The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 16FOR. 2 PEOPLE 'THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . Leave Lucknow August. 27 ' ' ' * Tips, :paid While in the Hotel asportation paid. to Expo ` pts in Hotel * Tra * Daily�.passports. into Expo * .Five nig*" $50 spending money •••4••••••••• Tickets available . firom, all. members Of the , .. Lions. Club'' c such or 3 for $' SOME ;OF OUR MEMBERS .ARE BASHFUL AND MAY HESITATES TO OFFER ,YOU' A CHANCE 'ON'."CHIS' EXCEPTIONAL. DRAW, • EASE=.ASK THEM PROCEEDS FOR LIONS,,W, SPACE DONATED .BY . ? C , (LUCKNOW) L1MlTED. Ernest Carter Family Present At Queen's Departure. Mr. 'and Mrs.. William H. Carier• 'and daughter-Kimberly.°L' London and .Mr and Mrs; Ernest Carter, .. •Robert. and Brace, of Lucknow retur- ned last Thursday July G after a week's holidays at t]plands; Air' Base at'Ottawa and -a day •at;Aylmer,. ,Quebec.: While 'in Ottawa`, the Carter fam ily visited with Cpl, . and Mrs. . McKinney (Elva .Cartery and saw .the tourist attractions of Ottawa •and as .well did'sorne sight seeing en route . to Ottawa. Highlight of ;their visit to Ottawa .was attendance at the Queen's• departure from Canada at which' time the C asters had reserved • seats acid were as close as -12 feet fromler .Majesty; A 'note 'to The THAT a- note from Graham Mac Nay of Ottawa says that 'he is• clearing up loose,, ends before leaving. for .San Franciscoto acc ompany his son Donald motoring ' back to Ottawa. 'Donald has just completed four years in orthop- aedic'surgery and obtained his FA . write ,.CS He wtehis F.A.C.S. exams in Canada •in'' September..Graham says; -he .. thoroughly enjoys • receiving .The Sentinel. THAT there were some .anxious moments last Thursday. after- noon fter noon when the fire siren,sounded in the midst of a water shut-off as new water equipment was ,be-.�,. • ing installed on Lucknow's main . street. Fortunately,' the fire alarm was a. false one • Sentinel from Mrs;. ,Ernest Carter describedmuch of their interest- ing trip, which, unfortunately, space does :not allow us to print in full.. " y The Sentine TKAT,the annual vacation period • at The Lucknow Sentinel will' be • the first two weeks in August,, There will be no papers: published August 2nd or. 9th and The Sentin- el wiill'be' closed for a two week period; . THAT Mrs." Margaret Sproul and son Bill left Tuesday for Nanaimo "B.C. by,train; . The trip west has • 'becgne an 'annual affair, for .Mrs Sproul and, Bill.Bill is on three ' Week's; vacation .from the Lucknow Posh Office. The Sprouts will visit relatives' in,the; west. THAT Lakeview. Dairy.• of Barrie tecently•received the:coveied' "certificate of merit" . for the. ;.highest quality milk and dairy:. products in Canada in 1966.. Fair • view Dairy. in ,Lucknow is an assoc. .fate of this firm and it is. Lake " view `products which are . .distributed• to the people of Luck- now and district by:Fairview, • THAT George Bushell has complet ed his 2nd year of honours Geo- gY raph at. Western,tlniversity,` • London, with an A aver age George is, a son .of. Mr. and Mrs. .Edbert Bushell of; Kinlough and •is: married' to the former.Joanne Crozier of'Dungannon.• ,. ,•THAT. Durnin. Phillips has sold his Lurgan Beach home to -Cameron' ' MacTavish of Win. gham with. possession to be' obtained August 1st. Durgin has lived at Langan since:setiring as secretary-treas-' urer of the, West Wawanosh Mutual Fire,Insurance Co. at ',Dungannon several years ago,. .,Mrs. Phillips' death; occurred o about'` tyv w' years ago. •. "Durnie" will•.ndw reside In 'an apartment at the Royal Hotel in, Kincardine.` • WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1967 arket • YOUR "LOWED. T ,'RICES" FOODLAND ALLEN S TALL :48 OZ Assorted; Fruit Drin CLOVER • LEAF 7.OZ. iunu iSold t�h to GOOD sin' Tins 89c LOW' PRICE Tins . 89c CLOVER LEAF 7� OZ. SAVE TO lOc,',' Fanc Red. Socke a Salmon : TIN 59c MAZOLA. TALL 32.OZ. .Cairn Oil==S MIRACLE WHIP 16 OZ. Salad Dressing Sale SAVE 8c:, r•39c GIANT: SIZE WITH TERRY 'OR TEA: TOWEL- :REG. $1.07 Blue ;Breeze haler' Pay OnIy 95c WITH ;5.00 CASH. PURCHASE Get Ha14o1. Ice Cream: SAVE 14c 85c' *4,4ki••••••••••••••• WE SELL ;FOR ;LESS` PHONE.50-,1425. ,`: VALUES EFFECTIVE: JULYG13;14,15 Bowling Winners Winners at the Ladies' :Lawn; Bowling last week were: isi Mrs. :Ron Forster., .2nd 11rs. Jack,Mac7 Donald; 3rd Mrs. '.uiil.:Gibson' • OLD TIME FIDDLERS BINGO AND GAMES FREE DANCING ALL EVENING --::BOTH MODERN LD TIME • *. BEAUTY CONEST AT, '10:30 P.M., CASH PRIZES : $25,415 and $10 Single girls between 17 and 27 still have time to * enter. See .Charlie Webster. Winner will represent Lucknow in the Lions Beauty Contest at Lucknow *' Fall 'Pair in September. 4f. IN ATRIPTO E; ................. A. draw will bei made for a 5 day trip to Expo for 2 people. •GENERAL ADMISSJoN $Loo ,Get Your Tickets From •Lions Club Members 50c 3 'For .$1.00 PUELIC: ' SCHOOL ,CHILDREN FREE •