The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 34*PAGE ° EIGHT THE • L' UCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOWW, ONTARIO •J NtSi &SIDING ivesomplete a erproo yob . Lengths Id Stock 6 To' Available In :Lengths Wp Ta 30 Ft. 4" Strapping Spiral Lead Head Nails Ardox Nails AYA1LABLE eet Coloured, Pre= Coated Galvanized: Steel Roofing In 8 Different, Colours 'SBURGN EXTERN IWRENCE , CEMENT.. PORTLAND AND AND MASONRY Coln W. ileders+on Luh PHONE 52e-311$ LUCKNOW • ASHFIELD John McKay and D,, A., Ma`cLenn- an are visiting relatives in Saulte Ste. Marie and Duluth. Coinmunion'Service will beheld in Ashfield Presbyterian Clitfrch • next. Sunday at 11 a . m •with pre- ,' paratory service On -Thursday even- ing at 8.o ,clock „Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sawchuck and son of Toronto visied last • . week end. with_ Alex Farrish. CHURCH MEETING Mrs. R. West opened the. meeting heldin the church school with pray er. Mrs.Henry MacKenzie ;gave the .meditation .,"Short biographies of early Canadian missionaries ;were read by Mrs. D.R. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs. .Hugh MacKenzie, . . Mrs. •West and 'Miss Sadie Johnson:' Mrs. David MacMurchy led in prayer. Roll`call was answered by. 13 members. A letter from the dead of Kintail'•Camp asked . for donations to buy dishes and kitch.. en utensils. Mrs. :, Howes was appointed •treasurer for this fund. A work bee is to be held atthe camp on Mine 9, the corrirnittee, served lunch. Born - to Mr. and 'tilts. Wni Van Osch Kintaif., on :May 29th., a son arald Pll'en hattes esigns, AMBERLEY NEWS It ,was with'regret that the con— gregations of Bethel and Pine Rive 'er were informed of the resignat- ion of Rev; Harold Pillen.. his new charge is at Plattsville MOVE TO NEW HOME" , Mr. and. Mrs: ,Lynn Lowry' who: . purchased the home of Mrs;;' Fior-., ence Courtney moved. on Satur' day. • Mrs. Courtneys: household effects were moved to Kincardine Where she has an apartment -on Queen Street. AT EXPO Mr. and, Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernie Gibson enjoy ed :a few.: days last week 'at .Eicpo.. Miss Myrile',Phillips spent last" week with Mr, and Mrs. W. J . Courtney.' She returned to.London on Sunday,evening... . Back to. Arnberley Beach forweek ends were Mr. and Mrs.,•Huntley' Gordon, Mr. and Mrs; William ,Haire and'Mr..' and Mr's. Irving .Benson :'. Visitors with Leslie •Wardell•s' were Leslie's brotherand wife'Mr; and Mrs :Alvin War.,dell,';Toronto, also Mr.. an Mrs Mike Ashton and Barbara Anne of Kitchener. :CHURCH 'INTENDED_EOR LAST WEEK Visitors on Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Wallace Conn ;were her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick Mr. and; Mrs,. Bob Gordon of 'Waterloo spent the holiday with WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st,t'n. her: parents Mr. and Lawerence Taylor and on.'Sunday Mr- and Mrs;. Gordon,, Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence Taylor,' Joyce.and Doreen went t.o Niagara Falls to view the blossom scenery. • Mr. and Mrs:;: George Taylor of • Churchill were holidayvisitors with Mr.,and ,Mrs. 'Henry: Patison,, Mrs. Gordon MacPherson of St. Helens received .an award 'for• 15 D years.as a 4-H Club leader.at Ach yea ievement Day' at • Wingham District ern High School •'The -presentation was Ho made by Miss .Sharon..Carroll, pla home .economist: for.. Huron; ' Advance Times Photo. WE .DI! Dic ii Con Wort .. `ionce: ...age M, r. ,and Mrs. Charles Showers an :Mr.. and.Mrs. Lawerence' Taylor .and family • ID iws mower oilk/ds 3% H.P. 4.cyde Briggs and Stratton en- gine is complete with .all ,dduaefeatures. SPECIFICAii01` Is 31 H.P. 4 Cycle Briggs & Stratton Engihe..' This mower can obtained �2" ds well anc ■ impulse Start. • w• Broached .Blade: s. leaf Marcher. mai, Controls ■ Wheel Adjusters.' • .' Metallic: Gold Finish. • Chrome Handles ▪ "Shearmatic Blade Hub. ■ 4- 7" Wheels: ■ 2 Baffles.: ▪ Huh Caps: Crest Hardware Also �I YAC -S' :For the first time coiinlete your lawn earn routine • in one easy operation. This unit has. a , LEAF'. MULCHER and CATCHER BAG. ' " NOTE: MI Mower,Models equipped with Broached Blades and Chrome Hauudles'rrith Black"Handle Grips.' as lamiskrarsiLeAzrAlai Phone 5284008 .wo Rel urda De Apri with of •1vl Luck from with • ation 'a c Mit Art ,.• loo itio .4 .tric Mr. NWeW in. Ani :he Amc day and onto of T Elli Misr e' c 01 of