The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 11'WEDNESDAY JULY lffh THE LUCKNIM SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ottriirtio- 03rd Anniversary eld At Pine River AMBERLEY NEWS The 103rd Anniversary service of ••Pine River United.Church was held ' on Sunday July 16 with a capacity • audience. Rev. T . Ross Williams • of BelWood United Church was• guest minister and his. sermon for . the morning service. was "Forgive - ns" which was well received. •The McGuire Sisters,daughters • of:Mr. and. MES. Lovell McGuire' of 'Brantford gave vocal selections and the anthem by the 6fioir was the ••Centennial hymn. At the evening service Rev. ,Williams gave an inspiring message Mr. Robert. Rutledge'S solo, "His • . eye is on the sparrow' was enjoyed as was the anthem by:, the' Ohm. Carol Courtney was organist for ' the services and was accompanied, by. Mary:Elizabeth WAidell 'at the , piano. Rev: John JlilI was.present for both services. Rev, and Mrs. Harold Pillen and Sandra of Plaits- ville also attended the Anniversary. • St. Augustine The St, Auguitine'Catholic Worn- .. en'S League Meeting was held Tues- day tevening July. llthl in the Rectory. with•eight .members.and. • one visitor:present; The President Mrs. Gus Redmond • opened the meeting..Withthe Lea- gue prayer. The Treasurer's report •was given with $189.36 in the ,bank 'A.thank you card was read from Mrs, •Rayniond Boyle:'A Spiritual .. reading was given by Mrs: Joe Dicky "The President's Message" ' The roll call reported,twerity-three paid. members. The' president_ , thanked' the 'ladies who helped. to • ', varnish the new'Ckurch' steps: The ladies•will cater to a Wedding on 'A tigust ,5th. ,•• . • :It was decided to order Get Well cards and gaby. Congratulation •'Oards•for the League. It was also •'•decided to hoid,a 'bake sale and • ' hobby sale the first .Saturday of. •September in Lucknow .• • •• Mrs. Jerry Van Aaken, Mrs Cy rfl Boyle_ate in charge of the. • : Church Cleaning for the Month of ,• • • August. • • 0• The father's day supper donation to be collected for the riost two• Sundays. • 'Tlie•three new conveners• , Report Forms, Mrs. Cyril:Boyle; • Education; Mrs.- Wm,• Kinahan; Press Scrap Book, Mrs. Wm. Red- . mond; • • The President closed the meeting • with prayer. The next meeting will be August 8th. ,A dainty lunch was • serv:ed by the hostess iri charge., • 7r,"41.•r. • • • • . PAGE ELEVEN • Zion U.C.W. HoId Children', *Meeting Mrs. Charles Anderson held the Children's meeting .of the ion .„ C. W. on July13th at her home with 21 members, 2 visitors and 25 children present. The President , ,Mrs, Frank Ritchie opened the meet ing with altrepeating in Unison.' • Psalm 637 and the •Lord's Prayer,. ']he., Scripture was read by Joan", •Hackett followed. by a prayer by Charlene'.AnderiOn. ' The program under the leader, Mrs. Bruce •Rayna.rd was as follows: solos- Brenda Ritchie, Cathy Dins- rnuir:and Bryce Ritchie; recitations - ,Lori Hackett. Kenny Ritchie; Mar -ion liaynard, Janet' Wilkins, Johnny Barger, Kevin Swan and E'atty. Barger;. duets, by Linda Swan and Kenny Rifdlifeand also Joan and Lori Hackett. A11 the children sang "JesusLoves Me",. A story..for the children "Mike's Apron" was 'given .by Elva Ritchie. ' • •• ' -Mrs. Kaiser reported on the shut- ins. The visitors ffdrs.July are Mrs. • •• , , Charles Wilkins and Mrs. Douglas • ilaynard. •Catering to Elaine Cook's . • • wedding was .discussed. The:menu, • 'for the Supper was passed out to the' members...A suggestion for 'a Cent- ennial' tea and hake sale in the near future was discussed. . • Mrs Charles' Anderson