The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-05, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th, 1167' • THE IUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC.KNOW,. ONTARIO Morrison 2 LUCk:IIOW' If.AYE,SECURED THE SE.itYICES �unE Guair FOR' ALL MASONRY WORK, AND WOULD', NOW BE IN A AND TO DO YOUR CONCRETE,. BRICK AND BLOCK WORK. We V!UId Invite Your. Enquiries for Free Esti,nates.• Mi ry The'June meeting of the Lucknow Dairy Calf ' Club was; held on Friday June 23. at 8:30 p.m:. at the home of Mr. and Mrs., E1don.Bradley. .With thirteen members present, Stephen' Andrew commenced the ' . meeting with:the 4-H',Pledge Minutes: of the: ,May meeting were .. then read;' by .Alan Finlayson:: • After the business was discussed,:. an ' excellent class of Holstein ' cows were judge • ch. member was. asked t • reasonson his .. placine'is; u•sion followed with rune Meeting members marking the different' parts of a' cow on a given diagram and answering'general.knowledge: :'questions on cows. Six members were were presented,.with $1:00 which each won:at.the .judging °competit' inti in Seaforth in May '.. • The members and leaders then retired to the house for'lunch r At the end served: b ; Mrs. Bradley. Y of the meeting Lynda nda' Walden .than ked Mr. and Mrs.. Bradley and John Y for the use of their cattle, .;barn and house The meeting/was then adjourned. Models SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1967 METEOR, 4 door 196f. FAI RLAN E, 4 door, 6 cylinder; 1966 CHEVROLET, 4 door automatic, 6 :cylinder fi 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 doorhardtop • 1965 CHEVROLET, 4 'door, 6 cylinder; automatic 1965 PONTIAC, 2 .door .VS s 1965 OLDSMOBILE, 4' door, automatic transmission 1965 CHEVROLET, 6 ,cylinder,automatic 1963 FORD, 6 cylinder: 1963 CHEVROLET, 4 doer. 19511 PONTIAC hardtop TRAILER .1964 PYRAMID trailer, with Cabana TRUCK 1965 MERCURY, 1 :ton ; SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS BLYTH 32 • PLE ..GROVE. Deepest: sympathy is extended to the ;families, of the .children•who lost their lives in'the drowning • accident on Thursday;, Due tothe tragedy, Ripley. Centennial. Cele- brations were postponed until A ugust 5th weekend. Kinlough Presbyterian Sunday School picnic was called off on Thursday 'because of rain,t They plan to have it ,Tuesday instead weather permitting,.. • ..Mr.''and Mrs. Dor McCosh, Mrs;, Williain Arnold, Mrs. Victor Gaw- ley and.Mrs; Francis. Gemmell spent Friday in Owen Sound where.. Mrs.. Mccosh and Mrs. 'Gemmell attended the Federation Representatives Meeting of the W: L, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs; Arthur Collins on the birth. of their little son Randy who,was born • June 30th,. Mary Helen; and Judy MacDonald.. spent Friday afternoon with Vicki , and Frankie Dore. Miss Iris Kraft of Ann Arbor. Michigan is spending some time ,with Mrs. Earn Elliotttand .family,, Mrs...William .Mclnnes•. `Ronnie and Dnne visited on Sunday with Mr. ,arid Mrs'. 'Claude Dore .Sr. of Bervie ' Mrs. •B.urton. Collins left for Water •100 on•Monday evening where she,- ' w.ill attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs . --Don McCosh spent.. Sunday with'the Lyrin Geddes' . . Miss. Iona Leeson of Elmira. was .a` weekend guest of Sandra Collins:, Joan Thompson also spent Saturday` night with Sandra and Iona : . Vicki and Cathie Dore visited. with Dianne'Dore in 'Teeswater from .Sunday till Tuesday... Jimmie Thompson of Teeswater`.' is spending the summer with Mr and Mrs. .Gordon 'McDonald and: girls.. Mr. and. Mrs. Earl' Elliott and ..: family attended theStanley . , Picnic which was held on.Saturda Y at Amberley Park.:.; •" Mr. "and Mrs. .Herbert' Goddard of Woodstock.were guests of: Mt.. and Mrs. Donald Robertson for a few days last week: Also: with the .Rob- ertsons fora holiday is�Ronnie Mc: Donaldof Lucknow...: •Visitors with Mr , and.Mrs. .Burt on. Collins and family last weekend were Mr.and ,Mr's . Stewart Wismer. of London; Mrs. Andrew Patterson. of Ripley and Mr. and , Mrs Glenn Young and family -of Kinloss. Miss Irene Shank of Toronto spent theweekend :with Miss Gladys Gaw` ' ley.at her home here.'