The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-05, Page 13V/EDNESD YDULY ,5th,, 1967' D.UNG.ANN THE LUCKNOW •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN We welcome'Mrs,• Mary Bere and family to" the village, having moved from Auburn,. Mr. and. 'g and John Mrs. Dw ht Aldham a spent the week -end .with Bere. ' ' Rev'; and f Mrs. Glen,Wright, Meriarn. and Lisa, are on vacation for July. They are spending the first two weeks ata. cottage at' Grand Bend, and'. will visit with their families at: Wheatley the latt= er part.. The Hi,C's will have char- ge of,Churc.h services on July, 9 and 30th; Mrs, Wilma Woodford and Elsa of Long Branch called ori friends here' 'on. Sunday;. Elsa is rernaining for 'a Week with her .friend Barbara Blake Mr. and Mrs: Jerry Wilbur and Bradley of bon Mills and her mother, Mrs. Stan Fines of Toron- to'are at their -Write here for the summer.. , ON TRIP TO B.C. • • Mr. and Mrs: Dynes Campbell .. have left on a trip through Northern Ontario and,to the West coast. They plan on visiting for some time with., their son Harold and Mrs,. ' Campbell at'Merrit, B.C. Mr. and Mrs'. Joe Thomas of Picture. Butte , . Alberta spent a few days last. week with . Mrs.. Helena Ryan. Mrs. 'Lulu Jones returned home on Thursdayafter spending a week" .`. . with her daughter; Mrs.; Weldon, Rudow;: Mr.. Rudow and family of .' Elmira. Mrs: Rudow and' Mrs, Rohe accompanied her home. • Rev. and . Mrs'.. Glen Wright: atten. ded,the funeral of Mrs Wright's grandfather in Wheatley on Friday: ,Mr. and Mrs.:: Wilbur:; Brown were to Toronto Airport Sunday where ;they met their five year old grand- fson, Alan Brown of Chelmsford,, .• Mast. Who` will visit withthem for ,twoweeks. eduction Service For Calvin-Bric WHITECHURCH NEWS. Induction services were held .Fri- day.. evening in Belgrave., for. Calvin- Brick •minister- Rev ..John Roberts The community extend a Welcome to •.Rev,. Roberti. • Mr.,and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm and, family' on 'Sunday. attended . their' family. reunion' in.the vicinity of Brussels,. Muriel. Moore of Oaktille.and Eiwin Moore of London spent the week end with their .parents, Mr, • and -Mrs. Milian Moore. Visitors ,on Sunday •with' Mr, and • Mrs. Russel Gaunt .were` Mr. and, • Mrs..J.ohn L. Dirstein and Jackie of Hanover, Mr: and Mrs. Jim Currie, Mr.: and Mrs.. Kenneth Currie and ,- Joan and Leah Currie of Wingham , Mr. ,,and Mrs. Don Dirstein of .Tor - 'onto and Mr. and Mit. Roy McInnes Of Toronto. Donald Gaunt of Kitchener spent 'the week end. at 'Sauble Beach. Spending the holiday with their. parents Mr. and Mrs., Ira. Wall were Edna Wall of London and Bill Wall of Toronto: Visitors with Mr,• and: Mrs. Ger- shon.' Johnston' on Sunday were Mr. :and Mrs;: • Stewart 'Smith and Dianna Dwight Smith and .Brenda Bechling,' all of Kitchener and. on Monday Mr. ,and Mrs; Jim Johnston and family Of Listowel •visited at the same y home • Mr: and Mrs, Cameron 'Simmons and Lonnie of. London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons of ' wingham where Lonnie remained while the others visited with her. father Charles Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Mr' and Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon. McBurney Hugh and Ronald were Sunda ' : visitors with Mr. and . Mrs`. Al x Robertson and .family. Marc Closing Of The Bervie School' taNroucM'News Some frgM here attended the get. together .o Sunday, marking the closing of the Bervie•School, also the• Centennial Church Service at Kincardine whdn the Rt. Reverend H.P.•Appleyard "was guest::speaker. • Mr. and .Mrs., Maurice •Hodgins. of -London visited relativester'e° during the week, . • Mr, and Mrs. 