The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 13WEDNESDAY, .JULY 19th, '1967 .X' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The Corporation ,Of the Village of Lucknow • Statement of Revenue. ',and Expendiure ,For• the year Ended December 31; 1966 REVENUE . Actual pudget.. Total Revenue from'•Taxation (Schedule 3') 89,517.07 89,245,00 Long^Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Sej edule 12.)25,705.50 -25,705,00 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments; ' Canada Ontario Welfare A ssistance 1, 822.10 • Highway. Improvement • '32.928.06 Payments in .lieu of mun-• . 508,12.. eipaltaxes.• • Police and Fire : Unconditional Per. Capita - • Grants 3,093.00 Other Recreation grant '1;000.00 Other Municipalities Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Intgrest, Tax Penalties, etc.: Other 'Revenues .Rents,' Concessionsand Franchises,. . 959. Fines 38,08. Service Charges 2,550.00 Recreation,and' Community .Services, Miscellaneous ,Recovery of taxes written off •81.37 Bank Interest Provision, for deferred' revenue • 4261.60: Sundry • 103.92 Gross .Total Revenue Total. Revenue, Section 555., 00' •550.09 39,398.24. 9,480.00. 2,673.65 ''. 2,6.74.00 317•.46 • 200.00 454,.78.. 570.00 3,547.08 . 2,500.00 465.84 • .100.00 • 162'634'.62' 131,624.00 ; $162,634..:62 131,624.00 ' • EXPENDITURE General Government Executive and Legislative Administrative Other '1,435.94 4,518.22 4,708.58 Protection to Persons.• and Property Fire • Police Law . Enforcement. Street . Lighti b",yUl.i9 5,689.28 • 68.20 5,270%41 PAGE THIRTEEN Public Works Roads, Highways and Streets, etc,, 36.,,892..49. 1,400.72. Sanitation 'and Waste Removal, Social Welfare (Schedule 10) 'Welfare Assistance • Institutional Care Actual . Budget 10,662.74 r 9,700,00• 17, 929.08.. • 4'75.83 1,823.00. Welfare Administration 2,298,83 Education including debt charges (Schedule 9) • 29,,0.06.52 Recreation. and ;Community Services 2,503..65. Debt :Charges Long-term debt' charges (Sched:ule 11) 46,304.84 • Less own share of school debt charges' •• 7;561.84. 38,743,09 17,000.00 • •9,000.00 .1;4.00.00: • 2,100,00 29,362.0.0 • 3,00'0.00 . Short term 'interest and other chgs. 2,221.61 40,964.61 40,242..00 156.99 18 ,146.35 lu ,146 .35 , Taxes written .off Joint'.'or. Special Expenditures County Rates ' '. Miscellaneous Total 'Gross Expenditure DefiFits from,.Previous Years Levied for Surplus for the: Year Total Expenditure Section $ 159;,961.98 '1,570„00‘.. '161,5.31.98 1,'102.14; 150.00 130,054.00 1,570.;00 131,624.00` $162,634,62. ' $':131,624.00` GANNON lvlr. And Mrs. Cecil Blake were, ' among the guests who attended the luncheon .atthe home 'of M. .and, Mrs. Ernie, .Haslam at .,Glen Cross .on • Saturday in honor•of Mary• Mikula. . of Torontco whose marriage to Michael Anderson:of,.London takes place •in August Mr. and Mrs.: Henry Leachman of. Rockwood'were,week end visitors with .their daughter; Mrs. Don Aubin, Mr. Aubin and 'children.: Mrs. Bert'Ree'd of ListOwei Wand' Mrs. Dorothy;:Dowling.of Toronto visited recently with Mr and Mrs,' .Wilbur Crown'',. Mrs. Harvey Culbert and, daughter. Lyn, left last •week to spend a month with her sisters in Saskatch-' • „ ewart.' , v. Mr. and Mrs. -Bert 'Wiggins ;of • .Brantford visited with friends here • k over :.the week Mr'.' arid Mrs, Robert Irvin and 'Mr; ' and Mrs. Gordon Finnigan • , , visited on:Sunda with. Mr., and Mrs. Jackson kieve of ThameSville. Visitors on SaturdaY -with Mr.'. and'- Mrs. ,Gordon' Finnigan were Mrs. Margaret Manning and. Mr, and, Ms .Bill -.Man ' nmg�of-London'�and Dr,. and. Mrs Do n• Fletcher; Paul •-'arid Susan of Toronto ' Mr. and Mrs, Frank Pentland 'sited oh Sunday With Donna in Victoria. Hospital; London and are pleased to report that Donna .