The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 8sh • PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW.' ONTARIO •. ' SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Smiled goes fishin' First trout -fishing trip. of the year is like a good spring ton ie: It cleanses you ,' physically • and spiritually, And leaves you exhausted. I had . mine. last Saturday., The important thing in "going after speckled trout,of course, is the careful planning, There's no use to ite at all -if, you. just throw your fishing gear in the. car, and 'go outto some stream where all the amateurs angle; and toss in a line. You're liable to come home witha creep: full „ of . fish" if you' -go' ;at it in this haphazard way. No. First of .ah,. you select a fishing companion. This; •to •a real angler, is, just a .bit .less. important ' than: choosing a: mate for life. You wanta de pendaable sort, ;of chap • the. type who is going to have: fresh worms for both. of .you; a good supply -•;of hooks, , maps with the sure=fire holes marked' :. in red, . and . an infallible:: sense of direction '•in the bush. •.That's exactly what I ..lined: up this year. ,Mind you, those keen' types take ;a bit of ,man °aging. „They're• .great inthe,, bush, but they need' an organi- zational, mind to channel their,. energies. I had . to get quite firm with him when. he . began.'. muttering about. 4 a.m. and hitting the stream :at dawn. Dawn, : indeed::: ' I told him 'that is .pure. superstition`. Only the very young, immature an- gler goes floundering' , off in the . dark, fishes like a fool until noon, then is whacked for the. day.' Just about ,then,. the Wily, mature angler, forti- fied with a good. breakfast, ar- rives and. slaughters the trout, which are' completely unpre= • pared for, the second wave ,the experts; Well, we got away about 1.0.30, ; after a couple of false, starts. He forgot his lunch and` we had to go around ,to his •,place. And when 'we got out to. the County; . Line, • I realized. '• that' because; 'of :his stupidity, I'd -been .upset and had forgot • ten my waders. But he had' a beautiful spot picked. out. You ' park the car • " just, off the road, and walk up this hydro; line .to . the stream. The, stream was just in there.. past the fourth hydro tower, he thought. It . was just past the, 14th. And they're . .100 yards apart. Not ,another angler in sight. gl g I gloated. We cached the lunch • and ' 'began working up the stream.: I like ' that word we ,anglers • use "l�lorking."' You.. couldn't hire a man to do it for $8O an hour. Slash in • the face from an alder. Hole in the boot froma snag., Slide from a. log and oh -eh -oh -oh as. you :.hit that spring -fed water,° Lose a boot .: in , the mud. Scratch hands to a bloddy mess . on jagged' branches. • But it's all worth • it'. if . the .trout are .. biting. And, boy, were they biting! They, were biting .each other on the fleck, nibbling each 'others' ears, and snapping each, other in half, as far as I know. But they weren't biting .worms; . After an hour of torture that would ; have made • the • Gestapo `green with envy, we arrived 'at the -'big pool abovethe beaver dam. The sure-fire 'hole: • . We fished. Hard. = A big mal lard hen popped •into the :pond, • 1. secureiii the knowledge that it ' wasn't duck season,: ' looked us over, cackled ' with laughter and took off. We fished. Birder. A. baby beaver, surfaced,, swam casually:. to within four .feet, looked at each of us; and. expressed . his feelings by. turning his .rump in the air and submerging. .We fished, Desperately.. Sud- denly there was a' huge splosh,. then .a. .ker-plunk; ker'-plunk, and a big 'buck` deer splashed through the ' shallows and away, sneering .over .his` shoul That...; did. it. We 'left. But there was no point, said my mate, ' in taking 'the lone tor- tuous trail back ' down. the 'Stream, through that heavy slash...Sd,. with, '. his.. infallible sense of .direction,' we .swung around in a circle, by -the high ground':. The high ground` turned out to be cedar based in mud, bob ".2/zie,t64 . 4 r• qiidatt. k AUTO SERVICE h From. flats to new tires, . we're prepared; to fully ;serve you every tire need or cony other'autb need at :reasonable prices. • ac Most Welcome Graduation time is here, and again The, Sentinel is pleased to publish pictures of area students graduating. from 'universities, nursing schools. teachers' colleg- es and technical schools,..;.: A ;glossy 2" : by 3" print' ismost. suitable and this type is generally. supplied by photographers from whom students get their, graduation photos. Information about the graduate should contain parents' names, „. 'address:, type of course completed,' any added honors received', social events followinggraduation as.well as: the type of work the graduate- •..• will undertake and where,. 