The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 8P1lS.�',,,,EIGHT /wljj7!M-:1!Mt �• �-.�•asIRT!► i. +IR:'.7 R,41 4 w, THE' LUC NOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO ���ia �enfil'an�Seriously injured iaUNGANNON NEWS We, are pleased to report the satisfactory condition of_Donna Pentland in Victoria hospital, Lon- don after being serfousy injured in. an a ccident•while riding a pony wId h was in collision,with a car on Friday • evening, We hope for a speedy recovery, Cathyr'Culbert :returned borne • Saturday after spending a weeks holiday with Joan Niell. atNiagara. :Weekend guests with Mr. and. . Mrs.: Cecil Culbert were Mr. and Mrs. Tom i:: Culbert, Toronto : and ' Mr. 'and 'Mts. _Keith Wood and family, of London ; Ivlr. and Mrs.: Robert Andrew and, 'boys of, London spent the week end. ,with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Pent- • land. Mrs. Andrew and . the boys " are remaining for the week. Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred Pentland With several other relatives•enjoy- ed the week end and a picnic with Mr. and Mrs. ;Ernie Pritchard, ' who'are spending' some time at a cottage,at Kincardine. : Mrs, Lorne Ivers is a patient in, ..Winghah hospital where she was`, admitted: on Friday, with pneumonia and bronchitis. ' We. 0. hope) for 'a speedy recovery,. Mr. and Mrs. Grant S•owerbyof Willowdale' were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. 1 . •Blake Cecil: larbara .Blake and Elsa Woodford; w'ho,was'visitingwith 'Barbara re- . • turned with them . ., ,, •. Visitors with Mr: and Mrs.' Ander- son Mugford on Sunday were Rev,: g y, and Mrs.' Ken' Knight of Oak', , Park , Michigan.' and. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Mugford pf Goderich., Paul Eedy, Philip Foster and "John Bennet enjoyed a• tour with Huron' ti, County 4-,,H boys •to. Peterboro last Week where they, were guests of a Peterboro 4-H. club.. Mr. and Mrs. 'Winston Kilpatrick, Dwight and Douglas of North Battle. ford', Saskatchewan were guests of Mr' and Mrs. Cecil Blake -last weep.. Chuck Young has left fc for Ipper- wash Cadet camp for the summer and .Johpny Young is emplpyed with Mr. and. Mrs. Oliver. McCha;les of 86 highway, ' "west of Lucknow. • • Mr. and Mrs.' Ken Brown,,;Alan, Suzanne and Nancy of Chelmsford Mass.. are spending a ;week with his parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Brown. Also visiting, Mr.' and Mrs. Brown on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie of Vienna, Mr, and Mrs. E •«YouserLondon, Mr. and.Mrs., Wm.: S Reed, Wingham, Mrs.. Anne Linklater,. Goderich and 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reed,‘ Dungannon 5QY��rs.W�d Mr. and ,Mrs-. John Emmerton . • celebrated their fiftieth anniver= sa at: their home in Huron Town= ship Saturday June 24.. It was a very happy occasion. • Over 200 guests were welcomed on that day and ;during,•the',following week. They have •both.lived in Huron a.11 their lives. ; Community Shower For Elaine Cook A shower was, held in honour of Elaine Cook. on Saturday evening by the Zion and Lothian commun- ities at Zion Hall, which was suit- ably decorated; ' *The evening .opened with a •sing., song/ ollowed by contests by • Anderson Mrs. CharlieMrs' and , • Gordon •Kirkland. Readings were.' given • by Mrs. Allan "Ritchie and! Mrs. Ivan Cook. An•address was. read to the bride by Mrs. 'Charlie Wilkins..The bride was assisted, 'in opening the gifts by Mrs. °Don Bell and' Miss Linda Mann. both of Toronto. The bride -elect thanked everyone for, the lovely gifts and invited them to a Trousseau. Tea on Jury 15 at the .home of her mother, Mrs. Peter Cook.; A lunch was served by the host- esses, Mrs. Lorne Cook; Mrs. John Hunter" and Mrs: Charlie Wilkins.' ZION 'Nancy Kirkland, Donna . Ritchie and Wanda Minter are spending this Week at Kincardine Beach. Dick Reed, Jim and Ron of Hazel Park, Michigan visitedon Thurs- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter. The ;U.C.. W. will hold; their children's meeting on Thursday p.m. at the`home.of Mrs, Chas. Anderson in Lucknow. , • Joyce, „Glen and Cheryl Walker of. Wingham:spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Hackett,. sirs. fri. Sit. ISTHIS THE GIRL NEXT DOOR? U G -M V.Eanrts A' MARTIN MEtCIIER- st.»e., EYERETTFREEMAN PRODUCTION , • :__ROB _ARIA 10 p.a.. • CIIIEMdSe.,t : Celli It 1E LUE ' •• • •• •.N•••••N+• .•••.`•r SUNDAY MIDNIGHT JULY 16 �ORI�S luosoe Baur TOnry, Nammat. tVenneOlitin •CHIveD(;401231V10 No also "Seasi"de Swingers"; 11ftoes Wed:: , 17 lSjg EE peen's els An! JOHN CASSAVETES BEVERLY ADAMS MIMSY FARMER mituvISIOE. rI1TH ECOLOk' STRIKES SACK IN THE WILDEST COMEDY OF TME YEAH! ENTERTAINMENT A .1d. 108 in ctrl."'" iii +R+�i ►�' 1Ctrr•4Ik "fir 10.0%if raw Amss ,r» 4 - y AU MacKenzie Rounion: N��d At PineRiver :. LOCHALSH NEWS The MacKenzie reunion was held on Saturday at Pine "River Cominun-• ity Hall, Phyllis Bradley is taking a course fn Physical Ed.ucation.at the Univ- ersity of Guelph Visiting Mr.. and Mrs.