The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-24, Page 23WEDNESDAYS MAY 81str 11,67 • SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley *rm. �. .....:. . . . .... .... • ���w 1+,�:�; w �A7,.•., .4,T,aT.ia:., ;l,. M,1iei .1k�fWrOP*a; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The annual sucker play Tranquillity is the most eva sive • thing in the wrorld. ,.At least, itis if you have a family,` There must be a -few rich,, hap- py' bachelors who can put their feet up,.read a- book and take a trip without becoming; in- volved in several hundred irri- • :. tations, ., l•; very • spring; I go. through the same routine, and 'I' can't understand why an intelligent man can be; so stupid and.suck- ered annually. ' All it 'proves to me is that experience teaches: you nothing, ;contrary to the old saw. Each • year, May beckons - like abeautiful maiden clad in the flimsiest' of draperies. Every year I pu>'sue' her, panting' (or• puffing)., And each year, she turns . out:to; be an old bat garbed in potato sacks, with a wart on her nose, faisies, and bad breath. The' worst, of .the Winter's. , grind .is: Over. And. I' look for •. green. ;leaves and .•'a ' warm '.breeze, •for a. soft rain and a 'warm sun; lora little cool fish- ng and: some hot golf, a •little: puttering in. ,the'• yard. Noth- ing, wild, colorful:: or/ exotic. Just a touch of tranqillity. And every ;May ::it, eludes me with the ease an eel, would elude 'an elephant! " '• �`' • , w • Mostly, it's, the Old Lady's fault. Like many .women,. she begins to' see •'all that shabbi- ness, ness, in the yellow Spring sun light, and acts accordingly:;',For t.. a ' solid month; • I've been : look- • •.ing 'at drapery material; wall- paper 'and chesterfield ',cover- • ring. *Saturday' ` night, I'd had •enough. I told .her flatly that, I didn't rare if she decorated :the 'whole '.house inpink and par; pie; but to .include me out. Then; I get .•a one-hour: lec tare; citing various neighbors • and : brothers-in-law, on • my. short comings. as a husband;: So I finally tell her which of the materials I detest. And then: she tellsmme what rotten taste -I have. •' And •I bridle. Yes, 1 literally*, ,bridle, It's quite a 'trick. I tell her I like the chesterfield as it. is;, We've only had it .16 years, T ask . her what's wrong with the drapes we have?.c I refuse ..to admit the rug needs clean- ing. •And then, as they say, the ' fat .is in .the fire,, sputtering ,ari all directions and ' burning Painfully whey it hits. •. And. I stomp out into the backyard, quivering ':with rage, and 'fear, ..and . ' glare at the "compost . heap"; a• pile of old leaves and ; stones 1 didn't, get raked last fall. And she stomps right 'after me and glares at me. And I stomp right in again and blurt .defiantly, . "Well, have it Your own way, dear That's. the only way to settle that. And I thought everything' was cleared up and I might get a smidgeon of tranquillity. What a hope Our prodigal. turned up the next day, and we had to kill a:roast of beef. And I • was expected to ` take him aside ;and have a "good talk" with him and "straighten ;him out." He : was tanned and fit, with .a. beard' : that makes him'. look like a minor; prophet. Had just had .a pleasant six weeks, bum- ming around Mexico and the Southern, states. Worked for, his keep, here and there, from selling fruit in -:a ,market to being a servant for a wealthy couple : He's 19: Had % broken a finger, Indian_.. wrestling on the beach at Aca- pulco. A mpxican doctor set badly; and , it has to be rebro ken and reset: • How -do you. ` have a i`gbod,.. duchu lithe tirst� She . lookR' up at Mummy and Daddy with complete trust, and that trust is .well placed: For not only is she given love and understanding but financial protection as well..Herfamily, are Sun Life policyholders and her father makes sure that their life insurance portfolio is. carefully. checked at regular intervals to take care of changing needs.. 4 x: I'm , associated` with Sun Life . of Canada, the Company with the policy • that's right for you and your family.: Why not call me today? WILLIAM J. K1NAHAN • R.R. 2 Lucknow 1 . Phone Wingham 357.1987 SUN •LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF CANADA • PROPERTIES FOR SALE 30 acres, good small barn, house e on _Highway 86 ASKING PRICE $3,750 * *. * r. 2 big • nicely' landscaped Tots, new houses around, high • land;: water available: , A house built on theseu. Tots must be valued $16,000, .at least. ASKING, .PRICE PER LOT $750 • Country home 2 miles` from. Luck.' now on :main road, bathroom, fur' nace, 'one. aere of land.. ASKING PRICE $3,500 * * Good home • in, Holyrood, Mcidern • facilities. ASKING PRICE; $3,375'.. Two apartment 'house in Holyrood. .ASKING. PRICE $7,500 * * *: 50 . acre grass farm west' of :Ripley,. 