'Photos are printed without charge. so thick • you' had to crawl most of the time,. Thecircle turned out to be the two long sides of an • isosceles triangle: Two hours later, :we. hit the hydro road right on the nose. Except that the nose had moved ,about a .mile, due east. • My first ;'trout trip of the season. And believe me . I don't care if Mrs. Richard Burg 'ton wants to go. along next •• time it's my last.' There have to be easier ways ,to get a, coronary:' Deferred Taxis For Elderly REPORT FROM QUEEN'S :PARK` MURRAY'GAUNT• 1 (HURON -BRUCE) The• Ontario v` r � ent mo ved • Go a rirri , this week to give aid to elderl•y Y -_. homeownerspayingP in. their` prop-' . erty taxes in the form .in effect • Of, an interest free loan of up to $150 00 per year The School d a Municipal; ' . x. p .nTax:.. Credit• � •Assistance Aat, will' permit municipalities and school boards where. applicable to.pass by." -laws authorizing a tax •deferment: with: out interest' and financed' by: the province'.: Municipalitiescan: take • advantage of this act this year -to give relief to elderly homeowners. .To qualify,. the homeowner: must be p5 or over ; occupy' his home, and apply for the deferment. No means test will be required Thedeferred taxes become .a:: •, lien on the property to be collect ed by the. Government. on a change of. ownership:. The annual deferment will equal half:the real•property.taxes, exclu ding special rates 'such as local improvementcharges, to a limit•. Of $150 Liberal leader, Robert,Nixon, ,stated : that the:Government was not solvingithe:problem because.. ,. the:.act'simply. means 'a.transferr ing to the 'next'generation because . the payments become' a lien against the property ''The only real solution, he con. tinned, is for the province to assume. 805o of the total•costs of education over 'a four'or five year, period • The Ontario Legislature gave approval in principle 'this week to three bills which establish the , framework for Ontario :particip- ation in a.federal provincial medicare scheme.. ' '• The bills establish a Health In surance Registration Board Which will take over registration and billing for the Ontario Hospital Services Insurance Plan.•and. Ontario Ni'edical Services Insurance Plan The new boards will. conduct a mass registration bf everyone in the province to establish the 'regis- try' for the new universal plan over. which Ontario is still negotiating' • with the Federal •Government. ,The House dealt with estimates bf Health, Labour, , and. Reforrn.. Instit- utions this week; r ' WEDNESDAY,DNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1967 PLEASURE FOR. ALL THE! FAMILY,, GRANDPA AND GRANDMA, TOO "FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS :ONLY OR GROUPS:'BY„ APPOINTMENT ANY NIGHT. :KNOWBO%i.L Phomi 528-29•4 Dr.: Jack McKim Guest Speaker DUNGANNON.NEWS: 'INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK. The Dungannon, Women's'•Institute met at the: home. of Mrs. Ivan,.'Riv- • et; 'for their April meeting.: Mrs. Warn en Zinn presided :and the officers for 1967-68 were installed by Mrs Hugh'McWhinneY The, roll: call was answered by payment of fees and. a gift:for,the, cancer qupboard , also: suggestions of something .different :to cheer . a. sick friend, Mrs Clifford; Crozier read a em'; Grandmother's Patchwork Dr. Jack MCKim •of Lucknow•w,as B the ` guest speaker and'' was introdu ced by Mrs. Raymond Finnigan, ., His address on safety:'and whatto do at the scene of an accident w as veryand Interesting, tworth while 'followed.b :a question'•and answer' • y period. • He was thanked and pre sented: with alift bMrs. Harvey g Yy Alton, ' Invtatiions were. received from • Blyth to attend their meeting on. y, g May 4 and Auburn .to attend a eooking school` on May 18,' at 8:30 p.m.' Miss. Flora :•Durni t offered the:g ift ... 911D ,, ti 04rouril tarlai'tfz'"'.1Ct' sm • of'a'new Tweedsmuir History. hook ' which was gratefully accepted*.` The meeting closed with "The Queen" and Grace. 'Lunch. was . served by the hostesses`in'charge. S t. Helens Lady Gets- Certificate .Presentation.of provincial and .' county honor certificates, 'along with demonstrations, skits and ex- hibits rounded out the program • .. Satiirda•y ` at the Huron .Count 4-H Y„ 'Homemaking Clubs achievement day held at the•Wingham District. High School: : • Miss`Sharon.Carroll, Clinton, Huron County Home economist • was in charge Provincial•honors went to Ruth Mather..R. 2 ' , R. , Bluevale and Rina Jouwsma, R. R. 2, Wingham ,• ., County honors: wete awarded to; Sandra Proctor;: R. R. 5 , Brussels; ,Uelen Courtney, R. R. 2; Lucknow; Lexie McWhinney, • It R.1,, . Port 'Albert, .virs', Derma '•Bauer, Bruss- els; Doris `Rantoul, ' R R,:2,` Luck- now;,Loree Campbell, `Rt R.1 Lucknow' and Dorothy. Taylor, R. R. 2, Lucknow. Mrs:• Gordon McPherson., R. R•2', Lucknow, received a2leaders' certi- ficate for 15 years, of service • , Mrs.• Ian McAllister; former :': county' economist, 'commented on the skits and exhibits • PLAY "FORE" IT'S A GOLF "BALL" JOIN -. T H E Wingham Golf Club FOR FULL DETAILS CONTACT JACK DENNEY, Professional. 357-2179 OR JACK NEVERY Wingham, 357-1741 • ,regi • War .best ions Ti !op • ety, •Tt Rob port Mw $20i trop Ti que relit Tl Higl the ' 'side vitt C.I Tl $24 J.H •TI of TI the. ` A cH Dra: Ap cou ;had •regi con me, but • itte •rea retic Ass •and enn ::lion dec fol] det last dec tire. ,Pre Chi • 'hay Mo _apt •roll Si fro) bef '•of .� ,itto 131 fin will pro aiX pre in the we me -for fist to R ion of wli be and >$ai tic ste Lul itt� nib