The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 12PAGE: TW THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 6UCKNOW,:..ONTARI4 The (oiponitiofl.. ol• the ViIIuge,.. oflucknow Financial S#atements and, FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,•1966 Aditor:'5 Report The Reeve, .Members. of Council, and. Ratepayers Theq Corporation of the Villages of Lucknow., Lucknow , Ontario Gentlemen:' June 2, 1967:$,- I 967.:- jhave audited the ,accounts and records of; the ; Village of Lucknow for the year ended December 31. 1966 and have prepared therefrom:. the statements listed in the index of'this report. ti Operations The :operations .'.for the year resulted inn a surplus of $1,102:6.4. after provid- ing for the 1965 revenue fund deficit of $1,570.00. ' Presented herewith is a condensed statement of comparative revenue and e>kpenditure for the years ended December 31, 1966, 1965, ,1964. . Year Ended -December 31 • Revenue Taxation Debenture debt charges recoverable Grants;..and subsidies; , . Government Of Canada Province of. Ontario :. County of Bruce, Licenses `• and. permits: Interest' and tax 'penalties •other revenue Surplus from prior years .used to reduce levy 1966. 89,517.07 :25, .705.50 -555.00' 39.398.24 2,673.65 31'7.46 454.78 4, 012.92 $' '162;634,62 Expenditure , General Government Protection to, persons and property" Public works - roaas Sanitation & waste rerhoval Relief. assistance • Education Recreation' and community, service' 'Debt charges Taxes written off by Court of " . Revision :County rates Provision for deferred income Capital expenditures out of current revenue Otherexpenditures Deficits ;frontprevious years lev- ied for • • Surplus, or (deficit)' for year .10;662.74 1.7,929.08`: • 36.892.49 .1,400'.72 • 2;298..83,. .29,006 52'. 2,503.65. 40;964.61' `156.99 18 ,146.35 1965 • 83,731.44 27, 024;4:n- 529 , 00: 24;401-529.00. 24,028:57 2; 461.86.'. 170.86 • •.642.57 4;i62.64. 3, 200.00' 145 , 890.35,. 9.936.33 16.189.65 26.709;45 • .1, 364.37 868.48.' 30,172. 72 :,2,922.'81 38, 654.86 1, 081.77 15;761.85 :•• .335.60. 3,084.69'. 189.47,' 1964 78,109.33 27,709.28 • 709.65' 8.,487.64 ' 2,517.18. :154.38' 391'.43` .'3,787.34 4,500:00 1,570.00'. 1489.00 289.00 126.; 36.6.23, ,; '8.848.58 '16:073.15 7 , 293.82 1, 855.3,8 235.10. 29,999.:89 3,460.68 39;511.42 14;467.54 4,793:87 15.86.' • 161;531.98 147,461.05 126,555:29.: 1,102..64 .($1,570.70) ($: `" 189.06) :.. The resultsof the 'operations of the other Boards and Commissions were as follows: :Public Utilities, Corrmmissioris: Hydro ' • Surplus Water . Supply •Systm 'e ; Surplus Lucknow. District High. School Board : Deficit Lucknow. Public School Board Surplus Lucknow Public •Library' Board r Deficit Lucknow District Recreation.. Committee Deficit' Certificate I ' hereby report .that in my.opinion: (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been within the powers; of the municipality. • (2) The audithas been conducted •in accordance .with the instructions of the De artment of Munici al'Affairs.. . (3) The financial statements present fairly ;the financial position of :the mun- icipality as at December '31,'1966;and the results of its operations for the yeat ,ended on, that date. $15,525.00 314.67 2,733.99; 4,148,66 859.38.• 358.90• Date of Filing June 7, 1967 A. M, Harper . License.Number 3244 • • The Corporation of the 'Village of LucknOw Capital and Loan.';'Fund .BaI,ance'Sheet.' • ••°December 31 1966 ASSETS General • Fixed tat- pee Schedule 18) 125 , 613.1j2. WEDNESDAY JULY 19th 1967 • • A. M. HARPER -- Auditor GODERICH, ONTARIO Due from School 'Ratepayers (for' Debentures). • Collegiate and high 47,629.87: • , 47, 629:, 87 . ebentures). Due 'from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (foie D Water.Supply System• Debentures Assumed by. Qther Municipalities (Schedule' 2) Cash. • Accounts Receivable.,(Schedule 17).14ucknow Arena •Board Due from Other Funds -• Current .Funds Other Tangible Assets- Due fromsale of debentures, • LIABILITIES Debenture Debt: Issued and..Unmatued, -General Other • : -Schools' " Collegiate` and High 187,003,8 Public Utilities .and Other lvlunicipal Enterprises Water Supply,System y 10,016.89 82,900,00 Temporary, Loans Investment in. Capital Assets 'Total 10,, 016.89 139,373.95 5,175.00- '800,00 17, 099.85 21,010.00 $366.,718,,68. The . Corporation of the Village. of Lucknow Revenue Fund Balance 82,900.00 .a .187,003;82 10,016,89 '279,920,71 26,733.00 60., 064.97 $366,718.68 December 31 1966 ASSETS • Cash' on Hand • . • 50.00 :;Cash in Bank • 2.559:.94, Accounts Receivable Sundry .:103,92 Total. .103.-92 Less Allowance, for doubtful accounts(Schedule8. Province of Ontario Dominion of Canada , Other Municipalities • Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) ...... 7,568.11 Less Allowance for, uncollectible' taxes (Schedule '8). - • ' • a• : LIABILITIES Temporary .Loans. (.Schedule 6) Accounts Payable Debentures and Coupons Due •' 'Principal • Interest ..'School Boards Other Local Boards and Commissions' Lucknow Hydro System Lucknow ;Water System -Other • Funds . .Capital Funds Deferred '.1Revenue.(Schedule 8) Surpliis (Form C) .. Total Liabilities. and Surplus 500.00' 525..00 221.54''• 86.3? 7,099.85 2,60.9;.94. 103.92 20,874.14 555..00 .. 330.79... 7;568.11 ..32,041.90 10,000.00 .' ' .1,.729.43 1,025.00 292.30 307'.91 • 17:,.099.85 • 48592, 1,101•.49`_ • $ 32, 041;90 • The Corporation of the Village of Lucknow evenue .'Fund: Surplus. ,Account. December 31;...1966 • Balance at January 1,, 1966 Deficit''included in Current Budget Balance safter adjustments Surplus for the year ,(Form D) Debit Credit.. .1'4671,15 '1,570.00 1102.64 Totals of Debit and Credit columns 1,571:15 2,672..64 Balance of Surplus at 'i)ecember 31,. 1966 (Form. B) Balance 1,15 •1.15 1,10140,,