The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 17WEDNESDAY MAY 17th 1%7' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ret'i rflS Home Fo.I.OwIflg • WHITECHURCH NEWS'' • We are pleased to report that•" little Hilda De Boer was able to return home on. Sunday withher, 'parents, 'Mr. and Mrs Peter De Boer. • Callers:. on Saturday at the home ' of Mr:and Mrs. .Russel Ritchie • were Mr, and .Mrs. Ewart MacPherson of Lucknow and, Mit, and Mrs . Ross McLagan of London, Mrs,Edith Brown and Barbara of LVndon celebrated Mother's Day %with her•mother; Mts. Bill' Evans "' and Mr'. Evans Mother's Day .celebrantg with Mr. and`Mrs , Elwood •Groskorth. were. Mr. and Mrs. .Paul Groskorth and Shauna of Toronto for the week: •eiid and, on Sunday Mr, and .M . . Moffat, and Heather of 'Wing! ham:. • Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tiffin• spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs.' Bill Brown of Lucknow. :Celebrating Mother's : •Day on Sun day with. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of Teeswater were Mr. and 'Mrs.. Orville Tiffin,; Mrs. Stewartof,.. Wingham' and Varry,Tiffin of Kit chener. • Belgrave Calvin Brick C, G. I. T. girls will hold 'their Mother and ' Daughter Banquet in Belgrave on May 24th• Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Lois, spent the week: end with Mr. •arid. Mrs. Angus Falconer and family' • at. Streetsville and called on Mr. and Mrs... Elgin Wellwood at Cale - ,'don. We are pleased to report Mr. W'ellwood is making :rapid re-' covery after surgery. Mr. and Mrs, George Currie spent the week end with their :'relatives in London. Mr.. •and Mrs. Wallace•„Conn• and George. were Sunday visitors with their aunt Mrs;. Kate Hutchison,' a. resident•.at Huronview'.- ATTENDS WEDDING ` Those 'attending the Willis -`Cas-. xvxo�iA,.mFrM, • ,3 Your doctor's diagnosis should be noted on the bill if not, please. checkw'ith your doctor. He may wish either to :complete the bill, or to. contact OMSIr' direct. , • • PAGE SEVENTEEN lick wedding on Saturday from • •'here were Mr, .and: Mrs. Wallace ChACI.ey Paper Conn -and family., Mr. andrMrs, Ronald, Coultes and• family, Ivir. Comments On Mr. and Mrs; Gordon Scott of Free Story Ripley t Mrs. Doris Willisand' Arrears Y Gary, M'r. and .Mrs,•Earl Caslick Donna h illen;t Rae Lewis.and He. Hunter.. . • , Mrs. Clark Iohnsto n is spending few weeks with Mr, and Mrs., George Young and family. and on: Sunday' acco ppanied Mr.; and.M Charles Tiffin to'.Lucknow• to visit with her. parents Mr ..and Mrs.' Bi Brown,; .•. ' Tom. Morrison and Graham And son were Sunday c,ailers'on Charl Tiffin,. Y and Mrs. Russel' Ross and family, The Chesley Enterprise recently rb• commented on an'earlier• story in The Sentinel regarding the Luck a.. now Hydro and Water Utilities being on. a "paid up” basis` for -the • second time since it was organized rs At the time of the article ,tthe:• ' L'ucknow ,system. was•"arrears-free" 11. an enviable' position ..in •business • 'today. •M er The articleread as follows:, • ie •W e showed "Tam"• Stevenson, . chairman of the P. U. C. an item . from 'theLucknow Sentinel which reported .that, for the second time since 'it was organized. in 1921, the Lucknow P, U C.' hasn't -one. cent ' ."on the books"' . Every account is paid. "Tim" said the local comm - ission has not. beentroubled, too ' Much with arrears,' ,although there , has been the odd time when they had to cut off the •service •• Or threaten to do ,so) because. of, 'arrears. But on the whole; people have been prompt to pay, their accounts. . r However, it .was a; bit difficult' for.`• fthe local Scot to: believe that. Lucknow had every account paid We• wish we could quote -his exact' ':words as he uttered them , but we have a hardtime understanding these "Purrinets" from Scotland.'' At any rate.,. "Tarn" indicated: that the explanation may;.not be • hard to. find. Lucknow is a Scottish., town,. and their native thrift would, cause them'to payp: their Hydro bill and water bilis be- fore the due date, in order to .save the discount:. 