thanked the ladies for the gifts the Anderson family received after leaving the Zion' community. The , treasurers report,was given. by Mrs. Alan Barger . Mrs . GOrdonKirkland • took 'up the collection•and Mrs: Kaiser Made the dedication. The older girls are to .get the program for the August meeting which is, ••to be held at the .home of Mrs: .Harvey Ritchie. Lunch was served by the •hostess. :and Mrs..' Frank Ritchie, Mrs. • Charla Wilkins., Mrs. Marshall ,Gibson and Mrs. • Harvey Ritchie.. • Lairigskie W M $. The' Langside W. M.S. .1.11er on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the horne of Mrs. Gordon Wall. The afternoon was, spent tying . • quilt for the bale, after which a • brief business period •was held . • 'The 'meeting was. opened with prayer by the President , ev.eryone•• then repeated the W. M.S. Ptirpose, The roll call was answered by six. Miss Emma Richardsdn and Mrs'. Charles Tiffin are •to prepare the' August meeting. The articles for the bale are to be brought in to the next meeting, The 'roll 'call is to be answered with a verse of script - tire 'Containing the word "Haryest”. The*rneeting wai.bron'ght to a, close with everyone repeating "The Lord's Prayer" . The hostess then• • Served lunch and a social half • . • hour spent, • .•• — MONUMENTS., For Sound counsel,and a fair price on a' monument , correctly .designed from quality material, rely'on SKELTON :1111EMORIAL$. Pat O'Hagan, Prop. / • Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON •. PHONE 881-0234 'ONTARIO • • •Whitechurch W.I. • Sunday Hostesses WHITECHURCH NEWS • • • 7110 Who.were hoSte$Spat tij, Log Cabin Southampton Museum on Sunday from Whitechurph• Women's Firthattire were Mrs. Eunice Gillespie Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Rustel McGuire, Garnet Farrier accomp- anied: the ladies who were kept, busy tnroUghour the serving teaand cookies.• ;. ' • • Winnifred Farrier of TprOnio. • .sperti the weekend with Mr. ,,:•and* Mrs. Garner Farrier. 0 O Mr.and Mrs. Rost Smith and •, 'Bradley of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr; and. Mrs: chaprnan•and Cathy•Smith • who is halidaYing, here, .Mrs. Smith A • And Bradley remained for .a week . • :while Mr. 'Smith returned •:Work at Toronto. • " : : lvrr, land Mrs.'•Wallace Conn„and• Muriel visited OnSunday. wirh AlmaCOM:I arDelaWanalrin at • . Iloney Harbor. • • • • . • Mr,' and Mrs. Dave Gibb Murray and John were Sunday visitors 'with her mother .Mis...Mciiitoih, of brussels,' •. • •: • Mr. and Mrs.; Archie.Purdon4..* Kathy; LOriand Kendra were Sun: day visitorS:with her mother. Mrs:. Webterladklin of Listowel. On 'ihe, return trip hOrrie Kendra re mained with her grandmother •so • that the Others could start. for. Expo . on Monday. . • Mr.: and Mrs, George Thompson' and Eari.spent Tuesday to Friday With his. brother. Claybourne ThomP son at Fiversharn. ' • • ' • Mr. and Mrs. Carl•Weber,' A One' , Vlarlene. and Carl Were Saturday ;evening ,visitors with Mr and ;Nits... Robert Charnbersand family of- Harriston, Friends In tliis community. extend congratulations to Miss :Hilda' Tiffin of Victoria Hospital:. London who is completing her term and:has won A'bursary, She:plans .to enter Western Universitythis • 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindensch• - midt of Walkerton Were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.' cad • :weber and family and on Sunday • 'Mr; and Mrs.. George Weber of. Kitchener were visitors. : • .0. 