The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 13rtn; �� WEDNESDAMAY Y► 1_t0 •••� -m1.i:011±11 .11 Vie: ►b7'7!R l!!•+. 7--. ••.•_4._.-T ,+aa�-Ane THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW ONTARIO *0.ry.belleHunterRePrei...nted Lucknow At �hool Queen's Ciu6 In tondo Consistent honour student, Mary - .belle Hunter, was chosen to ye - present Lucknow District High ' , School at London on Saturday, for "the 13th annual School Queen's • Club . Following a. tot`.tr of ,the Free. Press.' buildings, the Queens gathered in Crystal Ballroom at the Hotel Lon- don.. After the banquet', the queens . were, addressed by W.C. Heine, altar of the London: Free Press,. who reminded themthat, •as Queens, they were leaders,•among their peers: and should' utilize their IP talents, • Each school queen:received ,a pin and: a framed,. certificate an rem e b nee\of the day, • Then followed a Spring Hat. Porn enade, a fashion'show•of, millinery from Humphrey."s Hats; Marylelle was one ofthe chosen seven ,who Modelled. As a memoir of the occasion, each girl was given the, hat .of her choice to. keep. Mrs•. 11homas MacKenzie of the High School, accompanied Mary- : belle to. London' and , took part in all the activities.. Inexpensive kMoney, Bud Expensive 1e Knowledge Gained, Says Stvdent After Ezperien0n0Trip T,o Expo BY CATHY MacLEOD The four .ou g .Pr buses heading for Ex o ., 'Th.. departed parted from "Lucknow • Hih :. g ' School at 1;40.p;.m : Sunday ,• Iv1ay.; 7: •The. trip down to Montreal:;was: • >.:very pleasant and almost 'everyone' ,,;:.:veryY :stayed'awake...Ay the stops, the . . students braved the drizzle and rain 'and; although they were dampened their spirits 'Were not,. .:We.arrived..at the residences. in, La Salle .at roximatel • 1; 00' a nm .gip •. y, Therooins were .clean modern and• very satisfactory:_: Mr. Morin,(the owner) made apoint of commending. the .stud.ents onde parture, for their good beha'viour• and he was high in,praise of our, organization of chaperonsand • siudents in the 'same rooms, `Dr; McKim; treated three in inor in cidents durin•g the trip. Perhaps amon• g:the first buildings w&saw on the Expogrounds were .• the theme buildings .,For those .in- terested in art., in Man' the Creator there were paintings 'from':the • Louvre in Paris, the,; Queen's, pri , vate collection and from . all corn- ers of the world: 'In Man -the. Co=. mmunity there was .:a very • realistic fila! called "Urbanissirno" , which' was in 'a form of a cartoon: It showed, how' industry. is taking. over 'the world.. In .Mali the Explorer there were two ,cages of. monkeys: In one there was a family and .the other there was a .mixed"group. of monkeys: The family fought continually and brutally they .didn't get along at all, while the other Cage of monkeys were quiet and passive; This was'v.ery'realist- ic. too:, On each island there, is small complete hospital and ambulance. Also there. were. very few vehicles on the .blacktop, surface 'to toot at and `rush the pedestrians. All the:buildings. were very imp ptessive. Some' of the best -liked • pavilions Were the Bell Telephone, :Canadian• Pacific Coh°iinco., Laby-: rinth, •Britainrand Russia .-These are only a few. Opinions .though Many of the smaller countries had excellent e diibits •in` relationship' to the size of the country.'. On the Whole, 'mot one pavilion could have been condetned.:They were all very.fascinating,' La Ronde vias an exciting centre and very touch alive at night..: " • Some people were irnpressed with the Cyatron while others`were .disappointed It 'is unique, not thrihing:: There were, rides , es for the fun -seekers at 'La Ronde 'Also, throughout the grounds, there was much free entertainment e.g. bands, clowns, water shows The boutiques '(sni all shops)-,we•re • Very. . fascinaiSing and; m any Souvenirs, which: we're :•inexpen sive ; could be, purchased, from .many different countries, -There were hostesses 'and guides'. everywhere who went:Out of their way .to help us out and: to inform us. • • There •was,no lack; of transport- ation. The free express was.perhap's used the Most: It was' fast able,. clean and free. ' The • students took .buses"directly` .. from •Laa:Salle its the Expo grounds and back again.• The meals were ranging.in prices from.. expensive' to inexpensive., The food was, good:: The trip was .inex pensive `in money. but expensive in .knowledge. gained.. ' Enthusiasm generated , despite the cold., Mr. Ashk'anase liked the Isreal: pavilion the best and, Mr,. Mason. liked_ Britain' the. best. Many students and teachers were: so im - '• pressed that they are going ba 'k ,to` Mr: Mason was 'h appy w ith thein expensive,. yet :educational exper ience, and wasamazed at how .in- expensive Expo• really was, Fas `loll.' Show . This:. Week: This year is our 10th 'consecutive year for our Fashion Show, direct-" ed by Mrs. Hewitt. • Perhaps: we should call it a var- iety concert because .many student§. take part and the programme (froth past r.eports), is enjcdyed equally.. as. well by the.men as the women:, and we should add,all young ., people. . This year we have the best for dne and all' - singing, • dahoing, skits, gymnastics and• of course our lovely' young girls modelling; their gar m•ents which they have'made d'ur-" ing the }t,ear int:heir HomeEcononi ics classes.. • Coryle and join us "in .celebrating our tenth birthday party. PAGE THIRTEEN Those*Behind The scenes You"have read about all thea teachers; •Now 'the students wish.,to show'yyou 'how others help behind the scenes'. at Lucknow D. H.S... Mrs. Eldon Miller (left) has been cook at Lucknow since '1962. The students;•enjoy her'meals. Often. she.is willinn,to.make an extra ;•.. lunch of two when someorie. goes: •to her because 'they forgot to, sign the hunch sheet: She helps the board and. staff too'. She prepares the ..annual hoard staff dinner, and prepares lunches for special board ay is Re Shield Month One Wedne:sdayafternoon some:.. 