'Ted Evans, Linda 'and Larry of Georgetown,- M. and Mrs,,,'Jerry Collison of IRexd'ale spent the week end .with Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson, • Allan and Lois,'' : The Anglican: Service next:. Sunday July: 9th will beheld at 11 O'clock. Mrs. Kate .Orton of .Thessalon, Mrs. Stan Bates of Detroit.and Miss:: Wlnnifred Percy were dinner guests, of Mrs. John Barr on 'Tuesday. • FAMILY GATHERING , A Bushell family gathering was held. on Sunday, at the home of Mr. • and 'Mrs.. Herman Fisher at Ben- miller. Mrs.. Arthur Phillips Of Fonthill visited: during the week with Mr. and Mrs:.Frank Maulden and Keith. THOMPSON• PICNIC ' The Thompson families .held their. annual picnic at the .Purple Grove: Community Centre on .Sunday. ; • Mac MacDpnald'ofKitchener spent the week':end at his home here Mrs. Bob Brooks and son Bevin and;Mrs. ;Ethel James,of Wingham visited on Friday With,.Mr. and Mrs.. Perry Hodgins. • Mrs Orville Elliott of Lucknow will be hoses for the meeting of 1.1.14,11..' on Thursday Evening., Lois .Nicholson has, gone. to' Georgetown .where she .is holiday. ;• ing. with Lindaand• Larry Evans; • 'Holiday Visitors -with Mr .,.and Mrs. P. A; . .Murray and, Barbara_ were Mr . •and' Mrs. Keith. McCart- er and .fairnily of Wallaceburg, Mr.. and -.Mrs. •Lorne Kraemer and • farnilyof Rexdale: Tirnmy and • Robbie Da les of St:. Thomas are -holidaying with_ their ,grandparents Mr, and Mrs: P.A. Murray. ' ' Mr; and Mrs. •William -Pearson 'of.. Ingersoll;, Herbert Pearson .of.' London visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs ,Chris Shelton. ArruveFrom. Holland To Take Over ren Farm KINGSBitIDCE NEWS INTENDED: FOR LAST WEEK The farm formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Clark Zinn on the ninth concession is. humming with activ- • ity once again.: Mr. and Ivirs. John' Miltenburg a. with their six ;sons and one daughter arrived'from' Holland in the past -.month to take up residence on their newly purch- ased property Mrs. Ann Scola of Detroit Michigan.' grand -daughter of Ma. Martha O4,Neil1', passed away after a lengthy illness.. The comrnunity extends sincere sympathy to Mrs. . • O'Neill and relative's.. John O'Connor arrived home last week after spending three months: at St. Joseph's Hospital. London, where he underwent surgery. John„ is managing very well, and his sister Mrs; Ursala Hebert of ,Detroit is with him, ..` Mr. and Mrs.. T.J. Lannon of London, accompanied by Mr, Dominic Berger of Detroit visited with friends over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Marsman • and wee girls, Maria and Cather- ine of London spent the weekend OF..PLIED,, ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY BOX II,OIBBARRIE • NNOUNCEMENT OF THE COLLEGE PROGRA• ••• - •M• QMM0NG SEPTEMBER:1967 GEORGIAN'COIIEGE Georgian College ; has, been, est. ablished ' as .part of the new system . of Colleges of Applied Arts and Techno- logy •now developing in: nineteen areas in the Province of Ontario. The -area or community served by Georgian Col lege, . known, as Area. 15, includes Bryce,. Grey, Dufferin and Simcoe counties and. the districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound. • It is ` the aim of : the .:Cone a to serve ` the needs of • the common t... b offerin ms t3' Y g programs aBi' that are sought by students' and are. geared to the needs of industry and business.. Georgian College will' provide a type : of ,' education not given at the, universitiesand offer post -secondary school programs; for students who, are . not able or . do not wish to .pursue university work. The College will _ offer courses in , the general areas known as Technological, :Technical, Business and the Applied ,'Arts. Programs will be, for • the most part, employment oriented -- to prepare students for entry into •the fields . of industry, business : and teaching where they will put their education to some immediate use;. r... �. :`.....�.' PROPOS PROGR F.INSTRU! i I. t is expected that t the follow- ing g. -programs • will commence in Sept- ember 1967 at:tie.. first year `' level. These will be ' full -thee day programs Evening: classes will- not be offered this fall but eventually • will .constitute • an important part of the College pro- gram when the Extensio` Division begins operating. 