•' ...Visitors last week, with. the. Earl '. H�no�r Couple On 25th'.Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs.• Harold Campbell of Lucknow were 25 .years married on Saturday, June`'10th, the same date' as their daughter Helen's wedding this years'• Mrs. Campbell is the former Marion. Hamilton, daughter Of the, late Mr. and Mrs . AC.'Hamilton , of Huron ,Township. Harold is the son of Mrs, Rod Campbell of Luck, now and the late. Mr. Campbell. They were married at Ripley Unit -- ed Church manse on June 10, 1942. They have a family of two, • Helen, ` Mrs.Doug Mills of 'Bramp- ton ' and Donald of Kitchener; . . Harold and Marionivere given a surprise party on Saturday evening, 'June '24.when their re1,atives.pres- ented, them with, a •chaise'loUnge. A. picnic table and stool's were pre- sented by their .'immediate. fanhily. On Monday evening, lune, 26; Harold and'Marion were again pleasantly surprised when former neighbours from the 2nd of Kinloss and: friends gathered at theirhone and presented, them with an•occas tonal chair.. PAGE SEVEN IDE. SHU.R.6A.INCREE' FROM FEED A. good start is Vital: when raising bal y pigs. SHUR.-GAIN' CREEP FEED ;wi'llgive your pig: .lets. the following valuable dividends :when fed from 2. 'or a: days• f age until 5 Ills, per pig is :consumed • : ti J more vgouz * . higher liveability faster growth * ' sounder health earlier appetite for /solid feed • CONTAI:;;NS AUREOSPso z DERSON FLAX RODUCTS, UMITED ,LUCKNOW PHONE' • S211.2026: Elliotts were Mr, and. Mrs.. Everett • Elliott, Donald. and Paul of Ferndale Michigan who 'spent the week on. the farm, Mr, and Mrs. ;Dale. Stan- ley ,and Susan of .Fenton,' Michigan and John and.: Ray ,Elliott. Miss • Fancy Elliott also was home from Niagara Falls fol a .few. days- , Guests of, '.Mr and Mrs;; Victor •Gawley on the.weekend were Mr and Mrs . Peter Leeson of Elmira.; 'and' Mr. and ivirs. Ronald Bushell of Walkerton Announcing The New True Chequing Account Here's a brand-new Chequing account from Bank of Montreal.It's, called True Chequing and it's designed to be used in combination with True :Savings.: How the two account plan works at •a gland Keep' nough in your True Chequing Account to pay: . your bills. Put the' rest into 41/ % True Savin (If you already have a 3.% 'Savings Account, youan • convertit to True Savings). Where?' At ,your neighbourhood. Bank of . Montreal. ;S Frts) Bank of Montreal Canada's First Bank LU KNOW BRANCH W. D. ROSS, MANAGER • • • EC2 ' TRUE . CH UING �' • , TRUE SAVINGS ''" .. . The Disadvantage No interest. ,. ' • . The Advantages'- Convenient way to pay hills,- ' Simplifies budgeting. Low cost: • r : Permanent record of. • , expenditures. ' • Cancelled cheques asxeceipts. ' ' The Disadvantage • g , , ,No ohequing. a . The Advantages W .41 % on minithuni monthly' ' .balance ' Money always available, • free "transfe s to True . , • • Chequing. , ; Freecash withdrawals: Keep' nough in your True Chequing Account to pay: . your bills. Put the' rest into 41/ % True Savin (If you already have a 3.% 'Savings Account, youan • convertit to True Savings). Where?' At ,your neighbourhood. Bank of . Montreal. ;S Frts) Bank of Montreal Canada's First Bank LU KNOW BRANCH W. D. ROSS, MANAGER • • •