The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 9"yEDNESDAY�: MAY' 17th •` 1lf7;•. to 2 0 T • �I Dona,.... 0 o Kinlos ' unc . . _ s la��s Co . �. , . . Boy Sc�ut TroO As CentenniafroNec THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO Kinloss Township Council met in regular session, on May 1st.. Reeve.. wm: Evans and all council mem,- bersApresenr: The following mot ions.we a passed:. That we .adopt the minutes of our regular Meeting of April 3. ' • That we give a donation:of $25 :,.:to the Lucknow Agricultural $oci- ety, , : :That we• accept the request of.. Robert Gilchrist to have the openf portion of the Little McKenzie: Municipal Drain cleaned out.. 'That"we make a donation of $200.00 to the Kinloss Boy Scout troop as a• centennial: project That we support the petition re- questing County Road, No b be. rebuilt shortly; • ' That we. have Department of. Highways do a''hydrology .study on the concrete culvert on ,the. 25th sideroad at Lot 25, ' Concession 6' with a view of replacement with C.I.R. or Pipe Arch That we pay Raynard Ackert $24.00 towing charges .on the LH. Ackert and.Carruthers°Drains. That we. pay'the 'livestock •claim Of :Gerald :Naiad of;$22. 00.: That we accept the: petition of the County of Bruce and Jack Ackert and others for a Municipal Drain called the Ackert-adie CENTENNIAL CONTINUED' FROM PAGE 1 A public meeting was called by Council . in' February after no move. .had been made: fromcitizens in regard16 forming •a centennial . committee in Lucknow.: The meeting drew a small attendance but a centennial planning comm ittee•was formed:. For a variety'of reasons, this committee never fun- ctioned . Lucknow Businessmen's Association met Monday, May 1st and., expressed concern that cent -; ennial activity in the village was non-existant. The business group decidedto call in council the following .Monday, May'8th to. determine what could :be done .' At. last week's meeting, it was decided to call 'another public • meeting on Mondayof; this week President of the -business group, Chanes Webster, worked hard on 'having :a -good attendance out to Monday's meeting and it would appear that :the;"bale is' finally] Tolling" Several names were presented • from the floor at Iv1'ond:ay's meeting before a chairman w as. secured . Reeve Joynt ',pledged' thea support '`of council to a centennial cornm -• ,ittee'.' Bob Finlay took thechair for. the' - final portion, of the :meeting at which tithe ideas for Centennial projects were advanced from the , audienee..Many of these ideas presented were previously, outlined in the Sentinel, following: earlier Meetings,. Sonne of the projects advanced; were river Cleanup and establish ment:of park.facilities , 'swinirrrtingn pool, more extensive programs under'the recreational conithittee for young children, .snore extensive use 'of volunteer labour as opposed to contractors,: 'Reeve Joynt said that considerate ion has been given to the hiring of•a•full time recreation director who would supervise summer and wi��nter activity; The project Would be a joint one between the town and three adjacent townships. He said that once. the 'arena reitova: tionP g ro fam is completed this step•will be taken which will bring Lucknow and the.'townships under. one recreational program A further meeting of the comma:. ittee is planned fox -next Monday night at ek Municipal• Drain. That we accept the petition of Stewart Lane and others for a Mun- icipal Drain to. be "incorporated with the Rhody: Municipal; _Drain .That we open the court of revis- . ion on the Royal Oak Drain. - What we now close the Court of 'revision on the Royal Oak. Drain 'as there were no appeals. That we order arid instal railway signs for where we deem necessary. That we agree to. be responsible for 25% of•the '.cost of .power and' maintenance of . sheet lights in the Hamlet of Kinlough. :That We do now adjourn to meet,' again on June 5/67 at 7 o'clock in the evening or at' the call of the reeve GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Lucknow Agricultural Society $25.00; Sepoy, Store, public speaking prizes $3.75; Brenda Bushell, 1st prize public speaking $5.00; 14'consol- ation prizes at $2.00, $28.00;. • PAGE NINE' 'Maitland Valley Conservation Authority levy $16.03;, .Walkerton Ret. Childrens Auth,A tuition fee $10.33; Lucknow Sentinel, W Fly $2 50,, envelopes •$1; 26, $3,76;. . Village of •Lucknow, fire ;call Mac Brown, .