The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-17, Page 1.:r 7n ,pp Year In Advanc'. -- ;1.00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, •.ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MAY .17th, 1967 Single Copy .10c Z4 Pages mate F..ridcy ANN MARGARET ARNOLD`', Ann Margaret Arnold, daughter.: • of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arnold of' .Lucknow,, was a member of the graduating' class of St. Joseph's School of Nursing,:London - Grad uation exercises took place last Fridayin': the Alumnae'Hall, Un_ iver'sof Western. Ontario'. ry.. Relatives and friends were enter tailed in her honour at dinner on Saturday at the Arnold home, Lucknow purchase:. And ro ake Plans For New Church; .The: Lucknow Christian' Reformed Church has purchased.property in. ; Lucknow with plans aimed at the. construction of a�.new' church here. • Property been purchased from :Albert Gamrnie of Lucknow.. It is located' on ;Canning Street , imtri •- , ediately•to the eastof the present. parsonage which was • constructed a few years ago•,on Ross Street. A barn on the: site hasbeen burned. The Christian .Reformed. Church, which it made up -for •the most part in this community'.by, resid ents; with Dutch ancestry ,, has grown in':numbers in the'short time ' .they have held worship :he e , Originally, the group met in' the '.. Lucknow . Presbyterian 'Church,. Legion Hall and later purchased' the Johnstone Funeral Horne on .Ross Street ..Which .they .converted. • . intotheir place ofworship:: A. parsonage was constructedand: the congregation called their first resident minister; Rev. •DirkLiev- erdink. Under Mr. Lieverdink's guid'anc`e, the church hat/contin- ued to grow, and' nab they are m ak -wg plans for the building of the, new church. An architect is making .prelimin- ary plans • and ,decision On whether • or not Construction Will: commence . now will be made when these. Plans are received Drinks' Fluid Sally Chisholm, b -year -old. daughter of Mr, ,and Mrs.. Grant Chisholm of Lucknow; gaveher parents a scare on the week -end as she drank some •gar`s ol, a clean- ing fluid Which other. members of the family bad been using in a • smallconrainer to. clean brushes of their 'paint by number" set,. It was necessary, to pump Sall 's stomach and she was hos lied pitaUzed for ' a few days where she rri ade a good recovery. SHARON LORRAINE.O'DONNELL` Sharon Lorraine O'Donnell, dau ghter of Mr and Mts. James O'Donnell of Lucknow, graduated Friday. as a nurse from:St . Jose h's Y. P. Hospital, London. • The,graduation exercises -; •were.. held at. Alumnae Hall, University of Western Ontario. A reception followed at the Shillelagh' Hotel at Lucan with forty relatives and friends present from Toronto, .Guelph, Mount. Forest, Elora, London, Lucknow and'• Holyrood . Remarks were,given by several including P. A'. Murray, of Holyrood ::• ELIZABETH ANNE HENDERSON • Elizabeth, Anne Henderson, daughter of Mrs. Morgan Henderson of Lucknow and the late., Mr. Hend- erson, graduated last Friday'from St Joseph's ,School of Nursing. London: Following the graduation exercis- es which were held at' Alumnae ' Hall University of Western/Ontario. guests were entertained 'at a reception at Hotel London:•: • ' ,'Open house washeld•; at the. Hen=. derson home Lucknow on. Saturday. evening.; With Air Canada Mr. and-Mts.' nd• Mts Fred Thompson, Benny and Billy, :have, taken up residence an• Cookeville where .Fred will be employed .with Air Canada.: Fred Will be flying Vanguards' out of Toronto'taanadian, Amer- ican and mer=ican.and Caribbean destinations He is a 1st 'officer with Air Canada Mrs. 'Thompson it the fortner • Isabel MacPherson, daughter •of Mr': and Mrs.. Gordon MacPherson of St:; Helens:.; Isabel 'and •two. boys, have, been residing with her parents while ' Fred has been on a three month • course in •Montreal Fred was originally with the RCAF and prior to accepting the. position. with Air Canada,. he .was flying for ,a co imercial airline in:,, •Australia where the family resided. Visits Homeland After 44 Years Mrs, Ernie Lewis of'Lucknow:.left: from M alton airport on Tuesday of this week for a holiday trip to"the British Isles. • She will at first visit in..England' at Bournemouth arid Cornwall with,. friends • M•rs. Lewis, plans to''visit tte isle 'Of Malin, tour Ireland' and Scot- land , returning to Bournemouth , .the .last of June: Other places•ron Mrs; Lewis' y y. itinerary are Severn Valley, near Stratford-on-Avon, where she was raised; ,Linconsiire, where Mr. • Lewis was'oorn• and raised,. Southend on Sea, where Mr.