44' . acres .under cultivation. • ASKING .PRICE '$3,600 'Purchaser has to pay .for.. putting incrop; when : required for 1967 ° season.. *. *'. New 7 room home in, small' village on highway 81/2 "miles from:. Luck - now. Has to .be seen to appreciate. the. value . you can get for y ur:_'. money.. . *' *• '* Some lovely '.lake -front; lots for sale. ASKING 'PRICE. ;700 to .;1,4011 Depends' on :location. 200.'acre::farm, 3 •barnse .very mode ern 'home, A-1 :land. The owner is willing to ' accept a 50 or 100 acre farm as... trade. .'SEE 'US FOR ALL YOUR;. LISTINGS *: *• *:. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT • C. von EYL BOX 193, .LUCKNOW: PHONE 528-3614 . AGENT FOR JOHN • BOSVELD, • REALTOR, LONDON t straight talk" :with: ;a kid who just grins, listens to the blast, and says, politely, "Dad, I have: all my life*to go to college and. settle down to a job and.raise a . family. 'What's*. the rush?{' What, indeed? It offends my puritan up= bringing, the'.whole protestant ethic• of hard work, and the capitalist -materialist outlook of .our society. 'But•• I can't help . a sneaking agreement with him. I've' been hacking away for • 20 years;` and• have wound up . with a couple• of kookie kids, a kookie wife, a car owned by. the 'bank, a good-sized mort- gage and, a job that is draining my life aWay, drop by drop. What, indeed, is the rush? Oh, well; Now the family has 'decided we're , going' to Expo,' and there goes the last hope of a modicttrn of tranquillity. And what the heck!: Tranquillity is for old guys. And I ain't an old guy, he said• shakily.. There's always'.next Spring. • PAGE SEVEN conmake tour crop investment pay off 1 higher llie11ls, h9h�' Ilro�ts If you want.better corn and more of it from every acre you plant.- supplemental liquid nitrogen. can make. money for you. 'And the most effective and 'economical: way to supply the nitrogen 'needs Of. a :bigger yield crop is with co- OP' Aqua, Ammonia•, This low cost liquid,9 .,'nitrogen.,fertilizer is injected 3' to: 4" :below the . .:surface.' of the soil and gets into action fast: With this method of application the corn gets maxi- *mum :benefit ,from' the nitrogen because the soil retains all the ` nitrogen' applied 'and there is no 'loss •during ,application• From expert recommendation, to. trained -operator. application,' the Co-operative (iquid' Nitrogen. Service gives you the ,best,,of. supplemental, nitrogen fertiii- zation without your cosily invest - inept in time, labour and equip.-' ,:meat. tall your local doroperative. now and plan'to improve your profits this seasori. from L.J1O:.research Fertilizer Programmes and Services for the Ontario farmer.. • B'Reyisieied .Trade Mark Phone 528-2125 Trailer To Be Used As Showroom WHITECHURCH NEWS Garnet Farrier •received delivery of a 40':x 10' trailer on Monday ; to be used as extra space for a piano and organ showroom. Anne•and Donna Rintoul of Kit:- •cherier'speht the week end with 'the'ir parents Iver . and Mrs. Bill Rintoul.. Mr, and Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brussels. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bili Rintoul and family •.. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Gershom :Johnston. of Wingharn were Thursday visitor! with Mr, and'Mrs. Clarence)Rit- chie and .family of 2nd concession Kinloss. . AT EXPO Mr' and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth left on Sunday to attend Expp' this week Mr. and Mrs. 'George Erington and family of D.0 gannon 'were Sunday •Visitor • ith Mr. and Mrs., Dave Gibb, and family. GEO RG 1 Applied Arts at echnology. invites Applications For •Thee Position''Of { He .Wili report to' the President for the total businessOp- eration of the college. • Her wilr be responsible for )the collection.:' of fees, purchasing, payroll function,` maintenance `and office staff, and the creation and .operation of a suitable accounting system. The applicant should have a C.A. degree or equivalent.' Business experience at a senior IeVel preferred: Duties to begin as soon : as possible to prepare for the Col- . lege opening in September: APPLY IN WRITING, INCLUDING•COMPLETE.RESUME TO: President, Georgian College, Applied :Arts, and ,Technology Box 1000, :ALLISTOM Ontario • f ae tan• n.: rA i iE ._, Witw. ,