSRELEASE•rm'AnsimmaCCIAII r -• .� IlenlAnn litoblev Gda Golan • Leslie Pamstl • Jamesflesl: , NN• •••►N•N�► MN•••N DON'T CROSS . THE,, r PAT OF,'1.S 9SYtNOP seTs.6. rMMaki.' : Big . Features . I MA.7 Te.: 8 w.�9; TNM LIQUIDATOR GOES . g 4i FROM Off NOT -IED OF' MIR/GO TO ANOTNERI ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "a" 5 ;r ALSO •.�RODIAYEORIREVORNOWHIllaJOHN. "EVILS OFDARKNESS" � THE %IIQUIIDATORa Brei. 10 Frt.1:1 • . Silt. 12 Pln.naw. .�MfTA000IAR A R N10 NT ICTU E 1ECM1104 DEAN MARTINit M KARL; MALDEN slt��r�l� • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ANN-; MARGRET plus 'IINT17w'lisThUI I. eir • C./cMt whir ▪ • lit* * ▪ Toeirectiiseatoe.neor wawa . A �OLINIlYI r1DnlRts i1ILCAsi . • mamma". A MQAMIh 4Ail II PAOOIIGTIOM, • 1►a14 r,..15 • wit 1:6 • Srn:13 evioNire -T Paula p Rock, lu Endlesses 1.nlo met.. {udsortiPrentiSs' r aiaiEsrux lathe HOWARD HAWKS. MMants Favorite Sport 7' •f C NNW. C)l OA. A UNMaM& A[ttAST 20 l 'ONumEDN ..,! AN ASSOCUTES AND AMUWMPAMT PNDDUC I as I oolhan BY DE IUME I oleo St888409ii i11E11B01080,E `' t1Ntllplt11V1tY1816fR•IANFS11110111E, ours. HonorMr. &Mrs. Schefter WHITECHUitC faIEWS On Saturday evening thirteen couples of the neighbours arrived together at the home. of Mr and. Mrs, Oscar-Schefter and family, to'" do them horiour prior to their' departure from this neighborhood to a farm just east•of Wingham; Although completely taken by surprise, it wasn't long till all: were. enjoying a game of cards,, . after which' the party„served lunch• which they had brought with them.. After lunch Mrs,. Elmer Sleight holm read them:an address and Mrs. ,Bob' Hutchison presented Mr: and Mrs. Schefter with atelephone table and•seat.. Ni .and Mrs. Sch- efter• both expressed their thanks for the :gift to their neighbors and for their 'kindness in remembering them in:thiis way. Her parents, Mr:, and NIrs. °Bd Spielnaker of 4th Concession, Kinloss and Mr,' and. Mr; :Angus Falconer of Streetsviile just happened toca11 and joined th.e,party,. Mr. and. Mrs: George ,Lawerence of•Searboro have Pur- chased the Schefter farm and ger, possession July '29. • ' We are sorry to. report Billie Burchill and Russel' Gaunt were' admitted. on Friday to Wingham and District Hospital.. The comm7. unity wishes these men a speedy • recovery: Chalmers, Presbyterian Fhurch are invited to attend Presbytery Cent ennial Service at:Canip: Kintail. at 3 o'clock. Sunday' afternoon, July 30. All are to bring a .pic iic lunch:.Rev.. H.D. Stewart of Ottawa will be the guest speaker. Howick. Centennial Choir will be . in attendance,, 'On August 6, Whitechurch, United Churchand Chalmers ,Presbyterian. will hold a centennial service at 10 o'clock with Mr:..Wiriston: Mar tin'and Mr. Michael Ross; ,student preachers taking part in the service.,, Mr. and Mrs.. Don Gray, Bonnie, Donnie and Tom of London were week end visitors with, her parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Tom Mageffin.' Whitechurch U. C. W, will hold their meeting on August 2 in the afternoon at the manse in.Gltievale the home of their student• minister Mr'''. --and Mrs. Michael Ross.: Carry Chapmen spent' the week- end•with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman. On Sunday Mrs:.. Ross Smith, Cathy and Bradley'..:, Who. : visited here last week. retur- ned to their, home in Toronto Mr. ,and' Mrs. Douglas Conley of 'Wingham were Sunday visitors With : her parents. Mt. and Mrs.. Wallace Conn . • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coulees were in•Goderich on Sunday to bring Darlene who had been at camp there. back to her holm. lieleri Currie of •London spent the'week; end with her parents.; Mr. and Mrs;. Kenneth Cuirie. Joan -Currie •visit -ed last; week with her friend Jackie Dirstein of ; Hanover. '. • Russel Ritchie vtsited''Saturday evening: with Mr, and Mrs Les Ritchie and. Mrs. Janet`, Twamley PHONE .357-1630 ' STARTING TIMES' 8:00 .p.m. -Monday to Thursday 7:15 and ''9 15 -Friday' and Saturday Saturday Matinee -2:00 p.m. WED.,. THUR.; FRI.,.. ~JULY 26, 27,.•28, "DOCTOR' YOU'VE GOT TO BE.': /• KIDDING Colour CinemaScope Starring:' Sandra Dee, .: George HaiTailton Dwayne Hickmad; Allen Jenkins This is a fun romancethat: will have . viewers laughing' all the away to the .hospital: SAT., :MON., TUES., •'AU•G. 5: 7, 8 "HOW TO SUCCEED' IN -BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING” Colour - CineinaScope: Starring: Robert. Morse, Rudy'Vallee• Based on the stage bit of the same name, this is a 'fun -filled Pulitzer prize winning, musical comedy. SAT. MON., • TU ES,, JULY 2941, AUG.. 1 (Adult Entertainment) "A FUNNY . THING HAPPENED ON : THE ;WAY TO THE • FORUM;" ' .Colour =' Starring' Phil; Silvers, Zero Mostel, Buster Keaton Fun is the order of the day in these on-screen proceedings based, on a hit stage present- ation that ran and ran; to• the delight, of viewing audiences. WED., THUR FRI AUG, 9, 10, :11 "AFRICA, TEXAS STYLE Colour — Starring: Hugh O'Brien, Johri Mills,: , • J. This is a different kind of ad- venture thriller about two 'cow- boys in Africa. ' ' • WED.; THUR:; FRI., AUG. 2, 3, '4 WALT DISNEY FEATURE ``THE ADVENTURES, •OF GBULRIFLFIN`'WHIP. ' • ' ' • Colour' Starring: Roddy McDowell, Karl /Malden Suzanne Pieshette This is ' a wild and• wacky Western adventure that adds up to non-stop laughter for the whole family, • SAT.,' MON., :TUES , AUG. 12;/14, 15 • (Adult Entertainment? • • "NEVADA SMITH" Colour CinemaScope.' Starring: Stever"•McQueen;:. Karl Malden, Suzenne. Pleshetfe This is the exciting story be-. hind. Nevada Smith,, the cowboy in "The Carpetbaggers." ,The • second show on Saturday night ,'will start at 9 30 ,COMING SOON SNOW WHITE and The. SEVEN DWARFS. 1