$150.,00; Fraser McKinnon, postage, $5...00; :Leo; Murray, part salary $50.00; Duncan Campbell, part salary $50.00 W.E.Haldenby part: salary $50.00; Orville Elliott, part salary $50.00; Wm. Evans.,' :part salary $50.00;, B. P; Canada Ltd. , Township Hall' $17.'47 , rel; ief $580, '$23.27;. Fraser McKinn- on,: part salary, $789 20; Depart- ment•of •National Revenue, C. P; P. $21.60; 'Superior Store, relief, :$20.0,0; Municipal World, legal $1.00; Carruthers.°Nursing Home, Inst: care, $177.00; W.R. Chap -man, relief account; ; $34.82;' Raynard Ackert, towing: charge on J, H. Ackert and ,Carruthers Dr'a'in $24.00 Kinloss Township Boy Scouts donation $200.00 Tom McDonald, livestock inspection; $3.50; Gerald Varad, livestock claim, $22.00; P A'. Murray , part, salary W. Fly inspector,. $250..00 HIGHWAYS Frank Schumacher, 190 1/2 hrs.'at 1.75 minus deduc- ,tionS2 ;$ 311 '03; Claude bore, • tions, hrs. „at, 1.75 minus deduc- tions, $311.26; Gerald Valad, 35, hours at 1.35 Minus deductions, $46.25; Department of National`, Revenue , employees' share , C'. P. P. $10,52;, Department of National Revenue, Income Tax, $18.35;:• Receiver General, employees • share, Unemployment Insurance, $9.60; L. & W. Mfg, Co. , Snow- plow' repairs, $53.39; G. & E. Sales and Service,, snowplowing,. $38.00; McArthur Tire Service, tubes for Grader, $38.82;. Walter. Breckl;es, gas ,and repairs, $12,25; Florence Mansfield , gas for tractor and truck, .$26 0$; Wingharn • Advance Tinies-,• tenders, $6.15; Lucknow Sentinel, tenders, $11.50: J. W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. , plywood, $7.31;• B.P. Canada Ltd fuel; etc; .$160.53; Frank Schuma- cher,, postage and telephone, , $21.75; Ray Stanley, hauling gravel, $40.82; Department of National Revenue employers 'share C. P. P. ,' $10.52 Receiver General,` employers share, Unemployment Insurance $9.60; J.A. McDonagh, truck insurance , $87 .00' Q' FRASER MCKINNON Fractures Arm Friday At School • DUNGANNQN NEWS Johnny Toung had the misfortune, to break his'arm at school on Fri -..3; day, He was taken to Goderich Hospital for X -Ray's and setting. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Horne and M r . and Mrs. Blair of London and 1 Patricia Eedy of Strathroy, were Sunday visitors.with Mrs, Clara McKay and Mr. and Mrs'. Irvine Eedy .., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pritchardof ,Toronto spent the week -end with relatives: here. '• ,Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Wiggins of Brantford visited with Mr. and Mrs.', ' Parkie Wiggins and Bill and Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. p.Ark on Sunday . Mrs. Wm. Petrie and Dynes Campbell are at present patients in W ingham hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery for both. Mr. and Mrs., J. C. Alton, Gayle and Wayne of Delaware called on Mr. •:and Mrs.' Lorne Ivers on Sun day and visited with relatives. in Lucknow.: • r11N'r1VNI ??rr ONM NI lIERINIR .Here's a. •O,. - N811il1 i t tr MrirrOMMtlltM' Rllirilrraxl>rinin1lr11 r t M18011MinninlinnnIM lot of sparkle - at a dviIish low price!91:: rdBfttlid2y;Trea • GT Hood.with turn signal• louvers • Wheel Lip Mouldings • Knitted .Black Vinyl Interior, • Door Edge Guards • Rocker Pane('�Moulding'S :, Deluxe,Wheel Covers. '• White Sidewall Tires • Choice of .Candyapple red, •' '. 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