3 YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS '.ADMINISTRATION '. 2 YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS • ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN GENERAL !BUSINESS With options in Accountancy. and Marketing. 1 YEAR : CERTIFICATE PROGRAM j MEDICAL ;SECRETARIAL FEES THREE YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAM Registration Fee :. $ 10.00 Tuition Fee / ..,, $ 190.00 Activity Fee ., , ` $ 25.00 ALL OTHER PROGRAMS Registration Fee . r .00 Tuition Fee $ 90.00 Activity Fee .:... .,,....,.,:.5 25.00 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 3 YEAR'.DIPLOMA PROGRAMS The minimum educational requirements for admission:: to the . first year; of all three-year diplomaprograums : are: • a'. The ' Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diplomaobtained after four years of suc- cessful study in a Five -Year 'Program. Ap- plicants for, Engineering Technology should have passed ; the . English, mathematics, physics andchemistrysubjects of grades .11' and .12 with: an overall average . of : a .least 60%. Applicants for Business Administra- tion dministration may substitute another option for the science subjects, having 60% . average. 1. The Ontario. Secondary School Graduation piplema• of . a suitable Four -Year Program m '' which the applicant has ;achievedhigh. standing, 1. 2 YEAR DIPLOMA O A PRQGRAMS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN. The Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the Four -Year or Five -Year Pro- gram ' with standing in . English, mathematics,` physics and chemistry. GENERAL BUSINESS The Ontario Secondary School Graduattol Diploma of the Four -Year or Five -Year Program - 1. YEAR CERTIFICATE .'PROGRAM MEDICAL SECRETARIAL The .Ontario. Secondary School Graduation Diploma ` of the Business ' and Commerce ' Four - Year or Five -Year Prograrn. 1 E UEST F APPLICK IMO I, STUDENTS WISHING TO OBTAIN; AN AP',:1 •,. • I: PLICATION • FOR ADMISSION. AND `AN 1 INFORMATION, BROCHURE. SHOULD '1 • I COMPLETE THIS FORM, • CUT •IT OUT .1• I. AND: MALL; PREFERABLY BEFORE • • i I GEORGIAN. COLLE Q. E. F ' I .I G �. APPLIED ARTS AND. : TECHNOLOGY 1 ; Box 13,000, BARRIE,; ONTARIO 1' NAME: ADDRESS • TELEPHONE SCHOOL DATE PROGRAM FOR WHICH YOU WISH TO: APPLY .(Show program as sat out in this'. announcement) *al ail • a with Mrs. Irene Dalton and Maria. The Marsrnans -also visited with Mr Herman Marshan of Holland, 'Arnold's father, who: is spending .a few: months in Canada :at the farm of his daug hter•, Mrs, Marinus .'Miltenburg. : ••_ • Visitors with Mrs. Blaine Martin and Mr.and Mrs. Jim Martin on the; weekendmere Mrs.' Mike Law and daughter Michelle, Mr. and Mrs.; Arnold Verhallen and small daughters, Michelene and Arlene all oil radon; Mr,.• and. Mrs.' Bert King. Ray rad and Brian and, Mr, y, .and Mrs, 'Dave ing and Pam all, • of Teeswater; Miss Agnes King, Joe and Ted Martin of Hamilton: and Mr, and Mrs, Ed McDonald, Shirt and: Laurie of Sarnia . , Mrs. Jiro MacDonald and year .; old daughter Julieann of Vancouver er, B.C.,; are visiting with Mr. ' •. Ray Dalton and boys. Mrs. Ray Dalton is a patient in Victoria . Hospital, London. • ' Mr. and Mrs, Pete Murray of Detroit Michigan have rented a summer cottage at Point" Clark for the sumer.'y Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sinnott and family camped on the Lake ,Huron shores this~ past weekend. Mr. Tom Wallace is a:pat'ient in the Wingham Hospital. • 'v, Mrs, Martha' O'Neill and . • Mr: Herman Lambertus are both' patients in the, Goderich Hospital. • Congratulations, to' Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at home on Sunday, June 25th,. Relatives . were present.. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Cliff' Austin were Mr, and Mrs. Len Woodley sof Malton.