•is: 'making''Satisfactory recovery from • her accident,; • ▪ Visiting with Mr; and Mrs. And- erson Muford g at the week -end were Mrs.. Mugford's mother, Mrs.. Abner Morris of Huronview , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mugford ,• Donald, Larry and Lorraine off Mount Clem- ens, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Len Chrristlaw, Nile,, Eben and d Kevin Knight,.. Eva Numners and Larry McGee of Oak Park, Michigan. huck Young was at. the h,orne of his•parents, Mr, ,and Mrs.' Fred Young Heis att ending.cade Camp at ipperwash. Piano Pupils Holy Recital On Friday everring,'June 30th, a Piano Recital was held in St. Peter's Hall, for the 'P.pupils of Mrs; Thomas Pritchard. Parents and friends attended making'aver.; .. very good crowd. S ; Mrs.• Pritchard ,acted as Chair lady. • The .following pupils took parts Stephen:•and Gloria Gollan, children of Mr, and: Mrs,. Grant Gollan; .Laurie `Chisholm, :daught- et"of Mt. arid 'Mrs. Grant ',Chisholm; Corinne Cranston,.'' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan• Cranston;. Ruth Graham, daughter of 'Mr.: ,ands Mrs. Allan Graham; Cathy,. Dore', .daughter. of Mr.: -and Mrs. 'Donald Dore; Janice Gaunt,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt;'Carol Webster, daughter of Mr;. and Mrs. George :Webster; Phillip Black; son of M. and :Mrs. 'Elmer Black; Eleanor Johnstorie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. stone. Laurence Jay w;as:to perforrr but. was attending Expo, ' '• Two of the pupils had just tried their Piano exams. Since then-, the, results have come in: 'Corinne Cranston successfully passed her Grade 4' Piano.,Laurence,Jay passed bis Grade 4 Piano with honours.• Followineg'the performance Mrs . Fritchard•told-the pupils and t?i11. John - ,nderson Family old First Reunion WHITECHURCH'NEWS The 'Anderson 'Reunon''was' held • at the home of -Mr.: and Mrs. •Gor don Riritoul where all gathered at 1` o'clock for dinner On Sunday. Present for this' first reunion ' were Mr•, and Mrs•.. Kenneth Liettrell•,: Nancy,,, John and Wendy of Prince. • George , B. C; ,• Mrs i'^ Robert : P.urdon: and.'Elizabeth Anderson of Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott and :fam ily of Belwood; lvlr , and .Mrs.. Curran, St, Helens; . -Mi'. and Mrs. Roy "Gardner and Tracy, of London; 'Mr. and Mrsr Ross..Henry and • • family of Dungannon, •Mr, and ,Mrs.; ' Archie Purdon ,. Cathy, .. Lori and. '•• • Kendra; Air .,,and.Nits. Leroy Ri,n '• toul and Carol . During the after. • noon, games and contests'.were' en joyed'..by all. All enjoyed supper before departing' for home .' Gayle Rintoul, 'Ruth. and Paul Elliott; 4'H Calf Club, members enioyed a bus trip t .Hamilton on Sherwoods bus on Tfiesday . and 'Mrs . Eric Vans, Diane, Allan.,. Randy and ;Melvin of Hyde -Park •who :had ,spent -this week hol-,. =idaying in their tent at ,lnverh:uron teach,' .visited on; Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eill E'varis:' Mr. and Mrs, Fred 'Tiffin and; Russel' Ritchie were in, London on 'Wednesday.' Quite .a few from' here attended .challengethe. Sale in Teeswater on Saturday parents of the greatof the late Myles, MacMillan': • opened up for these children.,. It is hoped they realize the treasure they hold, beyond the fact that they can play "God Save the Olken". A whole career has been opened to these young people. • With some work, it can:becorne a ,very challenging 'career So many times; a challenge like this' is dropped because of age, hiimework or outside activities,'lt is hoped that parents acid all teachers; can prevent this from happening. • A light lunch was served by Mrs, • Pritchard, and her pupils' a'nd a socialperiod followed. