The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page „ „ .
Again last week the accidents:
were light and of a mirloi nature
with only 3 reported..
On April 29th, Cpl. ,Harold
„•flighton investigated an accident
on #21.highw ay at North, Bruce. A,
vehicle'driven by Donald Campb-
ell of Glam is and acattlebe.ait.
•• owned by William Jeffers of A.R.
#I, POO Elgifi were involved.
Damage. amounted to $60,0 . 00:
Oh April 30th , Florencet. parker
of Lucknow waS involved in a . •
minor accident on the 2nd conce-
ssion of Bruce Township. Damage
was light with. COnst . Jim
Poland investigating.
Irene: Bradley. and Andrianus Van-
-diepea.Of Kincardine were involved
• accident:On May 12 on :#21 ' 1• •
highway just north of Kincardine.
Prov Const Andy Burgess inyeiti
gated withdarnage amounting to.;
..CHARGES:. Highway Traffic. Act.
1 charge for Improper. Passing
Criminal Ccide of •canada• - 1
• charge for. Impaired Driving,. I -
charge for Driving while under', ...•
• ;
suspension ; Courts: Court is held
in Kincardine at the Town Han
everr 2nd Thursday it 10;00 a•.m
His Worship M agistrate Q McCle-- •
vic of Walkerton presides,. ,:rhe
next 'court Will he on Thursday ,
May l8th. The• following weeks .
press release will include some
information from. the cases heard
that day . •
at this time', we receivereports of
the theft of fertilizer from farrners',1
especially from vacant grass.farms.
This notice applies to Cattle
well once they are put out ,tO grass.
if farmers would' write down the, •
licence number and description, of •
any strange vehicles' (cars'or trucks1
seen at these farrns and advise this
office day, or night, it would cert
Manly •assist us to curtail this type
of, theft. •
ACCiDENTS: It is our pleasure to,
report,that no accidents occurred
in this detaclunent area during the
past week. Accidents to date 1967 -
• - 61; Same 'Date 1966 - 39. •
' CHARGES: Otte charge for Fail to
Stop under the Highway Traffic
Act. One; charge for Having Liquor
under the Liquor COntiol Act.
- EDUCATION: Provincial,'
can make your crop
investment pay off in
higher vieldthigher profits
if yu want better corn and.More
of ..from every acre you Plant
:supplemental liquid nitrogen can
make money for. you. And the
most effective and economical
way^to supply the nitrogen needs.
, •
of a bigger yield' crop is with
• P-P.P7AqUa ArvunOnia. This low
cost liquid :nitrogen fertilizer is
• injected 3" to 4" iselbW: the.
.y • surface of the soil and gets into
• action lot: With this Method' at
• apPlication' the corn , gets' maxi,
intim benefit from the 'nitrogen
because the soil • retains' all the .'
nitrogen applied anci.there is no
loss during,applicatiOrt: ; •
. •
rorrs'irepert recommendation to
trained.:operatOr application, the
Co-operative liqUid Nitrogen
Service' gives you the best of
supplemental •nitrogen'
• iation without your costly invest:.
ment in time, imiour and equip -
Men!. Call your local -CO- operative
,now and plan to improve your`
• profits this seasbn.
from ut=t3 research ,
Fertilizer Programmes and Services
,for -the Ontario farmer,•• •
District Coop
• ORegistered Trade Mark
Phone 528-2125
Constable Gault hasreturned- to
duty following, a six week course
at the Ontario Police College at
Ayhner. Provincial Constable
Poland•w,ill be attending for the
next six weeks, -•
Holiday weekends, traffic on Ont- •
ario Highways is increasedl:Ir 50(70:.
It's getting crowded No wOnder
we have to yield, the right of way.
to othPrs once in' awhile!. The
need to share ourlighways with
more and more of each other crer
ates exasperating situations,
Sure: Longer lines. of traffic, long -
et waits' at intersections, ever-
growing difficulty in finding '
convenient place to park. But the
most serions side effect 'is the in-' V. •
creasing danger tof getting invol-
ved in a traffic accident, This is
reflected in the increase in colli-.'
sion type accidents reported to
the Ontario•Provincial Police in'
1966. Make a mistake in:traffic -
especially on a long holiday. week-
end -,and your chances of getting
away with it aren't nearly as,
good as.they, used to be. By the ••
same token,' the reward's for alert-
.ness -and patience 4,- and obedience"
to traffic laws - are much more
frequent and".worthwhile..than they
used to be. • •
• April 301to May 6,1967.
Break and Enter --.2.3—Theft -2, Dis-
turbances',,2, Other 14; Const-
able Harold Green isat present in-
vestigating the theft of a'Partner
chainsaw from the. f.arrn .of Ches.-
ter 'Nicholson, Lot 15 , 'Con .. 16, • .
'West' Wawariosh TOW nship. This -
theft occurred.during•the night of
April 29 and the value of the
• . " •
chain saw is $250.00.
es 18, Warnings 29., Property ,
•Dam age.'p. V. A. - 4,.Pers�nal
Injury -2, PersonsInjured- 2,
,William Clark Finlayson of Rose
St. , Lucknmv, incurred $800.00
damage to his 1966 Ford Mustang
on. May 3, when he lost control of •
his car on wet pavement and struck
a tree stump in the Bayfield. Park.