'months ago, a' fewof the'boys were in a pub sitting . around a:', table littered with beer glasses...' They were talking abouto: women', sports,, the war in Vietnam , 'the race' to the moon, and most'of them had'. a complete infallible solution to, at. least gone world sit- uation 'The' conversation turned 'toward • their individual'achievements , and 'What they could .;do•if `they: had the chance, or the incentive. - Tony m adee .a bet that :he could ;get along anywhere without .mon- ey',. a home or friends. •'It's simple Bum• a'meal:.and .bed off The :Sal- vation Army: al-vati:on'Army: They'll' always help a down and outer." . Tony hada job', a pretty good one. The only way he was down and out was in a sense of 'values . • So it was. a bet. And, Tony. went to see The Salvation Army. He was, 'interviewed told a story full of tears and contrition begged 'for help. The Officer listened politely. and , - just .as politely , turned him'' down. Tony -'lost his bet ,: but'per-, haps he gained something more' .important. A little more respect. fot people with a purpose, and men of good faith • In one large Canadian dity last year this, 'or Borne variation of . this, happened twohundred' and forty times. The activities of The Salvation Army in .welfare work are performed in, trust for those• 'who support the Red Shield .• :When_ the need is not genuine Or the per • son not•sincere,,.'that .obligation cannot be violated In that same year seventy-four .., thousand and, eighty-three ' . ,single•fnen were given material assistance because they asked for it , and beausethey,needed it. The Red Shield is for those ' who need .help,: Not for those who con- sides it a fair targetfor a joke. In this way Th Salvation Army keeps. faith with you who support it through the Red Shield now in progress. meetings., Everyone ,will'`:remember the delicious Christmas :dinner which was served The Janitor, Leonard Ritchie. (centre)' began his job in 196;:. He and Mrs:' Whitby (right) .who joined her husband as: janitor in 1962 keep the school clean and safe They. help the students clean u P . . after dances, Such things as. paint; brushes, cloths and ,cleaners Were borrowed from'the Janitors. When.the .Operetta was being pro- duced: /.• They, take an avid:: interest ,in the activities 'and often in vollybalor basketball games, one can hear. them cheering loudly for.•L. D. H. S., Willingness is':one of their virtues for theyare always: willin�� to help Y, g P. in any adventure. that comes along. Because. of their .enthusiasm and.. ,rel fulness the students appreciate. ci e p � K.. app a late;. the work, they.do for them. Tousseciu:Teg For gide-E�ect 1, Miss Marlene Carter entertained at herhome in Walkerton on Satur day night Mayllath. for a•Trousseau (Tea. The guests were Welcomed: by thebride's mother, the groom's' .mother and the 'bride-to-be The lovely gifts and trousseau' were displayed by Mrs. Ronald; George and Mrs. ,MurdockMcLeod, • Aileen. Carter was in; chargeof the. . *guest'book. Elaine and Janice -Car' ter were:the waitresses. Mrs. Ron- ald .Rapp, Mrs "I\ 1 ichael Willie, Mrs. George "Carter •and Mrs, Nor- Man Bell assisted in the lunch room, . Mrs. Ern ily.TDonaldson'presided at the -Tea Table.' friends attended , from Hanover, Dobbinton,',Wing- ham , • Teeswater, Pinkerton, W alk , 'erton , London, Kitchener, -Luck - now' and Holyrood. Time Costumes For Euchre Parti Whitechurch Women's Institute held a.progressive' Euchre party 89. Wednesday afternoon in the Colum unity, Menorial Hall with sevenL,, teen :tables of playersenjoying the game. Mrs. Frank Ross.was"master of. cereirionles . :Those winning prizes were .High Lady with:pink card. • Mrs . pill Evans. High.Lady. with. white card •M.rs,"Joe Kerr.: Lucky . Draw, Ethel Day;. Low d'ink. Card.' Jean Pattison., Low white card,Mrs. Don Ross.... ' Lunch was served after tie party: 'by the: hostesses. Many of the, ladies' were ati old time costume and after lunch • 'many pictures were taken ����1�M j111i�Ih11IlI11MI11�� �IN�i1�II11��I��IN�11%�%�/�/•/ th Ii r • ATTEND LvcINows: 10th • 'FASHION SHOW THURSDAY MAY 18th and FRIDAY,' NAY 19th AT L[YCKNOW DISTRICT HIGH. Why,? Well' . . It starts each night at eight,. That's not too late,. Great! There :will be skits.and ,gymnastics; / Fantastic! • • Dancing and singing,. • Swinging!. Oh,' yes. We almost forgot a lot; • See the latest men's and :women's fashions, On 'real live .models. • • • It's called . "Showcase 1967"; It's the event.of the year, And it's held ,right here! ADULTS /5c • CHILDREN 35c • DOOR. PRIZES DONATED BY"MacKENZIE'S'; Awa' JOHNSTONE':S• • • I 1•.