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Watt, Rob- ert, Donald and Norman left last Tuesday evening for Clearbrook', British Columbia, the/hotr►e of 'Mrs. .Watt's parents. They went' by way of Tobermory. Mrd. and Mrs. Victor Emerson,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin Were in London oh' Friday at St. Joseph's '�Hospital•where Charles received treatment, • ' We• are pleased to report Mrs. Olive Gass was able to, return'Thurs day evening to Wingham and District Hospital, Mrs: 0; Anderson: Is Guesf Sped, ker WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch Women's Institute held ..their regular meeting on .Tues- day evening at 8:30 . m. in White• day g P church Community Memorial Hall with an .attendance ,of ,21„ The president:, Mrs; BiillEyans opened tin with the singing of the. the rnee g g , g Ode and repeating the Creed in % unison. • After Mrs ; Evans extended, a welcome to all. the ;secretary. Mrs: Russel McGuire read'. the minutes and correspondence.; The . roll call was 'answered by "Short cuts'to good housekeeping" . Plans .were ;made for the Old' Tithe', Dance to be held October 9 as :there will be no Meeting to August, Miss Helen Gibbons played the: cc 'solos ' following Accordion ordion , Princess Waltz` .Greenup time, Drink 'to me only With Thine Eyes. Mrs. Oliver Anderson of Celgrave,' was guest speaker 'for Tome Econo- .. mics and Health .program and chose the life of Dr : Oiler , ,as ;an example of how to live to preserve :health, The secret of successful living.is,to so live :that. ou.can Y . shut out the things ;that fancier ..• development. Begin •every.ly-with sprayer, not for tomorrow Or yester- day, but for today.' Take no thoughts for the morrow for it, takes care of itself:. Live in touch with the best -things, then we are pre pared to pass them on. She conclu- ded with the poem, 'How funny man can be , Mrs .`George Walker on behalf of the Women's Institute, presented Mrs,,, Anderson with a gift.. . Mrs. Victor Einerson gave the motto Salt your food'with humor,' pepperit with art and sprinkle it4 over with the charm of friendship. We go this way, but. once, ,so make the most of id Eat .; drink, think and act so that• you may live' long • past the,century mark and enjoy every minute of it. To do this,' salty our life 'with '.a sense of hu • o'r, , without which. yohumu would be; NLROSS CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Midford °°Wall visit;-: ed onSunday evening with. Mr, and ' Mrs; Tom Hackett . `'Mr, and. Mrs., Gerald.Stewart.of' Kincardine 'visited on.Sunday :even-' ing with -Mr, and 'Mrs 'Torn Stewart and: boys.' " . Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Benedict and Virginia spent last Thursday in. Dundas':. Mr and 'Mrs: Rae 'Haldenb Yof . Teeswater`visited on. Sunday'with Mr; and Mrs'. N; E Haldenby and, 'family. .Crenda Haldenby of Kitchener;. Mx. 'and Mrs. Donald Haldenby and. Sally Ann of Toronto spent the weekend at their home •here.: . The 'Wall "Picnic was held at the hone of Mr.' and. Mrs.' Morley Wall. on Sunday; July 16. Mr."and".Mrs; N. E. lialdenby. and Y. family attended the Percy Picnic in Kincardine on.Sunda.. afternoon. Mr.nd'Mrs., James Haldenby Y. spent. the Weekend in' Toronto where they 'attended Ronald Heald- enby's -.wedding on Saturday, unable to exist.. Few people user 'More than 10%0 of their lung capac- ity. 'Breath'elike a.baby whose abdbmen rises and falls regularly. Adults breathe •shallowly; just .en Pugh to keeps them living. Learn to breathe 'deeply and give yourself more oxygen. To pepper your life withart learn the art of intelligent conversation. Listen attentively, talk about the other, fellow's inter- ests., avoid dull details speak Precisely; be tolerant and tactful. Now- is the •time'to'extend a friendly greeting to strangers at all mgeetin s. ,'Don't wait for them to . come•to you, You go to them." Mr., and Mrs . ••Ed Walker delighted the audience by •showing slides they had taken of. Niagara Falls !England g,nd also of 'local folks., They also gave interesting. commentary of ` the_ pictures.. Mr. and Mrs. Walker were thanked by Mrs. Emerson for ,• • the showing of their slides,, ; K. -The hostesses Mrs. Ed:Walker and Mrs..George Walker served lunch;, :..