On Friday,May
Htunphrey, age 3, of R,R;#,p....-
Luck,o9w•Oiiftecl the a.utOmatic
transmissionof a 19'59 Chevrolet, in
which he was an occUpant. Upon
retUrnint to'the Car the dtiver
found the vehicle had. run down a
steep hill and came to :restin a
pasture field, There was $400.00
d ain age incurred to the vehicle •
which is:owned by wintafp Humph-
rey of R.R#2, LicknoW; Ontario.
One year Old Sherry ,hurnphrey'wes
also in the automobile when it ran
aWay'..',.NO: injuries .
Drivers!' I „Doh' t be,bashW1, about
letting 'others see yOu ,in:early dusk
or whenever visibility.Ifianced
during daylight hours. Turn Ott .•
yourheadlights low
because when lights are needed, •
parking lights aren't enough.
• Parking lights don't show you'up
well enough or soon enough So Use
your, headlights, low bearn.' See,
better- he Seen better and:be • •
'safer. •
Total No.' of Miles travelled -
.4;339. • •
Number ofMan hours worked -
Criminal Break, and' Enters 5,
Other Investigations - 31, • ;
The Fina Station at Auburn was -
broken into on Wednesday, May 10.
1967.and,an investigation by Prov.
Conk. bruce, Crewof the•COdetidh
betaeht-nerit :reVialed that approx
'imately $95.06 Worth '�f goods
'were stolen. , , :
On Saturday,' May
' • I
• . :
gor OttCha. little
Today young Bill likes to tinker but tomorrow
.he will be deciding on his career. Whatever
profession or vocation he may settle/ on, there
Will ,,be no finanCial problem. A life insurance'
program with Sun Life not only guarantees the
funds for Bill's education but provides an income
for the whole family if. Dad should die pre-
1 ,
•• 1
I'm asiociated. •,with Sun'. Life. 'of
• , Canada, the Company with) the policy
that's right for you and your family..
Why not colt me today? '
••-• R.R. 2'Lucksto‘v • • '
. .
• ...• Phone Wingharn,,357-198.7.'.' ••• •••
..• ' . • . ' " • -, • • •
' , •
. .
• • ••
. .
resideqe of Mr.. Joseph:Blake ,
. Clinton was broken into •
and $250,.0.0 worth of antiques stol-
en, Investigation by Prov. Const..
John Wray revealed that there were
antique wash basins and .pitstkers ,
coal oil lamps and a transistor
radio Stolen.
TRAFFIC.L, On, Sunday, May 7,
19.67, Brian Stothers of
'Goderich sustained .$50, ob.dainage
to his car when he was involved • in
an accident with Mr. Gregory
Maize alsodf .R..,R.# 6, Goderich.
The Maize vehicle also has $50 .00.
damage incurred and thete, Were no
'," ' •
• On May 15, 1967 Jack, Creighton,.
Ontario,. 4 'flag/bah for •Hur-
On County Highways Departnient...
was. killed when he was run.Over by
a Huron County grader operate y
Gordon Miller of ,AUbutfi, Ontario.
This occurred on #27 County' Road •
near Nile and was, investigated by
Const. Garnet Wray.
GENERAL On Tuesday,' May 9,
1967 Mr.: Lance Saddler of the,
HoknesVille' area reported that he
had six lambs killed by .alpaek of
dogs-, Mr. Saddler reported that
this isthe third. tittle this spring •
that his 'farm has been raided by
stray dogs and his larnbs mauled .
Attend Gra uation
'.Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall atten-
ded the, graduation of'Mist Elaine
Meyer on Friday evening, May 12
at the Alumnae' kian..• London.
Elaine graduated as a Registered „
Nurse. • •
•' Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Tom Stewart And boys
were Mr. Alec Stewart and girls
Andyr, Gerald Stewart, all of L
K inc ard ine
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall and
family were Sunday. dinner guests
w ith .Mrs ,Anne 'Wall Teesw ater
• " • •
ti410.7‘0111100 iorriQ &Mr' Vid/M4-4111741sir'.
, •
George Richardson of Guelph vis-
,ited on Monday .with his brother • .
John•Richardson and Bob at Carruth-.., . •
ets Nursing Home. ' •
Mrs. George Young and infant
daughter came to their home on •
Saturday from Wingham •andDist-
rict 'Hospital. • •
Mrs. Peter de Boer visited with
Hilda on Saturday at St Joseph's',
Hospital, Londeri. • .
, • , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick,McQuillin vis-
ited with Mri. Chas. Thomson at
HuronvieW and Mis.• Gordon Wall
visited Mrs. John Arthur at Huron-. ".
vieW on Sunday. • • - ' .
Linda. Boyle of Lucknowwas an
overnight guest of Janice Wall on
,and Mrs. Doug MacLeod of
Toronto are spending a few daya_
this week with the latter'S parents, •
Mr and Mrs Dick McQuillin and .
Ronnie. , •• '•
Ken Young of Thamesville spent
the week -end at the home of his.,,
parents -/vIr . and ',Mrs. Clifford
Young. . • ••
W. MS. group will meet at Mrs.
Stewart MacGillivray's home on
Thursday, May.11 at 2 p.m , •'
'am a coritpkte selection of
wedding announcements
styled for the &mini.
ask for .
. '
• • ' . ,