• Henry Mac. Kenzie were Barbara. MacKenzie.: of Kitchener,'" Ray 'MacKepzie of Toronto and 'Rev, FS'., MacKenzie of Montreal. • , •Mrs Thomas' MacDonald: is 'spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Houston and fancily. at• Bethel?. Mrs.D.A.d D an Mrs. MacLennan Finlay MacDonald are home on holidays .from the fa'ctory'in.Luck Callers it the Doug Martyn farm: on the week end" were Mr‘. and . Mrs: David Martyn of Toronto and Mr, .and 'vitt. Walt Willits of''. .Wroxeter; Mr, and Mrs.: Allan MacLean and family of Collingwood were week. end visitors with Mr. Dan Mac - , Visiting Mr. ,and Mrs: Ewan. Mac- Lean were Mrs . -Ross' Calvert and Lynn of . Wyoming and ,Mr. and • Mrs. Newton : f arrard' and Scott of Huston, Texas. •, Holidaying:with Mrs Donald Martyn and Douglas, are. Dr and' Mrs.' Douglas• MacKenzie ,Lexie, Scott and Ian of Vancouver, .Spending the ,week end with Mr. and Mrs Emile'MacLennan'Were. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack MacLennan and. John of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce: Miller and boys of Palmers- ton. " Visiting Mr, and Mrs Jack Mae - Kenzie and family were Mr "and';• Mrs Ray Myers and;: family of „Ottawa,'Mr. and Mrs•. George MacGregor arid boys of Hamilton ,and Mrs. Isabelle MacKenzie of , Lucknow.: Dianne MacKenzie, daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie is on a_trip to the East coast with her cousin from Ottawa. ublic Relations 1. Topic S %The July/meeting of the.'Silver :•Lake. Women`s Institute was.held'in the, evening of Wednesday, July' fifth. at:the home 'of Mrs. Wm. Stanley. Thesecond vice-president Mrs. James MacEwan opened the' meeting with the Ode and,, Mary Stewart. collect. Mrs. Roy .Stanley 'read Psalin sixty four..The roll call, "Something that cheered ,me during the past month" was answer= ed by.nine membersand eight t. ' visitors, • • Mrs. Al Hedley andMrs. Glenn Young volunteered to be leaders for the fall 4-H homemaking club "Working with Wool". Plans were made to be hostesses at the Log ' ',• Cabin, Southampton,' August 12th., Standing• committee 'reports :were' given' by' Mrs . John Hodgins , Mrs . Homer Devitt , Mrs. Ray Stanley Mrs. Al Hedley and Mrs..Clarence Hedley: It was discussed and moved that the Centennial quilt he sold by tender with. t'he W.I. holding a • reserve . bidof thirty dollars. 'Those WEDNESDAY, JULY. 12th, 1t6T PHONE 357.1630 STARTING TIMES Monday to Thursday- 8 p,m, Come. . as late as ' 1.1:0 to see complete show r ' Friday, and •Sator'day . 2. Shows. - 7:15 and 9:15.: `Saturday .Matinee ' -- .2 p.m„ • unless otherwise. •noted, WED., THUR., (4 DAYS) JULY ,12, 13, .14 SPECIAL `.`CASINO 'ROYALE" Colour .'Cinemasco -e. Starring: Peter : Sellers, , Ursula Andress, ".David ,Niven, Orson Welles, Deborah 'Kerr This, is the thrill -packed 'ad- venture that was too big for. one James ' Bond. The second,. shows . on Friday ' and Saturday nights will start: at 9;30 MON,:iUES, (2. DAYS) JULY :17, 18 Adult ' Entertainment "WAY WAY °UT" .,Colour Cinemascope Starring; .Jerry 'Lewis, ,tronnie' Stevens,. Robert Morley, Dick ' Shawn Can you 'imagine. Jerry Lewis, on is; the and imoont'?s•Welll inallthe thiswa•"oney. he ' fue; . 1S • interested, it was decided, areto send • their tenders to' Mrs. Ellison Hodgins; R R `2, Hol'yrood , by ' August' l Mrs; James`•MacEwan' was in' char- ge of the remainder of the meet- ing/Mrs Homer' Devitt.'read the Motto "To make the world a. friendly place., show,a friendly face." Mrs: '.MacEwan ,read a pap- er given by Bob Carbert at the W:omen's Division= of the .Agricult:, ural" meeting in' Toronto, The topic, was " Public ''Relations" A singsong was led by Dorothy' Van Beers. ''Two contests were con• ducted - kitchen scramble by Shirley Stanley and advertising identification by Janice Hodgins,.' . A, poem, "Friends",'was read by Mrs. Lloyd Husk. Marilyn, Colwell read some riddles and jokes foll- owed with a'reading ,• ''Why, join the W i'. ' by; Mrs .:Albert Collwell. The:meeting closed with the ",Queen' and singingof grace. - The 4-H homemaking club girls serve••d.'a lunch with a sampling of recipes, from ,the "course'."A World of Food ` in 'Canada`.'" Crop: Report Root rot has been observed in some 'areas of sortie white bean . fields. Lower leaves- appear yellow. but new .growth appears healthy. '' • Yield will likely,e affected Potato leaf poppers have been seen in ,greater than usual numbetson white •beans. • 'Haying is approximately 50% completed but continued to be Delayed bywet, •humid weather. Wheat is turning quickly. Live- stock on pasture are in very good' condition. MONUMENTS For sound; comae ' and a fair ce: mttment. correctly designed from quality materoniala, relyonon SIUON' MEMORIALS '"Pat O'Hagan,. 'Prop.' Established' Over. Sixty Years: ?r PHONE • 1111.0234 WALKERTON. 'ONTARIO