0• Tom Morrison was at :Westmin-: iter HOspital.Landon.on Friday for his usual " Check Up.: . • • 'Mr.; and. Mrs.. GeorgeRoss and . Cheryl of Olden' Sound spent . the • *week endwith his•motber, Mrs. Robert Ross. • Mr., and Mrs...Andrew Straughan of.GoderiCh were Sunday visitors " • with Mr.•and Mrs:, Elroy taidlaw. • Mrs . dWin Smyth of East Waw4 nosh and her. daughter' DOtene .Smyth of•TotOnto"left on .Monday' by train to spend..a few Weeks in, •VancouVer B.C. with the •farrnees", son Bill Sniyth• Mr; and Mrs.' Brian J3.Onsa1, Paul arid Susan Of Kingston, Mrs.'• Norman Hughes'and Mr. and Mrs, H.D., Johnson of Manchester. Eng- land ipent the,week end with Mi. - and Mrs'. Tom Morrison. On Sunday Mr. and„ Mrs. Ray Myer arid Anne of, Wirigharri; .Mr and, Mrs.. Herb Buckton. and Mr. drid, Mrs. John Mowbray of 4th Con. Kinloss were guests at the same home to enjoy a Visit with,the relatives from. England . • Elwin Moore of.LOndon arid: Mur-.,, fel Moore of Oakville spent.the ' week end with their parentS,Mi„ and Mrs. Millari-Moore. • Mrs. 'Nora Cronin of Orangeville 'is visiting with „Mrs. Cecil , Falconer and. Jim Palconere Mr.; and Mts. Kenneth Laidlaw of lAndori were Saturdayvisitors with Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and family.;. Mr', and % Mrs, Elwood Goskorth ' are vacationing in Bruce Peninsula .R. 3 Lucknow.— Phone 529-76.86 Free Estimates WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED.. • at One of Misr Tesile-Oreig'-s:, cottages in the Vicinity of Lion's Head. ' •• , .MildredMcCleriaghan, RN. of Milton spent the week end with - her mother Mrs. George McClen, aghan, • •,•.• • Paul Geiger and his friend Bob ItOtilstoti•of Waterloo were ';..unday,.. afternoon visitors with Mr,. and , Mrs Carl McCleriagharr and Mr, and Mrs. Ben'McClenaghanr• • . Mr .• and Mrs. Clark.Jahnsion and Janette, Mr.,. and Mrs. 'Charles • ' Tiffin and Mr. and. Mrs . George Young di-WI:Heather of Langside were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. oil Brown Of Lucknow who • had and Mrs. George Carey and Paul of. Chatham With them' for.the week end. '• • Jarpiesbn Pettypiece wag a' Sun- day visitor with Mr. And Mrs.' Johnston Conn. : ' ' ' • Mr. and Mrs. Jack•Coultes, - Debbie, Kevin and Elaine of.Dres- den, were Sunday visitors with his parents ,'•Mr . 'and Mrs.. Albert, -7 • , CaulteS-and and Mrs Mervyn.Pipe of Brussels. . • Mr, and. Mrs,. Dawson Craig,: Mr. • • and Mrs Victor Emerson were at ''• • Southampton Museum on Sunday,' 2 • , , • They were asked to try and locate benches, a school hind .bell and•••" old school slates to furnish the lOg,, school:, which has been.moved• • • there •and.IS, _12eing,corripleted to, the 'right of the.,loscabin. . • • •. • Mr. 'and Mrs. 'RelisOn FalcOner. , • , • and Susan'tif,Sarnip spent the week . • • end with his mother Mrs. Cecil . ' • • , Falconer and on the return trip i..Brian and Paul who had visited' here for two weeks returned with them,' Mr and Mrs Hugh. MacMillan; Paul, Gregory and.David Sarnia and. Mrs: George Tiffin ,of..Lucknow Were Sunday visitors with Mr'. and•, Mrs. Wesley Tiffih•.... • • l• . • . . • ' • • r • ' °insider this carefully..1111 • Stiff succession. 'dt,ities can take a big • • bite out of the.poOrly arranged estate.' draining away. assets built 'up over many years aswelI as creating, needless problems for the family: you leave behind, . ." ESTATE PLANNING bY competent Sterling Trusts pro- fessional Counsel can 'quickly put your , affairs in good order: Advice Without • Obligation. investigate this valuable ' service".today..: : ' • •7 • Prompt Confidential Service' • • \STERLING TRUSTS .• • AVAVA 37 Bay St. 35 Dunlop St.; • 73 MISSittaga' •.188/11•lie Toronto Barrie • , • " • Y. 1:r • ..