4; Make sure the dodof'S feeis,on the'bill.'OMSIP: pays '90 0 of?the new • Ontario Medical Association schedule of fees 5.OMSI.P needs to know. ;. 'the last. nameof the' ' • • contract holder..' ' 6: Is the, patient's 'name .on the bill If not„ please add,: . it yourself. ' .• 2. Please check thcit.your. doctor hasinoted his • services; ' L We need to know"the• dates' of every time you saw your doctor .which relate to your claim Please check: tosee, that this information. is on your doctor's bill. your here's what to coo: 9'. OMSIP also needs to know •the .year of the .patient's birth. 8, Be; sure to: identify the sex of the patient. (Pat, forinstance, could be` . either ;a,girl's name Or ' ' ' boy`s.name.l octor does not submit your. If you're a subscriber to OMSIP, the: Ontario• Medical Services Insurance 'Plan, -and you'ye/ had: medical attention lately; .most likely your dOetor .has put. in' :the, claim, himself, But if :he ' sends ,the. bill t'o you',••'here's what to da to, help get your claim settled fast, First, call your doctor's office and remind him • you have, OMSIP, •and ask' if he generally bills OMSIP' direct, If not, and you must submit.his•'bill your-. . 7. You'll 'find your number,"• not on the contract itself, • but on your OMSIP registration card, 4 ..,, '. claim direct, self, please.makesurethe 9 pieces o f info' rma- tion.hsted above are•covered. That''ay,'you can help make sure you,get speedy 'payment. All correspydndence •to 0Q5tP .s1ffuld be addressed•to: OMSIP, 135 St, Clair Ave. W., '. Toronto 7, Ontario. • We suggest you tear ou•f this page, and follow the pattern illustrated,: • • • • X744 . .' '.:. . .:. _:_ ..__.. '_.::.....,.w:� '• � r , .: :.'•k v, .. � .. '.. �... giving' ` � ..� .. _ MSIP hel �s •'�s bills aster. W', hen you Fietp• by giving us•.carttpleter;,a' rafe rnforma-ti;o • P 'Pay your doctor . { ro , • . cum Iiir:**now Pt Name President Georgian College At a m eeting of the Board, of 'Governors of Georgian :College" Applied' Arts ,and 'Technology, ... 'George McCague, Chairman, ann='; ounced that Mr. ; R.'P, • Crawford B. A. Sc : , la. Eng . , h ad'been' appoin ted President•of the College; locat- ed. temporarily in Barrie, Ontario.. M.r Crawford.'was born, in Galt; Ontario, and received` his:primary: and secondary education, in the .Toronto' area. He graduated from the•University of. To nto in 1949; previously, serving with the • . R; C N. V. R, , with the Canadian arid British' forces at sea, being,.' discharged with the rank of Lieuteri;. ant': He joined.,the International: Nick el' Company Of Canada Limited 1949. Mr. Crawford 'was associated with, several of the Company'•s mining„operations, and became assistant chief engineer in one of the Sudbury District. mines',' He becatne'.Director Of Technical Per sonnel.in'1957 at Inca's General • - offices in Copper Cliff: Mr . Crawford has -served on .the Board of Governors 'of Thornloe College (Laurentian :University), P Comm ast.Chairman of Advi • sory Com ittee,, Provincial institute of Min, •ing at Haileybury; the Northern Ontario/institute' of Technology'; as a'member 'of the Advisory Comfnittee; The Engineering Inst- . •itufe of Canada, Past. Chairn an. and Councillor of the• Sudbury , branch; the• Association of Profess-. ional, Engineers, member; The ' Canadian Institute of Mining and Metalltirgy, Member, Sudbury!,:'. ...•wwwtia.+»- Ckam2t°b�r^t��; CoruPrtt�`ce, i.���>�zt, .,� Board of Directors; Sudbury. ' member, •I'3oard of Directors: • Ile is married with four children His other interests include youth; work, music, mineralogy aid outdoor. activities: •• ' ' •