• and Mrs. Lewis lived until coming. to • Canada to make their home. They carne to Brampton in 1923 and • thirty years agp•moved`'to Wing - barn where they operated 'a florist business: Mr, and Mrs. Lewis came to Lucknow in 1960 ; Mr. Lewis passed away on October 1st, 1966, This is Mrs:. Lewis' first trip back' to her horheland , She plans to. re turn to Lucknow on .Poly 12. ppoint- Co -Chairmen And Executive • A well, attended public meeting" at the Lucknow Town Hall on Mori• day of this:.week indicated that many.Lucknow• residents are inter .ested• in marking, centennial year some meaningful fashion in the village: By, the time the ,meeting had, end ed, a committee had been formed with a man and woman 'as co= chairmen;, and. a promising list of conimittee' them bers representing .district organizations. Bob Finlay accepted the position of co, chairman. of the committee and Mrs. Morgan •Henderson was to be 'contacted to see if • she' would - also:be: a co-chairman Mrs' Hen-: derson was unable to be present at• 'Monday's Meeting but had earlier indicated that the wass: inte rested • in centennial observance in Luck- - now and would be willing to:help•... An appointment was made to the committee from all organizations. in the community .,They'were, . Confect youth group, Barbara Cain: •er.on; busirtessrrien, Charles,Web ster Legion, Harold Ritchie; Lad'- .ies Auxiliary. to Legions Mrs. Dan • Thomson, Lions Club,. M,.L Sanderson;; Lucknow Women's Ins- titute, Mrs. Omar, Brooks; Lady Forresters,.. Mrs.. Ford Cunningham, Horticultural Society, Robert Fisher; Agricultural. Society; ',Don— ald Maclntyre; :Girl Guides, Mrs-.. :Jack McKim'; Boy. Scouts.• George Whitby Cubs, Jim Arnold Fire Department', Bi11 Johnstone; .• C. G.1.1. • Mrs“ Austin •Loree, Rangers, Eleanor Whitby;PublicM.• School, Stuart Collyer High '.School,, Noel Mason and Elwin '•H'all, Obstention .Club Donna. I Ritchie;. Ministerial' Association,, Rev;: Laird' Stirling; Rev Stanley ,Jay; Scout Auxiliary, Mrs: Jim, Arnold; Village 'Council; Reeve '•;,:.'. George Joynt,, Town and' Country Club, 1%',rs.. A.'E. McKim , .It was suggested' that as this:was the centennial year' of the Lucknow Masonic ,Lodge , that a representa- tive be appointed to the committee , at the next•meeting of Lodge. Charles Webster ,,president of the . •Lucknow, Busines' men's Association." chaired ther part meet-: a of the meet' P ing''and :ReeveGeorge Joynt was later appointed as chairman of the public meeting.. +Gerald Rathwell,;•> :. secretaryof"the business ._ rouP, 9 acted . g.. a ted as secretary •for.•ttie meeting` ," Reeve Joynt and councillors W.A. "Bud"•Hanniltonand Eldon Wraith represented the; villa a at : the . meeting: . Event$ leading up to the public meeting Monday made it very doubtful as to'whether Lucknow' , would ever,get.'off the .ground in observing Canada's 160th birthday: CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 • .0.010:00.10.f.:130011 :At. Mingo:00o tall Duiigannond#1griculturai Society sponsored a Centennial Ball in the Agricultural Hall, Dungannon, an, Friday night" Winners in the cost— ume classes were, left to right, Marjorie Alton of Belfast, modern day y replica in the tingle lady, class;' P .�, Murray.Scott of :Belgrave, winner of the best beard and centennial. dress .for gents; Mrs.• Don Hackett of Belfast, ,modern.day:replica in the married: ladies class; Mrs. Ross .Taylor of Belg.rave, winner: in the authentic dress class, Judges were Mrs. Wilbur Brown • of Dungannon, Mrs. Jim Nelson of Belfast and Mrs. Don ,Thompson -r" 'Of lucknow vIgo 111.2%.1. *, Wit,. :it'. Ir./.> w iii lit + rrw►' : Rod` MacKenzie, preSidenr of the ir , . agricultural society, , presided for the judging of costumes and he wa -assisted' by Stan McGratten and Ros Henry .:.A,draw w.as made for a centennial pattern set of°dishes ,t which was won by Robert Rollins of Goderich. Mrs, Harold: 'Maize of Dungannon 'won .the door prize... %. • •